CQIA Concepts (3rd Ed)

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Terms, Concepts, & Principles

Quality - defined Quality Planning Importance of Employees Systems & Processes Variation

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


CQIA Body of Knowledge

I Quality Basics (25 Questions) A Terms, Concepts, and Principles 1 Quality - Define and know how to use this term correctly. (Apply) 2 Quality Planning - Understand a quality plan and its purpose for the organization as a whole and who in the organization contributes to its development. (Understand) 3 Importance of employees - Understand employee involvement and employee empowerment, and understand the benefits of both concepts; distinguish between involvement and empowerment. (Understand) 4 Systems & Processes - Define a system and a process; distinguish between process and system; understand the interrelationship between process and system; and know how the components of a system (supplier, input, process, output, customer and feedback) impact the system as a whole (Analyze) 5 Variation - Understand the concept of variation and common and special cause variation (Understand)
Prep work: S. Grissom J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Meet Customer Need Deming: efficient production of quality that the market expects Juran: Fitness for Use Crosby: Conformance to Requirements Feigenbaum: Total composition of product and service characteristics will meet the expectations of the customer ASQ: Totality of features and characteristics of a product that bear on its ability to satisfy a given need

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Organizational Quality Steps


A Quality Council Quality Policies Strategic Quality Goals Deployment of Quality Goals Resources for Control Measurement of Performance Quality Audits


Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Quality Quality Control Quality Assurance Quality Management Process System

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Quality Planning

Strategic Planning Develop the vision Review gathered data Consider strengths / weaknesses (SWOT) Make assumptions about factors outside of control Develop Goals Develop steps for implementation Evaluate performance Reevaluate the above steps

Leadership Role: Communicate Mission & Vision

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Quality Planning

Key Terms Control Plan Critical Quality Characteristic Quality Characteristic Quality Plan Quality Planning Contributors Senior Management Quality Management Operations & Procurement Customer Service Engineering Upward information from employees
J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12

Prep work: S. Grissom


Quality Planning

Quality Principles Customer Satisfaction is key Defect prevention Manufacturing is responsible for quality The process must be controlled Everyone participates in quality Quality is designed into the product Total quality is a group activity

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Quality Planning

Quality Policies (examples): The only acceptable level of defects is zero We will meet or exceed customer expectations Defective products will not be shipped We will build a relationship with our suppliers to ensure a quality product We will engage in a revolutionary rate of quality improvement

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Quality Planning

Strategic quality goals specific, quantifiable and scheduled linked to product / service performance, customer satisfaction, quality improvement or quality costs cut across many departments Tactical goals detailed subgoals derived from the strategic quality goals. concisely state how the strategic quality goals will be implemented. Short term (1 year or less) objectives are planned. specific and quantitative.


Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Quality Planning

Steps to advancing Quality Maturity: Inspection, appraisal, and detection stage Process control and prevention stage A solid quality system in place Conformance with external quality system requirements Voluntary product compliance goals Total Quality Management Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award World Class Quality

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Importance of Employees

The people closest to the work have an enormous amount of skill, energy and knowledge that needs to be tapped. As Tom Peters said in Thriving in Chaos: Indeed, the chief reason for our failure in worldclass competition is our failure to tap our own work forces potential. Management has the responsibility of setting the tone for organizational empowerment. Successful organizations motivates ALL employees to make things better and treats each employees as individuals. A recognition system is essential.

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Employee Involvement

Involvement is the act of engaging a participant. It is very important to involve employees in the operations of the company and allow them to contribute more than their muscle to the success of the company. A level of trust and honesty must be evident so employees will work to help satisfy the customer.

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Employee Empowerment

The process of sharing power with the employees. They will share in the decision making. People will take more initiative and broaden their scope. It means being supportive if mistakes are made. The feeling of ownership and responsibility becomes more meaningful.

