Essence of Vamana Purana

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Composed, Condensed and Interpreted By V.D.N. Rao, Former General Mana er, Ind!a "rade Promot!on Or an!sat!on, Pra at! Ma!dan, Ne# Del$!, Un!on M!n!stry o% Commer&e, Go't. o% Ind!a


In'o&at!on ( )apaal! atones at Vaaranaas! %or Bra$ma*s Pan&$a M+,$a -atya ( Sat! De'!*s!%!&e and destr+&t!on o% Da,s$a /a na 0Na,s$atras and Raas$!s !n terms o% S$!'a*s 1ody !n&l+ded2 3 S$!'a 4!n od1$a'a 0Or! !n o% S$!'a 4!n a2 and #ors$!p 5 Nara Narayana and Pra$lada 6 D$armopades$a to Da!tya S+,es$!, $!s re%ormat!on, S+rya*s a&t!on and rea&t!on 7 V!s$n+ P+8a on S$+,la E,adas$! and V!s$n+ Pan8ara Stotra 93 Or! !n o% )+r+,s$etra, )!n )+r+ and Ma$atmya o% t$e )s$etra 9: Bal!*s '!&tory o% "r!lo,as, Vamana*s A'atara and Bal!*s &$ar!ty o% "$ree Feet 0St+t!s 1y )as$yapa, Ad!t! and Bra$ma ; V!rat P+r+s$a Varnana2 Par'at!*s #eds S$!'a, De'! )aal! trans%ormed as Ga+r! ; 1!rt$ o% Ganes$a )atyayan! destroys C$anda.M+nda, Ra,ta1ee8a and S$+m1$a.N!,+m1$a )art!,eya*s 1!rt$ and $!s ,!ll!n s o% "ara,a, Ma$!s$a and Baanaas+ras )edara )s$etra, M+ras+ra Vad$a, S$!'aa1$!s$e,a and Oneness #!t$ V!s$n+ 0Upades$a o% D#adas$a Narayana Mantra !n&l+ded2 And$a,aas+ra*s o1sess!on #!t$ Par'at! and Pra$laad*s ?D$arma Bod$a* ?S$!'aaya V!s$n+ R+paaya, S$!'a R+paaya V!s$na'ey* And$a,aas+ra*s e@term!nat!on 1y Ma$a De'a and or! !n o% As$ta B$a!ra'aas 0And$a,a*s e+lo !es to S$!'a and Ga+r! !n&l+ded2 B$a,ta Pra$lada*s "!rt$a /atras and le ends related to t$e "!rt$as .D+nd$+ Da!tya and "r!'!,rama ."$e Ba&, ro+nd o% )!n P+r+ra'a . S$!'a and V!s$n+ ,!ll Aalod1$a'a and Or! !n o% S+dars$ana and "r!s$+la .Ga8endra Mo,s$a V!s$n+ Pan8ara, Saaras'ata, Paapa Pras$amana Stotras 1y S$!'a ; A astya Vamana De'a lea'es %or Bra$ma 4o,a and Bra$ma*s #ors$!p to Vamana Bal! Dana'a !n Paatala 4o,as and #ors$!p to Ma$a Vamana 0S+dars$ana St+t!, Pra$ladaa*s prea&$!n and V!s$n+ P+8a !n&l+ded2 Vamana P+rana Vaa&$ana.S$raa'ana B S$ra'ana. Pat$ana P$ala S$r+t! 96 <3 <= (> (( (5 (7 3> 3< 3( 33 3: 35 37 :6 :7 5(



Narayanam Namaskrutya Naram chaiva Narottamam, Deveem Saraswateem Vyasam tato Jayamudeerayet/ (The Purana is to be recited after greeting Bhagavan Narayana the Supreme of all Beings as also Devi Bhagavati Saraswati and Vyasa Deva) Trailokya Rajyamaakshipya alerindraaya yo dadao, Shridhayaya Namastasmai !hhatra Vaamana Rupine" ( y salutations to Shridhara Bhagavan assuming the ayamaya !upa of Vamana and retaining "a#shmi in his heart always$ secured and restored the Trilo#as to %ndra)& Brahmamarshi Narada re'uested aharshi Pulastya to narrate the details of Vamana Purana and the latter commenced the narration with the account of Devi Sati and Parama Shiva as during the Varsha !itu the latter sat riding on the thic# clouds on the s#y and Deva Deva was called ()eemuta#ethu* or ()eemuta Vahana*& +fter the Sharad !itu$ aha Deva and Devi Sati rela,ed on the pea# of andaraachala and Bhagavan Vishnu wo#e up from -oga Nidra while Da#sha Pra.apati decided to perform a massive -agna along his wife +himsa Devi and invited %ndra and Devatas$ Dwadasha +dityas$ and /ashyapa uni& 0e invited a host of aharshis and their wives li#e Vasishtha and +rundhati$ +tri and +nasuya$ Vishwamitra and Dhriti$ 1outama and +halya$ Bharadwa.a and +maaya and +ngira and Devi 2handra& +rishtanemi was detailed to fetch Samidhas for the -agna while Bhrigu aharshi was as#ed to conduct the -agna& )apaal! atones at Varanas! %or Bra$ma*s ?Pan&$am+,$a $atya* But Da#sha did not invite ahadeva as he felt that the latter was a (/apaali*3 Pulastya uni e,plained to Narada that bac#ground of Shiva becoming a /apaali4 when aha Vishnu fell into -oga Nidra and at the end of the night$ wo#e up and under the influence of (!a.oguna* initiated (Srishti* and materialised Panchamu#ha Brahma and Tamomaya Shan#ara& Both Brahma and Shiva confronted each other and as#ed them of their credentials and bac#ground& +s their mutual (+han#aaraas* or egos came to the fore$ they encountered in a one5to5one fight and as the fifth 6ace of Brahma hec#led at Shiva saying that he #new Shiva who was na#ed and three eyed Vrishabha Vahana or Bull5carried Pralaya#aari or the Destroyer of the 7orld full of Tamoguna& Parama Shiva desired to open his Third 8ye but nipped the fifth head of Brahma with the finger tip instead and there appeared$ a huge illumination out of which emerged Vishnu who reprimanded ahesha and as#ed him to clear away at once lest he would punish Shiva severely& +a Shiva was ashamed of what he did$ he left for 0imalayas and reached the +shram of Nara Narayana aharshis at Badari#ashrama on the ban#s of the 0oly !iver Saraswati& Shiva re'uested Narayana aharshi to hit his shoulder with Shiva*s Trishula forcefully as an atonement which Narayana did and from the shoulder were materialised three water springs$ one as +#aasha 1anga$ another as a water fall on 8arth as aharshi +tri in the form of !iver anda#ini as also by Shivaamsha the aharshi Durvaasa and the third water fall fell right on the frightful /apaala& 6rom out of the fallen /apaala of Brahma came out a frightening Swarupa which was thic# blue in colour with blood red eyes and dishevelled hair and demanded aha Deva to absorb her into his body& Shan#ara tried to bathe in !iver -amuna but the !iver*got dried up4 !iver Saraswati too disappeared4 he was able to bathe in the Tirthas of Push#araaranya$ Dharmaaranya$ and Saindhavaaranya for long but the Brahma hatya paapa did not vanish still4 as the )eemuta vahana or who could travel by clouds$ Shan#ara bathed in several other !ivers$ Tirthas$ +shramaas$ and so on but to no avail& 6inally$ Shan#ara reached /uru#shetra and had the darshan of 2ha#rapani Vishnu and e,tolled him as follows9 Namastey Devataanaatha Namastey #arudadhwaja, Shankhachakra $adaa paaney Vaasudeva Namostutey/ Namastey Nir$unaananta %pratakraaya Vedhasey, Jnaanaajnaana Niraalam&a Sarwaalam&aNamostutey/

Rajoyukta Namastestu rahma 'urtey Sanaatana, Twayaa Sarvamidam Naatha Ja$atsrashtam charaacharam/ Satvaadhishtit (okeshaa Vishnu 'urtey %dhokshaja, )rajaapaala 'ahaa&aaho Janaardana Namostutey/ Tamomurtey %hamheysha twadamshakrodha sam&havah, #unaa&hiyukta Devesha Sarvavyaapin Namostutey/ huriyah twam Ja$annatha Jalaam&ara hutaashanah, Vaayur&uddhirmanaschaapi Sharvari twam namostutey/ Dharmo *a$nastapah Satyamahimsaa Shouchamaarjavam, +shamaa Daanam Dayaa (akshmir&rahmacharya twam ,shwara: Twam saan$aaschaturo Vedaastwam Vedyo Vedapaara$ah, -pavedaa &havaaneesha Sarvosi twam Namostutey/ Namonamastyochyuta !hakrapaaney Namastestu tey 'aadhava 'eena 'urtey, (okey havaan +aaruniko mato mey traayaswa maam +eshava paapa &andhanaat/ 'amaashu&ham naashaaya vi$rahastham yad ramha hatyaa&havam &a&huva,Da$dhosmi nastosya sameekshakaari puneeh teerthosi Namo Namastey/ ( y salutations to you Devataaswami$ 1arudadwa.a$ Shan#ha52ha#ra51adaadhaari$ Vaasudeva$ Nirguna$ +nanta$ +tar#aneeya Vidhaata or indisputable Supreme$ )naana5+.naana Swarupa$ Nmiraadhaara or ;nclamped or holdles but the saviour of one and all4 !a.o guna5Sanatana 5Brahma urti4 the Supreme Scripter of the ;niverse in entirety4 the 8mbodiment of Satwa 1una4 "o#esha4 Vishnu urti$ +dho#sha.a$ The ;ltimate +dminisdtrator4 aha Baahu$ )anaardana$ Tamo urti4 % was born of your angry characeristics4 )agannaatha3 -ou are the Pancha Bhutas$ Buddhi$ ind$ Dar#ness4 -ou are the Dharma$ -agna$ Tapas$ Satya$ +himsa$ Pavitrata$ Saralata$ /shama$ Daana$ Dayaa$ "a#shmi and Brahmacharya 5Virtue$ Sacrifice$ editation$ Truth$ Non5Violence$ Purity$ Softness$ 6orgiveness$2harity$ ercy$7ealth and 2elibacy4 the 8mbodiment of Veda Vedangaas$ the Symbol of "earning$ Vedopavada$ +chyuta$ 2ha#rapaani$ atsyaavataara$ adhava$ you are the most sympathetic and compassionate4 % crave your indulgence to get me freed from the clench of Brahmahatya Paata#a4 % am humiliated and ashamed of my action as you are indeed the final asylum and shelter as -ou indeed are the aha Tirtha who only could get me purified3)& Vishnu Deva replied that at Prayaga$ there was a -ogashayi of his (+msha* or +lternate 6orm was reputed to be present who was +vyaya and Vi#ara rahita and south of that place was a Sacred !iver called (Varana* and to the left of Prayaga was another !iver called (<si* and the Place between the two !ivers was the most hallowed Place the li#e of which was not in e,istence in Prithvi$ +a#ash and !asatala and that was the famed Varanas!C Vishnu thus advised /apali to visit the aha Tirtha which was the confluence of the two !ivers& )anardana further advised Shiva that nearby Varanasi there was a Sarovara full of divinely lotuses of e,traordinary fragrance and in that Sarovara$ he should bathe in and leave the Panchama /apaala of Brahma in the Tirtha& By so doing$ +apaali lokey cha khyaato Rudra &havisyati, +apaala mochaneytyevam Tirha chedam havishyati/ ( Shiva3 -ou would then be named as /apaali and the Sarovara would be popular as /apaala Vimochana Tirtha& = /apalamochana Tirtha is situated at a mile from /asi called now as Ba#ariya /unda>& Sat! De'!*s sel%. sa&r!%!&e and destr+&t!on o% Da,$s$a /a na eanwhile$ /umari )aya the daughter of aharshi 1autami and +halya dropped in at Devi Sati*s residence and informed the latter that her parents went away to attend Da#sha -agna and wondered why Sati did not attend the -agna4 Jayaayaastadvachah shrutwa Vajrapaatasamam Sati, 'anyunaa&hiplutaa rahman )anchatwama$amat tatah" ( Pulastya uni told Narada$ that as soon as /umari )aya informed of this (Va.rapaata Vaarta* or thunderbolt fall li#e news$ Sati Devi swooned with anger and distress and collapsed to death3)& ?n hearing this terrifying news$ !udra was startled and furious so much that his body hairs stood up and multitude of !udra

1anaas who were ferocious li#e lions got manifested along with Veerabhadra$ 2handi#a and the 1anaas were all lined up towards Vayavya direction shouting insolently and armed with Trishulas :Tridents towards the Da#sha -agna& 1aneswara too .oined the Party with his four arms armed with Trushula$ Dhanush$ Baana and 1ada& -amara.a was the Dwarapala#a defending the -agna and confronted the attac#ing Shivasena but the formidable 1aneswara was too powerful and Veerabhadra entered the -agnashaala& The +shtaavasus$ Vishwadeva$ Saadhyaganas$ Siddha5 1andharva5Pannaga5-a#sha5/impurusha5Vaivaswata : 2handra Vamseeya /ings$ Daitya5 Daanavas ran helter5s#elter& Vishnu himself defended the onslaught as aharshis were frightened and controlled Veerabhadra& Shiva appeared on the scene and emitted three #inds of +gnis from his three eyes vi@& %havaneeya, #arhapatya and Shaalaa$ni who displayed Dwandwa !upas or two distinct 6orms of )ataadhaari in the -agnashaala and /aala on the S#y3 Jataadharah .aridrushtaa krodhaadaarakta lochanam/ Sthaanaadapaakramya +u&jaa$rey antarhitah Sthitaha/ (+s )atadhaari Shiva loo#ed ferocious with bla@ing eyes$ Bhagavan Vishnu disappeared and hid himself at /ub.aagra or 0rishi#esha)& +s aha Deva went wild and berser#$ /ashyapa and many illustrious sought to pacify him by reciting (Shatarudreeyam* and Da#sha*s wife implored Shiva for mercy and devastation of Da#sha -agna was completed& E@planat!on o% Na,s$atras and Ras$!s or Stars and 2onstellations in terms of S$!'a*s BodyD %n reality however$ aharshi Pulastya e,plained to Narada$ aheswara was of ( angalmaya Swarupa* and was spread all over the S#y to bless the ;niverse and all the Beings providing ready protection to one all& Na#shatras and (!aashis*constituted the entire Physi'ue of aha Deva9 the Stars +shwini$ Bharani and /ritti#a*s first (charana*or the first part of the four parts of Bhouma /shetra (Planet) of esha !aashi (2onstellation) constituted aha Deva*s head4 /ritti#a Star*s remaining three parts$ !ohini$ and rigaseersha*s two Parts of Shu#ra Planet of Vrisha !aashi constituted Shiva*s face4 rigaseersha*s remaining Parts$ +rdra and Punarvasu*s three Parts of Budha*s ithuna !aashi constituted Shiva*s two (* shoulders4 Punarvasu*s last 2harana$ Pushya and +slesha of 2handra*s /shetra in the /ar#a !aashi constituted Shiva*s (parshvaas* or body sides4 agha$ Purvaphalguni and ;ttara Phalguni*s first 2harana of Surya*s Simha !aashi constituted Shiva*s heart4 ;ttaraphalguni*s remaining three 2haranaas$ 0asta$ and the first of two Paadaas of 2hitra of Budha*s /anya !aashi comprised Shan#ara*s ()athara*or stomach4 2hitra*s remaining two Parts$ Swati and Visha#ha*s three Parts of Shu#ra of Tula !aashi was Shiva*s navel4 Visha#ha*s one Part$ and Sampurna +nuraadha and )eshtha Stars of angala and of Vrischi#a raashi constituted the /aala !upa of aha Deva4 the full Stars of oola$ Purvaashaadha and ;ttaraashaadhaa*s first 2harana of Dhanu !aashi being of Brihaspati /shetra would be aheswara*s (Vurus* or thighs4 ;ttaraashaadha*s remaininig three 2haranaas$ Shravana and two parts of Dhanishta of a#ara !aashi of Shani /shetra constituted Shiva*s 1hutanas or #nee5caps4 Star Dhanishta*s earlier two 2haranas$ Shatabhisha and Poorvaa 5bhaadraa*s three 2haranaas of /umbha !aashi of Shani constituted (.anghaas*or buttoc#s4 Poorvabhadraa*s fourth harana$ ;ttaraabhaadra and !evati of Brihaspati*s second /shetra of eena !aashi constituted aha Deva*s both the feet& esha !aasi has its movement in the circle of Nava Durgas$ Dhana5Dhanya and Pushpa5Vanaspati Sarovaras4 Vrishabha !asi is in the Territory of 1o#ula Deva residing in the /arsha#a Bhumi or the Provider of 6arming Benefits$ cool$ convincing$ and have an eye for details4 ithuna !aasi is a coe,istent Place of Purushas and Strees :men and women ali#e engaged in music$ dance and other fine arts as also sports and tourism4 /ar#a !aashi or of the symbol of a crab of attractive features of detachment$ loneliness and of maturity4 Simha !aashi persons are fond of entreprise$ public relations$ mental agility and royal in gait and nature4 /anya raashi persons are courageous$ highly sociable$ intelligent$ 'uic#

