Butt Imbalances

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Bret's Glute eBook

Glute Training, Low Back Reconditioning

How to Fix Glute Imbalances

by Bret !anuary "#, #$"% &' (omments

Glute imbalances are very common much more common than youd imagine !ut o" all o" the email in#uiries $ receive "rom my readers %ertaining to the glutes& the to%ic o" imbalances comes u% the most o"ten $" you comb the 'eb& you 'ont "ind much good material on this to%ic $n "act& a Google search o" the term (glute imbalance) yielded several links on the "ront %age to threads "rom some o" the most %o%ular strength & conditioning "orums yet no com%rehensive ans'ers could be "ound The reason 'hy strength & conditioning e*%erts shy a'ay "rom this to%ic is because the ans'er is com%licated $n this article $ 'ill "irst discuss the reasons 'hy you may have a gluteal imbalance& and then $ll discuss %otential solutions (auses o) Gluteal Imbalances "* +symmetrical Human,-ature +y nature& 'e are asymmetrical beings !ur anatomy itsel" can be asymmetrical& "or e*am%le right to le"t %elvic and hi% asymmetries and leg length discre%ancies are common Ho'ever& o" %erha%s greater im%ortance is that our daily movement is markedly asymmetrical in nature ,e tend to shi"t to one side 'hen standing "or %rolonged %eriods& and 'e develo% com"ortable& asymmetrical %atterns "or common daily tasks

$n s%orts& its natural to rely %redominantly on one side during a %articular %attern -or e*am%le& 'hen 'e kick& most right.handed individuals 'ill %lant o"" o" their le"t leg and kick 'ith their right leg -or this reason& most right.handed individuals are actually more stable on their le"t leg and there"ore are initially better on their le"t leg com%ared to their right leg 'hen learning single leg e*ercises $n rotational s%orts& most athletes s'ing or thro' "rom the same side& 'hich uses the rear glute to a much greater degree than the "ront glute $t comes as no sur%rise then that one glute or region o" the glute might be stronger and more coordinated than the other

There"ore& non.signi"icant gluteal imbalances should not necessarily be thought o" as dys"unctional& they might /ust be a natural conse#uence o" li"e Signi"icant imbalances o" a%%ro*imately 012 or more& ho'ever& should be actively targeted "or correction

#* Inacti.ity ,hen considering the human body& 'e kno' that some muscles are more %rone to inhibition than others& and the glutes are one o" these (easily.inhibited) muscles Several decades ago& %hysical thera%ists such as 3ladimir 4anda noticed that the glutes are #uite %rone to inhibition& and in the last decade strength coaches "or %ro"essional teams began to notice that their athletes glutes 'ere not "unctioning o%timally

There are a "e' reasons 'hy the glutes could shut do'n 5eural and mechanical inhibition involving o%%osing muscles can inter"ere 'ith gluteal activation -or e*am%le& tight or shortened hi% "le*ors may lead to 'hats been coined (reci%rocal inhibition) o" the gluteals There may even be inhibitory conse#uences to e*cessive sitting& as

com%ression slo's do'n vascular "unction and inter"eres 'ith nerve "unction ,ell learn belo' that %ain inhibits muscle contractility and is a ma/or %layer in glute inhibition Moreover& gluteal inhibition can negatively im%act %osture& and %oor %osture can "urther inhibit the glutes& thereby creating a do'n'ard s%iral in gluteal "unction Ho'ever& %robably the biggest reason 'hy the glutes shut do'n is due to inactivity $" you "ail to consistently activate a muscle& and you "ail to regularly activate a muscle to high levels o" ca%acity& it 'ill inevitably #uit 'orking %ro%erly $" you study electromyogra%hy 67MG8& you learn that many muscles get highly activated "rom common& everyday movements -or e*am%le& the #uads get highly activated every time you stand u% "rom a chair& %ick a bo* u% "rom o"" the ground& or climb stairs The erectors are highly activated 'hen bending over to move "urniture or %er"orm yard 'ork The trice%s receive su""icient stimulation 'hen %osting u% to get u% "rom a %rone %osition or to %ush o%en a heavy door The calves are highly activated 'hen climbing stairs& and the abdominals are highly activated 'hen sitting u% "rom a lying %osition Ho'ever& the gluteus ma*imus "ails to achieve high levels o" activation during each o" the a"orementioned everyday movements $n "act& the nervous system only activates the glutes to around 092 o" ma*imum ca%acity during the sit.to.stand& es%ecially in the manner in 'hich most sedentary individuals rise "rom a chair& and gluteus ma*imus activation is even less during gait at normal 'alking s%eeds !nly heavy or e*%losive movement such as s#uatting& deadli"ting& lunging& hi% thrusting& /um%ing& running& and s'inging highly activate the gluteus ma*imus The %roblem is that most %eo%le "ail to %er"orm any o" these activities on a regular basis in the modern.day 'orld

