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Subject: Biology (Block period) Simulation using words to describe protein synthesis AZ Curriculum standards: S4C2PO2 Speaking and

Listening Standard: 9-10.SL.6

Terminal Objective: SWBT create sentences based on anti-codon word cards teams must find throughout the classroom. Bell Work: Describe 3 types of proteins Blooms Level Comprehension Sub-Objective SWBT to describe the function of 9 different proteins Teaching Strategy Group work Time 20 min Active Student Participation In groups of 3 each student will be responsible for researching the function of 3 different proteins that they will then present to their group members. Teacher will walk from to group to group and find out which proteins students have chosen. Students will paraphrase on separate sheet of paper 7 different categories of proteins given to them in a hand out. Each student will be responsible for a number of proteins which they will then provide to their group members. Students will use their paraphrasing in next activity Students will work together to determine what their overall proteins are. Students will present 3 proteins to the class. Students in the class will vote whether the groups categorization was correct and if not, then class discussion will determine what the appropriate categorization is.


SWBT paraphrase 7 different types of proteins

Work sheet and group work

10 min




SWBT to use different protein functions to find out if their protein is an enzyme, a mover, a transporter, supporter, regulator, defender, or communicator SWBT describe how proteins are synthesized SWBT simulate protein synthesis

Group work

20 min

Video clip of protein synthesis Simulation and demonstration

10 min

30 min

Students will complete note-taker prepared by teacher that they will then compare with another student Students will simulate protein synthesis by having each student in groups of three be an mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA. Students will pick up DNA template from teacher, then bring back to the group where the next student will write a compliment anti-codons and the third group member will find the correct anti-codon card somewhere in the room. These cards will make a sentence which the group will then bring back to the teacher for verification. Students will be responsible for completing 5 sentences. Teacher will demonstrate the activity so students know what is expected of them.

Closure: Short quiz asking students to describe what mRNA does, rRNA, and tRNA does during protein synthesis.

Materials: Anti-codon fragment cards with words on the back List of DNA template cards Protein synthesis video Note-taker for protein synthesis video

I plan to introduce the lesson after having taught a lesson on DNA and now wanting to know what is all that DNA used for. The goals will be to have each group member be responsible for portion the work so the entire team can be successful, as in any cell where all the pieces need to work together. Student groups will be rewarded based on which group will be able to correct translate their DNA sequence correctly for all 5 sentences. The students will establish who is responsible for which task and that each group member is aware what the other group members roles are. Each group will choose a school appropriate name to represent their group. Students will be grouped into groups of three. They will be selected by their academic abilities and by their cultural backgrounds. Each student will be assigned to be either an mRNA, rRNA, or tRNA. Students will push their desks together into a T-shape or be seating at a lab station. Each student will be responsible for their role depending on which type of RNA they are assigned. The group will be asked to verify that the tRNA is correct before telling the teacher their translated sentence. If the group does not have the correctly translated sentence then the groups will have to go back and try again. Students will demonstrate what they have learned by completing a short quiz describing what mRNA, rRNA, and tRNA did.

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