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2 Moments in a Plane
!igure " # /0 A visually pleasing and easily recogni1able situation in which a moment is being applied to an ob2ect. 34/ As discussed in the last section, a rigid body has at most six degrees-offreedom. Three of them are translational and three are rotational. When the analysis is confined to a plane, the rigid body has at most three degrees-of-freedom. Two are translational and one is rotational. These rigid bodies are called planar rigid bodies. In planar rigid bodies, the forces act in the plane and moments are produced by these forces. The forces and moments maintain the body in a state of translational equilibrium and rotational equilibrium. This section shows several different ways how to mathematically express a moment acting on a planar rigid body. Then it s shown how to find the resultant moment acting on a planar rigid body. .

The Moment of a Force

!igure " # $ shows point A and force F. The force acts at point B. The perpendicular distance between point A and the line of action of the force is denoted by a. The moment about point A produced by the force is defined as the product of the force F and the perpendicular distance a, written %" # "& MA = aF.

!igure " # $0 A moment at point A is produced by a force F. The moment is defined as the force F multiplied by the moment arm a.

The perpendicular distance a is called the moment arm. Therefore, in words, 'q. %" # "& states that the moment about point A produced by the force F is equal to the moment arm a multiplied by the force F. Moment about Point A Moment !rm Moment about an !xis As mentioned above, the analysis of a planar rigid body is confined to a plane. The rigid body can translate in two independent directions and rotate about an axis perpendicular to the plane. To maintain a planar rigid body in equilibrium, you need to maintain its translational equilibrium as well as its rotational equilibrium. !orces tend to cause a rigid body to translate and moments tend to cause a body to rotate. (o in statics problems, forces maintain a body in translational equilibrium and moments maintain a body in rotational equilibrium. )otation in a plane is commonly referred to as about an axis. (imilarly, the moment about point A is also said to be the moment about an axis perpendicular the x-y plane through point A. In planar problems, the moment can be said to be about a point or about an axis. Torque The unit of moment in the (I system is Newton meter, abbreviated *+m and the unit of moment in the ,( (ystem is pound ft, abbreviated lbft. Another commonly used word for moment is torque. )efer again to !ig. " # $. *otice that moment MA is positive when a and F are positive and when MA is positive that the moment tends to cause the body to rotate about A counter-cloc-wise. Thus, the sense of the moment in !ig. " # $ is said to be positive counter-cloc-wise. The sense of the moment could have also been ta-en to be positive cloc-wise, as shown in !ig. " # .. The sense of the moment can be selected to be positive counter-cloc-wise or positive cloc-wise depending on the convention that you set up.

!igure " # .0 The sense of the moment can be positive counter-cloc-wise or positive cloc-wise depending on the convention that you set up.

'quation %" # "& can be calculated several different ways. In this sub-section three different, but similar, ways are shown. The next sub-section shows how to calculate a moment using rectangular components of position and force. )eferring to !ig. " # 5, the angle between the line of action of the force and the line between points A and B is denoted by . The distance between points A and B is denoted by r. The moment arm is then related to the distance r by %" # 6& !igure " # 50 The moment at point A produced by a force F is expressed three different possible ways as0 MA = aF, MA = rFsin, MA = rf where a = rsin and f = Fsin. a = r sin.

!rom 'qs. %" # "& and %" # 6&, the moment about A can be written as %" # /& MA = r F sin.

'quation %" # 6& states that the moment about A produced by the force F is equal to the distance r between points A and B multiplied by the force F multiplied by the sine of the angle between them. *ext, notice that the component of the force perpendicular to the line between points A and B is f = F sin. Therefore, from 'q. %" # /&, %" # $& MA = r f.

!igure " # 70 The moment about point A produced by the force is MA = rFsin = "899sin "9: = 8/9 lbft MA = aF = 8./+899 = 8/9 lbft MA = rf ="/9 = 8/9 lbft where a = rsin = "sin "9: = 8./ ft, f = Fsin = 899sin "9: = /9 lb.