to learn$ adapting and charming4 Tula raashi persons are non5 controversial$ tolerant and ad.ustable4 Vrischi# !aashi persons are friendly$ resourceful$ adaptable and calculative4 Dhanu raashi entreprising$ s#illed in military and daring activities$ royal in behaviour and outloo#& Thus Parameshwara is a multi5featured$ multi5 creative and multi5formed entity and at the same time an ?mni5Present$ ?mni5 Scient and ?mni5Potent Symbol of ;nity in Diversity3 ?S$!'a 4!n od1$a'ana* 0 "$e or! !n o% S$!'a 4!n a2 and !ts #ors$!p Dharma was the anasPutra of Brahma and the former who was married to one of the daughter of Da#sha Pra.apati named urti gave birth to four sons vi@& 0ari$ /rishna$ Nara and Narayana& ?f these 0ari and /rishna too# to -ogaabhyaas while Nara and Narayana practised Tapas at Badari#aashrama& %ndra was unnerved by the severe Tapasya of Nara5 Narayana and deputed !ambha and some other +psaraas along with /ama Deva and Vasanta !itu&/ama Deva released an arrow named (;nmadan*which literally meant frustrating or maddening& Shiva got restless with obsession and passion with feelings of great void in the absence of Sati Devi and li#e a lunatic went around bathing in-amuna and many !ivers$ Tirthas$ Sarovaras$ flower gardens$ mountain pea#s and enchanting forests$ sometimes singing songs of sorrow missing Sati and sometimes crying for her& 6inally he met the son of -a#sha /ing /ubera called Paanchaali#a and as#ed him to ta#e over the ;nmadana +stra of /ama Deva as he only could absorb it since he had the history of resisting even more powerful +stras li#e Vi.rumbhana$ Santaapana and ;nmadana4 in return$ Shiva said that he would bestow the boon to the -a#sha vi@& in the 2haitra onth$ all the Beings in the 7orld including children$ youth and the elderly would worship him as also sing$ dance and play vocal and instrumental music and that he would be reputed as Pancha#ilesh everywhere& 0aving become free from the after effects of the attac# by /amadeva of the (;nmadini* arrow$ Bhaganan Shiva then moved freely from place to place$ although avoiding another attac# by /amadeva& %n the course of his wanderings$ ahadeva reached Vindhyachala and entered Daaruvana where the +shramas of illusrious aharshis e,isted& 8,cept Pativratas li#e +nasuya and +rundhati$ all the wives and daughters of aharshis got infatuated with Parama Shiva who was na#ed and had such mesmerising body features and enchanting loo#s4 in fact the females of Daaruvana followed him li#e lunatics& aharshis of Daaruvana were in great rage9 Tadastu Rishaye drishtaa har$avaan$araso 'uney, +rodhhan -vitaa&uvansarvey (in$osyapatataan huvi" Tatah papaat Devasya (in$am )ruthveen Vidaarayan, %ntardhaanam Ja$aamaatha Trishul Nilalohitah/ (The aharshis li#e Bhargava and +ngirasa cursed ahadeva to let his "inga fall on 8arth4 as soon as he received the Shaapa$ Shiva disappeared to !asatala and started creating havoc to the whole world and shoo# away the 8arth$ mountains$ !ivers and Seas and commenced destroying !asaatala upwards& Brahma by his 0amsavahana and Vishnu by his 1aruda vahana ran to the Place where Shiva "inga Patana or his "inga fell and traced Shiva*s presence in the Patalaas and e,tolled him as follows9 Namostu tey Shuapaaney Namostu Vrisha&hadwaja, Jeemutavaahana +avey Sharva Trai&aaka Shankara/ 'aheshvara 'aheshaana Suvarnaaksha Vrishaakapey, Daksha *a$na kshayakara +aalrupa Namostutey/ Twamaadirasya Ja$atsarvam 'adhyam )arameshwara, havaanantascha ha$avan Sarva$astwam Namostutey/ 0aving eulogi@ed Parama Shiva as above$ both Vishnu and Brahma overruled the curse of the aharshis of Daaruvana and re'uested Shiva to ta#e bac# his "inga again& Shiva agreed to do so only on the condition that his "inga was worshipped by one and all and both Brahma and Vishnu readily agreed4 in fact Brahma materialised a golden "inga called )agat Pradhaana and performed pu.a to Shiva*s feet at once as others followed suit

vi@& /rishna worshipped a blac# coloured "inga called ;r.ita and did pu.a to Shiva*s head4 Sana#a$ Sanandana$ Sanatana and Sanat /umars worshipped Shiv*s heart naned as named )agadrati4 Sapta !ishis called Darbhamayi "inga as Vishwa -oni4 Narada named the "inga called )agatvi.a as (<#aasha*4 %ndra prayed to a Diamond "inga called )agatvida4 Surya worshipped a copper "inga called Vishwasruga4 2handra performed Pu.a to a Pearl "inga called )agatpati and so on&=Details are provided in the 8ssence of S#anda Purana by the same +uthor in the 2hapter of Shata !udreeyam>& Shiva then ac'uired the names of Shaivaites$ Pashupataits$ /aalamu#hayaas and Bhairavas by different Shiva Bha#tas4 Sha#ti !ishi$ the son of Vasishta uni as also Sha#i*s sishya named 1opayan spread the cult of Shaivism4 Bharadwa.a !ishi and Somashe#hara /ing !ishabha were the pioneers of aha Pasuupatya4 aharshi +pastamba initiated /alamu#ha Sampradaaya4 and -a#sha /ing /ubera venerated Shiva in the sampradaya of /aapaali#as or Bhairavaas&-et /ama Deva persisted his efforts to pester aha Deva and used (Santaapa +stra* named floral arrow and as he was enraged$ Shiva opened his Third 8ye as /amadeva got burnt off and got re5materialised as (+nanga Deva* than#s to the merciful ahadeva& %t was that +nanga who was sent by %ndra to disturb the attention of !ambha and other +psaras li#e !ambha along with /amadeva and the Vasanta !itu referred to above so that Dhara Deva*s sons Nara Narayana unis& The smiling Narayana !ishi who was least disturbed by these so5called diversions ushered in by the +psaras and others in the Troupe created from his thighs an astonishingly beautiful +psara named Ur'as$! and as#ed !ambha and other +psaras5 who actually came to tempt Nara Narayana !ishis at the instance of %ndra to treat ;rvashi as a return5 gift to %ndra since ;rvashi too was worthy of .oining the corps of +psaraas3 The +pasaras returned to %ndra and narrated the greatness of Nara Narayana aharshis and %ndra was felt too small since he foolishly under5estimated the magnificence of the aharshis4 %ndra also felt bad that in this conte,t he involved /ama Deva who provo#ed no less a Personality as aha Deva himself and as a result lost his very e,istence but of the mercy of Shiva3 Nara Narayana and Pra$lada The +psaraas further conveyed to %ndra the memorable account of of Nara Narayana and Pra$lada, the son of 0iranya /ashipu which was famed and discussed about among the Bhulo#a $ Patala and all the Ten Directions3 +s Prahlada became the /ing of the Patala "o#as$ the +dministration was fully according to the Principles of Dharma and Nyaya and the Varnashramas were in full observance9 Brahmanas were engaged in Tapasya5Dharma /aryaas and Tirtha -atras$ Vaishyas were in Business$ 6arming and Pashu Paalana while Shudras were involved in performing sincere service to other Varnas& %t was at this time that the illustrious 2hyavana aharshi too# his bath at Na#uili Tirtha on the ban#s of the Sacred !iver Narmada but was caught a highly poisonous sna#e which dragged the Sage who at once memembered Bhagavan Srihari who rendered the sarpa as non5poisonous&The frightening serpent released the aharshi in !asatala and some of the Naga /anyas found and venerated the aharshi and eventually$ /ing Prahlada came to #now of the incident of a vicious Naga dragging the aharshi and worshipped him& %n course of his Dharmic discussions$ the /ing en'uired about the most important Tirthas and 2hyavana singled out Naimisha in Prithvi$ Push#ara in +ntari#sha and 2ha#ra Tirtha in Paatala& Prahlada instantly as#ed the Daityas to get ready at once to visit Nimisha for the darshan of Bhagavan +chyuta& %n Nimisha while moving about loo#ing for deers as a prey for his food $ he found a huge tree on which there were two pairs of oversi@ed bows and arrows hung on and undre the tree there were two aharshis in deep meditation& The /ing

wondered that it was ridiculous to see two aharshis in rigacharma or deer s#in in deep meditation also sporting bows and arrows3 The /ing ridiculed the !ishis that they were neither !ishis now warriors4 Nara Narayanas were provo#ed and challenged the /ing& The mild fight with one arrow from Nara was replied by five arrows of Prahlada4 three of Nara by five by si, of the /ingand so on till the fight turened out to be a mighty battle4 Nara overshadowed the Prithvi$ +#aash and Dishas& The Daitya too# up Bhrahmaastra but Narayana released aheswaraastra4 on finding Brahmastra futile$ Prahlada pic#ed up his 1ada : ace and pounced on Narayana aharshi4 the latter*s eyes rained fire as a result of which Prithvi started trembling and 'ua#es caused unusual destruction& +s this warfare continued and since Narayana aharshi was not to be controlled$ /ing Prahlada finally prayed to Bhagavan Vishnu whose un'uestionable dedication was well5#nown since the times of Prahlada as a child when Vishnu #illed 0iranya /ashipu in the +vatara of aha Nrisimha& Vishnu appeared before the illustrious Prahlada and said9 Durjayosau 'ahaa&aahustatvaya )rahlaada Dharmajah, Saadhyo Vipravaro Dheemaan mrudhey devaasutairapi/ (Prahlada3 ahabaahu Dharma.a Narayana aharshi is invincible on battle front by Devas and Daityas ali#e3)& Then /ing got worried as to what would happen to his vow and Vishnu replied9 Soham Danava Shardula (okaanaam .itakaamyayaa, Dharmam pravartaapyayitum Tapaschyaam samaathitah/ Tasmaadyadichachushrusha Dharmajam/ ( +s a matter of fact$ % am myself the Swarupa of Narayana aharshi4 % decided to perform Tapasya in this form for the welfare of the ;niverse4 Prahlada3 %f you desire to win over Narayana$ then worship to the aharshi would be the only way& ?n hearing this truism from Bhagavan himself$ Prahlada decided to renounce #ingship$ called And$a,aas+ra the son of 0irananyaa#sha as his successor$ prostrated before Nara5Narayana aharshis re'uesting him for clemency and e,tolled him$ even as the Narayana aharshi taunted Prahlada as to why was he saluting them without defeating them$ as follows9 +arustwaam jetum )ra&ho shaktah kastatwah )urushodhikah, Twam hi Naraayanonantah )eetavaaso Janaardanah/ Twam Devah )undarikaaksham twam Vishnuh Shaankha chaapa dhruk, Twamavyayayo 'aheshaanah Shasvatah )urushottamah/ Twam *o$anischintyayanti !haarchayanti 'aneeshinah, Japanti Snaanakaasaastwam cha jayanti twaam cha *aajnikaah/ Twamachyutey .rishikeshas chakra -paani dharaadharah, 'ahaa 'eeno .ayashiraastwameva Vara +acchapah/ .irnyaksharipuh Shriman ha$avannasura Sookarah, 'atpitru naashanakaro havaanapi Nrukesari/ rahmaatrinetromararaad hutaashahah )retaadhipo Neerapatih Sameerah, Suryo 'ri$aankochala jan$amaadyo havaan Vi&ho naatha +ha$endraketo/ Twam )rithvi Jyotiraakaashah Jalam hutwaa Sahasrashah, Twayaa Vyaaptam Ja$atsarvam kastwaam jeshyati 'adhavah/ haktyaa yadi .rishikesha Toshameshi Ja$ad$uro, Naanyathaa twam )rashakyosi jetum Sarva$ataayaya/ (Prabho3 7ho could defeat you in the battles3 %s there anybody beyond you3 -our are the +nanta Narayana$ Peetaambari )anaardana$ /amalanayana Dhanushdhaari Vishnu$ +yaya$ eheswara$ Shashvata$ and Parama Purushotthama& -ogi .anas perform dhyana to you4 Vidwan Purushas perform Pu.a to you4 Veda.anaas perform .apaas to you4 e,ecute -a.anaas to you3 -ou are +chyuta$ 0rishi#esha$ 2ha#rapaani$ Dharaadhara$ aha atsya$ 0ayagriva$ Shreshtha /urma$ +di Varaha$ and the #iller of my father 0iranya#ashipu in the +vatara of Nrisimha3 -ou are Prithvi$ +gni$ +#asasha$ )ala and Vayu3 -ou have spread all over with endless 6orms4 adahava$ )agadguru$ 0rishi#esha$ Sarvagata$ +vinaashi3 -ou could be only con'uered by Bha#ti alone and nothing else3)&Thus Prahlada too# to the sacred path of high devotion to Narayana for good& eanwhile$ the blind /ing +ndha#asura too# to severe Tapas to aheswara and secured the boon of invincibility$ defeated %ndra and Devataas with the active help of Virochana$ the son of Prahlada$ despite the resistance put up by Devas especially Varuna$ +gni and Vayu& Varuna

specially faced Shambarasura4 and +gni encountered +ndha#asura but the latter overpowered +gni who fled away& 6inally +ndha#asura defeated Devas and controlled Tri "o#as3 D$armopades$a to Da!tya S+,es$!, $!s re%ormat!on, S+rya*s a&t!on and rea&t!on aharshi Pulastya imparted considerable #nowledge of Dharma at the Naimisharanya*s congreation of unis as narrated to Brahmarshi Narada& The /ing of Daityas Su#eshi performed sincere Tapasya to please aha Deva and secured a boon (+#ashachari Nagara*or a 6lying +bode with a provision of ovement from Place to Place which could carry a large number of 'ualified !a#shasas practising lives of Virtue and Nyaya3 %n the course of his flights$ he spotted a hallowed place in agadharanya and descended from the +irship for a close encounter with a large gathering of !ishis and after e,changing pleasantries as#ed the !ishis to educate him and his followers about (Dharma "a#shanas* or the features of Virtue& The !ishis e,plained that broadly spea#ing$ the fundamental Principles applicable to Devatas were and such other deeds$ Swaadhyaaya of self5recitation of Vedas and Scriptures4 Bahubala or physical strength$ %rshyaa bhava or .ealousy and greed$ 8,pertise in -uddha Vidya and Niti Shastra or the Precepts of orality would constitute the basic principles of Daityas4 the Principles applicable to Siddhaas would be -oga Sadhana or Practice of -oga$ Vedaadhyayana$ Brahma Vignaana$ and +chanchala Bha#ti or Deep Devotion to Shiva or Vishnu4 #andharva Dharmas would include 0igh ?rder of ;pasana or Power of 2oncentration$ profound devotion to Devi Sarasvati and e,cellence and e,pertise in 6ine +rts$ especially music and dance4 as regards Vidyaadharas were concerned$ the basic precepts were brilliance of Vidya or /nowledge$ high degree of emory Power$ Purushaartha Buddhi or inclination to abide by the Principles of Dharma5+rtha5/aama and o#sha4 the Dharmas of +impurushas would include 1andharva Vidya )naana$ high devotion of Surya Deva and Shilpa /alaa /ushalata or the +rts of Stone and such other sub.ects of 2reativity and ?riginality4 the Dharmas of )itru Devatas would include Brahmacharya$ +naamitwa or 8gotism and Self52onsciousness$ high of -ogaabhyaas and free movement4 the Dharma of Rishis were Brahmacharya$ Nimitaahaara$ .apa$ +tma )naana and Dharma )naana4 and finally the 1eneral Principles applicable to .uman &ein$s should include9 Brahmacharya or celibacy$ daana or charity$$ ;daarata or benevolence$ Vishranti or cool mindedness$ Daya or #indness$ +himsa or Non5Violence$ /shama or tolerance$ Dama : control$ )itendriyata or Self5 !egulation$ Shoucha or 2leanliness$ angalya or +uspiciousness$ and Nitya Bha#ti of Vishnu$ Shiva$ Surya$ Durga and any other Deities& 0aving described the Dharmas of various #inds of Beings$ the !ishis prescribed other Dharmas which had the characteristics of human beings as follows9 the #riha Dharmas include Dhana or ac'uisition of ade'uate onetary !esources$ Bhoga or sufficient happiness$ Swadhyaya or !ecitation of Scriptures by the Self$ +ham#ara or +wareness of one*s own standards$ and Sowmyata or 2oolness and aturity of ind4 Raakshasa Dharmaas would be Para Stree gamana$ "olupta or avarice : narrow mindedness$ and of course Shiv Bha#ti4 )aishaachika Dharmaas include +vive#ata or appropriate level of intelligence$ +gnaana or ignorance$ +pavitrata or lac# of cleanliness$ +satyata or ;ntruthfulness$ and Sadaa amsa Bha#shana& Then the !ishis gave the )no#led e o% Pr!t$'i occupying an area of 6ifty 2rore -o.anas& The 8arth comprised Sapta Dwipas vi@& )ambu Dwipa of a la#h of -o.anas surrounded by "avana Samudra of twice the si@e of the Dwipa4 Pla#sha Dwipa of twice the si@e of )ambu Dwipa surrounded by %#shurasa Sagara of double the si@e of the same Dwipa4 Shalmali Dwipa of twice the si@e of Pla#sha surrounded by ahodhadhi of double the si@e of the same dwipa4 /usha Dwipa of the si@e of Shalmali surrounded by Suraa saagara of double the

