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Authors Note Prologue SECTION I. EARLY YEARS 1. Building Self-Confiden e !. "etting Out of the Pile #. Blo$ing the Roof Off %. &l'ing Belo$ the R(d(r ). "etting Closer to the Big Le(gues *. S$i++ing in ( Bigger Pond SECTION II. B,IL-IN" A P.ILOSOP.Y /. -e(ling $ith Re(lit' (nd 0Su1erfi i(l Congeni(lit'2 3. The 4ision Thing 5. The Neutron Ye(rs 16. The RCA -e(l 11. The Peo1le &( tor' 1!. Re+(7ing Croton8ille to Re+(7e "E 1#. Bound(r'less9 Taking Ideas to the Bottom Line 1%. -ee1 -i8es

SECTION III. ,PS AN- -O;NS 1). Too &ull of <'self 1*. "E C(1it(l9 The Growth Engine 1/. <i=ing NBC $ith Light Bul>s 13. ;hen to &ight? ;hen to &old SECTION I4. "A<E C.AN"ERS 15. "lo>(li@(tion !6. "ro$ing Ser8i es !1. Si= Sig+( (nd Be'ond !!. E-Business SECTION 4. LOOAIN" BACA? LOOAIN" &OR;AR!#. 0"o .o+e? <r. ;el h2 !%. ;h(t This CEO Thing Is All A>out !). A Short Refle tion on "olf

!*. 0Ne$ "u'2 E1ilogue A 7no$ledg+ents After$ord A11endi=es


PRAISE FOR JACK: STRAIGHT FROM THE GUT 0All CEOs $(nt to e+ul(te B( 7 ;el h. The' $ont >e (>le to? >ut the'll o+e loser if the' listen (refull' to $h(t he h(s to s('.2 Warren Buffett, chairman, Berkshire Hathaway 0True onfessions of ( CEO . . . of interest to (n'one $ho re(ll' (res (>out >usiness.2 Newsday 0B( 7 ;el h g(8e te(+ le(dershi1 ne$ +e(ning (s he too7 (n industri(l gi(nt (nd turned it into (n industri(l olossus $ith ( he(rt (nd ( soul (nd ( >r(in.2 Michael D. Eisner, chairman and CEO, The Walt Disney Com any 0BACA9 STRAI".T &RO< T.E ",T is ( good 1l( e to rene$ 'our f(ith in the su ess of free enter1rise.2

USA Today 0Ri8eting . . . ele tri . . . one of the >est >usiness >oo7s of the 'e(r.2 BusinessWeek 0B( 7 ;el h? the >rilli(nt >usiness +(gi i(n? h(s fin(ll' dis losed his +'ster' of +(n(ge+ent. No$ $e +ust ( e1t the generosit' of his h(llenge (nd tr' to +(t h or e= eed hi+.2 !o"uyuki #dei, chairman and CEO, $ony Cor oration 0An A+eri (n tre(sure? B( 7 ;el h te( hes us ho$ ( le(der $ith 7een intelle t? guts? (nd honor (n i+1(rt our(ge to 1eo1le (round hi+? $e(ther une=1e ted stor+s? ins1ire 1erfor+(n e? (nd t(7e (n org(ni@(tion to gre(ter (nd gre(ter heights. .is for+ul( h(llenges (ll of us (nd (n' institution stri8ing for e= ellen e.2 Bernadine Healy, M.D., former resident and CEO, %merican &ed Cross
/:3)! 3:3)!

Co1'right C !661 >' Bohn &. ;el h? Br. &ound(tion After$ord o1'right C !66# >' Bohn &. ;el h? Br. &ound(tion All rights reser8ed. 0<' -ile++(DAnd .o$ I Resol8ed It2 >' B( 7 ;el h? re1rinted fro+ The Wall Street Journal C !66! -o$ Bones E Co+1(n'? In . All rights reser8ed. ;(rner Business Boo7s (re 1u>lished >' ;(rner Boo7s? In .? .( hette Boo7 "rou1? !#/ P(r7 A8enue? Ne$ Yor7? NY 1661/? 4isit our ;e> site (t $$$..( hetteBoo7"rou1. o+. An AOL Ti+e ;(rner Co+1(n' The F;(rner Boo7sF n(+e (nd logo (re tr(de+(r7s of .( hette Boo7 "rou1? In . &irst eBoo7 Edition9 Se1te+>er !661 ISBN9 5/3-6-/)5)-65!1-%

To the hundreds of thousands of GE employees whose ideas and efforts made this book possible

The (uthors 1rofits fro+ this >oo7 (re >eing don(ted to h(rit'.

Authors Note This +(' see+ ( str(nge $(' to >egin (n (uto>iogr(1h'.


A onfession9 I h(te h(8ing to use the first 1erson. Ne(rl' e8er'thing I8e done in +' life h(s >een ( o+1lished $ith other 1eo1le. Yet $hen 'ou $rite ( >oo7 li7e this? 'oure for ed to use the n(rr(ti8e 0I2 $hen its re(ll' the 0$e2 th(t ounts. I $(nted to +ention the n(+es of (ll the 1eo1le $ho too7 this Gourne' $ith +e. <' editors 7e1t >e(ting +e u1? tr'ing to get the n(+es out. ;e fin(ll' stru 7 ( o+1ro+ise. Th(ts $h' the ( 7no$ledg+ents in the >( 7 of the >oo7 (re so+e$h(t long. Ple(se re+e+>er th(t e8er' ti+e 'ou see the $ord I in these 1(ges? it refers to (ll those olle(gues (nd friends (nd so+e I +ight h(8e +issed.

Prologue I s1ent +ost of the S(turd(' +orning (fter Th(n7sgi8ing

!666 $(iting for the 0Ne$ "u'.2 Th(t $(s the se ret ode for +' su essor? the future h(ir+(n (nd CEO of "ener(l Ele tri .