'quation %" # $& is a third way of expressing a moment. 'quation %" # $& states that the moment about A produced by the force F is equal to the distance r between points A and B multiplied by the component of the force perpendicular to r. As an example, loo- at !ig. " # 7. *otice that a force F = 899 lb is being applied to the bar, " ft from point A. The angle between line AB and the line of force F is "9:. The moment about point A is calculated three ways in !ig. " # 7. The different ways of calculating the moment are very similar.

Finding a Moment "sing #ectangular $omponents

Another way to calculate a moment is to first express the position vector from point A to point B and the force vector in terms of their rectangular components. As shown in !ig. " # 89, the position vector and the force vector, in terms of their rectangular components, are %" # .& where %" # 5&
x = r cos , y = r sin , F x = F cos , F y = F sin
r B ; A = xi + y%, F = Fx i +F y %,

!igure " # 890 The moment about point A is calculated using rectangular components of position and force.

!rom !ig. " # 89, 'q. %" # /&, and using the trigonometric identity sin% & = sin cos cos sin , the moment about A is written out as !igure " # 880 The moment about point A of the force F is the moment about A of Fy plus the moment about A of Fx.

M A = rF sin = rF sin% & = rF %sin cos cos sin & = % r cos &% F sin & %r sin &% F cos &
so from 'q. %" # 5&
M A = xF y yFx

%" # 7&

In 'q. %" # 7& we see that the moment about A of F represents the sum of the moment about A of Fy and the moment about A of Fx, where x is the moment arm of Fy and where y is the moment arm of Fx. The minus sign in front of yFx ma-es that part of the moment positive counter-cloc-wise %(ee !ig. " # 88&.

Finding a #esultant Moment

!igure " # 8<0 A planar rigid body is sub2ected to forces that create a resultant moment. !igure " # 8< shows a rigid body being sub2ected to the forces F8, F<, > , Fn in the plane. 'ach of these forces produces a moment about point A. The moment arms of the forces are a8, a<, > , an. The resultant moment about A is the sum of the moments about A produced by each of the forces, written %" # 89&

M A = M A8 + M A< + ... + M An = a8 F8 + a < F< + ... + a n Fn

!igure " # 8"0 A resultant moment is calculated using the rectangular components of the forces.

The resultant moment MA can also be calculated by first resolving the forces into their x and y components. ?etting the sense of the moment be positive counter-cloc-wise, from !ig. " # 8",

M A = M A8 + M A< +... + M An
%" # 88&

= A y8 F8x + x8 F8 y @ +Ay < F< x + x < F< y @ +... ... +Ay n Fnx + x n Fny @.

!igure " # 860 A planar rigid body is sub2ected to forces that create a resultant moment.

In 'q. %" # 88& y8 is the moment arm for F8x and the negative sign ma-es the sense of the moment positive counter-cloc-wise, x8 is the moment arm for F8y, y< is the moment arm for F<x, etc. Bonsider the example shown in !ig. " # 86 to illustrate 'qs. %" # 89& and %" # 88&. !igure " # 86 shows a rigid body sub2ected to a F8 = 69 lb force and a F< = $9 lb force. ?et s first find the resultant moment about point A associated with these two forces using 'q. %" # 89&. ?etting the sense of the moments be positive countercloc-wise, the moment arms of the forces become a8 = 8./758 ft and a< = #".6$68 ft. *otice that a< is negative because the moment of the second force is positive cloc-wise. !rom 'q. %" # 89&, the resultant moment about A is

M A = M A8 + M A < = 8./758 69 + ".6$68 $9 = 866 lb ft.

