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101 Sketchbook Ideas draw old shoes draw a glass of water draw a pile of unfolded laundry draw your

non-dominant hand draw a scene in a restaurant draw a stack of books draw a view out of a window draw your art supplies draw wine bottles draw childrens toys draw a person laying down draw a person sitting in a chair design a typeface draw different types of trees draw objects in your pocket draw game pieces draw a caricature of yourself draw the same object drawn with different techniques (hatching, cross hatching, stippling, etc.) draw your favorite pet draw a copy of your favorite Masters painting draw a crumpled piece of paper draw a brown paper bag draw an old chair draw a person from history in which there is no photo reference draw an old persons face draw a stapler draw an old radio draw an old car draw an old camera

draw a pair of glasses draw an open book draw a bicycle draw anything made out of metal draw a hammer draw tree bark up close draw ocean waves draw a pile of rocks draw a cup of pencils draw hard candy draw any fruit (sliced open) draw any vegetable (sliced open) draw a reel mower (tough one) draw a pine cone draw a seashell draw a banana peel draw an old cabin draw an old factory draw flowers in a vase draw simple forms (cube, sphere, cylinder, etc.) draw old farm equipment draw a sailboat draw people standing in a line draw a bowl of peanuts draw a bowl of nails draw bushes or shrubbery draw several eggs on a surface draw your favorite insect draw a flower up close draw a thumb drive draw an exotic fish

draw a scene from history draw a feather draw any detailed machine draw the insides of a watch or clock draw a skull draw an apple draw a portrait of someone that is a different race from you draw water coming from the faucet draw a creek in the woods draw a pair of socks draw an object that is moving draw a Cubist portrait draw a view from a window draw a candle in the dark draw three random objects from your refrigerator draw a bowl of popcorn draw a set of keys draw someone peeling off their skin draw your hand holding an apple (or other object) draw your feet draw yourself as a cartoon character draw a patterned cloth on a table draw a wine cork draw a face in profile draw a candlestick draw a fictional woodland creature draw a close up of grass draw an object three times in different lighting draw a pile of jewelry draw a close up of someones hair draw a doorknob

draw a bird in flight draw a video game controller draw a pile of yarn draw a stack of dinner plates draw a trompe loeil image draw hung drapery draw a water sprinkler draw calm water that is reflective draw a person falling just draw something!

149 Sketchbook Ideas 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Draw the inside of your closet Draw the contents of your desk drawer Just before your room is cleaned, draw it Draw the contents of your refrigerator Draw the contents of your medicine chest Draw the contents of your garage Draw your dads work table after hes worked on a project Before the dishes are washed, draw them Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed If you have an octopus for a furnace, draw it Draw a pile of bicycles on the sidewalk Draw the guests at your parents dinner party Draw yourself in a mirror Draw your brother/sister practicing his/her instrument Draw your friend shooting hoops in the driveway Draw yourself painting your toenails (if you do) Draw your hand in multiple positions

18. Draw your hand holding a variety of objects 19. Draw your hand against other parts of anatomy (chin, knee, etc.) 20. Draw your bird, cat, dog, fish, snake, leopard, lobster doing something strange 21. Draw what is in the rear-view mirror of your car 22. Draw a dead bird in a beautiful landscape 23. Draw a flower growing next to a turned over garbage can 24. Draw raw chicken parts; cooked parts; after eaten parts 25. Draw a piece of cake and make it look delicious 26. Draw 2 eggs in the shell, fried, over easy 27. Draw one popcorn kernel, draw a bag of popcorn 28. Draw a raw steak, steak bones 29. Draw moving water, still water 30. Draw a wet object, make it look wet 31. Draw an object when looking through a tube (microscope) 32. Draw an object seen through glass (how does the glass make a difference) 33. Draw something floating 34. Draw a dark object in a light environment 35. Draw a dark object in a dark environment 36. Draw the contents of a light room when sitting in a dark room 37. Climb a ladder, draw what is below 38. Climb a mountain (hill), draw what is below 39. Lie on the floor, draw what is eye level 40. Dig a hole, put a whole in the hole, draw what is in the hole 41. Fill in the hole, cover up the whole, draw the covered hole 42. Find a quiet place in a crowd, draw the crowd 43. Find a quiet place, draw the quiet

