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Enterprise Security API (ESAPI) Java

Java User Group San Antonio

Jarret Raim June 3rd, 2010

What is it?

ESAPI (The OWASP Enterprise Security API) is a free, open source, web application security control library that makes it easier for programmers to write lower-risk applications. The ESAPI libraries are designed to make it easier for programmers to retrofit security into existing applications. The ESAPI libraries also serve as a solid foundation for new development.

Who cares?

How Does it Work?

Allowing for language-specific differences, all OWASP ESAPI versions have the same basic design:
There is a set of security control interfaces. They define for example types of parameters that are passed to types of security controls. There is a reference implementation for each security control. The logic is not organizationspecific and the logic is not applicationspecific. An example: stringbased input validation. There are optionally your own implementations for each security control. There may be application logic contained in these classes which may be developed by or for your organization. An example: enterprise authentication.

There are several supported languages

Java EE PHP Classic ASP .NET Coldfusion Python JavaScript Haskell

And they have a plan. Maybe.

Tyranny of Choice
Write Spring Custom Java Jasypt Java Code URL Pattern Commons xml-enc EncoderLog4j Validator Cryptix JAAS Stinger JCE ACEGI Struts BouncyCastle Reform Many Anti-XSS More HDIV Java xml-dsig Logging

Standard Control

Vulnerability Theory

Threat Agent




Technical Impact

Business Impact
Business Impact



Control Asset Business Impact



Missing Control Function


Business Impact

Vulnerability Asset




Where do Vulnerabilities Come From?

Missing Controls
Lack of encryption Failure to perform access control

Broken Controls
Weak hash algorithm Fail open

Ignored Controls
Failure to use encryption Forgot to use output encoding

ESAPI Solves
Missing Broken

Process Solves

Authenticator User AccessController AccessReferenceMap Validator Encoder HTTPUtilities Encryptor EncryptedProperties

Enterprise Security API

Exception Handling Logger IntrusionDetector SecurityConfiguration

Custom Enterprise Web Application

Existing Enterprise Security Services/Libraries

Typical output in most web frameworks leads to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities. The ESAPI encoder allows direct encoding depending on context.
Web (HTML, JavaScript, CSS) Databases (MySQL, Oracle) URL Shells (Unix, Windows) XML LDAP
<p>Hello, <%=name%></p> <p>Hello, <%=ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTML(name)%> </p>

Also provides a canonnicalize method to remove any encodings.



Business Functions

Data Layer


isValidCreditCard isValidDataFromBrowser isValidDirectoryPath isValidFileContent isValidFileName isValidHTTPRequest isValidListItem isValidRedirectLocation isValidSafeHTML isValidPrintable safeReadLine



Canonicalization Double Encoding Protection Sanitization Normalization

encodeForJavaScript encodeForVBScript encodeForURL encodeForHTML encodeForHTMLAttribute encodeForLDAP encodeForDN encodeForSQL encodeForXML encodeForXMLAttribute encodeForXPath

EXAMPLE: <script>alert(document.cookie)</script> ESAPI.validator().getValidInput(String context,String input,String type,int maxLength,boolean allowNull,ValidationErrorList errorList)

The Validator interface defines a set of methods for canonicalizing and validating untrusted input.
Returns booleans as not all validation problems are security issues.

assertIsValidHttpRequest() assertIsValidHttpRequestParameterSet() assertIsValidFileUpload() getValidCreditCard() getValidDate() getValidDirectoryPath() getValidDouble() getValidFileContent() getValidFileName()

Invalid input will generate a descriptive ValidationException which will be stored in the ValidationErrorList Input that is clearly an attack will generate a descriptive IntrusionException

Validator Example

ESAPI provides the ValidationRule and Validator interfaces. Implement your own validators for your data. Reference Regex codes in the ESAPI properties from generic to specific.

