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Civil society: A select bibliography

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Civil Society: A Select Bibliography

Adamson, Walter L., 'Gramsci and The Politics of Civil Society', Praxis International, Vol.7, Nos.3-4 (1987-88), pp.320-39. Apitzsch, Ursula, 'Antonio Gramsci und die Diskussion um Multikulturalismus', Das Argument, Vol.34, No.l (1992), pp.53-62. Arato, Andrew, 'Civil Society, History and Socialism: Reply to John Keane', Praxis International, Vol.9, Nos.1-2 (1989), pp. 133-51. Arato, Andrew, 'Revolution, Civil Society and Democracy', Praxis International, Vol.10, Nos.1-2 (1990), pp.24-38. Arato, Andrew and Jean Cohen, 'Civil Society and Social Theory', Thesis Eleven, Vol.21 (1988), pp.40-64. Arato, Andrew and Jean Cohen, 'Politics and the Reconstruction of Civil Society' in A. Honneth, Zwischenbetrachtungen im Prozefi der Aufkldrung (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1989), pp.482-503. Arato, Andrew and Jean Cohen, Civil Society and Political Theory (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1992). Barahona de Brito, Alexandra, 'Truth and Justice in the Consolidation of Democracy in Chile and Uruguay', Parliamentary Affairs, Vol.46, No.4 (1993), pp.579-93. Bayart, J.F., 'Civil Society in Africa', in P. Chabal (ed.), Political Domination in Africa: Reflections on the Limits of Power (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 109-25. Becker, Egon, Jahn, Thomas and Peter Wehling (eds.), '"Civil Society" und die Krise der gesellschaftlichen Naturverhaltnisse', Prokla, Vol.84, No.3 (1991), pp.482-92. Bell, Daniel, '"American Exceptionalism" Revisited: The Role of Civil Society', The Public Interest, Vol.95 (1989), pp.38-56. Bendix, Reinhard, 'Staat, Legitimierung, "Zivilgesellschaft"', Berliner Journal fiir Soziologie, Vol.1, No.l (1991), pp.3-11. Bendix, Reinhard, Bendix, John and Norman Furniss, 'Reflections on Modern Western States and Civil Societies', Research in Political Sociology, Vol.3 (1987), pp. 1-38. Benhabib, Seyla, 'Models of Public Space: Hannah Arendt, the Liberal Tradition, and Jiirgen Habermas', in Craig Calhoun (ed.), Habermas and the Public Sphere (Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1992), pp.73-98. Berlin, Isaiah, Four Essays on Liberty (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1990). Bermeo, N., 'Democracy and the Lessons of Dictatorship', Comparative Politics, Vol.24, No.3 (1992), pp.273-91. Birnbaum, Karl E., 'Civil Society and Government Policy in a New Europe', The World Today, Vol.47, No.5 (1991), pp.84-5. Blair, H., 'Donors, Democratization and Civil Society: Relating Theory to Practice', in M. Edwards and D. Hulme (eds.), NGOs, States and Donors: Too Close for Comfort? (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1996). Bouretz, Pierre, 'Societe civile et democratic', Communisme, Vol.8 (1985), pp.9-30. Bova, Russell et al, 'Towards a Civil Society?', symposium papers published in Nationalities Papers, Vol.18, No.2 (1990), pp.42-74.