!igure " # 8/0 The moment about A is calculated using 'q. %" # 88&. The resultant moment can also be found using 'q. %" # 88& where the forces are first resolved into their x and y components. This approach is more systematic. )eferring to !ig. " # 8/, from 'q. %" # 88&


M A = M A8 + M A< = A y8 F8x + x8 F8 y @ +A y < F< x + x < F< y @ = A <% 69 cos $9& + "% 69 sin $9&@ +A 6%$9 cos "9& + 9%$9 sin "9&@ = 866 lb ft.
Cccasionally, the resultant moment produced by a given set of forces needs to be calculated about different points. !or instance, assume that the moment about A produced by the forces F8, F<, > , Fn in the plane has already been calculated and that the interest lies in calculating the resultant moment produced by these forces about a different point B. The resultant moment about B can be calculated efficiently using the formula that is now developed. !rom !ig. " # 8$, the resultant moment about B produced by the forces is

!igure " # 8$0 The resultant moment about A and the resultant moment about B are related to each other.

M B = M B8 + M B < + ... + M Bn
%" # 8<&

= A % y8 + y A ; B & F8x + % x8 + x A ; B & F8 y @ + A % y < + y A ; B & F< x + % x < + x A ; B & F< y @ + ... +A % y n + y A ; B & Fnx + % x n + x A ; B & Fny @.

where xA/B and where yA/B are the x and y components of the position from point B to point A. The moment MB in 'q. %" # 8<& is now expanded and written in terms of MA in 'q. %" # 89& as
M B = M B8 + M B < + ... + M Bn = A y8 F8x + x8 F8 y @ + A y < F< x + x < F< y @ + ... +A y n Fnx + x n Fny @ + A y A ; B F8x + x A ; B F8 y @ +A y A ; B F< x + x A ; B F< y @ + ... +A y A ; B Fnx + x A ; B Fny @ = M A y A ; B A F8x + F< x + ... + Fnx @ + x A ; B A F8 y + F< y + ... + Fny @,

that is
M B = M A +Ay A ; B R x + x A ; B R y @ ,

%" # 8"& where

%" # 86&

R x = F8x + F< x +... + Fnx and R y = F8 y + F< y +... + Fny .

In 'q. %" # 86&, Rx and Ry denote the x and y components of the resultant force. In words, 'q. %" # 8"& states that the resultant moment about B is equal to the resultant moment about A plus the resultant moment about B produced by the resultant forces placed at point A. 'quation " # 8" can be used to efficiently calculate resultant moments. !or future reference, notice in 'q. %" # 8"& that if MA & ' for some point A

and if the resultant force is (ero )Rx & Ry & '* then MB & ' for any point B. This result will prove to be important in section ".6 when rotational equilibrium is addressed in more detail and in section "./ when the use of equivalent moments is discussed.

The $ouple
!igure " # 8.0 A couple is a pair of equal and opposite forces. Bonsider a pair of equal and opposite forces. A pair of equal and opposite forces is called a couple. As shown in !ig. %" # 8.&, the perpendicular distance between the forces in the couple is denoted by d. A couple has two important properties. They are0


)+* The resultant force produced by a couple is zero. )2* The moment produced by the couple about point A is M = dF where point A is arbitrary.

!igure " # 850 The moment produced by a couple is the same regardless of the location of point A, and the orientation of the forces.

The first property is somewhat obvious since the forces F in the couple are ta-en to be equal and opposite. The second property is shown in !ig. " # 85. As shown, the perpendicular distances between point A and each of the forces are respectively b and b + d. 'ach of the forces produces a counter-cloc-wise moment about A of #bF and %b + d&F. The sum of the moments produced by the forces about point A is M = #bF D %b + d&F = dF. *otice that b cancels out, so the location of point A is arbitrary. *ot only is the location of point A arbitrary, but the orientation of the two forces is arbitrary, too. The couple can be made of equal and opposite forces that are vertical, hori1ontal, or that act in any other direction in the plane. )egardless of the orientation, the moment produced by the couple is the same. Bouples are instrumental in the analysis of rigid bodies. )eferring bac- to !ig. " # $, recall that a single force F produces a moment thereby affecting the rigid body s rotational equilibrium. Eowever, the single force also affects the rigid body s translational equilibrium. A couple, on the other hand, is quite exceptional. It does not affect the rigid body s translational equilibrium because the resultant force associated with a couple is 1ero. The couple only affect s the rigid body s rotational equilibrium. !or convenience, when drawing diagrams, rather than draw each of the forces in the couple, the couple is drawn as a curved arrow. As shown in !ig. " # 87, the curved arrow represents the two equal and opposite forces.

