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With water levels receding in both states, some initial damage assessments have become possible. In Andhra
Pradesh, 1.6 million people are affected, 63 human lives have been lost and over 70,000 houses are damaged. In
Karnataka, 1.5 million people are affected with media reports today putting the death toll at 212. Almost 300,000
houses have been damaged in the state.

Both state governments are engaged in rescue and relief operations. Till date, over 350,000 people have been
accommodated in 294 re lief camps in Andhra Pradesh . Media reports state that almost 700,000 people in
Karnataka are accommodated in over 1,500 relief camps in Karnataka . Considerable logistic support is also being
provided by the central government to both states. UNICEF Hyderabad is planning to focus its response in Kurnool
and Mahbubnagar districts in Andhra Pradesh and Raichur in Karnataka.

According to the Central Water Commi ssion, water from the Alamati and Tungabhadra dams on the Krishna River
in Karnataka is flowing with a falling trend. Water from the Hirakud dam, Prakasam Barrage and PD Jurala project
on the Krishna River in Andhra Pradesh is also flowing with a falling t rend.

The Indian Meteorological Department is predicting isolated rain and thundershowers in Andhra Pradesh and
isolated showers in Karnataka in the next 24 hours , particularly along the coast.


(Source: Sphere India Sit Rep)

1 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

(Source: Sphere India Sit Rep)


Official damage details in Andhra Pradesh (State government report on 7 October, 8 pm):


1. No. of Mandals 34 16 16 14 7 87
2. No. of Villages 189 95 131 110 40 565
3. Population 520,000 601,362 355,232 124,112 45,000 1,645,706
4. No. of human 38 20 1 1 3 63
lives lost
5. No. of livestock 19,560 267 2 83 2 19,914
6. No. of houses 42,061 22,523 8,027 0 1,320 73,931
7. Agricultural land - - - - - 162,462
affected (in ha)

After heavy flooding in the first week, receding water levels at Srisailam dam and in the tributaries of Krishna have
provided some respite to Kurnool and Mahbubnagar. However, Kurnool had been submerged two days ago and is
still under four to five feet of water. In Mahbubnagar, too, many people are still trapped in flood waters.

Official damage details in Karnataka (as on 7 Oct):

Population affected – 1,500,000
No. of districts affected – 15 (The most affected districts are Bijapur, Raichur, Koppal, Bagalkote, Gulbarga,
Davanagere, Uttarakand, Gadag, Bellary, Bidar, and Belgaum.)
No. of villages affected – 1,467
No. of human lives lost – 175 (212 in media reports on 8 Oct)
No. of livestock deaths – 4,595

2 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

No. of houses damaged - 298,713
The rains have now stopped and flood water is receding in the affected districts in northern Karnataka. However,
there is still a threat of more rains and water releases from dams.


The state governments, in coordin ation with the Home Ministry, Army, and National Disaster Management
Authority (NDMA), have been conducting large -scale search and rescue operation, and have started with provision
of essential food, water and shelter supplies to the affected populations.

Both states have deputed senior IAS officers as District In -charge Secretaries to asses and coordinate relief and
rescue operations in the flood affected districts.

Government response in Andhra Pradesh (State government report on 7 October, 8 pm):


1. No. of Boats 100 0 69 203 0 372
2. No. of swimmers 368 40 525 399 64 1,396
3. No. of Army 295 0 318 100 0 713
4. No. of helicopters 7 0 4 4 0 15
5. No. of relief 70 56 83 75 10 294
camps organized
6. No. of persons 125,000 138,172 150,000 74,913 45,000 533,085
7. No. of persons in 125,000 87,175 61,424 77,539 15,000 366,138
relief camps
8. No. of food 1,300,000 235,920 211,712 205,810 30,000 1,983,442
9. No. of water 1,450,000 375,040 491,826 410,000 30,000 2,756,866
10. No. of medical 70 12 90 67 15 254
camps organized

The Chief Minister increased the ex -gratia amount to Rs. 200,000 (US$ 4,0 00) to the kin of the deceased and
financial assistance to the victims .
Assessment of the damage to property and crops through the revenue department has started in areas where
water has receded.

