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Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

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Master of Public Health Graduate Assistant Application Form

%epartment o& Health' Human Per&ormance and Recreation
$his document is desi(ned &or use )y indi*iduals intendin( to apply &or a (raduate assistantship in the Master o& Pu)lic Health +MPH, pro(ram at Baylor Uni*ersity- t includes (eneral in&ormation a)out all (raduate assistantships in the Baylor %epartment o& Health' Human Per&ormance' and Recreation' .hich is the department in .hich the MPH pro(ram resides- $he document also includes in&ormation speci&ic to MPH pro(ram assistantships o&&ered in the HHPR department- Application instructions and a &orm are also includedAbout HHPR Graduate Assistantships $he %epartment o& Health' Human Per&ormance' and Recreation at Baylor Uni*ersity annually a.ards competiti*e (raduate assistantships to hi(hly /uali&ied indi*iduals interested in )ecomin( a contri)utin( part o& our uni/ue (raduate pro(ram- Responsi)ilities o& HHPR (raduate assistants (enerally include' )ut are not limited to' ser*in( as research assistants .ithin the department and e0tension campus sites1 teaching *arious courses in the %epartment o& HHPR )ased on the (raduate students academic )ac2(round and pro&essional composite e0perience1 pro*idin( pro&essional ser*ices to pu)lic and pri*ate community and state )ased a(encies1 and pro*idin( administrative support and e0pertise in a *ariety o& departmental &unctionsGraduate assistantships are (enerally a.arded &or a period o& 1-3 to 4 years' in the &irst instance' su)5ect to &a*ora)le re*ie. a&ter the &irst year o& ser*ice to the %epartment o& HHPR and Baylor Uni*ersity- $he appointment is set at 46 hours per .ee2 and is )ased on the responsi)ilities pre*iously presented- $uition remission and stipend *ary .ith appointment- n most instances' students are e0pected to pay their o.n student re(istration &ees outside o& tuition- http788...-)aylor-edu8s&s8inde0-php9id:;<=>? For master@sAle*el students a.arded teachin( assistantships' the Uni*ersity pays the cost o& &ullAtime tuition .ithin the (eneral )ounds o& hours re/uired &or one@s de(ree pro(ram +all semesters,- Graduate $eachin( Assistants also recei*e a stipend durin( the &all and sprin( semesters in .hich they teach +no teachin( o)li(ations durin( the summer terms,- Generally' the stipends are B='C36 per semester' .ith some *ariation- n addition &or all (raduate teachin( assistants .ho teach ; hours in a calendar year' Baylor pays &or all )ut B466 o& the DstudentAonlyE health insurance premium and 36F o& the additional annual premiums &or the studentGs /uali&yin( dependants +as de&ined )y the Uni*ersityGs health plan,- #ee7 http788...-)aylor-edu8(raduate8inde0-php9id:?4343 https788...-academichealthplans-com8)aylor84616A46118premiumHost-php & you initiate application &or a (raduate assistantship in the %epartment o& HHPR' it is imperati*e that you &ile &or admission to $he Graduate #chool concurrently .ith the su)mission o& this &orm- Both the Baylor Uni*ersity Graduate #chool Application and the %epartment o& HHPR Graduate Assistant Application .ith supportin( materials must )e su)mitted and recei*ed )e&ore the applicant is considered &or admission and there)y a (raduate assistantship-

Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

GRADUAT A!!"!TA#T!H"P! "# TH MPH PR$GRAM $he MPH Pro(ram .ithin the %epartment o& HHPR currently supports < (raduate assistants as7 Health Graduate Teaching Assistants %Health GTAs ,7 "i(ht Health G$As teach H"% 11?3 under the direction o& the H"% 11?3 Hoordinator Health Graduate Assistant %Health GA&' One Health GA assists .ith research and pro(rammatic tas2s under the direction o& the MPH Pro(ram %irector and other MPH pro(ram &aculty mem)ers$hese assistants are hired and e0pected to mo*e throu(h the de(ree pro(ram in cohorts as &ullAtime students- $he > G$As are hired in cohorts o& ? e*ery year and are replaced at the end o& each 4Ayear cycle- $he GA is hired as a 3th position alon( .ith one o& the ?AG$A cohorts and is also replaced at the end o& the 4Ayear cycle- $he 4Ayear cycle coincides .ith pro(ram completion &or &ullAtime students$he G$As and GA .or2 appro0imately 46 hours per .ee2' are paid a monthly stipend durin( the semesters in .hich they .or2' and are pro*ided tuition remission &or their (raduate courses in the MPH in Hommunity Health "ducation de(ree pro(ram- More details are pro*ided )elo. a)out speci&ic responsi)ilitiesGTA Responsibilities in the MPH Program HED 1145 Health and Human Behavior is a re/uired course in many Baylor under(raduate de(ree pro(rams- Appro0imately ;36 Baylor students &rom a *ariety o& disciplines enroll in the course e*ery semester- $he course purpose is to encoura(e students to *ie. their li*es &rom a holistic perspecti*e that )alances physical' spiritual' emotional' intellectual' and social health- $his 1AcreditAhour course meets &or 36 minutes per .ee2 +Mon-AIed- or $ues-A$hurs-,"i(ht Health G$As teach H"% 11?3 under the direction o& the H"% 11?3 Hoordinator +Mrs- #hannon Harl,- "ach Health G$A currently teaches &our sections o& the course per semester +&all and sprin(, .ith appro0imately 1>A1< students enrolled in each section- "ach Health G$A also maintains 3 o&&ice hours per .ee2 to &acilitate student access- $he Health G$As are trained and care&ully super*ised throu(hout the semester in the & .ays to ensure /uality and consistency in teachin( content' instructional acti*ities' e0ams' and (radin( protocolso PreA#emester $rainin( Ior2shops7 %urin( the .ee2 prior to the )e(innin( o& each semester' all G$As in the %epartment o& HHPR are required to attend a 4Aday HHPR orientation that co*ers departmental e0pectations and procedures- As part o& this HHPR orientation' the Health G$As are required to attend teacher trainin( sessions lead )y health &aculty and the H"% 11?3 Hoordinator- n these sessions' each Health G$A is pro*ided a teachin( note)oo2 that contains a course sylla)us template' teachin( ancillaries Point slides' acti*ity descriptions' test )an2s' etc,' a resource list &or additional teachin( ideas' and (uidelines &or (radin( and classroom mana(ement procedures- $he Health G$As also recei*e speci&ic trainin( durin( these sessions in7 +a, the course purpose' scope' schedule1 +), the re/uired )eha*ior enhancement pro5ect1 +c, instructor responsi)ilities1 +d, classroom mana(ement +(radin(' restrictions re(ardin( e0tra credit' student interactions' rules o& conduct' proposed use o& technolo(y and e/uipment,1 and +e, protocols &or inAclass health assessmentso Hourse Mana(ement Meetin(s7 $hrou(hout the semester' the H"% 11?3 Hoordinator holds &re/uent Friday meetin(s that all Health G$As are required to attend- n these sessions' the (roup discusses issues related to the course' e0am preparation' inAclass acti*ity ideas' etco "0am #uper*ision and Gradin( Hhec2 Points7 Prior to and & each e0am' the .ee2ly meetin( is de*oted to ensurin( a consistent and &air approach to e0am structure and (radin(- $he (roup also meets a&ter &inals to dou)le chec2 the endAo&Asemester (rade reports- Grade appeals are

Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

&irst addressed )y the G$A- #u)se/uent appeals are addressed )y the H"% 11?3 Hoordinator .ho &ollo.s the Baylor Uni*ersity protocol &or in*ol*in( other administrators as needed$eachin( O)ser*ation7 $he H"% 11?3 Hoordinator *isits the classroom &rom timeAtoAtime to o)ser*e the teachin( per&ormance o& Health G$As- Ihen this occurs' the coordinator may as2 a Health G$A to meet .ith her to discuss the per&ormance and )rainstorm .ays to enhance the teachin( approach"0pectations7 Health G$As ser*e as employees and representati*es o& Baylor Uni*ersity- As such' they are e0pected to &ollo. all re/uirements o& Baylor employees and instructors- Amon( these e0pectations are those that relate to pro&essional interaction .ith others' dress and demeanor' and promptness and consistency on the 5o)- Health G$As .ho do not adhere to .ritten and stated e0pectations related to this employment position are su)5ect to penalties and may )e remo*ed &rom their positionsGA Responsibilities in the MPH Program

$he Health GA position is a 14Amonth appointment that )e(ins in the summer- $his GA .or2s 46 hours per .ee2 under the direction o& =A? &aculty mem)ers in the MPH pro(ram- $he GA must contact each o& these &aculty mem)ers on a .ee2ly )asis +or as other.ise esta)lished .ith that indi*idual &aculty mem)er, to discuss and report pro(ress on assi(ned tas2s$he actual hours o& .or2 +o& the 46 per .ee2, completed &or each &aculty mem)er .ill depend upon &luctuatin( needs o& each &aculty mem)er- t is possi)le' &or e0ample' that the Health GA may .or2 more hours &or one &aculty mem)er and less &or another in a particular .ee2' dependin( on needs and special e*ents directed )y each &aculty mem)er#peci&ic duties o& the Health GA *ary in accordance .ith &aculty needs- n (eneral' these include7 Assistant .ith *arious researchArelated tas2s such as conductin( article searches' collectin( research data and mana(ement data &iles' helpin( to de*elop proposals &or (rant and8or re*ie. &rom Baylor@s nternal Re*ie. Board' and preparin( materials &or research presentations and article pu)lications Hoordination o& the physical assessment days and data collection related to the H"% 11?3 course Hoordination and mana(ement o& all H"% course e/uipment +includes t.o e/uipment closets and an e0tensi*e e/uipment in*entory,Other duties and responsi)ilities may )e assi(ned as needs ariseT$ APP() F$R A# MPH GRADUAT A!!"!TA#T!H"P Please complete the & steps1- #a*e this electronic &ile to your computer usin( the & &ilename &ormat7 a- MPHAGAAapplicationALastnameFirstname )- "0ample7 MPH-GA-application-DoeJohn 4- Homplete the MPH Graduate Assistant Application &orm +see ne0t pa(e, =- %elete all pa(es prior to the &orm +pates 1A= o& this &ile, so that only the complete &orm is in the &ile?- "mail the completed &orm to both o& the & indi*iduals %r- Je&& Petersen' HHPR Graduate Pro(ram %irector' Je&&reyKPetersenL)aylor-edu %r- "*a %oyle' %irector o& MPH Pro(ram' "*aK%oyleL)aylor-edu

Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

Master of Public Health Graduate Assistantship Application Form

Baylor %epartment o& Health' Human Per&ormance and Recreation
Follo. instructions on the pre*ious pa(e to complete this &orm- "mail the completed &orm to %r- "*a %oyle' MPH Pro(ram %irector +"*aK%oyleL)aylor-edu, and %r- Je&& Petersen' HHPR Graduate Pro(ram %irector +Je&&reyKPetersenL)aylor-edu,' Baylor Uni*ersity-

Full (egal #ame' *urrent Mailing Address' Permanent Mailing Address' Phone' *ountry of *iti,enship' -isa !tatus %for international students&' "nsurance !tatus %for all students&' Degrees A.arded %include ma/or0minor&1 University1 Date' + + Undergraduate GPA' Graduate Record 2am %GR & A 2am date +mm8dd8yyyy,7 A -erbal score' A 3uantitative score' A Total +*er)al M /uantitati*e,7 A Analytical .riting score' T$ F( !cores international applicant! onl"#$ Desired )ear and !emester of nrollment' Graduate Assistantship "nterest' %Mar2 onl" one .ith an DNE, KKK am onl" interested in a GAO position +research and pro(rammatic responsi)ilities, KKK am onl" interested in a G$AO position +teachin( H"% 11?3, KKKMy %ir!t choice is to ser*e as a GA' )ut am also interested in a G$A positionKKKMy %ir!t choice is to ser*e as a G$A' )ut am also interested in a GA positionKKK am equall" intere!ted in )oth positions&'ee G(A and GA re!pon!ibilitie! de!cription! on previou! pa)e! o% thi! document*


+mail Address'

Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

P R!$#A( 3UA("F"*AT"$#!
#ummariPe in&ormation &or each num)ered item in the & sections7 teachin(' research' community ser*ice' and leadership- +A resume pasted into the last pa(e o& this electronic application is admissi)le )ut not re/uired-, TEACHING 4+Teaching+specific degrees1 licenses1 certifications' 5+Health+related degrees1 licenses1 certifications' 6+Formal teaching e2periences' 7+"nformal teaching e2periences +e-(-' tutorin(' teachin( community (roups,7 8+Relevant *ourse.or9 *ompleted
Mar+ ,ith an -./ all that appl"*

Personal health and .ellness course KKK ha*e success&ully completed HED 1145 Health and Human Behavior at Baylor Uni*ersityKKK ha*e success&ully completed a personal .ellness course at a uni*ersity other than Baylor$ther health+related courses ha*e completed uni*ersity courses in +-./ all that appl", KKKstress mana(ement KKKhuman se0uality KKKe0ercise &itness KKKnutrition KKKdru( a)use pre*ention KKKhuman disease +chronic' in&ectious' or )oth, KKKother +t"pe in,7 Teaching+related courses KKKteachin( methods KKKpresentation or communication methods KKKhealth education8health promotion methods KKKpro(ram plannin(8inter*ention desi(n KKKother +t"pe in,7 :+Additional relevant information or comments'

Baylor MPH Graduate Assistantship Application Form

RESEARCH 4+Research+specific degrees1 licenses1 certifications' 5+Formal research e2periences %e;g;1 employment1 dissertation0thesis1 research assistant&' 6+"nformal research e2periences %e;g;1 volunteer assistance1 course pro/ects&' 7+Primary research interests' 8+Relevant *ourse.or9 *ompleted Mar+ ,ith an -./ all that appl"* KKKepidemiolo(y KKKresearch methods KKKstatistics KKKhealth assessment KKKpro(ram e*aluation KKKother +t"pe in,7 :+(ist statistical analysis programs .ith .hich you have .or9ed %e;g;1 !A!1 !P!!&' <+Additional relevant information or comments'

COMMUNITY SERVICE Please pro*ide in&ormation related to your community ser*ice e0periences-

LEADERSHIP Please pro*ide in&ormation related to your leadership e0periences' /uali&ications and s2ills-

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