!igure " # 870 A couple is represented by a curved arrow.

4ey Terms
$ouple5 Moment5 Moment about a Point5 Moment about an !xis5 Moment !rm5 Planar #igid 3ody5 #esultant Moment5 #igid 3ody5 #otational .quilibrium5 0ense of a Moment5 Torque5 Translational .quilibrium

#e,iew -uestions
8. Eow many degrees-of-freedom does a planar rigid body haveF 3escribe them. <. 3efine moment about A of a force F. What is a moment armF ". What are the units of a moment in the ,( system and in the (I systemF 6. What is the sense of a momentF /. 'xpress the moment about A of a force F at point B using the angle between the force and the position from point A to point B. $. 'xpress the moment about A of a force F in terms of the rectangular components of position and force. .. What is a coupleF 5. *ame two properties of a couple.

$lass .xperiment

/our 0crew 1ri,er2s Torque

$lass .xperiment

The 0trength of the 3ody


!ig. <a

3 6 2 The second-class lever shown in !ig. <a is sub2ected to a R = /9 lb resistance force. 3etermine the applied force F the -eeps the lever in static equilibrium. Also, determine the reaction force P at the fulcrum A, and loo- at the moments about the fulcrum that the resistance force R and the applied force F exert. olution! The second-class lever represents a rigid body. The free-body diagram of the lever is shown in !ig. <b. (umming forces in the vertical direction and from the ?aw of the ?ever given in 'q. %" # <&, %a&
9 = P + F /9, < /9 = ".< F .

!ig. <b !rom %a&, the applied force is %b&

F = "8.</ lb,

0et up # The lever is a regarded as a rigid body. Transition # The free body diagram of the lever is drawn. The location of the forces is important. .quation 6 The ?aw of the ?ever governs the lever s rotational equilibrium. !nswer # The applied force is found. 4nowledge # *otice that the resultant moment acting on the lever is 1ero. This is a hint that the ?aw of the ?ever can be replaced by the rotational equilibrium condition that the resultant moment acting on the rigid body is 1ero. We ll cover this in detail in (ection ".6.

and the reaction force at the fulcrum is P =85../ lb. As expected, the applied force is proportionally smaller than the resistance force. ?et s now loo- at the moments created by the applied force and the resistance force. Ta-ing the moments to be positive counter-cloc-wise, the moment MA8 produced by the resistance force and the moment MA< produced by the applied force are %c&

M A8 = < /9 = 899 lb ft, M A< = ".< "8.</ = 899 lb ft.

Also, the moment about A produced by the reaction force P at A is 1ero because its moment arm is 1ero. Therefore, notice that the resultant moment about A acting on the rigid body %produced by all three forces& is 1ero. In section ".6, we ll replace the ?aw of the ?ever with the rotational equilibrium condition stating that the resultant moment acting on a rigid body is 1ero.

!ig. "a

3 6 3 A F = ./ lb force pulls on a bar, as shown. 3etermine the moment about A produced by this force. Balculate the moment three ways # using 'qs. %" # "&, %" # /&, and %" # $&. olution: If we use 'q. %" # "&, the calculation of the moment MA first requires the calculation of the moment arm a. !rom !ig. "b, the moment arm is a = <+sin$9: = 8.."<8 ft, so the moment about A produced by the force is

%a& !ig. "b

MA = aF = 8.."<8./ = 8"9 lb.

If we use 'q. %" # /&, the calculation of the moment MA first requires the angle between the applied force and the line AB, which is = $9:. ,sing 'q. %" # /&, %b& MA = rF sin = <./8.."<8 = 8"9 lb.

!inally, if 'q. %" # $& is used, the calculation of the moment MA first requires the component of the force f perpendicular to r. !rom !ig. "b, f = ./sin$9: = $/.9 lb. ,sing 'q. %" # $&, %c& MA = rf = <$/.9 = 8"9 lb.