$" 'e 'ere to e*amine the muscle density achieved via ma*imum voluntary isometric contraction 6M3$:8 o" 099 sedentary individuals& it is likely that ;1 o" them 'ould be able to %roduce signi"icant tension in their #uadrice%s& calves& abdominals& and trice%s musculature& to name a "e' Ho'ever& %erha%s only << o" these individuals 'ould be able to achieve high levels o" tension in their gluteus ma*imus This is 'hy strength coaches and %hysical thera%ists alike have gravitated to'ard %rescribing sim%le& lo'.load glute.activation drills to their athletes and %atients They are seeking to counteract the natural tendency o" the glutes to shut.do'n and to teach the glutes to "ire "ast and hard 'hen needed during "unctional movement

%* /ain, /rior In0ury, and 1tructural Issues $ mentioned above that %ain is a huge inhibitor o" the gluteus ma*imus This is a big deal =esearch sho's that the glutes can become inhibited 'ith /ust about any lo'er body or s%inal in/ury Ho' many o" you readers have stubbed your toe> This inhibits the glutes Ho' many o" you have s%rained an ankle> Glute inhibition Hurt your knee or your hi%> Pulled a groin or hammy> -ell on your tailbone> 7*%erienced sciatica> T'eaked your lo' back> All o" these in/uries decrease glute activation $s this a bad thing>

5ot e*actly The glutes are ma/or %ro%ulsion muscles They %roduce %o'er"ul locomotion $nhibiting the glutes 'ill cause an individual to slo' do'n so they can heal +ack in the day& you 'ould not have survived long i" you 'ere "orced to hobble around "or the rest o" your li"e due to in/ury So "rom an evolutionary survival stand%oint& this is a 'ise strategy The %roblem is that the glutes dont necessarily turn back on automatically They must be reactivated& restrengthened& and recoordinated back into every day movement and activity Ho' many %eo%le s%rain their ankle& and u%on healing& %er"orm glute activation drills and utili?e a %rogressive a%%roach to reintegrate their glute into "unctional& high. "orce& and high.velocity movement> The over'helming ma/ority do not -ollo'ing in/ury& most "olks sim%ly kee% on kee%in on& and their movement %atterns su""er =ather than e*%eriencing %ro%er glute "unction during movement& they rely on other muscles to get the /ob done This is 'hy you see %elvises dro%%ing to the side and knees colla%sing in'ard during gait& backs rounding over during li"ting tasks& and an over.reliance on the hamstrings "or hi% e*tension The body is resilient and 'ill "ind a 'ay to %revail& and %eo%le can become very "it des%ite using the 'rong muscles or dis%laying "aulty movement %atterns 5e*t time you go "or an early morning drive& %ay attention to the /oggers @oull notice that not many o" them a%%ear athletic or %ossess good running %osture Sadly& most look like theyre (s%eed.lim%ing ) +ut even advanced athletes o"ten have "aulty glute "unction !ne study e*amining strongmen sho'ed that the best heavily incor%orated the glutes during li"ting tasks& 'hereas the less.skilled relied %redominantly on the back musculature