On &rid(' night? the >o(rd h(d un(ni+ousl' (11ro8ed Beff I++elt to su eed +e. I (lled hi+ right ($('. 0I h(8e so+e good ne$s. C(n 'ou (nd 'our f(+il' o+e to &lorid( to+orro$ (nd s1end the $ee7endH2 O>8iousl'? he 7ne$ $h(t $(s going on. But $e left it (t th(t (nd $ent Iui 7l' to the (rr(nge+ents to get hi+ to &lorid(. On S(turd(' +orning? I ould h(rdl' $(it to see hi+. The long CEO su ession 1ro ess $(s o8er. I $(s (lre(d' outside $hen Beff 1ulled into +' dri8e$('. .e h(d ( >ig s+ile on his f( e (nd $(s >(rel' out of the (r >efore I h(d +' (r+s (round hi+? s('ing e=( tl' $h(t Reg Bones s(id to +e !6 'e(rs e(rlier9 0Congr(tul(tions? <r. Ch(ir+(nJ2 As $e hugged? I felt $e $ere losing the loo1. In th(t +o+ent? +' +e+ories too7 +e str(ight >( 7 to the d(' $hen Reg $(l7ed into +' &(irfield? Conne ti ut? offi e (nd e+>r( ed +e? in Gust the s(+e $('.

Be(r hugs? or (n' hugs? $ere not n(tur(l gestures for Reg. Yet here he $(s $ith ( s+ile on his f( e (nd his (r+s $r(11ed tightl' (round +e. On th(t -e e+>er d(' in 1536? I $(s the h(11iest +(n in A+eri ( (nd ert(inl' the lu 7iest. If I ould 1i 7 ( Go> in >usiness? this one $ould >e it. It g(8e +e (n un>elie8(>le (rr(' of >usinesses? fro+ (ir r(ft engines (nd 1o$er gener(tors to 1l(sti s? +edi (l? (nd fin(n i(l ser8i es. ;h(t "E +(7es (nd does tou hes 8irtu(ll' e8er'one. <ost i+1ort(nt? it is ( Go> th(ts lose to /) 1er ent (>out 1eo1le (nd !) 1er ent (>out other stuff. I $or7ed $ith so+e of the s+(rtest? +ost re(ti8e? (nd o+1etiti8e 1eo1le in the $orldD+(n' ( lot s+(rter th(n I $(s. ;hen I Goined "E in 15*6? +' hori@ons $ere +odest. As ( !%-'e(r-old Gunior engineer fresh fro+ ( Ph.-. 1rogr(+? I $(s getting 1(id K16?)66 ( 'e(r (nd $(nted to +(7e K#6?666 >' the ti+e I $(s #6. Th(t $(s +' o>Ge ti8e? if I h(d one. I $(s 1ouring e8er'thing I h(d into $h(t I $(s doing (nd h(8ing ( hellu8( good ti+e doing it. The 1ro+otions st(rted o+ing? enough of the+ to r(ise +' sights so th(t >' the +id-15/6s I >eg(n to thin7 th(t +('>e I ould run the 1l( e one d('. The odds $ere (g(inst +e. <(n' of +' 1eers reg(rded +e (s the round 1eg in ( sIu(re hole? too

different for "E. I $(s >rut(ll' honest (nd outs1o7en. I $(s i+1(tient (nd? to +(n'? (>r(si8e. <' >eh(8ior $(snt the nor+? es1e i(ll' the freIuent 1(rties (t lo (l >(rs to ele>r(te >usiness 8i tories? l(rge or s+(ll.

&ortun(tel'? ( lot of 1eo1le (t "E h(d the guts to li7e +e. Reg Bones $(s one of the+. On the surf( e? $e ould not h(8e >een +ore different. Tri+ (nd dignified? he $(s >orn in Brit(in (nd h(d the >e(ring of ( st(tes+(n. I h(d gro$n u1 Gust 1* +iles north of Boston? in S(le+? <(ss( husetts? the onl' son of (n Irish-A+eri (n r(ilro(d ondu tor. Reg $(s reser8ed (nd for+(l. I $(s e(rth'? loud? (nd e= it(>le? $ith ( he(8' Boston ( ent (nd (n ($7$(rd stutter. At the ti+e? Reg $(s the +ost (d+ired >usiness+(n in A+eri (? (n influenti(l figure in ;(shington. I $(s un7no$n outside of "E? (nd ine=1erien ed in 1oli ' issues. Still? I (l$('s felt ( 8i>r(tion $ith Reg. .e r(rel' re8e(led his feelings? ne8er 1ro8iding e8en ( hint. Yet I h(d ( feeling th(t he understood +e. In so+e $('s? $e $ere 7indred s1irits. ;e res1e ted e( h others differen es (nd sh(red so+e i+1ort(nt things. ;e >oth li7ed (n(l'sis (nd nu+>ers (nd did our ho+e$or7. ;e >oth

lo8ed "E. .e 7ne$ it h(d to h(nge? (nd he thought I h(d the 1(ssion (nd the s+(rts to do it. I+ not sure he 7ne$ ho$ +u h I $(nted "E to h(ngeD>ut his su11ort for (ll I did o8er !6 'e(rs ne8er $(8ered. The o+1etition to su eed Reg h(d >een >rut(l? o+1li (ted >' he(8' 1oliti s (nd >ig egos? +' o$n in luded. It $(s ($ful. At first? there $ere se8en of us fro+ 8(rious 1(rts of the o+1(n' $ho $ere 1ut in the s1otlight >' the 8er' 1u>li ontest for Regs Go>. .e h(dnt intended it to >e the di8isi8e (nd highl' 1oliti i@ed 1ro ess th(t it turned out to >e. I +(de ( fe$ +ist(7es in those 'e(rs? none f(t(l. ;hen Reg got the >o(rd to (11ro8e +e (s his su essor on -e e+>er 15? 1536? I still $(snt the +ost o>8ious hoi e. Not long (fter the (nnoun e+ent $(s +(de? one of +' "E friends $(l7ed into the .i-.o? the lo (l $(tering hole ne(r he(dIu(rters? (nd o8erhe(rd one of the oldti+e st(ffers re1e(ting glu+l' into ( +(rtini? 0Ill gi8e hi+ t$o 'e(rsDthen its Belle8ue.2 .e +issed >' +ore th(n !6J

O8er (ll the 'e(rs th(t I $(s h(ir+(n? I re ei8ed $ides1re(d (ttention in the +edi(D>oth good (nd >(d. But ( length' o8er stor' in Business Week +(g(@ine in e(rl' Bune 1553 1ro+1ted ( flood of +(il th(t ins1ired +e to $rite this >oo7. ;h'H Be (use of the +(g(@ine (rti le? liter(ll' hundreds of tot(l str(ngers $rote +e +o8ing (nd ins1ir(tion(l letters (>out their (reers. The' des ri>ed the org(ni@(tion(l 1ressures the' felt to h(nge (s indi8idu(ls? to onfor+ to so+ething or >e o+e so+eone the' $erent? in order to >e su essful. The' li7ed the stor's ontention th(t I ne8er h(nged $ho I $(s. The stor' i+1lied th(t I $(s (>le to get one of the $orlds l(rgest o+1(nies to o+e loser to ( ting li7e the ro$d I gre$ u1 $ith.

