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Alaska Satellite Facility

winter 2004, volume 1:5

he Nazca Plate is subducting One particular problem with this
eastward into the mantle area is that a large amount of fault slip
below the western coast of occurs under water where, currently,
South America at about 7 cm yr -¹. This no measurements of deformation can
collision causes high levels of volcanic be made. Nonetheless, by combining
activity and the long-term uplift of the the InSAR, GPS and seismic data,
Andes by compressional tectonics. On we can estimate the sites of fault slip
Using InSAR to Study shorter timescales, this deformation
manifests itself as large earthquakes
and determine how these earthquakes
might impact surrounding areas
along the entire length of the west coast which may become the sites of future

Earthquakes in of South America, including several

earthquakes with magnitudes greater
than 7.5 occurring in the past decade.
large earthquakes.
The image on this page shows
the color contours of the satellite

South America
Earthquakes radiate seismic waves line-of-sight component of ground
and cause permanent local crustal deformation from radar interferograms
deformation that can be modeled to of three shallow thrust subduction zone
determine exactly which parts of a earthquakes draped over shaded relief
fault slipped (both at the surface and at and bathymetry.
by Matt Pritchard, Princeton University and depth) during that event. It is important The white outlines enclose the
Mark Simons, California Institute of Technology to know which parts of a fault have approximate rupture areas of large
slipped for many reasons. One common earthquakes of the 19th century that will
application of fault slip maps is to better possibly re-rupture in the 21st century.
characterize earthquake hazard. When Black lines show political borders, and
14°S one segment of a fault ruptures it can the red line is the Peru-Chile trench.
increase or decrease the stress on some of The region of interest is indicated in
the neighboring segments of the fault, the reference map at the lower left. In
making an earthquake reoccurrence the 1995, 1996 and 2001 earthquakes,
16°S more or less likely in these regions. South America moved to the west, but
In addition, if we know how the the events look slightly different because
stress in the crust was modified by the of the different locations of slip on the
earthquake, and can precisely measure fault interface relative to the coastline
how these stresses relax with time (by and the size of each earthquake. Because
affecting surface deformation), we can the radar satellites measure primarily
constrain the mechanical properties of vertical deformation, we can interpret
20°S these regions. Using RADARSAT-1 the gross features as portions of the
and ERS radar data made available ground that were uplifted or subsided.
through ASF, we are combining InSAR Typically, for subduction zone
observations with GPS measurements earthquakes, we detect primarily
22°S of deformation and seismographic subsidence on land, with uplift off-
recordings of the radiated seismic shore. For the 1995 earthquake, a small
energy to construct fault slip maps. region of dry land (the peninsula) was
The arid central Andes are an ideal uplifted, and the closed contours in
24°S location for InSAR, because the radar the interferogram are mostly caused
scattering properties of the ground by the on-land subsidence. For the
change little between observations. 1996 earthquake, the slip was closer
26°S Even though the InSAR observations to land, so more uplift is recorded on-
are of high quality, it is not a shore, but the closed contours represent
76°W 74°W 72°W 70°W 68°W straightforward matter to determine subsidence. Most of the fault slip from
what parts of the fault slipped in these the 2001 earthquake was off-shore, so
large earthquakes. only subsidence is measured on land. ◆
Building an Integrated
View of Antarctica
by Kenneth C. Jezek, The Ohio State University