si@e of the /usha Dwipa4 then the /rouncha Dwipa surrounded by 1hrita Saagara of appropriate si@es as above4 Shaa#a Dwipa surrounded by /sheera Samudra and Push#ara Dwipa surrounded by Swaadu Saagara of corresponding si@es& The !esidents of those from Pla#sha to Shaa#a Dwipas are not affected by -uga Vyvastha ot the regulations of Satya5Treta5Dwapara and /ali -ugas as they are stated to be of Permanance and are as good as Devatas since their lif span would be till /alpaanta& Nara,a VarnanaD The Push#ara Dwipa was described as frightening and horrifying as that Dwipa hosts the Twenty one Nara#as vi@& !ourava of two thousand -o.anas which is Pra..valita +ngaramaya4 double the si@e is aha !ourava whose earth is made of copper of si@@ling hot temperature further heated thereunder4 then the Tamishra$ +ndhataamishra$ /aalacha#ra$ +pratishtha$ 1hati -antra$ +sipatravana$ Tat#umbha$ /utashaalmila$ /arapatra$ Shwaanabho.ana$ Samdamsha$ "oha pinda$ /arambhasi#ta$ Bhayan#ara /shaara Nadi$ /rimi Bho.ana$and 1hora Vaitarani Nadi& There are other Nara#as as well li#e Shonita5Puya bho.ana$ /suraagra dhaara$ Nishita 2ha#ra#a and Samshoshana Nara#as as +ntargata Places3 Those who denounce Vedas$ Devatas$ and Brahmanas or hec#le Puranas and %thihaasaas and their contents or blame 1urus or those who create hindrances in performing -agnas$ Daanaas$ Vratas and such other virtuous deeds would be destined to reach Nara#as& Those who create differnces of opinions among friends$ husband and wife$ brothers and sisters$ aster and Servants$ 6ather : other and sons:daughters$ 1urus and their asters are also destined to serve in Nara#as& Those who parta#e in a Shraaddha but ta#e food elsewhere or engage in (+tyaachaars* with women and children are sure to get attac#ed and torn of their body parts by fearful Nara#a Pa#shis or birds with fierce bea#s and iron5li#e nails in appopriate Nara#as& Those who re.ect the moral pleas of parents$ 1urus and elders are made to force down their throats of body re.ects as they are hung upside down in +pratishta Nara#a& Those who ta#e before Devatas$ +tithis :1uests$ children$ Parents and respectable persons are forced to starve and as and when allowed to consume are provided poisonous and blood5mi,ed food in Vidabho.ana Nara#a& Those who touch Brahmanas$ +gni and 2ows with impure hands especially while eating are sent to Tapta#umbha Nara#a& Those who stare at Sun$ or ga@e for fun at oon and Stars while drin#ing into,icants and eating are treated by -amadutas by piercing and scorching their eyes& Those who spoil water bodies$ Temples$ religious places$ Tirthas$ gardens$ Sabhaas or Public Places are literally s#inned alive by -amadutas&Those who perform ablutions in the presence of 2ows$ +gni$ Brahmanas$ Surya and %dols of Devas are sub.ected to cut pieces of the private parts& Those who ta#e at the time of +#aal or famine by way of +tma5Poshan$ while ignoring family and servants$ are despatched to Swenabho.ana Nara#a&Those who re'uest for refuge in times of calamities and death5#ind of situations ignore such genuine entreaties are sent to -antra peeda Nara#a to face similar or far worse siuations and also by brutally beaten by -amadutas& Those who who mate on Sacred Days$ Shraddha days$ or days of menses of women or women other than one*s own wife are made to embrace burning metal bloc#s& Those who carry tales$ accept bribes$ and create mutual misunderstandings$ bac# bitings$ false rumours$ or spread misleading interprations are Vri#a bha#sha# Nara#a& Those who steal gold or valuables$ Brahmahatyaris$ adyapis or drun#ards$ 1urupatnigaamis$ stealers of Bhumi$ 2ows$ or for that matter any activities connected with cheating4 rapings$ or #illings especially of women and children$ or providers of false witnesses or those engaged in dar# activities or ransoms are all sent to aha !ourava Nara#a& Those who indulge in blac# mar#eting$ Veda Vi#raya and consciously organising dar# activities li#e hoarding$ bettings$ ma#ing money by multiple misdeeds are all sent to Tamishra$ +ndhataaishra$ +sipatravana$ and such other suitable Nara#as&

Sadaa&$aara S#ar+pa 0Pro%!le o% Et$!&al 4!'!n 2D !ishis e,plained to Su#esha Daitya that the Dashaan$a Dharma as applicable to all the 2hatur Varnaas were +himsa (Non5Violence)$ Satya (Truthfulness)$ +steya ( Non5 Stealing)$ Daana (2harity)$ /shama (6orbearance)$ Dama or %ndriya Nigraha (2ontrol of Physi'ue)$ Shama (6orgiveness)$ +#aarpanya (non5retaliation)$ Shoucha (2leanliness of 8,ternal and %nternal Nature) and Tapa ( editation)& But the !ishis distinguished separate duties to Brahmanas9 Bra$ma&$ar! D$armaD Brahmachari Brahmanas after ;panayana or formal initiation to Sandhya vandana and 1ayatri )apa would have to stay at the !esidence of his 1uru with his duties as9 Swaadhyaaya or reciting of Scriptures as taught by the 1uru$ daily (0avana*or +gni /arya as prescribed$ Snaana$ soliciting Bhi#sha and consume as instructed by 1uru$ carrying out 1uru*s instructions with readiness and sincerity$ learning Vedas and Scriptures as taught by 1uru and at the end of the training from the 1uru#ula to enter 1rihastaashrama or other wise as per 1uru*s instsructinons& Gr!$astaas$rama D$armaD +s per Sadaachaara prescribed by Scriptures and adapted from time to time$ !ishis e,plained to Su#esha9 Dharmosya mulam Dhanamashya shaakhaa )ushpamcha +aamah )halamasya 'okshah/ (Sadaachaara has its roots in Dharma4 Dhana or oney is the branch of the Sadaachara Vri#sha or Tree4 /aama or Desire is the Pushpa or flower and o#sha is the Phala or 6ruit)& Brahmana 1rihastaas need to wa#e up at the Brahma uhurta or 8arly orning and recite Suprabhata Stotra as its recital$ hearing$ reading or memorising would #ic# off the day with destruction of previous day*s sins&The Stuti might be as follows9 rahmaa 'uraaristripuraantakaaree hanuh Shashi husuto udhascha, #uruuscha Shukrah Saha hanujena +urvantu Sarvey 'ama Supra&haatam/ hri$u Vasishtah +ratura -an$ireescha, 'anu )ulustyah )ulah Sa #outamah/ Re&hoy 'areechischyavano Ri&huscha +urvantu Sarvey mama Supra&hatam/ Sanatkumarah Sanakah Sanandanah Sanaatopyasuri )in$alaocha, Satpta Swaraah Sapta Rasaachalaascha kurvantu Sarvey mama suprahatam/ )rithvi Su$andhaa Saraasthathaapah Sparshaascha Vaayururjjwalanah Satejaah, Na&hah Sasha&dam 'ahataa Sahaiva *acchhantu Sarvey mama Supra&haatam/ Saptaarnavaah Sapta +ulaachalaascha Saptarshiyo Dwipavaraascha Sapta/ huraadi krutwaa huvanaani Sapta Dadantu Sarvey mama Supra&hatam/ ( ay Brahma$ uraari$ Tripurantha#aari$ Surya$ 2handra$ angala$ Budha$ 1uru$ Shu#ra$ Shanaischara render my day5brea# auspicious4 may all the !ishis li#e Bhrigu$ Vasishtha$ /ratu$ +ngira$ anu$ Pulastya$ Pulah.a$ 1autama$ !yaibhya$ arichi$ 2hyavana and !ibhu wish me auspiciousness this early morning4 ay Sanat#umara$ Sana#a$ Sanandana$ Sanaatana$ +asuri$ Pingala !ishis$ Sapta Swaras and Sapta !asaatalas usher this Prabhata to me with angala : propitiousness4 ay Prithvi$ Sweet 7ater$ Pleasant 7inds$ +gni with$ +#aasha with clearness and the ;ni'ue aha Tatwa too bring in e,cellent tidings this early morning4 and let Sapta Samudras$ Sapta /ula Parvataas$ Saptarshis$ and Sapta Dwipaas bless me with happiness and contentment at this auspicious (Prabhata Samaya*)& This Prabhata 1ita may be rendered every day5brea# while leaving the bed early mornings with reverence and devotion to conduct the day ahead with satisfaction& Then leave the bed with 0ari Smarana or the devout salutations to %shta Devata& +fter morning ablutions$ perform Sandhya Vandana$ Pu.a$ 0avana etc& before ta#ing up of the daily duties& 7hile so doing$ a Brahmana has to observe Deva Vihita Dharma and /ula : 1otra Dharma5as an under5current of daily dharma& Normal D+t!esD Never resort to (+satpralaapas*: untrue chatter$ (Nishthuras*: hurting and har tal#s and ill5 .ustified statements about Veda5+agama5Shastras$ accusations against Sadhu.anas or holy persons$ and criticisms in respect of other religions& Never ta#e to se, in Sandhyas : Sun5 rise and Sun5sets nor enter into conacts with other women$ homeless women$ women in menses

and much less on bare 8arth and in water4 avoid aimless travels$ wasteful charities$and purposeless sacrifices of animals and birds4 and wasteful travels would certainly result in upsets of daily duties& )araswavey )aradaarey cha na karyaa uddhirutthamaih, )araswam Narakaayaiva )aradaaraascha mrutyavey/ (Para dhana gives Nara#a and Para Stree causes rityu3)& Never view a woman nude$ nor tal# or touch a woman in menses4 never have bath or sleep in na#edness even alone$ much less move about li#ewise4 never have oil massages on Pratipada$ Shashthi or 8#adashi Tithis called Nanda Tithis as also on Sundays and Tuesdays$ besides in the Stars of 2hitra$0asta and Shravana 4 never ta#e /shura /armaas or hair cuts on !i#ta Tithis of 2haturthi$ Navami and 2haturdashi as also on 6ridays besides during Visha#ha and Stars4 never resort to Stree Sampar#a on Purna Tithis vi@& Panchami$ Dashami and Purnima nor during agha$ /ritti#a and the three ;ttaara Na#shatras of ;ttaraphalguni$ ;ttaashadha and ;ttaraabhadra4 but do perform all constructive tas#s on Bhadra Tithis vi@& Dwitiya$ Saptami and Dwadashi3 !ishis told the !aa#shasa /ing that one should not rest heads on North and 7est directions and ta#e food facing 8ast and 7est4 one should perform Prada#shina around Deva andiras$ 2haitya5Peepul trees$ Parents$ 1urus and Vidwaans4 one should bathe in the nights e,cepting in the case of 1rahanaas or Solar : "unar 8clipses$ deaths of close relatives or when one*s birth star coincides with 2handra& But bathing would be a must in case a person touches a dog$ a woman in menses$ an e,pectant woman$ a chandala$ a person carrying or even touching a dead body& ?ne should not cross blood or urine or defecation4 one should not stay late nights alone in a garden& 8ven conversing much less touching those persons who blame Scriptures should be avoided and if done so by mista#e$ Surya Darshan would purify& The !ishis further clarified the broad duties of a person in the Vaanaprast$a As$rama or at the stage of retirement from active life when one should eat less$ eat only such items that are easy to procure and digest ie& Satvi#a$ observe s#ipping one meal a day$ sleep on the ground on a mat$ observe Brahmacharya$ perform daily$ havans$ wear coarse dresses$ perform Tri#aala Sandhyas and basically follow a moderate and routinised life by spending more time in !eading Sciptures$ Social 7or# and Dharmic activities& The 6inal +shram of Sanyasa involves negation of any #ind of worldly desires$ attachments and acitivities related9 Sarva san$aparityaa$o rahmacharyamamaanita, Jitenndriyatwamaavaasey naikasmin vasatischaram/ %naaram&ha /sthataahaaro haikshaannam naatikopitaa, %tmajnaanaava&odhecchhaa tathaa chavaatmaava &odhanam/ (Denouncement of wishes$ Brahmacharya$ denial of +ham#ara or Self5 consciousness$ 0igh control of Physical attractions$ fre'uent travels$ Bhi#shaanna Bho.ana$ /rodha Tyaga$ and all out endeavours to gain +tma 1yana&) 7hile Brahmana Varnaasharama would thus be all comprehensive$ Vaishyaas and /satriyas might not observe the !egulations beyond Vaana5 prastha$ and Shudras might not even cross the 1arshatya Stage& +s !ishis e,plained the principles of Sadaachaara Swarupa$ /ing Su#esha and followers were enlightened and by the +#aashachari returned to his /ingdom& Re%ormat!on o% Ra,s$asaasD ?n return$ he called his !a#shasa Pra.a and sensitised them about the utility of practising Dharma that he learnt from the learned !ishis of agadharanya as that type of reformed life would definitely lead to immense (Paralo#a Su#ha* or 8ternal 0appiness after death& 0e convinced the Pra.a that the temporary .oy created by the evil ways of living would never ever match the Permanent and Perpetual Bliss that one could achieve by ma#ing sacrifices to be made in the current life and adopting a changed life5style since the !ishis who learnt a lot from their +ncient Scriptures sought to ma#e short5run inconveniences to secure

"asting Pleasure3 Thus the Daitya /ing succeeded to brain wash the !a#shasaas to faithfully practise Dharma and said9 %himsa Satyamasteyam Shouchamindriya Samyamam, Daanam Dayaacha +haantischa rahmacharyamamaanita/ Shu&haa Satyaa cha 'athuraa van$nityam Satkriyaaratih, Sadaachaaranishevitwam )araloka )radaayikaah/ (+himsa$ Satya$ Pavitrata$ +steya$ %ndriya samyama$ Daanam Dayaa$ /shama$ Brahmacharya$ leaving +ham#aara$ conversation style of sweetness$ endearment and truthfulness$ engagement in performing virtuous deeds and practising Sadaachara would accomplish Paralo#a Su#ha)& ost favourably reacting to the +ppeals of /ing Su#esha$ the Daityas readily followed the new pattern of life and their families and progeny too practised it vigorously& This unusual development made radical changes in ;niverse4 the Nishacha Nagari came to shine as moon in the day time and li#e Sun in the nights4 the lustre of the !aa#shasas increased manifold and that of Surya and 2handra got adversely affected4 the timings and movement of Sun and oon became confusing as ?wls were noticed during mid days and !ishis were performing mid5night bathings$ Sandhyavandanaas and )ala Tarpanas standing in the 0oly !ivers besides +gni /aryasas$ -agnas$$ and so on& 8ven lotuses started blossoming irrespective of Sunsets3 Surya Deva got utterly confused at these unnatural developments and finlyy discovered the root cause of Daityas adopting the Dharma Vidhana& %n great disgust and consternation$ Surya Deva shot at multitude of Surya /iranaas on the !a#shasaas and the +#asha Sanchari Nagari gifted by aha Deva to the Daitya /ing Su#esha started sliding downward& +mid highly agitated shrie#s$ the /ing and the Daitya followers shouted at the top of their voices saying 9 Namo B$a'aaya S$ar'aayaE The ?mni 5present and ?mni5sient aha Deva undertood the whole 8pisode of /ing Su#eshi approaching the !ishis of agadhaaranya who preached the !a#shasaas of Dharma Pravartana and the conse'uences that followed clima,ing with the gradual sliding of the +irship of Nishacha Nagari as Surya Deva became intolerant& Trilochana Shan#ara got furious and loo#ed at Surya and the latter too commenced sliding from his a,is towards Vayumandala and futher down to +ntari#sha& ?n witnessing this e,traordinary happening$ aharshis went up to Surya Deva and the latter en'uired as to where was the Sacred /shetra of Vishnu Bhagavan on Bhumi3 The !ishis suggested the 0allowed Place between the two !ivers Varuna and +si& eanwhile !ishi$a#sha$ !a#shasa$ Naaga$Vidyadhara$ +psaras etc&approached Brahma and the latter accompanying Devas rached aheswara to cool down his annoyance with Surya4 aheswara held Surya by his hand$ named Surya as 4ola, e,cused Surya*s indiscretion and put bac# Surya Deva on the Suryamandala again and the Nishachara Sanchari Nagara was placed bac# in its original position& This was thus a vindication of Dharma whether pracised by 0uman Beings or !a#shasaas as Dharma practised by human beings$ or !aa#shasaas or any other Beings would have similar results$ irrespective of their past actions or sins& +pparently$ the Natural abnormalites that happened as a result of the sudden spurt of Dharmi# deeds adopted by the !a#shasaas at the Sanchaara Nagari got stabilised in line with those of anavaas and status 'uo was restored in the ;niverse without aberrations in (Pra#ri*& V!s$n+ P+8a on S$+,la E,adas$!s and V!s$n+ Pan8ara Stotra ?bservance of Vishnu Pu.a on every Shu#la 8#adashi called +#handa Vrata followed by the !ecital of Vishnu Pan.ara Stotra is stated to be an important component of Dharmi# "ife& This routine re'uirement needs to be followed by men and women of any (Varna* with fasting and (Baahyaantara Shuchi* or cleanliness of body and mind and by Pu.a with (+vahana* (%nvocation) APanchaamrita Snaana with 1hee$ 1andhoda#a$ 6ruit Pulp$ 0oney and 2urd4 Vastra$ -agnopa

