Example of Trigonometry Problems

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Problems with Right Triangles

Set 1 1. Let ABC be the right triangle below. Given the following sides and angles, find the missing sides and angles. B c a C b a. b. ". d. e. f. g. h. i. (. ). l. m. n. o. +. ,. r. s. t. . a = !, " = # a = 1 , " = 1$ a = 1, b = 1 a = 1, b = a = 1, " = ! A = % , b = a = $. &, A = !'.# " = 1#.%, A = & b = .!, A = !1 b = .&%, B = 1# a = *, b = 1# b=1 ,A=$ " = #, B = &. # a = b, b = ' a = 1 , A = %.&# b = !, B = $! a = -, " = $$ a= ,b=! A = 1$, " = 11 b = !-, " = *-

The length of a +ath going diagonall. a"ross a re"tang/lar field is -- .ards, and the +ath ma)es an angle of # with the fen"e. 0ow m/"h fen"ing is re,/ired to go aro/nd the field1 A stair"ase is to rise 1- feet * in"hes in a hori2ontal distan"e of 1$ feet ! in"hes. 3ind the in"lination of the handrail to the hori2ontal 4i.e., find the angle between the handrail and a hori2ontal line5. An antenna +ole is to be bra"ed b. three steel wires whi"h are to be atta"hed to a +oint on the +ole - feet from the gro/nd, and whi"h ma)e an angle of #- with the gro/nd. 3ind the total amo/nt of steel wire ne"essar.. 6n order to find the distan"e to an island offshore, a man on the "oast meas/res a baseline -- .ards long and +ointing o/t toward the island. At ea"h end of the baseline he meas/res the angle between the baseline and the to+ of a tall tree on
1 Right Triangle Problems




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the island 4i.e., the angle of elevation to the to+ of the tree5. The angles are %* -8 and *1$-8 res+e"tivel.. 3ind the distan"e from the island to the nearer end of the baseline.

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Right Triangle Problems


A h.drofoil going d/e so/th a++roa"hes +ier P. Lightho/se 9 is sit/ated 1--.ards d/e west of P, and lightho/se : is 1--- .ards d/e east of P. ;hen the h.drofoil is at a +oint A, 9A: = #-. <ne min/te later the h.drofoil is at B, and it is fo/nd that 9B: = '-. ;hat is the s+eed of the h.drofoil in .ards +er min/te1 A re"tangle has a diagonal of length & and a width of $. 3ind the length of the long side, and the angle formed b. the diagonal and the long side. A farmer owns a right triang/lar +lot of land whose non=h.+oten/se sides are > and >. ;hat angle does the h.+oten/es form with the short side1 A tree bro)en in two b. the wind forms a right triangle with the gro/nd. 6f the bro)en +art ma)es an angle of !- with the gro/nd and the ti+ of the tree is now !# feet from the base, meas/red along the gro/nd, how tall was the tree1 ?/e to a fa/lt. "om+ass, ?aniel Boone wal)s to his favorite river along a +ath with bearing @$-A instead of ta)ing the shortest +ath and heading d/e north. 6f the short wa. is $ miles long, how m/"h e>tra mileage did ?aniel wal)1 A mon/ment -- feet high stands on a level street and the angle of elevation of the to+ is $$-8 at the +osition of an observer standing on the street. 0ow far is the observer from the mon/ment1 A tree '- feet high "asts a shadow 11& feet long. 3ind the angle of elevation of the s/n. 3rom a tower '! feet high sit/ated on the ban) of a river, the angle of de+ression of the o++osite ban) is # 1$8. 3ind the width of the river. 3rom one edge of an e>"avation $% feet wide, the angle of elevation of the to+ of the wall on the o++osite edge is % $'8. 3ind the length of the ladder that will (/st rea"h the ti+ of the wall from the +oint of observation. 3rom a balloon dire"tl. above a "ertain b/ilding, the angle of de+ression of a river eight miles awa. is 1-1!8. 3ind the height of the balloon above the level of the river. 3rom a tower #* feet high, the angles of de+ression of two ob(e"ts sit/ated in the same hori2ontal line with the base of the tower and on the same side, are and !#!% 8. 3ind the distan"e between the ob(e"ts. 3rom the to+ of a hill, the angles of de+ression of two s/""essive milestones on a straight level road leading to the hill are 1# and #. 3ind the height of the hill.

