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The City of Paraaque, a highly urbanized city, is the site of the well known Baclaran Redemptorist Church Considered to be the most attended church in !sia wherein The "hrine of #ur $other of Perpetual %elp is sheltered, the Baclaran Church has become a $ecca for Christian pilgrims from all o&er the world The city's strategic location and pro(imity to other cities and municipalities displays the geographical ad&antage that the city possesses )t also hosts the country's busiest international airport, the *inoy !quino )nternational !irport+ while the "outh ,uzon -(pressway cuts through the City on its way to "outhern ,uzon )sland Considered one of the centers for trade and business in $etro manila, the dry.goods market in Baclaran and the fishermen's wharf are famous for the &ery low prices of &ariety of products and fresh seafoods+ while its rich culture is marked by the traditional Caracol, "ayaw ng Pagbati, and the obser&ance of "inakulo among other things Blessed with a large unde&eloped reclaimed area, numerous quality residential subdi&ision and townhouses, the City's potential for growth and de&elopment in the coming years is ine&itable %owe&er, like any other city in the metro, Paraaque also faces de&elopmental challenges brought about by rapid urbanization, i e , inadequate basic ser&ices, growth of informal settlements, en&ironmental issues, urban transport, insufficient source of funds, and more *e&ertheless, with the introduction and guidance of the City /e&elopment "trategies, the support and acti&e participation of all the stakeholders, and the committed and efficient leadership of all City #fficials, Paraaque hopes to capitalize on its strengths and opportunities to further stimulate its economic growth potential 0ith this aspiration in mind, the City #f Paraaque takes pride in en&isioning itself as the 1Residential %a&en of the $etro "outh2


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-ngr *oli R !ldip . -ngr Benigno ) Ri&era -ngr $eriam Parungao . /ra #lga 4irtusio . $r /ean Calle6a $r !le6andro /epano $s ,uisa -spinas City !dministrator 3 Team ,eader . City Planning #fficer !ssistant City -ngineer #)C 5 City %ealth #ffice . #)C 5 "pecial "er&ices #ffice . !ssistant Budget #fficer . !ssistant City !ccountant


-ngr !ntonio ,ucenas -ngr )an Rousseau )son. -ngr $arcus Baares $a ,ourdes Tolosa )rene !rrogante $a $aribel "ahagun -ngr !llan *epacina . City Planning 7 /e&'t Coordinator's #ffice City Planning 7 /e&'t Coordinator's #ffice . City Planning 7 /e&'t Coordinator's #ffice . City Planning 7 /e&'t Coordinator's #ffice . /ept of )nterior and ,ocal 8o&ernment . #ffice of the $ayor . -ngineering #ffice

"a&e Paraaque Ri&er 9oundation $umunting !nghel 9oundation "a&e the Children 9oundation :!B)")8 %!B)T!T Paraaque Chamber of Commerce )nc . . . . $anuel -rni Cristina /omingo ,etty Basilio . Celsa Batara . Rosendo $anahan !le(ander 9lores

The City ,e&el Consultation with local stakeholders for the &alidation of the /raft ;rban :arte, 4ision and "trategies was held on !ugust <=, <>>?


CB/ . Central Business /istrict

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C/" C,;P C$)" /-C" /-*R /P0% 8)" %% %;/CC )R! )T :T4 ,C,8; ,RT $,/ $$/! $##$R9 *CR *8# *%! *$)C PR! P# R!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

City /e&elopment "trategies Comprehensi&e ,and ;se Plan City $anagement )nformation "ystem . /epartment of -ducation, Culture and "ports . /epartment of -n&ironment and *atural Resources /epartment of Public 0orks and %ighways 8eographical )nformation "ystem %ousehold %ousing and ;rban /e&elopment Coordinating Council )nternal Re&enue !llotment )nformation Technology :araoke Tele&ision ,ocal Chief -(ecuti&e ,ocal 8o&ernment ;nit ,ight Railway Transit $illion ,iters /aily $etropolitan $anila /e&elopment !uthority $aintenance and #ther #perating -(penses $aterials Reco&ery 9acility *ational Capital Region *on.8o&ernment #rganization *ational %ousing !uthority *ational $eat )nspection Commission Public Reclamation !uthority People's #rganization Republic !ct


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!ccording to tradition, Paraaque came from the story of 1para.aqui2, which means to stop ! "paniard is stopping the rig dri&er when he already reached the south %e used the term 1Para.aqui2 but the rig dri&er did not understand )t happened that there was another passenger who understood a little "panish "o, he told the rig dri&er @para aniya aqui', which means according to the man, you stop here The rig dri&er misunderstood and thought that the place was P!R!!*)A!B;) The rig dri&er spread on the place became known as Paraaqui whene&er he had a passenger going to the south, until the place became known as P!R!C!B;!ound"tion# The town was founded in DEF< )t lays &ery pro(imate to the sea which made people's li&elihood 5 salt making, fishing, planting rice and others like shoe making, slipper making and wea&ing )ts shoreline was accessible to barters and bancas for agricultural products or anything on sale The Paraaque was truly a marketing center then 9inished products such as clothing materials and wooden shoes came also through the shores of Paraaque #n 9ebruary DG, DHH= the City of Paraaque was declared and signed into law as a highly.urbanized city by President 9idel 4 Ramos IR ! =E.>FJ upon ratification of its creation by the ma6ority &otes cast by the qualified &oters in a plebiscite conducted foe the purpose To commemorate the said date, The City Council appro&ed an ordinance I#rdinance *o H=.>FJ series of DHH= declaring 9ebruary DG of each and e&ery year as the 9oundation /ay of the City of Paraaque

Bound"r$# Paraaque City is bounded by Pasay City on the north, $untinlupa on the southeast, ,as Pias on the southwest, Taguig in the northeast and $anila Bay on the west Loc"tion

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Paraaque is located at the geographical coordinates of D<D'>D longitude IcenterJ and DK'G> latitude IcenterJ )t is situated on the southern portion of $etro $anila, appro(imately H E kms "outh of Rizal 8randstand L"nd Ar%"# The city's total land area is K? EF square kilometers Isq kms J which is the third largest in the *ational capital Region I*CRJ )t is subdi&ided into si(teen ID?J barangays with two I<J districts /istrict ) and )) are compose of eight I=J barangays each district The first district comprises Barangays Baclaran, Tambo, /on 8alo, "to *io, ,a %uerta, "an /ionisio, 4italez and "an )sidro while the second district consist of Barangays B9, "an !ntonio, $arcelo 8reen, "un 4alley, /on Bosco, $oowalk, $er&ille and "an $artin de Porres To&o'r"&($# The city is relati&ely flat and situated along the coastline areas of si( I?J barangays namelyL Baclaran, Tambo, /on 8alo, "to *io, ,a %uerta and "an /ionisio The other barangays such as $oonwalk, 4italez, "an )sidro, B9, /on Bosco, $arcelo 8reen, $er&ille, "un 4alley, "an !ntonio, "an $artin de Porres ha&e an ele&ation ranging from D> to GE abo&e mean water le&el C)i*"t%# Paraaque e(periences the same climate and weather condition with other cities in $etro $anila Two distinct seasonsL wet season from Muly to "eptember and dry season for the rest of the year The city en6oys an annual rainfall of D =<< mm and GK K celsius temperature, a relati&e humidity of se&enty si( percent IF?NJ and a three IGJ mile3sec "peed of southeast wind The geographical location of the Philippines has rendered it susceptible to a number of storms and typhoons "tudies show that the country is hit by storms and typhoons more than fifteen times a year These are e(pected to strike on wet seasons during the months of Muly to "eptember )t can be inferred that there is a huge probability that flooding shall be an ine&itable result )n addition to this, the City go&ernment of Paraaque and its residents has to endure the effects thereof+ to witL damage to property, traffic congestion, work stoppage, class suspension, diseases, epidemics, and other related cases Soi) C)"++i,ic"tion#

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The soil in Paraaque is classified under 8uadalupe soil )t is a &olcanic e6ect that produces a loam to clay loam te(ture that can hold more water The soil contains more clay than silt )ts permeability is low with high swelling capacity L"nd U+%# !s of DHHF, the following are the land uses in Paraaque
USE Residential ) Residential )) Residential ))) Residential )4 Commercial ) Commercial )) Commercial ))) )ndustrial ) )ndustrial )) )nstitutional Parks and Playground Cemetery ;tilities Creeks and Ri&ers Reclamation !rea T#T!, LAND AREA -H"+./ <F >D <,DD? FD D<F E>= GF GFG HG G?E =K ?F> GFD H<G D?< ==E G?H ==> ?> <>K DDK H<H D<K ?DE D>K =DE GK >=> =<F >>> K,?EF >> %as PERCENT > E= KE KE < FK > => < >> D =< F HH G E> F HK D <H < KF < ?= < <E > FG DF F? D>> >>

0onin'# The City of Paraaque, through the "angguniang Bayan, then passed the #rdinance *o HF.>= series of DHHF more commonly known as the Comprehensi&e ,and ;se Plan and Ooning of Paraaque )t has adapted this legal tool in implementing its land use goals and ob6ecti&es in its all.out support to de&elop the city By &irtue of the Ooning #rdinance HF.>=, all land de&elopment and building constructions3reno&ation3alteration of residential, commercial and industrial structures are required to secure the necessary zoning3locational clearance prior to the implementation of the pro6ect