5veeta$ Pushpa$ Phala$ Dhupa$ Deepa$ Naivedyas$ Taambula$ Vaadya$ antra Pushpa$ Sangeeta$ )apa$ 0oma and Stotra& The Stuti should be by way of Vishnu Pan.ara Stotra as follows9 Namostutey )admana&ha )admaadhava 'ahadyutey, Dharmaartha +aama 'okshaani Twa -akhandaani havantumey/ Vikaasi )admapatraaksha *athaakhandosi Sarvatah, Tena Satyena Dharmaadyaa %khandaah Santu +eshava/ Namo namastey #ovinda $ruhya Sudarshanam, )raachyam rakshasva maam Vishno twaamaham sharanam $atah/ #adaam +aumodikeem $ruhya )admanaa&haamita dyutey, *aamyaam rakhshaswa maam Vishno twaamaham sharanam $atah/ .alamaadaaya sounandam Namastey )urushotthama, )raateekshaam raksha mey Vishno &havantam sharanam $atah/ 'usalam Shaantanam $ruhya )undarikaaksha rakshamaam, -ttarasyaam Ja$annaatha &havantam sharanam$atah/ Shaaran$amaadaaya cha Dhanurastram Naraayanam harey, Namastey Raksha Raksho$hnam ,shanyaayaam sharanam $atah/ )anchajanyam 'ahaashankhamantar&odhyam cha pankajam, )ra$ruhya rakshamaam Vishno %a$neyyaam *a$na sukara/ !harma Suryashatam $ruhya khad$amchandramasam tathaa, Nairrutyaam maam cha rakshasva Divya 'urtey Nrikesatin/ Vaijayanteem pra$ruhya twam Srivatsam kantha&hushanam, Vaayavyaam raksha maam Deva %shvaseersha Namostutey/ Vainateyam samaaruhya %ntarikshey Janaandana, 'aam twam raksaajita sadaa Namas tey twa paraajita/ Vishaalaaksham Samaaruuha rakshamaam twam rasaataley, %kuupaara Namastu&hyam 'ahamoha Namotutey/ +arasheershaan$a$hni parveshu tathaashta &aahu panjaram,+rutwaa rakshaswa maam Deva Namastey )urushottama/ (Salutations Padmmanabha "a#shmipati3 7ith your blessings$ may our "ife*s ob.ectives of Dharma5+rtha5/lama5 o#sha be accomplished4 as you are spread out in all the directions$ our desires of Dharma5+rtha5 /ama5 o#sha be fulfilled endlessly& 1ovinda3 Do #indly ta#e up your Sudarshana 2ha#ra and protect me fromy 8astern Side as % am your refugee4 ahadyuti Padmanabha3 Do #indly pic# up your /oumudi 1ada: mace and save my Southern side as % see# your shelter4 Purushottama 3 Do ta#e up your Saunanda nama# ( 0ala*: Plough and protect me from the western side4 Pundari#aa#sha3 % beg you to save my usala named Shaantana and safeguard my Northern side4 do #indly select your Saaranga Dhanush and Narayanaastra to shield my %shaana /ona as % am defenceless4 -agna Varaha Vishno3 % implore you to ta#e up the renowned Pancha.anya Shan#hu : conchshell as also your "otus 6lower and disperse my enemies from the +gneya Side4 aha Nrisimha3 Please lift up your 2handra naama#a shield and Surya naama# /hadga and guard my Nirruti direction4 0ayagriva Deva3 Please sport your 1arland named Vi.ayanti and Srivatsa naama#a nec#lace to defend my Vayavya /ona4 Vainateya3 Do alight your 1aruda vahana and assure my safety from (+ntari#sha*: S#y4 by assuming the aha /urma !upa$ Bhagavan3 /indly protect me from the !asatala side too so that nothing untoward could happen to me from down5under4 Vishaalaa#sha3 aha oha3 Save me with 8ight of -our endless hands$ do create an +shta5dasha or 8ight Direction Safety 2age for me assuring Total Shield to me)& This Sacred Vishnu Pan.ara was stated to have been recited by ahadeva Shan#ara to provide a Total 2over of Protection to Devi /atyayani Durga in the conte,t of the destruction of ahishasura$ !a#tabee.a and other countless +suras& Or! !n o% )+r+,s$etraD Sam'arna."apat! V!'a$, )!n )+r+ and )+r+,s$etra Ma$atmya +t the beginning of Satya -uga$ there was a /ing named !u#sha of 2handra Vamsha who begot /ing Samvarna& ?n assuming /ingship$ Samvarna entusted his royal duties to his 1uru Vasishtha and moved about carefree& 7hile he was in a 6orest named Vibhra.a$ he met a Deva /anya called Tapati and both of them got mesmerised with each other& ?n return$ Vasishta

aharshi learnt of the /ing*s infatuation as the latter was neither eating nor behaving properly& Similar was the situation with the Deva /anya Tapati& Vasishtha learnt from his Divadrishti that the Deva /anya was the daughter of Suryta Deva$ entered Surya mandala and re'uested Surya for the alliance and both of them were happily married to eventually beget a boy called )+r+ who was eventually married to Devi Soudamini& +fter /uru became the /ing$ /uru tried all possibilities of endearing his Pra.a and during his (Dharma Paalana* or Virtuous +dministration$ there were no problems of poverty$ thefts$ misdirected .udgments and health limitations and soon became a popular /ing& Then he travelled to become more and famous and victorious and entered Daitavana where he saw the Sacred !iver Sarasvati which was called Brahma Putri$ 0ari.ihva and Sudarshana )anani& 0e derived e,treme happiness and satisfaction in the !iver and towards north of the !iver and decided to construct a (Samanta Pancha#a Dharmasthaan* spread over an +rea of five yo.anas width and length& %t was learnt that there were five such (Vedi#aas* where Shambhu Deva performed Pancha -agnas$ of which the ;ttara Vedi on the ban#s of !iver Sarasvati was #nown as the most renowned4 the adhya Vedi as popular at Prayaga /shetra$ Purva Vedi was at 1aya Tirtha$ Da#shina Vedi was at )agannatha puri and the Paschima Vedi was at Push#ara /shetra& /ing Puru decided to add the Panchama Vedi to be constructed as Samanta#a Pancha#a Dharmasthana& 0e procured a golden plough and a pair of animals to commence tilling the land& %ndra Deva approached the /ing /uru as to what was he desirous of doing and the reply was that he haddecided to construct an (+shtaanga Bhumi* of Tapah Satyam +samaam Damaam +rushaami Shoucham Daanam cha *io$amcha rahmachaaritaam/ or editation 5 Truthfulness58ndurance5 ercy52leanliness52harity5-oga and 2elibacy which should be called +shtanga 6arming3 %ndra further as#ed9 7here would be a number of ploughs and how would you procure seeds from3 The reply was that %ndra should not ma#e fun of an honest endeavour as %ndra left 'uietly& The /ing himself commenced tilling some four to five yo.anas of land daily& Then "ord Vishnu appeared and as#ed the same 'uestion of %ndra as to where would he secure the seeds& The /ing said convincingly that the seeds would emerge from his body& Vishnu as#ed the /ing to e,tend his hand so that the former could plough and the /ing could spread the seeds& The /ing faithfully e,tended his right hand and at once Bhagavan cut off his hand with his cha#ra to several pieces3 /uru then e,tended his left hand and Vishnu sliced off that hand too to thousand pieces& The /ing offered his thighs one by one which too were cut& 6inally /ing /uru offered his head and then Vishnu was convinced that the /ing was very serious in his resolve and as#ed him to as# for a boon& /uru replied9 *aavadetan /mayaa krushtam Dharmaksetram tadastucha, Snaataanaam cha mrutaaaamcha mahapunya phalam twiha/ -pavaasamcha Daanamcha cha snaanam japyam cha 'adhava, .omaya$na /dikam chaanyacchu&ham Vaapyashu&ham Vi&ho/ ( ay this Place which % had tilled be declared as Dharma /shetra4 may this Place become a Sacred one where bathing or even dying attain aha Punya& ay the virtuous deeds of ;pavaasa5Snaaa5Daana5 )apa50avana5-agna etc be paid for with multiplied fruits3) The /ing further prayed to Vishnu that he along with Parama Shiva should reside at this /shetra always& Vishnu not only granted the boons as#ed by the /ing but also blessed the 0allowed Place to be called as /uru /shetra$ that his fame and name would be eternal as long as the ;niverse would last$ that this /shetra called /uru.aangala would be protected by 2handra naama# -a#sha$ Vaasu#i naama# Sarpa$ Shan#u#arna naama# Vidyaadhara$ Su#eshi naama# !a#shseswara$ +.aavan naama# /ing$ ahadeva naama# +gni and so on& Some eight thousand arrows5men would ensure that sinners of e,treme nature would be prevented to perform bathings in the /shetra 4 there is a (paapa vinaasha#a* and Sacred Tirtha #nown as Pruthuuda#a or Pohovaa Tirtha here and Brahma collected the waters of various aha

Samudras$ Punya Tirthas$ !ivers and Sarovaraas into it3 Bra$masara "!rt$aD aharshi "omaharshana stated that Brahmasara Tirtha was originally spread from Sannihita Sarovar at !antu# Sthaana to ?.as Sthaana and further upto 2haturmu#ha Sthaana4 but over passage of time$ the Tirtha occupied the space from Viswasvara Shaana to +sthipura and from Vriddha /anya to ?ghavati !iver& 0alf way of the Tirtha$ it was believed that !udra attained (Sthaanutva*or (Sthiratwa* (Solidification)& eanwhile$ aha uni ar#andeya prayed to Devi Saras#at! flowing in the form of the illustrious !iver obliged the uni to accompany him wherever he wished him to lead and the uni re'uested her to lin# up Brahmasira to !amahlada to /uru#shetra and thus the latter assumed further significance4 %n the /uru#shetra Tirtha thus one secures the (maha phala*of bathing and worshipping in Seven Vanaas vi@& /aamua#a Vana$ +diti Vana$ Vyasa Vana$ Phala#i Vana$ Surya Vana$ adhu Vana$ and Sheeta Vana4 besides nine Sacred !ivers vi@&Sarasvati$ Vaitarani$ +apaga$ anda#ini 1anga$ adhstra$Vaasu Nadi$ /oushi#i$ Drushdyati or /aggar$ and 0iranyavati& /uru#shetra Thirtha -atra needs to be intiated by obtaining the permission of the -a#sha called !astu#$ proceed to Ad!t! Vana where Devi +diti was stated to have performed her Tapasya in favour of her sons vi@& Devataas4 proceed to Vishnu Sthaan called (Sa'ana*$ visit V!mala "!rt$a to worship Vimaleswara to reap the fruit of attaining !udra "o#a4 )a+s$!,! San ama to wash off the blemishes stored thus far4 D$aran! "!rt$a to see# relief for (+paradhaas* of devotees4 Da,s$es#ara S$!'a in Da#shaashrama to attain the fruit of +shvamedha -agna4 S$al+,!n! "!rt$a 4 then move on to Sapt!rdad$! to thrash up fears of serpents4 then worship !astu# Dwarapal for an overnight stay there for /shama Prarthana and +bheestha Siddhi4 then visit Pan&$anada "!rt$a, )ot! "!rt$a, and A#aalama$es#ara. Pilgrims to /uru#shetra are advised to definitely perform (Pitru Devaarchana* at the famed P+s$,ara "!rt$a which was constructed by Parashurama Deva and it was believed that worship there would bestow fulfillment of wishes sought by the devotees& Surya 1rahana Snaana at the nearby Sarovara called (Saannihitya* is stated to provide access to Swarga after one*s end of life& Bal! de%eats Indra, Vamana*s A'atara and Bal!*s Donat!on o% "$ree Feet 0 St+t!s 1y )as$yapa, Ad!t! and Bra$ma and V!rat P+r+s$a Varnana2 +s /ing Bali of Daityas too# over the reins of Trilo#as from Virochana the son of Prahlada and the great 1rand father of 0iranya#ashipu$ Devas lost power in Swarga and the mighty ayasura and Shambara flew the 6lag of Vi.ayanti too& -et$ the Daityas were steeply engaged in Dharmi# deeds$ and they were guarding the S#y providing stability all5around9 %&haavey Sarva paapaanaam Dharma &havey sadothitey, !hatush /paadey sthitey dharmey hyadharmey paada vi$rahey, )rajaapaalanayukteshu &hraajamaa -neshu Raajasu, Sarva dharma samprayukteshu tadhaashrama nivaasishu/ (There was complete absence of sinnersw in the /ingdom and Dharma was predominate4 Dharma was established on four feet e,cept on one4 all the Deputised /ings were performing +dministration ideally and all the 6our Varnaas of population were observing Dharma perfectly) %t was at that opportune time that the 2oronation of Bali 2ha#ravarti too# place amidst the chanting of Victory by all concerned& Devi "a#shmi appeared and congratulated at Bali*s 8levation to Supremacy along with her (+msaas* li#e the Devis named 0reem$/irti$ Dyuti$ Prabha$ Dhruti$ /shama$ Bhuti$ !uddhi $ Divya$ ahamati$ Shruti$ Smriti$ %da$ Shanti$ Pushti$ /riya$ and also select +psaraas& eanwhile$ Devataas were disillusioned at their discomfiture and the clima, of Bali*s high status especially because of Daitya /ing*s unchallenged success owing to his Dharma Paalana and the

lac# of any record of 8vil deeds by Daityas4 they were also denied their shares of -ahna Phalaas& They approached their mother +diti for solace and advice and in turn she reached her husband /ashyapa uni& /ashyapa found the situation was delicate and even Brahma might find it difficult as strictly spea#ing the record of Daityas was above board3 Brahma advised that the only way out would be that Tapasya and +diti would perform strict Tapasya to Vishnu Deva and see# the most difficult boon of Vishnu ta#ing birth as their son3 The 2ouple reached the Ban#s of /shira Samudra at a holy spot called +mrita$ performed austere Tapasya and (/aamada Vrata* for thousand years by controlling their %ndriyas$ observing silence and /ashyapa chanted Veda -u#ta Su#ta called Parama Stuti as follows9 Namastestu tey Devadeva 0kashrin$a Vrushaaarchey Sindhu Vrushaarchey Sindhuvrusha, Vrishaakapey Suravrisha %naadisam&hava Rudra +apila Vishvaksena/ Sarva hutapatey Dhruva Dharmaadharma Vaikuntha Vrishaavarta, %naadimadhyanidhana Dhananjaya Shuchishravah )rushnatejah/ Nijajaya %mriteshaaya Sanaatana Tridhaama Tushita 'ahaa Tatwa, (okanaatha )admanaa&ha Virinchey ahurupa %kshaya %kshara/ .avya&huja +handaparasho Shakra 'unjakesha .amsa 'aha Dakshina, .rishikesha Sukshma 'ahaaniyamadhara Viraja (oka pratishtha/ %rupa %$raja Dharmaja Dharma naa&ha #a&hastinaama, Shatakratunaa&ha !handra ratha Surya Tejah Samudravaasah %jah/ Sahrashirah Sahasrapaad %dhomukhaha 'ahapurusha )urushottama, Sahasra&aaho Sahasramurtey Sahastraasya Sahasrasam&havah, Sahasratvam Twamaahuh/ )ushpahaasa !harama twameva Voushat, Vashatkaram twaamaahu ra$ryam 'akheshu )raashitaaram Sahasradharam/ !ha huscha huvascha Suwascha Twameva Vedavedya rahmashaya, rahmana priya twameva dhaurasi 'aatarishvasasi Dharmosi/ .ota )ota 'antaa Netaa .omahetustwameva %$rya, Vishwathaamnaa twameva dik&hih Su&haanda ,jjyosi/ Sumedhosi Samidhastwameva matir$atirdaataa twamasi, 'okshosi *o$isi Srujaasi Dhaataa )arama *a$nosi/ Somesi Dikshitosi Dakshinaasi Vishwamasi, Sthavira .iranyanaa&ha Naraayana Trinayana %dityavarna/ %dityatejah 'ahapurusha )urushottama %di Deva Suvikrama, )ra&hakara Sham&ho Swayam&ho hutaadih 'aha&hutesi/ Vishva &huta Vishvam twameva Vishwa$optaasi )avitramasi,Viswa&huva -rthvakarma %mrita Divaspatey Vaachaspatey #hrutaarchey, %nanta +arma Vamsha )raa$vamsha Vishvapaatastwamewa/ Vaarthinaam Varadositwam, !hatur&hischa dwaa&hyaam )ancha&hireva cha, *huyatey cha punar / dhaa&hyaam tu&hyam .otraatmaney Namah/ (Deva Deva$ 8#a Shringa$ Vrishaarchi$ Sindhuvrusha$ Vrishaa#api$ Suravrisha$ +naadi Sambhava$ !udra$ /apila$ Vishva#sena$ Sarva Bhuapati$ Dhruva$ Dharmaadharma$ Vai#untha$ Vrishaa /arta$ +nadi 5madhya nidhana$ Dhana.aya$ Shrutishrava$ Prushna Te.a$ Ni.a.aya$ +mriteshaya$ Sanaatana$ Tridhaama$ Tushita$ ahaa Tatwa$ "o#anaatha$ Padmanaabha$ Virinchi$ Bahurupa$ +#shaya$ +#shara$ 0avyabhu.a$ /handaparashu$ Sha#ra$ un.i#esha$ 0amsa$ ahaa Da#shina$ 0rishi#esha$ Su#shma$ ahaniyamadhara$ Vira.a$ "o#apratishtha$ +rupa$ +gra.a$ Dharma.a$ Dharmanaabha$ 1abhastunaabha$ Shata#ratunaabha$ 2handra !atha$ Surya Te.a$ +.a$ Sahasra shira$ Sahasrapaada$ +dhomu#ha$ aha Purusha$ Purushotthama$ Sahasrabaahu$ Sahasra urti$ Sahasrasya$ Sahasra Sambhava3 % prostrate before you and touch your feet4 -ou are commended as Sahasratva$ Pushpahaasa$ 2harama : Sarvotthama4 -ou are #nown as Voushta and Vashat#aara4 -ou are +grya or Sarvotthama$ -agna Praashita or Bho#ta$ Sahasra dhaara4 -ou are the Bhur5Bhuva5Swah Swarupa4 Veda Vedya or !ecognisable through Vedas4 Brahmashaya$ Brahmanapriya4 Dhyouh or Sarvavyapi li#e the S#y4 aatarishwa or Speedy li#e Vayu4 Dharma$ 0ota$ Potha : Vishnu4 antaa$ Netaa$ 0oma hetu or the !oot 2ause of 0oma4 Vishvate.a$ +grya or Sarvasreshtha$ Subhanda or li#e the 0uge Patrarupa encompassing all Dishaas4 -ou are