NASA and the Canadian Space

Agency began planning in the early
1980s for an imaging campaign
using Synthetic Aperture Radar
to be carried by RADARSAT-1.
The technical goals set forth in the
early planning were to obtain two
complete mappings of Antarctica.
These would result in the first,
high-resolution radar maps and
provide nearly instantaneous
snapshots of the icy continent.
The science driving the technical
goal was to obtain benchmarks
for detecting changes in the
continent by comparison with
earlier and subsequent data. Radar RADARSAT-1 SAR mosaic of Antarctica:
interferometry for ice sheet studies Light shading indicates strong backscatter;
was proven with the European and dark shading indicates weak backscatter.
Earth Remote Sensing Satellite,
but the Antarctic Mapping Mission
(AMM) was the first dedicated areas of Antarctica and changes in A single instrument or data
use of RADARSAT-1 for radar fast glaciers and ice streams. Because set alone is rarely able to answer
interferometry for large-scale studies. of the proven ability to acquire complex scientific questions, so it
Preparing for the campaigns, interferometric data, there was also became useful and very interesting
organized under the RADARSAT-1 great interest in using RADARSAT-1 to use the RAMP mosaic as a basis
Antarctic Mapping Project (RAMP), to map as much of the surface for integrating other continental
took years of effort. The first AMM velocity field as possible. scale observations into a common
commenced in September 1997. Three complete repeat mappings were framework referenced to features
During this phase, the primary acquired with each mapping containing observable on the surface. We have
mapping goal was achieved, complete ascending and descending assembled several continental data
capturing an extraordinary view data, the coverage extending from sets, including velocities computed
of Antarctica that has been widely about 80 degrees south to the coast. from the MAMM data set, into a
distributed to the science community The acquisition phase, known as the Geographic Information System
in digital and hard-copy form. Modified Antarctic Mapping Mission format. In each case, the base map
The campaign also acquired 24-day, (MAMM), was completed successfully. for the image is the AMM mosaic.
repeat-pass data suitable for While the analysis of this large and We examined surface topography
interferometric analysis. Repeat-pass complex data set is ongoing, the results patterns using the Digital Elevation
interferometry allows the computation are already proving to be of exceptional Model developed as part of RAMP.
of sub-wavelength scale estimates of scientific interest. The figure at the top right, on
surface displacement. Consequently, The RAMP Antarctic image mosaic the next page, shows surface
the surface velocity of the ice sheet shown on this page was created using elevation expressed as colored tones
can be calculated with such data from map attributes of high resolution and overlaying the mosaic that governs
the ice divides to the ice margin. continental coverage. The mosaic has the brightness. This image clearly
The second campaign to image been used to: map the coastline of shows the relationship between
Antarctica began in September 2000 the continent in great detail; study the ice divides which partition the
with a modified set of technical and contrast glaciological regimes ice sheet into different catchment
and scientific goals. Based on the about the continent; and examine basins and well defined tonal
quality of the AMM image map, glaciological processes, such as the patterns in the SAR mosaic. The
there was great interest in securing evolution of ice shelves, by observing physical link between ice divide and
a second map that could be used ice shelves at various stages of backscatter remains unknown, but
to measure changes in the coastal development about the continent. the obvious correlation provides
useful information on the detailed These ice streams are revealed in
positions of ice divides. the RAMP mosaic by the intense
We next compare the RAMP crevassing that occurs along their
mosaic with the BEDMAP margins and which appears bright
compiled, basal topography in radar imagery.
shown in the center of the figure The RAMP balance velocity model
on this page. Good correlations becomes more interesting when
between the basal topography compared to measured velocities.
and backscatter strength are Statistically significant differences
notable in the vicinity of the can be attributed to places where the
Belgica Highlands (lower ice sheet is in fact either thickening
right quadrant). These results or thinning. A comparison between
< -2000 – -2000
-1990 – -1750
are exciting, while not the balance velocity model and
-1750 – -1500 completely unexpected, MAMM interferometrically derived
-1500 – -1250
-1250 – -1000 since established theory surface velocities reveals that the
-1000 – -750
-750 – -500 relates basal topography, balance and measured velocities
-500 – -250
-250 – 0
surface topography, and agree generally between the two,
0 – 250
250 – 500
RAMP Digital Elevation Model (in meters) accumulation patterns. but what is especially interesting is
