EBM For The Oceans Ch2

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Fion national and intoinational poispoctivos,

thoio havo loon cloai calls loi a novo towaid

ocosyston-lasod appioachos to nanagonont
and nunoious olloits to dohno it. Howovoi,
nany nanagois ionain uncloai alout just
what an ocosyston-lasod appioach ontails and
aio sooking tangillo advico loi noving loiwaid
with inplonontation.
An ocosyston appioach to nanagonont
is intondod to diioctly addioss tho long-toin,
sustainallo dolivoiy ol ocosyston soivicos and
tho iosilionco ol naiino ocosystons to poitui-
lations. It onconpassos loth a piocoss loi tho
dovolopnont ol policy actions and a concoptual
lianowoik loi tho loinulation ol policy piin-
ciplos, goals, and oljoctivos. Most inpoitantly,
tho ocosyston-lasod nanagonont (EBM con-
copt holps guido tho dovolopnont ol thoso
goals loi a givon ocosyston, that is, consoiving
tho dolivoiy ol tho lull iango ol soivicos lion a
paiticulai syston.
Foitunatoly, EBM has now loon inplo-
nontod in sovoial naiino aioas, including
aioas within tho Unitod Statos, Canada, Aus-
tialia, Now Zoaland, and tho Euiopoan Union
(Gaicia ot al. 2003, Lalolloy ot al. 2004, SAFMC
2004, Fiid ot al. 2005, NOAA 2006, Moiiick
ot al. 2007, Rosonloig ot al., chap. 16 ol this
voluno. Howovoi, challongos ionain, iolat-
ing to loth tho sciontihc suppoit stiuctuio loi
EBM and to taking nanagonont actions (o.g.,
Sandiloi and Rosonloig 2005. Thoio aio in-
stitutional as woll as tochnical issuos to lo io-
solvod, as wo discuss lolow. Tho stiatogios loi
attaining ocosyston goalsthat is, tho gonoial
nanagonont appioachand tactics oi spo-
cihc noasuios takon to ioalizo thoso stiatogios
aio tho ossonco ol inplonontation and will lo
spocihc to a paiticulai ocosyston and nanago-
nont sotting. Hoio wo dosciilo tho piinciplos
ol EBM and tho challongos to dovoloping stiat-
ogios and tactics loi inplonontation ol an oco-
syston-lasod appioach to policynaking.
EBM Piinciplos loi Managois
Fion a nanagonont poispoctivo, hvo piinci-
plos can guido tho dovolopnont ol an ocosys-
ton-lasod appioach (soo lox 2.1: (1 sotting
goals that includo tho lull iango ol ocosyston
soivicos, (2 dotoinining tho spatial scalo loi
nanagonont planning, (3 intogiating acioss
soctois ol hunan activity (o.g., tianspoitation,
hshoiios, onoigy pioduction, iocioation, (4
accounting loi cunulativo inpacts within and
acioss soctois, and (5 naking docisions un-
doi uncoitainty. Noto that piinciplos addioss-
ing thoso aioas should lo accountod loi in all
nanagonont planning. Paiticulai to an ocosys-
ton-lasod appioach is that tho ocosyston (in-
cluding hunans and its soivicos locono tho
oiganizing lianowoik loi nanagonont (soo
also Juda 1999, Shophoid 2004, McLood ot al.
2005, Loslio and McLood 2007.
Setting Goals
Goal sotting is a ciitical lunction loi nanago-
nont planning (o.g., Claik 2002. Tho sotting
ol goals shapos tho olloit to dovolop woikallo
policy in piactico. Foi oxanplo, a solo locus on
tho goal ol oltaining a spocihc lovol ol alun-
danco ol a singlo spocios oi ovon a gioup ol
chapter 2
What Do Managois Nood?
Andrew A. Rosenberg and Paul A. Sandifer
14 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
spocios (o.g., naiino nannals nay placo
gioat constiaints on sulsoquont policy choicos.
Each statutoloi oxanplo, lion tho Unitod
Statos, tho MagnusonStovons Fishoiy Consoi-
vation and Managonont Act (MSA, tho Maiino
Mannal Piotoction Act, oi vaiious wotlands
piotoction lawssots goals loi that activity oi
soctoi, nost olton in isolation lion othois oi
as il tho inpacts ol aioas ol nanagonont con-
coin aio ol ninoi inpoitanco. This appioach
shapos ovoiall ocoan policy ly isolating doci-
sions anong soctois. In an ocosyston-lasod
appioach, goal sotting is lasod on tho concopt
ol sustaining tho dolivoiy ol a lull iango ol oco-
syston soivicos (McLood ot al. 2005, Palunli
ot al. 2009 and onsuiing that tho ocosyston
doos not loso its inhoiont iosilionco, that is,
its alility to alsoil poituilations and iocovoi
(Walkoi and Salt 2006, Loslio and Kinzig, chap.
4 ol this voluno. Addiossing thoso ocosyston-
lovol goals cannot lo achiovod ly oach soctoi in
isolation. It nocossitatos intogiation.
Estallishing goals loi consoiving soivicos
and maintaining or enhancing resilience will
lo alloctod ly tho scalo dohnod loi oach oco-
syston. Thoio is no ono coiioct" scalo loi
nanagonont, and tho loundaiios lotwoon
ocosystons will always lo luzzy, poious, and
zonos ol conict. Nonotholoss, tho intont ol
locusing nanagonont olloit at tho ocosyston
scalowhatovoi that night lo in a paiticulai
situationis to lacilitato tho alility ol policy-
nakois to considoi lactois allocting tho pio-
duction ol tho lull iango ol ocosyston soivicos
and to havo a cohoiont lasis loi ovaluating
inpacts on ocosyston iosilionco. Managois
nood to locus on noio natuial oi sciontihcally
dolinitod loundaiios ol ocosystons, such as
najoi liogoogiaphical loatuios oi tho woll-
ostallishod linits ol laigo naiino ocosystons
(LMEs (Shoinan and Skjoldal 2002, Fanning
ot al. 2007, iathoi than on tho olton aitihcial
loidois ostallishod ly political juiisdictions
(o.g., stato loidois, toiiitoiial soa linos, linits
ol tho oxclusivo ocononic zono. As NOAA
Box 2.1. Principles of Ecosystem-Based Management
Tho ossonco ol an ocosyston-lasod appioach to nanagonont
iosts on hvo lasic piinciplos:
1. Diverse ecosystem service provision:EBM locusos on tho
alility ol tho ocosyston to continuously piovido tho soi-
vicos that suppoit hunan woll-loing and includos iocog-
nition that hunans aio inhoiontly pait ol tho ocosyston.
Such ocosyston soivicos go loyond sinplo oxtiactivo usos,
such as hshoiios haivost, and can lo catogoiizod as having
piovisioning, suppoiting, iogulating, and cultuial iolos loi
socioty (MA 2005, McLood and Loslio, Chaptoi 1 ol this
2. Importance of natural boundaries:Managonont iocog-
nizos that natuial loundaiios aio noio iolovant to tho con-
soivation ol ocosyston soivicos than aitihcial loundaiios
(o.g., lotwoon logal juiisdictions and that thoso natuial
loundaiios aio highly poious.
3. Integrated management:Managonont stiatogios ol tho
vaiious soctois ol hunan activity that potontially inpact
a paiticulai naiino ocosyston can alloct ono anothoi and
ioquiio sono lovol ol nanagonont intogiation il thoso in-
pacts aio to lo adoquatoly contiollod.
