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Key Features of Ancient Societies

Farming, Trade, Social Classes, Religion and Rule of Law

Why do we study so many different ancient societies ? What differentiates each ancient society from another ?

Each ancient society has many different features such as : Farming Trade Social Classes Religion Rule of Law

Farming is typically known as the activity of growing crops and raising livestock. Lets look at farming in two different ancient societies:

Ancient Egypt Farming was determined by the flooding of the Nile.

Imperial China
Men lifted water from the rivers to the rice fields using troughs powered by men using foot paddles.

Trade involves buying and selling goods and services. This is what fuels a society's economy.

Ancient Egypt
Egyptians and their trading partners sailed along the Nile River to trade their goods.Egyptians bartered with their precious resources, including gold, papyrus, linen, and grain.

Imperial China
Chinese people traded salt, iron, fish, cattle, and silk.Through the Silk Road, they traded with the Mediterranean and India.

The Silk Road- watch clip

Social Classes
Social class refers to a group of individuals who occupy a similar position in the economy and/or society.

Social Classes- Ancient Egypt

Egyptian class structure- watch clip

Social Classes- Imperial China

A set of beliefs concerning the purpose and creation of the universe, involving rituals and devotion to one or more supernatural beings such as gods.

Ancient Egypt
The Egyptians believed that there were hundreds of gods and goddesses who controlled every aspect of their daily lives , as well as the world and the afterlife.

Imperial China
The religious and spiritual beliefs of the ancient Chinese are found in Confucianism and in the religions Daoism and Buddhism-still influential today

Ancient Egypt- the gods

Imperial China- many religions

Rule of Law
The system of rules in a country or community that governs the way it's members live. Law can be enforced by the issuing of penalties by the governing power.

Ancient Egypt
The Pharaoh was the supreme law maker and was responsible for ensuring the law expressed ma,at (truth, justice, and order).People believed that those who did not live according to ma'at would suffer ill fortune in this life and the afterlife.

Imperial China
Law enforcers punished those who committed minor crimes by beating them with a bamboo stick. Thieves were branded with a hot iron or had an ear removed. The most severe punishment was torture, execution and dismemberment.

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