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The ordinance will guide, control, regulate the future growth and de&elopment of Paraaque City while protecting public health, safety, peace, comfort and con&enience of its constituents D%1%)o&*%nt+# Co**%rci") "nd Indu+tri") D%1%)o&*%nt Barangay Baclaran remains the principal central business district while the corridors of *inoy !quino !&enue and /r ! "antos Iformerly "ucat Rd J are the sites of the fast growing business and commercial acti&ities like motor shops and fine dining restaurants There is also an emergence of banking and financial rows along Barangays B9, /on Bosco, "an )sidro, "an !ntonio and $oonwalk ,ight industries are concentrated along the "outh "uperhighway beginning Barangays "un 4alley, $er&ille and "an $artin de Porres B"$ Cit$ D%1%)o&*%nt Pro2%ct Part of the Public's -states !uthority IP-!J integrated framework plan in the de&elopment of the D,E>> hectares reclamation area known as Bay City /e&elopment Pro6ect The pro6ect stretches from Ro(as Boule&ard in $anila from the Cultural Center of the Philippines ICCPJ all the way to the Coastal Road ,as Pias section co&ering four cities and a municipality These are the cities of $anila, Pasay, Paraaque, ,as Pias and $unicipality of Bacoor The pro6ect aims to create a new skyline for the $etropolis and de&elop the $anila Bay waterfront to international standards There are se&en IFJ components of the program using the 1de&elopment by island' approach The components are mi(ed ;se /e&elopment, 8reen Oone and "ea 9ront Promenade, )ntegrated $o&ement *etworks, !dequate 0aterways and -fficient /rainage "ystem, Phased /e&elopment, /istrict ;rban /esign and -fficient -n&ironmental $anagement T(% A+i" Wor)d Cit$ Barangay /on 8alo and Tambo are hosts to the <>> hectares !sia 0orld City This is considered to be the largest )sland /e&elopment pro6ect in the country )ts si(teen ID?J multi.storey structure IG> stories highJ forms the centerpiece of the urban center de&elopment The D=G $arina Properties is di&ided into four sectionsL the low density residential areas of $arina -ast, and "outh, mi(ed use high density
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residential3commercial area and low rise townhouse de&elopment )t is concei&ed as a prime residential subdi&ision complete with a neighborhood shopping center, pocket parks, recreational center, schools, E."tar hotel and a financial district N%3 C%ntr") Bu+in%++ Di+trict o, P"r"4"5u% ,ocal and foreign consortiums together with the Public -states !uthority IP-!J will spearhead the large.scale de&elopment period and transform a <>K. hectare area into an institutional trading center en&isioned as the *ew Central Business /istrict of Paraaque $oreo&er, a KG hectare property will also be de&eloped into a tourist oriented business neighborhood using international standards

Po&u)"tion Structur% The pro6ected population of Paraaque for the year <>>? is E?K,<KF 0)T% DD=,>E> households This constitute about K EGN of the total population of the *ational Capital Region I*CRJ and > EHN of Philippine population Po&u)"tion Gro3t( R"t% "nd Pro2%ction The trend on population growth of the city for the past thirty IG>J years is shown on the following table Population 8rowth Trend City of Paraaque, DHF>.<>>>
C%n+u+ D"t% $ay ?, DHF> $ay D, DHFE $ay D, DH=> $ay D, DHH> "ept D, DHHE $ay D, <>>> "ourcesL *"# Records Po&u)"tion HF,<DK DE=,HFK <>=,EE< G>=,<G? GHD,<H? KKH,=DD Gro3t( R"t% K E< D> GF E E= G H= K EF G >G

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;sing the growth rate of DHH>.<>>> which is G =EN, the following table shows the pro6ection of population of Paraaque Population and *umber of %ouseholds City of Paraaque, <>>>.<>D>
Y%"r Po&u)"tion No. o, Hou+%(o)d+ <>>> IBaseJP KKH,=DD HK,D>H <>>D K?F,D<H HF,FG< <>>< K=E,DDG D>D,K=E <>>G E>G,FH> D>E,K>< <>>K E<G,D=? D>H,K?> <>>E EKG,G<H DDG,?FK <>>? E?K,<KF DD=,>E> <>>F E=E,HFD D<<,EHE <>>= ?>=,EGD D<F,GDE <>>H ?GD,HEH DG<,<DF <>D> ?E?,<=H DGF,G>F "ourcesL City Planning /e&elopment Coordinates #ffice -stimates P*"# Records

Po&u)"tion D%n+it$ The city's population density currently stands at D<D D? persons per hectare The most densely populated barangay is Barangay Baclaran with E>G >H persons3ha "econd, is Barangay /on 8alo with ED< KE persons3has Pro6ected Population and /ensity Per Barangay City of Paraaque Aear <>>?
Barangay Baclaran Tambo /on 8alo ,a %uerta "to *io 4italez "an /ionisio "an )sidro "an !ntonio B9 %omes "un 4alley $arcelo 8reen Population G<,>EF GG,F=H DD,=HH H,KEH <H,<<> G,HF< EF,>HK E=,D>F K=,KEK =D,<>F GH,DD? <<,GHD !rea I%a J ?G F< ??< E? <G << EG F< <KE HF EF <> G>H ?H G?E << <=F DH F?H E> DFF FE G>? DH /ensity Ipop 3ha J E>G >H E> HH ED< KE DF? >= DD= FH ?H KK D=K G? DEH D> D?= F< D>E EG <<> >? FG DG Page 9 of 57

/on Bosco K<,K<H G=K FE $er&ille D?,?D> G>K K> "an $artin de Porres <?,<>G DEE ?E $oonwalk E<,<K> GFF <= ;ndeclared !rea . DE< HH T#T!, E?K,<KF K,?EF >> %a Prepared byL Research, -&aluation and "tatistics /i&ision City Planning /e&elopment Coordinators #ffice

DD> <= EK EF D?= GE DG= K? . D<D D?

Po&u)"tion Di+tri6ution 6$ A'% Grou& "nd S%7 The number of male compared to the number of female &aries for different age group There are more male from the under D age up to DK years of age group $eanwhile, female predominates the number of male between the ages of DE years old until =E years of age Pro6ected Population by !ge 8roup and "e( City of Paraaque Aear <>>?
Barangay Population $ale ;nder D DG,HEF F,<EF D.K EG,GE> <F,G=? E.H E=,=>D G>,DFE D>.DK ED,G=G <?,><K DE.DH EK,KD? <K,E=K <>.<K ?D,?H< <F,E>K <E.<H E?,KH= <?,KH? G>.GK KH,K>D <G,HE> GE.GH KD,D>F <>,>>G K>.KK GE,F>K DF,EE> KE.KH <F,?DD DG,F?G E>.EK <D,<=? D>,??? EE.EH D<,?K> ?,DG? ?>.?K D>,EHF E,>HG ?E.?H ?,?H= G,>?F F>.FK K,<<G D,=?D FE.FH <,KE? H== => 7 #&er <,<KF FK> T#T!, E?K,<KF <FG,<KG Prepared byL Research, -&aluation and "tatistics /i&ision City Planning /e&elopment Coordinators #ffice 9emale ?,F>> <E,H?K <=,?<? <E,GEH <H,=G< GK,D== G>,>>< <E,KED <D,D>K D=,DEK DG,=K= D>,?<> ?,E>K E,E>K G,?GD <,G?E D,K?= D,?=F <HD,>>K

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Po&u)"tion Di+tri6ution !mong the si(teen ID?J barangays of Paraaque, the largest in terms of population size is Barangay B9 with a pro6ected population of =D,<>F second is Barangay "an /ionisio with EF,>HK residents and Barangay "an )sidro with E=,D>F Barangay 4italez has a lowest population for a total of G,HF< persons "econded by Barangay ,a %uerta with H,KEH population and Barangay /on 8alo with DD,=HH residents D%&%nd%nc$ Po&u)"tion Paraaque has a working population Ifrom age DE to ?K years oldJ as a total of GFD,<FK persons The young dependents are about GD K>N or DFF, DFG youngsters Ifrom age under D to DK yearsJ and < =>N or DE,FH= are old dependents Ifrom ?E to =E yrs #ld and abo&eJ #nly GK D?N or a total of DH<,FKF are dependents to the working population Pro6ected Population Per !ge 8roup
!ge 8roup Below D.DK DE.?K ?E and abo&e Total Population DFF,DFG GFD,<FK DE,FH= E?K,<KF Percent GD K> ?E => < => D>> >

L"6or !orc% The labor force in Paraaque is estimated at ?E =>N IGFD <FKJ subdi&ided intoL economically acti&e persons with F> ?>N or <?< DDH and not economically acti&e persons Ihouse.keepers, students, disabled, aged and others with <H GHN or D>H DDFN E*&)o$%d "nd Un%*&)o$%d )"6or !orc% -mployment rate among the economically acti&e persons is estimated at HG <N and the unemployment rate is ? = N or FF >G? persons C("r"ct%ri+tic+ o, L"6or !orc%

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0ith a labor force of GFD,<FK about E< ?=N IDHE E=FJ are male while KF G<N IDFE ?=?J are females

The City is home to numerous middle class and high end residential dwellings To date, there are more or less G>> subdi&isions, townhouses and condominiums in the city These residential encla&es fuel the need for commercial de&elopments !s our number of informal settlers continues to grow summing up to FG,=?< households or equi&alent to ?K H=Nof the city's population, our need to e(pand and upgrade medical and educational facilities has also become e&ident %a&ing a &ery high crime solution rate, Paraaque is generally a peaceful and safe en&ironment %owe&er, the regularity and quality of le&el G water supply is currently the city's most pressing de&elopmental challenge The City 8o&ernment is currently addressing the inadequate water supply problem by partnering with utilities, go&ernment agencies and pri&ate groups !lthough the city is gradually addressing the challenge of solid waste management, only K out of the D? barangays ha&e their own $aterials Reco&ery 9acilities