-inally& 'e must consider mor%hological structural issues that could contribute to diminished glute "unction To list some e*am%les& lets say that you have lost the natural arch in your right "oot& or you have bone s%urs in right hi%& or you have scoliosis& or you have e*cessive anterior %elvic tilt& or you damaged the lateral meniscus in your right knee 7ach o" these could create glute inhibition To con"use matters& some o" these could have been caused by glute inhibition 6remember the do'n'ard s%iral $ re"erred to earlier>8 So structural changes can cause or be caused by gluteal inhibition

+ut dont be alarmed these conditions dont guarantee glute dys"unction An athlete could %ossess any one o" these maladies and yet still %ossess sound."unctioning glutes $n "act& %erha%s the best %ound."or.%ound deadli"ter in %o'erli"ting history had severe scoliosis& and a ma/ority o" s%rinters have (e*cessive) anterior %elvic tilt 1olutions )or Restoring Gluteal Imbalance As 'e noted above& glute imbalances can be caused by dys"unction brought u%on by %ain or inactivity and are there"ore a (dys"unctional conse#uence ) Ho'ever& they can also be caused by everyday li"e and s%orts and are there"ore a ("unctional conse#uence )

$ do not kno' 'hy @!A= glutes are imbalanced Lets say that 'e had a consultation and $ learned your entire athletic and in/ury history at best $ could only s%eculate as to 'hy you have a glute imbalance Maybe 'hen you 'ere in high school you hurt your le"t knee& 'hich caused your le"t glute to shut.do'n& and since you never rehabilitated %ro%erly& your body memori?ed sub.o%timal movement %atterns and has been relying on "aulty motor control ever since Maybe in your t'enties you #uit %laying s%orts and #uit going to the gym and %retty much sat on the couch "or < years Buring this time& %erha%s you rarely used your glutes& and the only times you did anything that used the glutes to any substantial degree& you relied %redominantly on the le"t leg& causing the right glute to shut do'n 'hile kee%ing the le"t strong Maybe your "avorite s%ort 'as highly asymmetrical and you s'ung a club or thre' right handed& strengthening your right glute to a much greater degree than your le"t ,hatever the case is& it usually doesnt matter as the solution is o"ten the same Buring the (re.education) %rocess& its im%ortant to have %ro%er %ers%ective @ou might have been 'alking around 'ith a gluteal imbalance "or over a decade& there"ore its going to take some time to re'ire your motor circuitry $" it takes a "e' months "or the %roblem to normali?e& so be it 7ach session youll be a little bit closer to your goal so be %atient Also recall that 'e 'ant to strengthen the (neuromuscular) unit Theres a neural and muscular com%onent to "i*ing the issue =ight no' your dys"unctional glute is 'eak and doesnt 'ant to activate @ou need to get it easily.e*citable through neural reeducation& and then you can "ocus on increasing strength and hy%ertro%hy 2ait )or /ain to 1ubside ,hen %ain e*ists during movement& the brain is trying to shut do'n the glutes& so this is not a good time to try to be teaching the glutes (motor learning ) There sim%ly 'ill not be much learning going on in the gluteal motor So 'ait until %ain subsides to start attem%ting to "i* the dys"unctional glute Assuming %ain is gone& there are si* strategies that you may choose to em%loy Be%ending on your situation& you may 'ant to stick to /ust some o" the strategies& or you

may em%loy all si* simultaneously $t all de%ends on your situation Here are the si* strategiesC "* Isometric (ontractions )or t3e 2eaker Glute The "irst thing you 'ant to do in order to try to "i* a gluteal imbalance is %er"orm a bunch o" e*tra 'ork "or the 'eaker glute ,hat you need to do is establish a solid mind.muscle connection 6MM:8 'ith the dys"unctional glute !ne great 'ay o" going about this is to %er"orm isometric contractions Here is a good series to %er"orm on a daily basisC

