Spreadsheet For Activated Sludge Process

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Client: Project Name: Document No.

: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by: Date:

Hemant Kale

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Rev: Date:

Design Criteria Inlet Parameters 1 Design Flow Minimum Flow Average Flow Peak factor Peak Flow (1) 2 Population Flow / capita (1) Population BOD BOD load per capita (1) BOD load on STP BODin conc 4 5 TKN / Ammonia (3) Suspended Solids** SS load per capita (2) SS load on STP SSin conc Temperature(4) Si Ni SSi SS*Population SSi T = = = = = = 0.09 kg/c/d 26182 kg/d 327 mg/l
o 20 C

Qm Qa f Qp

= = = =

f * Qa

40000 1666.6667 80000 3333.3333 2 160000 6666.6667

m3/d m3/hr m3/d m3/hr m3/d m3/hr

Qc Qa*1000/Qc

= =

275 lpd 290909

Qa*BODload/capita BODload*1000/Qa

= = = = =

110 32000000 32000 400

gm/c/d gm/d kg/d mg/l

40 mg/l

6 7

Elevation above Mean sea Level, Altitude

100 m
o 25 C

8 Ambient Air Temperature Outlet Parameters Before Filtration So 1 BOD 2 TSS SSo

= =

10 mg/l 10 mg/l

After Filtration 1 BOD Se = 5 mg/l 2 TSS SSe = 5 mg/l 3 Ammonia Ne < 1 mg/l 4 Total Nitrogen < 15 mg/l 5 pH = 6.5 to 8.5 6 Coliforms < 100/100ml 7 Salinity < 4000 micromho/cm REFERENCES (1) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 4 ,4.3.4,Pg 18 (2) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 4 ,,Pg 6 (3) Design Standard Manual : SPC/DSM Sect 1 ,Appendix -2 Sewage Analysis ,Pg 36 (4) KEO/M&E preliminary report of Dec 2004 : Appendix -C , average of Temp recorded

Client: Project Name: Document No.: Design by: Date: / Hemant Kale / Section: Inlet works- Screens Page: Rev: Date: 1 of

Checked by: Date:

Design Flow Minimum Flow Average Flow Peak Flow

Qm Qa Qp = =

40000.00 1666.67 80000.00 3333.33 160000.00 6666.67

m3/d m3/hr m3/d m3/hr m3/d m3/hr 0.46296 m3/s 0.92593 m3/s 1.85185 m3/s

Inlet Channel Assume Water Depth Velocity at Qp Width of Channel Say Checks Velocity at

= = = =

1.00 1.00 1.85 1.50

m m/s m m

Qm Qa

= =

0.31 m/s 0.62 m/s

Screens No of Screen channels No of duty Chanels No of stand by Qm Qa Qp PER CHANNEL DETAILS Channel Width Channel depth Vel thro'screens Vs Bar spacing a Bar width b Angle of inclination Vert.Liquid Depth dv Aopen Area of openings Width of openings Wn No of Bars n Flow per channel

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

3.00 2.00 1.00 0.23 m3/s 0.46 m3/s 0.93 m3/s

Qp / (Vs )

(n*b)+[n+1)*a]=w say Hence width of channel based on n, W n say Area openings vert. Aopen-v Aopen *Sin Cross section of channel, Ca,c/s Wn*d Checks At Peak flow Velocity thro screens Vs Qp / (Ca,c/s) Vs/ (a/(a+b)) Velocity in channel Vc At Average Flow Velocity thro screens Vs Qa / ( Ca,c/s) Vc* (a/(a+b)) Velocity in channel Vc Vs2-Vc2/(2*9.81*0.852) Head Loss , Hf at Peak Flow , clean screens at 50 % clogging of screens, velocity is doubled Velocity thro screens Vs Vs /0.5 Vs* (a/(a+b)) Velocity in channel Vc Hence head loss

1.00 15 10 50 0.75 0.926 1.235 48.8 36 0.92 1 0.709 0.750

m/s mm mm deg m m2 m n m m2 m2

at peak flow

Slant area

= = = = = = = =

1.235 m/s 0.74 m/s 0.617 m/s 0.37 m/s 0.069 m 2.469 1.48 0.273 m 273 mm 68.81 mm

Client: Project Name: Document No.: Design by: Date: / Hemant Kale / Section: Inlet works- Grit Removal System Page: Rev: Date: 1 of

Checked by: Date:

Depth of Channel= Free Board HENCE

Dc FB Dc

dv+FB+Hf = Say 0.5 m 1.52 m 1 m

GRIT Removal system No of Grit System No of Duty Grit system No of Stand by Grit system Qm Flow per channel Qa Qp

= = = =

3 2 1 0.00 0.00 0.00

m3/hr m3/s m3/s m3/s

Client: Project Name: Document No.: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by:

Hemant Kale

Checked by:

Rev: Date: File:

Date: Date: Section: Inlet Works/Biological Treatment

Design Flow Average Flow Qa Peak Flow Qp Anoxic Tank (Anx Tank) No of Anoxic Tanks Flow to each Tank Qa Ni Influent Ammonia Effluent Ammonia Effluent Nitrates MLSS in Aer. Tank MLVSS in Anx Tank D.O in An Tank Denitrification Rate Denitrif. Rate (6) Anx Tank HRT (7) Safety Factor Anx Tank Volume Ne NO3e X Xv C

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr

0.92593 m3/s 1.85185 m3/s

= = = = = = = = =

2 nos 3 40000 m /d 40 mg/l 1 mg/l 8 3500 2450 0.1 0.15 mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l d-1

0.70 *X

Xv / X = 0.7 to 0.8 at 20 Deg C at Field conditions

dn20 dnT
t f Vanx



= = = =

-1 0.135 d

(Ni-Ne)*24/(Xv * dnT) Qa*t*f/24

2.322 hrs 1.2 3 4643.99 m 3.88 1 100% recycle) 2.88


Recyle Ratio(8) R ((Ni-Ne/NO3e)-1)*Qa = where R = Overall recycle ratio (Mixed liquor,Qr+Return Sludge,QRAS) QRAS RAS = Mixed liquor return Qr (R- QRAS) =

3 115000 m /d

Hence Provide two Pumps (1 D+ 1S) Each of capacity capacity = 4791.67 m /hr 0.3 0.298 Mixing Requirements per tank (9) (P/Vanx)=0.00094*() *(X) kw/m3 P/Vanx Power per unit vol multiplication factor multiplication factor Total power required Available nearest mixer

where at 20 Deg C at Field conditions

P/Vanx P

1.0087 1.000 0.0107 49.677 Kw 66.680 Hp 1.50 Hp


= = = = =

Tank Dimensions Width (C/wall with Aeration Tank ) Depth(based on Hydraulics) Length say Volume

= = = = =

8 3.80 152.76 152.80 4645.12

m m m3

REFERENCES (6) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-20 (7) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-19 (8) Phosphorus and Nitrogen Removal from Municipal Wastewater- Principles and Practice- Richard Sedlak- Page-25 (9) Design &retrofit of wastewater treatment plants for biological nutrient removal- Randall,Barnard, Stensel- Page-118

Client: Project Name: Document No.: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by:

Hemant Kale

Checked by: Date:

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Date: Section: Biological Treatment

Aeration Tank ( Aer Tank) No of tanks No of Tanks Flow to each tank Qa Qp BODin Si So BODout Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids(MLSS), X Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT)

= = = = = =

2 40000 80000 400 5 3500

nos m3/d m3/d mg/l mg/l mg/l 20-30 range

= = = = = = = = =

25 days
-1 0.1 d 3 45143 m

(also termed as Sludge Retention Time (SRT)) Food to Microorganism ratio, F/M Aer Tank Vol, each ( 10) Vaer =Qa*(Si-So)/(F/M *X) Checks Cm (Si-So)*Qa/(Vaer*X*0.8) Mass loading rates Vol. loading rate HRT, Sudge Recycle Return sludge conc Xr Cv t (Si-So)*Qa/(Vaer) Vaer/Qa

0.05-0.15 range

0.125 kg BOD/kg Xv/d 0.35 kg BOD/m3/d 1.129 d 0.8 % 8000 mg/l

8 kg/m3

Sludge Production( per tank) Sludge Yeild co efficient, Y Sludge Wasting basis (11) Sludge produced (11)

0.6 kg TSS/kg BODremoved 790.00 m3/d 6510 kg/d 9480 kg/d 6320.0 kg/d 9480.0 kg/d 18960.0 kg/d

Vaer * X/(c*Xr)

= = = = = =

Sludge Wasting based on SRT ((Vaer *X)/(1000))/c Take which ever is higher for sludge handling equipment Total sludge Oxygen Requirement per Tank Actual Oxygen Requirements, AOR, kg/d (12) where BOD5 to BODL factor, f Sludge Produced Sludge yield Sludge decay coeff. Px Yobs Kd Yobs

= (Qa*(Si-So)/(1000*f )-1.42*Px +4.33*(Qa*(Ni-Ne)/1000) = 0.68

= Yobs*Qa*(Si-So)/1000 = Y/(1+ Kd*c) = = 0.05 0.2666667

Px = 4213.33 Hence AOR = 24381.56 kg/d Denitirification credit available ( this is the safety factor) Credit of O2 ,released per kg of Ammonia denitrified = 2.86*(Ni-Ne)*Qa/1000 = However only 75 % is considered as available for design = 3346.2 kg/d AOR after considering denitirification credit AOR-Credit = 21035.36 kg/d Safety factor available = 1.16 Side water depth SWD = 3.8 m Width of the tank W = 8.00 m Length of tank L = 1485 m Volume of AT Vaer = 45144.00 m3 REFERENCES (10) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 679 table -8.5 equation 7-60 (11) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 693 Equation 8-34 (12) Wastewater Engineering Treatment and Resue-Metcalf & Eddy-pg 683 Equation 8-17

