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attipatti - sensitive plant arati chettu - banana akkala karra - pellitory root ashwagandha - vithania somnifera ,indian ginseng

addasaram - malabarnut avise chettu - linseed plant athibala chettu - mallow tree ashoka chettu - asoka tree amudam chettu - castor oil plant aavalu - indian mustard akupatri - cinnamomum tamala leaves ,biryani leaf ippa chettu - indian butter tree , mahwash tree eswari chettu - indian birthwort vuttareni - prickly chaff flower vusirika chettu - emblica myrabolan ,Indian gooseberry

vummetta - datura vooduga chettu - sage leaved alangium karaka chettu - chebulic myrobalan ( terminalia chebula ),galnut tree karivepaku - curry leaf kalabanda - aloe vera kasivinda ( chennangi ) - negro coffee kakara chettu - bitter gourd kamanchi ( buddakasha ) garden night shade kanuga ( ganuga ) chettu indian beech kuppinta - indian acalypha ,Indian nettle, three-seeded mercury kunkudu chettu - soapnut tree kobbari chettu - coconut plant kondapindi - aerva lanata kharjuram - date fruit

ganga ravi chettu - portia tree ,tulep tree ,heart wood ganneru chettu - sweet scented oleander garika - huriallee grass ,couch grass , creeping panic grass gadida gadapa aku aristolochia bracteata gurivinda ,guriginja - indian liquorice gummadi chettu - squash gourd ,pumpkin-ripe gulabi - rose flower guntagalagara - eclipta prostrata, eclipta alba ,bhringaraj godhumalu - wheat gorinta , maidaku - henna plant chintha chettu - the tamarind tree chithramoolam - ceylon leadwort jammi chettu - bulrush tree

jajikaya - nutmeg jaji poola theega chettu spanish jasmine jama chettu - guava ,pera jilledu chettu - gigantic swallow wort juvvi chettu - ficus infectoria ,white fruited wavy leaf fig tree thantepu mokka or thagarisa Foetid assia (or !cassia!), ickle enna, "offeeweed or #rsenic $eed, blunt-leaved senna ,coffee pod ,java bean, sicklepod! ,"hinese senna thamalapaku - betel leaves thangedu - mature tea tree thani chettu - bedda nuts thamara poola chettu - lotus thippa theega - heart - leaved moon seed

thulasi - holy basil thunga musthalu - nut grass nalla thumma chettu - indian gum arabic tree thummikoora - leaucas linifolia ,leaucas aspera thella galijeru - spreading hogweed ,horse purslane ,punarnava ,boerhavi diffusa , danimma chettu - pomegranate tree dirisena chettu - sirissa tree dintena - ,the beautiful butter fly pea tree ,blue pea ,clitorea ternatea doolagondi - the cowhage , velvet bean doosari - vasu vel , dagadi ,cocculus villosus draksha pandlu - grapes donda chettu - little gourd % ivy gourd ,cephalandra indica

nalleru - edible stemmed vine ,veldt grape ,devil&s back bone ,vitis quadrangularis nimma chettu - lemon neeli chettu - indigo plant neeru gobbi chettu - long leaves barleria ,hygrophila ,marsh barbel ,asteracantha longifolia nuvvula chettu - sesame seeds or gingelly oil plant neredu chettu - jambul ,the black plum nela vusiri chettu - stone breaker ,seed-underleaf , phyllanthus niruri nela thadi - golden eye grass, orchid palm grass , hypo'is orchioides nela vemu - (reen chirayta, creat, king of bitters, andrographis, India echinacea

patti chettu - indian cotton plant pathra beejam - christmas tree plant ,kalanchoe laciniata palleru - small caltrops palakodisha - koorchi ,echites antidysenterica pichi kusuma chettu - yellow thistle prickly or me'ican poppy ,)e'ican prickly poppy, cardo or cardosanto pudina - the marsh mint ,"orn )int, $ild )int, *apanese +eppermint, Field )int pogaku - tobacco banthi chettu - french mari gold badam chettu - almonds sweet boorugu chettu - redsilk cotton tree ,tree cotton ,cotton tree boppayi chettu - papaya tree ,pawpaw ,papaw ,mugua ,lecho,a

bodatharam ( bodasaram ) --ast Indian globe thistle machipatri - mugwort maddi chettu - white marudah or murdh mayura shikhi - fragrant maiden hair ,cockscomb ,maiden hair marri chettu - banian tree mandaram ,,dasanna poola chettu - "hinese hibiscus, "hina rose andshoe flower mamidi chettu - mango tree maredu chettu - .engal quince, stone apple ,bael tree minumulu ,minapa chettu - black gram,black matpe bean ,black lentil munaga chettu - horse radish tree , .en /il 0ree, "oatli, 1rumstick tree, .ridal veil mullangi - radish medi chettu - "luster Fig 0ree

