Dem Control in Arctic Alaska Using Icesat Laser Altimetry: Photos Courtesy of Reginald Muskett

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DEM Control in Arctic Alaska Using ICESat Laser Altimetry

Dedicated researchers are known for March were compared to elevation

doing whatever it takes in the field to measurements on the same tundra lakes
get the data they need. In this case, derived from data acquired in fall 2003
dedication meant traveling to Barrow, by NASA’s Geoscience Laser Altimeter
Alaska, in March 2004 and setting out System (GLAS), which is carried on-
on snow machines with an Inuit guide board the ICESat satellite.
who kept watch for polar bears. GLAS instrumentation is a next-
generation space lidar
that combines a preci-
sion surface lidar with
a sensitive cloud and
aerosol lidar.
ICESat is a NASA
Earth Observing Sys-
tem (EOS) satellite
mission, launched in Shown above is sunrise at the Barrow Arctic
January 2003. Science Consortium (BASC) facility, which hosted
the researchers. The consortium is a community-
The 2003 ICESat/ based organization dedicated to establishing
GLAS-derived eleva- closer contacts between scientists and
tions on the tundra community members.
lakes compare closely The BASC facility was once the Naval Arctic
Research Laboratory, which was assumed from
to the ground differen- the U.S. Office of Naval Research in 1980 by the
tial GPS eleva-tions local Ukpeagvik Inupiat Corporation. A coopera-
measured on those tive agreement with the National Science
same lakes. ICESat al- Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs provides
funding for BASC, outfitting and providing logis-
timetry will therefore tical support to researchers conducting fieldwork
provide high quality in the area.
Using the scope on his rifle, guide Perry Anashoak keeps an eye out DEM control in this
for any signs of polar bear in the distance while others on the team
assemble equipment and collect GPS measurements on the surfaces region.
of frozen tundra lakes near Barrow, Alaska. In this case, the creature More recent ICE-
spotted out on the distant horizon turned out to be a caribou. Sat/GLAS elevations,
derived from data ac-
Reginald Muskett, a UAF Geophys- quired during February and March
ical Institute (GI) doctoral candidate 2004, will also be included in the anal-
in geophysics, and ASF Remote Sens- ysis after these data are processed and
ing Service Center Manager Don At- made available by the National Snow
wood took Global Positioning System and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colo-
(GPS) measurements of geographical rado.
position and elevation on five frozen Comparing datasets taken over the
tundra lakes within 50 miles of Barrow. flat, relatively uniform terrain of the
Their GPS data collection is part of Alaska North Slope is an important
a project investigating the suitability first step in this project. Additional
of ICESat laser altimeter data for con- verification will involve comparisons
trol of digital elevation models (DEMs) to accurate high-resolution DEMs
in arctic Alaska. Accurate control is derived from STAR3i (airborne) inter- Muskett’s breath entered through the vents at the
essential for DEMs. ferometric SAR data provided by In- bottom of his goggles and condensed, freezing
On-ground differential GPS measure- termap Technologies, Inc. his eyelashes shut. Temperatures ranged from 20
to 25 degrees below zero (F) that day, with a wind
ments, such as those made by the re- In the next, more challenging phase chill factor that effectively lowered them further to
searchers, have excellent accuracy. The of the project, comparisons will be more like 53 to 60 degrees below zero (F).
Barrow GPS measurements taken in — continued on page 2
InSAR Workshop Corner Reflectors — TEXAS STYLE
The recently formed InSAR Working
Group will hold a workshop October 20- In the spring of 2004, a different sort the duration of Chang’s DAR. A corner data and shapefiles from their precision
22, 2004 at the Embassy Suites Manda- of equipment was put to work in the reflector, when precisely pointed at the agriculture GIS applications.
lay Beach in Oxnard, California. south Texas brush country. Alongside satellite in azimuth and elevation, will Corner reflector panels were shipped
Travel support for U.S. participants stock tanks, cattle guards and center- appear as a very distinct bright object in from Alaska to Texas in March 2004.
have been secured from NASA. Foreign pivot irrigators, five ASF corner reflec- the resulting imagery. ASF Advanced Product Developer
participants are invited, but are expected tors were deployed in an array nearly Chris Wyatt and Calibration Technician
to fund their own travel. 150 km in diameter. Charley Slater traveled to Texas in mid-
The workshop will provide an assess- And though you might hesitate to April, where they joined Beaman and