Management provides necessary tools to manage jobs

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Employee Empowerment

Barriers to Empowerment Employees Unions Management Middle Management Improving Quality of Work Life Job Simplification Job Rotation Job Enlargement Job Enrichment


Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Employee Empowerment

Conditions for Empowerment Management has skills Employees have skills Management lets go Employees Accept Responsibility

Team with high degree of freedom = Self-Directed Work Team

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Systems & Processes


Process defined: A set of interrelated resources and activities which transform inputs into outputs with the aim of adding value. System defined: A series of processes
(actions, activities, elements, components, departments)

that work together to perform a function.

Components: Suppliers, Inputs , Process, Outputs, Customers

and Feedback. Components of a system working together = optimized

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Process Inputs / Outputs SIPOC

Input S u p p l i e r



Man Material Method Machine Measurement Environment



C u s t o m e r

Feedback 15

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Example - Football Team


The game of football has many processes that make up the system. The goal is to win football games. kicking running passing tackling blocking What are some inputs required for the game of football? What are some outputs? What type of feedback would be expected?

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12


Your Processes

What are some process in your organizational system? What would be the inputs and outputs of these processes? What of feedback would you expect?
Input Process Output Feedback

Steps of a process = a procedure

Prep work: S. Grissom J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Process Tampering (understanding the Funnel) Decay (entropy) - Auto Correlation 6 Ms of Fishbone
Man, Machine, Method, Material, Measurement, Mother Earth

Six Sigma Approach: Robust Processes D M A I C

Man Material Measurement

Prep work: S. Grissom


Mother Earth
J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Common Causes Natural variation Fundamental changes to improve are management responsibility System is stable and predictable 85% of all process problems are due to common cause variation Special (Assignable) Causes Many cases workers can correct Something not natural is happening to the process System is unstable and unpredictable 15% of all problems are attributed to special causes

Prep work: S. Grissom

J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Only Common Cause Variation

Cut 4
LSL=1.950 6 Mean=2.000 Cp(sigma)=1.8541 5 Cpk(sigma)=1.8467 Sigma=0.0090 n=20 4 count USL=2.050

Has Special Cause Variation

Cut 5
LSL=1.950 7 Cp(sigma)=1.3917 Cpk(sigma)=0.4328 6 Sigma=0.0120 n=20 5 Mean=2.034 USL=2.050

1.950 1.956 1.962 1.968 1.974 1.980 1.986 1.992 1.998 2.004 2.010 2.016 2.022 2.028 2.034 2.040 2.046 2.052 to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1.956 1.962 1.968 1.974 1.980 1.986 1.992 1.998 2.004 2.010 2.016 2.022 2.028 2.034 2.040 2.046 2.052 2.058


1.9 50 1.9 to 1 54 .95 4 to 1 58 .95 8 1.9 to 1 62 .96 2 to 1.9 1 66 .96 6 1.9 to 1 .9 70 70 to 1.9 1 74 .97 4 to 1.9 1 78 .97 8 1.9 to 1 82 .98 2 to 1.9 1.9 86 86 1.9 to 1 90 .99 0 to 1.9 1 94 .99 4 1.9 to 1 98 .99 8 to 2.0 2 02 .00 2 2.0 to 2 06 .00 6 to 2.0 2 10 .01 0 2.0 to 2 14 .01 4 to 2.0 2 18 .01 8 2.0 to 2 22 .02 2 to 2.0 2 26 .02 6 to 2.0 2 30 .03 0 2.0 to 2 34 .03 4 to 2.0 2 38 .03 8 2.0 to 2 42 .04 2 to 2.0 2 46 .04 6 to 2.0 2 50 .05 0 to 2.0 54 1.9



If I could reduce my message to a few words, it would be to reduce variation. W. Edwards Deming
Prep work: S. Grissom J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12



Sources of Variation lot to lot stream to stream time to time piece to piece within piece (inherent) measurement error

Common error: confusion of common cause variation with special cause variation Native American saying: "The only thing that doesn't change is the rocks" On change: "The only constant is change"
Prep work: S. Grissom J.Breckline/P.Stamps - CQIA Refresher 9-12

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