*umerous quality residential dwellings I"ubdi&isionsJ -(istence of se&eral cooperati&e communities 8enerally peaceful and safe en&ironment

M"in D%1%)o&*%nt C("))%n'%+

!)oodin' "nd In%,,%cti1% Dr"in"'% S$+t%*. The geographical location of the Philippines has rendered it susceptible to a number of storms and typhoons "tudies show that the country is hit by storms and typhoons more than fifteen times a year These are e(pected to strike on wet seasons during the months of
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Muly to "eptember )t can be inferred that there is a huge probability that flooding shall be an ine&itable result )n addition to this, the City go&ernment of Paraaque and its residents has to endure the effects thereof+ to witL damage to property, traffic congestion, work stoppage, class suspension, diseases, epidemics, and other related cases Research and studies ha&e pro&ided IGEJ different areas, mostly residential, in DK out of D? barangays within the city, which are prone to flooding The damage brought about by this disaster amounts to more or less fi&e IEJ million pesos a year Uncontro))"6)% Gro3t( o, In,or*") S%tt)%r+. Paraaque is the Grd largest city in *CR in terms of land area This notwithstanding, the city still suffers from the proliferation of informal settlers by reason, as stated abo&e, of the uncontrollable growth of the population << >?N or <E,>FG households out of the total are considered as informal settlers residing within the city 0ith a population growth rate of G =EN, the number of informal settlers is e(pected to increase each year if this problem is not attended to En1iron*%nt") I++u%+ The growing population has made it ine&itable for the city to suffer from en&ironmental problems !t present, only four IKJ out of si(teen ID?J barangays ha&e its own $aterials Reco&ery 9acility I$R9J !s per studies and research, the waste generated by a Paraaquense a&erages to > EHF mG a
day Considering the fact that the city is wanting of a sanitary landfill, controlled and open dumpsite, e(isting barangay facilities pro&e inadequate to cater to such concerns

Acc%++i6i)it$ o, Cit$ Ho+&it"). The Community %ospital is situated at the D st /istrict of Paraaque !lthough the aforesaid e(isting hospital is being reno&ated, the D>> bed capacity of the same is still insufficient to accommodate the medical needs of the constituents 9urthermore, the hospital's location has made it e&en more difficult for the residents of /istrict < to a&ail of such medical and health ser&ices L"c9 o, Sc(oo) Bui)din'+ 8 !"ci)iti%+. The city go&ernment takes cognizance of the importance of pro&iding quality education to its young constituents !s of <>>E, the number of secondary public school pupils has accumulated to <E,EHG !t present, only <HK classrooms are a&ailable for public secondary school use re&ealing a classroom 5 pupil ratio of one IDJ classroom for e&ery eighty.eight I==J students

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Paraaque City is competiti&e relati&e to other cities in many ways F>N of the city's population is considered economically acti&e which pro&ides businesses a large pool of skilled manpower and as per studies conducted by the *ational "tatistics #ffice I*"#J, the city's employment rate is now HG <N Business establishments ha&e already tolled to a total of D<,FDH

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H>> hectares of reclaimed coastal land is a&ailable for de&elopment with opportunities for future reclamation ! possible -conomic Processing Oone is being studied for the area

"trategic location of the City. accessibility and pro(imity to all establishments and utilities /e&elopment of condominiums -stablishment of -conomic Oone ,arge pool of skilled and producti&e manpower /e&elopment of coastal area and 9isherman's 0harf I9ish PortJ

M"in D%1%)o&*%nt C("))%n'%+

Li*it%d Inco*% "nd E*&)o$*%nt O&&ortuniti%+. The non.conduci&eness of the city to establish and conduct large scale businesses and enterprises poses a challenge to the city in its endea&or to become globally competiti&e ,imited employment opportunities, therefore, becomes an accessory to this ma6or economic problem -&en though the employment rate of the city tolls to HG <N, many of these constituents are employed in industries and enterprises situated outside of the city Un,"1or"6)% In1%+t*%nt C)i*"t%. ! great percentage of the city's area is allocated for residential purposes #nly DD =DN or EKH HH %ectares of the city's land area is being utilized for commercial purposes and DD KKN or EG< F? hectares are dedicated to industrial purposes Burdened by such fact, entrepreneurs therefore become wary of in&esting and establishing business &entures within the city Und%rd%1%)o&%d Touri+* "nd Tr"d% Indu+tr$. Paraaque is still trying to make a name for itself and establish its own image Corollary to this, the city lacks the machinery necessary to turn the wheels of trade and tourism in the city

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By modernizing our collection systems and methods, our Total Regular )ncome in <>>E has increased to P D ? Billion The city has a total ta(able land area of K,GK> <E hectares The total RPT! income for <>>E amounted to Php EFF million The di&ersification of our re&enue sources beyond our two main income sources which are Business Ta(es and Real Property Ta(es are being e(plored The de&elopment of our currently idle reclaimed coastal assets is e(pected to further impro&e the City's financial stability and o&erall bankability

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9ormulation of a more comprehensi&e and better financial plans and forecasts ,arge tracts of marketable lands Iunde&eloped and reclaimed lands in the coastal areaJ for more industries 3 corporations "ystematic and modernized system in the collection of ta(es and re&enues

M"in D%1%)o&*%nt C("))%n'%+

Li*it%d o, Inco*%: R%1%nu%: "nd !und+. The great minds and people behind the administration of the local go&ernment are indicia of the great potential of the city to achie&e unqualified progress and de&elopment %owe&er, the fiscal situation of the city opted it to hold in deferment the plans and pro6ects it has already lined up

Good Go1%rn"nc%
The City is not dependent upon the )R!, as substantiated by the <>>E 9inancial Report showing only <G HGN )R! dependency ratio The strong collaboration and acti&e participation of the *8#'s and P#'s ha&e become a ma6or factor in catapulting the city's ma6or de&elopments This is e&ident by the regular meetings of /epartment %eads, ,iga ng Barangay, and City /e&elopment Council

Proacti&e and committed City 8o&ernment #fficials 4isible accomplishments Istreet lightings 3 addressing garbage problems 3 infra.supportJ Close coordination, collaboration and acti&e participation of *8#'s and Pri&ate "ector
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Presence of rele&ant policies 3 ordinances "trong "angguniang Bayan Presence of City de&elopment council, City "trategic /e&elopment Council and other "pecial Bodies $embership in the alliance of %ealthy City "trong determination of people's participation or people empowerment "trong networking 3 partnership with *ational officials and international agencies

M"in D%1%)o&*%nt C("))%n'%+

Pu6)ic S%r1ic%. 0ith the rapid increase in the city's population and the e&er pre&ailing comple(ities of modern li&ing, the need to distribute public ser&ice to all constituents has been the paramount concern of the leaders of Paraaque


Cit$ Br"nd
Paraaque: The Residential Haven of Metro South

1A prime habitat cit of the Metro South !ith qualit education" cultural" social #ustice" and a health environment sustained b an economicall competitive and sound $overnance" s ner$i%ed b capable" participative" and &od'fearin$ citi%enr (

Paranaque )it !ill establish effective support facilities for a livable communit to provide a business'friendl environment for investors and empo!er the citi%enr to become active partners in developin$ the cit as the residential haven in the Metro South(

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Paraaque takes pride in mo&ing towards full modernization and de&elopment, capable of economic competiti&eness, and sustaining a li&able en&ironment worthy of being compared with other local and foreign cities The citizens and leaders of Paraaque strongly belie&e that the city's &ision is not far from becoming a reality The socio.economic de&elopment strategies of the city were formulated to set clear goals for li&ability, bankability, competiti&eness, and good go&ernance These strategies ha&e been conceptualized and polished through teamwork and dedication of our city leaders, stakeholders, and pri&ate sector representati&es

STRENGTHS *umerous quality residential dwellings I"ubdi&isionsJ "trategic location of the City. accessibility and pro(imity to all establishments and utilities Proacti&e and committed City 8o&ernment #fficials 4isible accomplishments Istreet lightings 3 addressing garbage problems 3 infra.supportJ -(istence of se&eral cooperati&e community *ew era of good go&ernance %ome of top corporations 7 companies 3 industrial corporations $arketable lands ,arge pool of skilled and producti&e manpower Close coordination, collaboration and acti&e participation of *8#'s and Pri&ate "ector Presence of rele&ant policies 3 ordinances "trong "angguniang Bayan Presence of City de&elopment council, City "trategic /e&elopment Council and other "pecial Bodies /ynamic, &isionary and action oriented ,ocal Chief -(ecuti&e OPPORTUNITIES WEA NESSES )nadequate potable water supply ;nderde&eloped tourism industry !bsence of designated 9reedom Park !bsence of Bicycle 7 Tricycle ,ane /rug related problems Proliferation of :T4 Bars 7 *ight Clubs )nadequate educational facilities, instructional materials 7 qualified teachers %igh infant mortality rate ,ack of concerted efforts in pro6ecting Pque's image &ia Tru.$edia 0ant of proper branding 3 imaging )nternal scuffles IfactionsJ among political protagonists Traffic congestion on ma6or thoroughfares during rush hours ,imited funds for program implementation and infra. de&elopment 3 reno&ation