44. Find a noisy place, draw noise 45. On the school bus, draw your friends on the way to school, draw your friends on the way home. Is there a difference? 46. Shine a light through an open weave structure, draw the cast shadow 47. Draw an object that is lit by the light coming through mini blinds 48. Draw a portrait that is lit by the light coming through mini blinds 49. Draw an object that is lit by a candle 50. Draw a figure that is lit by a candle 51. Draw your sister/brother by the light cast by the TV or computer screen 52. Draw your father/mother by the light cast from the TV or computer screen 53. Draw an apple, pear, banana 54. Draw an apple, banana, and a wrench 55. Draw a scoop of ice cream and an old shoe 56. Draw an apple, a vacation photo, a hammer and a gold fish 57. Tighten a C clamp on a banana, draw it 58. Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in aluminum foil, plastic wrap 59. Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in string 60. Copy the Mona Lisa 61. Rearrange the Mona Lisa to suit yourself 62. Rearrange the Mona Lisa to suit your art teacher 63. Put Mona Lisa in a contemporary setting 64. Copy any work of art older than you 65. Remake the above work of art in your way 66. Make a drawing that says something about the environment

67. Make a drawing that says something about the world situation 68. Make a drawing that is pure propaganda about any issue you feel strongly about 69. Make a drawing that is totally truthful 70. Make a drawing that lies all over the place 71. Make a drawing that is completely impossible 72. Draw a portrait inside out 73. Draw an apple, pear, banana inside out 74. Look out your bedroom window, draw what you see 75. Look out your bedroom window, draw what you would like to see 76. Draw an apple, pear, banana that is wrapped in an apple, pear, banana 77. Draw a form fitting case made of steel that would fit an apple, pear, banana 78. Draw two squares of a sidewalk and make it look interesting 79. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of grass 80. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of hair 81. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a feather 82. Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a dollar bill 83. Make a drawing of grass, hair, feathers and a dollar bill 84. Draw an insect under a magnifying glass 85. Rearrange, redesign the insect 86. Change the size relationship (scale) of the insect and something else (i.e. building, ships, cars) 87. Draw a portrait of your best friend as an insect 88. Draw a self portrait of you as a beautiful insect 89. Draw a family insect portrait 90. Copy Copleys Watson and Shark

91. Change the figures depicted in the Copley painting to people you know 92. Rearrange Copleys painting Watson and the Shark to work on dry land 93. Crumple a magazine ad, draw it 94. Crumple a photograph, draw it 95. Crumple a drawing, redraw it crumpled 96. Cut out a photo into small pieces, rearrange the photo in some other order, draw it 97. Make a drawing that looks sticky 98. Make a drawing that oozes 99. Make a drawing of a mechanical structure or machine 100. Make a drawing of a machine that oozes 101. Make a drawing of a machine so that the parts are sticky 102. Make a drawing of a fine mechanical instrument (camera) under water (use your imagination) 103. Draw the Brooklyn Bridge 104. Draw the Brooklyn Bridge over a small body of water i.e. bathtub 105. Draw a form fitted case made of wood and lined with velvet for an apple, pear, and a banana 106. Draw a chair 107. Draw the concept of the uses of a chair (sitting) without the chair 108. Draw a bed 109. Draw the concept of the uses of a bed without a bed without the bed 110. Make a drawing that illustrates the phrase I have come to a juncture in my life 111. Make a drawing that illustrates the phrase There is an

insufficiency of intellect 112. Make a careful drawing that illustrates the word Haste 113. Draw the imaginary skeleton of an apple, pear, and banana 114. Draw a monument for a bagel 115. Draw a photograph of an apple, pear, and banana at an angle tilted away from you 116. Draw a portrait of you and your friends as cards; the queen, king, and jack of spades 117. Draw a slice of the best pizza you have ever seen 118. Make a drawing of all your drawing materials 119. Make a detailed drawing of a rock 120. Make a drawing at McDonalds 121. Draw the reflection from light bouncing off a motorcycle 122. Draw your portrait from the reflection of a shiny chrome object i.e. toaster, bowl, spoon 123. Draw the reflection from a body of water 124. Draw the reflection from a store window 125. Draw the reflection of reflection 126. Reflect on your drawing of reflection, draw your retrospection 127. Draw an aerial view of your back yard 128. Draw a transparent object 129. Draw a translucent object 130. Draw a translucent object that is inside a transparent object 131. Draw a translucent apple, pear, and banana 132. Draw a building in which you would like to live 133. Make a drawing using a map of the USA as a motif 134. Make a portrait of yourself as you see yourself in twenty years 135. Make a pastoral drawing

136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149.