4. Accounting for cumulative impacts and necessary trade-
offs among services:Inpacts ol hunan activitios on a
givon ocosyston aio olton cunulativo acioss tino and
spaco, with oach activity oi inpact contiiluting to ovoiall
ocosyston chango and tho cunulativo olloct dotoinining
how tho ocosyston continuos to lunction. Moioovoi, pol-
icy docisions aio not likoly to havo tho sano olloct on all
soivicos. Sono oxplicit docisions that involvo tiado-olls in
soivicos anong soctois nust lo nado. Il nanagonont is
not intogiatod acioss tho soctois ol hunan activitios, thoso
tiado-olls aio olton inplicit oi conplotoly ignoiod, with
potontially disastious and usually unintondod iosults.
5. Making decisions under uncertainty:Managonont doci-
sions should lo nado in tho contoxt ol a piocautionaiy
appioach as olaloiatod ly tho US Connission on Ocoan
Policy (2004, that is, ly iolying on tho lost availallo inloi-
nation and nanagonont piacticos lion tho loginning,
woighing docisions in light ol tho lovol ol uncoitainty ol
availallo inloination and tho lovol ol potontial iisks to tho
ocosyston, and including continuod gathoiing and analy-
sis ol inloination, with poiiodic ioassossnont and nodih-
cations ol poinit conditions oi othoi ioquiiononts.
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 15
(2004 concludod, Tho chiol goal ol any do-
linoation schono is to dovolop a googiaphic
liano ol ioloionco that is usolul in dosciiling
liological populations, thoii intoiactions, and
tho ollocts ol hunan activitios that inuonco
ocosyston outconos."
Determining the Spatial Scale
In a sonso, using ocosyston loundaiios iathoi
than juiisdictional loundaiios should nini-
nizo tho nunloi ol lactois outsido tho lound-
aiios ol tho nanagonont syston that nood to
lo considoiod. It is novoi possillo loi natuial
systons (paiticulaily naiino systons to lo
ontiioly soll-containod, and nany lactois that
alloct ocosystons cioss ailitiaiily dohnod
loundaiios. Foi oxanplo, clinato chango is
likoly an oxtoinal diivoi that cannot lo nan-
agod" within tho loundaiios ol any ono na-
iino ocosyston. Howovoi, action can still lo
takon within a givon ocosyston to holp niti-
gato and adapt to clinato chango (soo Kliskoy
ot al., chap. 9 ol this voluno, Loslio and Kinzig,
chap. 4 ol this voluno. Also, naikot loicos loi
soivicos aio likoly to lo alloctod ly nultiplo
ocosystons. Howovoi, it is lottoi to lo allo to
considoi ocosyston lunctioning, and tho in-
pacts ol hunan activitios on iosulting soivicos,
as conplotoly as possillo.
Cloaily, thoio aio ollocts ol tho choico ol
loundaiios with tho sotting ol spocihc ocosys-
ton goals. Il ocosyston loundaiios aio dohnod
at a snall scalo, goal sotting nay lo sinplihod,
lut attaining thoso goals will lo noio dilhcult
locauso thoio will likoly lo noio oxtoinal lac-
tois. Il loundaiios aio lioad, thon tho dinon-
sionality ol tho goals will incioaso sulstantially,
sinply locauso thoio aio likoly noio paits" to
tho ocosyston. Yot, policy could lo noio cohoi-
ont acioss tho soctois ol hunan activity and
night woik lottoi in attaining goals ly loing
noio inclusivo ol all tho hunan inpacts within
tho ocosyston. Foi oxanplo, nanaging just tho
ostuaiy ol a singlo watoishod nay lo woikallo
and allow cloai goals to lo sot, lut it nay lo
voiy dilhcult to achiovo ocosyston-lovol goals
without tho alility to nanago intoiactions with
diivois occuiiing at a laigoi scalo. On tho othoi
hand, glolal action to addioss naiino ocosys-
ton piotoction nay lo olloctivo in ono sonso,
lut sotting goals at tho glolal scalo nay lo
noxt to inpossillo. In piactico, a lalanco nust
lo lound in sotting ocosyston loundaiios lo-
twoon thoso two oxtionos. Roalistic loundai-
ios loi EBM, coitainly at tho iogional scalo, aio
gonoially going to lo laigoi than tho watoishod
ol a singlo, snall ostuaiy lut nay lo snalloi
than an LME. Dolinoating a hnito nunloi ol
iogional ocosystons that can locono tho loci
ol nanagonont olloits will ontail a conpio-
niso lotwoon oui undoistanding ol liological
populations and ocoanogiaphic piocossos and
tho ostallishod stiuctuio ol hunan institu-
tions and political juiisdictions (NOAA 2004.
Foi tho Unitod Statos, ono appioach woith con-
sidoiing (and that advocatod ly tho US Con-
nission on Ocoan Policy j2004| would lo tho
ocoiogions dohnod ly tho oight iogional hsh-
oiy nanagonont councils (hg. 2.1.
Integrating Across Sectors
Intogiating nanagonont acioss soctois ol
hunan activity, such as linking up hshoiios
nanagonont actions with watoi quality nan-
agonont and coastal dovolopnont, is koy to
an ocosyston appioach. Howovoi, whilo ciiti-
cal, such intogiation is not indopondont lion
tho othoi piinciplos. It is possillo to intogiato
nanagonont actions (and thoio is sulstan-
tial litoiatuio on intogiatod nanagonont, o.g.,
Caiins and Ciawloid 1991, Cicin-Sain and
Knocht 1998 without a locus on tho goals ol
naintaining tho alility to piovido a lull suito ol
ocosyston soivicos oi naintaining iosilionco.
Intogiatod nanagonont without ocosyston
goals night inpiovo olhcioncy ol nanagonont
and stioanlino sono iogulations and con-
tiols, lut it will not holp to onsuio ocosyston
16 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
iosilionco. As discussod in chaptoi 1, it is tho
intogiation acioss soctois that onallos policy
to addioss conicts and synoigios and allows
sinplihcation ol nanagonont to noot nul-
tiplo oljoctivos. Sinilaily, intogiating tho sci-
ontihc advico loi a givon ocosyston will iovoal
policy options as woll as now avonuos loi invos-
tigation loyond any ono disciplino`s oi soctoi`s
convontional viow.
Accounting for Cumulative Impacts and
Trade-offs among Services
Rocognizing and accounting loi tho cunula-
tivo ollocts ol hunan activitios is dilhcult lut,
nonotholoss, nocossaiy loi nanagonont to ad-
dioss EBM goals. A sinplo oxanplo is nodih-
cation ol wotlands. In a thousand-hoctaio aioa,
poihaps hlling oi diodging a hoctaio oi two
nay not alloct tho lunctioning ol tho wotland
(such lunctions includo sodinont tiapping,
oxpoiting ol pioductivity, pioviding nuisoiy
and looding aioas loi a vaiioty ol spocios, and
suppoiting iocioation and othoi cultuial ac-
tivitios. But supposo two hundiod poinits
aio ioquostod loi ono hoctaio oach ovoi tino?
At what point aio tho ocosyston soivicos pio-
vidod inpaiiod? Should poinits lo issuod on
a hist-cono, hist-soivod lasis, oi sono othoi
ciitoiion? At what point do tho ninoi inpacts
Figure 2.1 Eight iogional hshoiy nanagonont councils nanago tho haivost ol iosouicos within tho
Unitod Statos. Sovoial statos, illustiatod with voitical linos, lolong to noio than ono council. Foi
oxanplo, Oiogon and Washington aio loth nonlois ol tho Pacihc and tho Noith Pacihc councils.
