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Abel and Bernice had 1085 marbles altogether.

Abel gave away 1/3 of his marbles while Bernise bought another 100 marbles. After that, they had the same number of marbles. How many marbles did Bernice have at first? SOLUTION :




Originally, Abel had marbles represented by 3 orange bars. Originally, Bernise had marbles represented by 1 orange bar and 1 red bar. Altogether, 4 orange bars and 1 red bar represent 1085 marbles. Each orange bar represents

1085 + 100 = 237 marbles 5

Hence Bernise initially had 237 2 100 = 374 marbles (shown)

A schoolbag weighs 1/3 as heavy as trolley bag. The total mass of all the bags is 3220 kg. The number of trolley bags is 60% as many as the number of school bags. If the mass of school bag is 2 kg, how many school bags are there? SOLUTION: A trolley bag weighs 2 3 = 6 kg Since the number of trolley bags is 60% as many as the number of school bags, it is understood For every 5 school bags weighing a total of 2 5 = 10 kg, there will be weighing a total of 6 3 = 18 kg. If we consider one batch to consist of 5 school bags and 3 trolley bags with a total of 10 + 18 = 28 kg,

60 5 = 3 trolley bags 100

then there will be

3220 = 115 batches altogether. 28

This implies there are 115 5 = 575 school bags . (shown)

Cindy had 3 baskets of apples. She transferred

1 of the apples from basket A to basket B. Next she 7 1 1 transferred of the apples from basket B to basket C. Finally, she transferred of the apples from 8 5

basket C to basket A. Now, each basket contains 112 apples. What was the total number of apples in baskets A and B at first?


Basket A

Basket B

112 apples Basket C

112 = 16 apples were transferred from basket B to basket C (equivalent to 1 green unit). 7 112 = 28 apples were transferred from basket C to basket A (equivalent to 1 red unit). 4
After the transfer of apples from basket A to basket B and BEFORE the transfer of apples from basket C to basket A, there were 112 28 = 84 apples in basket A.

There were

84 7 = 98 apples in basket A originally before any transfers took place. 6

98 = 14 apples were transferred from basket A to basket B. 7

There were

112 5 16 = 124 apples in basket C originally before any transfers took place. 4

There were 112 3 124 98 = 114 apples in basket B originally before any transfers took place.

Hence, there were a total of 114 + 98 = 212 apples in baskets A and B at first. (shown)

A bag containing $2 and $5 dollar notes had a total value of $399. 8 pieces of $5 dollar notes were exchanged for $2 notes of similar value. In the end, the number of $5 dollar notes was the same as the number of $2 dollar notes. (a) How many $5 dollar notes were there in the end? (b) How many $2 dollar notes were there at first?


Number of $5 dollar notes

8 pieces= $40

Number of $2 dollar notes

20 pieces =$40

$399 in total value (a) Let the number of notes for both $5 and $2 dollar notes after the exchange be x each.

Since the total value of all notes remains unchanged, then

5x + 2 x = 399 7 x = 399 , ie x = 57 (shown)

(b) Number of $2 notes in the beginning = 57 20 = 37 (shown)

There are some red and blue marbles in 2 boxes. In box A, there are 4 times as many red marbles as blue marbles. In box B, there are twice as many red marbles as blue marbles. After all the red marbles are transferred from box A to box B, the total number of marbles in box B becomes 400 and there are 4 times as many red marbles as blue marbles in box B. (a) How many marbles have been transferred from box A to box B? (b) How many marbles are left in box A after the transfer?


Red Marbles Box A Blue Marbles

Red Marbles Box B Blue Marbles

1 unit of red marbles in box B is equivalent to 2 units of red marbles in box A. (a) Number of blue marbles in box B =

400 = 80 5

Hence, number of marbles transferred from box A to box B = 80 2 = 160 (shown)

(b) Number of marbles left in box A after the transfer = number of blue marbles originally contained in box A =

80 = 40 (shown) 2

There were 4 times as many red pens as blue pens in a box, 415 red pens and 46 blue pens were removed from the box. As a result, the number of blue pens became 3 times as many as red pens. How many blue pens were there in the beginning? SOLUTION:

415 Red Pens

46 Blue Pens

Based on the bar diagram above, 415 pens are represented by 2 + 3 3 = 11 orange units and 4 green units. Since 1 green unit is equivalent to 46 pens, then 4 green units = 46 4 = 184 pens 11 orange units are therefore equivalent to 415 184 = 231 pens, ie 1 orange unit =

231 = 21 pens 11

In the beginning, there were 3 orange units and 1 green units representing the total number of blue pens; this is equivalent to 21 3 + 46 = 109 blue pens. (shown)

Warren had a sum of money. He spent $140 on some CDs. He spent albums. He still had

1 of the remainder on some 5

1 of his money left. 3

(a) What was the amount of money he spent on albums? (b) How much money did he have at first?