Draw life in the city Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase Drape a mysterious object in cloth, draw it Draw a moving object Draw an empty room, make it interesting Draw a woman wearing a big hat Draw a masked man (not a super hero) Draw a sleeping person Draw a flower, make it appear dangerous Draw a person looking out a window Draw a person looking in a window Draw a person reading a letter Draw an apple, pear, and banana in outer space Draw a detailed drawing of a nut and bolt

Sunday, April 30, 2006 100 Sketchbook Ideas Here is the full list of sketchbook ideas from the 2005 OAEA Convention. Please feel free to contact us with additional sketchbook ideas to add to the site. Or contact us with any other ideas for postings, lets share ideas! Sarah Danner Cynthia Lowry

100+ SKETCHBOOK IDEAS 1. Mark Kesslers book Draw Squad

2. Fix My Ride I have the students draw a car before and after. The after car being a dream car w/colorful details and unusual gadgets. 3. 10 ft squirrel ends up in your backyard. Draw what happens next. 4. Design a CD cover for your favorite band. 5. Make a magazine collage about you 6. Design a poster or pamphlet for an important social event. 7. A map to your house. 8. Combine organic and geometric shapes 9. Your eye using a mirror 10. An object placed on a students desk 11. A self-portrait with words 12. A still life of a favorite collection ex: sea shells, match box cars 13. Your house as it looks today, what it looked like in the past and what it might look like in the future 14. The view out your window 15. Your favorite toy (now or when you were younger) 16. The bottom of your closet 17. The Monsters under your bed! 18. Holiday theme 19. Artist/Movements 20. Still life 21. Creative drawing 22. Four puzzle pieces. In each piece draw one part of your face in detail (eye, ear, nose, lips, eyebrow). You may draw the same part over again as long as it is at a different angle. 23. Your brain 24. A personal time capsule 25. A nightmare 26. A self-portrait 27. A room in your house 28. Your house or bedroom 29. Your personality in expressive line only

30. Doodles non-stop 31. Whats under your bed 32. Draw as you eat it: draw your snack, eat some, draw it again, repeat 2-3 times until your snack is gone 33. One-point perspective of their bedroom 34. Value study of their hand (no middle finger poses) 35. Design an ad for a movie 36. Someone in the family (can be a pet) 37. You; doing an activity you like to do 38. A junk drawer or closet 39. Value drawing-set up your own still life of all white objects 40. Room with a view-interior view of home, bedroom, etc. looking out of a window to a dream view. 41. Invent a creature that is part human and part animal, give it a name and draw it in its habitat 42. Something in your pocket or bookbag-draw it from all/multiple angles 43. A corner of the room 44. Light bulbs 45. Outside the window 46. A houseplant with an abstract background 47. Silverware messed/overlapping still-life 48. A piece of fancy jewelry 49. Figure drawing of a person in action 50. Figure drawing of a person sitting; legs crossed; reading; playing a musical instrument 51. ABC scavenger huntstudents have to sketch a still life item that begins with each letter of the alphabet (26 sketches, 13 must have value and shading18 wks to finish) 52. Create a new alphabet 53. Your family tree 54. Illuminated letter(s) 55. Graffiti letters

56. One word (combine word and meaning to create style) 57. Line doodles 58. Destruction and repair 59. Collages (Landscapes) 60. Likes and dislikes collage 61. Animal most symbolic to you 62. Spotlight (colored pencil) O area in a pencil still life 63. Playing card of self instead of a King or Queen 64. Birds Eye View of subject 65. Pair with another person, make a funny face and draw 66. (3) sketches: candy bar (whole and wrapped), opened and half eaten, remaining wrapper 67. Hybrid animal ex. Horse/tiger 68. Shoe/clothing design 69. Memory from childhood 70. Scene from a dream you had 71. Re-design the packaging for your favorite food 72. Original Halloween mask 73. Open a drawer and draw what you see 74. Collage on a page: anything having to do with a color of your choice. Use magazine clippings, swatches of fabric, paint, found object like candy wrappers, tickets, etc. 75. Light/Dark-the moon at night 76. A hero 77. Create a pattern 78. A corner in the room 79. Shoes 80. Small creature outside 81. Wrapped candy 82. Zoom in on an object 83. Fill a border or page with doodle 84. Write or pick a poem and write it in the form/shape of an animal (without the outline), could be calligraphy

85. Students clip their completed exercises, then into miniatures (thumbnails as practice for larger project) 86. Enlarge/abstract a common object (chess piece, paper clip, etc.) 87. A room from various perspectives and then add them all together 88. Dump your laundry in a pile on the floornow draw 89. View as an ant or a bird 90. An alien spaceship landed in your back yarddraw the ship and the alien 91. Your hand holding anything 92. Design a shoe 93. What will you look like at age 60 94. A new species of animal has been discovereddraw the animal 95. (3) objects with wheels 96. Your favorite food as a monster 97. (3) objects that represent happy memories 98. A car made out of your favorite food 99. Your pet as a human 100. Yourself as a pet 101. The change in your pocket 102. Your cell phone in your hand 103. The view outside your bedroom window 104 Your dream car 105. Create a tessellation 106. Your favorite and least favorite veggies arranged on a plate 107. Create a greeting card and the poem for the insert 108. Your favorite tree 109. The laundry pile in the corner of your room 110. First 7 minutes of class are silentstudents are given their folders and they take out their handmade sketchbook and work on the posted assignment. Not all assignments are drawing, some are reflective quick writes or responses to art ex: objects that roll concentrating on overlapping, quick write of the posted picture

