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Project Guidelines and Submission of Project Report

Hope that you have submitted the Synopsis, now it is time to submit your PROJECT. It is to be submitted in prescribed format, as given below.

Project Guidelines
1. Project carries 200 marks for 4 credits, 400 marks for 8 credits & 100 marks for 2 credits depending upon the course and as a result the submission of the project is Compulsory. 2. Project has to be submitted in duplicates i.e. two hard copies and two soft copies at the Institute. 3. One of the hard and soft copies would be submitted at the University. 4. Project can be made on any one of the specialization that you have chosen from Marketing, Finance, Banking, Information System, Retail operations, Operations Management, TQM, Project Management, Human Resource Management, Event Management, Entrepreneurship Management, Healthcare Services Management, International Business Management, Supply Chain Management and Environmental Management in MBA Course & on any Topic by using any Programming Language in IT Courses and on any topic related to Journalism in BAJM/MAJM Course. 5. Project should be done individually. 6. The Length of the project report must be at least about 100-150 pages. 7. The format of Project report is attached for your reference. 8. The project report should contain all the annexures. Note: 1. It is compulsory to submit the Project 2. In case of non- submission the student will be marked zero in project and he would have to apply for re-sitting in the next semester.

Objectives of Project Work:The objectives of the Project Work (which is required as part of Course curriculum) are: 1) To enable students to develop further skills and knowledge gained during the course by applying them to the analysis of a specific business problem or issue, via a substantial piece of independent work carried out over an extended period.

2) For students to demonstrate proficiency in the design of a research project, application of appropriate research methods, collection and analysis of data, and presentation of results.

Learning outcomes:On successful completion of the Project Work (which is required as part of Course curriculum), students will be able to:

1) Demonstrate clarity of problem definition and scope; critical evaluation of a focused review of relevant literature; a carefully argued case for the research methods employed; proficiency in the analysis and interpretation of qualitative data, where appropriate; and sensitivity to the organizational context for which recommendations are made, where appropriate. 2) Present the results of their research in an academically acceptable format, paying particular attention to integration of the literature review, critical evaluation of data, clear presentation of research results, and clear evaluation of the implement ability of the recommendations.

General Instructions regarding Format:1. The full content of the report must be hard bound together so that the pages cannot be removed or replaced. 2. The cover of the report must contain Title, Name of the candidate, the award and year of submission. 3. Text pages should be printed on one side of the paper, preferably with 1.5 line spacing and page numbers at the bottom of the each page. Margins should be 2 on the left and 1 on the right. 4. Please use separate index sheets for all chapters each chapter should start from a new page. 5. The declaration must be duly signed by the student 6. The project report must be about 100-150 pages. 7. The text in the printed copies must in black color. 8. 1.5 line spacing should be used for typing the general text. The general text shall be typed in the Font style Times New Roman and Font size 14. 9. Report must contain all the necessary documents such as a) Certificate from the examiner b) Certificate of the University study centre c) Company certificate d) Acknowledgements e) Table of contents

f) Bonafide certificate Template for Preparation of Project Report for MBA course Contents 1. Cover page And Title page 2. Student Declaration 3. Examiners Certificate 4. University Study Center Certificate 5. Acknowledgement 6. Bonafide Letter 7. Executive Summary 8. Introduction 9. Objective 10. Company Profile a. Brief Introduction of a company b. History (Very brief) of the organization 11. Project Preview a. Introduction b. Objective c. Methodology d. Analysis e. Conclusions 12. Annexure 13. References/Bibliography

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Under the guidance of ______________________________ Submitted by ______________________________ In partial fulfillment of the requirement For the award of the degree Of MBA/MCA/BCA/M.Sc.IT/B.Sc.IT/BAJM/MAJM



I hereby declare that the project report entitled _________ (Title) ___________________ Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of business Administration to Sikkim Manipal University, India, is my original work and not submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, fellowship, or any other similar title or prizes. Place: Date: (Name of Candidate) Reg. No.:


The project report of (Name) (Title) Is approved and is acceptable in quality and form



This is to certify that the project report entitled (Title) Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Business Administration of Sikkim Manipal University (Student Name) has worked under my supervision and guidance and that no part of this report has been submitted for the award of any other degree, diploma, Fellowship or other similar titles or prizes and that the work has not been published in any journal or Magazine. (Reg. No.)


Acknowledgment is the regards given to the people and organization that have helped you in completing the project undertaken. Mainly it must consist of Acknowledgement towards the organization you study and to the company where you have done your project followed by the people who have helped you in the process.


Certified that this project report titled .. is the bonafide work of ..<NAME OF THE CANDIDATE(S)>. who carried out the project work under my supervision. SIGNATURE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT APAR INDIA SIGNATURE FACULTY IN CHARGE APAR INDIA


Executive summary should be of one page summary of the project report. It should consist of the statement of the problem, main findings, and recommendations for the further use. It should be typed in double line spacing, Font Style-Times New Roman and Font Size-14. Chapters: Mainly the chapters can be broadly classified into 3 parts 1. Introductory chapter 2. Chapter(s) on the main content of the project 3. Concluding chapter. The main text will be divided into several chapters and each chapter can be further divided into several divisions and sub-divisions. Each chapter should be given a relevant title. Tables and figures in a chapter should be placed in the position with respect to the reference where they are cited. Headers and Footnotes should be used sparingly. The title of the project must be refle cted in the left side of the header and chapter name must be in the right side of the headers. Page numbers are to be placed in the right side of the footer. They should be typed single space and placed directly underneath in the very same page, which refers to the material they annotate. NOTE: Always the report must be ended with the concluding chapter and future enhancements

References/Bibliography: The listing of references should be typed 4 spaces below the heading REFERENCES in alphabetical order in single spacing left justified. The reference material should be listed in the alphabetical order of the first author. The name of the author/authors should be immediately followed by the year and other details. Any website reference must be referred preceded by the publications reference. You find a specimen for a typical reference REFERENCES 1. Anupama (1947) Role of Electronic engineering in Technology, IEEEJournal of Computer science, CA. 2. Nupur Rastogi. (2008) Transformational Leadership, Journal on contemporary management. 3. Ramya S Gowda. (2008) Automatic Classification of Satellite Images for Weather Monitoring, International conference on Digital Factory, Coimbatore. 4. WWW.\

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