Together $ith thous(nds of others? I tried to re(te the infor+(lit' of ( orner neigh>orhood gro er' store in the soul of ( >ig o+1(n'. The truth? of ourse? is +ore o+1le=. In +' e(rl' 'e(rs? I tried des1er(tel' to >e honest $ith +'self? to fight the >ure(u r(ti 1o+1osit'? e8en if it +e(nt th(t I $ouldnt su eed (t "E. I (lso re+e+>er the tre+endous 1ressure to >e so+eone I $(snt. I so+eti+es 1l('ed the g(+e.

At one of +' e(rliest >o(rd +eetings in S(n &r(n is o shortl' (fter >eing n(+ed 8i e h(ir+(n? I sho$ed u1 in ( 1erfe tl' 1ressed >lue suit? $ith ( st(r hed $hite shirt (nd ( ris1 red tie. I hose +' $ords (refull'. I $(nted to sho$ the >o(rd +e+>ers th(t I $(s older (nd +ore +(ture th(n either +' %# 'e(rs or +' re1ut(tion. I guess I $(nted to loo7 (nd ( t li7e ( t'1i (l "E 8i e h(ir+(n. P(ul Austin? ( longti+e "E dire tor (nd h(ir+(n of the Co (-Col( Co.? (+e u1 to +e (t the o 7t(il 1(rt' (fter the +eeting. 0B( 7?2 he s(id? tou hing +' suit? 0this isnt 'ou. You loo7ed ( lot >etter $hen 'ou $ere Gust >eing 'ourself.2 Th(n7 "od Austin re(li@ed I $(s 1l('ing ( roleD(nd (red enough to tell +e. Tr'ing to >e so+e>od' I $(snt ould h(8e >een ( dis(ster for +e. Throughout +' %1 'e(rs (t "E? I8e h(d +(n' u1s (nd do$ns. In the +edi(? I8e gone fro+ 1rin e to 1ig (nd >( 7 (g(in. And I8e >een (lled +(n' things. In the e(rl' d('s? $hen I $or7ed in our fledging 1l(sti s grou1? so+e (lled +e ( r(@'? $ild +(n. ;hen

I >e (+e CEO t$o de (des (go? ;(ll Street (s7ed? 0B( 7 $hoH2 ;hen I tried to +(7e "E +ore o+1etiti8e >' utting >( 7 our $or7for e in the e(rl' 1536s? the +edi( du>>ed +e 0Neutron B( 7.2 ;hen the' le(rned $e $ere fo used on 8(lues (nd ulture (t "E? 1eo1le (s7ed if 0B( 7 h(s gone soft.2 I8e >een No. 1 or No. ! B( 7? Ser8i es B( 7? "lo>(l B( 7? (nd? in +ore re ent 'e(rs? Si= Sig+( B( 7 (nd e-Business B( 7. ;hen $e +(de (n effort to ( Iuire .one'$ell in O to>er !666? (nd I (greed to st(' on through the tr(nsition? so+e thought of +e (s the Long-in-theTooth B( 7 h(nging on >' his fingerti1s to his CEO Go>. Those h(r( teri@(tions s(id less (>out +e (nd ( lot +ore (>out the 1h(ses our o+1(n' $ent through. Truth is? do$n dee1? I8e ne8er re(ll' h(nged +u h fro+ the >o' +' +other r(ised in S(le+? <(ss( husetts. ;hen I st(rted on this Gourne' in 1531? st(nding >efore ;(ll Street (n(l'sts for the first ti+e (t Ne$ Yor7s Pierre .otel? I s(id I $(nted "E to >e o+e 0the +ost o+1etiti8e enter1rise on e(rth.2 <' o>Ge ti8e $(s to 1ut ( s+(ll- o+1(n' s1irit in ( >ig- o+1(n' >od'? to

>uild (n org(ni@(tion out of (n old-line industri(l o+1(n' th(t $ould >e +ore high-s1irited? +ore (d(1t(>le?

(nd +ore (gile th(n o+1(nies th(t (re one-fiftieth our si@e. I s(id then th(t I $(nted to re(te ( o+1(n' 0$here 1eo1le d(re to tr' ne$ thingsD$here 1eo1le feel (ssured in 7no$ing th(t onl' the li+its of their re(ti8it' (nd dri8e? their o$n st(nd(rds of 1erson(l e= ellen e? $ill >e the eiling on ho$ f(r (nd ho$ f(st the' +o8e.2 I8e 1ut +' +ind? +' he(rt? (nd +' gut into th(t Gourne' e8er' d(' of the %6-1lus 'e(rs I8e >een lu 7' enough to >e ( 1(rt of "E. This >oo7 is (n effort to >ring 'ou (long on th(t tri1. In the end? I >elie8e $e re(ted the gre(test 1eo1le f( tor' in the $orld? ( le(rning enter1rise? $ith ( >ound(r'less ulture. But 'ou Gudge for 'ourself $hether $e e8er re( hed the destin(tion I des ri>ed in +' 08ision2 s1ee h (t the Pierre in 1531. This is no 1erfe t >usiness stor'. I >elie8e th(t >usiness is ( lot li7e ( $orld- l(ss rest(ur(nt. ;hen 'ou 1ee7 >ehind the 7it hen doors? the food ne8er loo7s (s good (s $hen it o+es to 'our t(>le on fine hin( 1erfe tl' g(rnished. Business is +ess' (nd h(oti . In our

