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Walkthrough by noz3r0

Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 on

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"Look back into your past selves"

FAQ/Walkthrough by Greg Boccia aka noz3r0
Version 1.00
| |
Table of Contents
I. Intro
[0100] |
II. Characters
[0200] |
| III. Basics
[0300] |
IV. Walkthrough
[0400] |
- Sunday's Melancholy
[0401] |
- Monday's Turmoil
[0402] |
- Tuesday's Disquiet
[0403] |
- Wednesday's Changes
[0404] |
- Thursday's Shock
[0405] |
- Friday's Partings
[0406] |
- A Saturday Toward Coexistence
[0407] |
- A Saturday Toward Equality
[0408] |
- A Saturday Toward Hierarchy
[0409] |
- A Saturday Toward ???
[0410] |
- Sunday's Fruition
[0411] |
V. New Game Plus
[0500] |
VI. Demon Compendium
[0600] |
| VII. Skill List
[0700] |
| VIII. Version History
[0800] |
IX. Outro
[0900] |
|_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ |


Welcome to the Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 guide. This is my first
SMT game and hopefully not my last. As always, I strive to provide as much
information as possible in an easy to read, presentable manner so that you, the
reader, can pick up from any point and know what's going on. The walkthrough

portion is far from spoiler free as it details most of the important plot
events for the purpose of achieving the "best" possible outcome, so take heed
before reading ahead if you don't want to ruin anything for yourself.

Following the walkthrough will get the optimal reputation and time usage. If
you stray from the events you could very well use time that will cut you out of
crucial events and thus not maximizing the characters' Fate Stages. Most choices
revolve around Daichi since he has the highest amount of reputation to earn to
reach Stage 5. During subsequent journeys and New Game+ files feel free to
choose different events, but for the sake of gaining the most amount of points
and unlocking the most amount of stuff, choose the options in the walkthrough.
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 1st Day - Sunday's Melancholy

-= 12:00 =
Our hero starts off in the test room where you meet Daichi. Shortly afterward,
you get the opportunity to name the hero and choose your Navigator's gender, but
the name is always Tico. After a short discussion about Nicaea and the Death
Clips, Daichi says, "Let's go to Shibuya! There's this store I want to check
[*] Okay (Daichi +1)
[ ] I'm Busy.
[ ] I dunno...
-= 12:30 =
Daichi talks about all the cool stuff you two bought then decides it's time
to go. You get a brief introduction to the navigational system and are forced
to go to Death Clip where a battle awaits.
-= 13:00 =
You arrive at the Shibuya Hanzoumon Line Platform and meet up with Io. Daichi
comments, "She's really something... Everyone looks up to her."
[ ] Do they?
[*] She is cute. (Io +1)
[ ] About that game...
Io and Daichi talk a little bit and when you get the chance to speak with Io,
Daichi just pushes you to the side. As you re-enter the seen Io says, "...Good
to know. Thanks."
[ ] Was there something else?
[*] You'll get questions later. (Io +1)
[ ] Well, goodbye then.
Everyone's phones suddenly ring, simultaneously. Check out Daichi's cell to

watch a Death Clip, unfortunately of you and the crew. Shortly after the scene
you are faced with your first battle.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all Demons
| - Any ally is defeated
-= Enemies =|
-= Reward =|

| - Poltergeist
| - 30 Experience
| - Pixie
| - 200 Macca
| - Obariyon
| Strategy
| Attack normally to defeat the Poltergeist, Obariyon, and Pixie. Focus on
| one at a time if they don't die on the initial battles.

Afterwards the group heads back to the streets amidst the chaos. Most forms
of contact are rendered inoperable and the party finds a mysterious app on
their phones that cannot be removed. A Tall Woman approaches, firmly she
states, "Let me change the subject, then. Give me your phones."
[*] Here you go (Makoto +1)
[ ] No way!
[ ] Why?
Daichi completely forgot to introduce you to Io, "This guy here's in the same
class, and..."
[ ] I'm [Hero]
[*] You already know, huh? (Io +1)
[ ] Shhh!
Io wants to go home alone but you can offer to escort her. You are now able
to scope out two possible areas, the Silent Transit or the Refugee Camp.
-= 13:30 =
Visit one of the two locations to unlock the next key event.
-= 14:00 =
Unknown Woman (Shibuya South Exit)
Visiting this location brings you back to the Tall Woman and introduces the
Yellow Man.
-= 14:30 =
You must now choose two of the three possible locations to visit. Once you
have chosen two you will get the option to go Roppongi Hills. Going to the
Strange Man plays out best for positive reputation gain, so make sure to at
least visit him. Be decisive when choosing where Roppongi is for some quick

- Strange Man (Shinjuku Kannagi-cho)

This area has a scene with a strange man, during the conversation he asks,
"Hm...? Have we met somewhere?"
[ ] I dunno.
[*] Long time no see. (Yuzuru +1)
-= 16:00 =
Dubhe (Roppongi Hills)
After taking a stop on Daichi's behalf, Io presents a bottle of milk to which
Daichi comments, "This bottle's half empty... Can I really have this!?"
[ ] No! Way!
[*] It's all yours. (Daichi +1)
[ ] Lucky bastard.
The Dubhe makes an unfortunate entrance at this point and the group has no
choice but to flee.
-= 16:30 =
Io Reunion (Tokyo Station Central Exit)
During this scene you get some startling news about Daichi, he apparently got
separated from the group and the impending Death Clip isn't in his favor. During
your conversation with Io, be polite:
[*] Are you hurt anywhere? (Io +1)
[ ] I'm okay
-= 17:00 =
You have three options here, one of which is a choice you didn't take at 1530,
the other two are the SDF Evac and Daichi's Crisis. You can check the other
location, but the one you need is at the Asakusa Sensouji. After a scene where
you reunite with Daichi, the Tall Woman comes back demanding you summon your
demons. Set up your skills and positions then begin the battle!
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - Daichi dies
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Daichi's dispatchment
| - 60 Experience
| - Io's dispatchment
| - 400 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
B |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 07 |

C |
| 04 |
| 05 |
| 06 |
D | XX | 03 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
E | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
G |
| XX | XX |
| ** |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
I |
| XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
J |
| PC | PC |
K |
| 01 |
| 02 |
L |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Kabuso
| 2 | 01 |
| Obariyon
| 3 |
| Pixie
| 2 | 02 |
| Poltergeist
| 1 |
| Pixie
| 2 | 03 |
| Pixie
| 2 |
| Kobold
| 3 | 04 |
| Pixie
| 2 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 15 | 05 |
| Kobold
| 3 |
| Kobold
| 3 |
| Kobold
| 3 | 06 |
| Kobold
| 3 |
| Obariyon
| 3 | 07 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |


| ** - Tall Woman
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| PC - Position Characters |

The character with Agi is best used to take
out the Pixies, so start with the one in the
bottom corner of the map. The Kabuso in the left
corner is best taken out with Zio, whomever you
assigned that to. Two players can generally
strike the Kabuso and Obariyon combination here
to take them out in one round. The top portion
of the battlefield can be dominated by the Tall
Woman, so just start picking of the groups
before moving to Bai Suzhen. You should weaken
this demon with the Tall Woman then have one of
your characters deal the final blow to get the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle the Tall Woman finally introduces herself as Makoto Sako.
She tends to the groups wounds and fills them a bit on Dubhe.
-= 17:30 =
Unfortunate news breezes by the ears of you and Daichi reacts, "Wha...!? Did
they just say what I think they said!?"
[*] A cell... (Daichi +1)
[*] Imprisonment... (Daichi +1)

[ ] I wasn't listening.
As you return to the cell Io is confused, "Huh...? Whoa, wait a second. What
[ ] It's a secret.
[*] We're going to jail. (Io +1)
[*] We're invited to a cell. (Io +1)
In the final scene you receive an e-mail regarding the Demon Auctions. Daichi
is a bit indecisive but stand firm to continue the journey. Io wants to go to
Ariake, Daichi questions, "Huh? O-Oh, right! For sure, right [Hero]?"
[*] Definitely. (Daichi +1)
[ ] I guess.
-= 18:00 =
At this time you can check the SDF Evac or go to A Man Named Joe. The big draw
to this time is the Free Battle which doesn't use any time and allows you the
opportunity to level up, a highly recommended choice. You should also visit the
Demon Auction and round out your roster so you have 2 Demons for each character,
it will make battles much smoother.
Move out to Hibiya Park when you are finished setting your party and battling
at the Free Battle. During the scene you are questioned, "Um... Who are you?
Give Daichi back."
[ ] Do you want a ransom?
[ ] You pervert!
[*] Who are you? (Yuzuru +1)
The man introduces himself as Yuzuru Akie, aka Joe. The good news is he isn't
out to kidnap Daichi, the bad news is he brought demons with him. You get a
new message from Tico regarding Skill Crack then the battle kicks off.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Joe dies
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - None
| - 90 Experience
| - 600 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---A
| PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ----|----|----|----|----|----|---- ---- ---- ---- ---B |
| XX |
| ** |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
C |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |

D |
E |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | 01 |
F |
| 02 | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 03 |
| 04 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 05 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 06 |
K |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Kabuso
| 3 | 01 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |
| Agathion
| 6 | 02 |
| Tan Lin
| 6 |
| Obariyon
| 3 | 03 |
| Kobold
| 3 |
| Kabuso
| 2 |
| Kobold
| 3 | 04 |
| Knocker
| 7 | 05 |
| Kabuso
| 2 |
| Kabuso
| 2 |
| Kabuso
| 2 | 06 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |


| ** - Joe
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| PC - Position Characters |

Start off by sending two members down the
right side and one to the left, preferably your
toughest character accompanied with a Demon that
can heal. The two characters that go right are
your sweeper squad, they are tasked with taking
out the majority of the enemies on the map and
then rallying with your lone member who is
defending Joe. Once groups 01 and 03 have been
defeated it's easy to wipe out 04 then move to
02 where your solo member is fending off a
tougher battle. Once group 02 is defeated you
should focus on group 05, which is weak against
lightning-based attacks.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Joe wants to join the group, "Whoa, harsh, man. C'mon,
pretty please? I'll tell you something useful..."
[ ] Don't need it
[*] You know something? (Yuzuru +1)
The information is useful and you can comment on the next destination for
added reputation, "Heheh. You can, actually! There's a walkway. It's truly a
bridge for one's dreams."
[ ] Let's just go.
[*] Raiiiinboooow! (Yuzuru +1)
As you head out another e-mail comes in regarding the Fate viewer, informing
you about reputation and unlocking bonuses. During the conversation Daichi
strikes a comment, "Hmm... Well, I doubt we'll be able to put it together with

what we have now."

[ ] Seriously.
[*] Great minds think alike. (Daichi +1)
- Daichi achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 18:30 =
There's a few scenes that you can go to this time, as well as another Free
Battle. The Demon Auction has new Demons available, so be sure to check them
out. Going to any location will open up the next event, Daichi's Worth, but the
events you should go to are "Io and Nicaea" and "Joe the Flake."
- Io Nitta achieves Fate Stage 1
- Yuzuru Akie achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 19:30 =
Daichi's Worth
During the walk through the alleyway Io stops:
[ ] Come on, start walking
[*] Are you okay? (Io +2)
[ ] You want a piggyback ride?
[*] Don't push yourself (Io +2)
[ ] You can do it!
[ ] You want a piggyback ride?
A brief scene takes place and the group is forced to make an escape.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - All allies escape!
| - Any ally is defeated
| - Defeat Dubhe!
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Joe's dispatchment
| - 640 Experience (+Dubhe)
| - Io's dispatchment
| - 460 Macca (+Dubhe)

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ||||
A | ** | ** | ** |
| | Name
| Lvl | ## |
|----|----|----|----|----| |==================|=====|====|
B |
| | Agathion
| 6 | 01 |
---- ----|----|----|----| | Agathion
| 6 |
| | Obariyon
| 3 |
|----|----|----| |------------------|-----|----|
| 06 | | Knocker
| 7 | 02 |
|----|----|----| | Poltergeist
| 2 |
| | Poltergeist
| 2 |


| 05 |
---- ----|----|----|----|
| 04 |
| 03 |
| 02 |
| PC |
| PC |
| 01 |
| PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ----

| Poltergeist
| 2 | 03 |
| Tan Lin
| 6 |
| Poltergeist
| 2 |
| Dubhe
| 20 | 04 |
| Kobold
| 3 | 05 |
| Obariyon
| 3 |
| Obariyon
| 3 |
| Kabuso
| 3 | 06 |
| Knocker
| 7 |
| Obariyon
| 3 |

| ** - Escape Location
| PC - Position Characters


Place your characters and start eliminating the weaker groups. Unless group
03 moves near you, you can avoid it as you progress to the escape location. The
downside to not going after group 03 is that the Poltergeist have Ghost Wounds
which can dig into your movement. Fight down the right side of the battlefield
and try to dodge the Dubhe, else it will strike and use Binary Fire to kill a
demon on the unfortunate members team.
As you approach the escape location, Daichi will weaken Dubhe and the
objective changes. Turn and attack the weakened foe, most elements will effect
the Demon and it's health is significantly lower. Binary Fire also deals much
less damage than before, so the fight should be a breeze if you attack with
all three characters during one turn.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 20:00 =
After the battle choose the event "Adult Woman" to watch a scene with Makoto
and Daichi.
- Makoto Sako achieves Fate Stage 1
The next destination is "An Idle Man" where Daichi comments, "But man, that
was bad... I thought I was gonna die!
[ ] Why'd you come back for us?
[*] Good timing (Daichi +10)
"Wasn't I... pretty awesome then!?"
[*] Yeah (Daichi +5)
[ ] Not really

-= 21:00 =
It's time for bed; Tico can give you a run down if what you did for the day.
Use this opportunity to save before starting the next day.
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 2nd Day - Monday's Turmoil

-= 07:00 =
After some short conversation you receive an e-mail detailing the Cathedral
of Shadows, a method of fusing Demons together. You can use this opportunity to
create a Tan Lin, a good unique Demon to have right now, by fusing a Kobold and
an Agathion (as a single example). Consult the Fusing section for other possible
Choose the event "Daichi's Report" where "You find Daichi standing around with
a grave look on his face..."
[*] What's wrong? (Daichi +1)
[ ] Are you asleep?
Daichi is worried though, "So we'll eventually see them again, right!?"
[*] Right. (Daichi +1)
[ ] I see someone's lost it.
- Daichi receives +10 Reputation for choosing this event.
-= 07:30 =
Your next event should be "Sleep Joe" even though the event "App Abuser" is
available right now. This event yields [10 REPUTATION] for Yuzuru regardless
of your dialogue choices.
-= 08:00 =
The Demon Auction resets once more so you can make any final purchases before
heading to the event "App Abuser" or before leveling up a little up at the Free
Battle. As you arrive Makoto asks you to help stop the "App Abusers"
[ ] Why not?
[*] You got it! (Makoto +10)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - All three abusers escape
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 60 Experience, 500 Macca


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| 01 |
| 02 |
| 03 |
| PC |
| 04 |
| ** |
| PC | PC |
| 05 |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
| 06 | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 07 |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| // | // | // |
| // | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Itsumade
| 8 | 01 |
| Kikimora
| 9 |
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Salaryman
| 9 | 02 |
| Young Man
| 9 | 03 |
| Knocker
| 7 | 04 |
| Knocker
| 7 |
| Tan Lin
| 6 |
| Agathion
| 6 | 05 |
| Ogre
| 8 |
| Agathion
| 6 |
| Agathion
| 6 | 06 |


| ** - Makoto
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| // - Escape Location
| PC - Position Characters |

| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Punk
| 9 | 07 |

This can be a little tricky if you want to stop all three humans from
escaping. Place a character with Ghost Wounds or Bind in the bottom left
corner then lock down the Punk. You can Skill Crack some good abilities during
this fight so pick them wisely. Makoto will help with slowing down the humans,
so take them out before they summon more Demons. You can get afflicted with
Poison during this battle which could be troubling if you can't cure it, so
stay alert and take down the Itsumades. The best thing you can do during this
fight is to let the Salaryman and Young Man trickle down while you wait for
them. Doing this will prevent them from escaping and keep them from summoning
more Demons. Sweep your way up and assist Makoto in elimating the remaining
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Makoto says, "...My apologies, [Hero]. I needed your help
[*] It was nothing. (Makoto +3)
[ ] That was exhausting.
[*] Things seem pretty tough. (Makoto +3)
Take some time to purchase new
Hairy Jack, and Hare of Inaba to
assign any skills you've cracked
choose the event "Osaka Meeting"

Demons and fuse them; you can get an Itsumade,

boost your regiment. Also, don't forget to
to the proper characters. When you're done
where Yamato says, "Well then. Let's begin."