ment of current InSAR science research label them as state-of-the-art agricul- the equipment in time to install the re-
and mission technology and further de- tural technology, these corner reflec- flectors prior to the first Radarsat-1 ac-
fine science objectives that can be ad- tors and the Radarsat-1 data being ac- quisition on April 20.
dressed through the use of InSAR. quired over the region will be valuable Slater generated reflector-pointing
It will also include discussions of mis- components for water resources re- parameters in the field for each reflec-
sion architecture scenarios, ideas for search and management in this region tor using real-time GPS coordinates and
community education and advocacy, and dominated by multi-thousand acre pri- a laptop computer running software de-
the objectives and structure of the In- vate farms. veloped at ASF.
SAR Working Group. The corner reflector installation is The deployment went smoothly, and
For more information about the In- part of an ASF effort to support the work then began the waiting as the data was
SAR working group, see the webpage at of NASA-funded researcher Ni-Bin acquired, transcribed and shipped from If you Chang at the Texas A&M University – the Canadian ground station, where it
want to attend the workshop, please fill Kingsville (TAMUK) Department of was downlinked, to ASF for processing.
out the application form there. ◆ Environmental Engineering. Preliminary analysis of the SAR data Ammarin Makkeasorn, a Texas A&M University – Kingsville student assistant (left) and ASF Calibration
Chang’s research at TAMUK in- collected in April and June indicates Technician Charley Slater (right), install an ASF Generation-1 corner reflector at one of the field sites in the
cludes using Radarsat-1 Standard that the corner reflector ground control watershed. The reflectors provide ground control for geometric registration of the Radarsat-1 imagery.
Each reflector is posted with ASF contact information, available in the event that local residents need to
Beam SAR data to study soil moisture effort will achieve the desired improve- coordinate details with the equipment’s owner. ASF User Services has received calls from several cordial
— DEM Control (continued) within the watershed above the ment in geolocation accuracy. (Chang’s and curious south Texas ranchers, inquiring about the function of “that shiny hollow pyramid” planted at
Choke Canyon Reservoir southwest of May data was affected by the Radarsat-1 the back of their field.
made over some of Alaska’s more rugged San Antonio. Chang’s Data Acquisi- Five ASF corner reflectors (represented above by orbit anomaly.)
and varied terrain. Analogous comparisons tion Request (DAR) specifies repeat- the small dotted triangles) were installed in south All five reflectors are visually identifi- By carefully adjusting the image data confidently correlated with the coinci-
will be carried out among ICESat-derived pass data acquired during 16 consecu- Texas in April 2004. Texas A&M University – able in the slant range and ground range to the known latitude and longitude of dent SAR data.
elevations, ground GPS measurements, Kingsville researcher Ni-Bin Chang is using
tive cycles beginning in April 2004. Radarsat-1 data to study soil moisture in the
image data. The imagery, once calibrated the GCPs, the mean planimetric error The work by Dr. Chang and his stu-
and airborne interferometric SAR-derived Coincident with the SAR data col- watershed above the Choke Canyon Reservoir and projected using ASF software, has been can be reduced to less than 1 pixel (12.5 dents will attempt to model soil mois-
DEMs in suitable areas. lection, TAMUK student, staff and (outlined by the light-grey boundary lines) . observed to deviate by as much as 500 m m) without significant impact to the ab- ture at scales ranging from a few acres at
The preliminary results in this project faculty researchers will be in the field from the differentially corrected GPS data solute radiometry. This will allow the in calibration sites to a watershed-wide
indicate that ICESat/GLAS-derived el- to obtain a grid of soil moisture mea- Using a Geographic Information Sys- and other reliable GIS layers. situ soil moisture measurements to be model spanning nearly 15,000 km2. ◆
evations on frozen tundra ponds have ac- surements at selected calibration sites. tem (GIS) with cultural, physiographic, by Chris Wyatt
curacies of about 3-30 cm relative to Prior to the initiation of Chang’s and SAR image layers, TAMUK and
ground GPS measurements. ICESat al- Radarsat-1 campaign, technical staff ASF staff developed an approximate de-
timetry will thus be an excellent source from ASF and TAMUK discussed the ployment pattern to provide sufficient
of control for digital elevation models
in this region, which may include DEMs
need to coregister the SAR and soil
moisture datasets, agreeing that
spatial distribution for coregistering the