7it hen? I ho1e 'oull find so+ething th(t +ight >e hel1ful to 'ou in re( hing 'our o$n dre(+s. Theres no gos1el or +(n(ge+ent h(nd>oo7 here. There is ( 1hiloso1h' th(t (+e out of +' Gourne'. I stu 7 to so+e 1rett' >(si ide(s th(t $or7ed for +e? integrit' >eing the >iggest one. I8e (l$('s >elie8ed in ( si+1le (nd dire t (11ro( h. This >oo7 (tte+1ts to sho$ $h(t (n org(ni@(tion? (nd e( h of us? (n le(rn fro+ o1ening the +ind to ide(s fro+ (n'$here. I8e le(rned th(t +ist(7es (n often >e (s good ( te( her (s su ess. There is no str(ight line to (n'ones 8ision or dre(+. I+ li8ing 1roof of th(t. This is the stor' of ( lu 7' +(n? (n uns ri1ted? un or1or(te t'1e $ho +(n(ged to stu+>le (nd still +o8e for$(rd? to sur8i8e (nd e8en thri8e in one of the $orlds +ost ele>r(ted or1or(tions. Yet its (lso ( s+(ll-to$n A+eri (n stor'. I8e ne8er sto11ed >eing ($(re of +' roots e8en (s +' e'es o1ened to see ( $orld I ne8er 7ne$ e=isted. <ostl'? though? this is ( stor' of $h(t others h(8e doneDthous(nds of s+(rt? self- onfident? (nd energi@ed e+1lo'ees $ho t(ught e( h other ho$ to >re(7 the

+olds of the old industri(l $orld (nd $or7 to$(rd ( ne$ h'>rid of +(nuf( turing? ser8i es? (nd te hnolog'. Their efforts (nd their su ess (re $h(t h(8e +(de +' Gourne' so re$(rding. I $(s lu 7' to 1l(' ( 1(rt >e (use Reg Bones (+e into +' offi e !1 'e(rs (go (nd g(8e +e the hug of ( lifeti+e.



Building Self-Confiden e

It $(s the fin(l ho 7e' g(+e of ( lous' se(son. ;e h(d

$on the first three g(+es in +' senior 'e(r (t S(le+ .igh S hool? >e(ting -(n8ers? Re8ere? (nd <(r>lehe(d? >ut h(d then lost the ne=t h(lf do@en g(+es? fi8e of the+ >' ( single go(l. So $e >(dl' $(nted to $in this l(st one (t the L'nn Aren( (g(inst our (r hri8(l Be8erl' .igh. As o- (1t(in of the te(+? the S(le+ ;it hes? I h(d s ored ( ou1le of go(ls? (nd $e $ere feeling 1rett' good (>out our h(n es. It $(s ( good g(+e? 1ushed into o8erti+e (t !L!. But 8er' Iui 7l'? the other te(+ s ored (nd $e lost (g(in? for the se8enth ti+e in ( ro$. In ( fit of frustr(tion? I flung +' ho 7e' sti 7 ( ross the i e of the (ren(? s7(ted (fter it? (nd he(ded >( 7 to the lo 7er roo+. The te(+ $(s (lre(d' there? t(7ing off their s7(tes (nd unifor+s. All of ( sudden? the door o1ened (nd +' Irish +other strode in. The 1l( e fell silent. E8er' e'e $(s glued on this +iddle-(ged $o+(n in ( flor(l-1(tterned dress (s she $(l7ed ( ross the floor? 1(st the $ooden >en hes $here so+e of the gu's $ere (lre(d' h(nging. She $ent right for +e? gr(>>ing the to1 of +' unifor+. 0You 1un7J2 she shouted in +' f( e. 0If 'ou dont 7no$ ho$ to lose? 'oull ne8er 7no$ ho$ to $in. If 'ou dont 7no$ this? 'ou shouldnt >e 1l('ing.2

I $(s +ortifiedDin front of +' friendsD>ut $h(t she s(id ne8er left +e. The 1(ssion? the energ'? the dis(11oint+ent? (nd the lo8e she de+onstr(ted >' 1ushing her $(' into th(t lo 7er roo+ $(s +' +o+. She $(s the +ost influenti(l 1erson in +' life. "r( e ;el h t(ught +e the 8(lue of o+1etition? Gust (s she t(ught +e the 1le(sure of $inning (nd the need to t(7e defe(t in stride. If I h(8e (n' le(dershi1 st'le? ( $(' of getting the >est out of 1eo1le? I o$e it to her. Tough (nd (ggressi8e? $(r+ (nd generous? she $(s ( gre(t Gudge of h(r( ter. She (l$('s h(d o1inions of the 1eo1le she +et. She ould 0s+ell ( 1hon' ( +ile ($('.2 She $(s e=tre+el' o+1(ssion(te (nd generous to friends. If ( rel(ti8e or neigh>or 8isited the house (nd o+1li+ented her on the $(ter gl(sses in the >re(7front? she $ouldnt hesit(te to gi8e the+ ($('. On the other h(nd? if 'ou rossed her? $(t h out. She ould hold ( grudge (g(inst (n'one $ho >etr('ed her trust. I ould Gust (s e(sil' >e des ri>ing +'self. And +(n' of +' >(si +(n(ge+ent >eliefsDthings li7e o+1eting h(rd to $in? f( ing re(lit'? +oti8(ting 1eo1le >' (ltern(tel' hugging (nd 7i 7ing the+? setting

stret h go(ls? (nd relentlessl' follo$ing u1 on 1eo1le to

+(7e sure things get doneD (n >e tr( ed to her (s $ell. The insights she drilled into +e ne8er f(ded. She (l$('s insisted on f( ing the f( ts of ( situ(tion. One of her f(8orite e=1ressions $(s 0-ont 7id 'ourself. Th(ts the $(' it is.2 0If 'ou dont stud'?2 she often $(rned? 0'oull >e nothing. A>solutel' nothing. There (re no short uts. -ont 7id 'ourselfJ2 Those (re >lunt? un'ielding (d+onitions th(t ring in +' he(d e8er' d('. ;hene8er I tr' to delude +'self th(t ( de(l or >usiness 1ro>le+ $ill +ir( ulousl' i+1ro8e? her $ords set +e str(ight. &ro+ +' e(rliest 'e(rs in s hool? she t(ught +e the need to e= el. She 7ne$ ho$ to >e tough $ith +e? >ut (lso ho$ to hug (nd 7iss. She +(de sure I 7ne$ ho$ $(nted (nd lo8ed I $(s. Id o+e ho+e $ith four As (nd ( B on +' re1ort (rd? (nd +' +other $ould $(nt to 7no$ $h' I got the B. But she $ould (l$('s end the on8ers(tion ongr(tul(ting (nd hugging +e for the As. She he 7ed onst(ntl' to see if I did +' ho+e$or7? in +u h the s(+e $(' th(t I ontinu(ll' follo$ u1 (t $or7 tod('. I (n re+e+>er sitting in +' u1st(irs