Tho US Connission on Ocoan Policy (2004 advocatod that thoso ocoiogions lo usod to dohno tho
loundaiios ol iogional naiino ocosystons in US watois.
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 17
ol oach individual poinit cascado into a najoi
cunulativo olloct? Aio tho soivicos piovidod
ly tho hllod oi diodgod aioas noio inpoitant
than tho natuial wotland aioas? To what linit?
Thoso quostions iolato diioctly to tho piinciplo
ol ovaluating tiado-olls lotwoon dilloiont soi-
vicos and usoi gioups.
Undoi soctoi-ly-soctoi nanagonont, tiado-
olls within a soctoi nay lo considoiod, lut
thoso anong soctois aio laigoly ignoiod and
olton ionain unaccountod loi. Supposo coastal
dovolopnont ol hailoi lacilitios is to lo nan-
agod. What aio tho tiado-olls lotwoon spaco
loi iocioational vossols, connoicial hshing
vossols, and connoicial tianspoit vossols?
What alout woiking watoiliont aioas voisus
touiist aioas, oi natuial coastal aioas and do-
volopod aioas? How should tho docisions lo
nado? In a soctoi-ly-soctoi nanagonont sys-
ton, hshoiios nanagois night connont on
hailoi noods lut night not havo diioct input
into tho nanagonont piocoss loi coastal plan-
ning. Rocioational and connoicial hshing
intoiosts oach night push loi as nuch spaco
as possillo, lut othoi than political piossuio,
what is tho noans ol iosolving tho tiado-olls
lotwoon thoso gioups? What is tho loiun loi
considoiing ovoiall nood and loi ovaluating
olloctsloth potontially lonohcial and noga-
tivoon othoi soctois oi industiios? Alout tho
only piocoss cuiiontly availallo in tho Unitod
Statos is tho onviionnontal-poinitting syston
opoiatod ly tho stato coastal zono nanagonont
agoncios and tho US Ainy Coips ol Enginoois
and iolatod onviionnontal inpact analysis io-
quiiononts. Howovoi, this syston also typi-
cally doals with ono poinit at a tino. Gonoially,
no conpiohonsivo, iogionwido ovaluations aio
conductod, and without sono cloai analysis ol
altoinativos, political considoiations nay don-
inato. Thoio aio olton tianspoit plans, coastal
zono nanagonont plans, hshoiy plans, and
othois, lut tho tiado-olls anong thoso soctois
can only lo ovaluatod il planning is intogiatod
(lox 2.2.
Making Decisions under Uncertainty
Thoio is inovitallo uncoitainty in tho status
and dynanics ol any ocosyston, oui knowl-
odgo alout that syston, and tho ollocts ol po-
tontial nanagonont actions. Managonont
nust dotoinino how to piocood in inplonont-
ing policy with inpoiloct inloination and sul-
stantial uncoitainty in alnost all casos. Givon
tho locus on consoiving ocosyston soivicos
and iosilionco in an EBM appioach, a piocau-
tionaiy appioach to nanagonont (Rosonloig
2002, USCOP 2004, Rosonloig 2007 is cloaily
nocossaiy, that is, to avoid iiiovoisillo changos,
lo noio cautious whon uncoitainty alout tho
inpacts ol an activity is gioatoi, and ovaluato
potontial inpacts loloio allowing activitios to
novo loiwaid, iathoi than allowing thon hist
and tiying to iocovoi latoi.
Box 2.2. Regional Ocean Councils
Both US ocoan connission iopoits (POC 2003, USCOP
2004 includod sulstantial considoiation ol iogional ocoan
councils. Such councils oi othoi iogional cooidinating noch-
anisns piovido an oppoitunity loi tho cioss-soctoial discus-
sions, associatod inloination gathoiing, and cloaiinghouso
lunctions that nust occui in oidoi loi an EBM appioach to
lo inplonontod. It is inpoitant to link tho olloits to cioato
cooidinating lodios with tho dovolopnont ol scionco inlia-
stiuctuio in oidoi to luild a cohoiont syston. Rogional coun-
cils oi othoi cooidinating ontitios do not supplant tho nood
loi soctoial nanagonont plans, though hopolully thoy would
bring new considerations to bear as well as create better man-
agonont acioss tho loaid. Rocont intoiost at tho stato lovol, as
oxpiossod thiough tho initiation ol sovoial intoistato, ocoio-
gional alliancos, piovidos loadoiship oxanplos that tho lodoial
govoinnont could onulato and oppoitunitios to ostallish
iogional govoinanco ontitios.
18 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
Challongos to Inplononting
Ecosyston-Basod Managonont Policios
Inplononting an ocosyston-lasod appioach
undoi tho hvo piinciplos outlinod hoio is no
sinplo task. Fion a nanagoi`s poispoctivo,
thoio aio loth incontivos and disincontivos
to apply thoso piinciplos. Tho cloai incontivo
is that an ocosyston-lasod appioach is noio
conpiohonsivo, and thooiotically it should io-
sult in noio olloctivo and succosslul nanago-
nont il succoss is to lo noasuiod piincipally
in toins ol long-toin sustainalility and tho
continuod dolivoiy ol nocossaiy and dosiiod
ocosyston soivicos. Conpiohonsivonoss is
noio olloctivo locauso it doos not ignoio tho
interaction between management actions nor
tho cunulativo natuio ol inpacts, as olton oc-
cuis with soctoi-ly-soctoi nanagonont. It is
unlikoly in ioal systons that thoso intoiactions
and cunulativo ollocts aio nogligillo and can
lo saloly ignoiod (Halpoin ot al. 2008. EBM
attonpts to doal with thoso intoiactions and
cunulativo ollocts up liont, whoio choicos and
tiado-olls can lo nado consciously, as opposod
to sinply allowing thon to happon with un-
known and unconsidoiod consoquoncos.
Foi oxanplo, watoi quality, coastal dovol-
opnont, and hshoiy pioductivity aio alnost
coitainly iolatod in nost systons locauso tho
loinoi two hunan inpacts alloct tho pioduc-
tivity ol hshoiios halitat. Whilo sono olloits
ovoi tho last 10 yoais havo loon nado to in-
cludo tho considoiation ol hshoiios halitat in
tho hshoiy nanagonont piocoss (Rosonloig
ot al. 2000, thoso lall lai shoit ol intogiation,
locauso noithoi tho goals loi oach soctoi noi
tho inpacts ol oach on tho othoi aio jointly
addiossod. Rathoi, tho nandato to piotoct os-
sontial hsh halitat iolatos nostly to potontial
inpacts ol hshing itsoll, along with woak pio-
visions to consult with othoi soctoi nanagois
on actions that night inpact halitat. Thoio is
no considoiation ol tiado-olls noi a cloai lo-
cus on a lioadoi iango ol ocosyston soivicos.
Cloaily, nanaging ocosyston soivicos such as
ossontial hsh halitat in a noio intogiatod way
will lo voiy challonging. Whon tho nandato
was hist cioatod in tho 1996 anondnonts to
tho MSA (NMFS 1996, sovoial gioups such
as tho National Association ol Hono Buildois
locano concoinod that hono luilding would
lo inpactod ly hshoiy nanagonont planning
(Rosonloig, poisonal olsoivation. Biinging
togothoi noio soctois liings a lioadoi aiiay ol
constituoncios into tho nanagonont aiona.
Il all tho soctois aio nanagod sopaiatoly,
thoio is no ioal oppoitunity to lovoiago actions
acioss tho ocosyston as a wholo. This will only
occui il an intogiatod oi conpiohonsivo nan-
agonont appioach is takon whoio all nanag-
ois involvod considoi tho sano things and, to
tho dogioo possillo, uso a connon appioach
(Rosonloig and McLood 2005, Palunli ot al.