4461.6 kg/d

Client: Project Name: Document No.: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by:

Hemant Kale

Checked by: Date:

Rev: Date: File:

Date: Section: Biological Treatment

Secondary Clarifier No of Clarifiers Flow to each tank Qa Qp OFRa Overflow rate at Qa OFRp Overflow rate at Qp Side water Depth SWD Acl Area of each clarifier Dia of the clarifier d

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

2 40000 m3/d 80000 m3/d 3 2 10 m /m /d 3 2 32 m /m /d 3.5 2500 56.42 9.50 70.85 247.96 m m2 m m m2 m3

8-16 is the range 24-32 is the range 3.5 to 6 m

Qp/OFRp say area at rounded off dia A * SWD Qa/Acl Vcl*24/Qa Vcl*24/Qp (Qa+QRAS)*X/(24*1000*Acl)

Vcl Vol. of clarifier Checks OFR at Qa OFRa Hydraulic Retention Time, t at Qa at Qp Solid loading Rate SLR = Clarifiers Dimensions Diameter SWD 7 Continuos Backwash Filters Qpeak Filter Size ( each cell) No of Cells) Total filtration area Filtration rate at Qp 8 CCT inlet chamber HRT at Qpeak flow Volume Depth Area Length Width

3 2 564.60 m /m /d


0.1 hr 0.1 hr 2 164.7 kg/m /hr

2 247.0 kg/m /hr

at average flow at peak flow

= =

9.50 m 3.5 m


= = = = = =

160000 2.16 2.16 4 18.6624 357.225

m m m2 m3/m2/hr

= = = = = =

90 166.66667 1.5 111.11111 2 56

sec m3 m2 m m

Chlorine Contact Tank No of Tanks HRT in tanks at Qp Volume of each tank SWD Length to width ratio Width W Length L

L: W ratio

= = = = = = =

2 30 1666.6667 1.5 2 24.00 48.0

minutes m3 m m m

(15 to 45 at Qp)

Client: Project Name: Document No.: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by:

Hemant Kale

Checked by: Date:

Rev: Date: File:

Date: Section: Biological Treatment

Tank dimensions Length Width SWD FB 10 Sludge Holding Tank Sludge Wasted /d WAS Vwas Sludge Wasted /d WAS/(Sp Gr *Conc) However handling rate based on 7day sludge handled in 5 days Hydraulic Retention Time, t Sludge holding Tank Volume, Vsl Sludge concentration after before desludging Sludge volume to Dryings Beds Vsl Vwas-Vsl Sludge Holding Tank decant SWD Length Width Area of Tank Solids Loading rate Depth based of HRT Depth required for 1.2 % conc Available extra depth ( min. = 1.2 % conc depth) Free Board Tank Dimensions Length Width SWD Total Depth 11 Sludge Drying Beds (SDB) Vsl Sludge Volume Approach -1 based on Solids loading Solids loading rate SLR Asdb Area of SDB WAS*365/SLR Depth of Sludge d Vbeds Asdb*d Volume of beds

= = = =

48.0 24.00 1.5 0.55

m m m m

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

18960 2301.0 3221 1.5 4832 1.2 1533.98 766.99 3 40.1 40.1 1610.68 16.48 3.0 1.3 1.7 0.5 40.1 40.1 3.0 3.5

kg/d m3/d m3/d

m3 % m3/d m3/d 12 kg/m3

kg/m2/d m m m m m m m

= = = = =

1534.0 m3/d 75 92272.00 0.225 20761 kg/m2/yr m2 m m3 d m2/person 50-100 kg/m2/yr

Vbeds / Vsl Hyd.Retention Time t = 13.5 Check Area/person Area/Population = 0.317 Divide area into equal area + add 2 beds( 1 as under excavation+ I stand by) Length of each bed L = 21.85 Width of each bed W = 14.16 No of beds = 298.23 Hence provide working no of beds = 6 Total no of Beds = 10 Drying Period = = 0.27 Solids concentration after drying Volume of solids after drying Filtrate considering no evaporation losses = = =

no days

30 % 61.36 m3 1472.62 m3/d

Client: Project Name: Document No.: / / Section: Design Data Page: 1 of

Design by:

Hemant Kale

Checked by: Date:

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Date: Section: Biological Treatment


Equipment sizing for Each aeration tank AOR, O2 under standard conditions of 20OC, SOR, kg/d Where O2 Transfer correction factor Salinity surface tension factor O2 Sol.Correc.factor,at field elev. Fa 1-(altitude/9450) Temp.correction factor at field cond. 1.024(T-20) Min.DO maintained in Aer.Tank C O2 sol.in tap water(field temp,) C'sw O2 sol.in tap water at 20 deg C, Csw SOR Side water depth in Aer Tank SWD Diffuser location from tank bottom d Diffuser submergence depth d1 SWD-d Air flow per diffuser Diffuser eff. per m submergence % Oxygen content in Air % Diffuser effeciency % Air density at filed conditions SOR/(air density*O2 %*Diff Eff) Air required, filed conditions safety factor in order to get over all SF of 1.5 Air required , m3/hr no of working blowers Air required ,m3/hr Air required, Nm3/hr Checks Air per m3 of tank volume blower capaity/ tank volume