worthy of -a.ana or %.ya4 Sumedha$ Samidha$ ati$ 1ati$ and Daataa4 -ou are o#sha$ -oga$ Srashta or the Supreme 2reator4 Dhata : Dhaarana and Poshana /arta4 Parama -agna$ Soma$ Di#shita$ Da#shina and Vishwa4 -ou are Sthavira$ 0iranyanaabha$ Narayana$ Trinayana$ +dityavarna$ +ditya Te.a$ aha Purusha$ Purushottama$ +di Deva$ Suvi#rama$ Prabha#ara$ Shambhu$ Swayambhu$ Bhugtaadi$ aha Bhuta$ Vishwa Bhuta$ and Vishwa4 -ou are the Samsaara !a#sha$ Pavitra$ Vishwa bhava or Vishwa Srashta$ ;rthwa /arma or ;ttama /arma$ +mrita or 8verlasting$ Divaspati$ Vaachaspati$ 1hrutaarchi$ +nanta#arma$ Vamsha$ Pragvamsha$ Vishwapa or Vishwa Paala#a$ Varada or the Bestower of boons4 and finally$ -ou are the 0otraatma or who is responsible for producing +gnihotra by way of the seventeen counted +#sharaas or "etters vi@& 6our (+ashraavayas* plus four (+stu Shroushads* plus two (-a.aas* plus five (-a.aamahyes* and again two (Vashats*)& Devi +diti also made a commendatory appeal to )anaardana seperately and said9 Namah krutyaarta naashaaya Namah )ushkara maaliney, Namah )arama +alyaana +alyaanaadi vedhasey/ Namah )ankajanertaaya Namah )ankaja naa&haey, Namah )ankaja Sam&huti sam&havaayaatma yonaey/ Shriyah +aantaayaa daantaaya Daantadrushyaaya !hakriney, Namah )admaasi hastaaya Namah +anaka retasey/ Tathaatma Jnaana *a$jnaaya *o$i chintyaaya *o$iney, Nir$unaaya Visheshaaya .araye rahmarupiney/Ja$accha tishthatey yatra ja$ato yo na drushyatey, Namah Sthulaati Sukshmaaya tasmai Devaaya Shaaran$iney/ *am na pashyanti pashyanto Ja$adapyakhilam Naaha, %pashyad&hirja$adyascha drushyatey hridi samshitah/ ahirjyotiralakshyo yo lakshyatey Jyotisha parah, *asminneva yataschaiva .asyaitadakhilam Ja$at/ Tasmai Samasta ja$ataamamaraaya Namo Namah, %adyah )rajaapatih sopi )itrunaam )amam )atih, )atih Syraanaam yastasmai namah +rishnaaya Vedhasey/ *ah )ravrutthai Nivruttaischa +amka&histu virajjyatey,Swar$aapavar$a phalado Namastasmai #adaa&hrutey/*astu sanchintyamaanopi Sarvam paapam vyapohati,Namastasmai Vishuddhaaya )arasmai .arimedhasey/ *e pashyanthy akhikaadhaara meeshaana majamavyayam, na punarjanma smaranam praapnuvanti Namaami tam/ *aa ya$ney *a$naparamairijjyatey *a$nasamsthitah, Tam *a$na )urusham Vishnum Namaami )ra&humeeswaram/ #eeyatey Sarva Vedeshu Vedavid&hirvidaam $atih/ *astasmai Vedavidyaaya Nityaaya Viushnavey Namah/ *ato Vishwam samrud&hutam yasmin )ralayameshyati, Vishvod&hava )ratishthaaya Namastasmai 'ahaatmaney/ %a rahma stam&ha paryantam Vyaptam yena charaacharam, 'ayaajaala samunnaddhamtamupendram namaamyaham/ *otra Toyaswarupastho &i&harty / akhilameeshwarah, Vishwam Vishwapatim Vishnum tam Namaami )rajaapatim/ 'urtim tamosuramayam taddhidho vinihanti yah, Raatrijam Surya Rupeecha tamupendram namaamyaham/ *asyaakshini !handra Suryo Sarvaloka Shu&haashu&ham, )ashyatah karma satatam tamupendram namaamyaham/ *asmin Sarveshwarey sarvamSatyametanmayoditam, Naanrutam tamajam Vishnum Namaami )ra&havaavyayam/ *adyetat Satyamuktam mey huyaschaato Njanardana, Satyena tena sakalaah )uryantaam mey 'anorathaah/ (Prabho3 % am grieving with unimaginable anguish which could be destroyed only by you& y Salutations to-ou Bhagavan who sports lotus garlands and Pusha#ara malaas4 -ou are the +di Vidhata who is an embodiment of propitiousness3 -ou are /amala Nayana$ Padmanaabha$ the 2reator of Brahma$ +tma.anma$ "a#shmi Pati$ %ndriya damana$ worthy of darshan only by Samayama -ogis$ Sudarshana and /hadga dhaari3 ?nly those (+tmagyanayuta* -agna#artas$ -ogadhyaanis and -oga Saadha#aas could aspire to visualise your 1unarahita Brahma Swarupa3 ay % pay my obeisances to you Sharanga Dhari Deva3 as you occupy the whole world in a 1ross 6orm and yet possess the tiniest 6orm which is invisible3 Those persons who do not ma#e efforts to visualise you do not get your Darshan any way$ but those who have no other desire in life e,cepting you

would readily witness you are blessed with your image in their hearts always for the as#ing3 -our unbelievable )yoti or e,traordinary !adiance is all5pervading in the entire ;niverse in which you are present invisibly and contrarily the ;niverse is but an integral segment of -ou Parama Deva3 %n other words$ -ou are all over the ;niverse$ the ;niverse was created by you and in fact the ;niverse is of -ours3 y humble greetings to you the original Pra.apati3 Pitara Sreshtha3 Devata Swami3 Shri /rishna3 0ere are my Pranaams again and again3 -ou are the Supreme ?b.ective of Pravritti and Nivritti Deeds (!itualistic and Directly unswerving approach) and the ;ni'ue Decider of bestowing Swarga or o#sha the 8ternal Bliss3 y namash#aaraas to you Vishuddha Swarupa as even my ta#ing your very name and memory would smash all my sins3 -ou are the +vinaashi or %ndestructible4 +#hilaadhara or the ighty 2lutch of the 8ntirety4 the ?nly !eliever of the Trap of Birth5Death 2ycle3 -ou are perceptible through -agnaas$ the -agna urti$ the -agna Sthita and -agna Purusha3 Vedas commend you$ Veda.naas sing your hymns$ -ou are the (Vidwad.anaashraya* or the one who is fond of the 2ompany of Vidwad.anaas& y ost !evered Paramaatma3 The whole Vishwa is your 2reation$ Sustenance and also the Termination thus -ou are the Vishva /artha$ Vishva Bharta and the Vishwa 0arta3 % pray to that 0ighest agnificence who materialised Surya Swarupa and destroyed dar#ess for good& To that Sarveswara$ the +.anma$ +vyaya$ Srashta and Vishnu who is fully aware of the Truth about me and the transparency and earnestness of my Prayers that % am prostrating with humility craving him to grant my wish3) +s both /ashyapa uni and Devi +diti made their Soul5full Prayers$ the impossible Darshan of Bhagavan Vishnu appeared and granted the wish that he would indeed assume 0is %ncarnation with a view to reinstate %ndra and Devas to Swarga and Trilo#as& +s +diti got conceived and Bhagavan Vishnu agreed to do so$ Prithvi got tremored $ ountains were sha#en$ and Sapta Samudras were agitated with wobbles of waves and there was strangeness all5around3 Bali 2ha#ravarti felt that there were considerable changes in the Nature as mountians were trembling and high Sea tides were on new high and more so Daityas were e,periencing paleness and loss of their normal instincts of courage$ assertiveness and egoism& Bali approached his grand father Prahlada and as#ed for the causes of these omens and premonitions& Parama Bha#ta Prahlada deeply meditated Bhagavan Srihari and visualised the latter in the 1arbha of Devi +diti and had fleeting scenes of +shtaadasha Vasus$ 8#adasha !udras$ Dwadasha +dityas$ two +shvini /umaraas$ 6orty Nine aruts$ Sandhyas$ Vishwa Devas$ 1andharvas$ Nagas$ !ah#shasaas$ his Son Virochana$ Bali 2ha#ravarti$ )ambha$ /u.umbha$ Nara#asura$ Baana$ and several other Daityas$ Pancha Bhutas$ Seas$ ountains$ !ivers$ Satpa Dwipaas$ Brahma$ Shiva$ Nava 1rahas$ Da#sha and other Pra.apatis$ Sapta !ishis and so on& Prahlada gave a heavy e,halation and conveyed the datails what all he visioned and said that the 1reatest Narayana in would soon be descending on 8arth in his incarnation as Vamana Deva3 Bali could not comprehend the full import of what Prahlada underlined and e,pressed his surprise whether Vamana Deva coud be ever comparable with the Senior most !a#shasaas li#e Viprachitta$ Shibi$ San#ha$ +yamshan#u$ 0ayashira$ +shwa Shira$ Bhangha #aara$ aha 0anu$ /a##uraa#sha and Dur.aya& +s Bali tal#ed in such thoughtless comparisons with Paramatma and some e,amples of Danavas howerver mighty they might be$ Parhlada got highly infuriated and shouted at Bali that there could not be bigger immature fool and hollow minded4 he said that Bali*s evil frame of mind would certainly lead the entire Vamsha of Daityas to doom9*eshaam twameedrusho Rajaa Dur&uddhiravivekamaan, Deva devam 'aha&haa$am Vaasudevamajam Vi&hum, Twaamrutey )aapa sankalpa konya evam vadishyati/ *a yeto &hava -taa proktaah samasta Daitya daanavaah, Sa rahmakaastathaa Devaah Staavaraantaa vi&hu

-tayah/ Twam chaaham cha Ja$acchedam Saadridrumanadivanam, Samudradwipalokoyam yaschedam sacharaacharam/ *asyaa&hivaadya vandyasya vyaapinah )aramaatmanah, 0kaam -shaamshi kalaajanma kastameyvam )ravikshyati/ Rutey Vinaasha a&himukham twaameka mavivekinam, Dur&uddimajitaatmaanam Vriddhaanaam Shashanaa -ti$am/ Shochaneeyamyasya -mey $ehey Jaatastava )itaadhamah, *asya twamee -drushah )utro Deva devaavamaanakah/--Nindaam karoshi tasmistwam +rishney #uru #uror #urow,*asmaat tasmaadihaiva twamaishwa -ryaad &hramshameyshasi/ Sa Devo Ja$ataam Naatho aley )ra&hur janaardanah, Nanvaham pratyavekshyastey haktimaanatra mey #uruh/ *etaanmaatra mapya -tra ninditaa Ja$ato #urum, Naapekshitastavyaa yasmaat tasnaacchaapam dadaamitey/ *athaa-mey shirasacche -daadim $urutaram aley, Twayoktamachutaakshepam Rajya &hrashta stathaa pata/ *athhana +rishnaadaparah )aritraanam havaarnavey, Tathaachirena pashyeyam &havantam Raajjya -vichutam/ (Bali3 % have not come across a /ing of this #ind who is evil5minded and dull5witted that could blame the Devaadhi Deva$ aha Bhaga$ Sarva Vyaapi Vaasudeva4 the names of the Daityas that you have ta#en as the so5called ighty as also of Brahma and Devas were created by that Paramatma4 indeed with .ust one (+msha*of myriad of his +mshaas$ he created the whole 2haraacharaas and Samasta Vibhutis or anifestations including you$ me$ Daityas$ Parvataas$ Vri#shaas$ !ivers$ 6orests$ Samudraas$ Sapta Dwipas$ and so on and 0e is Sarva5Vandya$ Sarva5 Vyapi$ and Sarva5Vidita4 would there be a Vive#aheen5 ur#ha5Durbuddhi li#e you who would pass .udgments on 0im3 7hat5ever are the reasons due to which you are faulting your 1uru: your father$ or his father who is me or the Parama 1uru who is Paramatma might be best #nown to you3 -our tal#ing slightingly against Narayana is by far the worst since it tantamounts to cutting my head and it is to set right those feelings of pride and egotism that % am giving you a (Shaap* : 2urse that soon you would be dislocated from your /ingdom$ +ishwarya$ and ego& ) 2ha#ravarti Bali was distraught and distressed at this most unforunate happening of Prahlada*s curse and was ashamed of himself for his rash$ thoughtless and sinful belittling of Bhagavan*s uni'ueness which had understandably stirred up the anger of a legendary Bha#ta of the unparalelled stature of Prahlada& 0e confessed that there was a total loss of his mental faculties when he conversed at that time due to superciliousness and over5enthusiasm of having defeated Devas which propelled his traits of arrogance4 indeed his remar#s had correcrly hurt his grand father who was fully .ustified in giving him an irreparable curse but far worse than the curse$ his behaviour which hurt elders$ li#e Prahlada$ who built a reputation of the family as Narayana Bha#tas$ was sullied in the memory of future generations& This was humiliating to the Vamsha that he was s'uarely responsible3 0e begged of Prahlaadaa*s forgiveness which he did not deserve and would feel repentant ever day and night& Prahlaada appretiated Bali*s remorse and said that he was incensed up at that moment and the anger led him to obsession which lost his mentral e'uilibrium that caused the pronoucement of the curse$ for which he felt e,remely sad& But a lesson was provided to Bali and fully converted him as a Parama Bha#ta of Narayana& ean while$ Devi +diti deliverd a lovely male child in short stature when Nature assumed a blossomed freshness that was rare$ the 1agana andala was clean without any trace of pollution and Vayu was pleasantly soft and nicely odoured 'uite unfamiliar in the human world& The proud parents invited Brahma to perform )aata#arma and Nama#arana as Vamana M+rt!. Bra$ma St+t! to Vamana De'a D%t was at that time when Brahma could not suppress his emotions and bro#e in his ecstasy into an instant 8ulogy as follows9 Jaadheesha Jayaajeya Jaya