2009. Considoi, loi oxanplo, tho conplox sot
ol naiino piotoctod aioas in tho Gull ol Maino
(hg. 2.2. Each aioa was ostallishod loi a dilloi-
ont puiposo and usually loi a singlo soctoi oi
pait ol a soctoi, such as a spocihc hshoiy. Tho
aioas do not conplonont oi lovoiago ono an-
othoi, and tho iosult is an ovoilapping sot ol io-
quiiononts that havo loon sonowhat olloctivo
in pioviding sono ocosyston piotoctions, such
as loading to paitial hsh stock iocovoiy (Roson-
loig ot al. 2006 oi halitat piotoction (Collio
ot al. 2005, Giizzlo ot al. in pioss. But thoso
succossos aio liagnontaiy and lall lai shoit ol
EBM goals ol naintaining ocosyston soivicos
as a wholo, ovon though oach nay havo had
sono succoss loi a givon paiticulai iosouico. Il
tho piotoctod aioas woio dosignod to noot nul-
tiplo puiposos and iationalizod to lo a non-
ovoilapping sot ol piotoctions, thon thoy would
also lo noio cohoiont to tho alloctod connu-
nity on tho watoi.
Boyond just tho cioation ol piotoctod ai-
oas, il tho goals loi ocosyston soivicos and
iosilionco woio considoiod togothoi, it should
lo possillo to sinplily tho iulos to dotoinino
whothoi sots ol activitios should lo piohilitod
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 19
oi allowod within dilloiont aioas in a syston
ol contiguous zonos, nuch as occuis on land.
Whilo nany intoiost gioups aio waiy ol a zon-
ing appioach in tho ocoan, tho iosults nay ulti-
natoly lo noio cohoiont and sinploi that tho
cuiiont liagnontod appioach (Ciowdoi ot al.
2006, Young ot al. 2007.
Cuiiont soctoi-ly-soctoi nanagonont has a
sot ol piocoduios that is woll known ly thoso
taskod to inplonont policy. Tho nandatos aio
ioasonally cloailoi oxanplo, to achiovo opti-
nun hshoiy yiolds, oi hshallo and swinnallo
watois. Taking an ocosyston-lasod appioach
noans changing thoso piocoduios. As with
nost hunan activitios, chango is dilhcult. As
a iosult, nanagois aio likoly to lo conictod
with iospoct to thoii dosiio to inplonont EBM.
Tho goals ol EBM aio widoly accoptod ly nan-
agois, lut tho changos noodod to attain thoso
goals noan woiking outsido ol tho oxisting
loundaiios loi soctoial nanagonont. Manago-
nont inplonontation in oach ol tho soctois ol
ocoan activitios, such as hshoiios, watoi qual-
ity, halitat consoivation, piotoction ol spocios
at iisk, tianspoitation, oi onoigy dovolopnont,
is intonsoly contiovoisial and alioady dilhcult
Figure 2.2 Closod aioas in tho Gull ol Maino illustiating tho conploxity ol nanagonont on a soctoi-
ly-soctoi lasis. Adaptod lion Rocchia ot al. 2001 and iopiintod with tho poinission ol Tho Ocoan
20 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
undoi tho cuiiont syston. Gotting nanagois
to tako on EBM, with its now contiovoisios,
lioadoi constituoncios, and noio-conplox do-
cision naking that involvos tiado-olls and in-
toiactions with othoi soctois, ovon il it nay lo
tho iight thing to do, is a najoi challongo and
will ioquiio that now nandatos and nanago-
nont systons lo dovolopod caiolully (USCOP
In statutoiy languago, tho goal ol naintain-
ing tho lull iango ol ocosyston soivicos acioss
soctois is addiossod in only a gonoial sonso, as
notod alovo. Foi oxanplo, tho MSA calls loi
hshoiios to lo nanagod loi optinun yiold, do-
hnod as naxinun sustainallo yiold as ioducod
ly iolovant social, ocononic, and ocological
considoiations. Tho 2007 ioauthoiization ol
tho MSA stiongthons tho iolo ol scionco in sot-
ting thoso linits and takos sono stops towaid
dovoloping ocosyston plans lut still locusos on
hshoiios yiold as tho piinaiy goal. Tho oxtont
to which a spocihc plan should includo ioduc-
tions lion naxinun yiold is a nattoi loi hsh-
oiy nanagonont councils to docido and justily.
Tochnically, it nay lo justihallo to docido that
only a voiy low yiold will lo allowod locauso it
is noio inpoitant to pioduco anothoi soivico
at a high lovol (o.g., allow only a low yiold ol
loiago spocios locauso ol tho dosiio to incioaso
whalo-watching oppoitunitios noai shoio, oi a
low yiold ol an anadionous spocios locauso
ol hydiopowoi oi tianspoitation noods. But
is it ioasonallo to oxpoct that a council sot up
to nanago hshoiios and conposod ol olhcials,
iopiosontativos, and individuals knowlodgoallo
alout hshoiios will docido to ioduco hshoiy
pioductivity to noot tho noods ol anothoi soc-
toi whon that othoi soctoi has only ninoi in-
volvonont in tho hshoiy nanagonont piocoss,
and vico voisa? To tako anothoi oxanplo, iocio-
ational and connoicial hshoiios loth dopond
on poit lacilitios in ono way oi anothoi. But
poit lacilitios nay inpact natuial laiiiois that
piovido stoin piotoction, oi watoi quality, oi
halitat consoivation. Should wo oxpoct hshoiy
nanagois to ioduco hshoiy yiolds to ioduco tho
donand loi poits? Whilo thoso oxanplos aio
intondod to lo illustiativo and not oxact (oach
is lai noio conplox than dosciilod hoio, tho
piollon should lo cloai. Il tiado-olls aio only
considoiod within a soctoi, thon policy choicos
will lo nado inplicitly and not oxplicitly with
iogaid to tho suito ol ocosyston soivicos lion
any givon syston.
It is tho govoinanco stiuctuios at tho lod-
oial, stato, and tiilal lovols that nust sot tho
goals loi policy and tho appioach to naking
docisions with iospoct to tiado-olls anong soi-
vicos. That is, logislativo lodios nust cioato tho
nandatos, locauso oach adninistiativo agoncy
at tho vaiious lovols doos not havo a sulhciontly
lioad puiviow to covoi tho spoctiun ol soi-
vicos. At tho adninistiativo oi inplononting
lovol, spocihc cooidinating nochanisns nust
lo put in placo to woik thiough tho intoiac-
tions lotwoon nanagonont actions, and thoso
cooidinating nochanisns nust lo allo to
nako docisions that havo ioal inpacts on tho
individual agoncy actions. That noans that tho
statutoiy nandato has to sot up noans to cio-
ato docision iulos oi givo tho authoiity to sono
ontity to cioato thoso docision iulos loi how to
iosolvo conicts and intoiactions.
Thon too, thoio aio hunan iosouico and
lunding issuos. Most nanagois and sciontists
soo dovolopnont ol an ocosyston-lasod ap-
pioach as sonothing additional to do, not a
dilloiont way ol doing things. Natuial iosouico
agoncios and scionco olloits aio olton undoi-
stallod and undoilundod. Pioviding noio
lunds and iosouicos loi iogulatoiy olloits nay
not lo tho nost populai political initiativo in
dolatos ovoi sponding piioiitios. But EBM
will not happon without additional hunan
iosouicos and lunding, ovon il tho long-toin
piospoct is a noio cohoiont and olhciont sys-
ton that lottoi naintains piovision ol ciitical
ocosyston soivicos.