500 – 750 overlaid onto the RAMP image mosaic The correlations found the presence of numerous small ice
750 – 1000
1000 – 1250 between basal topography streams or outlet glaciers revealed
and backscatter in the MAMM data and that snake
strength suggest through the area north of the Amery
that inferences Ice Shelf.
about basal Continental scale, high-resolution
<0 topography data sets of Antarctica are becoming
0 – 250
260 – 500 and properties available from a host of satellites
510 – 750
760 – 1000
can be made carrying on board a suite of sensors
1100 – 1300
1400 – 1500
using the that span the electromagnetic
1600 – 1800 image mosaic spectrum. New sensors are being
1900 – 2000
2100 – 2300 in regions planned or are already on the way
2400 – 2500
2600 – 2800 where basal that will greatly improve existing
2900 – 3000
3100 – 3300
topography measurements, and some novel
3400 – 3500
3600 – 3800
data are sparse instruments are now being designed to
> 3800 or completely acquire key geophysical observations
absent. of Antarctica’s physical properties from
BEDMAP surface elevation
(in meters) overlaid onto the Surface space for the first time.
RAMP image mosaic velocity is a key, Continuing the acquisition and
kinematic variable compilation of these data into the
for estimating ice future will provide a crucial four-
sheet mass balance dimensional look at Antarctica, and
and is a diagnostic indeed, our entire home planet. We
indicator of the need such a look to understand how
forces governing ice- our planet is changing and what role
sheet dynamics. we play in that change.
A comparison of
the RAMP model Acknowledgements: The RADARSAT
6 – 10
of surface balance Antarctica Mapping Project is a
11 – 25
26 – 50
velocities and the mosaic collaboration between the Canadian
51 – 75 is shown at the bottom Space Agency and NASA. Processing
76 – 100
101 – 150 on this page. Balance and analysis of the RAMP data is
151 – 200
201 – 250 velocities are computed using supported by a grant from NASA’s
251 – 300
301 – 350
information on accumulation Pathfinder Program and Polar Oceans
351 – 400
401 – 450
rate, ice thickness and surface and Ice Sheets Program. RAMP
> 450
RAMP surface balance velocities slope, under the assumption that participants include the Jet Propulsion
(in meters per year) overlaid onto
the RAMP image mosaic
the ice sheet is in mass balance. Laboratory, the Alaska Satellite
The velocity patterns capture the Facility, Vexcel Corporation and
extensive network of ice streams The Ohio State University. ◆
draining into the Filchner Ice Shelf
(upper left of center quadrant).
Studying Aleutian Volcanoes With InSAR
Satellite InSAR has proven a Kiska Volcano
powerful spaceborne geodetic Kiska volcano is the westernmost
tool to study varied volcanic historically active volcano in the Aleutian
arc. InSAR images of Kiska show a circular
processes by analyzing surface area about 3 km in diameter centered
deformation patterns. With near the summit subsided by as much as
the implementation of InSAR 10 cm from 1995 to 2001. The volcano
technology, volcano monitoring emitted copious amounts of steam during
recent eruptions. Field Makushin Peulik
has entered an exciting phase reports document Kiska Akutan
wherein magma accumulation in vigorous steaming Westdahl
the middle to upper crust can be and persistent
observed long before the onset of ground shaking
near the summit.
short-term eruption precursors. Based on these reports
Ultimately, more widespread and the shallow source depth
use of InSAR for volcano (<1 km), the observed subsidence
monitoring could shed light on is attributed to decreased pore-fluid
pressure within a shallow hydrothermal
a part of the eruption cycle—the system beneath the summit area. Okmok Volcano
time period between eruptions Okmok volcano, a broad shield topped
when a volcano seems to be Seguam Volcano with a 10-km-wide caldera, produced
doing essentially nothing. Seguam volcano, often referred to as blocky basaltic flows during relatively
Pyre Peak, erupted in 1901, 1927, 1977 large effusive eruptions in 1945, 1958 and
Combining InSAR technique with and 1992-93. InSAR images, spanning 1997. Multiple InSAR images mapped:
observations from continuous various intervals during 1992-2000, 1) the surface inflation of more than
GPS, gravity, strainmeters, document co-eruptive and post-eruptive 18 cm during 1992-95 and subsidence
tiltmeters, seismometers and deformation of the 1992-93 eruption. of 1-2 cm during 1995-96, prior to the
A model that combines magma influx, 1997 eruption; 2) more than 140 cm of
volcanic gas studies will improve thermoelastic relaxation, and poroelastic surface deflation during the 1997 eruption;
our capability to forecast future effects accounts for the observed and 3) 5-15 cm/year inflation during
eruptions and lead to improved deformation. This example demonstrates 1997-2003, after the 1997 eruption.
volcano hazard assessments and that spatial and temporal coverage with Numerical modeling suggested the
InSAR data reveals dynamic processes magma reservoir responsible for the
better eruption preparedness. within a volcano. observed deformation resided at a depth

