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Company Policies, Rules & Regulations

1. Traditional Holidays
1.1 1. 1.# 1.$ 1.% 1.0 1.2 1.8 1.6 Makha Bucha Day !ongkran )ational *abor Day "sarnha Bucha Day .M the /ueen Birth(ay Chulalongkorn Day .M the 3ing4s Birth(ay Constitution Day )e7 8ear4s 9:e Feb "pr May -uly "ug 1ct Dec Dec Dec 18 11,1 ,1#,1$,1% 1% 1 $ % 1 #5 Fri Mon Mon Fri Fri Mon Mon Mon Fri


&ue, 'e(, &hu, Fri +!ubstitution May 1, +!ubstitution 1ct #, +!ubstitution Dec 15, +!ubstitution Dec #1,
Last Update October 2010


Ann al Holidays
";ter one year o; employment, the 9mployee 7ill be entitle( to 0 (ays o; pai( :acation. ";ter the one year perio(, the :acation 7ill accrue at the rate o; 1 (ay e:ery !1 days. <acation time can accrue ;or up to t7o years, or a ma=imum o; 1 (ays. ";ter t7o years the employee 7ill recei:e 2 (ays :acation an( can accrue up 1 day per e"ery #2 days to 1$ (ays ma=imum. 9mployees may re(eem holi(ays ;or pay at the (iscretion o; the 9mployer. &he employee must gi:e a minimum o; t7o 7eeks notice be;ore any :acation time can be utili>e(. &he t7o 7eek perio( notice is (e;ine( by the signature an( (ate o; the Presi(ent on the <acation ? "bsence Form. @; a tra(itional holi(ay occurs (uring the :acation time, the 9mployee 7ill be pai( ;or the holi(ay also.
Last Update $an ary 2010

%. (.

&ee'ly Holidays
!atur(ay an( !un(ay shall be normal (ays o; rest, unless stipulate( in section $.
Last Update $an ary 2010

&or' &ee'
&he normal 7ork 7eek shall consist o; Mon(ay through Fri(ay, 8A55 a.m. to %A55 p.m. A 10 )in te brea' at 10*00 A+ , 0%*00 -+ is per)itted. "n employee is entitle( to a one hour rest +lunch, perio( 7hich must be taken a;ter not more than ;i:e consecuti:e hours o; 7ork. .o7e:er i; 7ork loa( is reBuire( !atur(ay 8A55 "M to 1%A55 PM 7ill be inclu(e( in the normal 7ork 7eek.
Last Update $an ary 2010


"rri:ing to 7ork up to 1% minutes late is permitte(, ho7e:er the 7orker must stay an a((itional eBui:alent time a;ter %A55pm to make up the time. @; consistently late past 1% minutes 7ill recei:e :erbal an( 7ritten notice an( i; not correcte( 7ill result in (isciplinary action an(? or termination o; employment.
Last Update October 2010


1:ertime on a 'orking Day shall not be 7orke( 7ithout the prior consent o; the 9mployee an( appro:al o; the 9mployer. @; the nature o; the 7ork reBuires it to be per;orme( continuously an( stoppage may cause (amage to the 7ork, or it is emergency 7ork, the 9mployer may reBuire an 9mployee to 7ork o:ertime as necessary.
Last Update $an ary 2002

&he 9mployer shall not reBuire an 9mployee to 7ork on a .oli(ay unless the nature o; the 7ork reBuires it to be per;orme( continuously an( stoppage may cause (amage to the 7ork, or it is emergency 7ork. @n that case, the 9mployer may reBuire an 9mployee to 7ork on a .oli(ay as necessary.
Last Update $an ary 2002

"ppro:e( By A -ohn Philip .arrison +Presi(ent, A./ T0ailand Co)pany Li)ited

DateA 8th 1ctober 515

9mployee )ame +
DateA 8th 1ctober 515

Page 1 o;

Company Policies, Rules & Regulations
1. Sic' Lea"e


"n 9mployee is entitle( to ha:e pai( sick lea:e as long as he or she is actually sick. "ll employees must call their (irect super:isor themsel:es an( not ha:e any other person call be;ore 6A55am to noti;y i; sick. Failure to call be;ore 8A1%am 7ill be consi(ere( as an unauthori>e( absence an( (e(uct :acation or salary or other (isciplinary action. For sick lea:e o; three consecuti:e (ays or more, the 9mployee is reBuire( to pro(uce a me(ical certi;icate ;rom a ;irst class physician or an o;;icial me(ical establishment. 1n the (ay o; return to 7ork a;ter a sick lea:e the employee must submit a signe( <acation ? "bsence Form to their super:isor an( Presi(ent ;or signature. @; an 9mployee is sick the (ay be;ore or (ay a;ter any pai( :acation (ay they must comply 7ith all !ick *ea:e rules plus must pro:i(e a me(ical certi;icate.
Last Update October 2010


+aternity Lea"e
" ;emale 9mployee 7ho is pregnant is entitle( to maternity lea:e o; not more than 65 (ays ;or each pregnancy. .o7e:er, the pai( portion o; maternity lea:e shall not e=cee( $% (ays per year. &he maternity lea:e can start up to t7o 7eeks be;ore the (eli:ery o; the baby is e=pecte(. Days o; maternity lea:e shall not be regar(e( as sick lea:e.
Last Update $an ary 2003


Unco)pensated Ti)e O44

Cncompensate( &ime 1;; is not permitte(, ho7e:er is solely up to the (iscretion o; the Presi(ent 7ith prior appro:al.
Last Update October 2010

"ppro:e( By A -ohn Philip .arrison +Presi(ent, A./ T0ailand Co)pany Li)ited

DateA 8th 1ctober 515

9mployee )ame +
DateA 8th 1ctober 515



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