[*] Go right ahead. (Yamato +1)

[ ] Space out
After the lengthy conversation you'll notice you must rendezvous with Yamato
at 10:00. Hopefully you still have some time to hit two spots.
-= 09:00 =
Demon Witness
The scene here with Io is a little disheartening, but "We need to go to Osaka
I... I want to know what's really going on."
[*] We'll try our hardest. (Io +2)
[ ] You've got guys.
- Io receives +10 Reputation for choosing this event.
JP's Chief
As you approach Yamato he asks, "...[Hero]. Were you listening just now?"
[*] Yes. (Yamato +1)
[ ] No.
[*] "Get rid of"? (Yamato +1)

Yamato explains his earlier actions, "That was why I intended to apprehend
you. Do you see?"
[ ] Oh.
[*] I see (Yamato +2)
[*] Give me a break. (Yamato +2)
- Yamato receives +10 Reputation for choosing this event.
-= 10:00 =
The group is a little downtrodden on the Osaka ordeal, "...Maybe so, but it
makes me nervous when you say it..."
[ ] Seriously.
[*] I don't think so. (Yuzuru +1)
A short scene occurs where Yamato comments, "Hah... Good of you to come. So
you've decided to act of your own volition..."
[ ] You're powerful.
[*] Sorry to keep you waiting (Yamato +1)
The group meets Keita and eventually a Death Clip of him, Daichi is worried,
"Oh, but... can we find him in time? I don't really know my way around Osaka..."
[*] We'll find him. (Yuzuru +1)
[ ] I don't know.
-= 11:30 =
Check out the Demon Auction and the Free Battle if you need it then choose
the event "Demon-Hacked."
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat her & the demons!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 695 Experience
| - 815 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
C | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
D | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |

E |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
F |
| 01 | XX |
| 02 |
| 03 |
| 04 |
G |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| 05 | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
I | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
J | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
L | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
M | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | PC |
N | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
O | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Itsumade
| 8 | 01 |
| Knocker
| 8 |
| Knocker
| 8 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Gagyson
| 11 | 02 |
| Gagyson
| 11 |
| The plan here is to split the group and take
| Kikimora
| 9 |
| out each side. The right side is weak to
|------------------|-----|----| Electric where the left side is weak against
| Vacant Woman
| 16 | 03 | Force damage. Split up accordingly then meet
| Makara
| 14 |
| in the center, where you can Persuade the woman
| Makara
| 14 |
| after the Demons by her side have been taken
|------------------|-----|----| out. Once you cross the halfway point of the
| Bilwis
| 10 | 04 | battlefield the woman will subconsciously
| Bilwis
| 10 |
| summon more Demons near the steps, so be on
| Knocker
| 7 |
| the look out and don't over pursue. As long as
|------------------|-----|----| you use Persuade on the Woman you will get the
| Itsumade
| 8 | 05 | +2 Reputation to Fumi.
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Ogre
| 8 |
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-= 12:00 =
With that situation clear, choose the event "Rumors" then "Hard Bargain"
where you can speak with Daichi and a Street Vendor. (Daichi +10) Next, choose
"Osaka Woman" to view an excellent scene.
-= 13:30 =
Now that "Never Say Die" is available, go through your usual preparations
then head out Daichi stops, "Urgh, we'll never figure out where that death clip
was set at this rate."

[ ] This is so tedious
[*] Let's keep trying. (Keita +2)
The woman from earlier rushes by and knocks Io, "Oh, I-I'm sorr--Eek!"
[*] Are you okay? (Io +2)
[ ] What was that...?
Further ahead you regroup and the lady introduces herself, "My name is Hinako
Kujou! I'm going to help these people escape! Give me a hand!"
[*] You got it, lady. (Hinako +1)
[ ] We don't have a choice.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - Hinako dies
| - Any civilians die
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 250 Experience
| - 700 Macca

N O T E!

The map for this battlefield is drawn with the top left being "north."
Normally the maps have the top right being "north" so make your adjustments,
the map is overly lengthy.


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---|
| // | // | // | // |
| 01 |
| XX |
| XX |
| 02 | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| ** |
| XX |


| XX - Unmovable Position |
| PC - Position Characters |
| ** - Hinako
| CV - Civilians
| // - Escape Positions

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Itsumade
| 8 | 01 |
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Ogre
| 8 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 | 02 |
| Bilwis
| 10 |

K |
| XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX |
| XX |
O |
| XX |
| CV | CV |
| XX |
P | 03 | XX |
| XX |
Q |
| XX |
| XX |
R |
| XX |
| XX |
S |
| 04 |
T |
| 05 |
|---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 | 03 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Knocker
| 8 |
| Gagyson
| 11 | 04 |
| Gagyson
| 11 |
| Kikimora
| 9 |
| Bilwis
| 10 | 05 |
| Bilwis
| 10 |
| Ogre
| 8 |


Place two fast characters are the front and leave the other behind as cover
for group 01 since the Itsumade can just fly over the barrier. Take out group
01 with the back group and take out 04 and 05 with the front. At this point you
can simply sandwich the remaining two groups. Hinako is good at picking up any
group that sneaks by but by splitting your forces you should be able to cover
the battlefield well enough. As you defeat the enemy more will come from the
escape side, so shift your focus there as the civilians escape. Don't forget
that they can be healed if they happen to take damage.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Hinako has a few questions, "Huh? Yellow?"

[*] That's JP'S (Hinako +1)
[ ] The SDF?
And then Daichia asks, "Uhhhh... Hm. What do yout think, [Hero]...?"
[*] It'll be fine. (Hinako +1)
[ ] He'll get mad.
-= 14:00 =
Hinako has joined the party and is leading the way, you can switch her in if
you wish. Choose the event "Immense Damage" and respond to Io, "Um..."
[*] What is it? (Io +1)
[ ] Out with it already.
Then Daichi says, "This has NOTHING to do with Timor! Bu yeah, Io, that's a
pretty good idea."
[*] I had it too... (Io +1)
[ ] Yeah, good work.

-= 14:30 =
After viewing the city and prepping for the upcoming battle, choose the event
"Osaka Soul" to save Keita! You meet up with Keita, "Yo, Team Tokyo. What's
with the girl?
[*] She's part of our group. (Keita +1)
[ ] She wants to join.
[ ] She's a fan of yours.
As the scene unfolds Io reacts "*gasp* The stairs...!"
[*] What's wrong? (Io +1)
[ ] Spit it out, Io.
"L-Let's go, [Hero]! If we don't, he's gonna die!"
[ ] Fine...
[*] We'll save him! (Keita +2)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Keita dies
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Hinako's dispatchment
| - 320 Experience
| - 500 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| 01 |
| XX |
B | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
D | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| 02 | 03 | 04 |
| XX |
E |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | 05 |
F |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
G |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
H |
| 06 |
| 07 |
I |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
J |
| PC | PC | PC |
K |
| PC | PC | PC |
| ** |

L |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Toubyou
| 12 | 01 |
| Janbavan
| 13 |
| Janbavan
| 13 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 | 02 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Ogre
| 8 |
| Toubyou
| 12 | 03 |
| Toubyou
| 12 |
| Kikimora
| 9 |
| Itsumade
| 8 | 04 |
| Bilwis
| 10 |
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Itsumade
| 8 | 05 |
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Itsumade
| 8 |
| Gagyson
| 11 | 06 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Hare of Inaba
| 9 |
| Gagyson
| 11 | 07 |
| Makara
| 14 |
| Makara
| 14 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Keita

The enemy is fast and some groups can attack
from range, hopefully you can too. The main
objective to turn off the miasma that will
summon the Demons. Send your strongest fighter
up to group 07 and your second-in-command over
to group 6. The remaining groups should play
support and move up the steps as you fight off
groups. Try to stay in a line formation if at
all possible so you aren't getting surrounded.
Again, put your focus on the miasma instead of
trying to kill all the Demons or more will just
be summoned every turn.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Shortly after the battle Keita questions, "This vid... This means I was
supposed to die?"
[*] That's right. (Keita +1)
[ ] Be grateful.
- Keita Wakui receives +20 Reputation for this event, joins the party and
achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 15:00 =
Choose the next event, "National Crisis" to start conversation with Yamato,
"Now that you've seen Osaka... what did you think?
[ ] It's full of demons
[*] Not enough information (Yamato +2)
[ ] It wasn't an earthquake
-= 15:30 =

You have some time to kill so choose the event "Uneasy Daichi" where Daichi
says, "Oh... It's you, [Hero]. Sorry... Didn't mean to start a trend there..."
[ ] No kidding
[*] Everyone's shaken (Daichi +1)
Daichi gets discouraged, "Ughh... Dammit! What am I even talking about!?"
[*] You can talk to me (Daichi +1)
[ ] Some fool thing
[ ] Same as always
- Diachi Shijima receives +20 Reputation for this event and achieves Fate
Stage 2
-= 16:00 =
See what Io is upto by choosing "Io's Worry" and she is still shaken, "...Why
did this happen...?"
[ ] I don't know
[ ] What's done is done
[*] It brought us together (+1 Io)
- Io receives +20 Reputation for choosing this event.
-= 16:30 =
The event "Joe's Life" starts a conversation with Yuzuru that results in
+20 reputation regardless of your choices.
-= 17:00 =
Check the Demon Auction and prepare for the next battle before choosing the
event "Merak Arrives." Yamato is concerned, "You're back. How were your
[ ] They're still shaken
[*] They're fine (Yamato +1)
[*] Leave them to me (Yamato +1)
Another hectic attack occurs and Yamato orders you, "[Hero]... You're in
command. Head south and defeat Merak."
[*] Understood (Yamato +2)
[ ] What!?
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Merak!
| - All allies are defeated
| - The gate is destroyed
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 600 Experience

| - 1300 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| 01 | 02 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
E |
| PC | PC |
F |
| PC | PC |
G |
| PC | XX |
H |
| XX |
I |
| XX |
J |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX |
O |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
P | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
Q |
| XX |
R | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
S |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
T | XX |
| XX |
U | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
V | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
W | XX | XX | XX |
| 03 | 03 | 03 |
| XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Moh Shuyuu
| 16 | 01 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

| Makara
| 14 |
| Makara
| 14 |
| Tenong Cut
| 16 | 02 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Merak
| 22 | 03 |

Start off by sending two groups up top and two after Merak, stay out of the
middle (columns 5 through 7). Merak will summon many of Merak Missiles (the
balls you saw earlier) and will fire down the middle dealing devastating
damage with Circumpolarity. The Merak Missiles will continue to respawn so it's
a great way to level up if you need to do so. Merak has a huge attack range of
four, so when you go in for the kill do it from the sides to avoid taking any
unnecessary damage. Always try to leave one character on each side as clean up
duty for any of the Merak Missiles that could take out the gate (the left and
right most columns). Force damage is your friend, but so is guarding and any
Demon you have with Ice Resistance since Merak uses Ice Dance often. The over
use of the skill leads Merak to drain it's MP quickly and be rendered useless
after a few rounds, you really just need to survive until it's MP is low since
that's when the battle becomes incredibly easy.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Keita is confused, "Is that it...? Man... What WAS it?"
[*] It wasn't a demon
[ ] Merak
-= 17:30 =
Choose the event "The Public" to receive +10 Reputation with Yamato.
- Yamato Hotsuin achieves Fate Stage 1
From here choose "Osaka Spirit" where you have a conversation with Hinako,
"Phew... Oh, [Hero]. I'm so glad he went."
[ ] You're really pushy
[*] You're a good negotiator (Hinako +2)
[ ] You have a lot of passion
- Hinako Kujou receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 1
Next up is "Strong Man" where you receive +10 Reputation with Keita.
-= 19:00 =
At this time the only options you have are a Free Battle or "Enemy Inquiry."
After the insightful conversation, head "Back to Tokyo" where "Keita slowly
reaches out to offer something to you..."
[*] What's this? (Keita +1)
[*] A souvenir? (Keita +1)
[ ] That's strange...
Someone has to go on a supply run and Daichi offers, "I can drive a truck!

And if I'm transporting supplies, I won't have to fight, right?"

[ ] So that's it
[*] We're counting on you (Daichi +1)
- Daichi Shijima achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 21:00 =
It's bedtime, you can optionally fight more or fuse new Demons, but otherwise
the day is at it's end.
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 3rd Day - Tuesday's Disquiet

During the opening scene Makoto barges in, "[Hero], I'm coming in. Oh...
[*] It's okay (Makoto +1)
[ ] Again?
[ ] Pervert!
Makoto hesitates...
[ ] Can you just say it?
[*] What's this about? (Makoto +1)
After the bad news Makoto asks, "Please... I'd like you to take Nitta and
Akie with you and head to Nagoya."
[*] All right (Makoto +2)
[ ] No way
-= 07:00 =

You have some choices to make here. You can take the reputation increases
with Io and Yuzuru, or pick one and choose the "Vs. Q" battle. The battle will
go away after 08:00 and you can't do it again later, but you can miss out on
maximizing your Fate Stages if you don't choose the non-battle events.
You have some free time so choose "Fading Wish" to find Io, "Oh... You
needed me for something, right? Would you mind waiting just a bit?"
[*] No problem (Io +1)
[ ] This can't wait
After the tragic news Io comments, "..... Sorry, [Hero]... You needed to
talk to me?"
[*] It can wait (Io +2)
[ ] Let's go to Nagoya
- Io receives +20 Reputation for choosing this event.
-= 07:30 =

Choose "Pensive Joe" (or "Vs.Q" which is detailed next) where you have a
short conversation with Yuzuru.
[ ] Come with me now
[*] That's fine (Yuzuru +2)
- Yuzuru receives +10 Reputation for choosing this event.
The "Vs. Q" event is best done on a New Game+ file but it is possible to
complete during a first game. If you force either Io or Yuzuru to come with
you then the Ghost Q will leave. This fight must be done with just the Hero.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - [Hero] is defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - None
| - 250 Experience
| - 1400 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---A
| PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ----|----|----|----|----|----|---- ---- ---- ---- ---B |
| XX |
| 01 |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
C |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| 02 |
E |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
F |
| 03 | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 04 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
K |
| 05 |
| PC |
L | XX |
| 06 |
| PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Ghost Q
| 26 | 01 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

| Abraxas
| 19 | 02 |
| Gagyson
| 15 |
| Gagyson
| 15 |
| Tenong Cut
| 16 | 03 |
| Tenong Cut
| 16 |
| Makara
| 14 |
| Waira
| 17 | 04 |
| Waira
| 17 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Toubyou
| 12 | 05 |
| Janbavan
| 13 |
| Toubyou
| 12 |
| Moh Shuvuu
| 16 | 06 |
| Moh Shuvuu
| 16 |
| Makara
| 14 |
-= 08:00 =
Head out "To Nagoya" where Io
Nagoya trip from Makoto..."


Being at least level 20 and having skills like
Phantasm and Evil Wave will make the battle
much simpler, especially on a first time play.
Bring a Demon that can heal and another that
can really dish out the damage. Being immune
to curse is helpful as well. Your basic attack
is going to consist of plowing up the right side
of the battlefiend and attacking the Ghost Q
as soon as possible. The Beast Eye and Uncanny
Form are going to hit you hard because they
enable the Ghost Q to attack twice and then
reset his turn! Be sure to take him out fast
with some devastating physical attacks like
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

awaits, "Ah... [Hero]. Um, I heard about the

[*] Are you okay? (Io +2)

[ ] Daichi's in danger
Then Joe pops in, "Hey guys, sorry! I'm really late, huh? Hahaha..."
[*] It's okay (Yuzuru +2)
[ ] It's a thing with you, huh?
Lastly, Makoto stops by, "...Everyone's here now. Thank you all for your
[*] Think nothing of it (Makoto +2)
[ ] You'd better be grateful
-= 09:00 =
You arrive in Nagoya, your first event should be "Girl in Pursuit" where you
meet Airi.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all rioters!
| - Airi is defeated
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - None
| - 600 Experience
| - 1600 Macca

The Battlefield


01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---| ** |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | PC |
| 02 |
| XX | XX | PC |
| 03 |
| PC |
| 04 |
| 05 | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| 06 |
| PC |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | PC |
| XX | XX | PC |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| // |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Student
| 18 | 01 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Salaryman
| 18 | 02 |
| Lilim
| 18 |
| Gagyson
| 15 |
| Office Lady
| 17 | 03 |
| Waira
| 17 |
| Toubyou
| 12 |
| Salaryman
| 17 | 04 |
| Makara
| 17 |
| Makara
| 17 |
| Office Lady
| 18 | 05 |
| Gozuki
| 18 |
| Jambayan
| 13 |
| Worker
| 18 | 06 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Airi
| // - Escape Location
Note: The stairs start on column 7, rows
F through I and move all the way to
column 1. The rioters must go this way.