24381.6 kg/d = AOR*Csw / *(*Fa*C'sw-C)(1.024)^(T-20) 0.60 0.95 1.0 1.0 2.0 9.1 9.08 56463.7 3.8 0.25 3.55 4.5 6.5 21% 23.1 1.206 966071.4 1.29 52092.8 1.0 52092.8 47722.6 1.15 0.85 6052.5529 1.01 1.39 761.09645 25 0.0328473 0.4-0.8 0.7-0.98 range

mg/l mg/l mg/l kg/d m m m m3/hr % % kg/m3 m3/d

0.43 (AOR/SOR) from vendor from vendor from vendor

0.6 -0.9 is the range


Power Required for Blowers

Effeciency WRT1/eff = Inlet pressure (absolute) = Outlet pressure (absolute)= Power required Next available Margin =

atms atms HP HP


Aeration Requirment for Sludge Holding Tank Volume of sludge Holding Tank Mixing power required Required Kw Available next Kw Mixer for Chlorine Mixing Volume Gt G Watts Kw

= = = =

4832 30 144.96 4

m3 kw/1000 m3 ( range 20-40) Kw Kw


= = = = =

168 m3 45000 500 42000 42.00

System Curve Dia Suction Dia Discharge Dia Qs Qd Losses Pd Ps hs hd Friction losses 0.15 m 0.1 m 0.026507 0.01885 Velocity Area 1.5 0.017672 2.4 0.007854

[(Pd-Ps)/rg]+(hd-hs)+[(Vd2-Vs2)/2g]+Friction lossed Atm Atm suction head discharge head 10 10 5 15

Total Head 160.00

Flowrate l/s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Total Head 10.00 12.22 18.87 29.96 45.48 65.44 89.83 118.66 151.92 189.62 231.75 278.32 329.33 384.76 444.64 508.95 577.69

140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 l/s 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Suction Bellmouth 90deg Bend Straight Pipe Isolation valve Straight Pipe 90 Def bend Discharge Straight Pipe Isolation Valve 90deg Bend Straight Pipe 90deg Bend Straight Pipe NRV Straight Pipe Gate valve Pipe exit

Qty 1 1 1 1

K 0.050 0.400


Head loss fittings

1.5 0.450 1 0.400 1.300 2.5 1 0.45 0.4 2 0.4 1 0.3 100 1 2.55 Term-1 0.00 0.28 0.57 0.85 1.13 1.41 1.70 1.98 2.26 2.55 2.83 3.11 3.40 3.68 3.96 4.24 4.53 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

104 Term-2 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Term-3 Term-4 0.00 0.00 0.02 2.20 0.07 8.80 0.15 19.81 0.27 35.22 0.41 55.02 0.60 79.23 0.81 107.85 1.06 140.86 1.34 178.28 1.66 220.10 2.01 266.32 2.39 316.94 2.80 371.96 3.25 431.39 3.73 495.22 4.24 563.45




Vs 0.00 0.64 1.27 1.91 2.55 Total 3.18 Head 3.82 4.46 5.09 5.73 6.37 7.00 7.64 8.28 8.91 9.55 10.19

Head loss fittings

Nitrification Concentration From to Total N 20 Organic 8 Free Ammonia 12 Temp NO3-N at outlet inlet TKN Outlet Ammonia,N Kn BODin So BODout Se MLSS Flow Inlet Solids Outlet Solids

85 35 50 20 5 40 1 1 400 10 3500 1500 327 20


N10 + (20-t/20-10 *( N20- N10))

= = = = = =

Minimum SRT mc (KN+N/ NT *N) Safety factor (1.5 to 2.5) m Design SRT c Design Nitrifier Growth rate, N By Monod equn Organic removal rate 1/dc =Yb*qb-Kd Design Nitrifier Growth rate, b Yb Kb = Endogenous decay co eff.,d-1

= Heterotrophic yield coefficient, Kg VSS sysnthesized /Kg BOD removed

b = Heterotrophic growth rate ,d-1 qb =rate of substrate BOD to Kg VSS removal, Kg BOD removed/Kg VSS.d HRTn Denitrification Net yield of TSS, kg/ kg of BOD removed, 75 % VSS Mlvss/Mlss Organic nitrogen content of cells (MLVSS) Soluble TKN,mg/l Soluble TKN,mg/l TKN to be nirtified mg/l

q DN Mlvss required in the DN reactor

Mlvss in mg/lit Volume of denitrifying reactor

Volume required for nitrification

t f Vanx R QRAS Qr

dn20*1.09(T-20)*(1-C) (Ni-Ne)*24/(Xv * dnT) Qa*t*f/24 ((Ni-Ne/NO3e)-1)*Qa

= = = = = =

(R- QRAS) capacity

= = where

P/Vanx kw/m = 1.0087

at 20 Deg C

Temp 10 20 30

0.3 0.65 1.2

-1 0.3 d

at 20 Deg C

6.67 d 2 13.33 d 0.075 d 0.15 d

0.65 0.05

0.192307692 0.724285714 d 17.38285714 hr 0.65 0.7 0.07 27.5785 1.44 21.1385 31.70775 0.073002141 434.3400002 kg