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,arge tracts of unde&eloped and reclaimed lands in the coastal area $embership in the alliance of %ealthy City Paraaque 5 #nly city with $ercury I%gJ !nalyzer I,ume( HDEQJ %eightened awareness as to center for trading in $etro $anila /e&elopments in the reclamation area Ientertainment cityJ /e&elopment of coastal area and 9isherman's 0harf /e&elopment of rich cultural heritage "trong determination of people's participation or people empowerment $ore land areas for more industries 3 corporations )ntroduction of new industries like call centers "trong networking 3 partnership with *ational officials and international agencies

)nadequate re&enues and a&ailability of funds )nflu( of migrants and o&er.population Terrorism in the airport !&ian 9lu 3 "!R" !ir 7 noise pollution Political struggle Iwith the forthcoming of national 7 local electionsJ !pathy of citizenry


D -nhancement of the city's financial potential for the city's infrastructure and deli&ery of basic ser&ices < Continued impro&ement of ta( collection and re&enue G "trengthen law enforcement and public security K !ugmentation of road networking, traffic engineering system, and establishment of mass transport system E /e&elopment of new growth areas and business districts ? Pro&ide a conduci&e situation for business and commerce to attract foreign and local in&estors F Promotion and conser&ation of the city's cultural heritage = Continuous de&elopment 3 training program for all career ser&ice employees

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Priorit$ R"n9in'

Pro2%ct Tit)%

Pro2%ct O62%cti1%+

Pro2%ct D%+cri&tion

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+

Co+t -in Mi))ion P(&/


-stablishment of The need of E> $,/ Bulk pro&iding 0ater "ystem adequate water 9acility supply to the residential, commercial and industrial establishments, and of regulating saline water intrusion in the city

The ser&ices brought by $aynilad are City inadequate to meet the water needs of most of the constituents residents and commercial establishments in this city 9or this reason, some resorted to the e(traction of ground water through artesian wells This resulted to the intrusion of salt water in the city's water table The establishment of a E> $,/ Bulk 0ater "ystem 9acility will definitely address the needs of the constituents


Construction of City $R9

To be able to control and regulate solid waste generation of the city

0aste and garbage disposal has always been a City concern of the city The different barangays ha&e constituents taken steps and acti&ities in assisting the local go&ernment in its endea&or to mitigate waste generation "ome barangays within the city has already established its own $R9s %owe&er, ma6ority of the barangays still lack the much needed facility ! city $R9 is therefore required

P D>> $

Priorit$ R"n9in'

Pro2%ct Tit)%

Pro2%ct O62%cti1%+

Pro2%ct D%+cri&tion

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+

Co+t -in Mi))ion P(&/

Rehabilitation of To mitigate if The Paranaque Ri&er was once a source of City Paranaque Ri&er not to suppress li&elihood of the city because of its abundance of constituents the occurrence of marine life )t was also a source of water for salt. floods in the City making and fishpond The Ri&er is connected to all creeks and waterways leading to $anila Bay But due to the proliferation of industries, commercial establishments, residential subdi&isions and informal settlers along the ri&erbanks and the absence of drainage system facilities, the Paranaque Ri&er is now biologically dead The rehabilitation of Paranaque Ri&er will redound to the benefit of the constituents especially those who are li&ing in flood prone areas within the City

P E> $

Construction of /istrict < %ospital

Construction of "cience %igh "chool

To cater to the increasing number of patients as well as to the medical needs of the public P pro&ide better and suitable learning en&ironment 7 accommodate more students P instill in the minds of the youth the importance of science and technology

! G>> bed capacity hospital, complete with laboratory and medical equipments, is to be constructed in the locality of /istrict < of the city )ts location was further deliberated to allow the said pro6ect to be undertaken right at the center of the said district )t is intended to cater to all income bracket residents Rehabilitation of an old two I<J storey school building IK> classroomsJ in Bgy "an /ionisio

Paraaque /istrict )) constituents


P Paraaque constituents and neighboring cities P "tudents who e(cel both in the fields of science and technology

P KE $

Priorit$ R"n9in' ?

Pro2%ct Tit)%
Construction of City College

Pro2%ct O62%cti1%+
To help increase the number of students who want to pursue college education

Pro2%ct D%+cri&tion
9our IKJ storey K> classroom school building in Bgy "an )sidro

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+
City constituents and neighboring cities

Co+t -in Mi))ion P(&/ P KE $

Construction of "laughter %ouse with Cold "torage facility

Boost economic acti&ity To ensure the quality of meat sold in city markets )mpro&e accessibility and pro(imity to backyard hog raisers

The pro(imity of a slaughterhouse and its City accessibility to the airport will result in the easy and constituents 7 low.cost transport of meat products of ensured !d6acent ,8;s quality and will further increase the city's economic sustainability and de&elopment The pro6ect is also intended to help the city in generating additional re&enue

P D>> $ IB#TJ

Priorit$ R"n9in'

Pro2%ct Tit)%
-stablishment of Traffic Control "ystem

Pro2%ct O62%cti1%+
To ensure smooth flow of traffic and safe mobility of &ehicles and pedestrians specially on ma6or city thoroughfares

Pro2%ct D%+cri&tion
Construction of new transport and traffic management facilities such as terminals, fly.o&ers, mass transport system IB#TJ, and computerized traffic system

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+
City constituents, tourists, commuters, and residents of neighboring cities

Co+t -in Mi))ion P(&/

P E> $

Reclamation of D>> %ectares along Coastal !rea


Construction of $edium Rise %ousing

P acquire sites for socialized housing P create new locations for commercial establishments P create tourist spots that will boost up the city's economy and tourism To mitigate, if not, pre&ent the problem of the continuous growth in the population of informal settlers

Reclamation of D>> %ectare land along the coastal area of Bgy ,a %uerta 7 Bgy "an /ionisio

;rban dwellers, city constituents and neighboring cities


)n &iew of the uncontrollable growth in the city's ;rban dwellers, population, urban dwelling has become a huge city constituents concern The local go&ernment foresees that the and transients construction of medium rise housing will suffice to address this problem The administration has already pinpointed strategic areas within the city for the pro6ect, sub6ect to land use and zoning requirements and height restrictions

P K>> $ IB#TJ

P*+ ,----.-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ -stablishment of E> $,/ Bulk 0ater 9acility 9A <>>F 5 <>DD Phase D 5 /istrict ) 5 "an )sidro, "an /ionisio Phase < 5 /istrict )) 5 B9, "an !ntonio, /on Bosco, "un 4alley, "an $artin de Porres, $arcelo 8reen RationaleL The ser&ices brought by $aynilad are inadequate to meet the water needs of most of the residents and commercial establishments in this city 9or this reason, some resorted to the e(traction of ground water through deep wells This resulted to the intrusion of salt water in the city's water table The establishment of a E> $,/ Bulk 0ater "ystem 9acility will definitely address the needs of the constituents #b6ecti&eL To pro&ide adequate water supply to the residential, commercial and industrial establishments, and eliminate salt water intrusion . )nstallation of distirbution lines . Construction of water treatment facilities . )nstallation of pumping station 3 reser&oir . "aline water intrusion will be regulated . /ecrease in water e(penses fro Php G,>>> to Php G>> 3mo . )mpro&ed sanitation . $inimized ground water e(traction The E> $,/ Bulk 0ater 9acility is e(pected to benefit barangays within the city which are e(periencing water shortage ! great number of households will be ser&iced with water adequate for e&eryday consumption Php D > B broken down as followsL )nstallation of Treatment Plant Php K>> $ -stablishment of Reser&oir Php <>> $ )nstallation of /istribution ,ines Php K>> $ T#T!, Php D > B B#T -(ecuting Body 5 $0"" 3 $aynilad )mplementing !gency 5 $0"" 3 $aynilad 9unding !gency 5 Pri&ate "ector . Political will . !ssistance from ,8; . !&ailability of 9unding and $aintenance The proposed pro6ect has been appro&ed by the ,ocal Chief -(ecuti&e #n.going negotiations with $0"" and with the #ffice of the President

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+

E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+

E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+

P*+ ,----/-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Construction of City $R9 9A <>>F 5 <>>=

Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Curr%nt St"tu+ Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+