There are some good skills to crack here so
be sure to pick them out. Spread out along the
placeable tiles then attack in a wave, taking
out the enemies that move up the steps first.
A good mixture of Electric, Force, and Fire
damage will suffice to take out any group for
this battle. Do you what you have to in order
to protect Airi.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle you get much needed information, Joe asks, "Hmm... This is
a pretty pickle. What should we do, [Hero]?"
[*] Find Jungo and the others (Airi +3)
[ ] Take back the JP's branch
- Airi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 09:30 =
You have the option to choose the "Mystery Man" event which leads to other
paths later. For the sake of an optimal run, choose "Boy in Combat" to save
Jungo. Io is worried, "Daichi's nowhere to be found. This place is so big that
I think it'll take time..."
[*] Let's keep trying (Daichi +2)
[ ] Let's give up...
Below you can see Jungo fending off some rioters. As you join he asks, "...My
Name is Jungo Torii. Are you my friend or my foe?"
[ ] Foe
[*] Friend (Jungo +1)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all rioters!
| - Jungo dies
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - None
| - 750 Experience
| - 1800 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
B |
C |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| 01 |
| ** |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
E | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
F | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX | 02 |
G | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
I |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |

J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | 03 |
K |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
L |
M |
| 04 |
| 05 |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Yakuza
| 20 | 01 |
| Gozuki
| 18 |
| Gozuki
| 18 |
| Office Lady
| 19 | 02 |
| Sarasvati
| 19 |
| Toubyou
| 12 |
| Young Man
| 19 | 03 |
| Mokoi
| 17 |
| Tenong Cut
| 16 |
| Student
| 17 | 04 |
| Gagyson
| 15 |
| Gagyson
| 15 |
| Punk
| 20 | 05 |
| Lilim
| 18 |
| Lilim
| 18 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Jungo

You'll encounter groups 04 and 05 first, so
be sure to kill the Lilims or you'll be here
watching them heal instead of saving Jungo.
Move down to Jungo as soon as you can, ignoring
the other two groups. Move back up and wipe out
groups 02 and 03 then be prepared for the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle is over Jungo says, "Thank you. You with JP's...?"
[ ] No
[*] We're backup (Jungo +1)
[ ] Daichi Search Squad
- Jungo receives +10 Reputation for this event.
- Airi joins the party
-= 10:00 =
Choose the event "After the News" to speak with Io.
- Io Nitta receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 10:30 =
The next event becomes available now, "Hacker Revealed", where you will find
Fumi. Io mentions, "Isn't that..."
[ ] She's Cute
[*] She was in Osaka too (Io +1)

-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Knock Fumi unconscious
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - None
| - 820 Experience
| - 2000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
C | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| XX | XX |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
E |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
G | 02 |
| 03 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 04 | XX | XX |
H |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
I |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
K | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
L | XX | XX | XX |
M | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| 05 |
N | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| PC | PC |
O | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Ictinike
| 21 | 01 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |
| Fumi
| 22 | 02 |
| Orcus
| 23 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

You'll need a good mix of the elements and
preferably a few dances if you want to kill
Botis; group 02. Start off by sending a group

| Botis
| 37 | 03 |
| Abraxas
| 19 |
| Abraxas
| 19 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 | 04 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Mokoi
| 15 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 | 05 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |

over to kill the Jack Frosts and move the rest

of the group high towards group 04. The use of
a Dragon or two is helpful in quickly taking
out groups here. As you defeat enemies, Miasma
will start to appear through out the field. The
Botis group will start making it's move once
you near Fumi, about column 5 so make sure the
other Demons have been taken care before
engaging this mammoth. Be sure to kill the two
Abraxas first, engaging from two spots away is
optimal because of that groups limited range.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Fumi wakes up drowzy, "..... Hmm? Who are you?"

[*] I'm with JP's (Fumi +1)

[*] I'm [Hero]. (Fumi +1)
[ ] I'm a hero
Fumi finds some useful information "...But why would I do that?"
[ ] How should I know?
[*] You were brainshed (Fumi +1)
[*] It's the demons' fault (Fumi +1)
-= 11:00 =
Choose the event "Memory Search" then "Nicaea Mystery" where Yuzuru asks,
"Hey, [Hero]... That Nicaea thing? Who do you think put that together?"
[ ] How should I know?
[*] I've wondered that too. (Yuzuru +2)
He later says, "Hmm... Guess we can't figure it out yet after all."
[*] Why not look at the site? (Yuzuru +1)
[ ] Why not ask someone?
[ ] Doesn't matter.
-= 12:00 =
The next event to go after is "Twisted Airi" where "Airi seems flustered..."
[*] What were you looking at? (Airi +1)
[ ] Why the menchi beams?
But then she gets defensive "I-I'm just resting. Just a little tired, is all.
Don't act like my mom or anything!"
[*] Sorry (Airi +1)
[ ] Call me "Brother"
- Airi Ban receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 12:30 =
Prepare for battle and choose the event "Saving Daichi" once you receive the
e-mail from Fumi.

-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all the rioters!
| - Either Jungo of Daichi dies
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Io's dispatchment
| - 880 Experience
| - 2200 Macca

N O T E!

The map for this battlefield is drawn with the top left being "north."
Normally the maps have the top right being "north" so make your adjustments,
the map is overly lengthy.


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---| XX | XX | XX |
| Io |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| !! |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 02 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 03 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | ** |
| 04 |
| 05 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| 06 |
| PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX |

R | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Punk
| 22 | 01 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Jack Frost
| 19 |
| Young Man
| 22 | 02 |
| Abraxas
| 19 |
| Abraxas
| 19 |
| Salaryman
| 22 | 03 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |
| Gozuki
| 18 |
| Salaryman
| 22 | 04 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |
| Student
| 22 | 05 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Office Lady
| 22 | 06 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Io - Io's Position
| ** - Jungo
| !! - Daichi

Io must start on the far side of the room. It
works out because she is in prime position to
defeat group 01 and free Daichi. For the other
three, send one towards groups 05/06, one at
group 04, and another infront of Jungo to face
groups 02/03. This will force Jungo into a
support role, leaving him protected but still
useful. As you start to defeat the rioters more
pour in at D13-15. The enemies actually aren't
that tough so you should have an easy time
having Io escort Daichi out, just let up on the
slaughter so you do get him out before you kill
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Daichi receives +2 Reputation if rescued.

After you untie Daichi's ropes. "*gasp* I-I'm saved!"

[ ] Quit exaggerating
[*] Are you okay? (Daichi +1)
[ ] Will you be quiet?
Jungo jumps in, "Hm...? I do something wrong?"
[ ] It's about Nicaea
[*] It's your death clip...
[*] We saved your life (Jungo +5)
But comments, "I'm glad. Thanks."
[*] No problem (Jungo +10)
[ ] I'm beat...
[ ] You owe use now
Fumi arrives shortly after, "Huh...? Jungo's alive. Well, that's some good
[ ] You're late.
[*] Hey there (Airi +2)
Io is curious of your plans, "Um... We rescued Daichi, and Jungo's safe too...
What should we do, Hiro?"

[*] Let's take JP's back (Fumi +3)

[ ] I don't know...
- Jungo Torii achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 13:00 =
Head to the "Man of Fury" event when are ready for another battle.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Ronaldo
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 150 Experience
| - 1700 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E |
| 01 |
F |
| XX | 02 |
| XX |
G | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
H |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | 03 |
I | 04 |
| XX |
| 05 |
| 06 | XX |
J |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | xX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX | PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
O |
| PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
P | XX |
| XX | // | // | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | // | // | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Salaryman
| 23 | 01 |
| Orcus
| 23 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Salaryman
| 23 | 02 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Punk
| 23 | 03 |
| Power
| 24 |
| Power
| 24 |
| Punk
| 23 | 04 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Ronaldo
| 30 | 05 |
| Baphonet
| 32 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Salaryman
| 23 | 06 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |

| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| // - Escape Position

The battle isn't that tough, so just focus
on positioning. Split the group in half to
cover the escape positions and defeat the
enemies as they try to escape. Once everything
is taken care of you can focus a massive attack
on Ronaldo to make quick work of him. Things
can get out of hand fairly quickly if you let
Ronaldo start attacking freely since he has a
massive range and drain skills, so be sure to
hit him hard once he starts roaming; physical
attacks are going to be his weak point.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Ronaldo pleads his case, "If I don't stand up and fight,
there won't be any justice!"
[ ] How stupid are you?
[*] Come on, let's fight (Ronaldo +2)
[ ] You're the evil one here
Phecda drops in to ruin things, "...It's not going to be an easy opponent.
This is no time for us to be fighting!"
[*] Thanks (Ronaldo +1)
[ ] But you're our enemy
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Phecda!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Ronaldo dies
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 900 Experience
| - 2000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

A | 01 |
| XX | XX |
| 02 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 03 |
B |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E |
F |
| XX |
| XX |
G | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | 04 |
H |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
I |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
| ** |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
J |
| PC |
| PC |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | xX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX |
| 05 |
| XX |
O |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
P | XX |
| XX | 06 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Jack Frost
| 22 | 01 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Phecda
| 32 | 02 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 | 03 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 |
| Abraxas
| 19 |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 04 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Bai Suzhen
| 20 |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 05 |
| Power
| 24 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 | 06 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |
| Nekomata
| 19 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Ronaldo

The way to win this fight is simple but the
execution is the tricky part. Start by taking
out all the extraneous groups with the help of
Ronaldo, who is extremely helpful in this
battle. Phecda will be immune to all damage
until it splits. When it splits into two parts
one will nullify physical and be weak to all
magic attacks and vice versa. Use this chance
to deal as much damage as you can to both of
parts because once one part is destroyed the
two will merge again and whichever piece had
the highest health will take precedence. Lower
both incredibly low and in one swift turn take
them out to end the battle before they even
re-connect to become immune once more.

|__________________|_____|____| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the conversation with Ronaldo is over Makoto comments, "More than that,
guys, you all worked really hard today."
[*] I'm tired (Makoto +2)
[*] It was easy (Makoto +2)
[ ] It was the worst thing ever
-= 13:30 =
Choose "The Server" as the next event where Fumi says, "Indeed I don't. Were
there any other questions?"
[*] Who could it be? (Fumi +1)
[*] We're stumped... (Fumi +1)
[ ] Some help you are.
As you delve into questions about Nicaea Fumi comments, "That's the first
datum. Why would it do that?"
[ ] To kill them?
[*] To save them? (Fumi +1)
[ ] To scare us?
Time to reflect, "Let's think about it. What have you done up to now?"
[ ] We've worked hard.
[ ] We defeated demons.
[*] Well, we beat Dubhe... (Fumi +1)
-= 14:00 =
"Outlaw" is the next event you should take. Ronaldo speaks of his senpai,
"He discovered the Hotsuin family, the leaders of JP's... and then he
[*] Was he killed? (Ronaldo +1)
[ ] No way.
- Ronaldo Kuriki receives +10 Reputation for this event and achieves Fate
Stage 1
-= 14:30 =
Choose "Target: Tower" to speak with Yuzuru, "Anyways... Dubje, Merak, and
now Phecda. That's three times so far."
[ ] Three times for what?
[*] ...You mean towers? (Yuzuru +1)
"But you gotta figure that after all that's happened, there's a reason for
[*] Yeah (Yuzuru +1)
[ ] You think so?

-= 15:00 =
At the event "Faint Suspicion" where you meet Yamato, "It's you... [Hero].
Well done."
[*] It's fine (Yamato +1)
[*] That was easy (Yamato +1)
[ ] I'm tired
-= 15:30 =
Up next is "Weary Daichi" where you have a short talk with Daichi.
- Daichi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 16:00 =
Pick the event "Shaken Makoto" next.
- Makoto receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 16:30 =
Next stop is "Nagoya Failure" where Yamato says, "You can train them all you
want, but trash is trash..."
[*] It can't be helped (Yamato +1)
[*] Fire them (Yamato +1)
[ ] Encourage them
- Yamato receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 17:00 =
Visit Airi by choosing "Airi's Dream" where she jumps, "Oh...! Wh-What?
You're here again?"
[ ] Wanna break something?
[*] What are you looking at? (Airi +1)
Cheer her up when she says, "It's funny, really... how much of a waste of
time all that was."
[ ] I agree
[*] Why did you give up? (Airi +1)
- Airi Ban receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 17:30 =
Visit Jungo via "An Odd Duck" where he hastily says, "I made this. Eat it."
[ ] What the...?
[*] Thanks (Jungo +1)
He's being very gracious, "So, please."

[*] Thanks (Jungo +1)

[ ] I don't get it...
- Jungo receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 18:00 =
The event "Fumi's Research" where Fumi asks, "...Oh, [Hero]. Nice timing.
Can I borrow your phone?"
[*] Sure (Fumi +1)
[ ] No way
- Fumi Kanna receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 18:30 =
Choose "For Justice" for another run in with Ronaldo.
- Ronaldo receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 19:00 =
This time block is up in the air but the "best" choice the event named
"Mystery Man."
-= 19:30 =
It's to go "Back to Tokyo" where Makoto will say, "It's all thanks to you.
We truly owe you a debt."
[*] Don't worry about it. (Makoto +1)
[ ] Then pay up!
Airi is bad at giving gifts, "Uhh... Well, and then... Ummm..."
[*] Thanks (Airi +1)
[ ] Looks gross
Jungo has more chawanmushi, "[Hero]. I made this."
[*] Thank you
[ ] Again...?
When Makoto cheers up Daichi:
[ ] Good for you!
[ ] That's because we're useful
[*] Thank you. (Makoto +1)
-= 20:30 =
Joe's Gift
- Yuzuru Aike receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 21:00 =

It's bedtime. Get a recap of all the events for the day if you want then
move on to the 4th day!
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 4th Day - Wednesday's Changes

The scene starts much like the previous days with Makoto, "[Hero], I'm
coming in... I-Is that all right?"
[*] Of course (Makoto +1)
[*] Just come in already! (Makoto +1)
[ ] Pervert!
Makoto addresses the group, "No... Nothing's happened. I just have some news
to relay to you."
[*] Relay to us? (Makoto +1)
[ ] Hurry and spill!
Makoto further explains the exams, "What? What are you talking about? We'd
never let the men and women take it together."
[*] Of course not. (Io +1)
[ ] What a shame...
- Makoto joins the party
-= 07:00 =
The only event you can choose is "Bud of Malice" so prepare then move out.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Megrez!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 800 Experience
| - 2400 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
| 02 | XX | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| 03 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
E |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |

F |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
G |
| XX |
| 04 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
H | 05 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
I |
| XX | XX | XX |
J |
| XX | XX |
K |
| PC | PC |
L |
| PC | PC |
M |
| 06 |
| PC |
N |
O |
| XX | 07 |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 01 |
| Hamsa
| 24 |
| Hamsa
| 24 |
| Ictinike
| 21 | 02 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Ogun
| 23 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 | 03 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 |
| Nozuchi
| 23 |
| Megrez
| 30 | 04 |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 05 |
| Kumbhanda
| 25 |
| Kumbhanda
| 25 |
| Power
| 24 | 06 |
| Power
| 24 |
| Power
| 24 |
| Ictinike
| 21 | 07 |
| Mezuki
| 25 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