>edroo+? $or7ing ($(' on the d('s ho+e$or7? onl' to he(r her 8oi e rising fro+ the li8ing roo+9 0.(8e 'ou done it 'etH You >etter not o+e do$n until 'ou8e finishedJ2 But it $(s o8er the 7it hen t(>le? 1l('ing gin ru++' $ith her? th(t I le(rned the fun (nd Go' of o+1etition. I re+e+>er r( ing ( ross the street fro+ the s hool'(rd for lun h $hen I $(s in the first gr(de? it hing for the h(n e to 1l(' gin ru++' $ith her. ;hen she >e(t +e? $hi h $(s often? shed 1ut the $inning (rds on the t(>le (nd shout? Gin ! Id get so +(d? >ut I ouldnt $(it to o+e ho+e (g(in (nd get the h(n e to >e(t her. Th(t $(s 1ro>(>l' the st(rt of +' o+1etiti8eness? on the >(se>(ll di(+ond? the ho 7e' rin7? the golf ourse? (nd >usiness. Perh(1s the gre(test single gift she g(8e +e $(s self onfiden e. Its $h(t I8e loo7ed for (nd tried to >uild in e8er' e=e uti8e $ho h(s e8er $or7ed $ith +e. Confiden e gi8es 'ou our(ge (nd e=tends 'our re( h. It lets 'ou t(7e gre(ter ris7s (nd ( hie8e f(r +ore th(n 'ou e8er thought 1ossi>le. Building self- onfiden e in others is ( huge 1(rt of le(dershi1. It o+es fro+ 1ro8iding o11ortunities (nd h(llenges for 1eo1le to do things the'

ne8er i+(gined the' ould doDre$(rding the+ (fter e( h su ess in e8er' $(' 1ossi>le. <' +other ne8er +(n(ged 1eo1le? >ut she 7ne$ (ll (>out >uilding self-estee+. I gre$ u1 $ith ( s1ee h i+1edi+ent? ( st(++er th(t $ouldnt go ($('. So+eti+es it led to o+i (l? if not e+>(rr(ssing? in idents. In ollege? I often ordered ( tun( fish on $hite to(st on &rid('s $hen C(tholi s in those d('s ouldnt e(t +e(t. Ine8it(>l'? the $(itress $ould return $ith not one >ut ( 1(ir of s(nd$i hes? h(8ing he(rd +' order (s 0tu-tun(

s(nd$i hes.2 <' +other ser8ed u1 the 1erfe t e= use for +' stuttering. 0Its >e (use 'oure so s+(rt?2 she $ould tell +e. 0No ones tongue ould 7ee1 u1 $ith ( >r(in li7e 'ours.2 &or 'e(rs? in f( t? I ne8er $orried (>out +' st(++er. I >elie8ed $h(t she told +e9 th(t +' +ind $or7ed f(ster th(n +' +outh. I didnt underst(nd for +(n' 'e(rs Gust ho$ +u h onfiden e she 1oured into +e. -e (des l(ter? $hen loo7ing (t e(rl' 1i tures of +e on +' s1orts te(+s? I $(s (+(@ed to see th(t (l+ost (l$('s I $(s the shortest (nd s+(llest 7id in the 1i ture. In gr(de s hool? $here I 1l('ed gu(rd on the >(s7et>(ll sIu(d? I $(s (l+ost three-Iu(rters the si@e of se8er(l of the other 1l('ers.

Yet I ne8er 7ne$ it or felt it. Tod('? I loo7 (t those 1i tures (nd l(ugh (t $h(t ( little shri+1 I $(s. Its Gust ridi ulous th(t I $(snt +ore ons ious of +' si@e. Th(t tells 'ou $h(t ( +other (n do for 'ou. She g(8e +e that +u h onfiden e. She on8in ed +e th(t I ould >e (n'one I $(nted to >e. It $(s re(ll' u1 to +e. 0You Gust h(8e to go for it?2 she $ould s('. <' rel(tionshi1 $ith +' +other $(s 1o$erful (nd uniIue? $(r+ (nd reinfor ing. She $(s +' onfid(nte? +' >est friend. I thin7 it $(s th(t $(' 1(rtl' >e (use I $(s (n onl' hild? >orn to her l(te in life Mfor those d('sN? $hen she $(s #* (nd +' d(d $(s %1. <' 1(rents h(d tried unsu essfull' to h(8e hildren for +(n' 'e(rs. So $hen I fin(ll' (rri8ed in Pe(>od'? <(ss( husetts? on No8e+>er 15? 15#)? +' +other 1oured her lo8e into +e (s if I $ere ( found tre(sure. I $(snt >orn $ith ( sil8er s1oon. I h(d so+ething >etterDtons of lo8e. <' gr(nd1(rents on >oth sides $ere Irish i++igr(nts? (nd neither the' nor +' 1(rents gr(du(ted fro+ high s hool. I $(s nine $hen +' 1(rents >ought our first house? ( +odest t$o-stor' +(sonr' ho+e on 1) Lo8ett Street? in (n Irish $or7ing- l(ss se tion of S(le+? <(ss( husetts.

The house $(s ( ross the street fro+ ( s+(ll f( tor'. <' f(ther $ould often re+ind +e th(t $(s ( re(l 1lus. 0You (l$('s $(nt ( f( tor' for ( neigh>or. The're not (round on the $ee7ends. The' dont >other 'ou. The're Iuiet.2 I >elie8ed hi+? ne8er re ogni@ing th(t he $(s eng(ging in so+e onfiden e >uilding hi+self. <' d(d $or7ed h(rd (s ( r(ilro(d ondu tor on the Boston E <(ine o++uter line >et$een Boston (nd Ne$>ur'1ort. ;hen 0Big B( 72 $ent off in the e(rl' +orning (t fi8e in his 1ressed d(r7 >lue unifor+? his $hite shirt st(r hed to 1erfe tion >' +' +other? he loo7ed li7e he ould s(lute "od hi+self. Ne(rl' e8er' d(' $(s the s(+e? ( ti 7et-1un hing Gourne' through the s(+e ten de1ots? o8er (nd o8er (g(in9 Ne$>ur'1ort? I1s$i h? .(+ilton:;enh(+? North Be8erl'? Be8erl'? S(le+? S$(+1s ott? L'nn? the "ener(l Ele tri ;or7s? Boston. And then >( 7 (g(in? o8er so+e %6 +iles of tr( 7. L(ter? I $ould get ( 7i 7 out of 7no$ing th(t one

