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Test für Ausländische Studierende

Test for Academic Studies

T E S TA S – T E S T F O R A C A D E M I C S T U D I E S
General Hints for the Test

The test consists of a Core Test and one of four Subject-Specific Modules

- Economics
- Engineering
- Humanities, Cultural Studies and Social Sciences
- Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences.

You will start with the Core Test which will be done by all test takers. It takes about two hours
to complete. The Subject-Specific Tests follow after a break. It is meant only for applicants
for these areas of study and each takes about two and a half hours to complete.

The tests consist of different subtests. Within the subtests, the easier questions are usually
at the beginning and the more difficult ones at the end. You have only a limited period of time
for each subtest. The length of this period will be announced at the beginning of each
subtest. In addition, the test administrator will occasionally remind you of the time and
indicate when you are supposed to start on the next subtest. If you have finished all items in
a subtest before the allocated period of time elapses, you can check your answers again.
You are allowed to browse within the subtest. You are, however, not allowed to turn pages
forward or backward beyond the subtest you are working on, that is, you are not allowed to
work on a subsequent or a previous subtest.

You are given four, five or six possible answers for each item or question (A, B, C, D, E, F).
Only one answer is correct.

Together with the test booklet, you will receive an answer sheet. Next to each question
number, you will see four, five or six boxes just underneath the solution letters. Please mark
the box underneath the appropriate letter with a black or blue pen (not a pencil!).

© 2009 ITB Consulting GmbH, Bonn; TestDaF-Institut, Hagen


An example:

Question (in the booklet): Answer (on the answer sheet):

0) How much is 2 • 2 ?
(A) 12 0
(B) 5
(C) 4
(D) ½

If you want to revise an answer, shade the wrongly marked box completely and then
mark the correct box with a cross .
If, for one question, you mark several boxes with a cross, your answer will be considered
invalid. Please note that only the answer sheet will be evaluated. If you mark your answers
in the test booklet, they will not be evaluated. Therefore you should make sure that you mark
the answers on the answer sheet in the period of time stipulated for each subtest.
You will receive one point for each correct answer. Wrong answers or no answers will not be
considered for scoring. For your final test result, the results from the different subtest will be
You may use any free space in the test booklet and the note paper given to you to make
notes. If you need additional note paper later on, please raise your hand. Apart from pens,
pencils, eraser and note paper, no other resources are allowed.
In each subtest, you will find notes on how to handle the subtest. Please observe these notes
carefully. If you have questions, you are requested to ask before starting work on the
questions. If you do not have questions, start working on the questions immediately after
reading the notes.
Organise your time carefully; work as quickly and at the same time as diligently as possible.
Do not spend too much time on questions you find particularly difficult. The test is
constructed in such a way that almost nobody can answer all questions in the time given (on
average, people solve about half of all items).
Although we carefully check the material we send out, it is possible that in some booklets
pages are missing or texts are illegible. If you have been given such a booklet, kindly report
to an invigilator immediately.
As soon as the test has been completed, all booklets and answer sheets will be collected
and evaluated. You can download your results, i.e. your TestAS Certificate, on your personal
site in the TestAS Candidate Portal as from the 5th of May, 2009. For this, you will need your
user name and password. Please keep both of them carefully! Please note, that the
certificates will not be posted.
Good luck!

© 2009 ITB Consulting GmbH, Bonn; TestDaF-Institut, Hagen

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