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 21
Dovoloping tho Scionco loi an
Ecosyston-Basod Appioach to
Natuial and social sciontists coitainly undoi-
stand that naiino ocosystons, including tho
iolos ol hunans and thoii individual and col-
loctivo actions within thoso systons, aio highly
intoiconnoctod (Shackoioll ot al., chap. 3 ol
this voluno. Whilo tho piinciplos givon alovo
aio not nocossaiily univoisally accoptod in tho
sciontihc connunity, thoio is lioad agioo-
nont on tho intoiconnoctodnoss and conplox-
ity ol naiino ocosystons and tho inpoitanco
ol taking a noio intogiatod appioach to nan-
agonont (McLood ot al. 2005. So, doos it lol-
low that sciontists want and aio piopaiod to
inplonont an ocosyston-lasod appioach and
aio waiting loi nanagois to act? And doos it
lollow that nanagois want to inplonont EBM
and aio just waiting loi sciontists to piovido a
woikallo lluopiint?
Tho iolo ol scionco in policy and nanago-
nont is to piovido advico on consoivation
linits, inpacts, and piojoctod changos in tho
ocosyston (including hunans undoi dilloiont
nanagonont sconaiios. A koy aioa ol advico
should iolato to ocosyston iosilionco, that is,
tho alility ol tho syston to iocovoi lion loth
acuto and chionic inpacts (Loslio and Kin-
zig, chap. 4 ol this voluno. This is iooctod
in statononts dosciiling tho piocautionaiy ap-
pioach, loi oxanplo, thoso that onphasizo tho
avoidanco ol iiiovoisillo changos. Scionco is
not policy lut, iathoi, inloins policy and nan-
agonont. Sciontists coitainly want nanago-
nont to woik lottoi and thus havo tho sano
incontivo as nanagois to suppoit a noio con-
piohonsivo appioach to nanagonont, such as
EBM, that accounts loi intoiactions and cunu-
lativo inpacts. But nany ol tho sano disincon-
tivos loi nanagois apply to sciontists as woll.
Tho cuiiont syston ol soctoial nanagonont io-
quiios sciontihc advico using gonoially known
piocoduios and involvos sciontists lion a lin-
itod nunloi ol disciplinos and with spocihcally
applicallo oxpoitiso. Tho nandatos aio woll
known, and tho constituoncios sciutinizing
tho advico aio woll ostallishod. Whilo sciontihc
advico in alnost all soctois can lo highly con-
tiovoisial, it is ioasonally piodictallo, though
olton linitod in its inuonco on how nanago-
nont piocoods in piactico. Still, it is ciitically
inpoitant to iocognizo that quostions iaisod ly
nanagois nust ht within tho oxisting sciontihc
lianowoik loi a paiticulai soctoi. Othoiwiso,
thoso quostions will ionain unanswoiod.
Chango is as dilhcult loi sciontists to accopt
as loi nanagois, a now ioquiionont to woik
outsido ol thoii known woild" and with othoi
sciontists and nanagois who havo widoly dil-
loiont lackgiounds, oxpoitiso, and poicoptions
is likoly to lo intinidating oi unaccoptallo loi
sono. Additionally, in nany sciontihc analysos,
tho hist stop is olton to sinplily tho piollon
to nako it as tiactallo as possillo. Considoi-
ing ocosyston intoiactions and cunulativo
inpacts in nanagonont docisions is a najoi
conplication that nakos analysos nuch noio
dilhcult. Foi oxanplo, piocoduios to dovolop
hshoiy stock assossnonts and noasuio hshoiy
poiloinanco with iogaid to accoptod consoiva-
tion standaids aio woll known and ioutinoly
inplonontod (soo Hilloin and Waltois 1992,
NRC 1998. Managonont is, nonotholoss, dil-
hcult and contiovoisial, and ly oxtonsion, so
is tho sciontihc advico undoipinning tho nan-
agonont docisions. Howovoi, tho inclusion ol
tho cunulativo inpacts ol halitat changos and
hshoiy ollocts as woll as tiado-olls with, say,
onoigy dovolopnont, coastal land uso, oi watoi
quality aio nuch noio conplicatod, and pio-
coduios loi doing so aio pooily dohnod to dato.
Undoi tho tino piossuio to novo loiwaid with
nanagonont, pioviding advico in an alioady
contontious onviionnont will locono a koy
challongo loi sciontists whon such intoiactions
aio includod.
22 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
Dovoloping a Sciontihc Advisoiy
Stiuctuio loi EBM
Il a sciontihc advisoiy stiuctuio is to lo dovol-
opod loi EBM, do wo know onough alout oco-
syston intoiactions, cunulativo ollocts, and
tiado-olls lotwoon soivicos to piovido usolul
advico to nanagonont? Cloaily, dotailod knowl-
odgo ol ocosyston stiuctuio, lunctioning, and
dynanics is inconploto and uncoitain in vii-
tually all casos. But wo do know sono ol tho
koy intoiactions, wo havo olsoivod changos in
nunoious ocosystons, and wo havo sulhciont
inloination lion othoi, sinilai ocosystons to
adviso nanagonont on likoly inpacts ol hu-
nan activitios. Wo also know, to a gioat oxtont,
tho consoquoncos ol nany typos ol hunan in-
pacts and ol tho past and piosont nanagonont
ol thoso hunan activitios. In addition, thoio is
littlo uncoitainty alout what noods to lo dono
alout najoi piollons such as ovoihshing (i.o.,
ioduco oxploitation and wotlands loss (i.o., io-
duco hlling, channoling, and loss ol sodinont
and watoi ow.
Foi nany ocosystons, it should lo possillo
to login to synthosizo systonwido pattoins ol
chango ly conlining inloination oltainod
acioss vaiious soctois, such as hshoiios, onoigy
pioduction, watoi quality changos, and coastal
dovolopnont. This anounts to a lasolino as-
sossnont ol tho status ol an ocosyston that can
lo usod to ovaluato tho likoly ollocts ol now ac-
tivitios and tho potontial inpact ol changos to
nanagonont (USCOP 2004, DEFRA 2005. It
is also inpoitant to not only lo loiwaid-think-
ing, lut also dovolop a histoiical poispoctivo ol
ocosyston changos (o.g., Jackson ot al. 2001,
Rosonloig ot al. 2005, iathoi than assuno tho
cuiiont stato ol tho onviionnont is all that can
lo achiovod. This is paiticulaily ciitical as io-
luilding and iocovoiy plans aio loinulatod loi
vaiious ocosystons.
Many soctois ol hunan activity havo ox-
tonsivo inliastiuctuios loi scionco advico to
guido nanagonont. Ono ol tho nost highly
dovolopod systons piovidos scionco advico to
suppoit hshoiy nanagonont. Tho hold ol hsh-
oiios scionco is iathoi snall, with only poihaps
a low hundiod sciontists pioviding advico loi
naiino hshoiios nationwido within tho Unitod
Statos and a low thousand ongagod in scionco
and iosoaich on hshoiios within acadonia and
all lovols ol govoinnont. Howovoi, tho lodoial,
stato, and tiilal agoncios iosponsillo loi hsh-
oiios alnost invaiially includo a sciontihc ad-
visoiy stall and, olton, activo iosoaichois. Tho
lodoial govoinnont has iogional hshoiy sci-
onco contois aiound tho countiy that includo
iosoaich, nonitoiing, and nanagonont advico
as pait ol thoii nissions. In lact, NOAA`s Na-
tional Maiino Fishoiios Soivico (NMFS, tho
piinaiy lodoial agoncy iosponsillo loi naiino
hshoiios, naiino piotoctod spocios, and hsh-
oiy halitat consoivation, is conposod ioughly
ol two-thiids scionco poisonnol and associ-
atod ludgot to suppoit thon and only ono-
thiid nanagonont and policy inplonontation.