of his regul(r sto1s $(s (t "Es (ir r(ft engines o+1le= in L'nn? Gust outside Boston. E8er' $or7d('? he loo7ed for$(rd to li+>ing >( 7 on the BE< tr(in th(t he (l$('s thought of (s his o$n. <' f(ther lo8ed greeting the 1u>li (nd +eeting interesting 1eo1le. .e +o8ed through the enter (isles of those 1(ssenger (rs li7e (n (+>(ss(dor? $ith good

hu+or? 1un hing ti 7ets (nd $el o+ing the f(+ili(r f( es in the >en h se(ts (s if the' $ere lose friends. -uring e8er' rush hour? he tr(ded s+iles (nd hellos $ith 1(ssengers (nd s1re(d ( good >it of Irish >l(rne'. .is heerful dis1osition on the tr(in $ould often ontr(st $ith his Iuiet (nd $ithdr($n >eh(8ior (t ho+e. This $ould (nno' +' +other? $ho $ould o+1l(in? 0;h' dont 'ou >ring so+e of th(t >(lone' 'ou 1(ss out on the tr(in ho+eH2 .e seldo+ did. <' f(ther $(s ( diligent $or7er $ho 1ut in long hours (nd ne8er +issed ( d(' of $or7. If he got ( >(d $e(ther re1ort? hed (s7 +' +other to dri8e hi+ to the st(tion the night >efore. .e $ould slee1 in one of the (rs on his tr(in? so hed >e re(d' to go in the +orning. R(rel' $ould he get ho+e >efore se8en (t night? (l$('s 1i 7ed u1 (t the st(tion in the f(+il' (r >' +' +other. .ed o+e ho+e $ith ( >undle of ne$s1(1ers under his (r+? (ll of the+ left >' his 1(ssengers on the tr(in. &ro+ the (ge of si=? I got +' d(il' dose of urrent e8ents (nd s1orts? th(n7s to the lefto8er Boston Globes? "eralds? (nd #e$ords. Re(ding the 1(1ers e8er' night >e (+e ( lifelong (ddi tion. I+ ( ne$s Gun7ie to this d('.

<' f(ther not onl' got +e st(rted on 7no$ing $h(t $(s going on outside S(le+? he (lso t(ught +e? through e=(+1le? the 8(lue of h(rd $or7. And he did so+ething else th(t $ould l(st ( lifeti+eDhe introdu ed +e to golf. <' f(ther told +e th(t the >ig shots on his tr(in $ere (l$('s t(l7ing (>out their golf g(+es. .e thought I ought to le(rn (>out this inste(d of the >(se>(ll? foot>(ll? (nd ho 7e' I $(s 1l('ing. C(dd'ing $(s so+ething the older 7ids in the neigh>orhood $ere doing. So $ith his 1ush? I st(rted e(rl'? (dd'ing (t the (ge of nine (t the ne(r>' Aern$ood Countr' Clu>. I $(s in redi>l' de1endent on +' 1(rents. <(n' ti+es? $hen +' +other left the house to 1i 7 u1 +' d(d? the tr(in $ould >e l(te. ;hen I $(s 1! or 1#? the del('s $ould dri8e +e r(@'. Id run out of the house (nd do$n Lo8ett Street? +' he(rt r( ing? to see if the' $ere (round the orner on the $(' ho+e? out of fe(r th(t so+ething h(d h(11ened to the+. I Gust ouldnt lose the+. The' $ere +' $orld. It $(s ( fe(r I shouldnt h(8e h(d? >e (use +' +other r(ised +e to >e strong? tough? (nd inde1endent. She (l$('s fe(red she $ould die 'oung? ( 8i ti+ of the he(rt dise(se th(t stru 7 do$n e8er'one in her f(+il'. So in +' e(rl' teens? +' +other en our(ged +e to >e inde1endent. Shed 1ush +e to t(7e tri1s to Boston on +'

o$n to see ( >(ll g(+e or (t h ( +o8ie. I thought I $(s ool in those d('s until +' +other left the house to 1i 7 u1 +' d(d (t the tr(in de1ot (nd the' $ere l(te o+ing ho+e. S(le+ $(s ( gre(t 1l( e for ( >o' to gro$ u1. It $(s ( to$n $ith ( strong $or7 ethi (nd good 8(lues. In those d('s? no one lo 7ed their doors. On S(turd('s? 1(rents didnt $orr' $hen their 7ids $(l7ed do$nto$n to the P(r(+ount? $here ( Iu(rter >ought 'ou t$o +o8ies (nd ( >o= of 1o1 orn? (nd 'ou still h(d enough left for (n i e re(+ on the $(' ho+e. On Sund('s? the hur hes $ere filled. S(le+ $(s ( s r(11' (nd o+1etiti8e 1l( e. I $(s o+1etiti8e? (nd +' friends $ere? too. All of us $ere Go 7s? li8ing to 1l(' one s1ort or (nother. ;ed org(ni@e our o$n neigh>orhood >(se>(ll? >(s7et>(ll? foot>(ll? (nd ho 7e' g(+es? 1l('ing (t the Pit? ( dust' 1ie e of fl(t l(nd surrounded >' trees (nd >( 7'(rds off North Street. ;ed s$ee1 the gr(8el fl(t in the s1ring (nd su++er? hoose u1 sides (nd te(+s? e8en s hedule our o$n tourn(+ents. ;ed 1l(' fro+ e(rl' in the +orning until the to$n $histle >le$ (t Iu(rter to nine. The $histle $(s the sign(l to get ho+e.