This fight can be a problem if you don't
bring enough healers. There are six enemy
groups not including Megrez itself. Megrez will
use an ability called Diastrophism every turn
that deals 30-50 damage to all enemies, with the
exception of Avian and Divine. Start off by
defeating the groups near the bottom then move
up to defeat the rest. Be sure to keep your
health high and plow through the Hamsa group
as it will continually heal with Diarama. Megrez
will go down relatively fast once you start
attacking it, so if you are having troubles
with the fight just go straight for Megrez.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Yamato calls in to check on the group, "I'd like to know your opinion on the
[ ] Which part
[*] It was easy (Yamato +1)
[ ] I'm tired

-= 07:30 =
Job Request (Daichi)
Makoto asks Daichi to handle some Demons, who in turn asks, "My best friend!
You want to help me take on some demons?"
[*] Sure (Daichi +2)
[ ] This one's all you
- Daichi Shijima receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 08:00 =
Job Request (Io)
Io is conflicted, "I'm sorry, I... What would you do, [Hero]?"
[*] Give it to them (Io +1)
[*] Don't get it to them (Io +1)
[ ] Throw it all in the river
- Io receives +10 Reputation for this event
-= 08:30 =
Before doing the health exam choose the event "Secret Garden" for a comical
scene. Makoto calls, "Is this [Hero]!? Sorry, but I have bad news."
[ ] I don't wanna hear it
[*] What is it? (Makoto +2)
-= 09:00 =
Your only choice now is "Anguinshed One" where the mysterious man appears,
"You're here, children of possibility... new breaths of life."
[ ] Who are you?
[*] You're in danger! (Anguished One +1)
With a snap Megrez is defeated, "I ponder, I feel, I desire. ...Shining One,
who are you?"
[*] [Hero] (Anguished One +1)
[ ] How should I know?
Speaking in riddles confuses Daichi, "H-Hey, [Hero]! What is he talking
[ ] Be quiet.
[*] I don't know. (Daichi +1)
-= 09:30 =
Choose "Happy Hinako" where she asks some rather obtuse questions, "As a
male, what's your opinion?"
[*] You're the winner (Hinako +2)

[ ] You take second

[ ] You're less than third
- Hinako receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 10:00 =
Visit Airi via the event "Sullen Airi" where she is abnormally moody.
- Airi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 10:30 =
The last event before leaving is "Fumi's Health" where she mentions, "The
delta waves are a hint, but..."
[*] Waves? (Fumi +1)
[*] What do you mean? (Fumi +1)
[ ] Cowabunga!
- Fumi Kanno achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 11:00 =
It's time to go to "A Hard Choice" that actually isn't a choice at all!
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - All allies escape!
| - Any ally dies
| - Defeat all demons!
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Makoto's dispatchment
| - 900 Experience
| - Otome's dispatchment
| - 2600 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX |
B | XX |
| XX |
C | XX |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
E |
| XX |
| XX |
| 01 |
F | 02 |
| 03 | ** |
| 04 |
G | XX | XX | XX | 05 |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
H | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
I | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |

J | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
K | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
L | XX | XX | XX |
| 06 | XX | XX | XX |
M | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
N | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
O | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
P | XX | XX | XX |
| 07 |
| XX | XX | XX |
Q | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
R | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
S | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
T | XX | XX | XX | // | // | // | // | // | // | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 01 |
| Kumbhanda
| 25 |
| Kumbhanda
| 25 |
| Ictinike
| 21 | 02 |
| Mezuki
| 25 |
| Ictinike
| 21 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 03 |
| Flauros
| 26 |
| Flauros
| 26 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 | 04 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Jack Frost
| 21 |
| Hamsa
| 24 | 05 |
| Hamsa
| 24 |
| Hamsa
| 24 |
| Wendigo
| 31 | 06 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Shiisaa
| 30 | 07 |
| Shiisaa
| 28 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Neko Shogun
| 31 | ** |
| Flauros
| 26 |
| Flauros
| 26 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| // - Escape Location

Trying to escape is going to be fruitless, the
best thing to do is hunker down then take out
the groups on the edges. The latter groups won't
start moving for a few turns so you have ample
time to dispatch the others. The Pyro Jack group
can be devastating so take it out from a good
distance or have Fire Resist Demons. The next
major group is the Wendigo one. Some hard hits
like Mow Down and Fire Dance will take it down
fast. The second to last group, with Shiisaa
isn't that big of a deal as it will go down
just like the Wendigo did. The real kicker is
the Neko Shogun group that shows up towards the
end of the fight with powerful group attacks.
Force Dance and Ice Dance are great for taking
this group down, but the Neko Shogun does have
bit of HP so be sure you can heal as long as it
takes to kill it. Sometimes it's best to have
ranged and a tanky group sit at F3 so it takes
all the hits while the other groups safely
demolish the group attacking from F4. At the
end of the battle a rope is dropped down at D7
but you might as well just kill the Neko
Shogun to end the fight.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 11:30 =
Your only option is the "Megrez Meeting" for now.
-= 12:00 =
There are many new options available but get the battle of the way, choose
"Confrontation." Here you meet the JP's and civilians. You can side with either
or face both, so choose wisely!
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat the JP's members!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Clear away the civilians!
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 950 Experience
| - 3600 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
D | XX | 02 | XX | 01 |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
E | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
G | XX |
| XX |
| 03 | 04 | XX |
| XX |
H |
| 05 |
I | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| PC |
J | 06 |
| 07 |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
K | 08 |
| PC | PC |
L | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| PC |
M | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |


| PC - Position Characters |

| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Salaryman
| 27 | 01 |
| Kikuri-Hime
| 27 |
| Kikuri-Hime
| 27 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Punk
| 27 | 02 |
| Young Man
| 24 |
| Siding with the civilians is the easiest way
| Office Lady
| 24 |
| to go by far. Siding with the JP's members will
|------------------|-----|----| allow for a pincer-style attack which can then
| Salaryman
| 27 | 03 | be followed up by attacking up the steps. The
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| groups will attack each other even if you don't
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| pick a side so it should be easy to start
|------------------|-----|----| taking out the groups that get weakened.
| Young Man
| 27 | 04 | Regardless of your choice the battle isn't all
| Young Man
| 24 |
| that troublesome, just try to get some good
| Office Lady
| 24 |
| Skill Cracks in.
|------------------|-----|----| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Office Lady
| 27 | 05 |
| Punk
| 24 |
| Punk
| 24 |
| JP's Member
| 30 | 06 |
| Wendigo
| 31 |
| Wendigo
| 31 |
| Salaryman
| 27 | 07 |
| Shiisaa
| 28 |
| Shiisaa
| 28 |
| JP's Member
| 30 | 08 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
-= 12:30 =
Choose the event "Interrogation" and respond to Yamato, "You're an
intriguing one... Maybe even dangerous."
[ ] That's rather rude
[*] Is that a compliment? (Yamato +2)
-= 13:00 =
Next up is "Nicaea's Master" where you meet the Anguished One again, "...Ah,
it's you. We meet again, Shining One."
[ ] You!
[*] Oh, it's you. (Anguished One +1)
- Anguished One receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 13:30 =
In Tokyo choose, "Demon Inquiry" to catch up with Io, "I've needed them to
survive, but... I think we should give them more thought..."
[ ] You think so?
[*] Sure. I'll help (Io +1)

"Oh, I see... Then how do they appear so quickly when we summon them...?"
[ ] How should I know?
[*] It is a mystery (Io +1)
"Wait, but then... how does the Terminal work...?"
[*] Why not ask around? (Io +1)
[ ] Who knows?
"Yes, I'm sure Fumi would know... I'll try asking her next time I see her."
[*] I'll help (Io +1)
[ ] Good luck
-= 14:00 =
Time to take a deeper look into "The Terminal" where Fumi eventually says,
"Ugh, this sounds so stupid when I put it in such general terms. What
[*] I get it now. (Fumi +1)
[ ] I still don't get it.
-= 14:30 =
Up next it "Demon Origins" where Io says, "I was, um, just trying to sort out
what Fumi told us about the Terminal..."
[ ] Oh, that
[*] Let me help you (Io +2)
"Mm... so what about demons?"
[*] Them too, I'd think (Io +1)
[ ] I don't think so
"Wouldn't that suggest their data is received from somewhere and recreated
from that...?"
[*] Yeah (Io +1)
[ ] Would it?
-= 15:00 =
A battle event appears called "Apps and Muggers" so choose that next. Daichi
asks, "Ooh, [Hero]! Perfecting timing! Can you help me get these people to form
a line?"
[ ] Nuh-uh
[*] Sure (Daichi +2)
Io comments, "That's why I suggested sharing a little of the JP's food..."
[*] Is that okay? (Io +2)
[ ] What a waste.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all enemies!
| - All allies are defeated
| - The food carriers escape
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Io's dispatchment
| - 1000 Experience
| - Daichi's dispatchment
| - 3600 Macca

N O T E!

The map for this battlefield is drawn with the top left being "north."
Normally the maps have the top right being "north" so make your adjustments,
the map is overly lengthy.


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---|
| XX | XX |
| // |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| 01 | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 02 |
| XX | XX |
| 03 |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
| 04 |
| XX | XX |
| !! |
| XX |
| !! |
| XX |
| 05 | 06 | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | XX | XX |
| PC | PC |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Punk
| 28 | 01 |
| !! - Io/Daichi Position |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 |
| // - Escape Location
| Orthrus
| 27 |
| Salaryman
| 28 | 02 | Strategy
| Tlaloc
| 28 |
| _______________________________________________
| Kikuri-Hime
| 27 |
|------------------|-----|----| Io and Daichi are forced to start in the
| Salaryman
| 28 | 03 | center so give them your strongest Demons.
| Flauros
| 26 |
| Place the other two characters at the top, one
| Flauros
| 26 |
| preferably with Switch so you can rotate Io or
|------------------|-----|----| Daichi out as they are bound to get hit hard.
| Punk
| 28 | 04 | This tactic also allows you to catch the food
| Basilisk
| 28 |
| carriers and take them down quickly. Be sure
| Kumbhanda
| 25 |
| to slay the Kikuri-Hime with Recarn (and Crack
|------------------|-----|----| it) and the Leanan Sidhes so you don't have to
| Yakuza
| 28 | 05 | worry about the enemy constantly healing and
| Mezuki
| 25 |
| reviving while you are trying to stop them
| Mezuki
| 25 |
| from escaping.
|------------------|-----|----| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Young Man
| 28 | 06 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
-= 15:30 =
Choose the event "Joe Lost" as you search for him.
-= 16:00 =
Check out "Makoto's Pride" when Makoto says, "...Were you listening? Sorry
you had to overhear that."
[ ] What do you owe JP's?
[*] Cheer up (Makoto +2)
- Makoto Sako receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 16:30 =
Choose the event "Power Outage" to save Yuzuru. You can have him come to you
or go towards Ronaldo, the latter being the safest choice.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Joe dies
| - Any civilians die
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 300 Experience

| - 2000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX |
| 01 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
B |
C |
D |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
E |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F |
| XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
G | ** |
| XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
H |
| XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
I |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
K |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
M |
| !! | YA | !! |
N |
O |
P | XX | XX |
| XX | 02 |
| 03 | XX | XX | 04 |
| XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Shiisaa
| 28 | 01 |
| Shiisaa
| 28 |
| Basilisk
| 28 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 | 02 |
| Orthrus
| 27 |
| Orthrus
| 27 |
| Loa
| 30 | 03 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Leanan Sidhe
| 26 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 | 04 |
| Tlaloc
| 28 |
| Tlaloc
| 28 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Ronaldo
| YA - Yuzuru Aike
| !! - Civilians

Send three members along the bottom and tell
Joe and the civilians to move towards Ronaldo.
This gives you some breathing room to catch the
bottom group of enemies using techniques like
Phantasm and switch to boost yourself along.
One member should go along the top to tag the
Shiisaa and reinforcements for safe movement.

|__________________|_____|____| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Yuzuru Aike receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3

- Ronaldo receives +2 Reputation if he doesn't go down
-= 17:00 =
Choose "A Surprise" next to speak with Ronaldo, "Perfect timing, though. Do
you remember what I told you last time?"
[*] About your superior? (Ronaldo +2)
[ ] Buh?
A JP's member barges in, "Now that we all know his face, he's trying to get
close to you and you friends!"
[ ] I'll be careful
[*] You're exaggerating it (Ronald +1)
- Ronaldo Kuriki receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 17:30 =
The next event should be "Gumshoe Memento" where you meet Airi, "Umm... you
wanna see? I don't know why you would..."
[ ] Yeah
[*] You don't mind? (Airi +1)
- Airi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 18:00 =
Return to Ronaldo via "Secret Plan" where he comments, "By the way, about my
superior. I was thinking of searching for his daught. Any ideas?"
[ ] I found her
[*] I have his pocketbook (Ronaldo +2)
"But why? Wait, there's more... Plan documentation... 'special server'?"
[*] It's Yamato's (Ronaldo +1)
[ ] It's for JP's
"A place to hid his private records... Where would it be? I'm so close, sir."
[ ] Could JP's have it?
[*] The Osaka branch? (Ronaldo +1)
"We were lucky then, because someone hacked the branch's computer from
[*] I think I know... (Ronaldo +1)
[ ] "Someone"
-= 18:30 =
Continue on with "Chief's Chagrin" where Yamato asks, "Where di you get the
grounding to do such things?"

[ ] I have no grounding
[*] It's a talent (Yamato +1)
[ ] It's a secret
- Yamato Hotsuin receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 19:00 =
Choose the next event, "Delta Battle" and pick your team. All battles are
the same, the only thing affected is the members you get to use.
[*] Tokyo Team (Daichi/Io/Yuzuru/Makoto +2)
[ ] Osaka Team (Hinako/Keita/Otome +2)
[ ] Nagoya Team (Airi/Fumi/Jungo +2)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Megrez!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Take too many turns to attack Megrez|
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1000 Experience
| - 3500 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 01 |
B | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
D | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | !! |
| XX | XX | XX |
E | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
F | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
G | 02 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
H | 02 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
I | XX |
| 03 |
J | XX |
| 04 |
| 05 |
K | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
L | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
M | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | !! |
| XX | XX |
N | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |

O | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| !! |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Power
| 30 | 01 |
| Power
| 30 |
| Hamsa
| 30 |
| Megrez
| 40 | 02 |
| Hamsa
| 30 | 03 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 |
| Power
| 30 | 04 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Hamsa
| 30 | 05 |
| Hamsa
| 30 |
| Shiisaa
| 28 |
NOTE! Take out Miasma at A13
and O14. If you stand at I8
and J9 the enemies won't move!


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| !! - Miasma Location

A group with Flight or Phantasm is going to
be your ticket to glory here. Closing the
Miasma will be your number one focus with a
group like that. Otherwise, you won't be able
to close all the Miasma and things can get
quite nasty if you can't continually defeat
the small parties. Of course, if you bring
some healers, lots of Ice damage, and a member
with Assassinate you can one-hit the group
leaders with one character and let the others
use magic attacks to take out Megrez. The boss
will move a total of three times, regenerate
every turn, and "Fire Bomb" which creates a
bud that should be taken out immediately.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 19:30 =
Meet up with Ronaldo during "At Hakata" for some interesting information.
- Ronaldo receives +1 Reputation for this event.
-= 20:00 =
Choose "Man's Choice" where Joe tells you, "I even promised to marry her, so
I'll have lots to do soon."
[ ] You proposed?
[ ] Why?
[*] Congratulations. (Yuzuru +1)
- Yuzuru receives +10 Reputatin for this event.
-= 20:30 =
Up next is "Dance Practice" with Hinako.
- Hinako Kujou receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 21:00 =
During "Jungo and Cat" you can save the cat by calling Otome.
- Jungo Torii receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2

-= 21:30 =
During "Initial Test" Fumi notes, "I see. No irregularities here."
[ ] Yeah
[*] Really? (Fumi +1)
[*] That can't be regular (Fumi +1)
- Fumi Kanno receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 22:00 =
The event "JP's Doctor" features Otome, "Does it bother you when I talk like
[ ] Yeah
[*] I don't care (Otome +2)
- Otome Yanagiya receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 22:30 =
Suspected Spy
- Ronaldo receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 23:00 =
Meet the Anguished One during "An Awful World" and he asks, "How would that
[ ] Sounds great
[*] No way (Anguished One +2)
[ ] I don't know
- Anguished One receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 1
-= 23:30 =
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 5th Day - Thursday's Shock

During the opening, as usual someone knocks, "[Hero]...? Um, are you awake?"
[*] Come in. (Io +1)
[*] Enter! (Io +1)
[ ] Pervert!
"Umm... Good morning."
[ ] Get on with it
[*] Good morning (Io +1)
"Hm, who would that be...? It involves JP's, so it'd be someone who works
for them..."

