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$iscover new books on Goodreads %ign in to see your friends& reviews: 'oin Goodreads %uddenly a Bride ()cross the %tars, *+, Rate this book + of - stars. of - stars/ of - stars0 of - stars- of - stars %uddenly a Bride ()cross the %tars *+, by Ruth )nn 1ordin (Goodreads )uthor, /2-+ of - stars /2-+ 3 rating details 3 4/+ ratings 3 45 reviews Rilo )n comes from a world where there are no women2 6hat he longs for is a life mate: someone who&ll complete him, someone he can love who7ll love him back, someone who7ll ease the aching loneliness that haunts his life2 %o he leaves his world, takes on the "arth name 8hris 6est, and makes a payment to %tar %ystems 9nlimited for a life mate2

6hen he bonds with 8aitlyn $avi222more :indle "dition, .00 pages ;ublished 'une .+st .<++ by Ruth )nn 1ordin&s Books more details222 edit details Get a copy:

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more books222 Friend Reviews Co see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up2 >ists with Chis Book Che >ight 6ithin Me by 8arly Fall%tone Guardian by $anielle Monsch%uddenly a Bride by Ruth )nn 1ordinChe Ce#an&s 6ager by 'odi Chomas;laying for :eeps by R2>2 Mathewson Firgin heroD /rd out of +.. books E 0+ voters Ral&s 6oman by >aurann $ohner8laimed by "vangeline )ndersonHunted by "vangeline )nderson%ought by "vangeline )ndersonFound by "vangeline )nderson Mars 1eeds 6omen Crope 50th out of .4- books E .<5 voters

More lists with this book222 8ommunity Reviews (showing +G/< of +,+4<, filter H sort: default (I, H rating details ChreeRs (Got >ogicI, )pr <., .<+/ ChreeRs (Got >ogicI, rated it + of - stars Recommends it for: Radical rightGwingersI %arah ;alinI %tephanie MeyerI %helves: misleadingGblurb, unableGtoGfinish, repugnantGpremise, scrapingGtheGbottomGofG theGbarrel Chis isn&t romance, it&s rape disguised as an alien mating custom2 Bt&s not scienceGfiction, either, but a thinly veiled argument against reproductive rights2

6hen Rilo )n arrives on "arth to meet his life mate, he has absolutely no AromanticA intentions2 He never even considers that she may not be interested, or that "arth customs might be different from his own2 He has no plans to woo her, win her over, or even get to know her2 1o, as far as he&s concerned, their marriage is a done deal2 )ll he222more flag +J likes 3 like 3 see review 'udy 'an <4, .<+. 'udy rated it - of - stars 3 review of another edition %uddenly a Bride by Ruth )nn 1ordin )cross the %tars Book + B Kust love Ruth&s booksD Her hero&s are the sweetest guys and you Kust fall for them as they try and please the love of their life2 Bn this case our hero is Rilo )n from ;andoran, a planet where there were only men left2 He goes to %tar %ystems 9nlimited and pays them to choose him a wife from "arth2 He wants a woman willing to be his >ife Mate and who will want children with him2 He knows when he finds her that a special hormone will re222more flag / likes 3 like 3 see review

RachelG Goodbye Borders )ug +<, .<+/ RachelG Goodbye Borders marked it as dnf B picked this up for a challenge (needed a wedding themed book,2 B didn&t make it that far before B started to see red2 Bssue number one: AHe didn&t like the idea that a woman might decide his genetic line didn&t suit her2A ;oor baby, a woman might decide to not have children with you2 BooGhooD Bssue number two: AB know, but B was warned the women on "arth can be emotional2 B&m not sure if that&s worth it2A 1ow, B reali!e it was someone else (not RiloL8hris, that said this, but reallyID Bssue nu222more flag . likes 3 like 3 see review >yla Mar </, .<+/ >yla rated it . of - stars %helves: dhasgG.<+/Gchallenge, iGllGneverGread, kindle, meh, neverGgoingGtoGread, notGaG reGread, smut, tepid, threwGitGacrossGtheGmoGfuckingGroom, totalGdisappointment, angryGiG finishedGitGwastedGmoney, contemporaryGerotica Chis review has been hidden because it contains spoilers2 Co view it, click here2 flag . likes 3 like 3 see review 8larke Feb +<, .<+/ 8larke rated it . of - stars %helves: adult, ownGfreeGbook, para, paraGpreg, paraGalien, partGofGaGseries, standalone, pnr, eh, newGadult Chis type of story is normally right up my alley2 9nfortunately not this one although the story was a good idea and characters entertaining2

