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Misconduct and How to Conduct an Effective Domestic Inquiry

This is a 2-day intensive workshop on DI specially customised for

Human Resource Managers/ Executives/ Officers Industrial Relations Managers/ Executives/ Officers DI panel members POs Corporate Counsel

Employee Relations Manager Compensations and Benefits Manager Lawyers Managing Director General Manager Educationists Other HR practitioners

Employees are the most important assets of an organisation because they are the critical deciding factor that spearheads the organisations success or failure. Having a disciplined workforce is a critical success factor for higher productivity and meeting organizational goals and objectives including its effectiveness in a competitive environment. Therefore, it becomes vital and imperative for Heads of Departments and line managers to identify and handle instances of misconduct including conducting an effective domestic inquiry for the purpose of establishing whether employees have committed any misconduct. Dismissal of an employee must withstand the scrutiny of the Industrial Court and therefore it is essential that a proper domestic inquiry be held before dismissals are contemplated. Issues on misconduct and discipline of employees have been an age old problem faced by employers, regardless of the context. Course Objective At the end of the training, participants will be able to: Handle disciplinary problems more efficiently and effectively. Work towards creating a better working environment to reduce employee misconduct. Handle investigations and domestic inquiries professionally. Ensure proper documentation to protect employer's interests. Course Methodology The workshop is highly participative and practical, with extensive individual and group exercises. The trainer will lead particular sessions with both concurrently supervising interactive activities. Lectures will be reinforced with practical application, role-playing and training games.

Course Syllabus Module 1 THE NATURE AND TYPES OF MISCONDUCT Concept of misconduct Breaches of express or implied conditions of service Acts of misconduct including absent without leave and sexual harassment Company Rules & Regulations Module 2 THE NEED TO HOLD DOMESTIC INQUIRY Employers Right to Discipline Employees right to Security of Tenure Statutory requirements o Employment Act s. 14(1) o Industrial Relations Act s.5(2)(a) o Industrial Relations Act s.30(5A) Contractual or CA requirements Requirements of Natural Justice Industrial Court guidelines on DI Investigation of Complaints Law on Condonation Issuing Show Cause letter Module 4 MOCK DOMESTIC INQUIRY Assignment of roles Preparation of case Prosecution case Employees case Submission Panel deliberation Panel decision Debriefing Close

Module 3 DOMESTIC INQUIRY PROCEDURES Notice of inquiry Role of Company Prosecuting Officer (PO) Role of Board of Inquiry Recording of proceedings by the Board Adducing evidence examination in chief, cross examination, re-examination of witnesses and submission by both parties Findings report and recommendations Quantum of punishment

Course Timetable Time 9.00-10.30 a.m. 1st Day The Nature And Types Of Misconduct I (M1) 2nd Day Domestic Inquiry Procedures I (M3) Tea Break Domestic Inquiry Procedures II (M3)

10.30-10.45 a.m. 10.45 a.m.-12.30 p.m.

The Nature And Types Of Misconduct II (M1)

12.30-1.30 p.m. 1.30-3.30 p.m.

Lunch The Need To Hold Domestic Mock Domestic Inquiry I (M4) Inquiry I (M2) Tea Break The Need To Hold Domestic Mock Domestic Inquiry II (M4) Inquiry II (M2)

3.30-3.45 p.m. 3.45-5.00 p.m.

Customisation We are also able to customise this programme to the specific needs of your organization. Please contact our training consultant for an appointment.

2010 Triple A Training. All rights reserved.

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