111. Art Attacks: students fold an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper 3 times in half making 8 rectangles and sketch a doodle everyday theyre in art class. This counts for participation and counts for 8 points in my grade book. It also tells me student attendance in class. Reference: Accord Publishing Calendar: Doodle a Day, Mark Kistlers Draw Squad 112. I use art folders for my 4-6 graders. I collect simple drawings, art wordfinds, and anything that they can do on their own. I have a box of paper for the art folders. When they are done with the class project, they get out their art folder (which never leaves the room) and work. I keep the folders in labeled boxes. 113. My middle school students build masks using corrugated cardboard, found objects, and paper mach Before we construct, each student must sketch 4 ideas for masks. They focus on shape and pattern. We look at and discuss actual mask repros and mask making aesthetics. 114. This is a variation of your question-my 8th graders print fabric and make their own bound (stabbing) sketchbook. It has assignment sheets in the front, drawing paper pages and an oaktag envelope pocket in the back. 115. Sketchbook purpose: Authentic Assessment (instead of quarterly bubble test). Notes/Visual Imaging-Creative problem solving Vocabulary (Web Mapsexperimenting and planning with the elements and principles)art history and artist research Students Free Drawingsketches of whatever that are later shared, if desired, with the class. 1.67% 2.Abandoned 3.Advertisement 4.Agony

5.All That I Have 6.Annoyance 7.Antiques 8.Are You Challenging Me? 9.Asleep 10.Awake 11.Beautiful 12.Bittersweet 13.Blood 14.Bonds 15.Bored 16.Break Away 17.Breaking the Rules 18.Breathe 19.Broken Pieces 20.Bubbles 21.Butterflies 22.Can You Hear Me? 23.Castle 24.Cat (or Dog) 25.Chains 26.Childhood 27.China 28.Colors 29.Creation 30.Cute 31.Danger Ahead 32.Dark

33.Daybreak 34.Death 35.Decision 36.Deep in Thought 37.Desire 38.Do Not Disturb 39.Dreams 40.Drink 41.Drive 42.Drowning 43.Dusk 44.Dying 45.Earth 46.Egypt 47.Embrace 48.Expectations 49.Eyes 50.Faces/Figures 51.Fairy Tale 52.Family 53.Famous Painters 54.Fire 55.Fish 56.Flowers 57.Food 58.Foreign 59.Forest 60.Forsaken

61.Fortitude 62.Freedom 63.Friendship 64.Give Up 65.Gray 66.Hand in Hand 67.Happiness 68.Heal 69.Hearts 70.Heaven 71.Hero 72.Hold 73.Hold My Hand 74.Home interior design 75.Horror 76.Hot 77.I Can't 78.Illusion 79.Imperfection 80.Impossible 81.In the Storm 82.Innocence 83.Insanity 84.Inspiring words 85.Japan 86.Keeping a Secret 87.Kick in the Head 88.Killing

89.Kiss 90.Last Hope 91.Laughter 92.Lies 93.Life 94.Light 95.Listen 96.Locked 97.Longing 98.Lost 99.Love 100.Magic 101.Memory, memories 102.Mirror 103.Mischief Managed 104.Misfortune 105.Misunderstanding 106.Moon and Stars 107.Mother Nature 108.Multitasking 109.Music 110.Nephew/niece 111.Night 112.No Time 113.No Way Out 114.Numbers 115.Oblivion 116.Obsession

117.Out Cold 118.Pain 119.Paper 120.Path 121.Peace 122.Pen and Paper 123.Personality 124.Pet birds 125.Planets 126.Plants 127.Playing the Melody 128.Pop art 129.Pottery/Ceramics 130.Prayer 131.Precious Treasure 132.Pride 133.Purpose 134.Puzzle 135.Questioning 136.Rain 137.Rainbow 138.Rated 139.Red 140.Redemption 141.Rejection 142.Relaxation 143.Retro/vintage 144.Reunion