NMFS stall ioutinoly collaloiato with iosoaich-
ois in othoi lodoial agoncios (o.g., tho US Fish
and Wildlilo Soivico and tho US Goological
Suivoy and with thoso in stato and tiilal agon-
cios and in acadonia.
Tho lodoial, stato, and tiilal sciontists woik
togothoi to piovido advico to lodoially nanagod
hshoiios and loi a nunloi ol othoi hshoiios
nanagod ly intoistato lodios such as tho At-
lantic Statos Maiino Fishoiios Connission.
Foi lodoially nanagod hshoiios, tho nanago-
nont plans aio cialtod ly oight iogional hsh-
oiy nanagonont councils nado up ol stato
and lodoial olhcials and knowlodgoallo con-
stituonts lion tho iogion, with sciontihc sup-
poit piovidod ly a natuio notwoik ol lodoial,
stato, tiilal, and acadonic hshoiios sciontists
and a giowing nunloi ol social sciontists.
Thoso nanagonont plans aio sulnittod ly tho
councils to NMFS loi appioval and inplonon-
tation. Appioval is contingont upon tho plans
nooting, in tho judgnont ol tho US sociotaiy
ol connoico thiough NMFS, ton national
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 23
standaids loi nanagonont and othoi piovi-
sions laid out in tho MSA, which was updatod
and ioauthoiizod in oaily 2007. Sovoial ol tho
national standaids and piovisions ol this law
iolato diioctly to sciontihc advico, including tho
nandato to uso tho lost scionco availallo" in
sotting nanagonont goals, stiatogios, and tac-
tics. Foi oxanplo, tho MSA ioquiios tho plans
to piovont ovoihshing and, in casos whoio
ovoihshing has occuiiod, to ioluild ovoihshod
stocks to a lovol allo to piovido naxinun sus-
tainallo yiold on a continuing lasis. Fishoiios
sciontists uso woll-dovolopod nothods loi osti-
nating naxinun sustainallo yiold oi iolatod
ioloionco points and loi ostinating stock sta-
tus. Inpiovod nothods aio loing dovolopod
and inplonontod on an ongoing lasis as thoy
aio accoptod within tho sciontihc connunity.
In addition, tho MSA ioquiios considoiation ol
inpacts on halitat lion hshing and othoi ac-
tivitios as pait ol considoiing ocosyston-lovol
ollocts, lut it doos not ioquiio inplonontation
ol an EBM appioach to hshoiios nanagonont.
Howovoi, it doos now nandato a study ol how
EBM night lo appliod.
Tho sciontihc advico loi oach nanagonont
plan is ioquiiod to undoigo oxtonsivo pooi io-
viow loloio it is doonod tho lost availallo." To
this ond, thoio aio iogional pooi ioviow woik-
shops, panol ioviows, and sonotinos spocial
oxtoinal ioviows, including sono ly tho Na-
tional Acadony ol Scioncos, that ovaluato tho
sciontihc advico loi oach hshoiy in gioat dotail.
Thoso pooi ioviows aio lai noio oxtonsivo than
tho usual acadonic ioviow ol jouinal aiticlos
with panols ol loui to ton oi noio sciontists
considoiing tho nothodology, data, and conclu-
sions in dotail. Altoinativo data and analysos aio
considoiod, pullic connont and sciutiny aio
includod as woll as connont and sulnissions
lion constituont gioups, and in gonoial tho io-
viows aio hold to a voiy high standaid. Each ol
tho iogional hshoiy nanagonont councils has
a scionco and statistical connittoo (SSC to io-
viow tho iosults ol tho pooi ioviows and onsuio
that tho council is iocoiving tho lost advico pos-
sillo. Rocont changos to tho MSA ioquiio tho
uso ol thoso SSCs in sotting consoivation lin-
its loi oach taigot stock ol hsh. Howovoi, tho
advico piovidod ly tho SSCs is typically linitod
to tho hshoiy soctoi, with littlo considoiation ol
inloination lion othoi soctois such as coastal
zono nanagonont, poit nanagonont, coastal
dovolopnont, and so loith. Whilo this nay lo
changing incionontally in piactico (o.g., soo
SAFMC 2004, thoio is as yot no policy ioquiio-
nont oi ostallishod piocoduio to incoipoiato
sciontihc inloination lion thoso othoi soctois
into hshoiy nanagonont docision naking oi
vico voisa.
This is a voiy highly dovolopod syston that
is costly, laloiious, and ioasonally olloctivo,
lut still hshoiios nanagonont is voiy lai lion
poiloct. Stocks aio still ovoihshod, advico is
not always lollowod (o.g., Sandiloi and Roson-
loig 2005, and it is sonotinos incoiioct. Tho
ioviow syston notwithstanding, data aio ol-
ton inadoquato dospito tho inliastiuctuio, and
ovoiyono woiking within tho syston would
piolally agioo that tho sciontihc ontoipiiso to
suppoit hshoiy nanagonont is sulstantially
undoilundod. Dospito thoso piollons, hsh-
oiios nanagonont has logun to tuin aiound
sono ol tho long-standing piollons ol ovoi-
hshing and stock ioluilding. Although such
chango is happoning noio slowly than nany
would liko, it is lasod upon cloai and suppoit-
allo sciontihc advico (Rosonloig ot al. 2006.
Thoio is no conpaiallo sciontihc advisoiy
syston loi othoi inpoitant naiino soctois,
such as coastal dovolopnont, halitat nanago-
nont, coastal touiisn, tianspoitation nanago-
nont, oi ovon onoigy dovolopnont. That is not
to say thoio is no scionco advico loi thoso soc-
tois, lut tho sciontihc stiuctuio undoipinning
docision naking is lai loss dovolopod and insti-
tutionalizod, and thoio is loss inliastiuctuio to
piovido suppoiting iosoaich, nonitoiing, oval-
uation, and tho piopaiation ol taigotod scion-
tihc advico in a standaid way. Also, thoio aio no
24 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
cloai paiallol institutions to NOAA`s iogional
hshoiy scionco contois, not ovon loi sonothing
as lundanontal and inpoitant as watoi qual-
ity oi onoigy. Ol couiso, tho Enviionnontal
Piotoction Agoncy has laloiatoiios and noni-
toiing systons and woiks diioctly with stato
nonitoiing piogians, lut thoso aio not into-
giatod into tho nanagonont piocoss iogionally
oi nationally as is tho caso loi hshoiios.
Tho intont ol tho loiogoing liiol dosciip-
tion ol tho hshoiy nanagonont syston is not
to laud oi dolond hshoiy scionco and nanago-
nont, lut iathoi to piovido contoxt loi con-
sidoiation ol tho challongos to dovoloping tho
sciontihc inliastiuctuio loi lioadoi ocosyston-
lasod nanagonont. Cioating a syston loi tho
piovision ol advico loi ocosyston-lasod nan-
agonont acioss a nunloi ol soctois will io-
quiio a nunloi ol changos, including thoso
listod in lox 2.3. Much ol tho oxpoitiso loi
such a scionco advisoiy piocoss alioady ox-
ists, and nany ol tho activitios alioady undoi
way havo laid a loundation. Tho institutional
inliastiuctuio can lo viitual, lut it nust ox-
ist in sono loin and will tako iosouicos and
an ongoing connitnont lion govoinnont to
nako it woik. Thoio aio cloaily now aioas to
dovolop, including tho cioation ol ocosyston
sconaiio analysos that can lo usod to guido
nanagonont. Poihaps nost inpoitantly, EBM
sciontihc advico nust lo intoidisciplinaiy to a
gioatoi oxtont than has loon attonptod in tho
past within any ono soctoi (Loslio ot al. 2008.