09 sets o" <.second ma*imum contractions 'ith the 'eaker glute "rom a standing %osition 09 sets o" <.second ma*imum contractions 'ith the 'eaker glute "rom a seated %osition 09 sets o" <.second ma*imum contractions 'ith the 'eaker glute "rom a %rone %osition

D =est 1 seconds in bet'een isoholds

@ou can do these isometrics any'here as they dont re#uire e#ui%ment $n "act& you can even do them 'hile youre at 'ork $ts unlikely that anybody 'ill notice& unless the %erson is staring right at your butt Bont be a"raid to %er"orm these multi%le times throughout the day #* Low,Load 4ynamic 4rills )or t3e 2eaker Glute $n addition to the isometric contractions& you 'ant to %er"orm a variety o" dynamic movements "or the 'eaker glute so you target all the glute "ibers through their multi%le roles The goal is to choose very sim%le e*ercises that arent challenging This 'ay& you can steer the neural "lo' to the gluteus ma*imus and %revent it "rom "lo'ing e*cessively to the hamstrings or other synergists @ou do not 'ant to go to "ailure 'hen %er"orming sets o" these e*ercises -ive to seven days %er 'eek& you 'ant to %er"orm a 1.09.minute motor.learning routine "or the 'eaker glute consisting o"C

E sets o" 09.E9 re%s o" side lying abductions 'ith the 'eaker leg E sets o" 09.E9 re%s o" side lying clams 'ith the 'eaker leg E sets o" 09.E9 re%s o" #uadru%ed hi% e*tensions 'ith the 'eaker leg

E sets o" 09.E9 re%s o" single leg glute bridges 'ith the 'eaker leg

D =est <9 seconds bet'een sets D Per"orm the e*ercises in circuit "ashionF "irst the abduction& then the clam& then the #uadru%ed& then the bridge& then re%eat D Bont do any o" these drills "or the stronger legGglute

=emember& the "ocus is on #uality muscle contractions @ou 'ant to "eel these movements as much as %ossible in the gluteus ma*imus o" the dys"unctional side Tinker around 'ith your "orm and "igure out ho' to ma*imi?e gluteal recruitment during these movements Positioning "or ma*imum gluteal recruitment varies "rom %erson to %erson so $ cant give you the e*act reci%e here you need to "igure it out "or your body Bont add load in the "orm o" bands or ankle 'eights& dont %er"orm more challenging variations& and dont %er"orm more than E9 re%etitions @oure not going "or %rogressive overload youre aiming "or gluteal reeducation %* Low,to,Medium,Load 1ymmetrical Bilateral Mo.ements @ou dont need to com%letely shy a'ay "rom s#uatting& deadli"ting& hi% thrusting& or back e*tensions 4ust dont 'orry about load "or a 'hile and instead "ocus on symmetrical movement and "eeling the glute muscles 'ork e#ually on each side @oure going to be blending your ne'"ound increased glute activation into your motor %rograms "or each movement& so this is an im%ortant element to your success $n "act& strengthening the glute alone 'ill not solve your issue @our neural circuitry has been 'ired "or asymmetrical movement %atterns and muscle recruitment $t has built a (motor engram&) or a memori?ed movement %attern& and youre trying to re'ire the circuitry @ou need to learn to activate the 'eaker glute& you need it to be stronger& and you need to build u% its hy%ertro%hy& and youll do this by hammering the 'eaker side +ut this alone 'ill not %rovide a com%lete "i* @ou still need to learn to %er"orm bilateral movements %ro%erly 7very re%etition o" s#uats& deadli"ts& hi% thrusts& and back e*tensions you %er"orm 'ith %er"ect symmetry 'hile "eeling the 'eaker glute activate %ro%erly is a PLAS 7very re%etition o" s#uats and deadli"ts you %er"orm that is not symmetrical in movement and activation is a M$5AS

$ts u% to you to learn your loading threshold and stick to loads that allo' "or %ro%er motor %rogramming -or some& this e#uates to body'eight loading& and "or others& H92 o" 0=M might be okay Ho'ever& even i" your imbalance is not that signi"icant& you de"initely 'ant to shy a'ay "rom anything above ;92 o" 0=M "or at least a month