145.Ribbons 146.Royal 147.Ruins 148.Sacrifice 149.Safety First 150.School-life 151.Sea 152.Seeing Red 153.Seeking Solace 154.Shapes 155.Sick 156.Silence 157.Simplicity 158.Sky 159.Smile 160.Solitude 161.Sorrow 162.Soul 163.Spiral 164.Sport 165.Standing Still 166.Stars 167.Starvation 168.Stripes 169.Suffer 170.Sun and Clouds 171.Sunset 172.Sweet

173.Teamwork 174.Tears 175.Test 176.The Past and the Future 177.Through the Fire 178.Time 179.Tough Luck 180.Tower 181.Traps 182.Triangle 183.Tropical 184.Trouble Lurking 185.Truths 186.Two Roads 187.Understanding 188.Universe 189.Unreachable 190.Unrequited 191.Unspoken 192.Vacation 193.Waiting 194.Water 195.Whimsical faries 196.Will 197.Wind 198.Wish 199.Words 200.Wrath

1.A new architect has changed the look of the skyline with an innovative new building. Draw the building. 2.Add a machine to a shape (square, circle, etc.) to create a new invention. 3.Advanced drapery: towel, shirt, blanket, with lots of wrinkles and patterns; focusing on shapes of folds and creases and the shadows that are created by them. 4.Arrange a still life and draw it with shading. 5.Before the dishes are washed, draw them. 6.Bookmarks for the school library . 7.Calligrams. 8.Change the figures depicted in a painting (like from Copley, Devinci, etc.) to people you know . 9.Change the size relationship (scale) of the insect and something else (i.e. building, ships, cars). 10.Choose an object, draw the side you can't see. 11.Climb a ladder, draw what is below. 12.Climb a mountain (hill), draw what is below. 13.Collect some 'flat' things in nature (leaves, flowers). Make something with them (like a collage). 14.Combine a plant and an animal to create a new life form. 15.Combine two activities that have not been combined before. 16.Combine two works of art to create a new one, like Chagall with Botticelli. 17.Compile a file of images from which you can pull inspiration or reference. 18.Contour line drawings of figures or objects.

19.Copy any work of art older than you. 20.Copy the Mona Lisa or any other work of art. 21.Create a character based on someone you know. Write a list of personality traits. 22.Create a fantasy building and landscape. 23.Create a graph documenting or measuring something in your life. 24.Create a museum of very small things. 25.Create a new toy. 26.Create a series of drawings of people in motion (playing sports, doing housework, etc.) Try to overlap several views of the action as it progresses. Use light sketchy lines; it will help. 27.Create a series of positive and negative space designs. 28.Create an image using dots. 29.Create an imaginary alphabet. 30.Create an outdoor room from things you find in nature. 31.Create creatures from actual live animals. 32.Create instruction for a simple everyday task. 33.Crumple a drawing, redraw it crumpled. 34.Crumple a magazine ad, draw it. 35.Crumple a photograph, draw it. 36.Cut a random shape out of several layers of a magazine. Make a collage out of the results. 37.Cut out a photo into small pieces, rearrange the photo in some other order, draw it. 38.Darw a fine mechanical instrument (camera) under water (use your imagination). 39.Design a CD cover for a musical group (no pot leaves, conventional, unoriginal, violent or sexual imagery).

40.Design a costume for 2090. 41.Design a costume for another era (medieval, egyptian, etc.). 42.Design a new license plate for your car. 43.Design a new map. 44.Design a school desk . 45.Design a tattoo for someone particular (a celebrity, a teacher, a firiend, etc.). 46.Design an ad for your favorite music. 47.Design an advertisement for yourself. 48.Design an advertisement poster of your favorite movie. 49.Design new methods of transportation. 50.Dig a hole, put an object in the hole, draw what is in the hole. 51.Do 3 drawings at different speeds. 52.Do a morning collage. 53.Do a self portrait. This can be full body view or face only. 54.Do a temporary art installation using a pad of post it notes & a pen. 55.Drape a mysterious object in cloth, draw it. 56.Draw 10 of your habits. 57.Draw 10 tings you would like to do every day. 58.Draw 100 uses for a tin can. 59.Draw 2 eggs in the shell, fried, over easy. 60.Draw 3 unlikely objects together. 61.Draw a "fantasy" house. 62.Draw a "how to" poster. 63.Draw a bed. 64.Draw a bowl of fruit, shade it. 65.Draw a bridge. 66.Draw a bubble.