8hrisLRilo left his planet to find a wife and to have kids2 He pays a company to find a wife for him not giving any preference to the type of women he gets2 His assigned women works as a waitress and has no idea she&s about to become married via se#2 8aitlyn goes from still morning her dead husband to meeting a nice customer to being chemically induced to ha222more flag + like 3 like 3 see review C<<!day Feb +0, .<+0 C<<!day rated it . of - stars %helves: characterGaliens, settingGalternateGreality, themeGchickGlit, mcGfemale, #GfillerG

readingGmaterial, endingGhea, #GmarsGneedsGwomen, snarkGnoGdesireGtoGreGread, themeG romance, snarkGdidnGtGgrabGme Bf you&re wanting alienLearthling erotica, scratch this off your list2

Chis is a sweet, fluffy, H") romance2 Che villain in the story is the heroine&s overbearing, controlling, Kudgmental mother2 Chat&s as heavy as it gets2 flag + like 3 like 3 see review %helley 8hastagner $ec +5, .<++ %helley 8hastagner rated it 0 of - stars 3 review of another edition ) bit of a sciGfi romance2 Rilo (aka 8hris, is a nieve alien in search of a wife2 8aitlyn is picked by the agency to fill the bill2 9nfortunately she comes with a manipulative mother2 ;oor 8hris has to navigate the comple#ities of )merican earth culture and the nuances of dealing with an e#tended family2 ;acked with lots of funny moments and e#asperation2 Chis is another one of my favorites by Ruth 1ordin2 flag + like 3 like 3 see review >i!a 'an .+, .<+0 >i!a rated it - of - stars %helves: kindle, favorites Reread2 %econd time around and B still love itD B wanted to make myself familiar with the other characters again since B&ll be reading the rest of the series2 B >@F" 8hrisD He is sooooo cute, so naive and so eandearing2 Chings he says that makes you go AaawwwwwA, i2e2 AB&ll go there because you&re thereA or AB&ll do anything as long as B get to touch youA2 )nd yes, he always wants to touch her2 )nd he&s working so hard so that she loves him2 Getting pictures taken with her was very important to h222more flag like 3 see review >i!a )ug ./, .<+/ >i!a rated it / of - stars %helves: eGbook, romance, scienceGfiction %uspension of disbelief2 Bf you&re looking for a reason to hate it, overGanaly!e any aspect

of it and you&ll likely succeed2 )s a light, fluffy read, ignoring political possibilities and repercussions (although B admit that some of the outraged reviews on here sound pretty valid, if you inspect them from that point of view,, it was enKoyable2 ) uick read and a different spin on things2 )t times cheesy and hard to believe, but B pretty much only re uire my historical novels to work within the li222more flag like 3 see review $avida 8amillo )ug .J, .<+. $avida 8amillo rated it / of - stars $ecent Read for Moung )dults

Chis was my first book by Ruth )nn 1ordin2 Chis book was cute and a uick read2 B am going to keep reading her books2 %ome fun issues are raised that people sometimes have to deal with2 Chere is some se# but nothing too steamy but B still would keep it to +JN2 Che main characters are Rilo )n ):) 8hris 6est, an alien from a planet with only men and 8aitlyn $avis, a widowed waitress on "arth2 RiloL8hris decided he wants a life mate and makes a re uest for an earth woman222more flag like 3 see review Melissa 'un .4, .<+. Melissa rated it / of - stars %helves: scienceGfiction Chis was my first book by Ruth 1ordin, and it probably won7t be my last2 Chis book, although a little drawn out, was well developed, wellGbuilt and overall is easy book to enKoy2 Her heroes are the sweetest guys and you Kust fall for them, as they try and please the love of their life2 Bn this case our hero is Rilo )n from ;andoran, a planet where there were only men left2 He goes to %tar %ystems 9nlimited and pays them to choose him a wife from "arth2 He wants a woman willing to be his >ife Mat222more flag like 3 see review %ophia Mar <-, .<+/ %ophia rated it 0 of - stars %helves: sciGfiGromance Chis was a story with a gentle plot which made it a refreshing change to tuck in amongst the more weightier dramatic plotted stories that B&ve been reading lately2 1ot to say that

there is no conflictD Chere is that, but its resolution happens without an undue amount of angst because the two main characters are unselfish, thoughtful and mature about it when the conflict from without their relationship happens2

Honestly, this one felt more like a contemporary romance with science fiction elements222more flag like 3 see review :ay Bolton )pr .0, .<+/ :ay Bolton rated it / of - stars %helves: /Gstar @kay, B have to be a bit careful here, as B don&t want anyone to think that B am slagging off the book or the author, which B most definitely am not2