Vishwa #uro .arey, Janmamrityu jaraateeta Jayaananta Jayaachyuta/ Jayaajita Jayaasesha Jayaavyakta sthitey Jaya, Ja$atoja$adantesha sthitey Jaya, )aramaarthaartha Sarvajna Jnaanajeryaartha nihsuta/ Jayaasesha Ja$atsaakshir Ja$a$atkartrur Ja$at #uro, Ja$atoja$adantesha sthitou paalayatey Jaya/ Ja$aakhila Jayaasesha Jaya Sarvahridistitha, Ja$aadi madhyaantamaya Sarvajnaana mayottama/ 'umukshu&hinirdeshya Nityahrashtha Jayeswara, *o$i&hirmukti kaamaistu Damaadi $una &hushana/ Jayaatisukshma Durjeya Jaya sthula Ja$anmaya, Jaya Sukshmaati sukshma twam Jayaanindriya sendriya/ Jaya Swaamaayaa yo$astha Sesha&ho$a Jayaashara, Jayaikadamshtra praaptena samuddhita Vasumdhara/ Nrukesarin Suraataati Vakshahsthala vidaarana, Saamopratam Jaya Viswaatman 'ayaa Vaamana +eshava/ Nija maayaa paricchhinna Jaddhaatarjanaardana, Jayaachintya Jayaaneka Swapupaika vidha )ra&ho/ Vruddhiswa Vardhitaaneka Vikaara )rakrutey .arey, Twayyeshaa Ja$ataameesho samshtitaa Dharma paddhatih/ Na twaamaham na cheshaano Neindraadyaastri dashaa .arey, Jaatumeeshaa na 'unyah Sanakaadyaa na *o$inah/ Twam maayaapata samveeto Ja$atyatra Ja$atpatey, +astwaam vetsyati Sarvesha twaprasaadam vinaa Narah/ Twamevaaraadhito yasya )rasaada sumukhah )ra&ho, Sa yeva kevalam Devam vetti twam netaro janah/ Tadeeshwareshwarey -shaana Vi&ho uddistwa &haavana, )ra&havaayasya Vishwasya Vishwaatman )ruthulochana" (Victory to you +dheesha$ +.eya$ Vishwa 1uru 0ari$ +nanta who is devoid of Birth and 8nd4 +chyuta$ +.iota$ +sesha$ +vya#ta Sthita Bhagavan$ Paramaartha Purti Nimita$ who distinguishes )naana and )neya$ +sesha )agat Saa#shi$ )agat /artaa$ )agat 1uru$ )agat5+.agat Sthita or 8,istent in 2haraachara4 Paa lana5Pralaya Swami$ +#hila$ +sesha$ Sarva 0ridaya Sthita4 +di5 adhyama5+nta Swarupa4 Samasta )naana urti$ ;ttama$ Visualisable only by umu#shaas$ u#ti Sadhana by -oga sevitaas$ Nitya Prasanna and Parameshwara who is ornamented by Dama$ /shama and such other 'ualities4 +tyanta Su#shma Swarupa$ Dur.eya or realisable with great difficulty4 Sthula (1ross) and at the sametime +tiSu#hsma (Tiniest)4 %ndriya Sahita and %ndriya !ahita4 ayaayuta yogastitha4 Sesha shaayi +vinaashi4 Bahurupa dhaari4 8#adamshtra Prithvyoddhaara Varaha !upa or Varaha !upa who lifted 8arth with a single tus#4 0iranya#ahipa va#shasthala vidirna Nrisimha4 aya Vaamanarupa dhara4 ayaavruta Samsaara dharana Parameswara or the 0older of Samsara surrounded by aya4 Dhyaanane#a Swarupa dhaarana #araa4 8#a Vidhi Vibho3-ou are the epitome of Buddhi : %ntellect4 )agaddharma marga Sthita Prabho3 yself$ Shan#ara$ %ndra$ Sana#aadi unis and aha -ogiganaas had failed to understand about you as we are all shrouded by Vishnu aya4 who else could gauge your personality e,cepting your self3 ?nly those who are dedicated to you and are ever5engaged with your constant (+raadhana* could have a chance of pleasing you and none else& %shwareshwara3 %shaana3 Vibho3 Bhavana3 Vishwatma3 Pruthulochana3 Vishwa Prabhava or Srishti #aarana3 Vishnu3 ay you grow from strength to strength3 Victory to you Paramatma3) +s Bhagavan 0rishi#esha was prayed to by Brahma$ the former smiled and said that in the past %ndra and Devas and /ashyapa uni as also Devi +diti paid their homges and recited Stotras to him and he assured that he would assume the incarnation of Vamamna urti4 he further assured that he would have %ndra and Devatas reinstated as Trilo#aadhipatis soon& %n course of time Brahma offered /rishna rigacharma to Bhagavan and Brihaspati performed ;panayana and -agnopaveeta dharana4 arichi aharshi gifted Palaasha danda$ Visishtha gave #amandalu$ +ngira uni gave a Sil# Vastra$ Pulaha uni gave a mat as +asana$ and various other unis taught the Vatu the purport of ?m#aara$ Vedas$ Shastras$ San#hya -oga$ Darshana -u#tis etc& 0aving been trained in all these disciplines$Vamana Deva had one fine morning left for the

-agna Shaala of Bali 2ha#ravarti as the latter was e,ecuting a Sacred-agna while carrying his mat$ danda :stic#$ chhatra : umbrella and #amandulu : water vessel& Danava 1uru Shu#racharya was aware that Vishnu Deva in the form of Vamana urti was arriving at the -agna and briefed Bali 2ha#ravarti to be e,tremely careful as Vishnu was a sauve and highly talented person to put words in the mouths of the opponents& The 1uru reminded 2ha#ravarti that the latter denied the age5old practice of rights to yagna*s shares to Devataas and that Vamana urti might as well as# for the revival of the practice but those shares were now en.oying by Danava 2hiefs& Bali replied to Danava 1uru that in case Vishnu in the incarnation of Vamana urti came and re'uested for any thing then how could a /ing say (no* to it3 Bali told the Danava 1uru9 rahman katha -maham &ruyaamanyapi hi yachitah, Naastiti kim Devasya Samsaarasyaa$hahaarinah/ Vratopavaasairvividhairyah )ra&hur$runhatey .arih, Sa mey vakshyati deheeti #ovindah kimato -dhikam1 Naasteeti yanmayanoktamanyeshaamapi yaachataam, Vakshyaami kathamaaya -tey tadadya chaamarechutey/Shlaa$ha eva hi veeraanam Daanaacchaapt samaa$amah$ Na &adhaakaari yadyaanam tadan$a alavat smrutam/ (Brahmanaachaarya3 0ow could % deny any body re'uesting me for a favour3 +nd if that Supreme Deva as#ed me for a charity$ then what else would be the alternative3 7hile Parameswara received the fruits of Vrataas$ ;pavaasaas$ and so on from one and all$ and if that Parameswara himself as#ed a boon from me$ could there be a greater fortune to me3 7hen even an ordinary person approached me for a favour$ then too that could not be denied by a /ing4 then when Narayana himself as#ed for it$ could such an opportunity presented itself$ this chance could never indeed be missed& 8ven if there are difficulties in e,ecuting a charity$ the value of charity would get multiplied and (Veera purushaas* would never deter from performing the deed) 0aving said the above$ Bali as#ed Shu#raachaarya9 *ata$jnaatwaa 'unisreshtha"Daanavi$hna karenamey, Naiva havyam Ja$annaathey #ovidey samupastithey" ( By understanding the above$ unisreshta3 Please do not create (Daana Vighnaas* or hurdles in the e,ecution of the 2harity3)& +s Vamana Deva arrived at the -agna shaala$ Bali welcomed him$ offered (+rghya*$ (+asana*$ Pu.a and offered him limitless gold$ .ewellery$ elephants$ horses$ cows$ women$ clothes$ bunches of villages or townships or whatever would be his wish3 Vamana Deva replied smilingly9 Mamagnisharanaarthaaya dehi Rajan Padatrayam, Suvarnagraamaratnaadi tadarthibhyah pradeeyataam/ (!a.a3 Please provide to me three feet of land to enable me to set up an +gni5 Shaala)& Bali said that after all three feet would be nothing as he could as# for a la#h of feet which could be given away$ but Vamana Deva replied that he was indeed satisfied with that much of Bhumi and if the /ing were to offer more he might as well provide to the other needy3 Bali 2ha#ravarti readily agreed not understanding the implication and as the deed of Daana was being e,ecuted and Vamana Deva e,tended his hand to the /ing and e,panded his Vamana !upa gradually immediately9 Sarva Devamayam rupam darshayaamaasa tatkshanaat/ !handra Suryoutu nayaney dyouh shirascharanou +shitih, )aadaan$ulyah )ishaachaastu .astaan$ulya /scha #ruhakaah/ Vishvedevaascha jaanusthaa jan$hey Saadhyaah Surottamaah, *akshaa nakheshu sam&hutaa rekhaapsaraastathaa/ Drushtirrukshaanya seshaani keshaah Suryamshvah )ra&hoh, Taarakaa romakupaani romeshu cha 'aharshayah/ aahavo vidishatasya Dishaah Shrotrey 'ahatmanah, %shvinou Shravaney tasya naasaa Vayurmahaatmanah/ )rasadey !handramaa Devo 'ano Dharmah samaashritah, Satyasyaa&havad Vaani Jihvaa Devi Saraswati/ #reevaarditirdeva mataa Vidyaastadvalayastathaa, Swar$adwaarama&hunmaitrah twashtaa )ushaa cha vai &hruvou/ 'ukhe Vaishvaanarschaascha vrushanou tu )rajaapatih, .ridayamcha )aram rahma )umstwam vai +ashapo 'unih/ )rushthesya Vasavo Devaa 'arutah Sarva saandhishu, Vakshasthaley tathaa Rudro Dharryachaasya 'ahaarnavah/

-darey chaasya #andharvaa 'arutascha 'ahaa&alaah, (akshmirmedhaa Dhrutih +aantih Sarv Vidyaascha vai +atih/ Sarvajyoteesham *aaneeha Tapascha )aramam mahat, Tasya Devaadhi Devasya tejah prod&hutamuttamam/ Tanou +ukshishu Vedaascha jaanuni cha 'ahaamakhaah, ,shtayah pashavaschaasya Dwujaanaam cheshtitaanicha/ Tasya Devamayam rupam drushtaa Vishnormahaatmanah, -pasarpanti tey Daityaah patan$aa iva paavaakam/ !hakshurastu 'ahaa Daityaah )aadaan$ushtham $ruheetavaan, Dantaa&hyaam tasya vai $reevaa man$ushtheynaahana dharih/ )rathamya Sarvaansuraan )aadahastathalairvi&huh, +rutwaa Rupam 'ahaakaayam Samjahaaraashu 'odineem/ Tasya Vikramato humim !handraadityaou stanaantarey, Na&ho Vikramamaanasya sakthidesho stitathaarvi&hou/)aram Vikramaanasya jaanumuley )ra&haakarou, Vishnoraastaam sthitasyaitow Devapaalana jkarmani/ Jitwaa (okatrayam taamscha hatwaachaasura pun$avaan, )urandaraaya Trailokyam dadou Vishnururukramah/ (%nstantly$ Vamana urti displayed his Virat Swarupa9 2handra and Surya were his two 8yes$Shy was his head$ Prithvi his feet$ Pishachaas were his foot5fingers$ 1ruhya#aas were his hand fingers$ Vishwa Deva 1anaas were in his .aanus :#nees$Sadhyas were his .anghaas$ -a#shaas were his nails$ +psarsaas were his palm lines$ Na#shatras were his 8ye sight$ Surya #iranas were his hairs$ Stars were his body hairs$ aharshiganaas were in the hair roots$ Vidishas were his hands$ Dishaas were his ears$ +shwini /umars were his faculty of hearing$ Vayu was his nose$ 2handra Deva was his .o#ing faculty$ Dharma Deva was his thin#ing capacity$ Satya was his voice and Saraswati was his tongue$ Deva ata +diti was his nec#$ Vidya was his valiyaas or long poles4 Pushas were his eye brows$ Swarga dwar was his anus$ Vaishvanara his face$ Pra.apati his vrushanaas$ Param Brahma was his heart$ /ashyapa uni was his Pumstwa$Vasu Devata was his bac#$ arutganaas were his Sandhis$ !udra was his Va#shasthala$ ahaarnavaa was his Dhairya$ 1angharvas were in his stomach4 "a#shmi$ edha$ Dhruti$ /aanti and all Vidyaas were in his (/ati Pradesha*4 the luster and radiance in the total ;niverse as also the Tapo te.a or the power of meditation was the reflection of the magnificence of Natayana4 Vedas and Sciptures and the huge -agnaas and the Sacred Deeds of the Virtuous li#e aharshis and Brahmanas were all inside in his (#u#shi* or belly& ?n viewing the Paramatma*s (Virat Swarupa*$ the so called ( ahaasuraas* referred to earlier in ignorance by 2ha#ravarti Bali before Prahlada*s curse to him got burnt off li#e flies before a gigantic out bera# of 6ire3 0aving thus occupied the ;niverse in totality including the sub5terrain Sapta Paatalaas$ Vamana Deva stated that since Bali too# the water in his hand and donated the T0!88 688T of "and$ and blessed him to be the /ing of the Sapta Paatalaas and granted him long life till the and of anvantara of the on5going Vaisawata anu& 0e also blessed Bali that all the (0oma Phalas* at the time of Shraddhas to be performed even by Brahmanas$ besides incomplete and defective Vratas$ +gni /aaryaas without ghee$ and /usha grass roots as also the daanas without detachment would belong to Bali and his followers& ,tyetat kathitam asya Vishnor mahatmyamutthamam, Shrunuyaadyo Vamanasya Sarva )aapaih pramuchyatey/ ali )rahlaada samvaadam mantritam ali Shakrayo, aleyrvishnoscha charitam ye smarishyanti 'aanavaah/ Naadhayo Vyadhayesteshaam na cha 'ohaakulam 'anah, !huturaajye nijam Raajyamishta- praptim Viyo$awaan/ Samaapnoti 'aha&haa$aa Narah shrutwa kathaamimaam/ rahmano Vedamaapnoti +shatriyo Jayatey 'ahim, Vaishyo Dhana Samruddim cha Shudrah Sukhamaampunuyaat, Vaamanasya 'atmyam shrunvan )aapaih pramuchyatey/ (7hosoever hears of this narration of Vamana 2haritra and ahatmya would have no (+dhi5Vyadhis* or e,teral and internal problems and be freed from sins4 Brahmanas would attain Veda Prapti$ /shatriyas of Victories$ Vaishyas of Dhana Samruddhi and Shudras en.oy happiness4 +s they read or hear of Prahlada5Bali Samvada or of Bali and Vishnu

2haritra$ one would aviod situations of ?fficial hindrances and achieve the desired goals of life&) Par'at! #eds S$!'a, De'! )aal!*s "apasya led to Ga+r! S#ar+pa and 1!rt$ o% Ganes$a 0amavan and Devi ena begot three daughters vi@& !agini with red eyes$ red comple,ion and red vastraas too$ /utila who was of medium comple,ion and bright and the youngest was /aali of deep blue comple,ion$ blue eyes and most beautiful& 8ven at the age of eight$ the three maidens too# to Tapasya and Devas too# them one by one to Brahma starting from the middle one /utila4 they as#ed Brahma whether she would be able to beget a son who could #ill ahishasura3 Brahma replied9 She might not be able to withstand the brilliance of ahadeva$ leave her3 But she replied that she had the ability to win over by the severity of her Tapasya even )anardana and even severe aha Deva*s head3 Brahma got furious by her impetuous nature and tuned her into a water flow which .oined the forceful rivers of Brahmalo#a& +fter some time$ Devas too# away !agini the eldest daughter of 0imavan and ena and made her face Brahma4 when Devas as#ed the same 'uestion to her and she too gave a brash reply that for sure she could beget a son who could #ill ahishasura in an angry and provocative tone and Brahma was upset that she had the audacity of tal#ing to Devas li#e that and punished her to become Sandhya waiting for the arrival of /ritti#a yoga& +s this happened twice before$ Devi ena prevented the third daughter /aali to perfom Tapaswya further3 She named her UMA( (;* for This or Tapasya and ( a* or do not do4 thereby meaning (Do not do this Tapasya*)& But as time passed$ ;ma got intensely devoted to Shan#ara and ignored her mother*s warning and resumed severe Tapasya& ;nderstandably$ Brahma as#ed %ndra and Devas to bring /aali but the radiance and heat of her Tapasya was such that %ndra could not reach anywhere near her and accordingly reported this to Brahma who understood that this was the one who was indeed worthy of marrying Parama Shiva who could not only demolish ahishasura but als beget a son that could annihilate Tara#asura3 Thus Brahma was satisfied and stopped searching further for /anyaas3 eanwhile 0imavanta brought /aali home from further Tapasya and aha Deva coincidentally too# up to a severe !oudraVrata called Niraashraya roaming from forest to forest and mountain to mountain& During these wanderings$ 0imananta invited Shiva to settle on 0imalaya to perform the Vrata without hindrance and the latter agreed to do so& ;ma Devi happened to see aha Deva in the course of the Vrata and so did aha Deva noticed her for a second as he was instantly reminded of Sati Devi his earlier wife but slipped bac# to his concentration again& +s ;ma*s Sahachaari friends #new of her intense li#ing for aha Deva gifted her an 8arthern %dol of his and having accepted the urti commenced worshipping it with flowers and incense& ?ne day suddenly a Vatu : Brahmachari with danda$ yagnopaveeta$ chhatra (umbrella)$ /amandalu and ash ridden body entered ;ma*s +shrama and introduced himself that he was a resident of Varanasi and was travelling from Tirthas li#e Prayaga$ /ub.aagra$ )ayanta$ 2handi#eshwara$ Bandhuvrinda$ /ana#hala Tirtha$ Saraswati$ +gni#unda$ Bhadra$ Trivishthapa etc& 0e as#ed ;ma as to why in this youthful stage was in the form of an ascetic3 Then ;ma*s Sahacharini called Somaprabha replied that ;ma decided to devotion to aha Deva and would li#e to wed him& The Vatu e,pressed surprise as to who gave her this strange idea to her3 0e was a frightening mendicant always surrounded by goblins and piscachas with beard and dishevelled hair sporting sna#es arould his nec# and shoulders where as she was an e,tremely pretty girl of charm whom esteemed Devatas would li#e to marry& Devi ;ma intervened and said ( don*t you say that again Bhi#shu3 Shiva is (Sarvagunaadhi#a*4 Shivo vyaapyathavaa heemah Sadhano nirdhanopivaa, %lankruto vaa Deveyshaastathaa vaapyanalankrutah/ *aadrushastaadrusho vaapi sa mey