Kiska Seguam Okmok Makushin

2 km 3 km

Summit 5 km
Cone A

0 2.83 cm 5 km
0 2.83 cm
2.83 cm
0 2.83
The interferogram of Seguam volcano
The interferogram of Makushin volcano
The interferogram for Kiska volcano above shows uplift of the island from
0 28.3 cm above shows about 7 cm of inflation
above shows subsidence of the volcano July 1999 to September 2000.
associated with a possible eruption in
summit during August 1999 and August January 1995.
2000. This and other interferograms in The interferogram (October 1995 –
this report are draped over the DEM September 1997) above, bracketing the
shaded relief images and areas without February – April 1997 eruption, shows
interferometric coherence are uncolored. the volcano deflated more than 1.4 m
due to magma withdrawal. The location
of the 1997 vent is labeled Cone A.
by Zhong Lu, USGS, EROS Data Center, SAIC; Chuck Wicks, USGS, Earthquake & Volcano Hazards Programs;
Dan Dzurisin, USGS, Cascades Volcano Observatory; John Power, USGS, Alaska Volcano Observatory

Several independent InSAR images that compressive stress direction. Both before
each span the time period from October and after the swarm, the northwest flank
Alaska 1993 to September 1995 show evidence of uplifted 5-20 mm/year relative to the
~7 cm of uplift centered on the volcano’s southwest flank, probably by magma
east flank. The uplift was interpreted as intrusion. This example demonstrates that
pre-eruptive inflation of a small explosive, InSAR can provide a basis not only for
Augustine but unsubstantially reported, eruption interpreting and modeling movement of
on January 30, 1995. This example shallow magma bodies that feed eruptions,
demonstrates that ground deformation of but also for detecting intrusive activities
a few cm can be unambiguously identified that do not result in an eruption.
with InSAR images over a rugged terrain
where geometric distortion of radar Westdahl Volcano
200 km images is severe. Westdahl volcano, a young glacier-clad
shield volcano had documented eruptions
Akutan Volcano in 1964, 1978-79 and 1991-92. The
Akutan, the second most active volcano background level of seismic activity since
of about 3 km beneath the center of the in Alaska, was shaken in 1996 by an the last eruption has been generally low
caldera and about 5 km away from the intense earthquake swarm accompanied by (about five M < 3 earthquakes per year).
eruptive vent. This example demonstrates extensive ground cracking, but no eruption InSAR images during 1991-2000 show
how InSAR is capable of measuring pre- of the volcano. Both L-band JERS-1 that Westdahl volcano deflated during
eruptive, co-eruptive, and post-eruptive and C-band ERS-1/2 InSAR images its 1991-92 eruption and is re-inflating
deformation in the subarctic environment. show uplift of as much as 60 cm on the at a rate that could produce another
western part of the island associated with eruption in the next several years.
Makushin Volcano the swarm. Our JERS-1 interferogram, The rates of post-eruptive inflation and
Makushin volcano, a broad, ice-capped, displaying greater coherence, especially co-eruptive deflation are approximated
truncated stratovolcano, is one of the in areas with loose surface material or by exponential decay functions with
more active volcanoes in the Aleutians, thick vegetation, also shows subsidence time constants of about 6 years and a
producing at least 17 explosive, relatively of similar magnitude on the eastern part few days, respectively. This behavior is
small eruptions since the late 1700s. of the island, and displacements along consistent with a deep, constant-pressure
Additional smaller eruptions probably faults reactivated during the swarm. magma source connected to a shallow
occurred during this period but were The axis of uplift and subsidence strikes reservoir by a magma-filled conduit
unrecorded, either because they occurred about N70°W and is roughly parallel to: where the magma flow rate is governed
when the volcano was obscured by clouds 1) a zone of fresh cracks on the volcano’s by the pressure gradient between the
or because the eruptive products did not northwest flank, 2) normal faults that cut deep source and the shallow reservoir.
extend beyond the volcano’s flanks. the island, and 3) the inferred maximum Continued on page 6

