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2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 WELCOME TO YOUR LIFE.................................................................................................................................................2 HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................................2 IMAGINE YOUR DREAMS ....................................................................................................................................... 2 HOW TO IMAGINE YOUR LIFE DREAMS WITH SUCCESS..........................................................................................................2 WHAT YOU WANT .........................................................................................................................................................2 WHAT YOU WANT TO DO IN YOUR LIFE? ..............................................................................................................................4 WHO YOU WANT TO BE ...................................................................................................................................................6 CREATING YOUR DREAMS...................................................................................................................................... 8 HOW TO WRITE YOUR VISION STATEMENTS........................................................................................................................8 C.R.E.A.T.E .............................................................................................................................................................8 Example Vision Statement ....................................................................................................................................8 HEALTH ........................................................................................................................................................................9 RELATIONSHIPS ............................................................................................................................................................10 MONEY ......................................................................................................................................................................11 CAREER ......................................................................................................................................................................12 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................................................................................13 DEFINING YOUR GOALS ....................................................................................................................................... 14 CENTRAL GOALS ..........................................................................................................................................................14 How To Define Your Central Goals ......................................................................................................................14 SCOPE GOALS ..............................................................................................................................................................15 How To Define Your Scope Goals ........................................................................................................................15 BRIDGING GOALS (MILESTONES) .....................................................................................................................................16 Making Your Goals Real ......................................................................................................................................17 MY GOALS-TO-REALITY GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 18 MY GOALS-TO-REALITY GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 19 MY GOALS-TO-REALITY GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 20 MY GOALS-TO-REALITY GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 21 MY GOALS-TO-REALITY GUIDE ............................................................................................................................. 22 ACCELERATING YOUR SUCCESS ............................................................................................................................ 23

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

This manual was designed by B your best personal training academy to assist you in achieving your goals in order to live your dreams. You should go through each part of the manual and fill it out. When you are finished, your Personal trainer can help you achieve everything you write down. If you find yourself having any trouble whatsoever filling out this manual, just give your Personal trainer a call and they will help you. If you dont yet have a Personal trainer, you can call our office any time on (07) 3112 1807 and we will help you out however we can.

Welcome To Your Life

You are now heading on a journey that will accelerate your success and take you shooting full-speed through your obstacles to achieve everything you have ever dreamed of. This is your new life. A life of unlimited success and prosperity. You should read through each section of this manual with care and make sure you understand it all. Good luck and all the best.

How To Use This Manual

This manual was designed to streamline your success by developing a definite plan of where you want to head with your life. As you read through the manual, you should start to form a pretty good idea of what you would like to achieve. By completing the manual, you are taking the first step towards your success! We have designed our training manual to make it easy for you to set and achieve your goals. Your Personal Trainer will be able to help you when needed with anything related to the manual.

2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Imagine Your Dreams

In the first part of this manual, you are going to identify and imagine all the things that you want to have in your life. This includes the places you want to visit and the person you want to be.

How To Imagine Your Life Dreams With Success

First of all, just relax. This is not a test or evaluation of any kind. Just let your imagination do its job and think about all the things you want to have. It may help if you do a little brain-storming session just with a scrap piece of paper. Write down absolutely everything you can think of that would help to make the life you want, no matter how ridiculous Write It Down! You can then also try to arrange the things you want in order of preference but this is not essential.

What You Want

Write here all the material things you want to have in your life. This includes any cars, houses, boats etc.

What things do I want in my life?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time

months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years months/years

2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

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2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

What you want to do in your life?

List here all of the things that you want to do in your life. This includes things like travelling, becoming more educated, meeting certain people or learning certain skills.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time Time

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2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

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2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Who you want to be

This is where you get to invent YOU. If you could have any personality traits or characteristics, what would they be? What sort of person do you aspire to be?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.

2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Creating Your Dreams

OK, we should have by now established that you are serious about changing your life. We have determined all of the things that you want in your life. Now we need to make them real. If you have your goals passport, you can enter your final vision statements in the front of each section.