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Right Triangle Problems


To determine the height of one of the great redwood trees of California a s/rve.or la.s off a distan"e of $-- feet from its foot and at the end of the line sets /+ a transit. 0e levels the teles"o+e and then sights on the to+ of the tree. 6f the angle of elevation is %#1 8, and the teles"o+e is # feet above the level gro/nd, find the height of the tree. 3rom an air+lane dire"tl. above a town, the angle of de+ression of another town 1* miles awa. on level gro/nd was 1% . ;hat was the altit/de of the +lane when the observation was made1 A ladder ! feet long is resting against a wall at an angle of %# 1!8!'B with a level floor. 6f the foot of the ladder is drawn $$ in"hes farther awa. from the wall, how far down the wall will the to+ of the ladder move1 Two observers are stationed 1 mile a+art on a straight east=west level road. An air+lane fl.ing north +asses over the road between them, and as it "rosses over the road, the angles of elevation are observed to be & $-8 and &&1#8. 3ind the altit/de of the +lane 4in feet5. A hori2ontal oil tan) * feet long and % feet in diameter is filled with oil to a de+th of ! feet. 3ind the weight of the oil, one "/bi" foot weighing #- +o/nds. A hori2ontal ".lindri"al tan), & feet in diameter and # feet long, is +artl. filled with water so that the wetted ar" of the "ir"/mferen"e of the tan) is &.& feet. 0ow man. gallons are there in the tan), allowing & gallons to the "/bi" foot1 3ind the area of the larger of the two segments into whi"h a "ir"le is divided b. a "hord # in"hes long whi"h is at a distan"e of ' in"hes from the "enter. A++ro>imate the angle of elevation of the s/n if a bo. # feet tall "asts a shadow ! feet long on the gro/nd. 3rom a +oint 1# meters above level gro/nd an observer meas/res the angle of de+ression of an ob(e"t on the gro/nd as %* . A++ro>imatel. how far is the ob(e"t fro the +oint on the gro/nd dire"tl. beneath the observer1 The string on a )ite is ta/t and ma)es an angle of #! -8 with the hori2ontal. 3ind the a++ro>imate height of the )ite above level gro/nd if *# meters of string are o/t and the end of the string is held 1.# meters above the gro/nd. The side of a reg/lar +entagon is ! "m long. A++ro>imate the radi/s of the "ir"/ms"ribed "ir"le. 3rom a +oint P on level gro/nd the angle of elevation of the ti+ of a tower is % #-8. 3rom a +oint # meters "loser to the tower and on the same line with P and the base of the tower, the angle of elevation of the ti+ is #$ $-8. A++ro>imate the height of the tower. A ladder - feet long leans against the side of a b/ilding. 6f the angle between the ladder and the b/ilding is , a++ro>imatel. how far is the bottom of the ladder
! Right Triangle Problems




