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Ethical Issues in Social Institutions ORGS 1100 Movie review assignment Capitalism: A ove Stor! is a movie that anal!

!ses the impact o" corporate #ominance on the lives o" Americans an# the worl# at large$ It concentrates on capitalism an# how it is a""ecting the communit! %! "ocusing on the negative impacts$ It anal!ses the living con#itions o" the societ! mem%ers %! #welling on loss o" &o%s' poor living con#itions' an# re#uce# savings$ (usiness was portra!e# as a mechanism that enhances pro#uction an# #istri%ution o" pro#ucts in return to what customers are willing to pa! "or the same$ )he s!stem is helping to re#uce the poor to %eggars %! ensuring that the rich continuous accumulating a lot o" wealth at the e*pense o" the poor$ )he movie portra!s capitalism' which the American authorities are in "ull support o" as a mechanism to ro% o"" the poor the little resources the! have %! ensuring that the "ew in#ivi#uals who have a lot o" resources continuous %eing rich$ )he high income earners own the means o" pro#uction an# #istri%ution meaning that the! are in "ull control o" the societ!$ (usiness activities are #ominate# %! the rich in#ivi#uals who are using that opportunit! to oppress the poor %! charging high prices' which limits their savings thus lea#ing to poor living con#itions in the "uture$ )he portra!al o" %usiness is accurate since onl! those "ew in#ivi#uals who have the resources can invest$ (usiness people are not concerne# with the wel"are o" the societ! since the! are pro"it oriente# in#ivi#uals$ )he capitalism societ! allows the %usinessmen to use their %usinesses to accumulate a lot o" resources$ It con"orms to wh! I chose to stu#! %usiness since I have a #ream o" accumulating a lot o" resources that shall ena%le me to grow rich an# open up large %usinesses to earn a lot o" pro"its$ Stu#!ing %usiness will ma+e me a capitalist who +nows how to accumulate wealth an# help the poor people to prosper %! investing in their e#ucation an# health$

Summar! o" chapters one an# two o" the te*t%oo+ Chapter one )his chapter intro#uces the learners to the ethical issues that have to %e a#opte# in the %usiness worl# to see at it that %usinessmen' societ!' an# the government among other sta+ehol#ers are a%le to operate in harmon!$ (usinesses are part o" the societ! since the! aim at serving the people %! o""ering various pro#ucts an# services to satis"! the nee#s o" the people$ )he %usinesses are pro"it oriente# since the! aim at ma+ing pro"its' %ut the! shoul# start thin+ing %e!on# the pro"its %! ensuring that the! a##ress the social issues a""ecting the societies in which the! operate$ )his chapter is #e#icate# to intro#ucing learners to intensive an# vigorous %usiness i#eologies an# practices that are help"ul %oth to the %usinesses themselves an# the societies at large$ Chapter two )his is a#vancement o" the "irst chapter$ It loo+s at various issues a""ecting the %usiness in the mo#ern #a! econom!$ It a##resses ethical issues in social institutions$ Ethical issues are those agree# or common stan#ar#s o" %ehavior that are %oth accepte# an# recogni,e# %! the societ!$ )he chapter "ocuses on how these ethics have to %e enhance# to ensure that all "orms o" %usinesses an# other organi,ations are a%le to help the societ! to move "orwar# with a lot o" ease$ (usinesses as social institutions can pla! their parts %! ensuring that the societ! gets high -ualit! pro#ucts at a""or#a%le prices$

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