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Pacific Union College

Union College
Southern Adventist University
Columbia Union College
Walla Walla University (Rosario Campus)
La Sierra University


Section 1: Dues
Dues shall be:
1. Based on $0.83 per FTE of fall enrollment for students who pay student association dues.
2. For DUES only, money collected from any Canadian college will be based on a one
Canadian dollar to one U.S. dollar ratio.
3. Reviewed annually by the Finance Committee. Any changes would require two thirds
(2/3) vote from a General Assembly quorum.
Section 2: Convention Fees
1. Convention fees shall be charged of each attending member student government based on
delegation, and the host campus shall contribute at least 2000 dollars to the AIA
Convention. All convention fees shall be overseen by the AIA Financial Vice President.
2. Convention fees shall be used to cover convention expenses and shall be used for the
convention taken place the same year in which the fees are collected.
3. Convention fees shall be collected from each student government delegations based on
the number of attendees including sponsor(s).
4. Convention fees for AIA executive officers, who are currently holding student
government positions, shall be collected from their own student government.
5. Convention fees shall be collected from AIA for each executive officer not holding a
current position in their student government.
6. The amount of convention fees to be $140 per convention participant paid to the host
Section 3: Contingency Fund
1. This shall be the surplus between dues collected and approved budget expenditures.
2. The contingency fund shall only be used for extenuating circumstances.
3. Expenditures from this fund are to be approved by two thirds (2/3) vote of the AIA
campus representatives from each member delegation through an electronic vote along
with approval of the AIA general sponsor and AIA financial advisor.
4. The contingency fund must maintain a minimum balance of $10,000 dollars: Any
expenditure exceeding the minimum balance of $10,000 dollars must be approved by
two-thirds (2/3) vote of the AIA member delegations.
Section 4: Internal Control of Cash
1. Payment is due thirty (30) days after being billed by the Financial Vice-President, with a
1% due late fee on the principle, per business day. Payment will be based on the
postmarked date.
2. Dues shall be remitted to the AIA Financial Adviser.
3. Expenditures shall be authorized by the Financial Vice-President and the President.
4. Unauthorized expenditures may not be reimbursed.
5. The Financial Advisor, with a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the AIA Executive Committee,
shall appoint an assistant, and both shall be authorized signors on the account.

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Section 5: Statements
1. The Financial Vice-President shall issue yearly financial statements at the Annual
Convention, consisting of a balance sheet and income statement.
2. An review of the books shall be conducted independently on a yearly basis.
Section 6: Budget
1. A budget shall be developed by the incoming and outgoing AIA Financial VPs overseen
by the AIA Financial Advisor(s) and then approved by the Finance Committee, Futures
Committee, and the General Assembly.
2. Changes in the approved budget, when the General Assembly is no longer in session,
must be approved by the Financial VP, the President and the General and Financial
Section 7: Expenditures
1. Any and all expenditures must be authorized and approved prior to purchase by the Vice
President of Finance in consultation with the AIA President.
2. Expenditures not budgeted for in the current year must be authorized by the General and
Financial Advisor.
3. The AIA shall be responsible for paying:
a. Stipends
b. Name Tags
c. Binders
d. Telephone expenses
e. Mailing expenses
f. Duplication fees
g. Secretarial expenses
h. Mug-Book
i. Apparel
j. Travel reimbursements
i. For the convention: Travel reimbursements for AIA executive officers,
who are currently holding student government positions, shall have onehalf (1/2) of their travel expenses paid by AIA and the other one-half (1/2)
paid by their own student government. Travel Reimbursements shall be
paid by AIA for the General Advisor and each executive officer not
holding a current position in their student government. All tickets
reimbursement for AIA Executive Officer not currently holding a student
government position not to exceed $700. Additional reimbursement
requests must be approved by the Financial VP, President, General
Advisor and Financial Advisor.
ii. Regional travel: For the AIA President, travel expenses shall be
reimbursed by AIA on approval of travel applications which will be
submitted to the AIA FVP prior to travel.
4. The AIA Executive Committee shall review the expenses submitted by the host college
student government following the convention and authorize reimbursement from AIA

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a. The Financial VP shall review the expenses submitted by the host college
student government and authorize reimbursement from AIA funds.
b. Reimbursement for AIA funds must be submitted prior to transfer of
c. Refer to Finances in Bylaws, Article IV, Section 5
5. Expenses related to pre-convention officers/advisers (meals, lodging) will be covered by
AIA and must be approved by the Vice President for Finance, General and Financial
6. Reserve fund. This shall be the difference between dues collected and approved budget
expenditures. Expenditures from this fund are to be approved by majority vote of the
Executive Committee.
Section 8: Stipend
1. The President shall be given an annual stipend of $750 to be paid when all documents
from the convention (minutes, constitution/bylaw changes, financial manual, and
convention expenditures report) are submitted to the General Advisor.
2. The convention coordinator on the host campus shall be given a stipend of $300 to be
paid at the Annual Convention upon the approval of the Financial Vice-President and
General Advisor. The host campus chief student affairs officer shall be given these funds
with the purpose of distributing to the conference coordinator.
3. The Executive Vice-President, Public Relations Vice-President, Publications VicePresident, Religious Vice-President and Social Vice-President, shall be given an annual
stipend of $200 to be paid when necessary reports (minutes of the various breakout
committee meetings) are provided to the Executive Secretary and General Advisor.
4. The Financial Vice President shall be given an annual stipend of $200 to be paid when
necessary reports (convention expenses, financial manual changes, and Finance
Committee minutes) are provided to the General and Financial Advisers.
5. The Executive Secretary shall be given an annual stipend of $200 to be paid with the
submission of the completed minutes (General Assembly Minutes, committee Minutes)
to the President upon the approval of the General Advisor.
6. All Executive Officers must attend the Annual Convention. If they are not able to attend
the convention their stipend will be reduced by 70% unless the absence is excused by
majority vote of the Executive Committee
7. The Parliamentarian shall be paid an annual stipend of $75 upon the approval of the
Financial Vice-President and General Advisor.
Section 9: Fundraising Project
Any expenses incurred during fundraising for AIA project will be the responsibility of each
College/University. Fundraising will be reported to the AIA Financial Vice-President.

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