image data to the GPS points.
Unrestricted Data Products:
derived from ASF SAR data.
In addition to Muskett and Atwood,
geolocation accuracy was critical to
the success of this project.
The final step in site identification
was to find cooperative landowners near
New SAR CD Available
others at the GI carrying out this Na- Ground control points (GCPs) the proposed GCPs who were willing to The Alaska Satellite Facility is proud to announce
tional Geospatial Intelligence Agency- must be identifiable in the imagery, as host an inverted 8-foot aluminum the availability of a new unrestricted CD product
funded project include Research Profes- well as being accessible on foot, in or- trihedron on their property for a year and — Capturing a Dynamic Planet: Using Synthetic Ap-
sor Craig Lingle (principal investigator) der to obtain Global Positioning Sys- a half. erture Radar to View the Earth.
and co-investigators from ASF: Nettie tem (GPS) data at that site. Because Mark Beaman, a research associate at
La Belle-Hamer (director), Rudi Gens 99 percent of Texas land is privately TAMUK, accomplished this via truck, This CD features a SAR Image Gallery and a SAR
(remote sensing scientist) and Rick owned, access to existing features with foot and cell phone. With a laptop com- Science Concepts section. The image gallery con-
Guritz (special projects manager). GI strong radar signatures observed in puter at his side, Beaman, a Texas na- tains Level-2 data products contributed by ASF
Research Professor Jeffrey Freymueller is previously acquired data could not be tive, sat down with farm owners and users, as well as an assortment of SAR images. The
carrying out precision differential reduc- taken for granted. ranch managers, often at the kitchen Science Concepts section explains the basic concepts
tion of the GPS data, and Britton Kerin ASF had recently removed several table, and gave PowerPoint presenta- of SAR and InSAR.
from ASF is software engineer for the Generation-1 corner reflectors from tions to introduce the project. More than
project. ◆ the field in Alaska and agreed to loan once, the hosts impressed Beaman with Request your copy through the ASF homepage at http://
by Craig Lingle five of these devices to TAMUK for their own GIS familiarity, and shared ◆
News Briefs Submissions and Subscriptions
 ASF Deputy Director Recruitment: The ASF Deputy Director po- This newsletter, published by the Alaska Satel-
sition is currently open until filled; review of applicants began lite Facility, was created to provide detailed in-
August 31, 2004. For more information, a complete copy of the formation about special projects and noteworthy
vacancy announcement and an employment application can be ob- developments, as well as science articles high-
tained at lighting the use of ASF data.
 Continued ADRO Support: Beginning October 1, 2004, data cred- To receive the newsletter by postal mail,
its and foreign ground station costs for ADRO projects will no longer please fill out the subscription form linked to
be supported through the NASA ADRO program. However, ASF the ASF homepage at Cur-
encourages investigators wishing to maintain data continuity for rent and back issues of the newsletter can also be
ongoing investigations to obtain continued access and use of SAR obtained in PDF format through the ASF website.
data through the ASF data proposal process. Submissions to the News & Notes and sug-
The ASF User Services Office staff are available to assist investigators gestions about content are always welcome.
with their pursuit of a new project data account. (Investigators need to If you are interested in contributing materials,
secure their own funding for continued foreign ground station data please call or send an email to the editor:
transcription costs, which apply to data downlinked anywhere other Cheryl Katje, ASF User Services
than ASF or McMurdo ground stations.) Instructions for writing a 907-474-6166
short, two-page project proposal can be found on the ASF website
at Contact ASF User Services
via email at or by phone at (907) 474-6166. Alaska Satellite Facility Office of the Director
 Research Announcement of Opportunity: Science and Operational
Nettie La Belle-Hamer ........................... Director
Applications Research for RADARSAT-2 Program (SOAR) Bob Shefchik .................. Acting Deputy Director
A list of research funding sources can be accessed online at http:// ASF Center Managers ASF welcomes your com- Scott Arko ................................. Engineering
Don Atwood ...... Remote Sensing Support
ments about any additional research opportunities; send inquiries
Carel Lane ................................. Operations
and additions to User Services (

Alaska Satellite Facility

UAF Geophysical Institute
903 Koyukuk Drive
PO Box 757320
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320

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