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What is sustainability in construction?

Sustainability in construction can be identified as which focuses on the reduction of environmental impact of a building while the economic viability is optimized over its lifetime. It also focuses on the safety and the conformability of its occupants. It is based on long term affordability, efficiency and quality. It can be also addressed as the application of sustainable development to the construction industry. Sustainability in construction is achieved through various methods such as site orientation, efficient use of water, integrated planning, use of energy efficient lighting and appliances, use of renewable energy, natural daylight and ventilation. There are many reasons why modern organization engaged in construction and property should be sustainable. Construction sector is known to be the most resource intensive as well as environmentally damaging industry in the world. From the total inflow of raw material into the global economy, construction sector alone accounts for about nearly 3bllion cubic tons (around 40%).The construction industry also accounts 9% of the global gross domestic product. Construction sector has many subdivisions such as industrial development, commercial development, housing and civil engineering infrastructure. Whatever the project it is involved in, it has a potential impact on the nature affecting the natural habitats. The construction industry is one which relies on materials. Most materials used in the construction industry are extracted from finite natural resources. Even when using these resources in the production processes too have become a threat to the environment. When the construction industry is sustainable it will use sustainable construction materials which do not depend on finite natural resources which are also friendly towards the environment during the production process. For example the use of recycled plastic and bamboo can be very cost effective, durable and less harmful and can be used as an alternative to traditional construction materials. Another reason for the construction industry to be sustainable is because its dependency on oil; both in manufacturing process and the transportation process. By the use of sustainable materials and efficient manufacturing methods it can lead to reduction in energy consumption also reducing CO2 emissions in transportation. Sustainability in construction helps not only the environment but also improve stakeholder relationships and economic profitability. Generally the construction industry can have different impacts as environment, social and economic. For example the generation of waste and release of emission is an environment impact, nuisance to neighbors is a social impact and consumption of energy and water is an economic impact. Sustainability in construction helps to overcome these impacts by assessing the potentiality and seeking solutions by the application of aggregates. Sustainability in construction gives rise to many benefits in terms of social impact such as reduction in nuisance, opportunities in business development, increased employment and in terms of economic impact, benefits can be seen as reduced waste disposal costs, increased revenue, improved tender and contract negotiations and social and community gains. Benefits in environmental impacts are reduction in energy consumption, conservation of finite resources and maintenance of biodiversity. It also helps in getting the competitive

advantage in obtaining new projects and tendering for new contracts. In most public sector contracts the minimization of environmental damage is mentioned in procurement guidelines. Hence there is better compliance with the environmental and health and safety regulations. Properties built with sustainability will be perceived by consumers as better buildings with lower running costs and will be able to promote to many more consumers and investors. According to James, P. there are many benefits in sustainability in construction such as reduced operating costs, an insurance against future energy price increases, enhanced reputation as well as intangible benefits such as improved productivity and performance, reduced absenteeism. For example productivity and job satisfaction of workers is increased with big windows that are opened in order to allow fresh air and natural light into the building. Another benefit can be seen as less health problems for workers with better indoor environments. For example, indoor environment can be more toxic than outdoor environment due toxicity in walls, paints, clothe, furniture. By the use of volatile organic compounds plywood and paint will be processed without formaldehyde decreasing indoor toxicity. It is a benefit for the employees as well and relationship with the staff as they will be more motivated better trained to reduce wastage and will feel better valued. There is an also better relation with the community and media. The best practices are followed in order to decrease negative environmental impacts, minimize wastage, increase economic sustainability of the project as well as be ecologically friendlier. While standard building practices are guided by short term economic considerations, sustainable construction is based on best practices which emphasize long term affordability, quality and efficiency. At each stage of the life cycle of the building, it increases comfort and quality of life, while decreasing negative environmental impacts and increasing the economic sustainability of the project. A building designed and constructed in a sustainable way minimizes the use of water, raw materials, energy, land over the whole life cycle of the building. According to Singh T.P.(2007), sustainability in construction can be achieved by the choice of right materials which can be recyclable, choice of right methods of construction in terms of energy and resource efficiency, focus on decisions such as site selection, building layout, design, by creating an efficient and integrated building envelope harnessing natures gifts. Even though to shift to sustainability is involved with some initial costs it bring long term and short term cost savings and increased profits.

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