2450 177.2816327 m3

1086.428571 6.42 10000000000 1.42582E-12 0.091537841

at 20 Deg C


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 1 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss

Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Criteria Inlet Parameters 1 Design Flow Average Flow Peak Flow (1) 2 3

Qa Qp

= = =

3 80000 m /d 3 m /d 160000

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 m /hr 6666.6667

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s 63.3

Chlorine Contact Tank water level Inlet chamber to CCT Weir width Qpeak No of CCT Flow to each H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir Top of weir level Level in inlet chamber


= 0.40 m = 1.851852 m3/s = 2 = 0.925926 = 1.173 = 63.35 = 64.523

64.52279 63.3

Filter outlet chamber To CCT inlet chamber 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 Q = 1.851852 m3/s Qf = 2.178649 m3/s Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.923 m Choose dia = 0.3 m Velocity at chossen dia = 30.837 m/s Manning's constant n = 0.0133 Wetted perimeter, R = 0.075 m Slope S = 5.410925 541.092 % Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 = 20.4 Elbow-45 14 0 0 Radial T 22 0 0 Tee 54 0 0 Taper 22 0 0 Straight pipe length = 40 Toatl length of pipe = 60.4 Drop in levels based on slope = 326.820 m Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 = 48.468 m Entry 1 0.5 = 24.234 m Valves 0 1 = 0.000 m Total head loss = 399.521 m 463.171 Level in filter outlet chamber = 463.171 m (as thumb rule pipe dia ODis added to head loss for level of water in chamber)

at Qavg 0.7 0.85 0.925926 1.089325 0.75 1.360 0.3 15.419 0.0133 0.075 1.352731 20.4 0 0 0 0 32 52.4 70.883 12.117 6.058 0.000 89.058 89.210 89.510




Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 2 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Flow Average Flow Peak Flow 5

Qa Qp

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 m /d 160000

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 m /hr 6666.6667

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s

Filter to Filter outlet chamber Weir width No of weirs Total weir width Qpeak H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir say Top of weir level Free fall Level of water in Filter Head Loss across the Filters Filter Size ( each cell) No of Cells) Total filtration area Solids into Filter Solids out of Filter Solids captured Sollid capture Head Loss across the Filters Add Total head loss Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter

= = = = = = = = = L W N = = = = = = = = = = = =

2.16 2 4.32 1.851852 0.385 0.05 463.171 0.1 463.321 2.16 2.16 4 18.6624 10 5 400 1.5 14.29 0.15 14.44 477.76

m m m3/s m m

463.321 463.171

m m m2 mg/l mg/l kg/d kg/m3/d m m m

477.761 463.321

Head loss from Outlet chamber of Secondary Clarifier to Inlet Chamber of Filter a Individual S/Clarifiers to Commom header No of clarifiers = 2 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 Q = 0.925926 m3/s Qf = 1.089325 m3/s Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.360 m Choose dia = 0.2 m Velocity at chossen dia = 34.692 m/s Manning's constant n = 0.0133 Wetted perimeter, R = 0.05 m Slope S = 11.79068 1179.068 %

2 AT Qavg 0.7 0.85 0.462963 0.544662 0.75 0.962 0.2 17.346 0.0133 0.05 2.94767


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 3 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Fittings Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 Elbow-45 14 1 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 1 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Toatl length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 0 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 0 1 Total head loss b Head loss through Common Pipe 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 Elbow-45 14 1 Radial T 22 1 Tee 54 1 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Toatl length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 0 0.5 Valves 1 1 Head loss thro'common header Head loss- S/C outlet chamber to filter inlet say Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter Level in Outlet chamber of the clarifer

= = = = = = =

13.6 2.8 0 10.8 0 22 49.2 580.101 m 0.000 30.671 0.000 610.772 m m m m

0.7 = 0.85 = 1.851852 m3/s = 2.178649 m3/s = 0.75 m/s = 1.923 m = 0.3 m = 30.837 m/s = 0.0133 = 0.075 m = 5.410925 541.092 % = 20.40 4.20 6.60 16.20 0.00 50 97.4 527.024 m

0.7 0.85 0.925926 1.089325 0.75 1.360 0.3 15.419 0.0133 0.075 1.352731

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 135.273

= = =

20.40 4.20 6.60 16.20 0.00 50 97.4 131.756 m 12.117 0.000 12.117 155.990 155.990 0.5 0.00 0.50 m m m m m 0.500

= 48.468 m = 0.000 m = 48.468 m = 623.959 m = 1234.732 = 1234.700 m = 477.76 1712.461 = 1712.46



Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 4 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Flow Average Flow Qa Peak Flow Qp Qras Qras = Outlet Chamber of the S/Clarifier Head loss D/S Pipe dia Invert level of chamber S/C launder invert level Launder Depth Top of concrete of launder

