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The traditional school of thought had been thinking that entrepreneurs are born and not made. The modern observation has been that some entrepreneurs may be born but a large number of them can be educated, trained and made. Learning by trial and error method is altogether ruled out. It is necessary to encourage more people to take up this field, to help them to equip themselves with training.

Need and importance of entrepreneurial de elopment trainin! pro!ramme"

The entrepreneurs play an important role in the economic development of any country. ntrepreneurs make use of the factors of production to the fullest advantage of the society, generate employment, create innovation, improve standard of living, develop backward areas, etc. all these leads to higher economic growth. !o entrepreneurial development is very essential for the economic development of a country. The entrepreneurship development programmes has an important role to play in solving the unemployment problem. "nemployment is demorali#ing. It is the ma$or source of waste in our present economic system. The most alarming form of unemployment today is educated unemployment. India is facing a chronic problem of unemployment. %ue to this frustration and discontent increases, the rate of crime also increases. Instead of going after a government $ob, people should make an effort to get themselves by starting their own business. "nder these circumstances entrepreneurship development programme assumes much importance. Importance of trainin!#

&. It increases the potential abilities and thus improves performance to the ma'imum attainable level. (. It improves overall efficiency. ). *ew techniques could be easily adopted through training. +. !tandardi#ation can be adopted in a factory where trained employees are available. ,. Training reduces fatigue. O$%ecti e& of trainin!&. To impart knowledge of the marketing of goods. (. To broaden the vision of entrepreneurs by providing them suitable opportunities for an interchange of e'perience within and outside an industry. ). To e'pose the entrepreneurs to the latest development which directly or indirectly affect them. +. To build necessary skills of new entrepreneurs and workers. ,. To impact customer education. .. To impart basic knowledge about the industry product and production methods. Met'od& of trainin!# &. Lecture met'od# "nder this method the instructor communicates in the theory the practice to be followed by the learner. The doubts under this method are clarified on the spot. (. Demon&tration met'od# This method is used where the performance of work to e shown practically is for better understanding. The demonstration method is more concerned with the practical rather than the theoretical aspect. ). Indi idual in&titution# "nder this method a single individual is selected for training. This method of training is undertaken where a complicated skill is to be taught to an individual. +. Group in&truction# this method of training is suitable for a group of individuals with a similar type of work and where general instruction are applicable to all are to be given. ,. Meetin!&# it is a method in which a group of people who come together and discuss the various problems confronting them. They e'change ideas and views and later on come to a final decision.

.. Conference# /hen new ideas and techniques to increase production are to be introduced this method of training is used.

Entrepreneurial De elopment Pro!ramme (EDP)# It may be defined as a programme designed to help an individual in strengthening his entrepreneurial motive and in acquiring skills and capabilities necessary for playing his entrepreneurial role effectively. It is necessary to promote this understanding of motives and their impact on entrepreneurial values and behaviour for this purpose. O$%ecti e& of EDP# &. To analyse environment relating to small industry and small business. (. To select pro$ect. ). To formulate pro$ect. +. To understand the process and procedure of setting up of small enterprise. ,. To know the support needed for launching enterprise. .. To acquire basic management skills. 0. To know the pros and cons of being an entrepreneur. 1. To look into faster industrial development. 2. 3reate employment opportunities by increasing medium and small scale industries. &4. 5ocus on entrepreneurship. &&. Industriali#ation of rural and village sector. &(. 3reating self employment opportunities of educated unemployment youth. Tar!et !roup of EDP# &. !ociety. (. !pecific technology. ). ntrepreneurs in the field of science and technology. +. !chedule caste and schedule tribe. ,. /oman entrepreneurs. .. '6military service entrepreneurs. 0. 7ural entrepreneurs.

1. 8rtisans. 2. ducated unemployed. &4. 9hysically handicapped. &&. 8divasi entrepreneurs. *trate!+ for entrepreneur&'ip de elopment# The following strategies of entrepreneurship development may be suggested in India&. %ynamic role of public entrepreneurship. (. %evelopment of industrial culture. ). %evelopment of management education and training. +. %evelopment of backward areas. ,. 8dequate measures for mobili#ing talent. .. :etter economic administration. 0. 8dequate and timely credit. 1. !pecial categories of entrepreneurs. T+pe& of pro!ramme& for education and trainin! entrepreneur&# The various programmes available for educating and training entrepreneurs are classified as under(A) *'ort term trainin! cour&e&# such courses are provided by :ombay

;anagement 8ssociation, 9roductivity 3ouncils, Indian ;erchant 3hambers, :ankers training 3ollege, LI3,etc. The duration can be two to three days or weeks.


Format cour&e&# these courses are in the form of entrepreneurial

management or similar title offered by universities at the post graduate level. The "niversity of ;umbai offers this sub$ect at the ;aster %egree programme in administrative management. In the year &200, the !ydenham 3ollege of 3ommerce and economics, ;umbai started a full time &, months programme leading to a diploma in ;aharashtra. ntrepreneurial ;anagement of the <overnment of

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