,country fig ,the gular fig ,udumbar , modugu chettu - Flame of the Forest, .astard 0eak, +arrot 0ree, ravi chettu - acred Fig , .o0ree reddivarinanubala - #sthma weed, "ats hair, +ill 2 bearing spurge,#ustralian asthma weed, snake weed , semi erect euphorbia . rela chettu - golden shower tree ,golden shower cassia,, pudding pipetree ,indian laburnum vasa chettu - sweet flag , "alamus vayinta chettu - $ild mustard, "leome ,five-leaved cleome tree,spider flower ,bastard mustard 3

vishnukrantha - slender dwarf morning-glory, 1warf )orning (lory vakudu - indian night shade blue and white ,Indian olanum, vayuvidangalu - False .lack +epper ,white flowered embelia , robustal berries vavili chettu - five leaved chaste tree,horseshoe vite',chinese chaste tree , indian privet vempali chettu - Fish +oison, $ild Indigo verri pucha chettu - indian colocynth or bitter apple , colocynth,bitter cucumber,egusi ,vine of odom vepa chettu - margosa tree or indian lilac shanaga chettu - bengal gram ,chikpea ,ceci bean, garban,o

bean,chana (north India), Indian pea sabjaku ,kamma gaggera - .asil, or weet .asil saraswathi - indian penny wort sugandha pala - Indian arsaparilla sandra chettu - catechu ,"achou and .lack "utch seethaphalam - custard apple, sugar apple sweetsop. harichandanam or gandham chettu - indian sandal wood , sandal wood sunamukhi - tinnevelly senna ,indian senna ,-gyptian enna,

Natural Sleep Spray

How To Make a Natural Sleep Spray
I'm not asleep... but that doesn't mean I'm awake.

~Author Unknown~

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult gets less than seven hours of sleep per night. Now, that may sound like enough to some of you, but the fact is, a tip in staying healthy is to get enough sleep!
This natural sleep remedy is not only a natural remedy for insomnia, but also uses pure essential oils for additional health benefits.

So, now that !ve reali"e that don!t get enough sleep...what to do# There are many natural remedies for insomnia. $rink some warm milk before bed, maybe some soothing chamomile tea and make a natural sleep spray! A sleep spray is easy to make and rela%ing to use. t!s one of the natural health remedies that use nightly, to insure a restful, natural sleep. There are several different essential oils that can be used for your sleep spray. &ou!ll want to be sure that the oils you choose are safe for your skin.

n the following sleep spray recipe am going to recommend witch ha"el. 'itch ha"el is a natural astringent that is derived from the witch ha"el tree and often used on the face and skin. 'ith it!s natural, astringent properties, it is effective and beneficial as a body spray.
You can choose to use vodka as well, but my preference is the witch hazel

Natural Sleep Spray for Staying Healthy

Any of the essential oils below will create a splendid sleep spray to help you at nights! Try some of these together to see what you like best! always lean toward a clary sage and roman chamomile blend for a restful night!

Lavender(calming, works as an anti depressant, fights headaches Clary Sage()elieves stress, helps balance hormones, fights insomnia Bergamot(*elps to relieve an%iety + balance emotions Roman Chamomile(,alms your stomach + nerves(especially effective in children Frankincen e(-romotes calmness, rela%ation + deep breathing for staying healthy. Natural Sleep Spray ! "romatherapy Recipe


Small Spray .ottle

/ , $istilled 'ater / /01 T 'itch *a"el /1 $rops 2arious 3ssential 4ils or fragrance oils

if you don!t have witch ha"el, you can substitute an e5ual amount of vodka. $irection % /. -ut the water and the witch ha"el into the spray bottle and shake. The witch ha"el will help the essential oils to disperse evenly and not settle at the bottom. 1. Add your choice of 3ssential 4ils or fragrance oils and shake gently. 6. Shake before each use and en7oy your natural sleep spray! ,lick here for some 5uick links to buy pure essential oils8

witch ha"el lavender clary sage bergamot chamomile frankincense

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