[*] That would be Fumi (Io +1)

[ ] But who in JP's, though?
-= 06:30 =
Choose the event "Lost Photo" where you meet Io, "Let's see... If I remember
[*] Looking for something? (Io +1)
[*] "Remember right?" (Io +1)
[ ] Are you bored?
"Sorry, [Hero], but... Would you mind coming with me?"
[*] Of course (Io +1)
[ ] No way
"Could you make sure she gets them?"
[*] All right (Io +1)
[ ] Ugh, whatever
- Io Nitta achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 07:00 =
After finding the picture choose "Fumi's Info" to give it back.
-= 07:30 =
Choose "Io's Search" where Io is looking around, "It's closed here, too...
I wonder if everyone's been evacuated..."
[ ] Are you shopping?
[*] Looking for a bookstore? (Io +1)
"But.. How'd you know I was looking for a bookstore?"
[*] Call it intuition (Io +1)
[*] Random guessing (Io +1)
[ ] Maerlyn's Grapefruit
"What else could I be studying, Hiro?"
[ ] Something you like
[*] Something useful (Io +1)
[ ] What's "studying"?
- Io receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 08:00 =
The next battle event is "Poisonous Day" where Yamato asks, "Since dawn,
neurotoxin deaths have been on the rise in Tokyo. Who do you think's behind it?"
[ ] Ronaldo
[*] Septentriones (Yamato +1)
"I said to you once that JP's has the burden of protecting Japan from the

[*] Yes... (Yamato +1)
[ ] When was this?
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Yamato completes his work; all
| - Yamato dies
| enemies are defeated!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1100 Experience
| - 3700 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | 01 |
B |
| PC | PC | PC | PC |
C |
| ** |
| PC | PC |
D |
E |
F | 02 |
| 03 |
G | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
H |
| XX |
| XX |
I | XX | XX |
| 04 |
| XX |
J | XX | XX |
| 05 |
| XX |
K | XX |
| XX |
| 06 |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| 07 | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Ikusa
| 33 | 01 |
| ** - Yamato
| Orthrus
| 27 |
| Orthrus
| 27 |
|------------------|-----|----| Strategy
| Pyro Jack
| 29 | 02 | _______________________________________________

| Tlaloc
| 28 |
| Tlaloc
| 28 |
| Wendigo
| 31 | 03 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| SUparna
| 31 |
| ?
| 42 | 04 |
| Ikusa
| 33 | 05 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| Pendragon
| 30 |
| Wendigo
| 31 | 06 |
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Wendigo
| 31 | 07 |
| Wendigo
| 31 |
| Basilisk
| 28 |

The ground on which groups 05/06 stand have
Miasma, so be sure to get there and break the
phones. The groups with Ikusa will be dangerous
since they can Assassinate, so be on the lookout
for them. Many groups are strong against
Physical damage and the Wendigos reflect Ice.
The Poison areas will do about 80 damage to
the whole group so don't stand in it. The first
"egg" is going to be very hard to reach so just
let it explode then focus and focus on the
Demons. The next egg lands at E9 so it's very
possible to reach. The final egg lands at L12
and is also well within reach. A final group
appears after the third egg is broken at A1
consisting of a Hitokotonusi and Pyro Jacks.
The best way to win that fight is by going on
the offensive with Electric damage since this
Demon has high health, Double Up, Mighty Call,
and extremely high crit, not to mention it
absorbs Physical damage.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 08:30 =
Choose "Key to Interception" to find the Anguished One, "Greetings, Shining
One... I'm happy to see you."
[ ] Were you waiting for me?
[ ] What the hell do you want?
[*] Hi there (Anguished One +1)
-= 09:00 =
Next up is "Io's Troubles" where she comments, "Having your own opinion only
leads to conflicts... I should keep mine to myself..."
[ ] Yeah!
[*] No! (Io +2)
- Io receives +20 Reputation for this event.
-= 09:30 =
"Flames of Fury" is a short event with Makoto.
- Makoto receives +1 Reputation for this event.
-= 10:00 =
Please, Hinako
[*] I need you to dance (Hinako +2)
[ ] Act sexy for me
Please, Airi
- Airi receives +2 Reputation for this event.

You can also choose two other "Please" events at this time but the key ones
are above.
-= 10:30 =
Your only choice is "For the Interception" so give Yamato the details when
Daichi asks, "Shoot it down, huh...? H-How?"
[*] With Pasupata (Yamato +1)
[*] We'll use Shiva (Yamato +1)
[ ] I don't know
Hinako responds, "Huh... So that's why we need Shiva. What else?"
[*] We need Kama (Yamato +1)
[*] We need one more demon (Yamato +1)
[ ] I have no clue
Io questions, "O-Okay... So, um, how do we resurrect Shiva and Kama?"
[*] Shiva needs a dancer (Yamato +2)
[ ] I don't know
Back to Daichi, "Um... Okay, so what about the other one?"
[*] Kama requires sex appeal (Yamato +2)
[ ] I have no idea
- Yamato Hotsuin achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 11:00 =
The next battle event is "Ananga" which is quite interesting.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Kama escapes the map
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1200 Experience
| - 4100 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | // |
| // |
B |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
C |
D |
| XX | XX |
| 01 |

E | XX |
| PC | PC |
F | XX |
| 02 |
| 03 |
G | XX |
| XX |
| 04 |
| XX |
H | XX |
| 05 |
| 06 |
I |
| PC | PC |
J |
K | // |
| 07 |
| // |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 01 |
| Yuki Jyorou
| 34 |
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 02 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 03 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 04 |
| Loa
| 34 |
| Loa
| 34 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 05 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| Pyro Jack
| 29 |
| Pyro Jack
| 31 | 06 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| cait Sith
| 35 | 07 |
| Pendragon
| 30 |
| Pendragon
| 30 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| // - Escape Locations

Bring a mix of Fire, Ice, and Electric damage
so you can burn through the enemies. Having a
Double Up and long range attack makes for a
quick knock out on most of the enemies before
they can even attack. Group 03 is the true Kama
if you choose to set him free so early. The
other groups should fall pretty easily, just
watch out for the Ikusa so you don't get hit
with Assassinate. Kama is strong against all
aspects and will use Shield All and Zandyne to
guarantee immunity and quick kills. Attack from
range and pick off his Bai Ze with Physical
attacks then gang up on Kama. You can also block
his exits and force him to attack if you can't
catch him. Kama does have low HP so don't feel
afraid to attack with anything.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Airi says, "Well, then. Didn't I say everything was going to
be all right? Let's get going."
[ ] I don't know
[*] Sure (Airi +1)
- Airi Ban receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 11:30 =
Choose "Nataraja" next to free Shiva.

-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Hinako dies
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1200 Experience
| - 3900 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | 01 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C |
D | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
F |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
G |
| ** |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 02 | 03 |
I |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
J | PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
K |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
L |
M |
| XX |
| 04 |
N |
| XX | XX |
| XX | 05 |
| XX | XX | XX |
O |
| 06 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Yuki Jyorou
| 33 | 01 |
| ** - Hinako
| Pendragon
| 30 |
| Pendragon
| 30 |
|------------------|-----|----| Strategy
| Wendigo
| 31 | 02 | _______________________________________________

| Wendigo
| 31 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 03 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Suparna
| 31 |
| Loa
| 34 | 04 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 |
| Loa
| 34 |
| Yuki Jyorou
| 34 | 05 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Loa
| 34 | 06 |
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Afanc
| 33 |

Have two teammates to each section, two for
the top and two for the bottom. No group poses
a threat you haven't seen before so just take
them out as usual. As the air gets colder (as
noted by the messages) some reinforcements
will come from the top-left corner, Ikusa
namely. Just watch out for them and don't let
that group reach Hinako and you'll be fine.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Hinako Kujou receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3

-= 12:00 =
Choose the "Nature of JP's" to interrupt Ronaldo and Makoto, "..! What...?"
[ ] Don't worry aboout it
[*] Let's hear him out (Ronaldo +1)
- Makoto receives +20 Reputation for this event.
- Ronaldo
-= 12:30 =
Continue the story with "Ticket to Hakata" where you get authorization to
- Makoto receives +2 Reputation for this event.
-= 13:00 =
Choose the event "World of Void" next to see Fukuoka.
-= 13:30 =
Visit Fumi via "Corrupted File" to receive a USB.
-= 14:00 =
Take a trip to see Ronaldo via "File Repair" to fix the USB.
- Ronaldo receives +2 Reputation for this event.
-= 14:30 =
Save Otome by choosing "Unexpected Hostility" next.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
| (Bifrons not required)
| - Demons enter Tsuutenkaku
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - Otome's dispatchment
| - 1600 Experience
| - 4300 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| // | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C |
| PC |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
E |
F |
| 01 |
G |
| XX |
H | 02 |
| XX |
I |
| 03 | XX |
J | 04 |
| 05 |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
N | 06 |
| 07 | XX |
O |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
P | XX |
| XX |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
| XX |
Q |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
R | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
S |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
T | XX |
| XX |
U | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
V | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
W | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 01 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 |
| Lailah
| 32 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 02 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 03 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Yuki Jyorou
| 34 | 04 |
| Yuki Jyorou
| 34 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Bifros
| 45 | 05 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| Baphomet
| 32 |
| Loa
| 34 | 06 |
| Loa
| 34 |
| Wendigo
| 31 |
| Ikusa
| 33 | 07 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| // - Tower Entry

The enemies along the left side of the
battlefield can be handled by Otome but on the
right you will want to provide plenty of help
to remove the Asp and Ikusa group that will
attack. Send two characters right and one left
to provide some assistance. If you want to take
out Bifros you'll have to be fast or able to
play defense at the tower long enough to take
out his massive health. Obviously, kill his
two minions first then focus on damaging
Physical attacks. Fire Resistance against this
Demon is a must!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the battle Makoto orders you, "[Hero], take Kujou and head to the TV
Tower in Nagoya. I'd like you in command there."
[*] I look forward to it. (Makoto/Otome +1)
[ ] I'll do it.
- Otome Yanagiya receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 15:00 =
Up next is "Operation Third Eye" where you tell Hinako to dance. Watch the
events unfold.
- Kama is now available for fusing.
-= 15:30 =
The battle event is "Alioth Core" and it should be your next choice.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat the Alioth core!
| - All allies are defeated

-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1700 Experience
| - 4700 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | XX |
B | XX |
| XX | !! |
| XX |
| XX |
| !! |
| XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
| !! | XX |
| XX |
D |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
E | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
F | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
G | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
H | XX | XX | 02 | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
I |
| 03 | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 04 |
J |
| 05 | 06 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
N |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
O |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
P | XX |
| PC | PC | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
Q | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Alioth Core
| 45 | 01 |
| Legion
| 39 | 02 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| Loa
| 34 | 03 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| !! - Set Device

Ranged attacks are going to be the most
helpful for this fight. Lightning has it's

| Gui Xian
| 38 |
| Cu Chulainn
| 37 | 04 |
| Bai Ze
| 37 |
| Lorelei
| 37 |
| Legion
| 39 | 05 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |
| Yu Jyorou
| 34 | 06 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |

benefits but some enemies resist it. You really

need a mixture of attacks, notably Force, to
take out the enemies and Alioth Core quickly.
Focus right up the middle on groups 05 and 06
then move to the 02 and 03. An Alioth egg will
pop up in the middle so take it out quickly then
advance to the Alioth Core. It is imperative
that you set the device up as soon as possible
since it stops the Toxin attack that is so
deadly. More Demons spawn once you set up the
device so just annihiliate them and continue to
pummel the Alioth Core. The battle ends when
the core is gone so tough it out if it gets
rough at the end.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 16:00 =
Choose "Secret Scheme" to meet with Ronaldo, "It's our only way to break
through of the BS and end the tyranny of JP's"
[ ] I'll remember that
[*] All right. (Ronaldo +3)
-= 16:30 =
Visit Daichi during "At a Loss" for a short conversation.
- Daichi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 17:00 =
The next event should be "Chief's Doubt" which is interesting.
- Yamato receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 17:30 =
Visit Hinako via "Value of Dance" to cheer her up.
- Hinako receives +20 Reputation for this event.
-= 18:00 =
Regroup with Yamato during "True Motive" where he says, "...My apologies for
that. Let us continue the dinner party."
[ ] Bullshit
[ ] Why did you hide it?
[*] And the secret plan? (Yamato +2)
-= 18:30 =
Time to get "An Explanation" about what just happened. The Anguished One
says, "Polaris will ask for mankind's will as a whole. He will not grant one
man's desire."
[ ] Then we're safe
[*] So what should we do? (Anguished One +2)

- Anguished One achieves Fate Stage 2

-= 19:00 =
A battle takes place during "Normality Gone."
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all app abusers!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 1800 Experience
| - 4800 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX |
B |
| XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
| 01 |
| 02 |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
E |
| 03 |
| 04 |
| XX |
F | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
G | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| PC |
H | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC |
I | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
J |
| 05 |
| PC |
K |
| 06 |
| XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX |
| 07 | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
M |
| XX | XX | 08 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
N |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
O |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
P | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
Q | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Punk
| 38 | 01 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Young Man
| 39 | 02 |
| Lorelei
| 37 |
| Most of the groups here can move fast and some
| Lorelei
| 37 |
| can attack from range. Both sides are evenly
|------------------|-----|----| balanced so you really just need to pick a
| Yakuza
| 38 | 03 | side and wipe it out then move to the next
| Vidofnir
| 39 |
| one. Use this opportunity to get some easy
| Afanc
| 33 |
| Skill Cracks and level up some of your weaker
|------------------|-----|----| characters.
| Punk
| 39 | 04 | _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cu Chulainn
| 37 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 |
| Salaryman
| 38 | 05 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |
| Bai Ze
| 37 |
| Office Lady
| 39 | 06 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Salaryman
| 39 | 07 |
| Barbatos
| 33 |
| Ikusa
| 33 |
| Worker
| 38 | 08 |
| Ikusa
| 36 |
| Brigid
| 35 |
-= 19:30 =
Choose "Makoto's Choice" for an interesting scene.
- Makoto Sako receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 20:00 =
It's been awhile since you've spoken with Keita, so select "Being Alone"
to pay him a visit.
- Keita receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 20:30 =
Next up is "Chief's Stance"
- Yamato Hotsuin receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
- Keita Wakui achieves Fate Stage 2
-= 21:00 =
Jungo wants to "Name the Cat" so choose that event next.

- Jungo Torii receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3

-= 21:30 =
Visit Fumi during "Test Equipment" for a quick chat.
- Fumi receieves +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 22:00 =
"Otome's Resolve" is the next stop.
- Otome receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 22:30 =
Continue on with "Rioters Routed" to help Ronaldo.
- Ronaldo Kuriki receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 23:00 =
The last stop for the day is "Raison d'etre" with the Anguished One, "Is
having a reason to live really that important?"
[*] Yes (Anguished One +2)
[ ] No
[ ] I don't know
"Would people be happy if they were handed their purposes?"
[ ] Yes
[*] No (Anguished One +1)
[ ] I don't know
- Anguished One receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 23:30 =
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 6th Day - Friday's Partings

During the opening Daichi says, "We need to think hard about whether or not
we can agree on something like that."
[*] You're right (Daichi/Io +1)
[ ] You think so?
-= 06:30 =
Visit "Yamato & Io" to which Yamato notices, "Now then... You're there,
aren't you, [Hero]?"
[*] Aww, you figured it out (Io +2, Yamato +3)

[ ] I'm not here.

