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Subject: Genetics Lesson Title: Genetic mutations through meiosis AZ Curriculum Standards: S1C4PO4 S2C1PO S2C1PO4 S4C2PO2 S4C2PO4

Terminal Objecti!e: S"#AT to e$%lain ho& eu'ar(otic organisms de!elo% genetic mutations)

*LL Objecti!e:

Students &ill be able to summari+e a genetic mutation ,rom handout Students &ill !erball( describe at least three %hases o, meiosis

#ell &or'-Antici%ator( set: .o (ou 'no& someone &ho has a genetic disorder /e)g)0 C(stic 1ibrosis or .o&n S(ndrome23 4o& do (ou thin' genetic disorders occur3 Sub5objecti!e S"#AT describe characteristics o, a genetic disorder) Time 18 min Teaching Strateg( Thin'5%are5share Acti!e Student Partici%ation - Chec' ,or understanding Students &ill read and annotate a hand out &hile simultaneousl( seeing the characteristics on a %o&er %oint slide) Students &ill %are u% to &rite a brie, descri%tion o, a genetic disorder) Students &ill then get into grou%s to share their descri%tions) Teacher &ill &al' around0 in,ormall( listening to and as'ing %robing ;uestions as necessar() Students &ill &atch a !ideo about meiosis and ta'e notes ,rom the !ideo) Teacher &ill intermittentl( %ause the !ideo ,or 1min and <sec to gi!e time ,or students to &rite summari+e about the %hases o, meiosis) Com%are and contrast 9 min Students &ill %air u% to com%are their summaries &ith one another) Students &ill then &rite a summar( using their notes and one as%ect ,rom their %artners notes that the( did not originall( ha!e) Tic'et out the door 8 min Students &ill &rite &hat is a %ossible cause o, a genetic mutation using ideas discussed throughout the lesson

#looms Le!el 6no&ledge


S"#AT to summari+e %hases o, mitosis

:ideo anal(sis 1 min


S"#AT com%are and contrast another student7s summar(


S"#AT to gi!e su%%ort about ho& eu'ar(otic organisms de!elo% genetic mutations

=e%roduction >ote5ta'er =e!ie&: .>A is the in,ormation that is used in the building and maintenance o, %ro'ar(otic and eu'ar(otic organisms) .>A is com%rised o, >ucleotides and nucleotides are com%rised o, a %hos%hate grou%0 a nitrogen base and a deo$(ribose sugar) >ucleotides t&ist around one another into a &inding stair case sha%e0 also 'no&n as a double heli$) Segments o, the long .>A molecule that code ,or %roteins and =>A molecules are called Genes) A Chromosome is a !er( long .>A molecule that carries genetic material) To transmit genes ,rom %arents to o,,s%ring0 re%roducti!e cells called Gametes transmit genes ,rom each %arent to an o,,s%ring) To transmit genes to an o,,s%ring0 %aternal chromosomes must go through a %rocess called meiosis) ?sing the !ideo0 brie,l( describe the %rocess o, meiosis:


@eiosis 1: Pro%hase: Chromosomes condenseA homologous chromosomes /t&o chromosomes com%osing a %air that ha!e the same length0 centromere %osition0 and staining %atter2 then %are along lengths0 and align gene b( gene) Crossing o!er0 genetic rearrangement bet&een non5sister chromatids in!ol!ing the e$change o, corres%onding segment .>A molecules) Centrosome mo!ement0 s%indle a%%aratus ,ormation0 and nuclear en!elo%e brea'do&n occur) @eta%hase 1: Pairs o, homologous chromosomes /homologs2 are arranged the meta%hase %late /the middle o, the cell2 Ana%hase 1: 4omologs mo!e to&ard o%%osite %oles0 guided b( the s%indle a%%aratus that are attached to the centromeres) Telo%hase 1 and C(to'inesis: T&o ha%loid daughter cells begin to ,orm) *ach chromosome still consists o, t&o sister chromatids) C(to'inesis is the di!ision o, the c(to%lasm) @eiosis 2: Pro%hase 2: A s%indle a%%aratus ,orms in each o, the ne&l( ,ormed ha%loid cells) @eta%hase 2: Chromosomes are %ositioned at the meta%hase %late /middle o, the cell2) >ote that the t&o sister chromatids o, each chromosome are not geneticall( identical) Ana%hase 2: Chromatids se%arate0 mo!ing to&ards o%%osite %oles Telo%hase 2 and C(to'inesis: >uclei ,orm) Sister chromatids se%arate into 2 daughter ha%loid cells /cells that contain a single set o, chromosomes2

Genetic Mutation: A gene mutation is a %ermanent change in the .>A se;uence that ma'es u% a gene)B /?)S >ational Librar( o, @edicne2

Hypertrichosis: Hypertrichosis is also called werewolf syndrome or Ambras syndrome, and it affects as few as one in a
billion people; and in fact, only 50 cases ha e been documented since the Middle A!es" #eople with hypertrichosis ha e excessive hair on the shoulders, face, and ears" $tudies ha e implicated it to a rearran!ement of chromosome %" &t happens due to a disruption of the crosstal' between the epidermis and the dermis as hair follicles form in the ()month fetus at the eyebrows and down to the toes" *ormally, si!nals from the dermis send the messa!es to form follicles" As a follicle forms, it sends si!nals to pre ent the area around it from also becomin! a follicle, which results in the e+ual spacin! of our fi e million or so follicles" Most of our body parts i!nore the messa!es to form follicles, which e,plains why most of us are relati ely hairless"

#roteus $yndrome: &n con-unction with neurofibromatosis type I, this is the disease that li'ely afflicted .oseph

Merric', the so)called /lephant Man" &t0s a condition in which bones, skin, and other tissues are overgrown " &ndi iduals typically ha e or!ans and tissues that !row out of proportion with the rest of their body, and because the o er!rowth aries and e,hibits no apparent order, it can result in stran!e and imbalanced features" $i!ns of the disorder don0t usually appear until about 1 to 2% months after birth" 3he se erity of proteus syndrome aries from indi idual to indi idual, and it occurs in less than one in one million people" And in fact, only a few hundred documented cases ha e e er been reported"

3he disorder results from a mutation in the A432 !ene 5which re!ulates cell !rowth6, causin! mosaicism; as cells !row and di ide, some cells e,hibit the mutation while others do not" 3he resultin! mi,ture of normal and abnormal cells is what causes the o er!rowth"

/pidermodysplasia 7erruciformis: /pidermodysplasia erruciformis is an e,tremely rare disorder that ma'es

people prone to widespread human papillomavirus (HPV) infection" 3his infection causes scaly macules and papules 5cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas6 to !row on the hands, feet, and e en face" These skin eruptions appear as wart!like lesions " and even wood!like and horn!like #rowths " with reddish!brown pi#mented plaques" 3ypically, the s'in tumors start to emer!e in people between the a!e of 80 and 90, and the !rowths tend to appear on areas e,posed to the sun" Also called :ewandows'y):ut; dysplasia, there is no 'nown cure, thou!h treatments to scale bac' the !rowths are possible"

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