$140 on CDs


(a) $140 represents 7 parts He spent

140 = $20 on albums. (shown) 7

(b) Originally, he had 12 20 = $240 (shown)

Miss Lee had 361 muffins and cupcakes. After selling 1/11 of the muffins and 10 cupcakes, she found that the number of cupcakes left was equal to 1/5 of the number of muffins left.

(a) How many cupcakes did Miss Lee have at first?

(b) How many muffins does Miss Lee have now?





(a) Since number of cupcakes left was equal to 1/5 of the number of muffins left, then it is observed that 1 green bar is equivalent to 2 orange bars. Altogether, 11 orange bars, 1 green bar and the blue bar represent 361 muffins and cupcakes, ie 13 orange bars and the blue bar represent 361 muffins and cupcakes. 1 orange bar =

361 10 = 27 and Miss Lee had 27 2 + 10 = 64 cupcakes at first. (shown) 13

(b) Miss Lee has 27 10 = 270 muffins now. (shown)

The ratio of the mass of chicken to the mass of fish was 3 : 5. 16kg of fish was sold to customers. After that, the ratio of the mass of chicken to the mass of fish was 7 : 9. Find the mass of fish at first.








The mass of chicken remains unchanged throughout the sale and can be represented by 3 7 = 21 sub-units. (or if the number of green units is considered, then it also gives 7 3 = 21 sub-units) Before the sale, the mass of fish was represented by 5 7 = 35 sub-units After the sale, the mass of fish was represented by 9 3 = 27 sub-units Since 16kg of fish was sold, then 35 27 = 8 sub-units represent 16kg, ie 1 sub-unit represents

16 = 2 kg. 8

Hence, before the sale, the mass of fish was 35 2 = 70 kg (shown)

Jack bought 837 big and small vases. He broke 1/10 of the number of big vases and his friend gave him another 47 small vases. Hence the number of small vases that he had now was 1/3 of the number of big vases left. How many more big vases than small vases had he in the beginning?


Big Vases

Small Vases

47 If Jack hadnt broken

1 of the big vases and his friend still gave him 47 small vases, then 10

he would have a total of 837 + 47 = 884 vases. Recognizing that 884 vases in fact represent 10 + 3 = 13 green bars in the above model diagram,

1 green bar is therefore equivalent to

884 = 68 vases 13

Hence, in the beginning, he had 68 10 = 680 big vases and (68 3) 47 = 157 small vases; as such, he would have 680 157 = 523 more big vases than small vases. (shown)

Huiling had 160 less marbles than George. George gave 75% of his marbles to Huiling. Huiling then gave 20% of her marbles to George. If Huiling had 192 more marbles than George in the end, how many marbles did Huiling have at first?





75% of 20 green units= 15 green units

Originally, Huiling has 5 red units and George has 20 green units. Since she has 160 marbles less than George, each group of red unit.

20 160 = 4 green units represents = 32 marbles more than each single 5 5

After George gave Huiling 75% of his marbles, Huiling now has 5 red units and 15 green units, whilst George has 5 green units.

20% of 5 red units and 15 green units = 1 red unit and 3 green units.

Since this amount is given to George subsequently, Huiling has 4 red units and 12 green units, whilst George has 1 red unit and 8 green units. Since Huiling now has 192 more marbles than George after both exchanges, it is recognized that 192 marbles are represented by 4-1= 3 red units and 12-8= 4 green units; based on the initial interpretation, this is also equivalent to 4 red units plus 32 marbles.

Hence, 4 red units represent 192 32 = 160 marbles, ie 1 red unit represents 40 marbles. In the beginning, Huiling had 5 red units of marbles = 40 5 = 200 marbles (shown)

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