Education Going Virtual' Normal School Treads Into Unknown Territory..

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Normal School treads into unknown territory...

Last Sunday, the directors of Overseas Family School were like, outlining that they were throwing out the conventional ways of teaching by 2015. On the 19th January 2014, our fellow tree huggers painfully awoke as new and unnatural methods were adopted for our cool school. The intended plans ar

Education going Virtual

When was the last time you obtained critical information for an assignment from a library? Education is one of the most crucial elements in order to obtaining a successful lifestyle, yet schools today, including Overseas Family School ltd; A leading MYP International school in Singapo


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Old hippie faces challenge of music addiction

Dear Amy: I have been using music since age 14 and I am now dangerously close to 50. Being in a music culture, I have tried every high there is, but currently I listen to Justin Bieber every day. I have wanted to quit since my early 20s but have been unable to. I sought professional...

Programmed Students
Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn, a quote from Benjamin Franklin explains too well the meaning of our education. For individuals to truly learn it must involve them. If this would not be the case, you are either a robot or havent experienced the wonders of our previous or current educational systems. Teachers



North Coast fest brings together hippies

With an eclectic lineup that included Nas & Damian Marley, The Chemical Brothers, and Lupe Fiasco, the inaugural North Coast Festival drew an estimated 40,000 fans to Union Park for a weekend centered on rhythm, flow and beats

How Global Population Growth is Creating Serious..

Dear EarthTalk: Green groups dont seem to discuss human population growth, but I think the biggest issue confronting the planet is the collective demand we put upon it. And what is the difference in impact between population growth in Third World countries, which are.



Cutting Through Environmental Issues

Slack covers everything. It sifts in everywhere. Slack is what doesn't melt in the mountains of red ore-a metal particle, powdered ore, powdered metal. It silts down all growing things. You can see the tiny bits of ore gleaming in your hands. The shining ore dusts your coat. It gets in your hair.

A word from our sponsors



Why couldnt the lifeguard save the hippie?

He was too far out, man

Why do hippies wave their arms when they dance?

To keep the music out of their eyes

Leading School Leaps into the Unknown

SINGAPORE - Sources have confirmed Overseas Family School; an MYP leading international school based in Singapore, has issued a statement with regards to doing away with the use of regular faceto-face classroom teaching by the beginning of 2015. Thus, students will be required to continually use laptops and computers to access the new curriculum.


seek more normal and less virtualised education systems.

The announcement last weekend had brought a variety of responses. With the implementation of a completely online curriculum; without the use of conventional teacher-to-student methods, it can be expected that by the application of the new methods, every student must be in possession of an electronic device. The statement had also been subject to criticism as passionate students question the reliability of the new educational systems with regards to them obtaining a successful future. Some high school students are unimpressed with the schools decision, labelling it a nationwide experiment. Consequently, students have already been requesting removable from the school to

I may loose my job, however, the newgeneration will have lost their only method of a true education, Mark Richards, a high school Mathematics teacher within OFS commented. Not only are large redundancies on the horizon, but an increase in demand for electricity. Award winning ecologist, Blake Snow remarked upon the issue, It will undoubtedly affect the environment if the entire globe is to adopt similar methods that of OFS's. Thus, creating the beginning of an ecological disaster awaiting our presence in the near future.

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A business studies and economics teacher said: The website which holds the online curriculum would be much more cost effective as there is no need for rent, electricity or water costs which would be present in a conventional school. Thence, filling more students eyes with more fear or an elaborate scheme to reduce costs.

It is also thought that the directors whom issued the statement had been previously discussing financial issues with the school. Thus, to reduce their costs, the new school in the East Coast will be scrapped and an online curriculum would be substituted. This would then ensure a clear gap between the school and the possibility of bankruptcy.

As a very confined group of individuals believe this news is beneficial, their very weak foundation of hope will soon be broken as members of the board, announce: There is more to come.. For a school with a soul purpose of teaching students and helping them achieve their life goals, they are not very friendly.!

Educational going Virtual


use of double edged sword suggests, even as a member of the schools staff, the drift between the normal teaching ways and a virtual education is disturbing in itself, for even been considered by an already leading school. The continuous pollution and use of electricity is not by any means a step forward to advancing our education. If anything, its a step backward. Isnt bad enough that we already use around 1 acres of forest to support the quantities of paper for our school?

elements in order to obtaining a successful lifestyle, yet schools today, including Overseas Family School ltd; A leading MYP International school in Singapore, are beginning an unorthodox shift towards a completely virtual method of education. We expect the future generation to be humans, not robots.

The educational system deviating towards virtuality is just one symptom of an out-ofcontrol virtual reality. The CEO of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature), Carter Roberts, exclaims: A world eating, breathing, and living technology has no benefits for the improvement of our planet.... We are creating the wrong objectives.

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When was the last time you obtained critical information for an assignment from a library? Education is one of the most crucial

Things can turn for the worst in a matter of seconds, do we really want to be risking the education of future generations just for a globally sized experiment, which has a higher chance of failure than success?

After Overseas Family Schools announcement Mr. Glover, an english teacher who has been with the school since its early development in 1991, stated, Students increasing dependency on technology in every aspect of their academic lives is a double edged sword. Mr.Glovers

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Mr. Marcos, another teacher within OFS whom specialises in Computer Science, mentioned, Although many are uneasy about the idea that education can never really be taught completely online, its still a better idea than wasting tens of thousands of paper with each year passing through the school. Mr. Marcos makes a good point, however similar problems are prone to surface as each student would be required to use a computer or some electronic device.