Any of these ways of calculating the moment is fine. In this example, no advantage is gained by using one of the ways over another. Ban you thin- of problems in which one way could be a little easier than anotherF 3 6 7 A 69 * force acts on the bent beam at point B, as shown. Balculate the moment about point A produced by the force using 'q. %" # 7&. !ig. 6a olution: ,sing 'q. %" # 7&, the position vector from A to B and the force vector need to be resolved into their rectangular components. !rom !ig. 6b, the position vector and the force vector are %a& r B ; A = %9.$ +9.$ sin "9&i 9.$ cos "9 % = 9.7i - 9./87$< % m, F = 69 cos "9i + 69 sin "9 % = "6.$68i +<9 % *. so x = 9.7 m, y = -9./87$< m, %b& F x = "6.$68 *, F y = <9 *. !rom 'q. %" # 7& and %b& %c&
M A = xF y yFx = 9.7%<9& +9./87$<%"6.$68& = "$ * m.

!ig. 6b

!ig. /a

3 6 8 Two forces FB = /9 lb and FC = /9 lb push on the bar shown. !irst, determine the resultant force produced by these two forces. Then determine the resultant moment acting about A produced by these two forces. !inally, determine the resultant moment about B produced by these two forces. olution: The resultant forces in the x and y directions are %a& D Rx =FBx D FCx = /9cos"9: D 9 = 6"." lb, D Ry =FBy D FCy = /9sin"9: # /9 = #</ lb.

*ext, let the sense of the moments be positive counter-cloc-wise. Then the moments about point A produced by FB and FC are %b& !ig. 5b MAB = aB FB = rB fB = 9./%/9sin"9:& = 8<./ lbft, MAC = aC FC = %9./cos"9:&/9 = <8.$/8lbft.

The resultant moment about A is %c& MA = MAB D MAC = 8<./ D <8.$/8 = "6.< lbft.

*ext, consider point B. The resultant moment about point B produced by FB and FC is %d& MB = MBB D MBC = 9 D %9./ D 9./cos"9:&/9 = 6$.. lbft.

*otice that MAB and MAC in %a& each produced positive counter-cloc-wise moments about point A even though FB was downward. Also, notice even though the moment MBB about B produced by FB was 1ero in %d&, that the resultant moment about B found in %d& was larger than the resultant moment about A found in %c&. 3 6 9 Two forces FB = /9 lb and FC = /9 lb pull on the bar, as shown. 3etermine the resultant force produced by these two forces. Then determine the resultant moment acting on the bar produced by these two forces about point A, and then about point B. !ig. $a olution: The resultant forces in the x and y directions are %c& D Rx =FBx D FCx = /9cos$9: # /9cos$9: = 9 lb, D Ry =FBy D FCy = #/9sin$9: D /9sin$9: = 9 lb.

Blearly, the two forces are equal and opposite, so the resultant force that they produce is 1ero. *ext, let the sense of the moments be positive counter-cloc-wise. Then the resultant moment about point A produced by FB and FC is !ig. $b %a& MA = MAB D MAC = #9./%/9sin$9:& D 8%/9sin$9:& = <8.. lbft.

The resultant moment about B produced by these forces is %b& MB = MBB D MBC = 9 D 9./%/9sin$9:& = <8.. lbft.

*otice that the moment about A found in %a& is equal to the moment about B found in %d&. In contrast, recall in the previous example that the moment about A was different than the moment about B. Cf course, this is not a coincidence. The two forces in this example are a couple. )ecall that, for a couple, the point about which the moment is ta-en is arbitrary. The point could have been anywhere in the plane and the moment produced by the two forces would still have been the same.