,hen you go too heavy& your body ,$LL "ind the %ath o" least resistance in order to get the /ob done !ne o" your glutes is 'eaker than the other and i" you %ush the envelo%e your body 'ill 'ork around it by using other muscles and contorting the body 6i e C shi"ting to one side& rotating at the hi%s8 So %lease rememberC good re%s take you "or'ardF bad re%s take you back'ard and cause stagnationI Gradually increase loading over the course o" several months $" you ram% u% too soon& you 'ont %rogress as youll /ust con"use the 'eaker glute and %revent reintegration @ou may 'ish to start o"" 'ith easier variations such as goblet s#uats and =BLs Take your time and be %atient 5* Bilateral Mo.ements wit3 Resistance Bands +round t3e 6nees, +nkles, or Feet +ody'eight s#uatting and bridging %atterns 'ith resistance bands around the knees are very e""ective "or gluteal reeducation and should be %er"ormed during 'arm.u%s $n addition& various ty%es o" band 'alks can and should be %er"ormed These have di""erent names& such as *.band 'alks& sumo 'alks& and monster 'alks $ recommend %lacing bands around the mid."eet and %er"orming both crouched and u%right 'alking movements $ also recommend %er"orming these 'alks both "or'ard and back'ard as 'ell as "rom side to side 4ust %ick a cou%le o" these band e*ercises each session and %er"orm E sets o" each during the 'arm.u% Again& dont go "or P=s and %rogressive overload& go "or activation Think JAAL$T@& not JAA5T$T@

'* 1ingle Leg Mo.ements and (ore 1tability 4rills Heres the deal @ou dont 'ant your strong leg to get 'eaker& and you dont 'ant the glutes& hamstrings& adductors& and #uads on the good leg to shrivel u% ,hat you do 'ant is "or the glute on the 'eaker side to catch u% as #uickly as %ossible so it matches that o" the stronger side Per"orming lo'.to.medium load bilateral movements 'ill %revent the hi% and thigh muscles on the dominant side "rom e*%eriencing signi"icant atro%hy& and you 'ont lose a%%reciable amounts o" strength either So let that give you %eace o" mind Ho'ever& you can still %er"orm some traditional single leg 'ork 6think +ulgarian s%lit s#uats& ste% u%s& reverse lunges& single leg =BLs& single leg hi% thrusts& and single leg back e*tensions8 or core stability 'ork 6think Pallo" %resses& side %lanks& and band hi% rotations8 'ith t'o caveatsC

Bont go too heavy to the %oint 'here you no longer "eel the 'eaker glute doing the brunt o" the 'ork $" you cant accom%lish this 'ith body'eight loading& then dont do them theyre too advanced "or you and 'ill %revent you "rom %rogressing Assuming you do "eel these movements 'orking the 'eaker glute %ro%erly& then you can indeed incor%orate them into your %rogramming& but the set sto%s the second "orm breaks do'n or the second you sto% "eeling the glute doing the 'ork Bo t'ice the volume "or the 'eaker side com%ared to the stronger side $" you do 09 re%s "or the 'eaker side& stick to 1 re%s "or the stronger side This 'ill also %revent strength and hy%ertro%hy losses "or the dominant side 'hile allo'ing the 'eaker glute to catch u%

$" you %lay an asymmetrical s%ort thats in season& $ advise you to not do any 'ork "or the dominant side as its getting %lenty o" 'ork during the s%ort and %ractices themselves 7* 1el),Myo)ascial Release 81MR9 and 1tatic and 4ynamic 1tretc3es $t is very im%ortant "or your hi% mobility to be symmetrical @ou should test your hi% "le*ibility "or each leg in all %ossible directions @ou 'ant to test your hi% "le*ion& hi% e*tension& hi% abduction& hi% adduction& hi% internal rotation& and hi% e*ternal rotation "le*ibility "or each hi% $" you have a marked asymmetry in any o" the motions& then you should attem%t to restore balance as #uickly as %ossible ,hile the strengthening movements can hel% 'ith this goal& some SM= and stretching is synergistic and 'ill e*%edite the %rocess !"ten you 'ill "ind that hi% rotation imbalances e*ist 6e*ternal or internal8 $" so& you 'ill bene"it "rom %er"orming a combination o" "oam rolling& static stretches& and dynamic stretches to hel% achieve balanced "le*ibility Stick to 1 minutes o" SM= and "le*ibility 'ork "or the a""ected side

