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EKC 108 TUTORIAL 2013/2014 1. The determination of Fe in an industrial waste stream was carried out by the o-phenanthroline.

Using the data shown in the following table, determine the concentration of Fe in the waste stream. ppm Fe 0.00 1.00 !.00 .00 #.00 un&nown Absorbance 0.000 0.18 0. "# 0.$#" 0.%!% 0.!"'

!. A multiple standard addition method was used for determining Fe ( in a natural water sample. 10 m) ali*uots of the sample were pipetted into $0.m) +olumetric flas&s. ,-actly 0.00, $.00, 10.00, 1$.00 ad !0.00 m) of standard solution containing 11.1 ppm of Fe ( were added to each followed by an e-cess of thiocyanate ion to gi+e the red comple- Fe./012!(. After dilution to +olume, absorbances of the fi+e solutions were measured in a 0.'8! cm cell at #80 nm and found to be 0.!#0, 0.# %, 0."!1, 0.80' and 1.00' respecti+ely. 3hat is the concentration of Fe ( in the water sample4 . The concentration of Titanium and +anadium was determined through the formation of 5!6! comple-. The absorbances of mi-ed solution Ti and 7 and standard solution " .1 ppm Ti and '".# ppm 7 is gi+en below8 3a+elength '0 # 0 #$0 #%0 $10 /td Ti 0.8'$ 0.88# 0."'# 0.#81 0.1% Absorbances /td 7 9i-ed /olution 0. !" 0."$1 0.#'% 0.%# 0.$!8 0.""$ 0.$1! 0.$#% 0. %# 0. 1#

0alculate the concentration for Ti and 7 in the mi-ed solution. #. To determine the formula for the comple- between Fe!( and ophenantroline, a series of solution was prepared in which the total concentration of metal and ligand was held constant at .1$ - 10-# 9. The

absorbance of each solution was measured at a wa+elength of $10 nm. Using the following data, determine the formula for the comple-. :) 0.0 0.1 0.! 0. 0.# 0.$ Absorbance 0.000 0.11" 0.! 1 0. #% 0.#"! 0.$%8 :) 0." 0.% 0.8 0.' 1.0 Absorbance 0."' 0.80' 0."' 0. #% 0.000

". The formula of 0omple- 9:n can be determined. To # m) portions of a 0.01 9 solution of 9 are added +arying +olumes of 0.019 solution of :, and the solutions are diluted to !0 m) with an appropriate bac&ground solution. The data are shown below 1o 1 ! m) of : 0 ! absorbances 0 0.1!$

# $ " % 8 ' 10 11 1! 1

# $ % 8 ' 11 1! 1 1# 1$

0.18$ 0.!#8 0. 10 0.# $ 0.#'8 0.$$' 0."8$ 0.% 8 0.%%1 0.%%$ 0.%%$

%. The acidity constant for an acid-base indicator was determined by preparing solutions, each of which has a total indicator conc of $ - 10-$ 9. The first solution was made strongly acidic with 50l and has an absorbance of 0.!$. The second solution was made strongly basic with absorbance of 1.#. The p5 of the third solution was measured at !.'1 with an abs at 0.""!. 3hat is the +alue of ;a for the indicator4 8. 3hy is a calibration cur+e li&ely to be linear o+er a wider range of concentrations at the wa+elength of ma-imum absorption compared to a wa+elength on a shoulder of the absorption cur+e4 '. 10. 11. <istinguish between a single beam and a double beam spectrophotometer. <escribe the factors that cause the =eer>s law relationship to depart from linearity. A second instrumental limitation to =eer>s )aw is stray radiation. The following data were obtained using a cell with a pathlength of 1.00 cm, when the stray light is insignificant .?stray @ 02. [Analyte] (M) 0.000 0.00! 0.00# 0.00" 0.008 0.010 Absorbance 0.00 0.#0 0.80 1.!0 1."0 !.00

0alculate the absorbance of each solution when ? stray is $A of ?0 and plot beer>s law calibration cur+es for both sets of data. ,-plain any differences between the two cur+es. .5int8 Assume that ?0 is 1002 1!. A mixture of MnO4- and Cr2O72- and standards of 1.0 x 10-4 M KMnO4 and 1.0 x 10-4 M K2Cr2O7 gave the following results !avelength "nm# 2'' 2(( )20 )*0 )'0 MnO4- &tandard 0.042 0.0(2 0.1'( 0.12* 0.0*' A$sor$an%es Cr2O72- &tandard 0.410 0.2() 0.1*( 0.)1( 0.1(1 Mixture 0.7'' 0.*71 0.422 0.'72 0.)''

+etermine the molar %on%entration of ea%h anal,te in the mixture.

1 . The acidity constant for an organic wea& acid was determined by measuring a constant total concentration of the acid. Using the data from table. <etermine the acidity constant for the organic wea& acid. p5 1.$ !.!0 ."" #.11 #. $ #.%$ #.88 $.0' $."' %.!0 %.%8 Absorbance 0.010 0.010 0.0 $ 0.0%! 0.10 0.1"' 0.1' 0.!!% 0.!88 0. 1% 0. 1%

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