P*+Tambo, ,----=-----The pro6ect is to be located at Barangay and is e(pected to ser&ice and attend to solid wastes problems of the Rehabilitation of Paraaque Ri&er 7 Paraaque Ri&er 0ater entire city Transport RationaleL 0aste and garbage disposal has always been a 9A <>>F.<>DD concern of the city The different barangays ha&e taken steps Paraaque Ri&er 5 will ser&ice Barangays Baclaran, Tambo, and acti&ities in assisting the local go&ernment in its endea&or /on 8alo, "to *io 7 ,a %uerta to mitigate waste generation "ome barangays within the city has already established its own $R9s %owe&er, ma6ority of RationaleL The Paranaque Ri&er was facility once ! a city source the barangays still lack the much needed $R9 of is li&elihood of the city and its ri&erbanks ser&es as promenade therefore required for the townspeople !ll creeks and waterways in the city are connected to ri&er to But dueand to regulate the proliferation of #b6ecti&eL To the be able control solid waste industries, commercial establishments, and informal settlers disposal of the city along the ri&erbanks and the absence of effecti&e drainage . "ite acquisition system facilities, the Paranaque Ri&er is now biologically dead . Construction of City $R9 structure The rehabilitation of of equipments Paranaque Ri&er and the Ri&er Transport . Procurement and maintenance facilities will to the benefit only to will those who are li&ing in . redound The establishment of anot City $R9 promote solid waste flooda&oidance prone areas within reduction the City, but to the entire city and &olume constituent . "hall ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, #b6ecti&esL storage, treatment and disposal of solid wastes $itigate if not the occurrence floods . .The protection ofsuppress public health and of the of en&ironment is .ensured boost up economy 7 tourism . Pro&ide additional Residents of the city as li&elihood well as commercial and industrial . Pro&ide commuters with alternati&e means of transport establishments . /redging and desilting Php D>> $ broken down as followsL . "ite Relocation of )nformal !cquisition 5 Php "ettlers D> $ along the ri&er banks . Building "ite /e&elopment and Beautification IPromenadeJ "tructure 5 Php ?> $ . -quipments Construction of Ri&er 9erries and 9erry Terminals 5 Php G> $ )t is e(pected to minimize flooding within the 8enerate ,8;, 9inancing )nstitutions I!/B, 0B, M)C!, etccity J employment is also e(pected upon operation of the Ri&er Transport "ystem which incharged turn translates into enhanced The local go&ernment will be with the implementation tourism and economy 9or the commuters, a cozy and and pursuance of the pro6ect ,inkages with the pri&ate sector con&enient way of transport and *8#s shall be established /-*R directi&es and City constituents, commuters and transients standards shall likewise be recognized Php E> $ broken down aspri&ate followsL sector and *8#s in solid . Participation of the -quipments waste management, Php D> $ Php G> $ . $aterials Budget allocations made Php D> $a&ailable thru financing . ,abor 9unding for the pro6ect made T#T!, Php E> $ institutions ,ocal Budget . $aintenance facilities and operating equipments procured -(ecuting Body 5 ,8; The pro6ect concept was already appro&ed by the City "olid )mplementing !gency 5 Philippine *a&y for the pro6ect from 0aste Board and is will secure funding 9unding !gency 5 ,#8#9)*/, $!A*),!/, ,8; financing institutions or by B # T . Political 0ill . Budgetary !llocations from ,8; . !&ailability of -(pertise from the Philippine *a&y The proposed pro6ect has been appro&ed by the Chief ,ocal -(ecuti&e /redging in progress I"tage DJ

P*+ ,----0-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ -stablishment of /istrict < %ospital 9A <>>F 5 <>>= /istrict <, Paraaque CityL $arcelo 8reen, /on Bosco, $oonwalk, $er&ille, "un 4alley, "an $artin de Porres, and 4italez RationaleL The e(isting city hospital is located at /istrict D of Paraaque The residents of /istrict < find it burdensome and

incon&enient to dri&e all the way to /istrict D for some medical and health ser&ices #b6ecti&eL To cater to the increasing number of patients as well as to the medical needs of the public especially those residing in /istrict < The pro6ect consists of a D>> bed capacity hospital complete with laboratory and medical equipments The pro6ect is e(pected to attend to the medical and health needs of all income bracket residents of /istrict < )t will pro&ide efficiency and con&enience and further ad&ance the city's ob6ecti&e of promoting public health and safety Paraaque /istrict )) constituents Php DE> $ broken down as followsL Building Php D>> $ -quipments Php E> $ T#T!, Php DE> $ ,8;, 8o&ernment 9inancing )nstitutions I89)J, and other funding agencies The implementation of this pro6ect shall be made under the leadership by the local go&ernment and with strict coordination and cooperation with the /epartment of %ealth . !cquisition of funds necessary in financing the pro6ect . !ttestation by the /#% that the pro6ect plans has complied and conformed to the requirements and standards pro&ided for Pro6ect concept already appro&ed by the ,C- #n.going pre. feasibility study

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+

Curr%nt St"tu+

P*+ ,----1-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Construction of "cience %igh "chool 9A <>>F.<>D> Bgy "an /ionisio3 City wide !n old two storey science high school building e(ists in the compound of Paraaque *ational %igh "chool /ue to the increasing number of enrollees yearly, it is considered as one of the o&erpopulated high schools in $etro $anila 0ith the proposed pro6ect, this would decongest the school 9urthermore, it can cater more qualified students to enroll in a science high school Thus, science high school in $etro $anila is well known for their high standard of education and discipline

Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+

E+ti*"t%d Co+t Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(P or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Curr%nt Sourc% St"tu+ I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+

#b6ecti&esL P*+ ,---->-----. To pro&ide better and suitable learning en&ironment for the high school students of Paraaque Construction of Paraaque City College . To accommodate more students who are deser&ing of quality education Barangay "an )sidro, Dst /istrict, Paraaque City . To be at par with other cities in pro&iding academe which would instill in the minds of the youth the importance of technology in our li&es The science e(isting and Paraaque College is located temporarily in the 9our IKJ storey building with at least forty IK>J classrooms compound of Paraaque -lementary "chool Central in :abihasnan, Barangay "an /ionisio )t is incon&enient for the college students to share classrooms alternately with the ;pgraded pupils system high school education total elementary in of a crowded manner 0ith the and proposed accessibility of the school campus pro6ect, it would be a great help and a good learning en&ironment for students and professors . Paraaque constituents and neighboring cities . "tudents who increase e(cel both in the fields of science and #b6ecti&eL To help the number of students who want technology to pursue college education Php broken down as followsL 9ourKE IKJ$ storey building with at least forty IK>J classrooms Building "tructure 5 Php GE $ -quipments 7 9acilities 5 Php D> $ 8rants, Bank ,oans %igh quality education The implementation of this pro6ect shall be made under the leadership by the local go&ernment and with strict coordination and /-C" cities City cooperation constituents with and the neighboring . !cquisition of funds necessary Php KE $ broken down as followsL in financing the pro6ect . !ttestation by the /-C" that the pro6ect plans has Building "tructure 5 Php GE $ complied and conformed to the -quipments 7 9acilities 5 Php D> $ requirements and standards pro&ided for 8rants, Bank ,oans Pro6ect concept already appro&ed by the ,C- #n.going pre. feasibility study The implementation of this pro6ect shall be made under the leadership by the local go&ernment and with strict coordination and cooperation with the /-C" . !cquisition of funds necessary in financing the pro6ect . !ttestation by the /-C" that the pro6ect plans has complied and conformed to the requirements and standards pro&ided for Pro6ect concept already appro&ed by the ,C- #n.going pre. feasibility study

P*+ ,----2-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Construction of "laughter %ouse with Cold "torage 9acility 9A <>>F . <>>= Palasan, Barangay "an /ionisio 5 this is due to the pro(imity of the pro6ect site with the airport RationaleL The pro(imity of a slaughterhouse and its accessibility to the airport will result in the easy and low.cost transport of meat products of ensured quality and will further increase the city's economic sustainability and de&elopment The pro6ect is also intended to help the city in generating additional re&enue #b6ecti&esL . Boost economic acti&ity . To ensure the quality of meat sold in city markets

. Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+ . . . . .

)mpro&e accessibility and pro(imity to backyard hog raisers Building comple( -quipment Refrigeration )ncreased re&enue for the local go&ernment !ssists the local markets in a&ailing of affordable meat

City constituents 7 !d6acent ,8;s Php D>> $ broken down as followsL "ite /e&elopment Php D> $ Building Php G> $ -quipments Php ?> $ T#T!, Php D>> $ ,8; ,oans 3 B # T The local go&ernment will be the primary mechanism for the formulation and finalization of the plan with the assistance of the *$)C on technical aspects . Conformance to national standards as to the accreditation of good manufacturing practices I8$PJ requirements . Plans appro&ed by the ,CPro6ect concept already appro&ed by the ,C- #n.going pre. feasibility study

P*+ ,----?-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Paraaque Traffic Control "ystem Citywide . To ensure smooth flow of traffic and safe mobility of &ehicles and pedestrians specially on ma6or city thoroughfares

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+

Construction of new transport and traffic management facilities such as terminals, fly.o&ers, mass transport system IB#TJ, and computerized traffic system . . ,essen traffic related incidents "mooth and safe mobility

E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t

. City constituents, pedestrians, and motorists Php E> $ broken down as followsL 9acilities Php GE $

-P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+

Php DE $ T#T!, Php E> $ 8rants, Bank ,oans, B # T The local go&ernment will be the primary mechanism for the formulation and finalization of the plan with the assistance of the $$/! on technical aspects . $aintenance facilities and operating equipments procured . Conformance to national standards . Plans appro&ed by the ,CPro6ect concept already appro&ed by the ,C- #n.going pre. feasibility study


Curr%nt St"tu+

P*+ ,----@-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ D>> %ectare Reclamation 9A <>>F 5 <>D> Citywide 3 )nformal "ettlers )n light of the unremitting demand for economic growth and unmanageable increase of population, additional land area has become an enormous concern 9ortunately, the city of Paraaque has an opportunity to reclaim portions of its coastal lands, 9reedom )sland The proposed D>> hectare reclamation area will definitely pro&ide concrete solution to the said concern The city plans to utilize the reclaimed land to create tourist destinations, to pro&ide additional housing sites, and to make a&ailable more areas for commercial use #b6ecti&esL . to acquire sites for socialized housing . to create new locations for commercial establishments . to create tourist spots that will boost up the city's economy and tourism . Boring tests . "oil -(ploration . Riprapping . $aterials positioning Igranular fill 3 common fillJ . City's impro&ed economic growth . Commercial e(pansion . !dditional employment and business opportunities ;rban dwellers, city constituents and neighboring cities Php E E B broken down as followsL -quipments Php K B ,abor Php D E B T#T!, Php E E B 8rants, ,oans, Moint 4enture The local go&ernment will be the primary mechanism for the formulation and finalization of the plan with the assistance and appro&al of the Public Reclamation !uthority . Political will . !ssistance from *ational !gencies . !&ailability of 9unds The proposed pro6ect has been appro&ed by the ,ocal Chief -(ecuti&e #n.going negotiations with PR!

