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Discuss McCarthys narrative methods over pages 254-262 of The Road

McCarthys sty e of !riting and grammar changes over the su"se#uent nine pages matching the a"rupt change of narrative$ his sentences %u&ta pose each other' from short sharp statements to e ongated and dra!n out thought processes' mirroring the fathers ong !inded i ness( )s !e as the recurrent use of commas at every avai a" e %unction' creating parenthetica c auses' %arring and stagnating the anguage( McCarthys narrative "ecomes dar*er if that !as indeed possi" e' as !e as it "eing the first point in the p ot !here the true facts of the fathers i ness and the pragmatic rea i+ation that he !i die !ithin the coming days( ,-ut you are dying( That is not a ie. This is moment he confesses to himse f ad the coughing and !hee+ing comes to c ima&( McCarthy does this "y s o! y "ui ding up to the rea i+ation "y using short sharp sentences or statements$ ,Coughing( Coughing( /e "ent over' /o ding his *nees. he uses parenthetica c auses throughout the first four ines of the paragraph' the %arring nature mirroring each hagged cough( /o!ever to!ards the end of the paragraph the short sentence structure stops' eading !ay for onger sentences' not "ound "y any grammatica constraint( The anguage is as if the thoughts are running through his mind' as the unprocessed nature as the surroundings are descri"ed( This method is used to descri"e the narrative throughout the e&tract and su"se#uent y the !ho e nove ( The narrative "ecomes very distinct and one-dimensiona during the e&tract' in the section !here the father is searching around the "oat' every sentence "egins !ith ma e pronouns creating an iso ated nature to the narrative( This eads to the un-con#uering notion that this is the "eginning of the end for the father and conse#uent y there re ationship( McCarthy uses this techni#ue through other *ey moments of the narrative' such as the first hatch scene( 0n the other hand there is a "right spar* in the form a f are to "rea* the dim " ea* aspects of the narrative( The f are scene is a heart !arming change in narrative direction' the father is conscious that the end is indeed near and !ishes to end !ith chi dish g ee upon his "e oved sons face( This piece of the e&tract gives the audience a g impse of the upcoming end' producing a catch in even the hardest of readers throat( McCarthy does this "y using 1ocratic seminar' re egating each side of the conversation to separate ines( This is a feature of other segments of the narrative ho!ever this is one of the on y times it has "een in a positive sense( McCarthy creates the start ing imagery using the narrative' of the "right f ame "urning over the " ac*ened grey sea' "urning for a fe! fruitfu seconds "efore "urning out of e&istence' sym"o ic of the fathers upcoming demise(

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