+utomaticity is t3e Goal @our goal is to eventually reach automaticity and #uit having to (think glutes) all day long Sure& any good li"ter has to remind him or hersel" to s#uee?e the glutes on ma*imal hi% e*tension e*ercises such as 'hen locking out a deadli"t +ut both o" your glutes

should "ire automatically 'hen you e*tend the hi% 6or conduct any other movement that relies on the glutes8 ,ithin si*.months o" gluteal reeducation& you should be able to balance out your strength and movement %atterns ho%e"ully even #uicker @ou eventually 'ant to be able to %er"orm high.load movements such as ma*imal s#uats and deadli"ts and e*%losive movements such as /um% s#uats& %o'er cleans& kettlebell s'ings& %lyos& and s%rints& 'ith symmetrical and %ro%erly "unctioning gluteals As you %rogress in your gluteal reeducation you 'ill begin to ram% u% in loading and %er"orm more challenging e*ercises As this occurs& you 'ill begin to 'ean yoursel" o"" o" isometric contractions and lo'.load glute activation drills -or less.serious cases o" glute imbalances& this %rocess might take K 'eeks -or more serious glute imbalances& the %rocess could take <.L months $ts im%ossible to tell 4ust be consistent and diligent and you should be able to restore %ro%er "unction

(onclusion $ ho%e that this article has shed some light on gluteal imbalances and %rovided you 'ith solutions to your %roblem $n summaryC

Bont train in %ain Per"orm lots o" e*tra 'ork "or the 'eaker glute in the "orm o" isometric and lo'. load dynamic glute activation drills Per"orm lighter bilateral movements such as s#uats and deadli"ts 'ith %er"ect symmetry Atili?e resistance bands %laced around the "eet& ankles& or knees to %er"orm s#uats& bridges& and various 'alking movements Per"orm e*tra volume "or the 'eaker leg 'hen busting out single leg and core stability 'ork such as lunges& single leg =BLs& side %lanks and Pallo" %resses& and Per"orm SM= and "le*ibility 'ork i" you have hi% "le*ibility imbalances

Al'ays think #uality over #uantity& and "ocus intensively on re%rogramming the 'eaker glute and develo%ing a %ro%er MM: $n time& you should be able to solve your %roblem& reach automaticity& and %ossess a balanced booty

Bene)its o) 4oing +bduction:;xternal Rotation Mo.ements Abduction e*ercises o"ten hit the u%%er glutes really hard 'hile e*ternal rotation movements hit the entire glutes really 'ell $n "act& as you can see in the chart above the band e*ternal rotation is an ama?ing glute e*erciseMmost likely the best glute isolation movement in e*istence $ts di""icult to master& but i" you can do it& youre glutes 'ill res%ond very "avorablyI Boing these movements "irst in a routine o"ten allo's the client to "eel their glutes 'orking more on subse#uent e*ercises 'hich is a huge %lus 3e /lan 0 E < K Screen ,arm.A% Progressions Advanced Protocol

1creen $deally %rior to your "irst 'orkout youd receive a %ro%er screening $m biased to'ard the -unctional Movement Screen 6-MS8 but in order to use good "orm on various e*ercises you need to have %ro%er levels o" mobility and stability in the various /oints 2arm,<= $deally "or each 'orkout you 'ould 'arm.u% by com%leting a circuit consisting o" drills "rom each o" the "ollo'ing "ive categories The screen 'ould determine 'hich drills and ho' much o" each category should be %er"ormed %rior to the 'orkout The 'arm.u% should last around E9 minutesC 08 -oam =ollingGTrigger.Point Thera%y this addresses so"t.tissue #uality and density& gets rid o" trigger %oints& breaks u% adhesions& and increases blood "lo' to allo' "or better contractility and "le*ibility E8 Static Stretching this addresses so"t.tissue "le*ibility $n general& all o" the muscles that act on the hi% "rom e*tensors to "le*ors& abductors to adductors& and e*ternal to internal rotators& need to be loose