My first 1ovel by Ruth 1ordin was at first dismissed as awful, but then when B literally had nothing else to read B forced myself, and secretly enKoyed it2 Chere is something endearing about the cheesiness of her novels2 )t first B thought that was an accident, but as B&ve read a few more B&ve decided that it can only be by design2

Chis here book, wa222more flag like 3 see review Conileg 'un .4, .<+. Conileg rated it . of - stars %helves: kindle, romance, fantasy %o 8hris 6est lives on a planet where there are only men, all the women died out more then a hundred years ago so there are only two other worlds where there are women that are compatible to his kind2 8aitlyn $avis is at her waitress Kob with her best friend and Kust living a normal boring life2 BoomD 8hris is assigned 8aitlyn as a lifeGmate2 Chis concept is well e#plained and it sounds like marriage from the MiddleG)ges when there was no divorce2 8aitlyn and 8hris &mate& and bond for life and st222more flag like 3 see review

Melinda $ec .5, .<+. Melinda rated it 0 of - stars )w, what a sweet book2 B think 8aitlyn is ama!ing2 %he has a good head on her shoulders2 Her understanding of situations without the normal hysterics is refreshing2

B found the conflict between mother and daughter similar to what B went through in real life2 B had to laugh at a couple of points cause it match my life almost e#actly2 However, the man B married didn&t take any of my mother&s antics and uickly knocked her out of the controlling mode2 :G,

8hris is really sweet and Mark is a good frie222more flag like 3 see review "mily 1ov <4, .<+. "mily rated it 0 of - stars %helves: betrayal, genreGsciGfiGfantasy, humorous, pregnancy, series 8hris 6est arrives to "arth with one goal, to find his life mate 8aitlyn $avis2 8aitlyn has no clue what has happened, within a span of a few hours she has se# with a man she doesn&t know, finds out she is bondedLmatedLmarried to said man, and the icing on the cake is he is from another planet2

8hris&s hope is to find a mate he can have children with and build a family, 8aitlyn is that woman2 Cheir marriage has a few bumps along the way, but once 8hris meets 8aitlyn&s family it has him uestionin222more flag like 3 see review >ynelle 8lark 1ov .O, .<+. >ynelle 8lark rated it - of - stars %helves: promotionalGgift, sciGfi, romance B simply love Ruth )nn 1ordin&s story2 Che simplicity in her writing style and the care she take to build each character has never disappointed me2 @nce again in this story she out did herself with 8hris, Che alien from another gala#y who was forced to come to earth in search for a female2 Co bond and start a family with2 His innocence in all that evolved women, relationships and marriage was the high light of the story2 His willingness to

learn and to bridge the gap was sweet2 Che mother in law222more flag like 3 see review "lly Helcl )pr ++, .<+/ "lly Helcl rated it - of - stars 6hile this book has an otherGworldly beginning, it is very much so a book any married person can relate with2

Che antagonist of this story is the dreaded motherGinGlaw222)lmost all married couples can relate to that2

Che AHeroA is super, super sweet2 His name is 8hris and all he wants is for 8aitlyn to be happy2 Bn fact, when he found out that human males sometimes abuse their women he was shocked2 )nd that is when B fell in love with 8hris2

8aitlyn is also an incredibly lovable character who has h222more flag like 3 see review Brittany Feb <+, .<+0 Brittany rated it - of - stars %helves: alien, sciGfi %uddenly a bride was such a cute, fun story2 8hris was so clueless and adorable2 B loved that the book Kust makes you smile at some of the dorky things 8hris does2 B may not want to read books like this all the time but this was a pleasant surprise2 flag like 3 see review $onna )ug ./, .<++ $onna rated it / of - stars Rilo )n comes from a world where there are no women2 6hat he longs for is a life mate: someone who&ll complete him, someone he can love who&ll love him back, someone who&ll ease the aching loneliness that haunts his life2