[ ] Don't make Io Cry
-= 07:00 =
Next up are "Jungo & Ronaldo"
- Jungo and Ronaldo both receive +2 Reputation for this event
-= 07:30 =
Then "Joe & Makoto" ...
- Yuzuru Akie and Makoto Sako both receive +2 Reputation and achieve Fate
Stage 4
-= 08:00 =
At this time frame you have an option, "Keita & Daichi" or "God of Luck"
which is a battle.
"The world's gone to hell and now the survivors are taking sides... It's
[ ] You're right.
[*] I don't care much (Daichi +2, Keita +4)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2000 Experience
| - 5100 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | XX |
C | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
D | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 02 |
| XX | XX |
E | 03 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
F |
| XX |
| 04 |
| 05 |
G |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
H |
| 06 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |

I | XX | 07 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
J | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
| 08 |
L | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
M | XX | XX | XX |
N | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC |
O | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Legion
| 39 | 01 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Pazuzu
| 40 | 02 |
| Asp
| 36 |
| For starters, you're going to want a good mix
| Asp
| 36 |
| of Force and Electric damage to combat the
|------------------|-----|----| enemies here since a good chunk are Physical
| Mothman
| 43 | 03 | resistant. The Demons will attack you but
| Mothman
| 43 |
| Billiken will also attack the Demons. The one
| Lorelei
| 37 |
| thing you have going for you is that Billiken
|------------------|-----|----| and his group won't resist Physical attacks.
| Billiken
| 50 | 04 | Overall, the battle isn't too difficult and
| Vidofnir
| 47 |
| Billiken should go down pretty easily to your
| Vidofnir
| 47 |
| overwhelming numbers.
|------------------|-----|----| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Cait Sith
| 35 | 05 |
| Cait Sith
| 35 |
| Lorelei
| 37 |
| Loa
| 34 | 06 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |
| Legion
| 39 | 07 |
| Ikusa
| 36 |
| Ikusa
| 36 |
| Legion
| 39 | 08 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |
-= 08:30 =
You can choose the event "Hinako & Otome" now.
- Hinako and Otome both receive +2 Reputation for this event.
-= 09:00 =-

Up next is "Fumi & Airi" for some quick reputation.
- Fumi and Airi both receive +2 Reputation for this event.
-= 09:30 =
Choose "Magic Circle" next to follow Ronaldo, "But it's enormous...! What
could that Yamato need with a magic circle this big!?"
[ ] Is it for an attack?
[*] Is it for summoning? (Ronaldo +2)
[*] Yeah (Ronaldo +1)
[ ] I wouldn't care
-= 10:00 =
The battle event "Under Attack" is now available.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2200 Experience
| - 5500 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
C |
| !! | !! |
D |
| XX | XX |
| 01 |
E |
| PC | PC |
F |
| PC | PC |
G |
| XX | PC |
H |
| !! |
| XX |
| 02 |
I |
| !! |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |


| PC - Position Characters |

| Aniel
| 42 | 01 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Mue
| 42 | 02 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Mizar
| 45 | !! |
| Mizar
| 45 |
| Mizar
| 45 |

| XX - Unmovable Location |

Take out the groups on the right first then
direct your attention to the Mizars. Ice Dance
is a blessing for this fight as is Bufudyne
(which is best used on the leader). Nearly all
enemies resist Physical so be sure to overload
on magic users. The Mizars have low health so
the battle should end swiftly.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 10:30 =
To to find JP's "Trump Card" where Yamato is shocked, "But I'm surprised you
found the magic circle without me escorting you to it."
[ ] I didn't find it
[*] What that thing for? (Daichi/Io/Yuzuru/Makoto/Hinako +1)
[*] Then it's decided. (Jungo/Fumi/Keita/Airi/Otome +1)
[ ] Actually, let's not.
"Remember how we cut power to Tokyo Tower in order to send Alioth towards
[*] Sure (Yamato +2)
[ ] We did?
-= 11:00 =
Choose "Harmony" as the next event to meet the Anguished One, "Hello,
Shining One. I am sorry for what happened last time."
[ ] It's fine.
[ ] Sure you are.
[*] Why did you do it? (Anguished One +3)
-= 11:30 =
Continue after the Anguished One in "Polaris" where Airi says, "Geez... I
don't know what to think! You say something to him, [Hero]!"
[ ] I don't know
[*] You're our friend. (Anguished One +3)
-= 12:00 =
Another battle event called "Barrier Failure" is available.
[*] Tokyo (Daichi/Io/Yuzuru/Makoto +1)
[ ] Osaka (Hinako/Keita/Otome +1)
[ ] Nagoya (Airi/Fumi/Jungo +1)

-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Deactivate all the seals!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2300 Experience
| - 5900 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 |
| XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
D | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E | XX | XX | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
F | PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
G | PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 02 |
H |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
I |
| 03 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 04 |
J |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
K | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
M |
| 05 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
N | XX |
| 06 |
| XX | XX |
O | XX | XX |
P | XX | XX | XX |
| 07 |
| XX |
Q | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Mothman
| 43 | 01 |
| Silky
| 44 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

| Mothman
| 43 |
| Take-Mikazuchi | 43 | 02 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Legion
| 39 | 03 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Legion
| 39 |
| Legion
| 39 | 04 |
| Pisaca
| 41 |
| Pisaca
| 41 |
| Legion
| 39 | 05 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |
| Gui Xian
| 38 |
| Mue
| 42 | 06 |
| Mue
| 42 |
| Mue
| 42 |
| Mothman
| 43 | 07 |
| Vidofnir
| 47 |
| Vidofnir
| 39 |


The first two groups of Legions will go down
fast to Electric damage. The Mues are very
susceptible to Fire and the group of Vidofnir
and Mothman can be taken out with quick Force
or Physical attacks. Once you clear I13 you can
use the control, just be care near the TakeMikazuchi. The second control is at L8 so you
should leave one purpose around this spot to
quickly hit it. E10 has the third control so
make a dash to it, a character with Flight or
Phantasm should be able to reach it quickly.
The bad news is now you must go back to I6
at the beginning of the map to trigger the
next control.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 12:30 =
Do the event "Io's Resolve" to check on Io, "...I'm scared. I'm scared to
[*] That's only human. (Io +1)
[ ] Don't be so spoiled.
[*] It's okay (Io +1)
"I'm the only one who can handle this..."
[ ] You'll survive this.
[*] I'll protect you. (Io +1)
-= 13:00 =
Choose the event "Lambhfhada" to summon Lugh.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - A piece of Lugh is lost
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2200 Experience
| - 6300 Macca


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 | XX | XX | XX |
| // |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 02 | XX | 03 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | !! |
| XX | XX | !! |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | PC | PC |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| !! | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 04 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | 05 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 06 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 07 |
| // |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Mothman
| 43 | 01 |
| Aniel
| 42 |
| Aniel
| 42 |
| Mothman
| 43 | 02 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Mue
| 42 | 03 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Mue
| 42 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| !! - Lugh Piece
| // - Escape Locations

You won't be able to stop the Demons from
reaching the two pieces of Lugh on the left side
of the battlefield, so block off the exits and
make them come back to you. You should snag the
the first piece at E6 though to avoid any

| Badb Catha
| 46 | 04 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Legion
| 39 | 05 |
| Gui Xian
| 41 |
| Gui Xian
| 41 |
| Badb Catha
| 46 | 06 |
| Badb Catha
| 46 |
| Silky
| 44 |
| Badb Catha
| 46 | 07 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |

unnecessary chasing. Other then that, there

isn't much in terms of difficulty.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Io awakens, "Oh... Y-Yes.. I'm... okay..."

[ ] Are you sure you're alive?
[*] How do you feel? (Io +1)
-= 13:30 =
Choose the event "Concepts" to speak with Daichi, "Like, the whole world is
made of matter based on information. she got it from Fumi..."
[*] I remember that (Daichi +3)
[ ] Is that so?
Then Fumi says, "With the scar, though, it's like the concept itself has been
erased. Do you see now?"
[ ] Nope
[*] Ah, I see. (Fumi +1)
Then Daichi comments, "He said the death clips weren't predictions, right?"
[*] Yeah (Fumi +1)
[ ] Did he?
-= 14:00 =
Continue to "Reinvigorated" to watch Daichi get a huge boost in confidence.
- Daichi Shijima receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5
-= 14:30 =
Choose "Airi's Story" to hear a story from Makoto. Airi says, "W-Wll,
whatever! What a waste of time. That was dull...!"
[ ] Yeah
[*] Really? (Airi/Makoto +2)
-= 15:00 =
Next up is "Chief's Invite" with Yamato, "...You understand my ideals, don't

[*] Yes (Yamato +2)

[ ] What ideals?
"Don't you feel it? The foolishness of that society?"
[*] I do. (Yamato +1)
[ ] Nope
- Yamato receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 15:30 =
Choose "Passion Anew" next.
- Hinako Kujou receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 16:00 =
Time to speak with the "Weak Man" Keita, "What the hell were you thinking!?"
[ ] Calm down.
[*] What happened? (Keita +2)
[ ] This is nice.
*Keita glares at Jungo...
[ ] Stop it, both of you.
[*] Stop it, Keita (Keita +2, Jungo +2)
[ ] Stop it, Jungo
- Keita Wakui receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 3
-= 16:30 =
Visit Keita again during "Truly Strong" for more reputation.
- Keita Wakui receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 17:00 =
Now choose "Concert Crisis" to talk with Airi.
- Airi Ban receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 17:30 =
Next up is the "Finding [Cat]" event with Jungo, "Hm...? Really?"
[*] Yeah! (Jungo +1)
[ ] I guess I'll help...
- Jungo Torii receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 18:00 =
The last event before a battle is "Ultimate Test" with Fumi.
- Fumi Kanno receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4

-= 18:30 =
The battle event is "The Dragon" which focuses on healing Io.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - Io dies
| - Yamato's ritual is complete!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2300 Experience
| - 7000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| 01 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
B | 02 |
| 03 |
C |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
F |
| PC | PC | XX |
| XX |
G |
| XX | XX |
| PC | XX |
H |
| ** |
| XX |
I |
| XX | XX |
| PC | XX |
J |
| PC | PC | XX |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 05 |
N |
| 06 |
| XX |
O |
| 07 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Legion
| 43 | 01 |
| Gui Xian
| 41 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| ** - Io

| Legion
| 39 |
| Orobas
| 49 | 02 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Misroc
| 41 |
| Mothman
| 43 | 03 |
| Silky
| 44 |
| Mothman
| 43 |
| Mothman
| 43 | 04 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Badb Catha
| 46 | 05 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Mue
| 42 | 06 |
| Pisaca
| 41 |
| Pisaca
| 41 |
| Mue
| 42 | 07 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Mue
| 42 |


Pretend you are playing with just three
characters this fight, as you will need to
designate one as a healer for Io. Someone with
Phantasm/Flight can be near Io to start to
fight the Badb Catha group. The toughest area
to fight is the top left with a Null Physical
Legion and the Orobas, be sure to bring Electric
and Ice for them. Other then that corner the
other groups are just fast and can hit from
range. Be sure to limit the range first then
strike hard. After a few enemies go down more
will spawn in that top left corner. After 80%
a Kudlak and two Girimehkala enter from the
bottom right, a group that doesn't allow for
Physical attack much, however an Assassinate
can still get through for a kill.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

- Io Nitta receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4

-= 19:00 =
Another battle event is available called "Food Chain" where you finally face
off with Mizar.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Sever Mizar's tentacles!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Time expires
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2400 Experience
| - 7200 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX | 01 |
| 02 | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
D | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |

E | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
F | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
G | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
H | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
I | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 03 |
J | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
K | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
L | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 03 |
M |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
N | 04 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
O |
| XX |
P |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX |
Q | 05 |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
R | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Abaddon
| 48 | 01 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 46 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 46 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Badb Catha
| 46 | 02 |
| Silky
| 44 |
| Clear out the two groups nearest you then
| Silky
| 44 |
| hack away at the Tentacle, it has some range
|------------------|-----|----| so don't expect a free ride. Once it breaks two
| Tentacle
| 47 | 03 | Mizar will come out, they also have a range but
|------------------|-----|----| just two. Bring some Ice spells like Bufudyne
| Abaddon
| 48 | 04 | to really plow throw the little Mizars. If you
| Ym
| 44 |
| have an Abaddon your definitely in good business
| Ym
| 44 |
| since you out range the Mizar and likely have
|------------------|-----|----| the Bufudyne spell to easily dispatch them. A
| Badb Catha
| 46 | 05 | group member with a high level Fairy can use
| Girimehkala
| 47 |
| Fairy Dust to keep the party healed for most
| Girimehkala
| 47 |
| of the battle since it's relatively tight
|__________________|_____|____| quarters. Once you start hitting the second
tentacle the other groups will move and you'll receive a call. Mizar will grab
on again for dear life, at the near and far ends. Split the group and take them
out now. Mizar will grab on one final time at the very tips of the battlefield.
Continue your group attack and finish the boss.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


-= 19:30 =
Next event is "Io and a Boy" with Io.. and a boy.
- Io Nitta receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5
-= 20:00 =
Choose "Triage Mode" with Otome, "Can you please explain to Koharu?"
[*] Of Course! (Otome +1)
[ ] Fine, whatever
- Otome receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 20:30 =
Visit Otome via "Qualifications" when she asks, "Would Koharu be happier if
she had someone more dependable?"
[ ] Perhaps...
[*] No (Otome +2)
[ ] I don't know
- Otome Yanagiya receives +10 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 21:00 =
Choose "His Justice" to learn more about Ronaldo's feelings.
- Ronaldo Kuriki receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5
-= 21:30 =
Lastly, choose "Decision Day" to meet the Anguished One again, "But... Will
that be a satisfying existence?"
[ ] Yes
[*] No (Anguished One +2)
[ ] I don't know
- Anguished One achieves Fate Stage 4
-= 22:00 =
You must choose "Ronaldo Rises" at this time or Makoto will die. Daichi
asks, "[Hero]... Wh-What should we do!?"
[*] Side with Makoto! (+2 Makoto)
[ ] Side with Ronaldo!
[ ] Stop them both!
If you side with Ronaldo then Makoto dies. If you stop them both then they
both live but you miss out on the +2 Reputation. The best choice is to save
Makoto because it doesn't cut you out of anything and you get too keep Makoto
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Ronaldo
| - All allies are defeated
| - Makoto is defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 2500 Experience
| - 7600 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX |
| 01 | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX | 02 | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | 03 | XX |
D | // |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
E | // |
| 04 |
F | // |
| XX |
| XX |
G | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
H |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
I |
| XX |
| 05 | XX |
J |
| 06 |
| 07 |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | xX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX | 08 |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX |
| PC | PC | XX |
O |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC |
P | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| JP's Member
| 47 | 01 |
| // - Escape Location
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
| Lhan Dearg
| 43 |
|------------------|-----|----| Strategy
| JP's Member
| 49 | 02 | _______________________________________________
| Scathach
| 43 |

| Aniel
| 42 |
| Bring at least one strong group with Chaos
|------------------|-----|----| Wave to counter Ronaldo, preferably with high
| JP's Member
| 47 | 03 | Physical attacks as those are Ronaldo's one
| Girimehkala
| 47 |
| weakness. Group 08 can be incredibly tough
| Girimehkala
| 47 |
| without a group to attack from range as well
|------------------|-----|----| so the benefits just pile up. If you are going
| Makoto
| 51 | 04 | against Makoto or facing both sides Group 02
| Hecate
| 47 |
| can pose a problem with Recarn and Rejuvenate.
| Kresnik
| 46 |
| Lastly, Makoto and her group aren't all that
|------------------|-----|----| tough when compared to Ronaldo but they do have
| Punk
| 48 | 05 | some staying power (Makoto has over 900 HP).
| Orobas
| 49 |
| Focus on the outlying groups first if you are
| Orobas
| 49 |
| taking both groups on, otherwise head straight
|------------------|-----|----| for Ronaldo/Makoto and try to end the battle as
| Ronaldo
| 55 | 06 | swiftly as possible. Reinforcements enter if
| Badb Catha
| 50 |
| you start taking out the Mob Members, they
| Abaddon
| 48 |
| come in at the bottom left.
|------------------|-----|----| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Young Man
| 48 | 07 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Ym
| 44 |
| Yakuza
| 50 | 08 |
| Taown
| 50 |
| Taown
| 50 |
-= 22:30 =
Your only choice is "Unified Will" where you speak with Yamato, "My desire
is to rebuild this world. Look at the big picture. Your hesitance matters not."
[ ] That's harsh...
[*] You said it! (Yamato +1)
-= 23:00 =
At this point you will have three choices, "Daichi's Way", "Yamato's Way",
and "Ronaldo's Way."
Daichi's Way (A Saturday Toward Coexistence)
[*] Okay (Daichi/Io/Hinako/Jungo +2)
[ ] Can I think about it?
Ronaldo's Way (A Saturday Toward Equality)
[*] Okay (Ronaldo/Airi/Yuzuru/Otome +2)
[ ] Can I think about it?
Yamato's Way (A Saturday Toward Hierarchy)
[*] Okay
[ ] Can I think about it? (Yamato/Makoto/Keita/Fumi +2)
- Yamato Hotsuin achieves Fate Stage 5
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| 7th Day - A Saturday Toward Coexistence