Logistic support provided by the Government of India to Andhra Pradesh state:

NDRF (National Disaster Response Force): 714 water rescue trained personnel of N DRF along with 235
inflatable motorized boats, 310 lifebuoys and 225 life jackets have been deployed in the districts of Kurnool
(142 personnel + 89 boat s+100 lifebuoys and 30 life jackets), Krishna (182 personnel + 66 boats+90 lifebu oys
and 120 life jackets), Mehbubnagar (136 personnel + 38 boats, 35 lifebuoys and 15 life jackets) and Nandhiyal
(254 personnel + 42 boats + 85 lifebuoys and 60 life jackets) for rescue and relief operations.
Army: 07 Columns along with 23 BAUTs, 11 OBMs, 430 Life Jackets deployed in Guntur, Mahb ubnagar and
Vijaywada districts for rescue and relief. In addition three medical te ams also deployed, 01 each in Ku rnool,
Mahbubnagar and Vijayawada districts.
Navy: 11 rescue teams have been deployed in the districts of Mahb ubnagar, Kurnool and Vijayawada. A
helicopter detachment comprising of two Chetak heptrs established at Vijayawada for relief operations.
Airforce: A total of 02 IL-76 aircrafts, 07 AN -32 and 20 helicopters (10 – MI-8, 7-Chetak, AVRO-02 & MI -17-1)
deployed for rescue and relief operations in the affected areas of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka .

3 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

Official Government response in Karnataka:
No. of relief camps – 1,211 (1,619 in media reports on 8 Oct)
No. of people in relief camps – 355,000 (659,971 in media reports on 8 Oct)
No. of food packets airdropped – 20,000
No. of boats deployed (district boats) – 329
The Chief Minister had a meeting with ministers and senio r officials in Bellary town and announced that the
government would construct 200,000 houses, half of them within one year .
Karnataka Chief Minister has sanctioned Rs.100,000 (US$ 2,000) as compensation to the families of those
killed; the Chief Minister s aid the district administration in the rain -hit areas had been directed to release
compensation to the victims on priority. He has directed the deputy commissioners in the rain -hit areas to use
funds at their disposal for relief works and not wait for the Government to release funds.

Logistic support provided by the Government of India to Karnataka state:

NDRF (National Disaster Response Force): 249 water rescue trained personnel of N DRF along with 73
inflatable motorized boats, 352 lifebuoys and 60 life jackets deployed in the districts of Bagalkote (76
personnel + 19 boats + 88 lifebuoys + 15 life jackets), Raichur (71 personnel + 22 boats + 88 lifebuoys + 15 life
jackets), Gadag (36 personnel + 13 boats + 88 lifebuoys + 15 life jackets ) and Bijapur (6 6 personnel + 19
boats + 352 lifebuoys + 60 life jackets) for rescue and relief operations.
Army: 03 Columns along with 12 BAUTs, 06 OBMs and 200 Life Jackets have been deployed in Ron, Hungan,
Bijapur District and Karwar District. Columns ferried 4.5 ton s of rations to the affected people. 01 HA column
alongwith digging instruments for digging out buried people has been deployed at Karwar district. 02 human
bodies pulled out buried in landslide. 01 medical team has also been deployed in Bijapur district .
Navy: 04 diving teams deployed in Gadag and Uttar Kannada/Karwar. In addition a team of 01 officer and 30
sailors including 03 medical assistant has also been deployed for landslide rescue operation in Karwar.
Air Force: A total of 02 IL -76 aircrafts, 07 AN-32 and 20 helicopters (10 – MI-8, 7-Chetak, AVRO-02 & MI -17-1)
deployed for rescue and relief operations in the affected areas of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka.


UNICEF has been in constant touch with the state administration in both the s tates and with district -level
project officers, as well district administration.
UNICEF has used its pre -positioned supplies in Andhra Pradesh: 10,000 collapsible jerry cans and 25 water
tanks were distributed in the badly affected district of Mahbubnagar .
In consultation with the Relief Commissioners in both states, UNICEF Hyderabad has decided to focus its
support on two districts in Andhra Pradesh, i.e. Mahbubnagar and Kurnool, and one district in Karnataka, i.e.
Behavioral Change Communicati on cell (under the aegis of district administration and supported by UNICEF)
and volunteers in the integrated district of Raichur as well as project staff in Kurnool district have been
assisting the local officials in rescue operations and camp management.
UNICEF-supported Sphere India Unified Response Strategy (URS), with coordination mandate, has been
collecting information from a number of partners in the field and is planning further coordination meetings at
state and national level (in Delhi this week) to discuss the flood situation. Some NGOs are already in the field
conducting or planning rapid assessments; it is, nevertheless, unlikely that proper assessments can be done
before next week due to low accessibility at present.

