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(SCM / Operations) Tools and Techniques used in SCM / Operations

The following are the list of tools and techniques used by an Engineer to solve the business problems related to SCM and Operations. 1. Work system design 1.1. Operations process chart 1.2. Flow process chart 1.3. Man machine chart 1.4. Travel chart 1.5. Swim lane flowchart (functional) 1.6. Time study 1.6.1. Stop watch time study 1.6.2. MTM 1.6.3. MOST 1.7. Value Engineering FAST diagram 2. Operations research 2.1. Linear programming models 2.2. Transportation models 2.3. Assignment models 3. Project Management 3.1. Critical path method (CPM) 3.2. Program Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) 3.3. Gantt chart (Plan Vs Actual) 4. Statistical Quality Control (SQC) 4.1. 7 Quality control tools 4.1.1. Check sheet 4.1.2. Flowchart 4.1.3. Histogram 4.1.4. Pareto diagram 4.1.5. Cause and Effect diagram 4.1.6. Control charts 4.1.7. Scatter plots 4.2. 7 New Quality tools 4.2.1. Affinity diagram 4.2.2. Tree diagram 4.2.3. Matrix diagram 4.2.4. Matrix prioritization 4.2.5. Interrelationship diagraph 4.2.6. Process Decision program chart 4.2.7. Arrow diagram 4.3. Process capability 4.4. Process capability index 4.5. Box and stem plot 4.6. Six sigma

4.6.1. DMAIC 4.6.2. DMADV 4.7. PDCA 4.8. Quality Function Deployment 4.9. ISO (QMS & EMS) 4.10. Zero defects 4.11. Design of Experiments 4.11.1. Classical DOE 4.11.2. Taguchis techniques 4.11.3. Shainins techniques 5. Lean manufacturing 5.1. Value stream mapping 5.2. Kaizen 5.3. Single piece flow 5.4. Cellular manufacturing 5.5. Poka yoke (mistake proofing) 5.6. 5S 5.7. Kanban 5.8. SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) 5.9. Andon boards 5.10. Kaikaku 6. Drum Buffer Rope Theory of constraints 7. Toyota production system 7.1. JIT 7.2. Jidoka 7.3. Takt time 7.4. Heijunka 7.5. Standardized work 8. Total Productive Maintenance 8.1. 8 Pillars of TPM 8.1.1. 5S 8.1.2. Autonomous maintenance 8.1.3. Kobetsu Kaizen 8.1.4. Planned maintenance 8.1.5. Quality maintenance 8.1.6. Safety Health and Environment 8.1.7. Education and Training 8.1.8. Office TPM 8.2. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) 8.3. MTBF 8.4. MTTR 9. ABC analysis 10. SWOT Analysis 11. Failure Modes and Effect Analysis (FMEA)

12. Statistics for Managers 12.1. Descriptive statistics 12.1.1. Mean 12.1.2. Median 12.1.3. Mode 12.1.4. SD 12.1.5. Kurtosis 12.1.6. Skewness 12.2. Inferential statistics 12.2.1. Hypothesis testing T tests Z tests Chi square testing 12.3. ANOVA 12.4. Correlation and Regression 12.5. Multi vari analysis 13. Inventory Management 13.1. EOQ 13.2. Safety stock 13.3. Reorder level 13.4. Lot sizing 13.5. Line balancing 14. Business Process Reengineering 14.1. IDEF 1 and 2 14.2. 7 Value stream mapping tools 14.3. Critical success factors (Effectiveness) 15. Analytical Hierarchy Process 16. MRP I & II 17. ERP 18. MPS 19. Scheduling techniques 20. Decision tree 21. Cross docking 22. Milk run 23. Push/Pull 24. PQCDSM Productivity Quality Cost Delivery Safety Morale 25. Hub and spoke model

26. Eight Wastes of LEAN 26.1. Defects 26.2. Over production 26.3. Transportation 26.4. Waiting 26.5. Inventory 26.6. Motion 26.7. Over processing 26.8. Under-utilized people 27. Break even analysis 28. Postponement 29. Vendor managed inventory 30. Bull whip effect 31. Collaborative Planning Forecasting Replenishment

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