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+

E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+ T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+

P*+ ,----.3-----Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Tit)% Pro'r"*8Pro2%ct Ti*in' Pro'r"* or Pro2%ct Loc"tion8 Ar%"+ to 6% S%r1%d R"tion")% "nd O62%cti1%+ Construction of $edium Rise %ousing 9A <>>F 5 <>D> /istrict )), Paraaque City RationaleL )n &iew of the uncontrollable growth in the city's population, urban dwelling has become a huge concern The local go&ernment foresees that the construction of medium rise housing will suffice to address this problem The administration has already pinpointed strategic areas within the city for the pro6ect, sub6ect to land use and zoning requirements and height restrictions #b6ecti&eL To mitigate, if not, pre&ent the problem of the continuous growth in the population of informal settlers The pro6ect would consist of a four IKJ story dwelling 9our IKJ "torey Building, D?.;nit per 9loor suitable to accommodate more tenants . $inimized growth in the population of informal settlers within the city . !lle&iated standards of li&ing for the city constituents . )nformal settlers are gi&en opportunity for security of tenure ;rban dwellers, city constituents and transients Php K>> $ broken down as followsL "ite !cquisition 5 Php E> $ "ite /e&elopment 5 Php D>> $ Building "tructure 5 Php <E> $ ,ocal Budget, ,oans and 8rants 3 B # T The local go&ernment will be the primary mechanism for the formulation and finalization of the plan with the assistance of *8#'s and Pri&ate sectors . "ecured funding for the pro6ect . !ppro&al of plans . ,isting and census of informal settlers made 9ormal studies and planning are undertaken by the ,ocal %ousing /e&elopment #ffice I,%/#J, sub6ect to deliberation and appro&al by the ,C-

Pro2%ct Co*&on%nt+ E7&%ct%d B%n%,it+

T"r'%t B%n%,ici"ri%+ E+ti*"t%d Co+t -P(& or US</ Pro&o+%d !undin' Sourc% I*&)%*%nt"tion Arr"n'%*%nt+ Critic") Succ%++ !"ctor+ Curr%nt St"tu+


Total Barangays Rural Barangays ;rban Barangays Coastal Barangays ;rban Population I<>>EJ Population 8rowth Rate IDHHE.<>>>J ;rban Population 8rowth Rate IDHH>.<>>>J Population by under D? Aears #ld I<>>>J Population from ?.D< Population by under D? Aears #ld I<>><J Population from DG.D? Population by under D? Aears #ld I<>>EJ Population from ?.D< Population from DG.D? $ale to female Population ratio $edian !ge !ge./ependency Ratio !dministrati&e ,and !rea I:m <J ;rbanized ,and !rea I:m <J Population /ensity in City Iperson3:m <J Population /ensity in ;rbanized !rea Iperson3:m <J *umber of %ouseholds I<>>>J !&erage %ousehold "ize I<>>EJ *umber of ;rban %ouseholds I<>>EJ ;rban %% growth rate in the last E years -mployment rate IlatestJ WHAT ARE THE CITYAS GEOGRAPHICAL ADVANTAGESB Regional 3 Pro&incial center !ccessibility to an international !irport #thers D? > DD E EKG,G<H G >G G =E HE,HE> KH,GE> D>F,>>> K?,G<? D R > HK K> 5 KK DLE> ?F K? EF sq :m K? EF sq :m H,?E= =D person3:m< H,?E= =D person3:m< HK,D>H E D>=,??? G =E HG < *o Aes Aes


ACCESS TO WATER SUPPLY *umber of %% with access to piped water I,e&el GJ *umber of %% with access to le&el < water supply *umber of %% with access to le&el D water supply N of %% with access to piped water Ile&el GJ N of %% with access to le&el < water N of %% with access to le&el D water SEWERAGE AND SANITATION *umber of %% with toilet facilities *umber of %% with septic tanks *umber of %% connected to a sewerage system N of %% with toilet facilities N of %% with septic tanks N of %% connected to a sewerage system Total length of e(isting drainage system EDUCATION -SY CDDEFCDD>/ Total enrollment in Primary 7 "econdary "chool N of enrollment in Primary 7 "econdary "chool Pri*"r$ Sc(oo) Enro))*%nt Total enrollment in primary school I"A <>>>.<>>DJ Primary school enrollment rate *umber of children enrolled in grade D in I"A <>>>.<>>DJ *umber of children who finished grade ? in <>>? N of those who enroll in grade D who finished grade ? S%cond"r$ Sc(oo) Enro))*%nt Total enrollment in secondary school I"A <>><.<>>GJ "econdary school enrollment rate *umber of children enrolled in 9irst Aear I"A <>><.<>>GJ *umber of children who finished high school in <>>? N of those who enroll in 9irst Aear who finish %igh "chool T%"c(%r+# Pu6)ic -SY CDDEFCDD>/ *umber of teachers primary *umber of teachers secondary Primary school pupils I;rban ) RuralJ "econdary school pupils I;rban ) RuralJ Primary Teacher.Pupil ratio I;rban ) RuralJ "econdary Teacher.Pupil ratio I;rban ) RuralJ C)"++roo*+# Pu6)ic -SY CDDEFCDD>/ *umber of Primary "chools I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of "econdary "chools I;rban ) RuralJ Primary Classroom . Pupil Ratio I;rban ) RuralJ "econdary Classroom . Pupil Ratio I;rban ) RuralJ HEALTH SERVICE *umber of %ealth 0orkers I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of /octors I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of /entists I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of *urses, brgy health workers I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of %ealth 9acilities I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of %ospital Beds I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of %ealth Centers I;rban ) RuralJ *umber of Clinics I;rban ) RuralJ !&ailability of %ealth workers per D>>> pop I;rban ) RuralJ /octors per D>>> population I;rban ) RuralJ

FG,=?< *3! *3! ?F HF *3! *3! ==,=E> ==,=E> ==,=E> =D F? N =D F? N =D F? N <G= :m F?,EE? KH HGN H,KK= H,KK= F,>=G FK HFN =,DK> =,DK> K,FE< E= G=N D,>FH ?DG E>,H?G <E,EHG DLKF <G DLKD FE E<> <HK DLH= >D DL=F >E GFH <K <G GG< FE E> DH ? > ?H< > >KK


Total regular income Total debt ser&ice N Total debt ser&icing needs to total regular income Total City e(penditure !mount of local go&ernment sa&ings N of sa&ings to e(penditures REAL PROPERTY TAG ASSESSMENT Total Ta(able land area Total ta(able commercial area Total ta(able residential area Total ta(able agricultural area Total RPT! income RPT! 5 Commercial RPT! 5 Residential RPT! 5 )ndustrial PRT! Collection rate N Commercial N Residential N )ndustrial !EES Total fees collected Total market fees collected Total slaughterhouse fees collected Total community ta(es collected Total amusement ta(es collected Total permits3fees collected Total business ta(3license3permits collected Total number of dwelling units and buildings Collection rate for ta(es and economic enterprises $arket fees "laughterhouse fees Community ta(es !musement ta(es Permits 3 fees Business ta( 3 license 3 permits

PhpD,EH?,<<E,=G> DH Php KG,KDE,H>= << G >GN PhpD,KG<,=?=,<E= EK Php D?G,GEF,EF< >> D> <GN K,GK> <E %a ?KF <E %a G,?HG > %a *3! Php EFF,=>F,D?? H< Php DKG,>>F,<FG => Php <=?,KDH,>D< ?D Php DK=,G=>,==> ED <K FEN KH EFN <E ?=N Php EGE,><K,HKF ?> Php DD,<GD,<>K FF Php > >> Php =,HG>,GG? KH Php DE,<FD,FG= == Php GH,K?<,<=D ?= Php K?>,D<H,G=E => EE,>>H >> < >HN > >> D ?FN < =EN F GFN =? >>N


Total annual production per crop product 7 yield 3 hectare Rice Corn Coconut %igh 5 &alue crops #ther &egetables Total annual li&estock production /airy %ogs Cattle 8oat Carabao Total annual poultry production Chicken /uck Chicken eggs /uck eggs Total annual fishpond production and yield per hectare Commercial $unicipal !quaculture Total annual fish production L $unicipal fishing, Commercial fishing 7 aquaculture !&erage catch per fishing effort of municipal fisherman !mount of land area de&oted to agriculture )rrigated *on 5 irrigated Irain.fedJ !quaculture *umber of registered establishments Building permits issued in the last E years Residential Commercial )ndustrial )nstitutional ,abor disputes in&ol&ing at least SS workers in the last E yrs *umber of mining companies operating in the area $inerals being e(tracted 3 processed by mining companies *umber of logging concessionaires operating in the area *umber of )9$! holders operating in the area *umber of tree farmers operating in the area !ny eco.tourism destinations in the city HUMAN RESOURCES ;nemployment rate IlatestJ -mployment rate %% IlatestJ N of economically acti&e population AVAILABILITY O! TECHNOLOGY N of households with telephone connection *umber of internet cafes in the city SUPPORT SERVICES !ncillary ser&ices a&ailable Trucking ser&ice companies 0arehouse facilities Cold storage facilities 9ood processing facilities *umber of Banks Commercial 3 ;ni&ersal "a&ings

D=< metric tons <> metric tons *3! *3! D?< metric tons E metric tons D,<<> *3! D,DF? < K> < FHG FEG K> *3! *3! E> metric tons E> metric tons *3! *3! DD> KD metric tons E kg *3! K %a DD HE %a D<,FDH K,?H= G,<KK D,DGE F= <KD *3! *3! *3! *3! *3! *3! *one ?=N HG < N F> ?>N HH N <<? D?H G= D<? *3! E <H= D<K <