Akutan Westdahl Peulik Augustine

5 km Becharof Lake 5 km 2 km

0 11.8 cm
5.66 cm 0 2.83 cm 5 km
0 2.83 cm
0 2.83 cm
2.83 cm
The interferogram of Akutan volcano Aseismic inflation of Westdahl volcano,
above, spanning the March 1996 The interferogram (1992-1993) of
observed from a 1993-98 InSAR image, The interferogram (October 1996 - Augustine volcano above depicts
seismic swarm, shows uplift of more is shown above with a circle representing
than 60 cm on the western part of October 1997) above indicates about the deformation associated with the
the horizontal position of the shallow 17 cm of uplift of Peulik volcano. The compaction of the 1986 pyroclastic
the island and subsidence of similar magma reservoir beneath the peak.
magnitude on the eastern part of the aseismic inflation occurred before the flow deposits outlined by the white
island. The dashed line represents a May 1998 earthquake swarm near dashed line.
zone of ground cracks created during Becharof lake, about 30 km northwest
that activity. of the volcano.

Baseline Catalog
Increased use of RADARSAT-1 fine beam and standard beam
data for interferometric projects has intensified the growing
demand for baseline information corresponding to data acquired
over numerous regions of interest to researchers. ASF has recently
developed an interferometric baseline catalog for RADARSAT-1
data using metadata contained in the scan results file, generated
when the raw telemetry signal is captured to a digital file.
Baseline information for the new catalog is estimated on an ASF
frame basis using state vectors, the Doppler centroid and the slant
range. The baselines for existing image pairs in the ASF archive up
to RADARSAT-1 orbit 45000 are now stored in a database that The Web interface for the baseline catalog is shown above; below is a
table reflecting the distribution of data with respect to beam mode.
serves as the backbone of a web interface found at Repeat Orbits InSAR Frames
The archive at ASF contains some 2-million suitable image pairs FN1 1325 65242
for interferometric use. Orbits containing interferometric frames are FN2 220 8307
separated in the baseline catalog by beam mode, fine and standard FN3 120 2696
beam, and are organized by month and year of acquisition. FN4 175 5501
Further details about the development of the catalog at ASF FN5 82 2291
are described in the paper Development of a RADARSAT-1 ST1 3228 323581
Interferometric Baseline Catalog presented by Rudi Gens at the ST2 4094 445600
IGARSS 2004 conference in Anchorage, Alaska. ◆ ST3 2510 331834
ST4 1918 202047
ST5 2006 223103
ST6 2975 272687
ST7 2186 208446

