Gaurav Jain Resume

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+91-9873973658, 8882688667, gaurav.jain1@h !"ai#.$ " )AR55R )3N.75)9U. Performance driven professional with more than % &'ar( of prolific experience in )r'*i! an* +inan$ia# Ana#&(i( ,-a('# II an* N.I) ..I Gra*ing/, R'0 r!ing an* )#i'n! R'#a!i n(hi0 1anag'"'n! . Exposure of managing a wide array of financial sector; good understanding in collating and interpreting financial data for determining the financial performance of various companies / organizations. Abilities in cementing healthy relationship with the clients for generating business and leading workforce towards accomplishing business and corporate goals. Exceptionally well organized with a track record that demonstrates self motivation creativity and initiative to achieve both personal ! company goals. 23R4 5675RI5N)5 IN8IA RA9ING. : R5.5AR); ,+I9); GR3U7/ < ANA=>.9 ,95A1 =5A85R/ < N52 85=;I ,3$! 2?13 @ 9i## 8a!'/ 8'0ar!"'n!A 5"'rging ) r0 ra!' Gr u0 Job Responsibility: Work involves: "redit rating assignments of Emerging "orporates for #ank $oan Purposes %#asel &&' ( ! )*E +atings. *anaging a team of ,-. analysts and reporting to the )enior /irector %/epartment 0ead'. /eveloping and continuous up gradation of the +ating *odel "hecklists ! +eport format. 1raming work directions and plan for analysts after assessment of their capabilities; preparing presenting various weekly/monthly *&) reports pertaining to their productivity 2uality and compliance. "onceptualizing and developing need based training for the team for optimum efficiency. ,1a& 2?11 @ Aug 2?13/ 8'0ar!"'n!A ) r0 ra!'( Job Responsibility: Work involves: Analysing small and medium enterprises green field pro3ects from multiple sectors such as textiles steel real estate power sector on the basis of their business performance management experience and financial position and preparing detailed analytical reports on their credit worthiness for -anB =in'( C Ra!ing( ,-=R/. "ollating various risk involved in a case after rigorous analysis on the industry past performance of the company peers performance and then sensitizing the future shape of the company. *eeting the management of the company to be rated and understanding their business model and various strategies to mitigate various industry business li2uidity and related risks. Presenting the report in front of a committee which comprises stalwarts of the financial domain and arriving on a mutually acceptable rating. Preparing rating report and rating rationale for press release. "ontinuous surveillance of rated companies for changes in credit profile due to market developments government policies duty structure changes internal changes restructuring etc. #uilding and maintaining strong business relationship with clients utilizing the association with companies to identify new business opportunities. 4nowledge of data bases like Ace e2uity and Prowess. Achievements: Assigned the first ever and maximum 5)&" ratings at 1itch +atings %5ew /elhi'. Appreciation mails from issuers on a couple of occasions and was praised by the *anaging /irector %1itch &ndia' for relationship building efforts. 3NI)RA )R58I9 RA9ING AG5N)> 3+ IN8IA < JR. -U.IN5.. ANA=>.9 < N3I8A ,Januar& 2?1? @ +'D2?11/ Job Responsibility: 6orking on rating of )*E7s and associate rating. 6ork involved8

"redit appraisal report writing covering all type of risks for )*E7s ! working capital analysis.

"ollating various risk involved in a case after rigorous analysis on the industry past performance of the company peers performance and then sensitizing the future shape of the company. *eeting the management of the company to be rated and understanding their business model and various strategies to mitigate various industry business li2uidity and related risks. &ndependently handling large corporate accounts in a specific terrain and geography %9:) #A;A; *5A$ +E5A<$9 etc.' and assisting them for choosing the best applicant to setup their dealership in the new location. &nvolved in )tock audit of *ahindra and *ahindra Process audit of 9A9A *otors $imited. Achievements: "ompleted more than =>> assignments during the tenure with the company and was recognized as a valuable resource by the +egional rating head for the successful and proactive completion of assignments. +epresented the analytics ! reporting team during the 9A9A *otors sales process audit in +a3asthan 0aryana Pun3ab <ttar Pradesh and <ttarakhand. 9rained and mentored more than ?> new interns over a four month Period. 95); 1A;IN8RA < .r. 9.3 < N3I8A ,Jan 2??7- Ju#& 2??7/ Job Responsibility and Achievements: 6orked on :irtual banking applications support. Awarded best team player by the client. 5N9R57R5N5UR.;I7 : .3)IA= 25=+AR5 A)9IVI9I5. < JAI7UR ,A0ri# 2??3- N v 2??6/ 1loated a company #hairav "onstruction "ompany in business of civil contractor ship. )tarted an 5@A :ikalp for child education women empowerment environmental issues and organized several programmes on the stated issues. 58U)A9I3N 85GR55 *.) in "onsultancy *anagement *aster of #usiness Administration %1inance' P.@. /iploma in &nternational #usiness #achelors of "ommerce )enior )econdary >5AR =>?= ( =>?. %e' =>>G - =>>H =>>I - =>>J =>>> - =>>, ?HHH - =>>> UNIV5R.I9>E-3AR8 #&9) Pilani <niversity of *ysore #hartiya :idya #hawan <niversity of +a3asthan ".#.).E

ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS: 6on 4ulpati Award for standing 1irst in P@ /iploma in &nternational #usiness in +a3asthan among the from various centres 6inner of two annual Buiz competitions C9<+59A&$7 at college )econd prize in inter college 2uiz competition held at &&$* +epresented college at various inter college competitions *ember of Post @raduate Programme and Placement committees at college A)A851I) 7R3J5)9. : 7R3+5..I3NA= GR331ING


?. /ays :ocational 9raining on C+esearch and :aluation7 by ARC Academia, India office of Wall St. Training )ummer &nternship with D/E@+E*A59 )<EEF on effective DP+A;E"9 *A5A@E*E59F &ntegrated Assignment on "oca "ola Pro3ect on &mpact of $oan 6aiver on &ndian Economy Effective Pro3ect *anagement in Public )ector with reference to /*+"

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