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d 80000

= = = = = =

1234.7 0.2 477.56 1712.46 0.6 1713.06

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr 3 3333.3333 m /hr 1713.06 m m 1712.461 IL of S/C laund m

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926 m3/s Launder Top level 1712.461 Water Level IL of chamber 477.56 Chamber

Head over the V notch Q= 8/15*Cd*tan/2*2*9.81*H5/2 Launder width = 0.4 m Circumference of the each clarifier = 27.33 m C/C distance of V notch = 0.15 m No of notches = 182 n Qpeak /per V notch Q = 0.005088 m3/s Angle of V notch = 90.00 deg Coefficient of discharge Cd = 0.61 Head over the V notch = 0.10 m Water Level in V notch = 1713.166 Side water depth of clarifier Hopper top level SWD = = 3.5 m 1709.67

1713.11 Weir plate Level 1713.17 water Level in V notch 104 mm



Aeration Tank outlet to each S/Clarifier 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 3 Elbow-45 14 1 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Total length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope

d/D = 0.7 = 0.85 = 1.389 = 1.634 = 0.750 = 1.666 = 0.3 = 23.128 = 0.0133 = 0.075 = 3.043645 =

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 304.365 %

0.7 0.85 0.926 1.089 0.750 1.360 0.3 15.419 0.0133 0.075 1.352731 30.60 4.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 69.80 0.944

= = =

30.60 4.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 35 69.80 212.446 m


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 5 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Average Flow Peak Flow Qras

Qa Qp Qras =

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 m /d 160000 80000

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 m /hr 6666.6667 3 m /hr 3333.3333

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926 m3/s

Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 1 1 Head loss thro'common header Head loss- AT outlet to S/Clarifier say Level in S/clarifier Level in Outlet of AT 12 Level in Aeration Tank Weir width Q(Qpeak+Qras) No of AT Flow to each H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir Allow for free Fall Top of weir level Water Level in Aeration tank Bottom Level of AT at center of tank Bottom Level of AT at OUTLET Bottom level of AT c/wall with Anoxic Tank

= = = = = = = =

27.263 13.632 27.263 280.604 280.604 280.604 1713.17 1993.77

m m m m m m

1993.770 1713.166

= = = = = = = = = = =

0.60 2.778 2.000 1.389 1.173 0.05 1993.770 1994.992 1991.192 1987.480 1994.905

m m3/s nos m3/s m m

1994.992 1993.77

1994.905 1991.192 1987.480 U/stream centre d/s stream


Anoxic Tank to Aeration Tank Provide opening bewteen An Tk and Ae Tank Width Height Area Q(Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank Q(Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity at (Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity at (Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity head at max velocity Level in Aeration Tank Level in Anoxic Tank

= 400 = 400 = 0.16 = 195000 = 235000 = 14.106 = 16.999 = 14.729 = 1994.992 = 2009.721

mm mm m2 m3/d m3/d m/s m/s m

3 8125.00 m /hr 3 9791.67 m /hr

2.26 m3/s 2.72 m3/s m3/s

######## mm 2009.72 1994.99

1994.905 1994.905 Anoxic Aeartion


Ref/RFS: Rev:

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Page: Date: Date: File:


Average Flow Peak Flow 14

Qa Qp

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s Tank

Distribution Box to Anoxic Tank 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Total length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 0 1 Entry 0 0.5 Valves 0 1 Toatl Head loss Head loss- D/Box to Anoxic Tank say Level in Anoxic Tank Level in Distribution Box Distrbution Box Weir width Qpeak H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir Allow for free Fall Worst case when flow is full and I stream closed Head over weir Top of weir level Level of water over weir Depth of flow in Box Bottom Level of Box

d/D = = = = = = = = = = = =

0.7 0.85 1.389 1.634 0.750 1.666 0.25 33.304 0.0133 0.0625 8.0579 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.000

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 805.790 %

= = =

= 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 0.000 = 2009.72 = 1994.992

m m m m m

1994.992 2009.721


= = = =

1.00 1.389 0.837 0.1

m m3/s m m 1995.930 1994.992

= 1.012 = 1995.092 = 1995.930 = 0.500 = 1994.592



Ref/RFS: Rev:

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

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Average Flow Peak Flow 16

Qa Qp

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s

Grit Chammber To Distribution Box 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Total length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 0 1 Toatl Head loss say Level in Grit Channel

d/D = 0.7 = 0.85 = 1.852 = 2.179 = 0.750 = 1.923 = 0.3 = 30.837 = 0.0133 = 0.075 = 5.410925 = 20.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25 45.40 245.656 48.468 24.234 0.000 318.357 318.357 2314.29

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 541.092 %

= = = = = = = = =

m m m m

2314.287 Grit Channel 1995.930


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 1 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss

Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Criteria Inlet Parameters 1 Design Flow Average Flow Peak Flow (1) RAS flow IR flow No of streams Anoxic Mixer