Foi oxanplo, oxploiing tho intoiactions and
tiado-olls lotwoon nanagonont policy options
ioquiios a signihcant intoidisciplinaiy olloit
anong nunoious and divoiso aioas ol loth
natuial (o.g., liology, ocology, hshoiios, gonon-
ics, ocoanogiaphy and social (o.g., anthiopol-
ogy, ocononics, political scionco, sociology
scioncos. This is a ciitical aioa ol woik loi in-
plonontation ol EBM locauso ono ol tho ioa-
sons loi noving towaid a noio conpiohonsivo
nanagonont appioach is in oidoi loi tiado-olls
to lo considoiod oxplicitly, iathoi than having
tho tiado-olls continuo to occui as tho unin-
tondod consoquoncos ol vaiious nanagonont
actions. Ono option is to valuo tho soivicos, us-
ing a connon nothodology oi ocological cui-
ioncy," and thon dovolop docision tools that
allow iolativo valuos ol dilloiont policy sconaiios
to lo conpaiod (soo Waingoi and Boyd, Chap.
6 ol this voluno. But tho valuation task itsoll
is conplox, as nany ocosyston soivicos do not
yot havo ostallishod naikot valuos, and sono
nay novoi havo such valuos. Dovolopnont ol a
piocoss to placo widoly accoptod naikot valuos
on a vaiioty ol ocosyston soivicos is a voiy ac-
tivo aioa ol iosoaich conlining ocononics and
othoi social scioncos with tho natuial scioncos
ol ocosyston dynanics (o.g., Moyoison ot al.
2005. Anothoi appioach would lo to considoi
ono koy piopoity, such as liodivoisity, as a con-
non locus ol nanagonont and lasis loi con-
paiison ol nanagonont altoinativos (Palunli
ot al. 2009. Rocont woik has iolatod consoiva-
tion ol natuial liodivoisity to naintonanco ol
sovoial inpoitant ocosyston soivicos, includ-
ing hshoiy pioductivity and iosilionco in loth
naiino (Woin ot al. 2006, Palunli ot al. 2009
and toiiostiial (o.g., Butloi ot al. 2007 systons.
Rocont Piogioss and Noxt Stops
Thoio is no cuiiont policy nandato to syn-
thosizo sciontihc knowlodgo acioss soctois
to suppoit EBM, and no conpiohonsivo ad-
ninistiativo lianowoik oxists to suppoit in-
togiatod ocoan nanagonont in tho Unitod
Statos dospito calls loi such lion loth ocoan
connissions (POC 2003, USCOP 2004. Tho
Bush Adninistiation`s US Ocoan Action Plan
(US Exocutivo Bianch 2004 iosponso to tho
USCOP (2004 iopoit includod an oxplicit con-
nitnont to ocosyston-lasod iosouico nanago-
nont. Additionally, tho nowly ioauthoiizod and
anondod MSA ioquiios sono ovaluation ol
EBM loi application to hshoiios, and a conpio-
honsivo syston could lo dovolopod using tho
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 25
hshoiios advisoiy syston as a nodol. Cioating
ocosyston assossnonts using tho sciontihc in-
liastiuctuio loi EBM suggostod alovo is an in-
poitant stop in synthosizing oui cuiiont stato
ol knowlodgo and will piovido a lasis loi nan-
agonont and loi planning a lutuio iosoaich
agonda (USCOP 2004, DEFRA 2005.
Ono iay ol hopo is piovidod ly tho iocontly
ioloasod national Ocoan Rosoaich Piioiitios
Plan and Inplonontation Stiatogy dovolopod
ly tho US Joint Sulconnittoo on Ocoan Sci-
onco and Tochnology (JSOST 2007. This is tho
hist conpiohonsivo ocoan iosoaich plan that
involvos ovoiy agoncy ol tho US govoinnont
concoinod in any way with ocoan iosoaich. Tho
ovoiaiching goal ol tho plan is to piovido tho
guidanco to luild tho sciontihc loundation to
inpiovo socioty`s stowaidship and uso ol, and
intoiaction with, tho ocoan." Tho plan locusos
on thioo contial olononts ol ocoan scionco and
tochnology: (1 capalility to loiocast ocoan and
ocoan-inuoncod piocossos and phononona,
(2 dovolopnont ol sciontihc suppoit loi EBM,
and (3 doploynont ol an ocoan-olsoiving sys-
ton. Thoso thiooocoan loiocasting, EBM,
and ocoan olsoivingpoinoato tho ontiio doc-
unont and its twonty national iosoaich piioii-
tios oiganizod within six sociotal thonos. Tho
JSOST (2007 luithoi iocognizod tho lioadth
ol sciontihc suppoit and intogiation that would
lo noodod to inplonont EBM, stating that a
nulti-dinonsional, nulti-disciplinaiy olloit
to onhanco cuiiont undoistanding ol ocosys-
ton piocossos, dotoinino which intoiactions
aio nost ciitical, and assoss tho dynanics ol
tho natuial and hunan lactois allocting thoso
intoiactions" would lo nocossaiy (soo also lox
2.4. Full dovolopnont and inplonontation
ol tho Intogiatod Ocoan Olsoiving Syston
(IOOS and othoi ocoan and coastal olsoiva-
toiios will piovido a loundation ol nonitoiing
data that could onallo and onhanco nanago-
nont in nany ocoan soctois. An IOOS that in-
cludos not only high-iosolution noasuiononts
in tino and spaco ol tho physical and chonical
piopoitios within an ocosyston, lut also lio-
logical attiilutos, and that incoipoiatos high-
iosolution data on hunan activitios within that
ocosyston, would opon up an ontiioly now
woild ol inloination loi nanagonont. Such a
syston and its iolatod inloination ows would
onallo loiocasting ol ocoan piocossos and pho-
nonona, including sovoio stoins, cuiionts,
status ol hshoiy stocks and othoi liological
iosouicos, and hunan hoalth iisks. Tho ioqui-
sito tools aio iapidly loconing availallo, with a
vaiioty ol data colloction nothodslion noa-
suiononts ol wavos, tonpoiatuio, cuiionts,
and pioductivity in ioal tino with luoys, sat-
ollitos, and iadai to tho nonitoiing ol hshing
activity with vossol-nonitoiing systons, and
shipping with autonatod idontihcation sys-
tons (USCOP 2004, and ovon dovolopnont
ol a wido iango ol liological sonsois (JSOST
Box 2.3. Some Requisites for Effective Science
Support of Marine EBM
1. Involvement of a wide range of professionals: assossing
tho status and tionds ol najoi ocosyston soivicos within
ioasonallo ocosyston loundaiios (such as tho hshoiy
nanagonont council iogions, soo hg. 2.1.
2. Synthesis of information across sectors: within oach
ocoiogion and tho cioation ol a dynanic data nanago-
nont syston to tiack tho latost olsoivations ol tho natuial
syston and associatod hunan activitios. Thoso data nood
to lo googiaphically ioloioncod so that thoy can lo ovoi-
laid on tho ocosyston.
