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Advertising CityCell believes that advertising is the best way to interact and connect with customers.

Hence, they develop new advertisements to promote their mobile phone services along with their value added services. CityCell considers that television advertisements are the most effective way of communicating with the customers since it is able to show them the essence of CityCell. Their television- ads are often built on a story line which the ordinary man can relate with and is directed in such a way that it attracts all kinds of customers. Through their ads they show beautiful scenery and landscapes to highlight that wherever you go CityCell will always keep you connected. CityCell ads are always about the ordinary people because they are their target market. Their ads on value added services (Table 1) all keep the ordinary man in mind. Apart from that CityCell do have ads regarding corporate and how CityCell makes them better. CityCells most touching and innovative ad till date is of a school boy who walks into a CityCell Customer Care Centre. Through this ad, CityCell tried to portray that even if you are child, you are a valued customer for CityCell. Overall, it highlighted that CityCell belongs to everyone. Apart from television ads, CityCell uses newspapers, magazines, billboards posters and even brochures to share the benefits of CityCell with their users and keep them up-to-date with CityCells latest and most innovative development. CityCell even uses the radio to promote their new products, services and offers to their customers. Sales of Promotion According to Mr.Rahman, CityCell considers that providing various forms of incentives and rewards will retain and attract customers. Thus, they believe of undertaking various sales promotion policies to increase their market share.

The main form of sales promotion activities is through discounts, contest and other activities. CityCell provides discount offers from various departmental stores and rewards customers these discounts on the basis of various contests and lotteries. CityCell Ace is an example of such a practice. This provides discount benefits to all CityCell subscribers from 150 CityCell Partner Outlets. All the customer has to do to enjoy instant discounts is just sent a text. Also they provide discounts to students when they go to various educational institutions to promote their products/services on instant purchase. Apart from that CityCell tries to offer products/ services at a reduced rate from their competitors to attract customers towards them just as they did by offering high speed low cost internet facility through Zoom. Another form of sales promotion done by CityCell is through entertainment where they help organise concerts and other events to help a cause and raise funds for public exposure. In 2004, they organised a concert in association with MBA Club to raise funds for the flood victims Personal Selling, Public Relations and Events To build up a stronger customer bond, CityCell makes use of the benefits revolving around personal selling, public relations and events. CityCell considers that through the components of these promotional tools CityCell can get closer to their customer and develop a strong relationship. By a combination of these three techniques, an efficient, quality and improved customer service can be provided to customers. CityCell uses personal selling and public relations to attract and retain their customers. They believe satisfying and keeping customers happy is the best way towards success. They apply the rule of Personal Selling by sending SMSs, MMSs to their existing customers telling them about their new offers and promotions that will benefit them and make them more satisfied. They also take part in various fairs and trade shows to inform people about their new offers just like they did for CityCell Zoom. They even went to the extreme of allowing their

visitors to try out Zoom internet for around 30 minutes and have a word with them to promote their new product. CityCell is involved in various charitable donations, speeches and seminars from the public relations perspective to inform their customers their awareness towards society and social welfare. In 2008, CityCell donated 5 golf carts to the Kurmitola Golf Club (KGC) to promote CityCell Zoom internet to convey to people how this new technology will improve the lives of Bangladeshis. They also donated around TK490,000 to Dhaka Shishu Hospital to help the underprivileged children for a better future. They have even made donations and relief for the various people affected during floods cyclone Sidr and other natural disasters within Bangladesh. Apart from that, CityCell sponsors various events and also works with various organisations to form a better bond with customers and increase customer loyalty. Through these events, they want to inform customers about their awareness of various social issues and their efforts to make the society of Bangladesh better. Recently, they joined the Khulna Metropolitan Police in a rally against drugs and also in order to increase the awareness of breast feeding in Bangladesh they collaborated with Japan Bangladesh Friendship Medical Services Limited. CityCell also sponsored the Bangladesh Football Federation to bring back the passion for football in the country. All these personal selling, public relation and events activities help CityCell connect with their customers leading to an increase in their market share because it shows people that CityCell is always there for the people of Bangladesh.

3.1 Direct Marketing When it comes to the new rising phenomenon of direct marketing, CityCell uses it mostly for major corporate. CityCell uses mainly e-mail and faxes to inform corporate regarding their new business offers and services their organisation can benefit from. Other than that, they have not yet invested highly on Direct Marketing techniques for customers. (PBTL,2009)

Budget for Promotion Planning up the right budget for promotion is the most important aspect of a successful business. CityCell believes that promotional activities are the next best thing after innovation they are most concerned about. Innovation because research and development helps improve quality and develop new products/services to maximise customer satisfaction. As mentioned earlier in, there are four major budgeting methods. Based on those methods and the interview, it was evaluated that CityCell uses the Affordable Method. This is where the budget is determined based on the level of affordability. By doing so, Citycell has full control and flexibility over the amount of money to be spent on promotion. It is the most easy and common method used. However, to use this method CityCell needs to have employees who are highly experiences otherwise they might end up spending less on promotion which might be disadvantageous for them (Merrie Marketing,2010) The table below shows the amounts of money CityCell spends on Promotion annually. Promotional Technique Advertising Personal Selling Sales Promotion Public Relations Events Direct Marketing Amount (Taka) 150,000,000 30,000,000 50,000,000 10,000,000 25,000,000 5,000,000 Budget on Promotion(PBTL,2009)

Budget on Promotion
2% 4% Advertising 9% Personal Selling Sales Promotion 56% 11% Public Relation Events Direct Marketing


Fig.8 Budget on Promotion (Financial Report of CityCell)

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