%o he leaves his world, takes on the "arth name 8hris 6est, and makes a payment to %tar %ystems 9nlimited for a life mate2 6hen he bonds with 8aitlyn $avis, he thinks life can&t get any better2 But she was married before, and memories of her deceased husband still linger around222more flag like 3 see review )llie Ritch )pr .4, .<+/ )llie Ritch rated it - of - stars B can sum this book up in a single word: funD Chis author has a great voice, the characters were interesting and believable, and the love scenes were spicy2 Che author did such a good Kob of making the heroine&s mother despicable that B wanted to yell at the wretched woman myself2 B had a blast reading this one and would definitely recommend it to %FR fans2 Che premise is reminiscent of the movie %tarman with 'eff Bridges, e#cept the story line for %uddenly a Bride is, in my opinion, way better2222more flag like 3 see review 82"2 :ilgore Mar ++, .<+/ 82"2 :ilgore rated it 0 of - stars %helves: scienceGfictionGromance Chis was a sweet, cute little story2 )lthough there were some things in it that irked me a bit (8aitlyn and %andy&s very easy acceptance, 8aitlyn being ok with the whole forced into it scenario, there was still something about the story and characters (mostly 8hris, that made this story heartwarming for me2 8aitlyn&s mom was a hoot to read too, and added conflict of the goodGoldGfashioned mama kind2 Che author uses 8hris as a way to e#plore different aspects of human relationships, love, and fam222more flag like 3 see review pianogirl<'an /<, .<+/ pianogirl<- rated it 0 of - stars %helves: romanceGparanormal B liked the lightness of this book compared to the heavy drama of other books that B read2 Mes, there was conflict, but 8hris and his inability to grasp things on "arth kept things almost comical at times2 Che poor guy should have hit the internet in his spare time2 6hat kept me from giving this - stars was B would have liked to see more interaction between the 8hris and 8aitlyn in order for the love and bond to come across better2 He talked more with others in the book than his wife2 B also wis222more

flag like 3 see review Greymalkin 'ul <+, .<+. Greymalkin rated it / of - stars %helves: romance B set the bar pretty low (free on kindle, the plot sounded silly, but this was actually pretty entertaining2 Fluffy of course but the whole alien thing was worked into the story rather well2 8haracters actually did ask some of the obvious uestions2 %ome even reacted the way that real people might, when confronted with such a situation2 8ertainly entertaining and fun2 Bt was also fun to have a hero who Kust genuinely Kust wanted to cherish and support the heroine, and wasn&t emotionally damaged2222more flag like 3 see review 8olleenM 'ohnson )ug </, .<+/ 8olleenM 'ohnson rated it - of - stars 3 review of another edition %helves: booksGwithGreviews Bt took me three days to find a book worth reading, that could capture my attention and keep it throughout the whole book2 Chis is a KewelD Romance, love scenes blended in with every day life but still having that # factor that pops up at the perfect momentsD ) great romance with a touch of sci fi2 Chis author has popped onto my must follow and devour all she writes listD Chank you for this book, B loved it2 )fter reading this author&s free edition of this book B am +<<P satisfied to pay for the222more flag like 3 see review 8harmaine 6alker 'an <5, .<+0 8harmaine 6alker rated it - of - stars 6hat a beautiful Aout of this worldA love story2 8hris was a lonely soul wanting someone to love and bond with2 6hat a beautiful man2 %o pleased 8aitlyn fell in love with him too2 6ished it would have gone on a little bit longer2 But really enKoyed this different love story :G, flag like 3 see review %herri %mith 'an /<, .<+/ %herri %mith rated it / of - stars Chis222was an odd book2 B downloaded it onto my kindle, and truly wasn&t sure what B was e#pecting2 8ertainly not what B read2 Basically, the man is an AalienA of sorts who comes to earth to meet his mate2

$espite the oddness of the book, B did start and finish the book, because in a very odd way it kept me captivated2 Bt was written fairly well, and had enough drama and Acra!inessA to keep me interested2 However, it is unlikely it would be a book that B would read in the future2 flag like 3 see review 'ill Feb <+, .<+0 'ill rated it / of - stars >ots of se#222 B am curious to learn more about the sister in the ne#t book2 flag like 3 see review )manda 'ul <J, .<+. )manda rated it 0 of - stars %helves: kindle )n alien from a planet called ;andoren come down to earth in search of his life mate2 %ee, his planet now longer has women on it2 %o, his kind must look elsewhere for a wife and family2 )n intergalactic agency granted his wish and sent him to earth2

Chey meet, bond (wink, wink,, and start life together2 B wish there was a little more fire in the characters2 8aitlyn is a little to accepting and 8hris was a little childGlike2 flag like 3 see review )manda $ec .., .<+. )manda rated it / of - stars %helves: romance, paranormal 6hen B stumbled on this little novella, B din&t think i would enKoy it as much as B did, but B was pleasantly surprised2 8hris is a super adorable man from space who, from the sounds of it, would be a Koy in every way, especially in bed2 B hope she writes more, maybe about 8aity&s friend %andy and 8hris& friend Mark2 Might be some fun times2 flag like 3 see review Q previous + . / 0 - 4 J O 5 ? /O /5 ne#t R new topic

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