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from the b/ilding1 6f the distan"e from the bottom of the ladder to the b/ilding is in"reased b. $ feet, a++ro>imatel. how far does the ti+ of the ladder move down the b/ilding1 $1. As a weather balloon rises verti"all. its angle of elevation from a +oint P on the level gro/nd 11- )m from the +oint C dire"tl. /nderneath the balloon "hanges from 1' -8 to $1#-8. A++ro>imatel. how far does the balloon rise d/ring this +eriod1 3rom a +oint A, *. meters above level gro/nd, the angle of elevation of the ti+ of a b/ilding is $1 -8 and the angle of de+ression of the base of the b/ilding is . A++ro>imate the height of the b/ilding. 6n order to find the distan"e d between two +oints P and C on o++osite shores of a la)e, a s/rve.or lo"ates a +oint R whi"h is #- meters from P and s/"h that RP is +er+endi"/lar to PC. @e>t, /sing a transit, PRC is fo/nd to meas/re & !-8. ;hat is d1 A g/. wire is atta"hed to the ti+ of a radio antenna and to a +oint on hori2ontal gro/nd whi"h is !- meters from the base of the antenna. 6f the wire ma)es an angle of #* -8 with the gro/nd, a++ro>imatel. how long is the wire1 An o"tagon is ins"ribed in a "ir"le of radi/s 1 "m. A++ro>imate the +erimeter of the o"tagon. A b/ilder wishes to "onstr/"t a ram+ ! feet long whi"h rises to a height of # feet above level gro/nd. A++ro>imate the angle that the ram+ sho/ld ma)e with the hori2ontal. A ro")et is fired at sea level and "limbs at a "onstant angle of &# thro/gh a distan"e of 1-,--- feet. A++ro>imate its altit/de to the nearest foot. A CB antenna is lo"ated on the to+ of a garage 1% feet tall. 3rom a +oint on level gro/nd whi"h is 1-- feet from a +oint dire"tl. below the antenna, the antenna s/btends an angle of 1 . A++ro>imate the length of the antenna. An air+lane fl.ing at an altit/de of 1-,--- feet +asses dire"tl. over a fi>ed ob(e"t on the gro/nd. <ne min/te later the angle of de+ression of the ob(e"t is $- . ;hat is the s+eed of the air+lane in miles +er ho/r.

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Right Triangle Problems


A motorist is traveling along a level highwa. at a s+eed of %- )m +er ho/r dire"tl. toward a distant mo/ntain. She observes that between 1D-- P7 and 1D1- P7 the angle of elevation of the ti+ of the mo/ntain "hanges from 1- to . A++ro>imate the height of the mo/ntain. An air+lane +ilot wishes to ma)e his a++roa"h to an airstri+ at an angle of 1- with the hori2ontal. 6f he is fl.ing at an altit/de of #,--- feet, a++ro>imatel. how far from the airstri+ sho/ld he begin his des"ent1 6n order to meas/re the height h of a "lo/d "over, a s+otlight is dire"ted verti"all. /+ward from the gro/nd. 3rom a +oint d meters from the s+otlight, the angle of elevation of the light image on the "lo/ds is then meas/red. 3ind h if d = 1--meters and = #'. A shi+ leaves +ort at 1D-- P7 and sails in the dire"tion @$! ; at a rate of ! miles +er ho/r. Another shi+ leaves +ort at 1D$- P7 and sails in the dire"tion at a rate of 1* miles +er ho/r. A++ro>imatel. how far a+art are the two shi+s at $D-- P71 3rom an observation +oint A a forest ranger sights a fire in the dire"tion . 3rom a +oint B, # miles d/e west of A, another ranger sights the same fire in the dire"tion S#!1-8A. A++ro>imate, to the nearest mile, the distan"e of the fire from A. An air+lane fl.ing at a s+eed of $%- miles +er ho/r and flies from a +oint A in the dire"tion of 1$& for $- min/tes and then flies in the dire"tion & for !# min/tes. A++ro>imate, to the nearest mile, the distan"e from the air+lane to A. Set


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3ind the height of the tree in 3ig/re 1. 3ind the distan"e from A to B a"ross the river in 3ig/re . 3ind the distan"e a"ross the +ond in 3ig/re $. 3ind the height of the b/ilding in 3ig/re !.

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Right Triangle Problems

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6n 3ig/re 1, find the line=of=sight distan"e from A to the to+ of the tree. 6n 3ig/re , find the line=of=sight distan"e from B to C. 6n 3ig/re #, the angle of de+ression from the to+ of the lightho/se to a man in a shi+ is $.#E. 3ind the distan"e AB from the man to the "liff.