3 6 + ):* A force F produces a moment about point A. !ind the moment arm of the force. What is the sense of the moment about AF Answer! a & 8./$ ft., positive counter-cloc-wise. 3 6 2 ):* A <9 * force produces a moment about point A. !ind the moment arm of the force. What is the sense of the moment about point AF Answer! a & 8..6 m, positive counter-cloc-wise. 3 6 3 ):* A 69 ft force produces a moment about point A. !ind the component of the force perpendicular to the moment arm. Answer! f & "<.6 lb. 3 6 7 ):* A /9 * force produces a moment about point A. !ind the component of the force perpendicular to the moment arm. Answer! f & "8.8 *. 3 6 8 ):* Wood is connected directly to masonry foundations in some areas of the southeastern areas of the ,nited (tates. If a load of </9 lb is applied, as shown, find the moment it produces on the foundation about point A. Answer! MA & /99 lb+ft. 3 6 9):* Bable BC supports bar AB, as shown. !ind the moment about A exerted on the bar produced by the cable force. The tension in the cable is <99 *. Answer! MA = 699 *+m. 3 6 ;):* A 8/ lb force pulls up on the propeller shown. If the radius of the blade is 9.5 ft, find the moment about A produced by the force. Assume that the sense of the moment is positive counter-cloc-wise. Answer! MA = #7.87 lb+ft. 3 6 < ):* A man pushes a revolving door at point B, which is < ft from axis AA. Ee pushes perpendicular to the door with a force of F = 69 lb. What moment does he produce on the door about axis AAF Answer! MA & 59 lb+ft. 36 =):* Gar AB is pulled on by cable BC, as shown. If the tension in the cable is <99 lb, find the counter-cloc-wise moment about A exerted on the bar by the cable force. Answer! MA = 659 lb+ft. 3 6 +'):* A man pushes a crate with 8/9 lb of force, as shown. !ind the moment about A produced by pushing the crate. Answer! MA = 689 lb+ft. 3 6 ++ ):* A 89 lb force is exerted on the cran- shown. !ind the moment about A in the x-y plane %about the z axis&. Answer! MA = $.5" lbft.


3 6 +2 ):* A student irons his cloths, pushing down on an ironing board shown. What moment does the student produce on the ironing board about axis AAF Answer! MA & 6$<.$ lb+ft. 3 6 +3)M* (how that the moment MA about A produced by the force F is MA = rFsin<. 3 6 +7)M* !ind an expression for the moment MA about A produced by the force T. 'xpress MA in terms of T, R, and . Answer! MA = rTsin. 3 6 +8)M* A 8/99 lb is applied at an angle , as shown. !ind the angle that maximi1es the moment about A produced by the applied force. What is the value of the maximum momentF Answer! = $".6:, MAmax = 89.8 -lb+ft. 3 6 +9 )M* The bar shown pivots about a fixed point A. Hin B is constrained to slide on the circle while sliding along the bar. The pin exerts a force F on the bar perpendicular to CB. 'xpress the moment about A produced by the force in terms of F, R, and . !or what value of is the moment the largestF Answer! M A =< RF cos , cr =9 . 3 6 +; )M* A L = < m bar is suspended by cable BCD, as shown. At what angle does the force F = "9 * produce the largest moment on the bar about AF Answer! = "9:. 3 6 +< )M* A 6 ft bar is bent into a vertical portion of length a, and a hori1ontal portion of length b %a + b = 6 ft&. The bar is pulled on at point B by a /9 lb force that ma-es the angle shown. Where does the bar need to be bent in order to maximi1e the moment about A produced by the force. What is the value of the maximum moment about AF !irst, assume that = "9:. Then resolve the problem assuming that = $9:. Answer! a8 = 6 ft, b8 = 9, MA8 = 8." lbft, a< = 9, b< = 6 ft, MA< = 8." lbft. 3 6 += )M* A force F acts tangent to the parabola shown. 'xpress the moment about A produced by the force in terms of y. The equation of the parabola is y = ax < . Answer! M A = " yF J8 + 6ayI 8 ; < . 3 6 2' )>* A force F acts tangent to the ellipse shown. 'xpress the moment about A produced by the force in terms of x. The equation of the ellipse is % x ; a & < + % y ; b& < = 8. Answer! M A = aF J% a ; b& < + A8 % a ; b& < @% x ; a & < I 8 ; < . 3 6 2+ )>5 $* A linear spring is attached to points B and C, as shown. The length of the bar and the length of the unstretched spring are both L = <6 in. At what angle does the spring exert the largest moment on the bar about point AF Answer! = 88/:.