-= 07:00 =
Prepare for a fight, then choose "Vs. Osaka" to square off with old team
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all enemies!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 3000 Experience
| - 8000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| 01 | XX | 02 |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 03 |
D | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
E | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 04 |
F | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
G | XX |
H |
| 05 |
| PC | PC | PC |
I | 06 |
| 07 |
| XX |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
J |
| 08 |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
K | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Makoto
| 55 | 01 |
| Hecate
| 47 |
| Kresnik
| 46 |
| Keita
| 55 | 02 |
| Zouchouten
| 50 |
| Girimehkala
| 47 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

Bring at least one ranged Demon, better if you
have two and combine one with a Kishin for
Double Up. Move your characters to the right

| JP's Member
| 49 | 03 |
| Dzelarhons
| 50 |
| Silky
| 44 |
| JP's Member
| 49 | 04 |
| Orobas
| 49 |
| Orobas
| 49 |
| Orobas
| 49 | 05 |
| Orobas
| 49 |
| Orobas
| 49 |
| Fumi
| 50 | 06 |
| Kazfiel
| 50 |
| Abaddon
| 48 |
| Mue
| 46 | 07 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Ixtab
| 42 |
| Abaddon
| 48 | 08 |
| Girimehkala
| 47 |
| Girimehkala
| 47 |

and keep out of range of Makoto and Keita as

you take out the JP's Members. Fight back Keita
first because Makoto is the real kicker in
this fight with 999 HP, Diarahan, and Revive.
The key to beating Keita is a ranged attacker
so you avoid all his nasty melee damage. Force
damage easily wipes out his Demons, leaving him
wide open. Makoto on the other hand needs to be
ganged up on. Have all groups attack, taking
out her Demons and then doing as much damage
as you can to her. Likewise, you can always
just ride it out and drain her MP until she
can't heal/revive anymore but by then Fumi's
Demons will have reached you. Another good way
to take her out is +Stone which will let you
take Makoto down with just a few attacks if you
manage to inflict that status on her. One or
two dedicated healers will push you through this
part. Dealing with Fumi is much easier and you
can simply gang up on the Demons she sends at
you then take her 4 on 1.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Once the battle is over you have the chance to persuade the other team members
to join your side through events. As long as they are at Fate Stage 4 you can
bring them back to your team (which they should be if you've been following
-= 07:30 =
First up is "Persuade Fumi"
-= 08:00 =
Second is "Persuade Makoto"
-= 08:30 =
Then finally "Persuade Keita"
-= 09:00 =
With three old members back, choose "Vs. Nagoya" to get a few more.
[ ] Why not leave her be?
[*] We have to find her (Daichi/Io/Hinako/Jungo +1)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all enemies!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 3400 Experience
| - 8500 Macca


N O T E!

The map for this battlefield is drawn with the top left being "north."
Normally the maps have the top right being "north" so make your adjustments,
the map is overly lengthy.


The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---| XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | 01 |
| 02 |
| PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 03 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 04 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 05 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | 06 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 07 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 08 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----


| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Student
| 50 | 01 |
| Kazfiel
| 50 |
| Kazfiel
| 50 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Young Man
| 50 | 02 |

| Kresnik
| 52 |
| Myrmecolion
| 50 |
| Punk
| 50 | 03 |
| Kangiten
| 54 |
| Seiryuu
| 51 |
| Otome
| 56 | 04 |
| Laksmi
| 51 |
| Kazfiel
| 50 |
| Young Man
| 50 | 05 |
| Python
| 51 |
| Python
| 51 |
| Office Lady
| 50 | 06 |
| Yaksa
| 51 |
| Python
| 51 |
| Airi
| 56 | 07 |
| Python
| 51 |
| Badb Catha
| 49 |
| Salaryman
| 50 | 08 |
| Abaddon
| 48 |
| Badb Catha
| 46 |

Otome's groups have lots of healing and Airi's

have incredible movement and range. Focus on
taking down Otome and her groups to prevent the
two forces from joining in the center, thus
healing Airi's groups. Otome's groups also tend
to absorb or null Physical so fight fire with
fire in these match ups. In some cases it's
best to attack Airi's group first and create
a wall that Otome can't cross, for instance,
if you lack a lot of high damage Magic.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

With that group defeated, you can now persuade the other two members.
-= 09:30 =
Time to "Persuade Airi"
-= 10:00 =
And then "Persuade Otome"
-= 10:30 =
Choose "Responsibility" to get Daichi's final profile update.
[ ] Are you okay?
[*] What's up? (Daichi +1)
- Daichi receives +10 Reputation for this event.
-= 11:00 =
Another battle event called "Unknown Threat" is available at this time.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Benetnasch!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Your party retreats
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|


| - 3600 Experience
| - 9000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
B | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | !! |
C | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
D | XX | XX | 01 | 01 | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
E | XX | XX | 01 | 01 | XX |
| !! |
| 02 |
F | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
G | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
H | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
I | XX | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | 03 |
J | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
K | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 04 |
| XX | XX |
L | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
M | XX | 05 |
| XX | XX |
N |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
O |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | 06 |
P |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
Q | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC | XX | XX | XX |
R | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC | PC |
S | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Benetnasch
| 60 | 01 |
| Yaksa
| 51 | 02 |
| Vivian
| 52 |
| Yaksa
| 51 |
| Orobas
| 49 | 03 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| !! - Miasma

Split the groups with one member that can do

| Taown
| 50 |
| Physical and another that can do Magical and
| Orobas
| 49 |
| heal. Having a Dragon with Evil Flow gives a
|------------------|-----|----| great advantage and allows you to move freely
| Laksmi
| 51 | 04 | around the small map, quickly eliminating the
| Seiryuu
| 51 |
| Miasma and striking from distance. The group to
| Seiryuu
| 51 |
| look out for is 05 with the Baihu and their
|------------------|-----|----| Piercing Hit because they can easily dispatch
| Yaksa
| 51 | 05 | an entire group, attack this group from range
| Baihu
| 53 |
| if at all possible (preferably just use Evil
| Baihu
| 53 |
| Flow in combination with Double Up). Move all
|------------------|-----|----| members to the corners except one with Evil Flow
| Orobas
| 49 | 06 | because you need to escape soon. Once you are
| Python
| 51 |
| set up, move into range and use Evil Flow to
| Myrmecolion
| 50 |
| just barely reach Benetnasch. Once you attack
|__________________|_____|____| the Septentrione a devastating attack will force
you into a full retreat. Start high tailing it to the corners, if you haven't
already done so (Column 11).
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 11:30 =
Time to make a splash with "Dream's End"
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Ronaldo and Joe!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 3900 Experience
| - 9500 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| 01 |
B |
| 02 |
| 03 |
C |
| 04 |
D |
| 05 |
E |
| 06 |
F |
| 07 |
G | XX |
| XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
H |
| XX |
| XX |
| 08 |
I | XX | XX |
| XX |

J | XX | XX |
| XX |
K | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX | PC | PC | PC | PC | PC | XX |
M |
| XX | XX | PC |
| PC |
| PC | XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| Salaryman
| 53 | 01 |
| Python
| 54 |
| Vivian
| 52 |
| Strategy
|------------------|-----|----| _______________________________________________
| Joe
| 55 | 02 |
| Anzu
| 54 |
| Once again ranged attackers will rule the
| Abaddon
| 53 |
| battlefield. The enemy has Pythons as well so
|------------------|-----|----| be on guard and ready to heal from them. Group
| Student
| 53 | 03 | 08 can pose problems with Double Up and Full
| Abaddon
| 53 |
| Might in combo with True Phantasm, strike this
| Myrmecolion
| 50 |
| foe down early. Use Evil Flow to take out
|------------------|-----|----| Ronaldo and Group 06 from range, while keeping
| Office Lady
| 52 | 04 | to the back and your distance. Ronaldo's
| Python
| 54 |
| Osiris should be the first of his Demons to
| Laksmi
| 51 |
| die because it has Recarn. From there focus
|------------------|-----|----| on the Seiryuu and then obviously Ronaldo.
| Ronaldo
| 57 | 05 | Once you've cleared out Ronaldo you need to
| Seiryuu
| 54 |
| get up close on Joe and the other groups since
| Osiris
| 53 |
| they utilize range, or you need to fight back
|------------------|-----|----| with some range of your own. Physical attacks
| Young Man
| 54 | 06 | work wonders against these groups so have at
| Yaksa
| 54 |
| it.
| Baihu
| 53 |
| _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
| Punk
| 54 | 07 |
| Yaksa
| 54 |
| Yaksa
| 51 |
| Young Man
| 53 | 08 |
| Kangiten
| 54 |
| Zouchouten
| 54 |
-= 12:00 =
"Persuade Joe" to come back.
-= 12:30 =
Then "Persuade Ronaldo" to fight for you, a mighty addition to the team.
-= 13:00 =
With your team building back up, choose the event "Strong Breaker" to find
Yamato, "My, my... Hiro. What are you doing here?"

[ ] Gahhhh
[*] Long time no see (Yamato +1)
[*] Let's end this (Yamato +1)
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Yamato!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 4300 Experience
| - 10000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
B |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
C |
| XX |
D |
| XX |
| XX |
E |
| 01 |
| 02 |
F |
| 03 |
G |
| XX |
H |
| 04 |
| 05 |
| 06 |
| XX |
I |
| 07 |
| 08 | XX |
J |
| XX |
K |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
L |
| XX |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
N |
| XX |
O |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
P | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
Q |
| XX |
R | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
S |
| XX |
| XX |
| XX |
T | XX |
| XX |

U | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
V | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX | XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Laksmi
| 55 | 01 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 |
| Decarabia
| 56 | 02 |
| Kangiten
| 54 |
| Yaksa
| 54 |
| Yamato
| 62 | 03 |
| Remiel
| 59 |
| Arioch
| 58 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 | 04 |
| Kartikeya
| 56 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 |
| Anzu
| 54 | 05 |
| Baihu
| 53 |
| Baihu
| 53 |
| Yaksa
| 54 | 06 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 |
| Anzu
| 54 |
| Decarabia
| 56 | 07 |
| Taown
| 53 |
| Python
| 54 |
| Anzu
| 54 | 08 |
| Python
| 54 |
| Python
| 54 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

To start, you are going to need some ranged
Demons going into this battle for most, if not
all teams. Many of Yamato's Demons have vast
range and movement speed, to include Yamato's
personal Arioch with Chaos Breath (Range 4).
Evil Flow is going to be your best asset, once
again, in taking out Yamato personally. When the
battle begins, simply end your turns and let the
enemies move towards you, breaking up more and
being susceptible to quick kills. Use Evil Flow
to pick off a few groups, mainly the ones with
the Decarabia. Once a few have been defeated
Yamato will begin to take turns more often.
Start counting out his range, 2 Move + 4 Attack
Range (6) so you know how far away you can be
at the end of your turns. Yamato can and will
cast Megido twice in a row to kill your party
during a single round if you aren't careful, so
keep your distance. You are likely going to
lose someone, but don't fret and keep going
until that Arioch is dead (Use Recarm if you
need). Once the Arioch is defeated you can
focus on the Remiel and draining Yamato's HP
since he will continuously cast revive. If you
have the firepower to cast multiple spells on
Yamato alone then do it, otherwise the attacking
team must wait for his MP to dry up.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 13:30 =
Now it's time to "Persuade Yamato"

- Yamato Hotsuin receives +2 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5

-= 14:00 =
Get some info on our friend "Benny" during the event "Anti-Jamming" Agree
with Fumi when she makes her statement.
[*] Right (Fumi +2)
[ ] Really?
-= 14:30 =-

You need to visit the "Main Branch" for more information on Trumpeter.
-= 15:00 =
Time to pick up "Trumpeter"
-= 15:30 =
Next stop is "Reversible Idea" where Fumi says, "In which case, won't we go
through the same calamity all over again?"
[*] I don't think so (Daichi/Hinako/Airi +2, Fumi +1)
[ ] Yeah, probably
-= 16:00 =
Visit Daichi with the event "Inner Struggle"
- Daichi receives +10 Reputation for this event and will send an e-mail.
-= 16:30 =
Choose "Speaking Out" next to visit Io, "You were always with me... And you
encouraged me..."
[ ] You're welcome
[ ] That's what friends are for
[*] That's not gonna change (Io +2)
- Io receives +10 Reputation and receives her final profile update.
-= 17:00 =
"Sadly Late" is an excellent event for Yuzuru.
- Yuzuru receives +30 Reputation for this event.
-= 17:30 =
Follow up with Yuzuru during "Final Farewell"
- Yuzuru Akie receives +10 Reputation, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives his
final profile update.
-= 18:00 =
One more event before the showdown, choose "Acceptable Path"
- Makoto Sako receives +10 Reputation, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives her
final profile update.
-= 18:30 =
Your only option for this time is "Seven Down" so be prepared for a tough
fight and get to it.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Benetnasch!
| - All allies are defeated
| - Trumpeter is defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 4600 Experience
| - 10500 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
D | XX | XX |
| XX |
E | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F |
| XX |
G |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 02 |
| XX |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
I | 01 | 01 |
| XX |
| PC |
| XX | XX |
J | 01 | 01 |
| XX |
| !! |
| XX | XX |
K |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 02 |
| XX |
| PC |
| XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| PC | PC |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
N | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
O | XX | XX |
| XX |
P | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
Q | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Benetnasch
| 60 | 01 |
| Benetnasch Spore | 50 | 02 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |
| !! - Trumpeter


The start of the battle is simple. Move up and destroy the Spores but leave
two groups near Trumpeter as four more land around him. Move up to fight the
final Septentrione with Demons that have Null Physical and Fire/Electric attacks
because you won't last long without it. Humans cannot damage Benetnasch so stack
your team with heals. At about 1/4 health Benetnasch will split into four parts
and shoot the Alioth poison everywhere so stay in top shape even when it looks
like you've won. Start picking them apart one at a time using your strengths
against their weaknesses. Group heals are crucial during this time so keep your
healthy high. The final, original portion, is still immune to humans and it's
only real weakness is Electric, so keep using that for damage. Drain also is a
great way to keep your Demons in high spirit while doing un-mitigated damage.
Combine this Drain with Evil Wave and you can stand back from this final beast
and not take any damage while easily killing it.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 19:00 =
Choose "Pep Talk" to speak with Hinako, "Thank you, everyone! Oh, it's you,
[ ] What are you doing?
[*] Nice moves (Hinako +1)
- Hinako Kujou receives +10 Reputation, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives her
final profile update.
-= 19:30 =
Follow up with "Dance Lesson"
- Hinako receives +10 Reputation and will send an e-mail after Day 7.
-= 20:00 =
Check up on Keita via "A New Level"
- Keita Wakui receives +10 Reputation, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives his
final profile update.
-= 20:30 =
Time to say "Goodbye [Cat]"
- Jungo Torii receives +20 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5
-= 21:00 =
Follow this up with "Resolution"
- Jungo receives +10 Reputation and his final profile update.
-= 21:30 =
Choose "The Future" to check on Fumi.
- Fumi receives +10 Reputation, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives her
final profile update.
-= 22:00 =-

Next event is "Awareness" with Otome. Choose to search for her daughter
and choose "At Hisaya Odori"
- Otome Yisagiya receives +30 Reputation and achieves Fate Stage 5
-= 22:30 =
Otome's Resolve
- Otome receives +20 Reputation and her final profile update.
-= 23:00 =
The last stop is "A New Dream 1" with Airi, "The concert hall still stands,
seeming the same as it was before."
[*] That's good (Airi +1)
[ ] I'm disappointed
"But I'm not coming here again. I don't need to drag it around."
[*] Your dreams? (Airi +1)
[*] That would be best (Airi +1)
[ ] Your scarf?
- Airi Ban receives +10 Retutaion, achieves Fate Stage 5, and receives her
final profile update.
-= 23:30 =
_____ _______ ______ _________________________________________________________
| -- |__
__| Last Day - Sunday's Fruition