In those d('s? the it' $(s >ro7en u1 into neigh>orhood s hools? $hi h led to intense ri8(lries in e8er' s1ortDe8en (t the 1ri+(r' s hool le8el. I $(s the Iu(rter>( 7 on the si=-+(n Pi 7ering "r(++(r S hool foot>(ll te(+. I $(s 1(theti (ll' slo$? >ut I h(d ( 1rett' good (r+ (nd ( 1(ir of te(++(tes $ho ould re(ll' run. ;e $on the h(+1ionshi1 (t Pi 7ering. I (lso $(s the 1it her on our >(se>(ll te(+ (nd le(rned to thro$ ( s$ee1ing ur8e>(ll (nd ( sh(r1 dro1. At S(le+ .igh S hool? ho$e8er? I found out th(t I 1e(7ed 8er' e(rl' in >oth foot>(ll (nd >(se>(ll. I $(s too slo$ to 1l(' foot>(ll? (nd +' de8(st(ting ur8e (nd dro1 (t 1! didnt o+e $ith (n' +ore >re(7 (t 1*. <' f(st>(ll ouldnt r( 7 ( 1(ne of gl(ss. .itters $ould Gust sit there (nd $(it for it. I $ent fro+ >eing ( st(rting 1it her (s ( fresh+(n to the >en h (s ( senior. I $(s lu 7' to >e (n o7(' Go 7 in ho 7e'? (s (1t(in (nd le(ding s orer of the high s hool te(+? >ut in ollege +' l( 7 of s1eed got +e (g(in. I h(d to gi8e it u1. Th(n7 goodness for golf? ( s1ort th(t doesnt de+(nd s1eed. It $(s +' f(thers e(rl' en our(ge+ent th(t led +e to Aern$ood Countr' Clu>? $here I >eg(n to (dd'. On S(turd(' +ornings? +' friends (nd I $ould sit on the ur> outside the g(te to "reen L($n Ce+eter'? $(iting for ( +e+>er of the golf lu> to 1i 7 us u1 in his (r

(nd >ring us ( fe$ +iles to the ourse. On the hottest su++er d('s? $ed sne(7 off to ( se luded s1ot $e (lled 0Bl( 7 Ro 7?2 stri1 n(7ed? (nd ool off $ith ( s$i+ in the -(n8ers Ri8er. <ostl'? though? $ed sit on the gr(ss' hill >' the (dd' sh( 7 (nd $(it for 0S$(n72 S$eene'? the (dd' +(ster? to shout our n(+es. A t(ll? thin +(n $ith url'

h(ir (nd gl(sses? S$eene' $ould t(7e the >(gs out of the (dd' sh( 7? 1ut the+ on ( h(lf door? (nd 'ell? 0;el hJ2 Id rush off fro+ ( g(+e of (rds or ( $restling +(t h for +' (ssign+ent. Ne(rl' e8er'one ho1ed to (rr' R(' Br(d's lu>s >e (use he $(s the >ig ti11er on the ourse? $here ti1s $ere gener(ll' s (r e. Other$ise? the K1.)6 fee for ( single 13 holes $(s (>out (ll 'ou s($. ;e re(ll' $or7ed for <ond(' +ornings? $hen the grounds re$ fi=ed the ourse. Th(t $(s (ddies +orning? $hen $e $ould t(7e the lost >(lls $e found (nd use our t(1ed-u1 lu>s to 1l(' 13 holes. ;ed get there (t the r( 7 of d($n >e (use the' thre$ us off 1ro+1tl' (t noon. C(dd'ing g(8e +e the h(n e to +(7e so+e +one' (nd? +ore i+1ort(nt? le(rn the g(+e. I (lso got e(rl' e=1osure to 1eo1le $ho h(d ( hie8ed so+e le8el of su ess. I got ( 8er' e(rl' loo7 (t ho$ (ttr( ti8e or ho$ >ig

( G( 7(ss so+eone (n >e >' $(t hing their >eh(8ior on ( golf ourse. Besides (dd'ing? I $or7ed ( nu+>er of Go>s. &or ( $hile? I deli8ered the Salem E%ening &ews' I $or7ed (t the lo (l 1ost offi e during the holid(' se(son. &or (>out three 'e(rs? I sold shoes on o++ission (t the Tho+ < C(n store on Esse= Street. ;e got se8en ents ( 1(ir for selling regul(r shoes. If 'ou sold the 0tur7e's?2 the 11E $ingti1s $ith the 1ur1le toes (nd the $hite tri+? 'oud get ( Iu(rter or fift' ents. Id (l$('s >ring the+ out? fit the+ to ( 1(ir of stin7' feet? (nd s('? 0These loo7 good on 'ou.2 ;h(t Id s(' for (n e=tr( Iu(rter in those d('sJ One su++er Go> re(ll' t(ught +e ( lesson. It on8in ed +e $h(t I didnt $(nt to do. I $(s o1er(ting ( drill 1ress (t the P(r7er Brothers g(+e 1l(nt in S(le+. <' Go> $(s to t(7e ( s+(ll 1ie e of or7? drill ( hole through it >' 1ushing do$n ( 1ed(l $ith +' foot? (nd then toss the or7 into ( >ig round (rd>o(rd dru+. E8er' d('? I did thous(nds of the+. To 1(ss the ti+e? Id 1l(' ( g(+e >' tr'ing to o8er the >otto+ of the >(rrel $ith or7s I drilled >efore the fore+(n (+e (long to e+1t' it out. I r(rel' +(de it.

T(l7 (>out frustr(tion. Id go ho+e $ith he(d( hes. I h(ted it. I didnt l(st three $ee7s? >ut it t(ught +e ( lot. <' e(rl' 'e(rs $ere s1ent $ith +' nose 1ressed u1 (g(inst the gl(ss. E8er' su++er >efore I $(s old enough to $or7? the 7ids fro+ the S(le+ 1l('ground too7 ( s1e i(l tr(in to Old Or h(rd Be( h? (n (+use+ent 1(r7 in <(ine. This $(s our su++er highlight. ;ed >o(rd the tr(in (t si=-thirt' A.<. (nd (rri8e there t$o hours l(ter. ;ithin ( ou1le of hours? >' running fro+ ride to ride? +ost of us h(d used u1 the fi8e >u 7s or so th(t $e >rought. ;e still h(d ( full d(' (he(d of us (nd $ere >ro7e. <' friends (nd I $ould the+ o+> the >e( h for return(>le >ottles? going fro+ >l(n7et to >l(n7et (s7ing sun>(thers for their e+1ties. At t$o ents ( >ottle? th(t got

us enough +one' for ( hot dog (nd ( fe$ +ore rides >efore returning ho+e. On the other h(nd? I ne8er felt de1ri8ed. I didnt $(nt for +u h of (n'thing. <' 1(rents +(de +(n' s( rifi es for +e? +(7ing sure I h(d ( gre(t >(se>(ll glo8e or ( good >i ' le. And +' f(ther (llo$ed +' +other to s1oil +e? $ithout e8er t(7ing (n' of the redit. And she did.