Studying Aleutian Volcanoes With InSAR continued

This example demonstrates that: located 6.6 km beneath the Peulik at Peulik and other stratovolcanoes with
1) InSAR is becoming the best tool volcano inflated 0.051 km3 between characteristically long repose periods.
available for detecting deep, aseismic October 1996 and September 1998.
magma accumulation by measuring The average inflation rate of the magma Augustine Volcano
broad, subtle deformation of the ground body was about 0.003 km3/month from Augustine volcano, an 8-by-11 km
surface to identify restless volcanoes long October 1996 to September 1997; peaked island, has had six significant eruptions
before they become active and before at 0.005 km3/month from June 26 to in the last two centuries: 1812, 1883,
seismic and other precursors emerge October 9, 1997; and dropped to 0.001 1935, 1963-64, 1976, and 1986.
and 2) multi-temporal InSAR images km3/month from October 1997 to InSAR images show the pyroclastic
enable construction of a virtual magma September 1998. Deformation before flows from the 1986 eruption have been
plumbing system that can be used to October 1996 or after September 1998 experiencing subsidence/compaction at
constrain magma accumulation at the is not significant. An intense earthquake a rate of about 3 cm/year, and no sign of
shallow reservoir and shed light on the swarm occurred about 30-km northwest of significant volcano-wide deformation was
time window of the next eruption. Peulik from May to October 1998, around observed during 1992-2000. The observed
the end of the inflation period. deformation can be used to study the
Peulik Volcano The 1996-98 inflation episode at characteristics of the pyroclastic flows.
Peulik volcano, a stratovolcano located Peulik confirms that InSAR can be used
on the Alaska Peninsula, is known to to detect magma accumulation beneath For more information about this volcano
have erupted in 1814 and 1852. InSAR dormant volcanoes at least several months monitoring project, please visit
images that collectively span the time before other signs of unrest are apparent. or contact
interval from July 1992 to August 2000 This application represents a first step ◆
reveal that a presumed magma body toward understanding the eruption cycle
Mapping Glacier Velocity in Greenland
by Eric Rignot, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

he Greenland Ice Sheet more from the bottom, as they reached bottom melt rates reach 25 m/yr close to
is a vast expanse of ice the ocean, than from the top, and iceberg the grounding line, so that half of the glacier
which accumulates mass production was comparatively small. InSAR ice is removed from the bottom by the time
estimates of mass balance also showed that the glacier advances 10 km, in 10 years. In
in the interior from snowfall and the north was slowly thinning, the east a more detailed analysis of the SAR signal,
flows slowly toward the ocean coast was close to balance but thinning, we have also shown that bottom melting
where it is discharged along and the southeastern coast was largely is strongly channelized, with sub-glacial
narrow channels occupied by out of balance and rapidly thinning. river channels slowly eroding the ice shelf.
outlet glaciers and ice streams. Then in 2001, a team of researchers Near the ice front, the floating tongue
initiated a detailed study focusing on the of Petermann Glacier is only a few meters
Until a decade ago, we did not know melt regime of the floating tongue of the above the ocean surface. An increase in
whether the ice sheet was gaining or losing Petermann Glacier, a major glacier in summer melt from warmer air temperatures,
mass in response to climate change. northwestern Greenland. This project is or in bottom melt from a warmer ocean,
In the 1990s, the NASA Polar Program funded by NASA’s Cryospheric Science will have a major impact on the survival
initiated a research plan to determine Program and NSF’s Arctic Research of the floating ice shelf, and in turn on the
the mass balance of the ice sheet using Program. The study involved detailed land ice discharge from this sector of the
a combination of satellite data, airborne airborne surveys of the tongue, ground Greenland Ice Sheet into the Arctic ocean.
surveys, and in-situ measurements. The penetrating radar surveys, GPS surveys,
results show that the ice sheet is overall We are now collecting RADARSAT-1
automated weather stations, phase sensitive data over Petermann Glacier on a regular
in balance in the interior regions, but is radar surveys, ablation measurements,
losing mass along the coast, and that overall basis, with the help of ASF and the
and more recently, ice drilling. Canadian Space Agency, to monitor the
it is contributing to a rise in sea level. The InSAR figure on this page shows a
Synthetic aperture radar interferometry delicate equilibrium of melt/accumulation/
velocity map of Petermann Glacier that was ice flow processes on the floating tongue in
(InSAR) is one of the techniques employed derived from RADARSAT-1 data acquired
to study the ice sheet. With ERS-1 and ERS-2 a warming climate. ◆
in fall 2000. This
SAR data from ASF, we demonstrated that velocity map was
InSAR can map ice velocity and topography combined with a
at an unprecedented level of spatial detail map of ice thickness
and accuracy. We also found that InSAR from NASA/
can detect the transition boundary between University of Kansas’
grounded ice and floating ice, and it can ice sounding radar to
detect changes in flow speed with time. calculate the glacier
Our results yielded a detailed view of flux and its changes
the discharge coming from the northern along flow. Those
and eastern sectors of the ice sheet and changes map directly
the discovery of ice streams reaching far into the bottom
inland. InSAR revealed that in the northern melting regime of
part of Greenland, glaciers were melting the ice tongue. The