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6n Problem &, find the line=of=sight distan"e, AC, from the man to the to+ of the lightho/se. A radio antenna is #- ft high. The angle of elevation from the antenna to a landing air+lane at an altit/de of ! - ft is %E -8 4see 3ig/re %5. 3ind the line=of=sight distan"e from the to+ of the antenna to the +lane. 6n Problem ', find the hori2ontal distan"e, AB, from the to+ of the antenna to a +oint dire"tl. below the +lane. A flag+ole is *# ft high. ;hen the s/n is # E above the hori2on, what is the length of the shadow "ast b. the flag=+ole1 F0intD The angle of elevation of the s/n is # E.G 6n Problem 11, what is the angle of elevation of the s/n if the length of the shadow "ast b. the flag+ole is 1-- ft1 3ind the height of the Aiffel tower in Paris, /sing the information in 3ig/re &. 3ind the height of the "liff in 3ig/re *. A man standing at the to+ of a %#=m lightho/se observes, two boats. Hsing the data given in 3ig/re ', determine the distan"e between the two boats.

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A 1 =ft ladder leans against a "abin. The to+ of the ladder rests against the highest +oint on the "abin. 6f the foot of the ladder is & ft from the base of the "abin, how high is the "abin1

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Right Triangle Problems

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3ind the length of the base of an isos"eles triangle if ea"h of the e,/al sides is $ "m long and the angle is *E. A "ir"le of radi/s ! in"hes is ins"ribed in a reg/lar he>agon. 3ind the length of one of its sides. 3ind the angle between the diagonal and the longer side of a re"tangle # "m b. * "m. A "ir"le is ins"ribed in a reg/lar +entagon whose +erimeter is # "m. 3ind the radi/s of the "ir"le. An air traffi" "ontroller stands in a 1 - ft high "ontrol tower. Two +lanes wait in the same r/nwa. to ta)e off. The angle of de+ression to the first +lane is 1!E$#8 and the angle of de+ression to the se"ond +lane is 'E1%8. 3ind the distan"e between the +lanes. Ass/me that the tower and the two +lanes lie on the same line. An aerial +hotogra+h was ta)en of a mo/ntain ridge from a +lane dire"tl. overhead. At the time the +hoto was ta)en, the s/n made an angle of %E with the hori2on. A re+resentation of the +hoto is given in 3ig/re 1-. 0ow high is the ridge at +oint A1


A +rin"ess is im+risoned in a room of a "astle that is s/rro/nded b. a moat. The angle of elevation from the edge of the moat to the bottom of the window in the +rin"ess8s room is &1E. A )night e,/i++ed with a transit wishes to res"/e the +rin"ess. 0e determines that the angle of elevation 4from gro/nd level5 from a +oint 1 feet dire"tl. behind the moat and in line with the window is # E!$8. 0ow long a ladder does he need in order to res"/e the +rin"ess1 A satellite orbits the earth at a height of # - miles. The angle to a +oint 0 on the hori2on in 3ig/re 11 is % E*8. Hse these data to a++ro>imate the radi/s of the earth. The diameter of the earth is &' %.! miles. 6f .o/ are fl.ing in a +lane at an altit/de of $#,--- ft &.% miles, how far awa. is the hori2on1 The s/n is a++ro>imatel. 1!'.# million )m from the earth. 3rom a +oint on the earth, the s/n8s diameter s/btends an angle of $18#*B. ;hat is the a++ro>imate diameter of the s/n1 4See 3ig/re 1 .5 6n ?e"ember 1'&!, the Ameri"an s+a"e +robe Pioneer 11 made its "losest a++roa"h to I/+iter, whi"h has a diameter of **,--- miles. Photos showed that from the +robe, the angle s/btended b. I/+iter8s diameter was #&E! 8. 0ow "lose did the +robe get to I/+iter1

