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Course: Services Marketing Program: MBA

Prepared For:

Mr. Tabarak Hossain Course Instructor Faculty of Business and Economics Daffodil International University

Prepared By:
Ka i Md. Monirul Islam ID! "#$%$&%#"' Md.Ma(sin )li ID! "#$%$&%#$*

Date of Submission: 25 August, 2009

D)FF+DI, I-TE.-)TI+-), U-I/E.0IT1

Dhanmondi, Dhaka

Introduction: Customer feedback and service recovery is one of t(e most im2ortant as2ects in services marketin3. Identifyin3 t(e customer com2lainin3 be(avior is t(e first task (ere for t(e marketer. Customers com2lain 4(en t(e services fails to satisfy (is or (er need as 2er demand. Effective service recovery can increase t(e customer5s loyalty. T(us t(e effective service recovery 2rocedures s(ould be 2roactive6 2lanned6 trained and also em2o4ered to satisfy com2lainin3 customers. Here6 t(e service 3uarantees can 2lays a vital role 4(ic( is t(e 2romise t(at if t(e service delivery fails to meet t(e 2redefined standard6 t(e customer 4ill be com2ensated by re2lacement6 refund6 or credit. But t(e ma7or concern (ere is to 3et t(e customers feedback 2ro2erly t(an take 2ro2er ste2s to recover service6 learn ne4 as2ects6 identifyin3 o22ortunistic be(aviors6 develo2in3 ne4 value added services 4it( fe4er risks to be failed. Background of the case: Bell Canada is a tele2(one service 2rovider com2any is com2lained by four individuals as some of t(eir services failed from some as2ects in Toronto6 +ntario. 8inston C(en claimed t(at (e (as been overc(ar3ed and so re9uest for an ad7ustment. Marie :ortillo5s com2lain is t(at s(e missed some im2ortant calls because t(e caller received a busy si3nal 4(ereas t(e 2(one 4as free actually. Eleanor /anderbilt (as been disturbed by someone a several 4eeks and so s(e re9uests to sto2 t(is (arassment. .ic(ard .obbins com2laints about a noise durin3 call 4(ic( can be arise from some kinds of tec(nical mec(anism. 8(atever t(e 2roblems are t(e feedbacks from t(e customers about t(e service failure and t(e service recovery 2rocedures are t(e main concernin3 matter in t(is case.

Ana !sis: To analy e t(e case 4e (ave to find out t(e ans4er of ' 9uestions. T(ese are as follo4s. ;$. Based trickily on t(e information in t(e case6 (o4 many 2ossibilities do you see to se3ment t(e telecommunications market< )ns! By analy in3 t(e information5s 2rovided in t(is case6 t4o se3mentation bases can be identified. T(ese are = 0e9uential se3mentation and se3mentation based on usa3e rate. 0e9uential se3mentation sc(eme classifies business buyers into * cate3ories. > > :rice%oriented customers! T(ey 4ant value6 and at t(e same time a convenient 2ricin3. E?am2le! 8inston C(en 3rumbles al4ays about (is tele2(one bill. 0olution%oriented customers! T(ey 4ant value t(rou3( benefits and advice. E?am2le! Marie :ortillo missed some calls as t(e callers received a busy si3nal6 and s(e 4is(es to 3et a 2ro2er solution. > 0trate3ic%value customers! T(ey 4ant value t(rou3( t(e su22lier5s 2artici2ation in t(eir o4n business. E?am2le! Mrs. /anderbilt5s re9uirement is t(at t(e tele2(one com2any 4ill take a 2ro2er action by sto22in3 (er (arassment from t(e unkno4n. By a22lyin3 usa3e rate also6 4e can se3ment t(e market for t(is telecommunication market. > > > Heavy users! 8inston C(en is6 in t(e to2 '@ of all (ouse(old 2(one bills in +ntario. Medium Users! Marie :ortillo5s usa3e rate is in t(e 2oint at 4(ic( A"@ of all bills are (i3(er and A"@ are lo4er. ,i3(t Users! Mrs. /anderbilt5s bills in t(e bottom $"@ of all (ouse(olds bills.

"2# )s a marketin3 mana3er6 do you see any marketin3 o22ortunities for t(e tele2(one com2any in t(ese com2laints< Ans: BT(anks Heavens for Com2lainersC 4as t(e 2rovocative title of an article 4(ere a successful mana3er e?claimin3 BT(anks 3oodness. I (ave 3ot a dissatisfied customer on t(e 2(oneD T(e ones I 4orry about are t(e once I never (ere fromC. Customers 4(o do com2lain 3ive a firm t(e c(ance to correct 2roblems6 restore relations(i2 and introduce im2roved servicesC. T(e o22ortunities t(ose can be obtained from t(e com2lains can be as follo4s. > > > > Effective and customi ed services can increase customer5s loyalty. Identify service 2roblems and learnin3 from recovery e?2erience can reduce t(e risk of service failures. 0ome of t(e o22ortunistic be(avior can be identified. /aluable and less valuable customers can be identified.

$indings: > > > > Beside standardi ed services customi ed services are essential in t(e service industry like mobile 2(one service. 0ometime service failure brin3s t(e o22ortunity to deliver 2ersonali ed services. 0e3mentation based on usa3e rate can be used in identifyin3 valuable and less valuable customers. 0e9uential se3mentation can identify customer5s 2ersonal needs.

%ecommendations: > > T(e realty of t(e com2laints s(ould be monitored 2ro2erly to ensure 4(et(er t(ere is any o22ortunistic be(avior or really service failed. Com2lainers s(ould be re4arded because t(ey 2lay t(e vital role in service recovery 2rocess.

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