3 6 22):* A <9 * force acts on the left end of a lever. A force F also acts on the right end of the lever at the angle shown. ,sing the ?aw of the ?ever, find the force F that balances the lever. Answer! F = 8/.$ lb. 3 6 23 ):* A 899 lb bar is supported by two tension wires, as shown. ,sing the ?aw of the ?ever, find the tensions TA and TB. Answer! TA = 899 lb, TB = .9.. lb. 3 6 27):* A man applies a force of "9 lb to a crow bar to remove a board that s nailed into a floor. A bloc- is used for leverage. ,sing the ?aw of the ?ever, determine the resistance force R acting on the left end of the crow bar perpendicular to the line of the crow bar. Answer! R = $8.7 lb. 3 6 28)M* A man applies a force of <9 lb to a beam to remove a board that s screwed into a floor. ,sing the ?aw of the ?ever, determine the force P acting at point A, perpendicular to the line of the beam. Answer! P = $".6 lb. 3 6 29)M* A hammer is positioned two different ways to remove a nail from a board. It is -nown that the nail needs to be pulled upward with a resistance force of R = /9 lb for it to be removed. ,sing the ?aw of the ?ever, find the applied force F at the end of the hammer for each of the positions. Answer! F = / lb, F = 8$." lb. 3 6 2; ):* Three </ lb forces are shown. !ind the resultant force and the resultant moment about point A ta-en positive countercloc-wise. Answer! Rx = #</.9 lb, Ry = 9, MA = #./.9 lbft. 3 6 2< ):* Two 89 lb forces pull on the bent bar shown. !ind the resultant moment about A produced by these forces. Answer! MA = <9 lbft. 3 6 2= ):* Three 8lb forces are shown. !ind the moments that they produce about A and then about B. Answer! MA = 8.<7 lbft, MB = #9.686 lbft. 3 6 3' ):* !our / lb forces are shown. !ind the moments that they produce about A, then about B, and finally about C. Answer! MA = ..9. lbft, MB = ..9. lbft, MC = ..9. lbft. 3 6 3+ ):* Three 89 lb forces are shown. They act at the corners of an isosceles triangle having sides of length a = 8.." in. !ind the moments that they produce about A and then about D. Answer! MA = 8.</ lbft, MD = <./9 lbft. 3 6 32 ):* !ive 89 lb forces act along the sides of an equilateral pentagon having sides of length a = 8 ft. !ind the resultant force. ?etting the sense of moments be positive counter-cloc-wise, find the resultant moment about point A and then about D. Answer! Rx = <.<7 lb, Ry = 9, MD = ".66 lbft.


3 6 33 ):* A bar is sub2ected to the four forces shown. !ind the resultant force and the resultant moments about points A, B, C, and D. Answer! Rx = Ry = 9, MA = MB = MC = MD = #69 *+m. 3 6 37 ):* !our people are tugging on a rectangular tarp, as shown. !ind the resultant force and the resultant moment about A. Answer! Rx = .<./ lb, Ry = 65." lb, MA = /./. lbft. 3 6 38 ):* A bar is sub2ected to the four forces shown. !ind the resultant moments about points A and C. Answer! MA = MC = 8.." lb+ft. 3 6 39 ):* A rectangular plate is pulled on by the forces shown. !ind the resultant force and the resultant moments about points A, B, C, and D. Answer! Rx = 9, Ry = *, MA = MD = <9 *+m, MB = MC = <99 *+m. 3 6 3; ):* !ind the resultant moment about A produced by the five forces shown. Answer! MA = 9. 3 6 3< ):* A bent bar is pulled downward by three wires. The tension is each of the wires is /9 lb. !ind the resultant force and the resultant moment about point D produced by the tension wires. Answer! Rx = /6.8 lb, Ry = -8"5 lb, MD = 8$< lb+ft. 3.2 3= to 3.2 77 Applied Hroblems


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