67.Draw a building in which you would like to live. 68.Draw a chair. 69.Draw a city on another planet. 70.Draw a comic strip with your own characters. 71.Draw a construction site. 72.Draw a dark object in a dark environment. 73.Draw a dark object in a light environment. 74.Draw a dead bird in a beautiful landscape. 75.Draw a detailed drawing of a nut and bolt . 76.Draw a family insect portrait. 77.Draw a family member by the light cast from the TV or computer screen. 78.Draw a figure in an environment from your observation (in motion, and standing still). 79.Draw a flower growing next to a turned over garbage can. 80.Draw a flower, make it appear dangerous. 81.Draw a form fitted case made of wood and lined with velvet for an apple, pear, and a banana. 82.Draw a form fitting case made of steel that would fit an apple, pear and a banana. 83.Draw a grouping of leaves. 84.Draw a house built underground. 85.Draw a kid wearing a big hat. 86.Draw a landscape from observation. Remember to show foreground, middle ground, and background. 87.Draw a large jar and fill it up with something (candy, toys, rock, etc.) . 88.Draw a leaf.

89.Draw a logo for a t.v. show. 90.Draw a lost dog. 91.Draw a machine so that the parts are sticky. 92.Draw a machine that oozes. 93.Draw a man made object. 94.Draw a man wearing a big hat. 95.Draw a map of everywhere you went in one day. 96.Draw a map of the creases on your hand, (knuckles, palm). 97.Draw a map of your country as a motif. 98.Draw a map of your favorite sitting spots in your town/city. 99.Draw a masked man (not a super hero). 100.Draw a meal based on a color theme. (i.e. all white). 101.Draw a mechanical object. 102.Draw a medal for yourself. It must be designed for the thing you do best. 103.Draw a metallic object and everything you see in it. 104.Draw a mini book based on the theme, "my grocery list". 105.Draw a mirror and all it reflects. 106.Draw a modern house which would still look good in a neighborhood with older houses. 107.Draw a monument for a bagel. 108.Draw a moving object. 109.Draw a mysterious doorway or staircase. 110.Draw a necktie and design an interesting pattern on it. 111.Draw a new piece of sculpture for the museum's sculpture garden. 112.Draw a parade. 113.Draw a pastoral theme. 114.Draw a person looking in a window.

115.Draw a person looking out a window. 116.Draw a person playing with a mucial instrument. 117.Draw a person reading a letter. 118.Draw a photograph of an apple, pear, and banana at an angle tilted away from you. 119.Draw a picture. Cut your pictures into squares. Paste them into a new design. 120.Draw a picture. Fold your picture into a fan. Cut little shapes out of the fan (like cutting snowflakes). Open the picture up and glue onto a second sheet. 121.Draw a piece of cake and make it look delicious. 122.Draw a piece of furniture and use color to show the textures and shadows. 123.Draw a pile of bicycles on the sidewalk. 124.Draw a pile of laundry waiting to get washed. 125.Draw a place you lived. 126.Draw a plant with as much detail as possible using line contour and line variation. 127.Draw a portrait inside out. 128.Draw a portrait of you and your friends as cards; the queen, king, and jack of spades. 129.Draw a portrait of your best friend as an insect. 130.Draw a portrait using light and shadow (place the light from different angles than "normal": under the chin, behind the head, in front of the face). 131.Draw a postcard that has some kind of activity on it. 132.Draw a pure propaganda about any issue you feel strongly about. 133.Draw a raw steak, steak bones.

134.Draw a sandcastle. 135.Draw a scene from your early childhood. 136.Draw a scene on another planet and include another kind of being. 137.Draw a scene that depicts peace. 138.Draw a scientist's top secret project. 139.Draw a scoop of ice cream and an old shoe. 140.Draw a series of animals in motion. 141.Draw a sleeping person. 142.Draw a slice of the best pizza you have ever taste. 143.Draw a still life with one to three pieces of patterned cloth in it. Show color and patterns. 144.Draw a super hero. 145.Draw a tennis shoe. 146.Draw a translucent object that is inside a transparent object. 147.Draw a translucent object. 148.Draw a transparent object. 149.Draw a vase and a beautiful arrangement of flowers. 150.Draw a view of the jungle. 151.Draw a wet object, make it look wet. 152.Draw a woman wearing a big hat. 153.Draw all of the things in your purse/bag/pocket. 154.Draw all your drawing materials. 155.Draw an aerial view of your back yard. 156.Draw an apple, a vacation photo, a hammer and a gold fish. 157.Draw an apple, banana, and a wrench. 158.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana in outer space. 159.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana inside out. 160.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in