Qa Qp = =

= = =

80000 160000 80000 230000 2

m3/d m3/d m3/d m3/d

3333.3333 6666.6667 3333.3333 9583.3333

m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr m3/hr

0.925926 1.851852 0.925926 2.662037

m3/s m3/s m3/s m3/s


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 2 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Flow Average Flow Peak Flow 5

Qa Qp

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 m /d 160000

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 m /hr 6666.6667

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s

Filter to Filter outlet chamber Weir width No of weirs Total weir width Qpeak H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir say Top of weir level Free fall Level of water in Filter Head Loss across the Filters Filter Size ( each cell) No of Cells) Total filtration area Solids into Filter Solids out of Filter Solids captured Sollid capture Head Loss across the Filters Add Total head loss Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter

= = = = = = = = = L W N = = = = = = = = = = = =

2.16 2 4.32 1.851852 0.385 0.05 0.000 0.05 0.100 2.16 2.16 4 18.6624 10 5 400 1.5 14.29 0.2 14.50 14.60

m m m3/s m m

0.100 0.000

m m m2 mg/l mg/l kg/d kg/m3/d m m m

14.600 0.100

Head loss from Outlet chamber of Secondary Clarifier to Inlet Chamber of Filter a Individual S/Clarifiers to Commom header No of clarifiers = 2 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = 0.7 at above condition Q/Qf = 0.85 Q = 0.925926 m3/s Qf = 1.089325 m3/s Velocity in pipe when full = 0.75 m/s Dia of pipe at above velocity, D = 1.360 m Choose dia = 0.2 m Velocity at chossen dia = 34.692 m/s Manning's constant n = 0.0133 Wetted perimeter, R = 0.05 m Slope S = 11.79068 1179.068 %


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 3 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Fittings Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 0 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Toatl length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 0 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 0 1 Total head loss b Head loss through Common Pipe 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d d/D = at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 1 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 1 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Toatl length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 0 0.5 Valves 1 1 Head loss thro'common header Head loss- S/C outlet chamber to filter inlet say Level in Inlet chamber of the Filter Level in Outlet chamber of the clarifer

= = = = = = = =

0 0 0 0 0 20 20 235.814 m 0.000 30.671 0.000 266.484 m m m m

0.7 = 0.85 = 1.851852 m3/s = 2.178649 m3/s = 0.75 m/s = 1.923 m = 0.3 m = 30.837 m/s = 0.0133 = 0.075 m = 5.410925 = 10.20 0.00 6.60 0.00 0.00 20 36.8 199.122 m 48.468 0.000 48.468 296.057 562.542 0.5 14.60 15.10 m m m m m

541.092 %

= = = = = = = = = = =

15.100 14.600


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 4 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section: Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Design Flow Average Flow Qa Peak Flow Qp Qras Qras = Outlet Chamber of the S/Clarifier Head loss D/S Pipe dia Invert level of chamber S/C launder invert level Launder Depth Top of concrete of launder

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d 80000

= = = = = =

0.5 0.3 14.30 15.10 0.6 15.70

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr 3 3333.3333 m /hr 15.70 m m 15.100 IL of S/C laund m

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926 m3/s Launder Top level 15.100 14.30 Chamber Water Level IL of chamber

Head over the V notch Q= 8/15*Cd*tan/2*2*9.81*H5/2 Launder width = 0.4 m Circumference of the each clarifier = 27.33 m C/C distance of V notch = 0.15 m No of notches = 182 n Qpeak /per V notch Q = 0.005088 m3/s Angle of V notch = 90.00 deg Coefficient of discharge Cd = 0.61 Head over the V notch = 0.10 m Water Level in V notch = 15.804 Side water depth of clarifier Hopper top level SWD = = 3.5 m 12.30

15.75 Weir plate Level 15.80 water Level in V notch 104 mm



Aeration Tank outlet to each S/Clarifier 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 3 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Total length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope

d/D = = = = = = = = = = = =

0.7 0.85 1.389 1.634 0.750 1.666 0.25 33.304 0.0133 0.0625 8.0579

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 805.790 %

= = =

25.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 45.50 366.634 m


Ref/RFS: Rev: Page: Date: Date: File: 5 of

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Average Flow Peak Flow Qras

Qa Qp Qras =

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 m /d 160000 80000

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 m /hr 6666.6667 3 m /hr 3333.3333

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s 0.925926 m3/s

Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 0 1 Head loss thro'common header Head loss- AT outlet to S/Clarifier say Level in S/clarifier Level in Outlet of AT 12 Level in Aeration Tank Weir width Q(Qpeak+Qras) No of AT Flow to each H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir Allow for free Fall Top of weir level Water Level in Aeration tank Bottom Level of AT at center of tank Bottom Level of AT at OUTLET Bottom level of AT c/wall with Anoxic Tank