UNFPA is dispatchi ng 24,000 dignity kits to Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka -12,000 kits in each state. These kits
were pre-positioned with NDMA and will be distributed by them. Each dignity kit contains:
• 1 saree
• 1 salwar kameez
• 3 packets of sanitary napkins
• 2 panties
• 1 old newspaper

4 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

Red Cross and Red Crescent Action : The IRCS national headquarters, along with its state branches, is closely
monitoring the situation.
Family packs amounting to INR 11.88 million (CHF 262,478) has been released; INR 5,000 (CHF 110) to
Andhra Pradesh, including 2,500 stoves, and 2,000 blankets and kitchen sets to Karnataka state branch.
Trained state disaster response team (SDRT) members, along with volunteers, are involved in relief operations
as well as reporting. Prepositioned stocks of relief supplies, such as kitchen sets and mosquito nets, will be
deployed to the affected areas, in addition to the already deployed relief items from the state branches.
The IRCS national headquarters will also deploy water and sanitation units that are capable of producing 5,000
litres of water each hour for drinking and hygiene purposes. Trained Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers will
be leading health education discussions in temporary camps to help reduce the risk of disease among those
The IRCS held a Movement emergency flood meeting to review the situation and to discuss the next steps.
This meeting included all Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners. Several other technical meetings are
being held between the IRCS and International Feder ation to coordinate relief efforts. The IRCS Control Room
(Flood Operations) has been activated to receive and consolidate information from the disaster areas.

Andhra Pradesh state branch action :

The Andhra Pradesh state branch activated staff and volunt eers who have collected information from all
affected districts branches and started dispatching the relief items.
Nellore and Anantpur district branches have mobilized volunteers to provide relief. Some 10 to 15 volunteers
from Nellore district branch wil l move to the affected areas along with the following relief supplies: 500 water
packets; 100 sarees; 100 blankets; 100 kitchen sets; milk powder; and bread.
Food packets have been distributed by IRCS Kurnool district branch. Two IRCS State branch staff we re sent
with relief supplies to Kurnool. Because of a damaged bridge, however, relief could not get through. These
supplies were diverted to Mahbubnagar district. The state branch has prepositioned stocks of blankets and
sarees. The branch has ordered 1,00 0 kitchen sets.

Karnataka state branch action

The Karnataka state branch is in constant communication with the sub -branches where emergency teams
have made a needs assessment. The state branch has distributed bed sheets and blankets to the affected
districts. Red Cross members and volunteers, community health workers, and first aiders are working in
coordination with the district authority. The branch is supplementing government action.
The Karnataka state branch and local civil administration has started relief support to the affected populations.
The branch indicates that the immediate needs include water purification tablets and family packs/kitchen sets,
including clothing, cooking utensils, buckets and jerry cans.

As per various assessment reports and the recommendations submitted by the IRCS Andhra Pradesh and
Karnataka state branch to the national headquarters, and based on assessment information received from other
organizations, the needs, the targeted beneficiaries and the areas were identified. I t was agreed that the
International Federation Secretariat and partner national societies will support the IRCS in a needs assessment.
An evaluation of the current and mid -term needs will also take place.

The teams comprising out of IRCS, International F ederation and partner national society -trained national disaster
response team (NDRT) staff members will travel to the affected areas in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Orissa,
to assess the situation and prepare a detailed report, which will be used for a l ocal appeal issued by the IRCS.


A joint Common Rapid Assessment was conducted by representatives from Sphere India, Arthik Samata Mandal
(ASM) and EF FICOR in two of the worst affected villages in the Divi Seema area in Krishna district. The
immediate needs based on their interaction with the people from the two villages Edlalanka and Vasumatla are as
Dry Rations (Rice, Dal, Oil, Fuel, Potatoes, Chillie powder, salt etc)
Community Kitchen Items and Cooking Utensils
Candles & Matchboxes
Clothes and Blankets
Temporary Shelter Items (Tarpaulins)
Medicines (For Fever, Skin Problems and general first aid)

5 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

Hygiene/Dignity Kits.
Mobility Items for differently -abled (Clutches/Tri -cycles)

Sphere India is organizing emergency meetings at the nat ional, state and district levels. The emergency meeting
in New Delhi is being held on Friday, 9 October from 2- 3.30 pm at the India Islamic Cultural Centre.


Sources: For Further Information contact :

• Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) Mr. G. Padmanabhan
• Central Water Commission (CWC) Emergency Analyst, UNDP
• UNICEF Briefing Note No. 1 Email:
• IFRC DREF Operation, 8 Oct 2009 Mobile: +91 98104 02937
• Sphere India Floods Sit Rep
• GO-NGO meeting minutes of Hyderabad Ms. Shairi Mathur
meeting on 7 Oct 2009 UN Disaster Management Team Associate
Mobile : +91 98107 23192

6 Sit Rep –Floods in AP & Karnataka –8 Oct 2009

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