aluminum foil, plastic wrap. 161.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is tightly wrapped in string. 162.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana that is wrapped in an apple, pear, banana. 163.Draw an apple, pear, and a banana. 164.Draw an emotion; sad and dark, happy and colorful, etc 165.Draw an empty room, make it interesting. 166.Draw an idea that came into your head by thinking of food. 167.Draw an idea that came into your head through your ears. 168.Draw an idea that came into your head through your feet. 169.Draw an idea that came into your head through your fingers. 170.Draw an ideal wedding ceremony. 171.Draw an illuminated letter for your best friend. 172.Draw an imaginary place with details. 173.Draw an insect under a magnifying glass. 174.Draw an interior of something (once, a student did the inside of a jar of peanut butter). 175.Draw an object melting. 176.Draw an object of interest from 3 different views. 177.Draw an object or a portrait that is lit by the light coming through mini blinds. 178.Draw an object seen through glass (how does the glass make a difference). 179.Draw an object that is lit by a candle. 180.Draw an object when looking through a tube (microscope) or a magnifying glass . 181.Draw an object with a surface texture. 182.Draw an objet as if it has an emotion. Modify it's shape and it's

color enough to show the emotion. 183.Draw bottles and cans. 184.Draw dishes in a drainer, with shading. 185.Draw everything you can see from where you are positioned: this can be from imagination, like if you were in a hot air balloon, ant sized, etc. 186.Draw fables and fairy tales. 187.Draw family members with things that they cherish. 188.Draw how you would be if you were the last person on earth. 189.Draw life in the city. 190.Draw moving water, still water. 191.Draw mythological interpretations. 192.Draw old-fashioned puppets. 193.Draw one object for twenty minutes. 194.Draw or design any kind of vehicle. 195.Draw part of a vehicle. 196.Draw part of any object (mystery draw). 197.Draw people, things, or animals in motion. 198.Draw popcorn. 199.Draw raw chicken parts; cooked parts; after eaten parts. 200.Draw several studies of your eyes, nose, and mouth in a variety of positions and poses. 201.Draw someone you would like to kiss (your boyfriend, a baby, your cat, etc.). 202.Draw someone you would like to visit. 203.Draw something floating. 204.Draw something not pretty. 205.Draw something you might find in a department store display.

206.Draw studies of your hands. Try a variety of positions, overlapping them or holding something. 207.Draw the boat you would like to travel in around the world. 208.Draw the concept of the uses of a bed without a bed without the bed. 209.Draw the concept of the uses of a chair (sitting) without the chair. 210.Draw the contents of a light room when sitting in a dark room. 211.Draw the contents of a trash can. 212.Draw the contents of your desk drawer. 213.Draw the contents of your garage. 214.Draw the contents of your medicine chest. 215.Draw the contents of your refrigerator. 216.Draw the guests at your parents dinner party. 217.Draw the imaginary skeleton of an apple, pear, and banana. 218.Draw the individual items of your favorite outfit. 219.Draw the inside of a mechanical object. 220.Draw the inside of your closet. 221.Draw the inside of your stomach and the food in it after a big meal. 222.Draw the interior of your room and what's in it, from the floor, the bed or the ceiling (looking down). 223.Draw the internal organs of the body. 224.Draw the outline of an object without looking at the page (contour drawing). 225.Draw the perfect garden for your house. 226.Draw the reflection from a body of water. 227.Draw the reflection from a store window. 228.Draw the reflection from light bouncing off a motorcycle. 229.Draw the same object every day for a week.

230.Draw the same object using different artistic movements (cubism, impressionnism, fauvism, etc.). 231.Draw the smells in your neighborhood. 232.Draw the trail of an imaginary insect. 233.Draw the word as the shape of the object, such as the word apple in the shape of an apple, or apples spelling out the word. 234.Draw the world from the point of view of a frog/toad. 235.Draw things that close. 236.Draw things that come from eggs. 237.Draw things that float. 238.Draw things that make noise and illustrate the sound. 239.Draw things with a flavor. 240.Draw tools used in certain professions. 241.Draw two squares of a sidewalk and make it look interesting. 242.Draw using 1 point perspective. 243.Draw using 2 points perspective. 244.Draw using 3 points perspective. 245.Draw what a spaceship commander would see on his video screen. 246.Draw what is in the rear-view mirror of your car. 247.Draw what you think a garden would look like from the view of an insect. 248.Draw where you would like to fly to. 249.Draw with as much rich detail as possible: if you were awakened by a crash in the middle of the night; what would it be from? 250.Draw your "dream car". 251.Draw your best friend or your lover. 252.Draw your bike. 253.Draw your bird, cat, dog, fish, snake, leopard, lobster doing