*umber of public enterprise or pri&ate firms responsible for deli&ery of urban ser&ices 8arbage collection 0ater supply 0astewater treatment Power distribution !&erage number of days to issue or renew a business ,icense Total number of ,8; employees Total *on.Regular ,8; employees Total Regular ,8; -mployees *umber of ,8; employees per D>>> population Total number of councilors Total number of city councilors per E>>> population N of wages in local go&ernment e(penditure AUTONOMY O! CITY GOVERNMENT N of local re&enue3total re&enue N of transfer from central and3or pro&incial go&ernments to local go&ernment I)R!J TRANSPARENCY O! LGU *umber of accredited *8#s and3or community #rganizations )nstitutional framework for public participation 9requency of meetings of the ,ocal /e&elopment Council Presence of public disclosure program and feedback $echanism Billboards Radio program T43,ocal Cable program 0ebsite Periodic barangay.le&el consultations Iat least K times a yearJ City newsletters #thers Iplease describeJ STRUCTURE O! REVENUES AND EGPENDITURES -(penditure Total -(penses for personnel ser&ices Total e(penses for $##Total !nnual )n&estment Total ,8; Budget Total -(penditures 5 )nfrastructure "ector Total -(penditure 5 %ealth "er&ices Total -(penditures 5 Protection "er&ices Total -(penditures 5 -n&ironmental "er&ices Total -(penditures for Personnel "er&ices Total -(penditures 5 #ffice of the $ayor Total -(penditures 5 "angguniang Panglungsod PER CAPITA EGPENDITURE Personnel "er&ices $##Capital )n&estment -(penditure ,8; Budget )nfrastructure "ector %ealth "er&ices Protection "er&ices -ducation "ector

G D D *3! D D G,FG= <,H>D =GF ? == D? > DKF KG >N E= KKN <G HGN = 3 << IG?NJ Aes D< meetings 3 year

www paranaquecity com

complaints desk

Php ?<D,FH<,K?= >> Php FHG,EEE,K?D >> Php F?,G=E,<GK K> Php <,<DG,F?>,GKH G< Php DHD,=?D,>EH F> Php G>F,F=>,D>D => Php > >> Php GE>,K<K,FFF <> Php ?<D,FH<,K?= >> Php KEK,=G=,K?D HE Php <<,F<<,E<G ?? D,DKK KD D,K?> EK DK> E= K,>FK KG GEG D< E?? KF > >> KE= ?>













$!P #9 Paraaque city Public ;tility "tructures /rawn not to scale

,-8-*/L BR8A %!,, %#"P)T!, 9)R- "T!T)#* !)RP#RT BR8A B#;*/!RA $)*#R R#!/"

$!P #9 Paraaque city "chools /rawn not to scale

,-8-*/L P;B,)C "C%##," PR)4!T"C%##," C#,,-8-" BR8A B#;*/!RA $)*#R R#!/"


CDD> Pro2%ct%d O&%r"tin' 2,725,659,676.84 R%1%nu%+ Pro2%ct%d O&%r"tin' 2,101,439,307.61 E7&%n+%+ Gro++ c"+( ,)o3 ,ro* 624,220,369.23 o&%r"tion+ D%6t S%r1ic% on 229,300,000.00 curr%nt o6)i'"tion Gro++ !und+F",t%r 394,920,369.23 d%6t L%++ Pro2%ct%d 62,598,500.00 r%currin' c"&it") %7&%n+%+ B")"nc% L%++# Pro&o+%d C"&it") E7&%n+%+ N%t N%3 !in"ncin' n%%d%d
332,321,869.23 332,321,869.23 -

2,592,048,269.55 1,998,441,478.55 593,606,791.00 105,156,000.00 488,450,791.00 165,305,791.00 323,145,000.00 323,145,000.00 -

2,695,730,200.33 2,258,238,870.76 437,491,329.57 126,187,200.00 311,304,129.57 65,000,000.00 246,304,129.57 365,153,850.00 118,849,720.43

2,803,559,408.35 2,551,809,923.96 251,749,484.38 151,424,640.00 100,324,844.38 78,000,000.00 22,324,844.38 412,623,850.50 390,299,006.12

2,915,701,784.68 2,883,545,214.08 32,156,570.60 181,709,568.00 (149,552,997.40) 93,600,000.00 (243,152,997.40) 466,264,951.07 709,417,948.46

3,032,329,856.07 3,027,722,474.78 4,607,381.29 218,051,481.60 (213,44,100.31) 112,320,000.00 (325,764,100.31) 526,879,394.70 852,643,495.02


It%*8Y%"r I. Loc") Sourc%+ I.I T"7 R%1%nu%+ I.I.I R%") Pro&%rt$ T"7%+ I.I.C Bu+in%++ T"7%+ I.I.= Mi+c%))"n%ou+ T"7%+ I.C NonFT"7 R%1%nu%+ I.C.I !%%+ "nd C("r'%+ I.C.C Econo*ic Ent%r&ri+%+ I.C.C.I. &u6)ic *"r9%t+ I.C.C.C. Ho+&it") I.C.= Ot(%r Non T"7 R%1%nu%+ C. E7t%rn") Sourc%+ C.I Int%rn") R%1%nu% A))ot*%nt -IRA/ C.C S("r% ,ro* N"tion") 3%")t(-EVAT/ C.= Gr"nt+ "nd Aid+ C.J Ot(%r+ -Borro3in'+/ TOTAL REVENUES F GENERAL !UND REVENUES F SPECIAL EDUC !UND GRAND TOTAL CDDI CDDC AGR CDD= AGR CDDJ AGR CDDE AGR AAGR

<FF => GF? D> GG => GG => E <> > ?> G K> <=> E> <K >> DD? => D,DE< >> <EF D> I:JD@.ID

KD< >> GHH ?> ED H> << => E D> D F> K D> <H< =>

K= GD ? <E EG EE IG< EKJ ID H<J D=G GG <> EH K GH . .

K<H D> KKD F> EF => GH K> H H> D ?> D >> G?< =>


GE< H> K?K F> E= ?> GK H> E K> D G> D G> GG< ?>


G>< H> KE= >> ?K => H> K> DD <> DK KD G=D H ??


E DG E DK DH << K? HF G= EK KD ?> KF EH = F> .

D,DH> >> <?? D> I:JE>.ID

G G> G E> G GK


D< == G< >? D? GH

D,<ED F> GG= G> I:E@D.DD

I? =<J IG FGJ I? D=J

D,G<D G> <FK => I:E@>.ID

E E? ID= FFJ > G=

G FG G <? =.J?

The re&enue analysis of the city for the last fi&eIEJ years using the a&erage percentage share showed the main sources of ta( re&enues of the city are as followsL Business Ta(es at <F ?GN, Real Property Ta(es at << HDN, )nternal Re&enue !llotment <D GDN and "pecial -ducation at D> <DN


It%*8Y%"r G%n%r") Pu6)ic S%r1ic%+ Educ"tion H%")t(: Nutrition "nd Po&u)"tion Contro) Hou+in' "nd Co**unit$ D%1%)o&*%nt Soci") W%),"r% Econo*ic S%r1ic%+ Ot(%r D%1%)o&*%nt") S%r1ic%+ Ot(%r Bud'%t"r$ O6)i'"tion T O T A L

CDDI EEE,?=K,G<E <H <FG,DHG,>>G GF <KE,<E<,F=< D> DG>,FDF,H== >< E=,<E>,FF< KD . F,<?F,=FK F= ==,<FF,KDD FK I:=E?:>JJ:IEH.HI

CDDC ?F>,GHK,<<< H E <>>,<?<,<H= E H KH,<E?,=?> ? K DH>,H<<,?>G ? > KE,G<D,>=< K G . ?,<>D,=G< G G DD=,GDD,=F= G > I:C?D:>HD:HH?.?J

K Inc8D%c <DN .<FN

CDD= ?G=,?D=,>=K F> <?<,>DF,<K> KG <K>,<>H,>E= G> <FE,=?E,DG? F< EF,>FG,=HG H> <,GEK,HH> => ?,GF<,G<F H? ??,GEE,G<= DD I:EJ?:?>>:D>D.@C

K Inc8D%c .EN GDN

CDDJ GKE,?F<,=GE <F GGH,E?=,HG< >G GD<,>>H,ED> >? <>E,=?E,<=< >G ??,GG=,G>K DE G,=EG,DEK FG =,DKG,HD= >? FK,DE?,H<E == I:=EE:>D?:?>C.CI

K Inc8D%c .K?N G>N

CDDE EF<,=?>,F<H E > GD>,F=E,KK< G G G>F,F=>,D>D = > <?F,HK?,<=E = F EE,G>=,FDK F ? K,>D<,>GD F K =,KEG,H<< F < KG,KDE,H>= < < I:EHD:E>=:I=>.@J