Global Validate Canonicalize Specific Validate Sanitize

Any Interpreter

Any Encoding

Web Service Database Mainframe


Business Functions

Data Layer


User Interface Set Character Set Encode For HTML File System Canonicalize Validate

Interface with a simple, file based example implementation Log In / Log Out Password Verification Create User Password Generation Change Password Expirations Logging Per User Session Anonymous User Locale Roles Disable / Enable Locked / Unlocked CSRF Tokens Last Login Last Invalid Login Password Age Screen Name Failed Log In Count Last Logged in Host



Business Functions

Data Layer




Note that the ESAPI project does not have out of the box support for projects like Spring, but can be made to work.


Intrusion Detection


Access Control


isAuthorizedForData Web Service isAuthorizedForService Database Mainframe

isAuthorizedForFunction Controller


Business Functions

Data Layer


isAuthorizedForFile User Interface File System


Encryption failures can lead to violations of the Big Three
Confidentiality Integrity Availability (maybe)

Encryption is surprisingly difficult to get right.

You are probably doing it wrong right now.

The Encryptor interface provides a set of methods for performing common encryption, random number, and hashing operations.
encrypted = ESAPI.encryptor().encrypt( decrypted );
decrypted = ESAPI.encryptor().decrypt( encrypted );



Business Functions

Data Layer


Integrity Seals Strong GUID Safe Config Details

Encrypted Properties


Encryption Digital Signatures

Random Tokens


Salted Hash

Direct Object Reference

Occurs when a developer exposes a reference to an internal implementation object, such as a file, directory, database record, or key, as a URL or form parameter. Fix is to generate suitably random garbage, then internally map that to the appropriate IDs. Doing this is surprisingly annoying, especially if there are no sessions.
Not really scalable friendly.

ESAPI provides a random access map which also helps protect against CSRF.
String directReference = "This is a direct reference.";
RandomAccessReferenceMap instance = new RandomAccessReferenceMap(); String ind = instance.addDirectReference((Object)directReference);



Web Service Database Mainframe


Access Reference Map


File System

Indirect References

Direct References

Logging & Exceptions

For many applications, logging is only used to detect application errors. Is usually geared to solving problems in development
Hopefully with an eye to production.

ESAPI provides a logging implementation that integrates with the security substructure.
Logs security exceptions that are ESAPI generated with identify information Can be used by normal business code to log security exceptions or just log information with identify

Integrates an intrusion detection system that can respond to different types of intrusions by disabling accounts or other actions.



Business Functions

Data Layer


User Message (no detail)

Enterprise Security Exceptions


Log Message (w/Identity)

AccessControlException AuthenticationException AvailabilityException EncodingException EncryptionException ExecutorException IntegrityException IntrusionException ValidationException

Intrusion Detector

Configurable Thresholds Responses Log Intrusion Logout User Disable Account

Handling HTTP
Many applications make heavy use of HTTP for functionality
Classic ASP uses redirects for flow control, error handing, etc.

The use of data from the request accounts for most web security defects ESAPI provides methods to interact with the request
Helper methods for encryption CSRF tokens Etc.

Deals with Characters Sets and Encodings



Business Functions

Data Layer


Add Safe Header No Cache Headers Set Content Type Add Safe Cookie Kill Cookie Change SessionID CSRF Tokens isSecureChannel Safe Request Logging Safe File Uploads
HTTP Utilities

sendSafeForward sendSafeRedirect

Encrypt State in Cookie Hidden Field Encryption Querystring Encryption

OWASP Top Ten 2007

A1. Cross Site Scripting (XSS) A2. Injection Flaws A3. Malicious File Execution A4. Insecure Direct Object Reference A5. Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) A6. Leakage and Improper Error Handling A7. Broken Authentication and Sessions A8. Insecure Cryptographic Storage A9. Insecure Communications A10. Failure to Restrict URL Access

Validator, Encoder Encoder HTTPUtilities (Safe Upload) AccessReferenceMap, AccessController User (CSRF Token) EnterpriseSecurityException, HTTPUtils Authenticator, User, HTTPUtils Encryptor HTTPUtilities (Secure Cookie, Channel) AccessController

Special Thanks

Supports OWASP and ESAPI Many of the diagrams for in the slides are from a similar presentation by Aspect.

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