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Fr. Peter Proulx, Pastor Deacon Don Smith

331 Plaunt Street, South; P.O. Box 396
Renfrew, Ontario K7V 4A6
Tel: (613) 432-5825 Fax: (613) 432-6663
E mail: Web Site:
“St. Francis Xavier, a welcoming faith community lovingly sharing the gifts of God.”

PRAYERS FOR THE DECEASED: We pray for our loved ones who have died recently,
especially, Robert Hart.
PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND SHUT-IN: “Let us raise up in prayer those who seek
God’s healing love, those at the hospital, hospice and at home. May your struggle
be consoled by Christ’s love“.

STONE FENCE THEATRE PRODUCTION: Our thanks to all who supported our parish in
this social gathering. Several parishioners and our parish staff have donated a great deal of their time
and talent to the organization to this event. My sincere thank you! Mrs. Ainsworth and a small but fantastic
group from St. Joseph’s High School provided the appetizers, serving and entire clean-up of the evening.
Your efforts are most appreciated and a word of thanks seems to be little for all that you did for us.

H1N1: a very public concern is the issue of the flu season. Policies are necessary for the prevention of
spreading this or any strain of the flu. Our Diocese is planning to assist us in preparing for the flu season
with a prudent approach to gathering as a church community and the reception of communion. While
we await the publication I wish to make a few statements pertinent to St. Francis.
1. If you have the flu – please do not attend church. Indeed, you should not be anywhere in public.
Call the office and we can arrange for home communion.
2. Hand purifiers are being installed at the church entrances. Feel free to use them.
3. The church has not legislated handshaking at the Kiss of Peace. If your spouse or children are with
you and you choose to – by all means. If you prefer a verbal greeting and smile, please do so.
4. Communion ministers are mindful of their responsibility and have access to hand purifiers in the
sacristy if they have forgotten theirs.
More information with be forthcoming.

BONNECHERE MANOR VOLUNTEERS: a special and brief workshop for volunteers will be held on
October 22nd at 11:15 a.m. To protect residents and one another, this presentation on hand washing
will be of assistance for all concerned. All volunteers are urged to make an effort to attend.

ON OUR WAY WITH JESUS: We will soon begin our year-long program of Sacramental preparation with
and for our young people. “On Our Way with Jesus” is a two-part series. In the fall season we look at
God’s forgiving love and we arrive at a celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Advent.
In early winter, we continue with the program leading to a celebration of First Communion during
the Easter Season.
The program is a family commitment with the support of our parish catechists.
Registration forms may be found on tables at the church entrances or picked up at the parish office.
*Wed. Bereavement Group 7:30 p.m. Next Sunday is World Mission Sunday.
(Rectory Mtg. Rm. #1) Every parish across the world will celebrate
World Mission Sunday next Week. It is a
SUNDAY OFFERING: Oct. 4th: $5,775.30 global sign of the Universal Church and mission.
Your prayers and donations will help support
churches, hospitals, schools and vocations in
countries where the Church is beginning, where
it is new. World Mission Sunday is our chance to
LET US GIVE assist Catholic Communities throughout the
world become self sufficient and flourish. By
THANKS sharing the gift of faith we can bring hope
and love to those who need it most.
Please carefully note the times of the daily Liturgies
MON Oct.
12 7:00 p.m. For the Holy Souls – Georges & Jeannette Blanchette
TUE Oct.
13 9:30 a.m. Earl Bennett – Kate Windle
WED Oct.
14 4:15 p.m. Dan Scully – Lola Mulvihill & Keith
THU Oct.
15 10:30 a.m. Bonnechere Manor: Harry Counihan – Gerry & Mary Richards
12:10 p.m. Anna McArthur – Son, Mickey & Family
FRI Oct. 16 8:00 a.m. Jack Enright – Denis Scicluna
SAT Oct. 17 5:00 p.m. Stanley Nighbor – Wife, Rose
SUN Oct. 18 10:30 a.m. John McIntyre & Deceased Relatives – Mom, Dad & Family
Intentions of the Parishioners – Father Proulx
29 Sunday in Ordinary Time OCTOBER 17th/18th, 2009
MINISTERS OF THE WORD – P. Dowdall; J. Freemark
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – L. & G. Curry; R. Elliott; M. Gelineau
MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST – L. Armstrong; G. Curry; D. Mantil; D. Mooney; H. Robinson
SERVERS – K. & C. Dowdall; A. Freemark CANTOR – Kelly Slight
MINISTER S OF THE WORD – J. Valliquette; J. Perry
MINISTERS OF HOSPITALITY – M. Richards; L. Sammon; B. & M. Charbonneau
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – T. McIntyre; A. M. Millar; D. & B. O’Connor; S. O’Neil
SERVERS – E. McIntyre; S. McNulty; K. Mulvihill; S. Perry CANTOR – Lawrence Mahusky