K Inc8D%c ??N .=N

A1%. HN ?N

.=>N K?N .<<N

G==N KKN <?N







The e(penditure analysis of the city for the last fi&e IEJ years showed the a&erage percentage share of the following sector3functionL GH D<N goes to 8eneral Public "er&ices, -ducation DH K=N, %ealth D? <GN, Community /e&elopment DE >?N, "ocial 0elfare G HFN, -conomic > DKN, #ther /e&elopment "er&ices > EDN and #ther Budgetary #bligation E KHN /e&elopment "er&ices composed of our ,i&elihood and Cooperati&e office, implementation of gender fund and social reform agenda Budgetary #bligation includes statutory items required under the ,ocal 8o&ernment Code such as Calamity fund, $$/! share and !id to Barangays The e(penditure allotment classification for Personal "er&ices has an a&erage percentage share of G=N for Personal "er&ices, $##- E<N and Capital -(penses of D>N for the last fi&e years The Personal "er&ices shows also conformity with the KEN limitation as required under the *ew ,ocal 8o&ernment Code The growth rate per year of the city shows a declined in general and sef real property ta(es for the year <>>K and <>>E This is due to the discounts gi&en by the city thru ta( ordinance gi&ing constituents discounts for ad&ance3prompt payments of their real property ta( for <>>K and <>>E The slight decrease in the collection of business ta( is due to the enactment of our new re&enue code which becomes effecti&e last Manuary D, <>>E Business owner were surprised for the new rates imposed by the said code 9or this year I<>>?J, as reported by our city treasurer's office and business permits office more than HEN of business establishments of the city already paid there ta(es due to the city The a&erage annual growth rate of the city for both local and e(ternal sources is G K=N


K Inc8D%c .FN <N .G=N F>K K Inc8D%c EN <EN =?N CIK K Inc8D%c .KN .DHN .KN FICK K Inc8D%c <<N DEN .DN I?K

It%*8Y%"r P%r+on") S%r1ic%+ M"int%n"nc% "nd Ot(%r O&%r"tin' E7&%n+%+ C"&it") Out)"$ T O T A L

CDDI EK?,=DH,>FK HF ??=,F=G,KF? <K DKG,>KD,?>? E> I:=E?:>JJ:IEH.HI

CDDC EE=,DHG,>EF D F ?GK,K?F,>>F F = ==,>D>,FDG =H I:C?D:>HD:HH?.?J

CDD= EGD,K?G,>F< ?H =EG,=<E,?DK G= D?G,EFF,GFG =E I:EJ?:?>>:D>D.@C


CDDE ?<D,FH<,K?= G D FHG,EEE,K?D K < DEE,<DE,<>F <D I:EHD:E>=:I=>.@J



Pro2%ct N"*% E+t"6)i+(*%nt o, ED MLD Bu)9 W"t%r S$+t%* Con+truction o, Cit$ MR! R%("6i)it"tion o, P"r"4"5u% Ri1%r Con+truction o, Di+trict II IDD 6%d c"&"cit$ Ho+&it") Con+truction o, Sci%nc% Hi'( Sc(oo) Con+truction o, Cit$ Co))%'% Con+truction o, S)"u'(t%r(ou+% 3it( Co)d Stor"'% !"ci)it$ E+t"6)i+(*%nt o, Tr",,ic Contro) S$+t%* R%c)"*"tion o, IDD (%ct"r%+ ")on' t(% Co"+t") Ar%" M%diu* Ri+% Hou+in' Tot") Sourc% o, !in"ncin' ". Incr%"+% in t"7 co))%ction 6. R%1i+ion o, Cit$ R%1%nu% Cod% c. B"n9 )o"n d. BOT8;oint V%ntur% %. Gr"nt8+u6+id$ ,ro* NG: "nd ot(%r+ Tot") Tot") Pro2%ct Co+t D,>>>,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> E>,>>>,>>> DE>,>>>,>>> KE,>>>,>>> KE,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> E>,>>>,>>> E,E>>,>>>,>>> K>>,>>>,>>> H:JJD:DDD:DDD ID:DDD:DDD D>,>>>,>>> CDDH CDD? GE>,>>>,>>> E>,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> FE,>>>,>>> <<,E>>,>>> <<,E>>,>>> <>,>>>,>>> <E,>>>,>>> D,D>>,>>>,>>> =>,>>>,>>> I:H=C:EDD:DDD <>,>>>,>>> D<,E>>,>>> D,D>>,>>>,>>> =>,>>>,>>> I:J@E:DDD:DDD <>,>>>,>>> D<,E>>,>>> D,D>>,>>>,>>> =>,>>>,>>> I:JEE:DDD:DDD D,D>>,>>>,>>> =>,>>>,>>> I:JJC:EDD:DDD D,D>>,>>>,>>> =>,>>>,>>> I:=DE:DDD:DDD CDD@ DE>,>>>,>>> <E,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> FE,>>>,>>> <<,E>>,>>> <<,E>>,>>> <>,>>>,>>> <>,>>>,>>> CDID <>>,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> CDII <>>,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> D>,>>>,>>> CDIC D>>,>>>,>>> E,>>>,>>>

I C = J E > H ? @ ID

<,DH<,>>>,>>> K>>,>>>,>>> ??=,>>>,>>> G,>>>,>>>,>>> D,D=>,>>>,>>> H:JJD:DDD:DDD



E>>,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> GGK,>>>,>>> F>>,>>>,>>> H=,E>>,>>> I:H=C:EDD:DDD

E>>,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> GGK,>>>,>>> E>>,>>>,>>> ?D,>>>,>>> I:J@E:DDD:DDD

E>>,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> ?>>,>>>,>>> <EE,>>>,>>> I:JEE:DDD:DDD

E>>,>>>,>>> D>>,>>>,>>> ?>>,>>>,>>> <K<,E>>,>>> I:JJC:EDD:DDD


?>>,>>>,>>> E<G,>>>,>>> I:=DE:DDD:DDD


Before we came up with a Capital )n&estment Plan, the city first updates the in&entory and assessment of our current capital assets3infrastructures )t pro&ed beneficial to the city and we are &ery grateful to C/" Pro6ect office to ha&e chosen us to be part of C/"G Cities because it facilitates the tasks of the city in determining the need for renewal, replacement, e(pansion, and e&en retirement of our current in&entory, forecasting re&enues 7 e(penditures, our strengths 7 weaknesses and came up with our prioritized pro6ects for our city constituents in line with the city &ision The current le&el of ser&ices usually pro&ides the platform for determining future in&estment spending 9rom this e(isting in&entory of in&estment needs, the city e(amine the areas of greatest need with respect to e(isting infrastructure programs and add potential capital in&estment pro6ects for the city !fter con&ening our City /e&elopment Council, the decisions were made to undertake capital in&estment moti&ated by following criteriaL

/egree of urgency of the pro6ect+ Benefits deri&ed from the pro6ect+ Cost and financial impact of the pro6ect+ and, !cceptability to the local constituency

!fter careful e&aluation, our number one IDJ priority pro6ect as shown is the establishment of E> million liters per day bulk water system in anticipation of the influ( of the people who wants to reside to the city, shopping malls and ongoing construction of four IKJ medium built condominiums aside from the numerous residential houses being constructed today as reported by our building office who issues permits for the purpose )n de&eloping our capital in&estment plan, we establish goals for the le&el and quantity of ser&ice in terms of measurable indicators To date, $aynilad water ser&ice co&ers only ?>N of our constituents The highest priority of the community may be to e(tend the water co&erage to D>>N of the community by the year <>D< The ten priority pro6ects total cost is PF K billion pesos which will be implemented in si( years from <>>F to <>D< )t will be noticed that only one pro6ect will be implemented for <>>F due to the election ban issued by the commission on election The source of financing are increase in ta( collection, re&ision of our city re&enue code, bank loan, build operate transfer IB#TJ scheme or 6oint &enture with the pri&ate sector and 8rants3subsidy from our national go&ernment, to our two district congressman and senators de&elopment fund The following policies will be adopted to

increase ta( collection as followsL IDJ to &erify and re.assessed those who file zero gross receipts by some <>>> business establishments I<J)nspection of business establishments by office of the city treasurer to conduct an e(amination of books of accounts and regular re&iew 7 e&aluation of all pre&iously assessed business ta(es 7 licenses IGJ#rder the Business Permits #ffice to ha&e complete listings, inspect and identify all businesses operating in the city 9or Re&ision of our Ta( re&enue codeL IKJ City !ssessor's #ffice shall undertake a general re&ision of real property assessments within two I<J years Iwhich begin on <>>EJ after the effecti&ity of the code which will take effect ne(t year I<>>FJ and e&ery three IGJ years thereafter IEJ Preparation and amendments to the schedule of fair market &alues of land, building and impro&ements as pro&ided by R! FD?> otherwise known as the ,ocal 8o&ernment Code of DHHD+ I?J ;pdating of our ta( ordinances for real property units and ad6ust corresponding rates to the present times+ and lastly IFJ ;pgrading and Computerization of all records of Treasurer's #ffice, -/P #ffice, !ssessor's #ffice and Business Permits #ffice as the bulk of our ,ocal sources of re&enues come from this offices 0ith regards to Bank ,oan, our sangguniang panlungsod has gi&en the City Budget #ffice authority to secure a loan to any reputable banks in the amount of PD billion pesos for the purpose R! FFD= otherwise known as B#T ,aw allows or resemble concessions but are normally used for 8reenfield pro6ects, such as water or wastewater treatment plants !nd finally, we will be requesting the city's two congressman and e&en the senators for financial assistance out of their /e&elopment 9und for the purpose

0e end this report by one question in mindL what are the intangibles that make a nation greatT 0e quote our answer to the Dst pri&ilege speech gi&en by former "en Mo&ito R "alonga on Constitution /ay 9ebruary =, DH?< with the title ! Plea for "obrietyL

In all areas of national endeavor, there is need for imagination, careful planning, thoroughness, hard work, sweat, integrity, dedication, self discipline and the willingness to sacrifice all for the common good.

)n behalf of the people of Paranaque, thank you for this opportunity to present to this C/" report

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