naatho &havishyati, Nivaaryataamayam hishurvivakshuh sphritaadharah, Na tathaa nindakah )aapi yathaashrunavan Shashi )ra&hey/( 7hether 0e was rich or poor$ ugly or unornamented$ the Bhi#shu should #now that Shiva was my Swami4 Sashi Prabha3 Do not encourage this Bhi#shu$ lest he would blabber something else4 a person who blamed thoughtlessly about others would continue to argue in circles4 so throw him out3) Then Parama Shiva appeared before Parvati in his real Swarupa and said9 Dear Parvati3 -ou may now go bac# to your home4 % shall depute aharshis to your 6ather*s house4 since you have commended this form of mine now would be #nown to posterity as Bhadreshwara and Deva$ Danava$ -a#sha$ /innara$ ;raga and anavaas would worship me in this very !upa of Bhadreswara& Then the Saptarshis vi@& /ashyapa$ +tri$ Bharadwaa.a$ Vasishtha$ 1outama$ +ngira and Vishwamitra were summoned and recalled about the past incident of Sati and said that Parvata Putri Parvati had returned again and they should re'uest 0imavaan to agree for the alliance& The Saptarshis accompanied by +rundhati reached 0imavaan*s residence$ even as the 2o5 ountains$ 1andharvaas$ /innaraas$ -a#shaas$ and other illustrious guests were already in position there& 0imavaan welcomed the Saptarishis most humbly and the Spo#esman +ngira said9 Shruyataam )arvata Sreshtha yena +aaryena vai vayam, Samaa$ataastwatsadana marundhatyaa samam #irey/ *osow 'ahatmaa Sarvaatmaa Dakshaya$na ksayankarah, Shankarah Shuladhruk Sharvastrinetro Vrusha vaahanah/ Jeemutaketuh Shatru$hno *a$na &hoktaa Swayam )ra&huh, *ameeshwaram 'aheshaanam 'ahadevam )ashih )atim, Vayam teyna proshitaah smastwatsakaasham #irishwara/ ,yam yaa twatsutaa +aali Sarvalokeshu Sundari, Taam praarthayati Deveyshastaam havaan daatumarhati/ Sa eva dhanyo hi )itaayasya putri Shu&ham )atim,Rupaa&hijana sampatya prapnoti #irisattama/ *aavanto Jan$amaamyaa hutaah Shaila !haturvidhaah, Teshaam 'aataa twiyam Devi proktah )itaa .arah" ( Parvata !a.a3 7e along with +rundhati have arrived here is to convey to you that ahatma Sarvatma who was Da#sha -agna*s destroyer$ Shula dhaari$ Sharva$ Trinetra$ Vrusha Vahana$ )eemuta#etu$ Shatrughna$ -agna bho#ta$ Swayamrabhu Shan#ara %shrara who was also called by some as Shiva$Sthaanu$ Bhava$ 0ara$ Bhima$ ;gra$ aheshaana$ aha Deva and Pashupati had as#ed us to re'uest you to propose him as his husband to Devi /aali as his Dharma Patni4 the father of this !upavaan$ Nish#alan#a and /uleena /umari would indeed be happy to the mother of the 2haraachara Beings since Shan#ara was their father)& Devi /aali blushed as +ngira aharshi completed his statement& 0imavan sought the endorsement of his wife Devi ena#a and the clearance of his co5 ountains as they were all his close relatives and confirmed the acceptance of the Sacred +lliance& The Day of wedding arrived and the (7ho is 7ho* of the %nvitees were in position at the 0oly Platform of the ;nivere*s Supreme got ready too with aharshis awaiting the arrival of the bride groom*s party& Deva aata +diti$ Surabhi$ Surasa and other eminent ladies decorated aha Deva$ with a undamaala around his nec#$ tiger s#in around hiswaist$ /aala Sarpa /undalaas as his 8ar5rings$ aha Sarpras with shining anis on their hoods as his /an#anaas or wrist5ornaments$ shoulder ornaments$ neatly dressed up )ataa.uta on his head along with half5 moon and 1anga$ 1orochana Tila#a on the forehead and Trishula in his right hand& 0e was seated in the Vrishabha as accompanied with his Pramatha 1anaas& +s the Party moved on$ Vishnu and "a#shmi too moved on by 1aruda$ Brahma and Saraswati on the Swan 2hariot$ %ndra and Sachi Devi on %ravata 8lephant$ other Devas on their respective Vaahanaas and spouses$ the Si, !ithus (Seasons)$ Tumbura and other 1andharvas were singing$ /innaras were playing musical instruments and +psaraas were in ecstatic dances4 8#adasha !udras$ +shtaavasus$ Twelve +dityas$ Si,ty si, 1anas$ twentyfour ;rthwa5reta !ishis$ -a#shas$ !a#ashasaas and Piscachas were all e,cited awaiting the momentous uhurta& 0imavaan

welcomed the bride groom and his Party most respectfully and made them seated comfortably& +s the bride arrived$ the aharshis commenced the formal procedures with Vedic antras and at the most auspicious uhurta$ 0imavan announced9 'atputreem ha$avan" +aalim )outreem )ulahaa$ajey, )itrunaamapi Dauhitreem )rateecchemaam mahodyataam/ ( % am hereby parting Devi /aali$ the grand daughter of Pulaha and my daughter in wedding4 /indly accept& Parama Shiva replied9 Na mesti 'aataa na )itha tathaiva, Na Jnaato vaapi cha andhavaascha/ Niraashroham #iri shrin$ vaasi, Sutaam prateecchaami tavaadri Raja" (% neither have a mother or father and not even relatives4 as % a have no home$ % shall #eep her on the ount of /ailasha ount and agreeher as my wife)& Brahma then as#ed Devi /aali to accompany Shiva to perform three Prada#shinaas around the +gni /unda and the guests were treated with e,cellent and gifts before departing after the festivities& Par'at!*s "apasya led to reappearan&e as Ga+r!D +fter the Sacred 7edding$ Shan#ara and Parvati moved around freely in en.oyment and as#ed Vishwa#arma to build a glorious home for them$ performed -agna worthy of 1rihastaashrama and the couple were nicely settled down& ?ne day out of fun$ Parama Shiva addressed Devi Parvati as /aali or of dar# comple,ion& She felt that his fun was unbearable and left for serious Tapasya to Brahma deva and secured golden comple,ion& +s she discarded her earlier 6orm$ %ndra re'uested her to give away the earlier 6orm to him and since she was materialised from /rishna /osha or of deep blue nature$ she was named as )atyayan!C$ she was also called as )o+s$!,! since she was materialised from Brahma #osha and since %ndra called her as his sister$ %ndra too was #nown as /oushi#a& %ndra then as#ed /atyayani :/oushi#i to reach Vindhya Parvata and thus she became V!nd$ya'as!n! and %ndra gifted a "ion as her Vahana :2arrier& +fter this incident$ Devi ;ma who discarded her earlier !upa now replaced with Suvarna !upa and identified herself as Go+r!. aha Deva was too pleased and both the couple spent some thousand years in 1arhastya all by themselves ignoring the out side contacts$ which had terribly distressed Devatas and the entire ;niverse was upset too& %ndra and Devatas were concerned about fresh threats of %ndratwa as there were forebodings to that effect and approached Brahma who wished that ahadeva*s continued immersion in the stage of ( anmoha*for 1auri would contitinue before Daityas would gain strength4 this concern got %ndra and Devas worried and tried to somehow manage an entry to Shiva*s abode but found that snea#ing into the adode would not be possible as aha Nandi was holding the security& 8ven while %ndra and Devatas were waiting outside the +bode$ +gni too# the form of a Swan and snea#ed in and having assumed a Su#shma !upa conveyed to Parama Shiva that %ndra and Devas were waiting outside to desperately meet him& aha Deva stepped out and let %ndra and Devas come inside4 he said that since he was actually en.oying Devi 1auri he was disturbed and any of the Devatas should ta#e over the weight$ radiance and power of Parama Siva*s (Shu#ra* (Semen)3 Surya and 2handra felt that they might be unable to do so but +gni Deva emboldened himself and as#ed Shiva to release the Su#ra so that he could consume it& Shiva did so and then he as#ed %ndra as to what was the emergency about3 %ndra had respectfully entreated to terminate the period of en.oymernt so that he could very #indly concentrate on many tas#s pending& +s aha Deva agreed to do so$ %ndra and Devas returned to Swarga and he narrated the incident to Parvati and the latter got furious that the disturbance caused by %ndra and Devas was indeed frustrating and cursed %ndra and others that since they did not allow to let her bear a child at the nic# of time$ they too would become childless3 Ganes$otpannaD %n that angry and ve,atious mood$ 1auri entered the Snaana shaala and as#ed her maid alini to massage her body and as the maid applied flavoured mil# cream the sweat of her angry body4 when massaged 1auri*s body collected body dirt and made a figure vi@& 1anesha

with four hands$ broad chest and handsome and later on resumed her bath and left later to Pu.a andir to worship aha Deva& Thereafter$ Parama Shiva entered the same +bhyagana 1riha (bath room)$ and noticed the 1anesha Pratima apparently made by Parvati*s body dirt during her +bhyangana& aha Deva added his body dirt too to the Pratima and made an addition of an elephant trun# to the urti which as he too# his Snaana got washed his own sweat$ bhasma and sacred water& The Pratima came alive as the combined body dirt$ sugandhas and water and Shiva told Parvati that he was their own son3 1auri was surprised to see their child with an elephant face and e,cellent features and embraced him9 *attadan$amalaadwiyam krutam #ajamukham Naram, Tatah preetaa #irisutaa tam putram parishashvajey/ 'urdhina chaina /mapura -a$hnaaya tatah Sarvo&raveedumaam, Naayakena vinaa Devi tava hutopi )urtakah/ *asmaajjatastato naamnaa &havishyati Vinaayakah, *esha vi$hna sahasraani Suraadeenaam harishyati/ )ujayishyanti chaivaasya lokaa Devi charaacharaah, ,tyava muktatwaa Devaastu Dattavaamstanayaaya hi/ Sahaayantu #ana Sreshthamnaamnaa khyaatam #hatodaram, Tathaa 'atru$anaa $horaa &hutaa Vi$hna karaaschaye/Tey Sarvey )aramoshena Devyaah preetyopapaadinah, Devi cha Sasutam drustwaa paraam mumadavaapacha/ ( aha Deva as#ed Shaila.a Devi to find her own son and the latter embraced him who was materialised by the body dirts of hers and his as the child was a charming boy with an elephant face4 Shiva said that the child was born without any (Naya#a* and thus would be called V!naya,a, who could forestall thousands of Vighnaas of Devas& The entire ;niverse would worship 1anesha said Parvati who created 1hatodara 1anaas to assist him as also atru 1anaas and Vighna Bhutaas to destroy who did not worship him& Devi Parvati felt e,remely happy and contented with the arrival of 1aneswara3 )atyayan! destroys C$anda.M+nda, Ra,ta1ee8a, and S$+m1$a.N!s$+m1$a +mong /ashyapa uni*s wives was Devi Danu from whom were born innumerable Danavas among whom Namuchi$ Shumbha5Ni#umbha brothers$ Dhumralochana$ 2hand unda brothers and so on& Namuchi the younger brother of Shumbha5Nishumbha could not face %ndra Deva and entered Surya*s chariot and sought to ta#e it down to Patala but on %ndra*s promise that the latter would not hurt by the Danava*s +stra 5 Shastra$ he .umped out of Surya*s chariot& ?n way to Patala$ Namcuchi bathed in the Samudra and gleefully said to himself that after all$ the foam of Samudra would not hurt him and played with it$ but cleverly enough %ndra hid in the foam and #illed the Danava& ?n coming to #now of this$ the elder brothers of Namuchi vi@& Shumbh Nishumbha went wild and having ta#en a large army defeated Devas and %ndra and threw them out of Swarga$ besides forcefully too# away %ndra*s Vahana %ravata 8lephant$ Buffalo of -ama$ Varuna*s glittering ;mbrella$ Vayu*s ace and Shan#ha& ?n 8arth$ the Danava brothers met Daitya brothers vi@& !a#tabi.a the inister of ahashasura& The latter told the Danavas that two other inisters of ahishaasura named 2handa and unda were hiding under water as Vindhya 5Vasini /oushi#i e,terminated ahishasura& +s !a#tabi.a gave an assurance about the prowess of his new friends Shumbha and Nishumbha who defeated %ndra and Devas$ the hiding 2handa and unda came out of water and decided to face /oushi#i Devi with the help of Shumbha and Nishumbha& The latter sent an emissary named Sugriva on behalf of Shumbha and Nishumbha brothers to Devi /oushi#i and praised about the two brothers as the Swamis of Three "o#as and either of them$ would be worthy of wedding her& Devi replied smilingly and said 9 +intu twasi durvineeyataaya hriday mey manmorathsah, *o maam Vijayatey yuddhey sas &hartaa syan mahaasura/ (7ho ever see#s my hand in marriage would have to defeat me)& This reply enraged the Shumbha5Nishumbhas and deputed Dhumraa#sha with si, hundred +#shouhinis of army

which went up Vindhyaparvata& = 8ach +#shouhini comprises BCDEFC 6oot5Soldiers$ GFFBC horsemen$
HBIJC charioteers and HBIJC 8lephant !iders> ?n approaching Devi$ Dhumraa#sha misbehaved with her with offensive threats as surrounded with his army came running to her with his mace$ then Devi

made a (0um#aar*sound and by her fiery loo#s burnt off the army li#e dry firewood turned into ash when the surrounding regions went into frightened (0ahaa#aars* and the resoundings of the huge sound of the hun#aars were heard by Shumbha and Ni#umbhas too3 +s this initial debacle too# place$ the Daitya brothers despatched 2handa5 unda brothers as also their own strongman !uru with fresh consignment of +#shouhinis& +s soon the Senas moved near the Place$ Devi*s Vaahana a ferocious "ion leapt out of the mountain cave and attac#ed the army with multitude of elephants$ horses$ chariots and soldiers and slaughtered them helter5s#elter as mammoth masses of dead beings and over5flowings of blood rivers got collected and the survivors fled away to the refuge of the +sura 2hiefs who were e,asperated with rage4 as they advanced towards +mbi#a Devi with garlands of s#ulls$ since she represented /aushi#i who was sitting inside the ountain 2ave$ frowned her and three distinct lines of her forehead and the resultant Devi /aali displayed such sweltering balls of +gni and in 'uic# succession threw smashing torrents of rain of +straas of +n#ushas$ udgars$ Dhanush and -antras as a full display of rityu Devata3 /oushi#i Devi then as#ed Devi +mbi#a to bring the Danava Brothers 2handa and unda who fled and disappeared in the s#y and the latter sitting on her don#ey chased them and instructed 1aruda Deva to discover the Danavas on the run and the 1iant Bird enlarged his body and caught the brothers by their nec#s and brought them before the Devi who sliced their nec#s and hung their heads with blood as her ornaments3 ;ndaunted by the total destruction of 2handa5 unda Danavas$ Shumbha5Ni#umbhas despatched !a#tabee.a along with thirty +#shouhinis of army as 2handi#a flew by a Vimana$ as Braahmani was materialised as 0amsa Vahini from Devi /oushi#i*s +#shamala and /amandulu$ Vrishabhaarudhini aaheswari from her bangles and earrings$ ayura Vahini /aumari from her nec#$ 1aruda Vahini Vaishnavi from her shoulders$ Sesha Naaga Sthita Vaarahi from her bac#$ 1a.ara.a Vahini aahendri from her breasts and Sharp nailed Naarasimhi from her heart& !a#tabee.a entered the atru Sha#tis and instantly he was #illed$ but there was a surprise as each drop of his blood created another !a#tabee.a and the ! so materialised and #illed multiplied further !a#tabee.as3 Devi /aushi#i as#ed +mbi#a to magnify her face and strech her tongue as one lip of her mouth was raised s#y high and the lower lip down to earth and the blood spills of millions of !a#tabee.aas got dried up at once and besides the original specimen the entire army was annihilated too& 8ven as the greatest support of /umbha5Nishumbha vi@& !a#tabee.a was terminated$ the desperate +suras were still proud and bragged to Devas that their might was supreme and invincible and finally at the close of their one5to5one fight$ they would most certainly ma#e the /aushi#i Devi crawl on ground and beg us to marry both of them since she asserted that she would marry either of the survivors3 Soon on shouting li#e that$ Nisumbha sprang up from his feet and .umped at her with sharp swords drawn& Devi /aushi#i smiled and used si, of her ( ayuri Pan#hayuta baanaas* or peacoc# feathered arrows and smashed their swords4 as they lifted their maces$ Devi sliced off the strong hands and shoulders of the Daitya& 8ven as ari#aas and the entire Devas shouted big screams of Victory and showered mild and fragrant flowers as there were over.oyed$ Shumbha .umped up on his elephant with nervousness and fright besides anger along with his (paasha*$ Devi lifted +rtha 2handraa#ara Baanaas or half5 moon shaped arrows and in a sportful manner smashed the (/umbhasthala* of the elephant with one arrow and another with the proud$ vainglorious and swollen head of Shumbha&