ECCLESIA: copies of the Diocesan newsletter may be found on the tables at church entrances.
This month’s issue has an article about our parish so we encourage you to take a copy and read it.

The St. Francis Xavier CWL News:

♦ REGULAR monthly meeting will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 13th at 7 p.m. Our Social Hour will be
enhanced by Euchre and Bridge. Hope to see you.
♦ INVITES all women in the Parish to attend an evening of Faith, Fun and Fulfillment on Wed Oct. 21st,
7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., in the large hall. Desserts, Coffee/Tea will be served at 7:30 p.m.; 8 – 9 p.m. Fun Program
with skits, prizes. Contact Joan Lemay 432-9161; RSVP by Oct 14.
♦ TEA & TALENT SALE: Saturday, Nov. 14th from 1 – 4 p.m. in S.F.X. Hall. We will grately accept
donations of crafts, carvings, jams, jellies, sewing, knitting, etc. for the event. Everyone welcome to donate.
For info contact Marilyn Campbell (432-5735) or Gladys Curry (432-3864).


Over the next few months, members of Parliament will discuss Bill C-384. This private member’s
bill, introduced by MP Francine Lalonde, seeks to legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Please consider this: if Bill C-384 is passed, it will not help those who are suffering. Requests to die are
often disguised cries for human warmth and love. The compassionate response is to provide social,
emotional and spiritual support, and the best pain management and palliative care possible. ELIMINATE
THE PAIN, NOT THE PATIENT! (Catholic Organization for Life and Family).
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS, Renfrew Council 1916: will hold their next General Meeting on Monday, Oc-
tober 12th at 7:00 p.m. in the Knights of Columbus Hall. Guest speaker will be in attendance for a pres-
entation at 7 p.m. followed by the meeting. All members are invited to attend.

DEVELOPMENT & PEACE WORKSHOP: Diocesan annual Fall Workshop on Saturday, October
17th at Marguerite Centre, 700 Mackay St., Pembroke from 10 a.m. to noon, followed by lunch.
The Fall Campaign this year is designed to educate Canadians about FOOD SOVEREIGNTY,
with the action of a double postcard campaign, one to the Prime Minister and one to your local
Member of Parliament. Clergy and parish representatives are invited to attend.

WOMEN OF BETHANY Julie Larocque will be here this Sunday, October 11th at 10:00
A Catholic Ministry of Women a.m. and Saturday, October 24 at 4:30 p.m. to present a half hour

is hosting a women’s retreat Nov. of hymns and prayer as part of the presentation and advertise-
6th – 8th in Gatineau ment for the retreat. Please plan on being here a little early on
Please see bulletin boards for these dates to enjoy the wonder of this time of prayer and praise.
more information


• St. Casimir’s, Round Lake, Oct. 11th “ROSES FOR LIFE” available at the doors of
• St. John Chrysostom, Arnprior, Oct. 18th the church before and after weekend Masses on
• Glasgow United Church, Oct. 30th the 24th & 25th of October. There is no charge
see posters for info but donations for Pro Life will be accepted.

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