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Right Triangle Problems


A s/rve.or stands in a g/ll.. 0er e.es are # feet in"hes above the gro/nd, and she is standing 1 feet from one side of the g/ll.. Hsing a transit, she estimates that the angle of elevation from her e.es to the to+ of that side of the g/ll. is 1&E 8. 0ow dee+ is the g/ll.1 The grade of a ram+ or road is e,/al to the verti"al distan"e the road rises divided b. the hori2ontal length of the road. 6f a ram+ has a J grade and is 1 m long, how high does it rise1 The e>it ram+ off a freewa. has a "onstant .$#J grade. Cars /sing this ram+ arrive at an over+ass that is 1 .% m above the freewa.. ;hat is the hori2ontal distan"e from the beginning of the e>it ram+ to a +oint on the freewa. dire"tl. below the over+ass1 A shi+ leaves +ort and travels ## )m d/e so/th. 6t then "hanges "o/rse and sails !1 )m bearing @ &E1#8;. 0ow far is the shi+ from +ort at this +oint1 A shi+ travels 1% milesKhr. 6t sails for $ ho/rs d/e north and then "hanges "o/rse and sails at a bearing of @%1E #8A. 0ow far is the shi+ from +ort * ho/rs after leaving +ort1 A shi+ is 1! )m d/e so/th of a naval base. A se"ond shi+ is 1% )m d/e east of the base. 3ind the bearing of the se"ond shi+ from the first shi+. A shi+ started at +oint A and sailed $.% miles bearing @ &EA. 6t then "hanged "o/rse and sailed $&. miles bearing S%$EA to rea"h +oint B. 0ow far is it from +oint A to +oint B1 6n Problem $!, what is the bearing of the shi+ if it ret/rns to +oint A b. the most dire"t ro/te1 A shi+ is sailing d/e east and at noon +asses a lightho/se * miles d/e north. At 1 P.7. the bearing of the lightho/se is @ $E;. Ass/ming that the shi+ is sailing at "onstant s+eed, find the s+eed of the shi+ in milesKhr.



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Right Triangle Problems

Set 1 1. a. A = &$! 8 B = 1%1*8 b = & b. A = %& .*8 B = $&.1'8 b = # ". A = !# B = !# " = d. A = $- B = %- " = e. A = 1!$-8 B = &#$-8 b = f. B = * a = $.&% " = !. % g. B = !-$-8 b = .&' " = !.$ h. B = 1* a = 1!.*! b = !.* i. B = !*#-8 a = .1 " = $. (. A = &# a = .*! " = .'! ). A = *%8 B = %1#!8 " = 1& l. B = #* a = &.#- " = 1!.1# m. A = % !#8 a = . b = 11.! n. A = !# B = !# " = 1 .&$ o. B = %$1#8 b = $.* " = %.& +. A = ## a = #.*% " = &.-' ,. A = $&1*8 B = # ! 8 b = %. r. A = %$%8 B = %$ !8 " = !.!& s. B = && a = .!& b = 1-.& t. A = %- B = $- a = %'. * #$ .ards $. = $'$8 !. &*.$ ft 1 -.% ft %. 11!# .dsKmin &. = #.$* s = %.$ %$ !8 '. '%.# ft 1-. mile $ &- ft 1 . $&$!8 1$. -- ft &*.$# ft 1#. 1.!$ mi 1%. !$.1 ft %*#.' ft 1*. %#!. % ft 1'. #.1% mi 1* in 1. '&#- ft . !,*#- lb 1#'! gal !. %1%.% in #. #1 %.1 m &. &-.% m *. -.! "m -. m $-. &.! ft, 1.# ft $1. '.& )m $-.& m $$. 1%- m $!. &%. m &$.# "m $%. 1 E $&. ',%#' ft #. % ft $'. 1'& m+h !-. 1.** )m *,*-- ft ! . 1,%%! m !$. ## m $m !#. $ # m Set 1. '. 1&. $. #. &. $$. &-. ft $. 1!*.* m #. *$.! m &. *-.# m $$#!.1 ft 11. %%.! ft 1$. $-- m 1#. 11.% m 11.1 "m 1'. $-E 1. &!. ft $-.! ft 4the distan"e form the edge of the moat to the bottom of the window5 !#.% miles 4/sing the val/e &.% miles in the "om+/tation5 $#,*&-.# miles '. .% m $1. %.! )m @#%E!18A $#. S*!E$&8;

. #. *. 11. 1!. 1&. -. $. %. '. $ . $#. $*. !1. !!.

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Right Triangle Problems

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