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TAR Script Interviews analysis I rst ask them if they would like to direct my script to see if the issues

and themes would interest them enough that they would direct it. The answers from my three interviewees were mixed. 2 of them said that they would because the themes and issues intrigued them. The other said that the certain issues were not of interest to his certain taste. This showed me that the script is interesting enough for someone to happily lm it. I asked them if they can identify any issues and they came up with, a broken family, abandonment, this shows that my script allows issues to be seen and noticed and they can see that the script refers to a family in distress by the issues. To further my knowledge i ask how the issues where handled so if they seemed to come across in a less effective way i can alter them if needed. They all said that they were handled well in the fact that they weren!t obvious but seen to be a bold statement and realistically used, not overly exaggerated. I asked if the dialogue was realistic in the script and 2 of them took me to the end scene where the brother is telling his little brother he!s leaving. They both said that it was a little over dramatic so i asked a few questions to gain more and they said to state ages and also tone it down a little i have further took action to make it less fake. They all said that the issues can be relatable but not to them there self but had said that they know someone, this tells me that if this was a lm that people could relate to the issues being shown. Although he said he didn!t want to direct the lm he did say that it intrigued him and he like the ratio of interest to explanation which the other also agreed, but they did mention the ending and beginning say that the explanation of the end should be left to question and the beginning should have more explanation. They all said that the stakes where high and also united them with the brothers relationship which is key as i have written around the brothers bond, so the whole visual is effective. I asked about the clarity in the script and they said that the problem what has started this family to depart is not seen and should have a hint just to steer it in the right direction. But is helped by the well explain description at the end. The dialogue and action balance they said was good there weren!t too much dialogue which is good as it shows more skill if it is visually shown. One of them said that there may be to much at the end but easily reduced. Overall they agreed that the balance was right and that the dominant action was well chosen as visual elements show more skill in lming a relationship of the two brothers than dialogue. I asked them if the time frame of 5 minutes would be achieved by this and two said yes and the other one said little under so i continued to question to ask how i can possibly change this to extend the time and she talked about building up to the father telling the brother more so that the impact is much greater. I asked them if they felt emotionally engaged at any moment in the script they pick parts such as the talk from the father, the end where he takes his little brother back to the place they used to go this is clear that there are e motion scenes in this script that allows the audience to be engaged. I then asked them about there feeling towards the characters and they all felt sympathetic to all the characters for different reasons, this shows that this short is a very emotive story with emotional characters and even though the father is seen to be horrible the relatable issues seen have a bigger picture than what is shown. I asked one of them is the script intrigued them and they explained to me that the intro of the short was intriguing with the tip toeing and create a lot of question why her behavior

was like this, this tells me that i need to create more questionable situations so that it keeps the interest. I asked if they could see representation and they quoted alcoholic dad, struggled to cope father, also that the conventions of social realism are seen and relatable to a working class society. I feel this ts the right mood setting to what should be represented and shows it clearly that the script is showing that well. The nal question i asked was just to let them have chance to comment on anything i haven't covered, two different opinions on the descriptive language one saying it!s well achieved and the other saying that it is to much so i have decided just to tone it down a little but still keep the majority in as i like to build the atmosphere. Also the last interviewee said that the ending needs more impact, which i agree, i feel there needs more of a build up and a more personal element which the two brothers relate to. It is seen that 2 of my interviewers were more helpful and reliable than the other who didn't take much care in the answers so the ones i tried to get a response to which i didn!t have been removed.

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