-= 10:00 =
Pick an event that you want then choose "Shown Path" at 10:30.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat all demons!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 5000 Experience
| - 11000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

A | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
C | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 01 |
| XX |
D | XX | XX |
| XX |
E | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
F |
| XX |
G |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
H |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX |
I |
| 02 |
| 03 | XX |
| XX | XX |
J |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
K |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX | XX |
| XX | XX |
| 04 |
| XX |
M |
| XX |
N | XX |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 05 |
O | XX | XX | 06 |
| XX |
P | XX | XX | XX | XX | XX | PC | PC | PC |
| XX |
Q | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| PC | PC | PC |
| 07 |
| XX |
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Black Frost
| 80 | 01 |
| Jack Frost
| 59 |
| Jack Frost
| 59 |
| Cerberus
| 58 | 02 |
| Cerberus
| 58 |
| Baihu
| 56 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 | 03 |
| Airavata
| 61 |
| Airavata
| 61 |
| Rangda
| 58 | 04 |
| Culebre
| 58 |
| Culebre
| 58 |
| Rangda
| 58 | 05 |
| Gucumatz
| 58 |
| Gucumatz
| 58 |
| Arioch
| 56 | 06 |
| Culebre
| 58 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

Start off by killing the Arioch group because
a range of 7 cannot go untouched. Then take out
Decarabias and move forward to the middle
groups where Ice or Fire are the preferred
methods of destruction. The Black Frost will
start moving up after some groups go down so
be on the look out. A group with Multi-Strike
can take out the powerful foe, but do so
quickly before the deadly Ice attacks wipe out
the party (Ice Resistance is good). The rest of
the groups aren't much of a challenge compared
to what you've been fighting.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

| Culebre
| 58 |
| Decarabia
| 56 | 07 |
| Decarabia
| 56 |
| Anzu
| 54 |
-= 11:00 =
Choose the event "Remaining Power" to find a way to reach Polaris.
-= 11:30 =
The next event is "Unexpected Battle"
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat the dragon!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 5500 Experience
| - 12000 Macca

The Battlefield

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15
---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---A | XX | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| XX | XX | XX |
| 02 | XX | XX |
B | XX | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| 03 |
C | XX | 01 | 01 | 01 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
D |
| 01 | 01 | 01 |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| 04 | XX |
E |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
F |
| XX |
| XX |
G |
| XX | XX |
| XX |
H |
| XX |
I |
| PC | PC | PC |
| XX | XX |
| XX | 05 |
J |
| PC |
| XX |
| XX |
K |
| PC |
| XX |
| XX | XX |
L |
| XX | XX | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |
M |
| XX | XX | XX | XX |
N |
| XX |
O | 06 |
| 07 | XX | XX | XX |
| XX |

---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Dragon
| 72 | 01 |
| Rakshasa
| 55 | 02 |
| Cerberus
| 58 |
| Cerberus
| 58 |
| Decarabia
| 56 | 03 |
| Oberon
| 62 |
| Airavata
| 60 |
| Decarabia
| 56 | 04 |
| Sleipnir
| 57 |
| Sleipnir
| 57 |
| Ganesha
| 61 | 05 |
| Culebre
| 58 |
| Culebre
| 58 |
| Rangda
| 58 | 06 |
| Purple Mirror
| 61 |
| Gucumatz
| 58 |
| Cerberus
| 58 | 07 |
| Feng Huang
| 62 |
| Feng Huang
| 62 |


| PC - Position Characters |
| XX - Unmovable Location |

Ranged attackers and Drain is a good start for
battle since the Dragon won't allow for any
real damage and it will swallow your Demons so
you'll want to use range to keep back the
rest of the groups while you nibble away at
the Dragon. The Dragon has a pretty unlimited
range so you want to be close enough to attack
at all times. The worst thing that could happen
is your Demon is swallowed and the round ends
because then the Dragon recovers a massive
amount of health and deals just as much to the
Demon that was swallowed! Be sure to bring lots
of healing power, Mediarahan is extremely
helpful. Once again, having Drain or Drain Hit
in combo with Piercing Hit can make this battle
take longer but also make it an easy win in the
long run. Just keep draining and you'll do more
then the Dragon heals for and never run out of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 12:00 =
Check out the last event then choose "Last Assassin" It is worth noting that
you can receive the skill [BAN ELEC] during one of the Free Battles from a
data block.
-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Alcor!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 6000 Experience
| - 15000 Macca

The Battlefield

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --A | X | X | X | X | X | X | 1 | | | | 2 | X | X | X | X | X | X |

B | X | X | X | X | | | | | | | | | | X | X | X | X |
C | X | X | X | | | | X | X | | X | X | | | | X | X | X |
D | X | X | | | | X | X | X | | X | X | X | | | | X | X |
E | X | | | | X | X | X | | | | X | X | X | | | 3 | X |
F | X | | | X | | | | | | | | X | X | X | | | X |
G | 4 | | X | X | | | | | | | | | X | X | X | | |
H | | | X | X | | | | | 5 | | | | | X | X | | |
I | | | | | | | | | X | | | | | | | | |
J | | | X | X | | | | | | | | | | X | X | | |
K | | | X | X | X | | | | | | | | X | X | X | | 6 |
L | X | | | X | X | X | | | | | | X | X | X | | | X |
M | X | 7 | | | X | X | X | | | | X | X | X | | | | X |
N | X | X | | | | X | X | X | | X | X | X | | | | X | X |
O | X | X | X | | | | X | X | | X | X | | | | X | X | X |
P | X | X | X | X | | | P | P | | P | P | | | X | X | X | X |
Q | X | X | X | X | X | X | | P | P | P | | X | X | X | X | X | X |
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Koumokuten
| 64 | 01 |
| Feng Huang
| 62 |
| Feng Huang
| 62 |
| Arioch
| 62 | 02 |
| Murmur
| 64 |
| Murmur
| 64 |
| Ganesha
| 61 | 03 |
| Culebre
| 62 |
| Ganesha
| 61 |
| Ganesha
| 61 | 04 |
| Oberon
| 62 |
| Purple Mirror
| 61 |
| Alcor
| 70 | 05 |
| Rangda
| 62 | 06 |
| Gucumatz
| 63 |
| Decarabia
| 61 |


| P - Position Characters |
| X - Unmovable Location |

Bring a bunch of range, Chaos Breath and Evil
Wave are golden in this fight. Equip your best
Physical character with Pierce and some boosts
for Physical attacks, this guy will be your
homerun hitter against Alcor. Fend off the other
groups using your range and gang up on Alcor
as often as possible. Bring at least one
dedicated healer and some Almighty attacks so
you can tear through Alcor. Equipping characters
with Null/Anti/Repel Physical is a great idea
for this fight, you can even bring in Yamato
so you aren't shorting yourself on one of those
skills. Magical skills can be helpful but the
magic is best used for healing, this is a fight
for Piercing Hit and ranged fighters. At 50%
health Alcor will change shape and become weak
to Physical attacks, once you've reached this

| Murmur
| 64 | 07 |
| Grendel
| 64 |
| Sleipnir
| 62 |

point you are in business. Finish it off as it

changed to reflect most Magic, including
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= 13:00 =
Time to meet Polaris in "Dreamed Future" but before you head out...
-= Final Battle Preparation =_______________________________________________________________________________

Try to get as much Null/Repel Physical as you can on all your Demons and
characters. Each team should have a clear focus on what their task is. You
should have two Physical teams and two Magical teams. Each Physical team should
have a form of Pierce to deal with the Null/Drain enemies you're bound to
face. The Magical teams should have a way to replenish Mana, Heal, Revive, and
cast Megidolaon. An example;
Team 1 - The Hero (Physical)
- Multi-Strike/Piercing Hit/Power Hit
- Dual Shadow/Drain Hit/Phys Repel
Tao Tie (Vile)
- Megidolaon/Multi-Strike/Mediarahan
- Null Phys/Life Surge/Drain Hit
Ganesha (Genma)
- Judgement/Multi-Strike/Drain
- Ice Drain/Force Drain/Null Phys
As you can see, this team is based around heavy Physical damage and negating
that damage. The Hero and Tao Tie both have ways to strike at Strong/Null/Drain
Physical enemies and Tao Tie also comes with a Megidolaon for enemies that could
have Reflect Physical. With the Ganesha this team can move across the annoying
gaps in the final level to quickly reach the boss. Tao Tie also has Mediarahan
to keep the health of the party high.
Team 2 - Hinako (Physical)
- Multi-Hit/Media/Recarm
- Pierce/Anti-Phys/Phys Amp
- Tailwin
Culebre (Dragon)
- Bufudyne/Mabufudyne/Multi-Strike
- Ice Repel/Null Phys/Anti-Most
Feng Huang (Avian)
- Inferno/Multi-Strike/Ziodyne
- Fire Drain/Fire Amp/Phys Repel
This team is designed to get the maximum amount of range. Since this group
is likely to be on it's own for a turn or two, Hinako is equipped with Media
to assist in healing incase the enemy isn't completely obliterated. Hinako is
more than equipped to deal out high Physical damage with Multi-Hit and Pierce
(she has high Agility). She also gets to attack often and the Culebre ensures
you can put her at a safe distance to tear into those fiesty groups.
Team 3 - Yamato (Magical)
- Holy Dance/Prayer/Megido
- Anti-Most/Life Surge/Mana Surge
- Hustle
Culebre (Dragon)

- Bufudyne/Mabufudyne/Multi-Strike
- Ice Repel/Null Phys/Anti-Most
Remiel (Divine)
- Samarecarm/Megidolaon/Multi-Strike
- Phys Drain/Dual Shadow/Anti-Most
This group specializes in Almighty damage and healing. Prayer is great for
removing all ailments and fully healing a group. Remiel has Angel Stigma to
bring back some mana every round and you have Ice damage if needed. Yamato is
Strong vs. Physical already but couldn't equip a Null Physical so he receives
the Surges and Anti-Most to make up for it.
Team 4 - Fumi (Magical)
- Samarecarm/Mediarahan/Megidolaon
- Life Stream/Mana Stream/Null Phys
- Revive
Alilat (Deity)
- Megidolaon/Multi-Strike/Ziodyne
- Phys Repel/Anti-Most/Pierce
Loki (Tyrant)
- Megidolaon/Multi-Strike/Ziodyne
- Anti-Most/Phys Repel/Pierce
Fumi's group is the primary healing group. She receives the major boosts to
health and mana, has the ability to revive, heal, and dish out damage with
Megidolaon. The Alilat aids in big damage while the Loki is the key player with
the ability to strike Physically or with Megidolaon. Fumi also has a maxed out
Magic score earlier than all other characters so her Megidolaon will do much
more damage.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

-= Victory =|
-= Defeat =|

| - Defeat Polaris!
| - All allies are defeated
-= Required =|
-= Reward =|

| - 6000 Experience
| - 15000 Macca

The Battlefield

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --A | | | | | | X | X | X | X | 1 | | X | | X | X | X | X |
B | | | | | | | | | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | X |
C | | | 2 | | | | | | | | | | | X | 2 | | |
D | | | | X | X | | | | | | | | | | | | |
E | | | | | | | | | 2 | | | | | | | | |
F | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |

G | X | | | | | | | | | | | X | | X | | | |
H | | X | | | | | | | | | | X | X | | | | |
I | | | | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | X | | | | |
J | | | 2 | | | X | | | | | | X | X | | | | |
K | | | | | X | | 2 | | | | | X | X | X | | | |
L | X | | | | | | | | | | | | | X | X | | |
M | | X | X | | X | | X | X | | | | | | | X | | |
N | | | | X | X | | X | | | | | | | | | | |
O | | | | P | P | X | X | X | X | | | | | | X | X | 2 |
P | X | | | | P | P | P | | | | 2 | | | | X | X | X |
Q | X | X | | | | | P | P | | | | | | | X | X | X |
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --Enemies

| Name
| Lvl | ## |
| Polaris
| 75 | 01 |
| Guardian
| 64 | 02 |


| P - Position Characters |
| X - Unmovable Location |


Final battle! Bring a lot of the same stuff as the previous fight. A Tyrant
is critical to replenish mana and obviously a healer. Start by fighting off
the Guardians, each one killed will weaken Polaris' defenses and reduce the
amount of times you get hit by Heaven Wrath. The faster you can pick them off
the better, then you can make your move towards Polaris. You won't be able to
keep more than three dead at any one time so that's your cue to start moving.
Stick together or at least in range of heals so no one gets taken out. You do
need to make it a point to kill the Guardian with the Victory skill as it will
remove it from Polaris and stop it's healing every turn. Once you've taken
Polaris under 5% health the battle will shift! Before leaving this phase try
to snag the Anti-Almighty and place it on someone for the third phase of the
Hopefully you made it through relatively unscathed because you're in for a
rough follow up. You get to strike first to make it count and heal up if you
need to (Tyrant to replenish MP!) If you still have your "Pierce + Physical"
character available try to take out Makoto's group, it can get very nasty if
you don't do so quickly. Be careful how you move and keep up the healing, using
the enemies weakness to your strength. It's very crucial now that you keep your
health at the maximum and have plenty of mana because as the last team member
is defeated you are taken to the final phase.
You arrive at the final location. Polaris has three parts now, Polaris AB,
Polaris A, and Polaris B. The reason you equipped all those Reflect and Null

Physicals is right now. The first thing you need to do is clear that sparkly
middle path, as in get out of the way. Polaris A will fire Supernova down this
lane doing roughly 500 damage, only move up this block when you are ready to
end the fight (all characters with range should go). Work on taking out the
sides as they close in then set up for a rush down the center. You can always
"bait" someone by letting them go and take the brunt of the attack then rush
in with everyone to kill Polaris A. The sides will come back so it's best to
ignore them and just rush up the middle for the kill. When you see Polaris A
use Star Compression that's your signal to let it all loose if you're standing
in the middle (while keeping your HP above 500). Follow up strongly after that
attack to finish off Polaris before the next Supernova.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

After the credits roll save your game. When you load it back up you'll be on
a New Game+ with many benefits. You should have well over 500 points if you
followed the guide the whole way (and maybe upwards of 1000 if you never died
and never did a Free Battle).
New Game+

You have the option of the following rewards during your New Game+ file:
| Reward
| Cost |
| Carry over 1 demon
| 20P |
| Carry over 4 demons
| 80P |
| Carry over 8 demons
| 200P |
| Carry over all demons | 400P |
| Carry over all skills | 10P |
| Carry over Macca
| 110P |
| Carry over auction
| 40P |
| Remove EXP limit
| 60P |
| 10% off Compendium
| 40P |
| 30% off Compendium
| 120P |
| 50% off Compendium
| 200P |
| Remove fusion LV limit | 60P |
| New Tuesday enemy
| 30P |
| Unlock Mitama fusion | 30P |

*Must unlock the previous Reward.

*Must unlock the previous Reward.
*Must unlock the previous Reward.

*Must unlock the previous Reward.

*Must unlock the previous Reward.

The amount of points you have to spend is based on the Titles you receive:
| Title
| Condition
| Points |
| Survivor
| Finished the game once.
70P |
| Ronaldo's Confidant
| Ronaldo achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Io's Confidant
| Io achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Yamato's Confidant
| Yamato achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Fumi's Confidant
| Fumi achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Daichi's Confidant
| Daichi achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Otome's Confidant
| Otome achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Jungo's Confidant
| Jungo achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Makoto's Confidant
| Makoto achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |

| Keita's Confidant
| Keita achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Airi's Confidant
| Airi achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Joe's Confidant
| Yuzuru achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Hinako's Confidant
| Hinako achieves Fate Stage 5
10P |
| Anguished One's Confidant
| Anguished One achieves Fate Stage 5 |
10P |
| Restorer
| Daichi's route with all recruits
60P |
| Triumphant
| Daichi's route with all recruits
60P |
* More to come, currently 48% complete.
Version History

Version 1.00 - Initial Release.



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publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
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