something strange. 254.Draw your birthday wish list. 255.Draw your dads work table after hes worked on a project. 256.Draw your dinner. 257.Draw your dream room. 258.Draw your favorite animal with a human face. 259.Draw your favorite snack food. 260.Draw your favorite song. 261.Draw your favorite tree. 262.Draw your foot (with or without socks or shoe) in different positions and points of view. 263.Draw your friend shooting hoops in the driveway. 264.Draw your greatest fear; your biggest hope, or your dream for your future. 265.Draw your hand against other parts of anatomy (chin, knee, etc.). 266.Draw your home and what's around it. 267.Draw your house on another landspape, country or planet. 268.Draw your idea of Hell. 269.Draw your idea of Paradise. 270.Draw your own game board. 271.Draw your room just before you clean it. 272.Draw your view from an airplane window. 273.Draw yourself 50 years from now; including your surroundings, possessions, etc. 274.Draw yourself as a beautiful insect. 275.Draw yourself as a robot. 276.Draw yourself dressed in clothing from the 1970's. 277.Draw yourself from the reflection of a shiny chrome object

(toaster, bowl, spoon). 278.Draw yourself if you grew flowers instead of hair. 279.Draw yourself if you were the tallest person in the world. 280.Draw yourself in a mirror. 281.Draw yourself in a mood. 282.Draw yourself in the style of your favorite artist. 283.Draw yourself painting your toenails (if you do). 284.Draw yourself the way you will look 20 years from now. 285.Draw yourself using a strong light on one side or angle of your face, focusing on the shapes of the shadows of your facial features. 286.Draw yourself with wings. 287.Drawa mechanical structure or machine. 288.Expose yourself to a new artist, (in a gallery, a book.) Draw what he inspires you. 289.Fill a page with 2D forms and pick a direction for the light to hit them from. Shade accordingly. 290.Fill an entire page with small circles. Add colors and textures. 291.Find a photo of a person you do not know. Write a brief bio about him/her. 292.Find a photo. Alter it by drawing over it. 293.Find a piece of poetry you respond to. Rewrite it and glue it into your journal. Decorate. 294.Find a quiet place in a crowd, draw the crowd. 295.Find a quiet place, draw the quiet. 296.Find several color combinations you respond to in public. Document them using swatches, write where you found them. Draw something using those colors. 297.For one week collect items you find on the street. Create a

sculpture with them. 298.Go for a walk. Draw or list things you find on the the sidewalk. 299.Hang found objects on tree branches. 300.If animals could draw, what would their artwork look like? Draw their artwork. 301.If you have an octopus for a furnace? Draw it. 302.Illustrate "the way things were". 303.Illustrate a famous saying/quotation. 304.Illustrate a favorite story of yours told by a grandparent; uncle, or other relative. 305.Illustrate the concept of "simplicity". 306.Illustrate words such as up, upside down, apart, crazy, sane, etc. (see the firt list). 307.Illustrate your favorite poem. 308.Illustrate your grocery list. 309.Illustrates the phrase I have come to a juncture in my life. 310.Illustrates the phrase There is an insufficiency of intellect. 311.Lie on the floor, draw what is at your eye level. 312.Listen a song and draw what comes to your mind. Try different kind of music and rythms. 313.Look out your bedroom window, draw what you see. 314.Look out your bedroom window, draw what you would like to see. 315.Make a careful drawing that illustrates the word Haste. 316.Make a design using your address. 317.Make a detailed drawing of a rock. 318.Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a dollar bill. 319.Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of a feather. 320.Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of grass.

321.Make a detailed drawing of five square inches of hair. 322.Make a drawing at a restorant. 323.Make a drawing that is completely impossible. 324.Make a drawing that is totally truthful. 325.Make a drawing that lies all over the place. 326.Make a drawing that looks sticky. 327.Make a drawing that oozes. 328.Make a drawing that says something about the environment. 329.Make a drawing that says something about the world situation. 330.Make a painting using tools from the bathroom. 331.Make a puppet. 332.Make a useful item using only paper & tape. 333.Make pencil rubbings of six different surfaces. 334.Make prints using food. (fruit and vegetables cut in half, fish, etc.). 335.On the school bus, draw your friends on the way to school, then on the way home. Is there a difference? 336.Physically alter a page. (cut a hole, pour tea on it, burn it, fold it, etc.). Then draw on it, using the alteration. 337.Pick a room in your home then draw items in that room. 338.Put a small object in your left pocket (or in a bag), put your left hand in the pocket. Draw it by feel. 339.Put Mona Lisa in a contemporary setting. You can use any other old work of art. 340.Rearrange the Mona Lisa or any other work of art to suit yourself. 341.Rearrange, redesign an insect. 342.Reflect on your drawing of reflection, draw your retrospection. 343.Research a celebration or ritual from another culture. Draw it. 344.Scribble with a pencil. Then find an animal in all the lines you did

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