She too7 +e to the >le( hers in &en$(' P(r7 to $(t h Ted ;illi(+s 1l(' left field for the Boston Red So=. Shed 1i 7 +e u1 (t s hool in the e(rl' (fternoon (nd dri8e +e o8er to the ountr' lu> so I ould get ( he(d st(rt on the other (ddies. A de8out C(tholi ? shed dri8e +e to St. Tho+(s the A1ostle Chur h so I ould ser8e the si= A.<. +(ss (s (n (lt(r >o'? $ith her 1r('ing in the first ro$ of the right 1e$. She >e (+e +' +ost enthusi(sti heerle(der? (lling u1 the lo (l ne$s1(1ers (nd (s7ing the+ to (rr' ite+s (>out +' s+(ll triu+1hs? fro+ gr(du(ting fro+ the ,ni8ersit' of <(ss( husetts to e(rning +' Ph.-. Then shed 1(ste e( h li11ing into ( >ig s r(1>oo7. She $(s sh(+eless th(t $('. <' +other $(s le(rl' the dis i1lin(ri(n in the f(+il'. ;hen +' f(ther on e (ught +e on his tr(in he(ded ho+e (fter Id s7i11ed s hool to ele>r(te St. P(tri 7s -(' in South Boston? he didnt s(' (n'thing in front of +' friendsDe8en though (ll of us $ere Gui ed on so+e he(1 )6- ents-(->ottle +us (tel. Inste(d he si+1l' told +' +other? $ho onfronted +e (nd doled out the 1unish+ent. Another ti+e? I ut (lt(r >o' 1r( ti e to 1l(' ho 7e' on the fro@en 1ond (t <( 7 P(r7 ne(r +' ho+e. -uring the g(+e? I fell

through the i e (nd got o+1letel' so(7ed. To tr' to o8er u1 $h(t h(11ened? I stri11ed off +' $et lothes (nd hung the+ on ( tree o8er ( fire $e >uilt. ;e shi8ered in the B(nu(r' old? $(iting for our lothes to dr'. It $(s? I thought? ( r(ther le8er o8er-u1Duntil I $(l7ed through the front door. It too7 ( se ond for +' +other to s+ell the s+o7e on +' lothes. -u 7ing (lt(r >o' 1r( ti e $(s ( >ig de(l to so+eone $ho hung ( ru ifi= on the $(ll? 1r('ed the ros(r'? (nd onsidered &(ther B(+es Cronin? the longti+e 1(stor of our hur h? ( s(int. So she s(t +e do$n? for ed out ( onfession? (nd then deli8ered her o$n 1en(n e9 $h( 7ing +e $ith ( d(+1 shoe shed Gust t(7en off +' foot. ;hile she ould >e stri t? she ould (lso >e ( re(l 0softie.2 On e? $hen I $(s not +u h +ore th(n 11 'e(rs old? I stole ( >(ll fro+ ( (rni8(l th(t (+e through to$n. You 7no$? the t'1e of lous' >(ll 'ou thro$ to 7no 7 +et(l +il7 >ottles off ( 1edest(l to $in ( Ae$1ie doll. It didnt t(7e long >efore +' +other found the >(ll (nd (s7ed +e $here I got it. ;hen I (d+itted th(t I h(d

stolen it? she insisted th(t I go to &(ther Cronin? return the >(ll to hi+? (nd then onfess $h(t I did. Sin e (ll the 1riests 7ne$ +e (s (n (lt(r >o'? I $(s on8in ed th(t the'd re ogni@e +e in the onfession(l the se ond I o1ened +' +outh. I $(s s (red of the+. I (s7ed +' +other if I ould t(7e the >(ll do$n to the North C(n(l? ( +ur7' ri8er th(t r(n through to$n? (nd toss it ($('. After negoti(ting $ith her? she let +e h(8e +' $('. She dro8e do$n to the >ridge on North Street (nd $(t hed (s I thre$ the >(ll into the $(ter. Another ti+e? $hen I $(s ( senior in high s hool? I $(s (dd'ing for one of the stingiest +e+>ers of the Aern$ood Countr' Clu>. B' th(t ti+e? I h(d >een ( (dd' there for eight 'e(rsD$hi h $(s 1ro>(>l' ( little too long for +' o$n good. ;e got to the si=th hole? ( tee $here the dri8e h(d to go onl' (>out ( hundred '(rds to (rr' the 1ond. This d('? +' gu' to11ed his >(ll str(ight into the $(ter. It l(nded (t le(st ten feet into the +udd' 1ond. .e (s7ed +e to t(7e +' shoes (nd so 7s off (nd $(de into the 1ond (fter his >(ll. I refused? (nd $hen he insisted I told hi+ to go to hell. I tossed his lu>s into the $(ter? told hi+ to get his >(ll (nd lu>s hi+self? (nd r(n off the ourse.

It $(s ( stu1id thing to do? e8en $orse th(n flinging +' ho 7e' sti 7 ( ross the i e. E8en though +' +other $(s dis(11ointed? >e (use this in ident ost +e the lu>s (dd' s hol(rshi1? she see+ed to underst(nd $h(t I felt (nd didnt +(7e (s +u h of ( >ig de(l out of it (s she +ight h(8e. An e8en gre(ter dis(11oint+ent $(s losing (n o11ortunit' to go to four 'e(rs of ollege for free on ( n(8(l ROTC s hol(rshi1 1rogr(+. Three of us (t S(le+ .igh 1(ssed the n(8(l e=(+9 +e (nd t$o of +' >est friends? "eorge R'(n (nd <i7e Ti8n(n. <' d(d got st(te re1resent(ti8es to send letters of re o++end(tion on +' >eh(lf? (nd I $ent through ( >(tter' of inter8ie$s for the 1rogr(+. <' friends +(de it. "eorge got ( free ride to Tufts. <i7e $ent to Colu+>i(. I $(s ho1ing to go to -(rt+outh or Colu+>i(? >ut the N(8' turned +e do$n. I ne8er found out $h'. Ironi (ll'? the reGe tion turned out to >e ( gre(t >re(7. At S(le+ .igh? I $(s ( good student $ho $or7ed h(rd for his gr(des? >ut no one $ould h(8e ( used +e of >eing >rilli(nt. So I (11lied to the ,ni8ersit' of <(ss( husetts (t A+herst? the st(te s hool? $here the tuition $(s fift' >u 7s ( se+ester. &or less th(n K1?666? in luding roo+ (nd >o(rd? I ould get ( degree.

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