= = = = = = = =

56.533 28.266 0.000 451.433 451.433 0.3 15.80 16.10

m m m m m m

16.104 15.804

= = = = = = = = = = =

0.60 2.778 2.000 1.389 1.173 0.05 16.104 17.327 13.527 9.815 17.240

m m3/s nos m3/s m m

17.327 16.10

17.240 13.527 9.815 U/stream centre d/s stream


Anoxic Tank to Aeration Tank Provide opening bewteen An Tk and Ae Tank Width Height Area Q(Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank Q(Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity at (Qavg+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity at (Qpeak+Qras+Qir) per tank Velocity head at max velocity Level in Aeration Tank Level in Anoxic Tank

= = = = = = = = = =

400 400 0.16 195000 235000 14.106 16.999 14.729 17.327 32.056

mm mm m2 m3/d m3/d m/s m/s m

3 8125.00 m /hr 3 9791.67 m /hr

2.26 m3/s 2.72 m3/s m3/s

######## mm 32.06 17.33

17.240 Anoxic

17.240 Aeartion


Ref/RFS: Rev:

Calc Sheet No.: Drawings: Project Name: Raising Capacity of Gayathi STPPhase-II Structure: Section:Head Loss Design: Hemant Kale Checked:

Page: Date: Date: File:


Average Flow Peak Flow 14

Qa Qp

= =

3 80000 m /d 3 160000 m /d

3 3333.3333 m /hr 3 6666.6667 m /hr

0.925926 m3/s 1.851852 m3/s Tank

Distribution Box to Anoxic Tank 2/3 1/2 Manning's formula V=1/n*R *S Depth of water in full pipe D Depth of water partially full pipe d at above condition Q/Qf Q Qf Velocity in pipe when full Dia of pipe at above velocity, D Choose dia Velocity at chossen dia Manning's constant n Wetted perimeter, R Slope S Fitting Factor Qty Elbow-90 34 2 Elbow-45 14 0 Radial T 22 0 Tee 54 0 Taper 22 0 Straight pipe length Total length of pipe Drop in levels based on slope Other losses Qty k factor Exit 1 1 Entry 1 0.5 Valves 0 1 Toatl Head loss Head loss- D/Box to Anoxic Tank say Level in Anoxic Tank Level in Distribution Box Distrbution Box Weir width Qpeak H=(0.55*Qa/W)^0.66 Head over weir Allow for free Fall Worst case when flow is full and I stream closed Head over weir Top of weir level Level of water over weir Depth of flow in Box Bottom Level of Box

d/D = 0.7 = 0.85 = 0.926 = 1.089 = 0.750 = 1.360 = 0.2 = 34.692 = 0.0133 = 0.05 = 11.79068 = 13.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 33.60 396.167 61.342 30.671 0.000 488.179 488.179 0.4 32.46 32.86

m3/s m3/s m/s m m m/s m 1179.068 %

= = = = = = = = = = =

m m m m m

32.856 32.456


= = = = = = = = =

1.00 0.926 0.641 0.05 1.012 32.906 33.547 0.500 32.406

m m3/s m m 33.547 32.856


Head loss Calculation

Raw sewage Pumping


hf=6.82*(V/C)^1.85*L/D^1.167 PIPE LENGTH 160.00 160.00 FLOW , m3/d 4500 4500 m3/hr 187.50 187.50 m3/s 0.05 0.05 PIPE DIAMETER, mm 300 300 PIPE DIAMETER, m 0.30 0.30 AREA 0.07 0.07 VELOCITY , m/s 0.74 0.74 C 100.00 140.00 V/C^1.85 0.0 0.0 L/D^1.167 652.11 652.11 HEAD LOSS, hf m 0.50 0.27 HEAD LOSS PIPE FITTINGS Quantity K values K * V^2/2g VALVES 1.00 0.19 0.005263 Check Valves 1.00 0.6 0.01662 ELBOWS 3.00 0.28 0.023268 TEES 0.00 0.7 0 ENTRANCE 1.00 1 0.0277 EXIT 1.00 0.75 0.020775 Head loss through fittings 0.093625 Head Loss in meters thr pipe and fittings 0.60 add 10 % extra 0.66 Static Head 0 Total Head Loss 0.66


Qa Peak factor Peak flow

4148.6 m3/d 3.41 14146.73 m3/d 0.163735 m3/s

1 Mechanical Bar Screen Flow Clear spacing Screening Removed Quantity of Screenings Screenings bin with storage of Volume of Bin 2 Approach & flow through velocities Max. Vel. At feed channel Max. Vel. at screen face Approach velocity Clear spacing Thickness of bars Flow through screen Velcoity Vsc Aproach velocity V1 Head loss Vsc^2-V1^2/2*g*Cd^2 H1 Downstream depth of flow Depth U/S of screen Yc Clear width of Screen Wsc Required Screen width Free Board at Qpeak Total depth For Screens 50 % blocked Flow area

4148.60 25.00 20.00 0.08 7.00 0.58

m3/d mm m3/mld m3/d days m3

1.00 m/s 1.00 m/s

25.00 6.00 0.90 0.73 0.02 20.46 262 282.46 0.28 0.64 0.80 0.35 0.63

mm mm m/s m/s m mm mm m m m m m

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