<8 Bynamic Mobility Brills this addresses mobility and ensures that /oints like the ankles& hi%s& and thoracic s%ine can move %ro%erly to allo' "or %ro%er movement during e*ercise %er"ormance K8 :ore Stability Brills this addresses core stability and ensures that you are able to brace the lumbar s%ine and move at the hi%s and thoracic s%ine in order to %roduce %ro%er motor %atterns 18 Glute Activation Brills this addresses glute activation and ensures that your glutes are turning on and "iring %ro%erly so you 'ill use them during your 'orkout ,arm.u%s are "or everyoneF beginners and advanced 5obody is too good "or them ,e all need to make it a habit o" going through the motions o" a %ro%er 'arm.u% so our muscles dont tighten u% andGor #uit activating /rogressions $deally you 'ould start at the most basic e*ercises and demonstrate %ro"iciency be"ore moving on to a more di""icult variation -or e*am%le& you must demonstrate that you can s#uat and lunge 'ith body'eight be"ore you hold onto dumbbells or %lace a barbell on your back +e"ore %er"orming barbell hi% thrusts& you must be able to demonstrate %ro"iciency 'ith body'eight hi% thrusts Start 'ith sim%le body'eight e*ercises like s#uats& static lunges& single leg reaching =BLs& glute bridges& #uadru%ed hi% e*tensions& and side lying clams !nce your "orm is %er"ect and you "eel the e*ercises 'orking the right muscles and you are controlling the movement& move onto more di""icult variations like body'eight 'alking lunges& +ulgarian s#uats& single leg glute bridges& and bird dogs !nce you master those& "inally you can move onto 'eighted movements and more advanced variations +d.anced /rotocol At lastI This is 'hat youve been 'aiting "or The advanced %rogramI $t is im%ortant that youve s%ent ade#uate time %re%aring your body to %er"orm the "ollo'ing %rogram and that you have the necessary levels o" mobility & stability to %er"orm each o" the movement %atterns correctly ,ithout "uther ado& heres 'hat youre going to do 'hen the time is rightC 1. Pick an Abduction/External Rotation Exercise and do 2 sets of 10-20 repetitions !%tionsC *.band 'alk& band standing abduction& band seated abduction& bandGcable hi% e*ternal rotation D !n these movements you must "ocus on ("eeling) the glutes doing the 'ork 2. Pick a Quad-Dominant ip Extension Exercise and do ! sets of "-10 repetitions

!%tionsC "ull s#uat& bo* s#uat& "ront s#uat& Nercher s#uat& 'alking lunge& high ste% u%& +ulgarian s#uat& %istol !. Pick a ip-Dominant ip Extension Exercise and do ! sets of "-10 repetitions !%tionsC deadli"t& sumo deadli"t& tra% bar deadli"t& =omanian deadli"t& rack %ull& single leg =BL& good morning& back e*tension& reverse hy%er #. Pick a $ent-%e& ip Extension Exercise and do ! sets of 10-20 repetitions !%tionsC hi% thrust& glute bridge& single leg hi% thrust& %ull through& %endulum #uadru%ed hi% e*tension D!n these movements you 'ant shorter rest times and you 'ant to try to "orce as much blood into the glutes as %ossible Think constant tension and think (%um% ) @ou should be 'addling like a duck a"ter these movements How do I /er)orm 1ome o) t3ese Mo.ements> Here are some videos that can hel% you out $ took some videos o" my niece 'ho trains 'ith me once %er 'eek "or the %ast si* months or so $" a 0< year old girl can do it& so can youI

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