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Brie, Michael, 'Jahrmarkte der Eitelkeit oder wie den Philosophen in der DDR ihre Maulwurf abhanden kam\ Das Argument, Vol.32, No.6 (1990), pp.923-29. Brumlik, Micha, 'Was heiCt "Zivile Gesellschaft"? Versuch, den Pudding an die Wand zu nageln', Blatter fur deutsche und internationale Politik, Vol.36, No.8 (1991), pp.987-93. Buchstein, Hubertus and Rainer Schmalz-Bruns, 'Justice as Democracy - The Political Philosophy of Michael Walzer', Politische Vierteljahresschrift, Vol.33, No.3 (1992), pp.375-98. Catone, Andrea, 'Der Begriff der Zivilgesellschaft in der Literatur der Perestroika', Das Argument, Vol.34, No.3 (1992), pp.420-31. Chazan, Naomi, Harbesion, John W. and Donald Rothchild (eds.), Civil Society and the State in Africa (Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner, 1994). 'Civics in South Africa', in issue of Development and Democracy, Vol.8 (1994). Cohen, Jean, 'Discourse Ethics and Civil Society', Philosophy and Social Criticism, Vol.14, Nos.3-4 (1988), pp.315-37. Dahlerup, Drude, 'Learning to Live with the State: State, Market, and Civil Society: Women's Need for State Intervention in East and West', Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.17, Nos.2-3 (1994), pp.117-27. Dahrendorf, Ralf (ed.), Fragmente eines neuen Liberalismus (Stuttgart: VerlagsAnstalt/VVA, 1987). Demirovic, Alex, 'Zivilgesellschaft, Offentlichkeit, Demokratie', Das Argument, Vol.33, No. 1 (1991), pp.41-55. Deppe, Frank and Sabine Kebir, Eckpunkte moderner Kapitalismuskritik (Hamburg: VSA-Verlag, 1991). Despoix, Philippe, 'Communaute's, societe civile, etat. La conception de l'Ecole de Budapest', Communisme, Vol.8 (1985), pp.115-26. Devine, Pat, 'Economy, State and Civil Society', Economy and Society, Vol.20, No.2 (1991), pp.205-16. Diamond, L., 'Rethinking Civil Society: Toward Democratic Consolidation', Journal of Democracy, Vol. 5, No.3 (1994), pp.4-18. Di Palma, Giuseppe, 'Totalitarismo, sociedade civil, transiciones', Analise Social, Vol.26, No.l (1991), pp.59-96. Dickens, Peter, One Nation? Social Change and the Politics of Locality (London: Pluto Press, 1988). Elshtain, Jean Bethke, 'Citizenship and Armed Civic Virtue: Some Critical Questions on the Commitment to Public Life', Soundings, Vol.69, Nos.1-2 (1986), pp.99-110. Evers, Tilman (ed.), 'Zivilgesellschaft und direkte Demokratie in gesamtdeutscher Verfassung', Vorgdnge, Vol.2 (1991), pp.41-57. Fine, Robert, 'The Decline of Civil Society Theory in Postcommunist Eastern Europe: A Response to John Keane', Times Literary Supplement, 9 Oct. 1992, p. 15. Fine, Robert, 'Civil Society Theory and the Politics of Transition in South Africa', in Review of African Political Economy, Vol.55 (1992), pp.71-83, and Searchlight South Africa, Vol.3, No.l (1992), pp.19-31.

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Foley, M.W. and B. Edwards, 'The Paradox of Civil Society', Journal of Democracy, Vol.7, No.3 (1996), pp.38-52. Fowler, Alan, 'The Role of NGOs in Changing State-Society Relations: Perspectives from Eastern and Southern Africa', Development Policy Review, Vol.9 (1991), pp.53-84. Fowler, Alan, 'Non-Governmental Organizations as Agents of Democratization: An African Perspective', Journal of International Development, Vol.5, No.3 (1993), pp.325-39. Friedman, S., 'An Unlikely Utopia: State and Civil Society in South Africa', Politikon, Vol.9, No.l (1991), pp.5-18. Friedman, S., 'Bonaparte at the Barricades: the Colonisation of Civil Society', Theoria, Vol.79 (1992), pp.83-95. Galeotti, Anna Elisabetta, 'Individualismo senza comunita? La teoria politica di Friedrich von Hayek', Teoria politica, Vol.3, No.l (1987), pp.133-49. Gallisot, Ren6 et al., 'Etat et socie'te civile', L'Homme et la Societe, Vol.102 (1991), pp.3-37. Gellner, Ernest, 'Civil Society in Historical Context', International Social Science Journal, Vol.43, No.3 (1991), pp.495-510. Gellner, Ernest, Conditions of Liberty: Civil Society and Its Rivals (London: Penguin, 1996). Giner, Salvador, 'The Withering Away of Civil Society?', Praxis International, Vol.5, No.3 (1985), pp.247-67. Gitlin, Todd, 'The Uncivil Society', New Perspectives Quarterly, (1990), pp.46-9. Glazer, Daryl, 'South Africa and the Limits of Civil Society', Journal of Southern African Studies (1996) forthcoming. Gransow, Volker (ed.), 'Zivilgesellschaft und demokratische Frage: ein Literaturbericht', Das Argument, Vol.32, No.2 (1990), pp.249-54. Griffin, S. M., 'Bringing the State into Constitutional Theory: Public Authority and the Constitution', Law and Social Inquiry, Vol. 16, No.4 (1991), pp.659-710. Gyimah, E., "Civil Society in Africa', Journal of Democracy, Vol.7, No.2 (1996), pp. 118-32. Hadenius, A. and U. Uggla, 'Making Civil Society Work, Promoting Democratic Development: What Can States and Donors Do?' World Development, Vol.24, No.10 (1996), pp. 1621-39. Hall, John A. (ed.), Civil Society: Theory, History and Comparison (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995). Haltern, Utz, Biirgerliche Gesellschaft: Sozial-theoretische und sozial-historische Aspekte (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1985). Hann, C. M. (ed.), Market Economy and Civil Society in Hungary (London: Frank Cass, 1990). Haug, Frigga, 'Okonomie der Zeit, darin lost sich schliefilich alle Okonomie auf neue Herausforderungen an einen sozialistischen Feminismus', Das Argument, Vol.32, No.6 (1990), pp.879-93.

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