How To Write Your Vision Statements

To begin the process of creating your dreams, we are first going to go through some very simple but very important things that you must keep in mind. First of all, since we are trying to create your dreams, you have to be convincing yourself. You need to be able to visualize what you are writing in your current life. Now, when you write your vision statements, the idea is actually to trick your subconscious mind into believing that your dreams are in fact your reality. We do this because, your subconscious mind can not tell the difference between what is real and what is not, it only knows thoughts and feelings. So we need to write the vision as though it is occurring in the present and we need to put feeling into it. C.R.E.A.T.E The C.R.E.A.T.E formula is a summary of how we need to write our successful vision statements. C Clearly state your goal. Know exactly what you want to achieve. R Realism. Make the goal real pretend it is happening now and use present tense. E Emotion! Use the language of the subconscious mind. A Achievable. The goal must be something that you can actually achieve. T Time. Specify the exact date (and even time!) of when you have achieved the goal. E Energy. Try to use language that you can feel. Put some positive energy into it! Example Vision Statement

1. It is the 12th of December, 20xx and I am so incredibly excited that I can run a 10km marathon without stopping for a rest. I feel so fit and strong that I finished the race in just 50 minutes. I love hearing the sound of my friends and family cheering me across the finish line.

2. I am so happy that on this 27th of May 20xx, at 2.30pm, I have created passive income streams of $3,000 per week. I feel financially secure and amazingly happy that I have replaced my income and I can now spend more time with my family and doing the things that I love.

2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Health is one of the most important attributes of life and general well-being. Your health can be seen as a measure of your physical, mental and spiritual wellness. What do you hope to achieve in terms of your health in the future?

My future vision statement (health)

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

The quality of relationships in our lives is at the heart of our life quality. Good relationships make us feel good and feel happy, which is what a great life is truly about. How do you see your ideal relationships in the future?

My future vision statement (relationships)


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

A vitally important part of any life whether you like it or not, is money. People all around the world strive to achieve financial freedom and prosperity. What do you want your future financials to look like? How much income do you want to have?

My future vision statement (money)

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


The happiest people in the world are people who have a career that they are truly passionate about. Nobody wants to spend a lifetime working for somebody, when they are not passionate about their job. A successful career to many people also means maintaining a balance of work and leisure time. How do you see your dream career?

My future vision statement (career)


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Personal Development
The person that you are impacts enormously on your life. What are some things that you admire most about other people? Who do you want to become and what do you want people to say about you both now and when your life comes to an end?

My future vision statement (personal development)

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


Defining Your Goals

Before getting into the business of defining your goals, we need to introduce a very important structure of using the success with goals system. There are three types of goals we use to successfully plan and achieve them effectively with maximum motivation and minimum time. Central goals are the most important, big goals for each area of your life and they usually have a definite conclusion. That is, central goals are not ongoing, but they can be adjusted once achieved. Scope goals are smaller, more manageable goals which will, together build a foundation for the achievement of a central goal. Bridging goals are goals that effectively bring you closer to achieving a scope goal and central goal.

Central Goals
Central goals are closely linked to your future vision statements. They are effectively the plain goal behind the vision. In each area of your life you should have at least 3 and up to 6 or 7 central goals. Some central goals will be bigger than others, but they are generally large in that they require several scope and bridging goals to be achieved. They usually have a time frame of 6 months to 10 years or more. How To Define Your Central Goals Defining central goals can be much like your vision statements. The only real difference is that your goal statement should be related to one specific achievement where your vision statement can be related to several goals at the same time (in the same category). So take a look at your vision statements and use the C.R.E.A.T.E formula to construct your central goal statements.


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Scope Goals
Scope goals are goals that are in your everyday life or in your scope. They are all things that will contribute to the achievement of a central goal. For each central goal, you should have 5 7 well defined scope goals. This helps bring your central goals into your everyday life and make achieving them much more manageable. Your scope goals should have a time frame of around 3 months. Remembering that most people will over-estimate what they can do in 1 year and under-estimate what they can do in 10 years, it is important to try and stick to only a few life areas at any one time. Dont try to achieve everything at once or you may be discouraged and disappointed at your (lack of) results. How To Define Your Scope Goals Your scope goals are goals that relate to your central goals. Once you have completed all focus goals related to a single central goal, it should be almost impossible NOT to achieve the related central goal. In a way, they are like steps that will lead you to your target. When defining your scope goals, remember: 1. Stick to the C.R.E.A.T.E formula 2. Think short to medium term goals 3. Think of goals that will build on each other Remember to ask yourself the question: What are the smaller things I need to achieve in order to achieve my central goal? You need to think about what your central goal means to you. What are the things that you will need to be doing, in order for that goal to be a reality? What are some things that are like pre-requisites to your central goal? E.g. If your central goal is: I am so excited that on this 14th day of October, 20XX I am feeling that for the first time in my life I am a fit person. My body is in peak condition and I am loving it!