Thus, continually using electricity to charge/ power these earth harming resources.

So, lets start fixing our education system at the heart of the issue, schools. Specialists say that there is a direct relationship between the quality of the school, electricity and paper usage. Currently, the quantities of paper usage are too high and unacceptable if we are to make a difference to the world and combat climate change. Part of the problem is that schools rely heavily on the use of paper throughout their curriculum, thus each year is subject to this quantity of paper. We need a method which ensures that there is a circulation; like a beating heart, to any paper being used. This will assure that once paper has been completely used, it will be recycled and re-used within the school campus. This will be the only real way to taking our first steps forward.

in a few schools, but 90 to 95% of all schools in the world. If this is done, we will not have to rely on a pathetic online system which requires an energy guzzling solution, but a more organic and natural way of educating and living.

On behalf of my generation and generations to come, I am asking directors of schools to not adopt these ridiculous and unrealistic methods of solving a technological growing population with an online curriculum, but to keep these individuals at bay with the classic way of learning. We must change now, not later.!

This is not new technology, schools within Australia, for example, have already been utilising this technology for over 20 years and have proven successful within the schools current budgets. In addition, these schools have reported up to 20% of their budget saved as there is no requirement for the school to purchase paper in such outrageous quantities. In order for a change, this school culture must not only be adopted

Programmed Students: Ruby Lawrence


Collection of Ruby Lawrences undergraduate degree in information technology, Photographer: Olivia Hunsten Earth for a reason. They give us the true desire of what to become in the near future: whether it be a renowned doctor, historic astronaut, accountant, or even to become a teacher, in which they will inspire many young pupils just as theirs would. Traditional methods of teaching surely builds the foundation of each and every individual living and breathing on this planet.

Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn, a quote from Benjamin Franklin explains too well the meaning of our education. For individuals to truly learn it must involve them. If this would not be the case, you are either a robot or havent experienced the wonders of our previous or current educational systems. Teachers are known as some of the most inspiring individuals on

Nowadays, students request for the latest technology in the market to, successfully complete their projects and assessments. Back in my day, we were given a pencil, paper and many books to complete each assessment in ridiculously short periods of time. Whenever, I overhear students remarks regarding the lack-of-technology in their campus, a little piece of me inside

dies. Its hard to believe that only recently has the first ever student graduated from university without attending to any prior traditional classes. Almost in sync with Overseas Family Schools announcement of its plans to deliver its entire curriculum online.

Ruby Lawrence, the first ever student to be completely educated online. Born in Vancouver, Canada on the 9th of August 1990, the current 24 year-old has successfully completed her undergraduate degree of information technology as of January this year. She begun her adventurous journey in 1995 by studying Kindergarten courses online. At this point the internet had yet to grow arms and legs. I still commend her commitment to the entire progress of her online education. Since the beginning of the journey, her parents would always motivate their astute daughter to excel in each subject area. Naturally talented with english, she was well on her way to leading a successful life. Over the 19 year period Ruby, had accumulated over 10,000 friends on Facebook. She lead her life fairly normally, with the right quantity of vitamins and minerals each day she could succeed at any physical activity thrown at her.

In 2010, Ruby had a job career in mind, which would force her into an undergraduate degree of information technology. After becoming accepted into the program, Ruby had been ecstatic. Her education online had not been in vain, rewarding her with access to one of the best universities in her area. The rest was history, resulting in the title: First ever student to have been educated completely online. Her comments after the title had been awarded included the difficulty and level of concentration required to complete such a daunting task.

Ruby should be very proud of her achievement, however, its giving the incorrect message to schools. Ruby is one individual, it should not be assumed that everyone can do what Ruby has done. Online teaching is temporary, whilst traditional teaching is permanent.!

With this new information available to the public, it would now be expected that schools such as: Overseas Family School who had announced the future use of an entirely online curriculum will begin using Ruby, as an exemplar to justify their announcement. Although it has yet to be considered that not all individuals have characteristics which resemble those of Rubys. Thus, this online curriculum will not be for everyone. Also, Rubys comments regarding the difficulty of the task have not been noted. These schools have been jumping the gun on the success of these online curriculums even before comparing their success the more natural and renowned method of teaching. Though,

Summary of our Profile

How our newspaper will look:
1. Not too organised 2. Not very serious 3. Pictures of peace signs and nature etc. 4. Chilled out 5. Colourful

Our group has decided that for this newspaper project, we are going to be writing as Hippies. Hippies encourage being natural, world peace and protecting the environment. They are also very calm and chilled out people who care about the small things more than huge things. Our newspaper is going to be dedicated to protecting the environment, and the world. We will also be encouraging the olden times and try to change things back to the past.

Things we will stand for:

1. Mother Nature 2. Encourage natural things 3. Animals 4. Small issues not taken seriously 5. We will take any radical action

What are we going to do:

1. Turn views to the environment 2. World Peace 3. Try to expose businesses/ government 4. Encourage naturalism 5. Encourage the older ways, where the environment wasnt hurt.

Who are we writing for:

1. Other Hippies 2. Organics 3. Vegetarians 4. Environmentalists 5. Laid back people

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