1200 30 The Petermann

V Glacier velocity map
1000 25 is shown at the right
with a solid white line
800 20 for the grounding line
B and a dotted white
line showing the area
where bottom melting
was calculated.
400 10 In the graph at the
H left, B is the bottom
200 5 melting rate in m/yr,
scaled down the right;
0 0 while V is velocity
-20 0 20 40 60 80 in m/yr and H is ice
thickness in m, both
Distance (km)
scaled down the left. 7
Submissions and Subscriptions
InSAR Workshop for an InSAR mission, and an outline
of future participation in community
Advocates Community advocacy for radar science. Intense
This newsletter, published by the Alaska Satellite
Participation interest in crustal deformation science
Facility, was created to provide detailed information
related to earthquakes, volcanoes,
A community-led InSAR Working and hydrologic processes, Earth about special projects and noteworthy developments,
Group dedicated to the advancement surface-related global change such as well as science articles highlighting the use of
of radar remote sensing research was as the deformation of ice sheets and ASF data.
established by the scientific community. glaciers, and natural disaster response To receive the newsletter by postal mail, please
The working group held a 3-day technology leads the U.S. scientific fill out the subscription form linked to the ASF
workshop October 20-23, 2004, to community to a strong advocacy for homepage at Current and back
define science objectives that can be acquiring one or more dedicated issues of the newsletter can also be obtained in PDF
addressed through the use of InSAR, InSAR-capable satellites in support of format through the ASF website.
technology options, mission architecture this research. An InSAR mission would Submissions to the News & Notes and suggestions
scenarios and ideas for community greatly advance our understanding of about content are always welcome. If you are
education. Some 220 scientists basic processes affecting life on Earth. interested in contributing materials, please call or
participated in the event. The meeting Only community involvement and send an email to the editor:
resulted in documents outlining the backing of a U.S. InSAR mission Cheryl Katje, ASF User Services
science drivers, targets, and requirements will make such a satellite a reality. 907-474-6166
ASF is pleased to name Scott Arko as the new Deputy Director. A three-
and-a-half year ASF staff member, as both Engineering Center Manager and Lead Alaska Satellite Facility Office of the Director
Developer, Scott was responsible for managing many of the system upgrades at ASF. Nettie La Belle-Hamer ..................... Director
Scott’s formal education is in physics. He has a B.A. from Lawrence University Scott Arko ............................. Deputy Director
in Wisconsin and an M.S. degree from Colorado State University. Before coming
to ASF, Scott worked in the defense industry for 7 years. Working for the Ballistic ASF Center Managers
Missile Defense Agency, Air Force Research Laboratory and Veridian Systems, he was Scott Arko ......................(Acting) Engineering
involved in new technology development for the next generation of DoD airborne and Don Atwood ........... Remote Sensing Support
spaceborne systems. Carel Lane..................................... Operations

Alaska Satellite Facility

UAF Geophysical Institute
903 Koyukuk Drive
PO Box 757320
Fairbanks, AK 99775-7320

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