You may then have some focus goals like this (with the date of achievement written on each goal): I am so glad that I wake up early every morning to go for a 30 minute jog No excuses! I am so happy that I eat healthy food every day and my diet makes me feel great! I feel so excellent that I do strength train every week. It makes my body feel so strong!

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


Bridging Goals (Milestones)

The most essential part of achieving your central goals is bridging. It makes the process achievable and brings your goals into perspective of reality. The term bridging is really just a term to describe your achievement of a scope goal which brings you closer to your central goal (dont worry if youre confused, your Personal trainer can explain). E.g. I am so excited that on this 14th day of October, 20XX I am feeling that for the first time in my life I am a fit person. My body is in peak condition and I am loving it! I have a collection of healthy recipes that make it easy to eat well I am so happy that I eat healthy food every day and my diet makes me feel great!

I am so glad that I wake up early every morning to go for a 30 minute jog No excuses!

I have done this every day for 3 months

I bench press 100kg as a set of 12 reps, 3 sets,

I feel so excellent that I do strength training every week. It makes my body feel so strong!


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Making Your Goals Real Now that we have established some of the basic foundations behind goal-setting and how it is done, we can go ahead and do the necessary work to make these goals real (this is the exciting part!). For each central goal you have defined in the beginning of this manual, you are going to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Print out the 5 page goals-to-reality guide Fill out each section of the guide, breaking down your goals as you go Use the C.R.E.A.T.E formula to make your goals compelling Start right now on some of the first actions you are going to take to give you momentum Sign each of the goals-to-reality guides to affirm your commitment

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


My goals-to-reality guide
Vision Statement Summary Circle one: Health/Relationships/Money/Career/Personal Development
Summarize your vision statement as clearly as you can, highlighting the key elements of it as a goal

Goal Achieved:

What will you experience when the goal is achieved?

Summarize your vision statement as clearly as you can, highlighting the key elements of it as a goal

What are your big reasons for this goal?

Outline your 10 key reasons for achieving this goal. These reasons will motivate and drive you towards your goals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

My goals-to-reality guide
What skills and knowledge do you need to achieve this goal?
Outline the skills, abilities and knowledge that you would require to achieve this goal.

What resources do you need?

List the things that you will need to help you achieve this goal, or to make this goal possible.

What are your biggest obstacles?

Outline your major obstacles which are stopping you from achieving this goal. 1 2 3 4 5

What are the solutions to your obstacles?

Outline how you might be able to overcome your 5 obstacles listed above. 1 2 3 4 5

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


My goals-to-reality guide
Who do you need to be to achieve this goal?
List the habits, beliefs and other personality traits that you need to change in the achievement of your goal.

What would you/wouldnt you notice happening in your life if you achieved your goal?
List the things that would change in your life as a result of your goal achievement. 1 2 3 4 5

What would you/wouldnt you notice happening in your life if you didnt achieved your goal?
List how things would progress in your life if you did NOT achieve your goal. 1 2 3 4 5


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

My goals-to-reality guide
Break the goal down into 5 smaller goals
Write 5 smaller goals which would contribute to your vision statement. 1

Your Action List

Write every action step you can think of that would progress you towards your goal.

What are your first 5 steps of commitment?

List 5 steps that you will take now to propel you towards your goals success! 1 2 3 4 5 2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


My goals-to-reality guide
Your Positive, Present-Tense, Powerful Affirmations
List as many powerful affirmations as possible which will guide you to success in your goal. You should revise and read these daily if possible and it may be helpful to write them in your journal each day or on palm cards you can carry with you. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

How will you reward & celebrate your success?

List some ideas for rewarding 1 and celebrating your efforts of 2 success! 3 4 5

What are your first 5 steps of commitment?

By signing this page, you are committing yourself to using everything within your power to achieving your goal. I, _____________________ will devote my attention and commitment to this goal and will continue taking action steps towards my goal until I am successful in achieving it.

Name: _______________________ Signature: __________________________ Date ____/____/_____


2008 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895

Accelerating Your Success

Congratulations on completing the success with goals training manual, you have taken an amazing leap forward towards your own success by showing the dedication and initiative to read & complete this manual. If you have not already tried our specialized personal training service, you can call us on (07) 3112 1807 to arrange a session. Your trainer will work with you towards your goals and hold you accountable to your own success. As well as helping you achieve your health and fitness goals through exercise, your trainer can also assess your goals progression and make suggestions on how to achieve your goals faster! Accelerate your success, email us now at I wish you the best with your health & success, Your goals coach, Chris Taeni

2007 b your best goals academy ABN 57 005 260 895


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