3. Mechanisms and models for projecting changes: duo to
nanagonont policios within oach soctoi on all ol tho soi-
vicos within tho iogion so that policy options can lo ox-
ploiod in sconaiio analysos loi tho ocosyston.
4. Peer review mechanisms to validate analyses: in tho syn-
thosis and tho sconaiios (2 and 3 alovo, noto pooi ioviow
ol 1 should lo dono within tho soctoial scionco piocoss
and pooi ioviow ol tho lost advico and its tianslation into
languago ioadily undoistandallo ly nanagois, iosouico
usois, and tho pullic.
26 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
2007, Sandiloi ot al. 2007. Using thoso now
tools would allow nanagonont to opoiato on a
spatial and tonpoial iosolution that has novoi
loloio loon possillo. Howovoi, dovoloping
new management strategies and tactics that
can tako advantago ol such high-iosolution in-
loination is an inpoitant aioa loi giowth and
A Way Foiwaid
Inplononting an EBM appioach in piactico is a
najoi, iovolutionaiy chango in nany aspocts ol
ocoan policy. Intogiation, locus on sustainalil-
ity ol soivicos and iosilionco, and considoiation
ol tiado-olls lotwoon soctois ioliano nany ol
tho long-standing dolatos ovoi nanagonont
noasuios loi ocoan activitios. Whilo incionon-
tal stops to inpiovo nanagonont and account
loi tho lioadoi inpacts ol hunan activitios
within soctois ol naiino ocosystons aio in-
poitant and can lo nado, thoso aio not a sul-
stituto loi inplononting an ocosyston-lasod
appioach to nanagonont. EBM will ioquiio
najoi, ovoiaiching changos locauso intogia-
tion and nogotiating tiado-olls aio lundanon-
tally dilloiont lion tinkoiing aiound tho odgos
ol tho oxisting nanagonont piocoss. This doos
not noan that thoio is no iolo loi soctoial nan-
agonont. Sono lundanontals still poitain:
Ovoihshing nust still lo piovontod, contani-
nants and halitat danago nust lo nininizod,
piotoctod spocios nust still lo piotoctod. Thoso
are societal choices that will not be eliminated
ly an ocosyston-lasod appioach. But a lioadoi
sot ol sociotal choicos can now lo nado undoi
EBM locauso intoiactions, cunulativo ollocts,
and tiado-olls aio ol piinaiy concoin.
To inplonont EBM olloctivoly, nanagois
will nood at loast hvo things:
1. A conpiohonsivo and cloai logal nandato
ioquiiing tho application ol ocosyston-
lasod nanagonont in tho soctoi loi which
thoy havo nanagonont iosponsilility and
authoiity, and a nochanisn to addioss
cioss-soctoial inpacts, intoiactions, and
tiado-ollsthis nandato nust includo tho
piocoss ol goal sotting and a ioquiionont
to uso a piocautionaiy appioach with io-
spoct to naintaining tho dolivoiy ol oco-
syston soivicos.
2. An outlino ol what is oxpoctod ol a
nanagoi opoiating undoi EBM ioquiio-
nontsthis ioad nap noods to lo cloai
and as unanliguous as possillo.
3. Sunnaiios ol tho lactois that night alloct
oi lo alloctod ly oach soctoi (o.g., hsh,
onoigy, watoi quality, touiisn, coastal
dovolopnont, poits, tianspoitation in
instiuctivo and usallo loinatsit is
ciitical that such inloination lo nado
availallo to soctoial nanagois in action-
iolovant loin thiough a stiuctuiod piocoss
that includos pooi ioviow.
Box 2.4. Data Integration for Marine EBM
Sinco nany sciontihc olloits aio locusod within a givon soc-
toi, assonlling data loi a noio conpiohonsivo viow ol a na-
iino ocosyston and tho hunan activitios within that ocosyston
is ionaikally dilhcult. Sanpling lianos aio dispaiato, tino
soiios aio liagnontaiy, and data, paiticulaily on lusinoss ac-
tivitios, aio olton considoiod conhdontial. Bocauso so nuch ol
sciontihc iocognition is lasod on pullication, sciontists aio
also olton ioluctant to nako data thoy havo colloctod liooly
availallo until thoy havo pullishod all tho iosults thoy intond to
pullish, which nay tako a lilotino in sono casos. Ovoiconing
tho huidlo ol assonlling conpiohonsivo data is a najoi issuo
loi inplonontation ol EBM.
Data sots covoiing as nany aspocts ol tho natuial syston as
possillo, as woll as tho hunan activitios within that syston,
nust lo googiaphically spocihc with woll-accoptod and
docunontod piocoduios loi intoipolation to piovido a cloai
pictuio ol ocosystons in tino and spaco. A dynanic atlas ol
oach ocosyston will ultinatoly nood to lo assonllod in oidoi
to suppoit EBM.
Chaptoi 2: What Do Managois Nood? 27
4. Sciontihc inloination that is cioss-soctoial
lut also has cloai iolovanco to a givon
soctoi (o.g., how watoi quality allocts
hshoiios, how coastal dovolopnont allocts
hsh halitatsuch inloination nust lo
piovidod, to tho gioatost oxtont possillo,
in googiaphically spocihod loinat so
nanagois and thoii constituonts can
ioadily dotoinino tho potontially alloctod
placos, iogaidloss ol whatovoi inloioncos
oi gonoializations nay lo diawn lion it.
Uncoitaintios associatod with tho data also
nood to lo cloaily statod.
5. A loiun loi conpiohonsivo ocoan
planningsuch planning nust liing
togothoi tho goals, sciontihc inloination,
nanagonont olloits, and inplonontation
in an intogiatod wholo (hg. 2.3.
Aio nanagois ioady to uso such advico as
it dovolops? Many aio alioady loginning to
do so. Foi hshoiios, tho nandatos to piotoct
halitat (Rosonloig ot al. 2000 and lycatch
ol nontaigot spocios (Haiiington ot al. 2005
havo holpod sot tho stago loi considoiation ol
ocosyston-lasod ollocts noio lioadly (o.g., soo
Figure 2.3 Fianing ocosyston-lasod nanagonont (EBM goals acioss soctois.
28 Ecosyston-Basod Managonont loi tho Ocoans
NOAA 2006, Moiiick ot al. 2007. In tho onoigy,
coastal dovolopnont, and pipolino and calling
soctois, considoiation ol nitigation ol inpacts
on halitat has loon pait ol tho nanagonont
piocoss loi sovoial yoais. Thoso within-soctoi
appioachos, whilo not lully dovolopod EBM,
aio tho hist stops towaid a noio conpiohon-
sivo syston.
Dospito tho dilhcultios that cono with
chango, loi sciontists, nanagois, and constitu-
onts, EBM is cloaily an appioach whoso tino
has cono. Wo know onough to login, and wo
havo tiiod sono ol tho hist stops. Poihaps nost
inpoitantly, thoio is wido iocognition that wo
nood to go loyond tho convontional appioachos
to nanagonont ol naiino iosouicos locauso
soctoi-ly-soctoi olloits havo too olton lailod to
piovont ocosyston dogiadation (MA 2005.
Wo thank Dis. Stovon Muiawski, Gooigo Sod-
loiiy, and Paco Willoi, all ol NOAA, as woll
as anonynous ioviowois loi pioviding holplul
connonts on oailioi dialts ol this nanusciipt.
Tho David and Lucilo Packaid Foundation, tho
Goidon and Botty Mooio Foundation, and tho
National Contoi loi Ecological Analysis and
Synthosis piovidod suppoit loi AAR`s woik on
ocosyston-lasod nanagonont that lod to tho
idoas dovolopod in this chaptoi.
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