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The Wealth of Time by Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (rahmatullah alayh)

This life is a journey. We are all on a journey and we are traveling all the time. Even if the person is a couch potato, and passing his life in inactivity and idleness, he too is traveling. If the person is sitting, lying down or sleeping, he too is traveling. The person is in a car: The car is moving and covering distance, and simultaneously, the journey of life too is continuing. The persons life is moving on and on. ne !reath follows another. "nd every !reath of life is part of that journey. #econds are tic$ing away. %inutes slip through the hourglass of time. &ays and nights !ring a close to wee$s and wee$s !ring a close to months and months !ring a close to the years. 'a(rat 'asan )asri *+ahmatullahi ,"layh- had so aptly said: . #on of "adam/ 0ou are nothing !ut a num!er of days. Whenever a day passes, a part of you has gone.. Every day, every wee$, every month is part of the journey 1 li$e how a person travels 23 $ms, 233 $ms, 433 $ms, 2333 $ms Every passing year of life is li$e a station which we reach. "nd no one $nows how many stations he has to travel through !efore he arrives at his destination. 5or some, there is just one station 1 and they die at the tender age of one6 some stop at 23 stations and at the age of 23, they depart. thers have to travel through 43 stations, 73 stations, even 233 stations in life !efore they reach the end of the journey. %ost of us have the e8perience of flight travel or even traveling !y train. We stop here and there in transit and then we arrive at the destination. The pilot informs the passengers when the plane !egins its descent for landing, and when the plane lands and comes to a standstill, the pilot announces that all passengers must disem!ar$ This is the reality of life. "ll of us have to disem!ar$ at some stage. When we reach the end of this worldly life, the 9ommand is given that the soul now disem!ar$s. "nd we have already seen so many disem!ar$ : seniors and juniors, rich and poor, $ings, presidents, su!jects 1 all have to disem!ar$. Therefore we have to !e thrifty with time6 we have to !e prudent and cautious in regard to time. :se it productively and constructively, usefully and efficiently. Time can !e li$ened to the root of a young tree 1a sapling. If a person loo$s after the sapling, and waters the root, it will grow into a !ig tree, with its !ranches and leaves spreading out, providing e8tensive shelter and a tree which gives a lot of fruit. We will say that the person too$ care of his life and the most precious commodity of his life was his time. ;ow that time !ears fruit !ecause the person carried out good deeds in the time given to him, engaging himself in #alaah, <i$rullah, Tilawah6 spending days in fasting, in giving <a$aah and #ada=aat, striving in earning 'alaal sustenance, as well as controlling his ga(es when in the shopping centres, mar$ets, universities, colleges, or wherever else, and controlling his heart from the evil desires of nafs and shaytaan. "ll of these no!le deeds were done in time. That tree !ears fruit, and he will enjoy those delicious fruits in the grave and in the 'ereafter. n the &ay of >iyaamah, he will also enjoy the e8tensive shelter which his good deeds will offer him, Insha?"llah.

"llah Taala also uses the analogy of a tree in the >uraan #hareef: @#ee you not how "llah sets forth a para!leA " goodly word as a goodly tree, whose root is firmly fi8ed, and its !ranches *reach- to the s$y *i.e. very high-.B C#urah I!rahim 2D : EDF 'ere, "llah Taala li$ens the )elievers Imaan and his deeds to a tree, with roots, deeply entrenched, a !ar$ which is strong and sturdy, and !ranches, e8tending high up. The real dividends and the real earnings and the greatest of all enjoyments, will !e e8perienced in Gannah when he will !ehold the !eauty of "llah Taala with his own eyes. #u!han"llah. ,That veil, which was covering "llah Taalas 9ountenance, will !e removed. ;ow will !e the time to smile for those who too$ that grief on their hearts, and restrained themselves from all evil. "s for the person who falls for the temptations of nafs and shaytaan, he will have to deal with the conse=uences of s=uandering the wealth of life and wasting the fortune of time. 'is is a !ad investment, where the shares drop completely. 'e may !e left with a meagre E3H or 23 H, or he may end up with nothing. If it was spent in dis!elief, the net result is the fire of Gahannum 1 %ay "llah Taala save us. If it was spent in sins, then we have !een warned of punishment in the grave as well as in the 'ereafter. "llah Taala li$ens the dis!eliever to a !ad tree ? !ecause his words and deeds are !ad. The roots of the tree are not fi8ed and not firmly esta!lished, and does not stand the test of time. @"nd the para!le of an evil word is that of an evil tree uprooted from the surface of earth, having no sta!ility.B C#urah I!rahim 2D: E7F The deeds of the dis!eliever are descri!ed as: @The deeds of those who dis!elieve their Iord are li$e ashes !lown away !y the wind on a stormy day. They will not !e a!le to gain anything out of what they did. That is the wandering away from the path.B C#urah I!rahim 2D: 2JF Their deeds are wasted due to their dis!elief in "llah Taala. Thus their time of life was wasted and there is no good that awaits them in the 'ereafter. *%ay "llah Taala protect us all from such an end-. When time is lost, life is lost. #ometimes the 'ereafter is lost. What a great loss when the person loses out the opportunity of ma$ing real investments 1 which would !ring him great, great profits in !oth worlds. 'ow sad if he reaches the "a$hirah as a pauper, or worse still, as a loser 1 losing out on Gannah forever. %ay "llah Taala protect us all. Iet us reflect over the words of +asulullah *#allallaahu ,alayhi wa?#allam- and reflect over which category we are in:@@The intelligent one is he who suppresses his desires and practises for what is after death, and the foolish one is he who ma$es his nafs follow its desires and *he- places hope on "llah.B

*Tirmi(i and I!n %ajah#o let us not waste time on those things that will not !enefit us in any way. %ay "llah Taala grant us the Taufee= of preparation for the journey to the "a$hirah.

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