+t the e,termination all the enemies by Devi /atyayani$ Devas led by %ndra had no bounds of .oy and with suppressed feelings of elation at the restoration of their lost glory$ bro#e out with spontaneous their sincere commendation as follows9 Namastestutey ha$avati )aapanaashini Namastestu tey Suraripudarpa shaantani, Namastestutey .arihara Rajyadaayani Namastestutey 'akha&huja karyakaarini/ Namastestutey Trisasharipukhayankari Namastestu tey Shatamakha paada pujitey, Namastestutey 'ahishavinaasha kaarini Namostutey .arihara haskara dyutey/ Namostu teshtaadasha &aahu shaalini Namostutey Shum&ha Nishum&ha $haatini, Namostu (okaartiharey Trishulini Namostu Naraayaneeya !hakradhaarini/ Namostu Vaaraahi sadaa Dharaadharey twaam Naaraarasimhi pranataa Namostutey, Namostutey Vajradharey Vajradharey #ajadhwajey Namostu +aumaari 'ayura Vaahini/ Namostu )aitaamaha .amsa Vaahaney Namostu 'aalaa vikatey Sukeshini, Namostutey Raasa&haprishta Vaahini Namostu Sarvaarti harey Ja$anmaye/ Namostu Vishweswari )aahi Vashyam Nishudayaarina Dwija Devataanaam, Namostutey Sarwamayi Trinetrey Namo Namastey Varadey praseeda/ rahmaani twam 'rudaani Varashikhi $amanaa Vaishnavi twam Sashaan$kaam, Duyrdrushyaa Naarasimhi #hura $hurita ravaa Twam Tayendri sa Vajraa Twam maari !harmamundaa Shaava$amanarataa *o$ini *o$a Siddhaa/ Namastey Trinetrey ha$avaiti tawa charanaanu / shitaa ye %haraharnata shirasovanataah/ Nahi Nahi )ari&havamastyashu&ham cha Stuti&ali kusuma karaah satatam ye/ *adi Varadaa avati Tridashaanaam Dwija Shishu #oshu *ataswa .itaaya, )unarapi Devaripunaparaastwam )radah .utaashana tulya sharirey/ (?ur humble salutations to you Bagavat$ 8,tinguisher of Sins$ the destroyer of the envy and enemity of Devas$ the bestower of glory to Vishnu and Shan#ara4 the benefactor of Devas by distributing their shares of phalaas$ the terminator of the foes of Devas$ she whose sacred feet are ever worshipped by %ndra$ the e,terminator of ahishasura$ She who is always implored by Vishnu$ Shiva and Surya4 she who is decorated by 8ighteen 0oly 0ands4 the chopper of Shumbha and Nishubha*s heads4 The eliminator of the sorrows of the entire ;niverse9 2ha#ra dharini Narayani4 Vaaraahi4 The ;ni'ue 0older of Bhumi4 Naarasimhi$ 1a.adhwa.i$ /aumari$ ayura Vahini$ 0amsa Vaahini$ She the wearer of the frightening garlands of s#ulls4 wearer of charming hair style4 the seater on the bac# of a don#ey3 The destroyer of all #inds of problems and hardships4 )agnamayi$Vishweshwari$ Vishwa a#shaa#ari4 Brahmana Deva Shatru Samhaarini4 Trinetri3 Sarvamayi$ Varadaayini4 Brahmaani$ ridaani$ Vara Shi#higamamna$ Sha#ti 0asta$ /umari3 Vaaraahi$ 1aruda Vahini$ Shaaranga Dhanusha dhaarini$ Vaishnavi$ Naarasimhi$ 1hurghura Shabda /aarini$ +indri$ ahamari 2hamunda$ Shava viharini$ 2harma unda$ Siddha -gini$ Trinetri$ Bhagavati3 7ho so ever ta#es refuge in you with devotion and dedication withb heads down and flowers in hands would never ever be let down but would most certainly be sucessful and victorious with happiness and contenment3) )art!,eya*s 1!rt$ and $!s ,!ll!n s o% As+ras l!,e "ara,a, Ma$!s$a and Baana +s +gni Deva consumed (Suvarnareta* or the 1olden Semen of Bhagavan ahadeva (vide earlier chapter on Parvati*s wedding to Shiva)$ +gni became pale gradually losing lustre and Devas approached Brahma for a solution and as advised by the latter$ +gni parted the immense weight of the Suvarnareta to ahanadi /utila and retained it with her waters and preserved the embriyo of the child4 +s +gni bore the brunt of the reta for long time$ his every body part turned to golden colour and thus gained the epithet of -!ranya reta. +s per the instruction of Brahma again$ )+t!la Nadi changed its course to ;dayaachala and in a huge forest of hundred yo.anas full of Sharavanas : Sarpatis$ left the child on the S$ar'ana 1rass4 Bhagavan /umara started

crying li#e a thunder on the S#y and si, /ritti#a Devis who found the child competed with each other to feed the child from their chests and since they were all competing the child assumed si, faces to let them all feed simultaneously with his si, mouths thus becoming S$anm+,$a and as the Si, )r!tt!,as brought up the child together attaining the epithet of )art!,eya. eanwhile +gni and /utila entered into a controversy and claim about the parentship of the child& Brahma in consultation with Vishnu too# the child to ahadeva who indeed was the ?riginator of the child who got escatic and called Parvati of their son& +s regards the aspect of controversy$ Devi Parvati suggested that the best solution would be to as# the child himself and thus as the boy was ta#en round to Shiva5Parvati5+gni5/utila5Sharvana5/ritti#aas& The child considered the claim of each one of them and assumed the !upas of Shiva /umara$ Visha#ha$ 1uhya and S#anda by Parvati$ Sha#ha by /utila$ ahasena by +gni$ /arti#eya$ Shadaanana and Shanmu#ha by /ritti#aas$ and Sharadwata and Sharavana by Shravana& Bhagavan Shiva then suggested to Brahma to perform (+bhishe#a Snaana* at /uru#shetra in the !iver Saraswati and name the child as Senapat!, De'asena and Parama Shiva appointed four Pramatha 1anaas vi@& 1hanta5 /arna$ "ohitaa#sha$ Nandisena and /umudamalini4 Brahma provided Sthaanu from his own 1anaas and Vishnu gave Sam#rama$ Vi#rama and Para#rama4 %ndra provided ;t#esha and Pan#a.a$ !avi gave Danda#a and Pingala$ 2handra gave ani and Vasumani$ +shvini /umaaraas provided Vatsa and Nandi$ +gni donated )yoti and ).vala..ihva4 Dhatu Deva gave /unda /usunda and /usuma4 Twashta gave 2ha#ra and +nucha#ra4 Vedha gave +tisthara and Susthira$ Pusha granted Paritya.ya and /aala#a Devis and so on& "i#ewise$ 0imaalaya$ Vindhyachala$ Varuna$ Samudra$ +mbi#a$ Pavana$ +mshumaan$ -amara.a$ -a#sha !a.a$ /aalindi$ Narmada$ 1odavari$ anda#ini$ 1anda#i$ ahanadi$ and many such !ivers4 Tirthas$ !ishis and so on gifted away men$ material$ +rms$ and several other items useful for the 1reat Battles ahead with +suraas and too# over the status of Senapati while )anaradana himself was present along with Shiva$ Brahma$ %ndra$ +gni$ Surya$ 2handra$Na#shatras$ 1rahaas and so on along with their spouses$ as also Di#pala#as$ Sapta !ishis$ -a#sha$ /innara$ +psaras$ 8#adasa !udras$ Dwadasha +dityas$ +swini /umaras$ arudganas$ Vasus and Nagas& The news of /arti#eya*s assuming the status as Deva Senapati reached Patala "o#as got spread out even as S#anda instructed his 1anaas to descend to Prithvi4 as the 1anas came down$ huge noises were heard and the highly valiant +sura Viraas li#e ahisha$ Tara#a$ Virochana$ )ambha$ /u.ambha and others heard the same and assembled at the place of +ndha#asura to discuss about the development& )ust at that time$ a Su#ara !upa Daitya named Patala,et+ came into the 2onference and reported that a anava !upa chased him with his arrows shouting ( Stop Stop* and there were innumerable such !upas around on Prithvi4 Patala#etu .umped in the Da#shina Samudra and through a hole entered Patala and arrived at the 2onference& +s this was heard from the +sura$ some of the members felt that anavas and Devas were see#ing to target ahishasura and Tara#asura& 8ven as the discussions were going on$ /arti#eya 1anas and atri#as attac#ed when +suras were ta#en abac# completely caught unawares& The huge influ, of Devas entered with Sthaanu Deva in the lead and started #illing the +suras in all directions& Kuic#ly grouping their +rmy$ the +suras defended initially and too# up the battle in right earnestness and decided to attac#& But the 1anaas sliced the nec#s of countless +suras4 Shad#u#arna dragged Danavaas in si@eable number4 the 1ana Swami Pushpadanta cut off the bodies of Danavas into two or four or mulitple parts4 Sha#atacha#raa#sha and Panchasi#ha were engaged in drubbing ( ushtighaats* or powerful fisfulls with both their powerful arms to pound elephants and turning chariots to smithereens4 Shodasaa#sha chased ahishasura for a while but the latter having ta#en a vantage point retalliated and ended him up& Similarly Tara#a too# to offensive and tormented

Pramathas and atru Sha#tis4 ahishaasura then defeated and even hurt many Pramathas and having spared and ignored them proceeded fast towards /umara but Sucha#raa#sha 1aneswara encounterd ahisha and having lifted his chariot wheel intercepted the mighty +sura& 0owever$ Banaasura with his thousand hands overpowered Sucha#ra and tied him to his own cha#ra but with Sucha#ra saved himself4 a#araa#hsha of the 1anaas too got defeated at the hands of Banasura& eanwhile Tara#aasura lifted his enormous sword and ran behind 1aneswara ganaas who in turn too# refuge from S#anda Deva4 as Tara#asura attac#ed /umara face to face in a direct confrontation$ S#anda Deva lifted up his aha Sha#ti which directly hit Tara#a*s heart and the most deadly +sura who plagued the Suras for centuries fell to ground with a thud&This great e,termination of "ara,as+ra the notorious and one of the cruellest enemies of the 7orld againstVirtue and )ustice was unbelievable to ahishasura ran for life to 0imalayas$ while Banasura too got demoralised and shoc#ed and retreated towards the Sea displaying his bac# to the battle field& 8ventually$ S#anda Deva alighted his ayura Vahana and left for /rouncha Parvata& The spiteful ahishasura too left 0imalayas and reached /rouncha Parvata where he hid himself in a cave and as soon as /umara arrived$ Brahma5 Vishnu 5 aheswara as also %ndra arrived there too& %ndra as#ed /arti#eya to complete the tas# of #illing ahishasura too but S#anda hesitated since ahisha was his cousin brother$ but %ndra tried to convince S#anda and there was a difference of opinion and there was even a bet as to who could ta#e a faster prada#shina of the mountain by foot4 since again there was an argument about who did the prada#shina first$ Vishnu gave the .udgment that %ndra did it first4 then /umara out of anger more due to his defeat rather than anger for the Daitya$ pulled up the Sha#ti +stra and #illed ahishasura& +s S#anda was remorseful to have #illed Ma$!s$as+ra, Vishnu advised /arti#eya to atone$ if the boy*s conscience was hurting$ to perform Tirtha -atra and ta#e bath in the Pradyu#a Sarovara which li#e a /uthaara or a,e would demolish his sins especially of committing of the murder of a cousin brother& Vishnu further advised S#anda that he could as well secure his father Shan#ara*s darshan there& +s advised /umara did the Tirtha -atra$ secured aheswara*s darshan as also the boon of bestowing Sha#ti to cut off the thousand hands of Banaas+ra. 0aving decimated Banaasura too along with 1anesha$both the brothers prostrated before Shiva& And$a,as+ra*s pass!on %or Ga+r! and $er retall!at!onD ?n hearing the momentous news in the Paatala "o#as that aha Deva Putras named S#anda and 1anesha #illed ahaasuraas li#e Tara#asura$ ahishasura and Banaasura$ +ndha#asura got rattled and infuriated4 he mobilised an army towards Devalo#aas and on way in Prithvi sighted 1auri Devi moving about in a flower garden and conveyed to Daitya that his life would have no meaning or motive to live if he could not secure her somehow3 Prahlada who too was in the Battle5Party conveyed to And$a,a that Devi 1auri was none else than aha Deva*s Dharmapatni and that he should not even to thin# on such sinful lines3 Prahlada stated9 Varam )raanaastyaajya na cha pishunavaadeshya&hirati, Veeram mounam kaaryam na cha vachana muktam yadanrutam/ Varam klee&air&haaryaam na cha parakalatra /a&hi$amanam, Varam &hikshaarthitwam na cha paradhanaaswaadamasakrut" (%t would be better to commit suicide but one should be interested on the illegal possesions of others4 it would be better to #eep dumb than spea# lies4 it would be better to become impotent rather than desire a woman of others4 it would be better to beg rather than steal other*s money again and again3) But +ndha#asura was fired up the passion and fi,ation and replied angrily that after all$ she might be the mother of hisShatrus of enemies and ran away towards her even as his soldiers pelted stones from their yantraas or machines but an alert Nandi Deva hurled them bac#

and retalliated with his parighaas as Daityas li#e ayasura ran away$ but +ndha#asura attac#ed Nandi and made him unconscious& ?n finding this occurrence$ Devi 1auri assumed thousand !upas and shattered the strong5hold of the Daitya infantry& +ndha#asura wondered as to who this beautiful yet dreadful woman was and pat came the reply9 Na parijnaatavaamstatra kaa tu saa #irikanyakaa, Naatraascharya na pashyanti chatvaaromi Sadaiva hi/ Na pasyatih Jaatyandho Raa$aandhopi na pashyati, Na pashyanti 'adonmattho lo&haakraanto na pashyanti, Sopashyamaano #irijaam )ashyannapi tadaandhakah" (+s thousand faces of 1auri Devi were displayed suddenly$ +ndha#a got confused as to who precisely was 1auri Devi among these4 the reply was that in the 7orld$ there could be four #inds of blind fools9 some were born5blind$ some owing to infatuation$ some others were out of arrogance and conceit and yet others were highly narrow5minded3 +nd that was why+ndha#asura was disabled to identify aha Devi3) 1auri Devi gave a mighty punch to +ndha#a and he fell down unconscious& 7hile his entire army got prepared to attac#$ 1aneshwara appeared at once along with 1auri Devi with her several !upaas as he touched the feet of his mother .oined the thousand strong Devis in the fray4 as the +suras were mercilessly slaughtered$ a frightened +ndhasura ran for his life to Paatala but continued still to be tormented with the crush and passion for the Devi3 )edara )s$etra, M+raas+ra Vad$a, S$!'a1$!s$e,a, Oneness o% S$!'a.V!s$n+ 0Upades$a o% D#adas$a Narayana Mantra !n&l+ded2 +s aha Deva decided to perform deep and e,tensive Tapasya on the top of 0imalayas not only to refresh himself but to promote "o#a /alyaana or ensure Propitiousness to the entire ;niverse$ there were fiery spar#s from his s#ull emerging through his )ataa.uta or thic# layers of his hairs and fell as heavy boulders on 8arth9 Tato veetaa vidaaryaiva +apaalam )arameshthinah, Saarchismatin Jataa madhyaannishannaa Dharanitaley/ Veetioyaatu patatyadrirdaaritah +shmaasamo &havat, Jaatasteertha varah )unyah +edaara iti vishrutah/ Tato .artam Varam pradaat +edaaraaya Vrishadhwajah, )unya vriddhi karam rahman )aapa$hnam 'oksha Saadhanam/ *e Jalam taavakey Tirthey peetwaa samyaminmo Naraah, 'adhu maamsa nivrutta ye rahmachari Vratey sthitaah/ Shanmaasaad dhaarayishyanti nivruttaah )arapaakatah, Teshaam .rutpankajeshyava 'allin$am &havitaa dhruvam/ Nachaasya paapaa&hiratir / &havishyati kadaachana, )itrunaamakshayam Shraaddham &havishyatyi na samshayah/ Snaana daana Tapaamseeha homajapyaadi kriyaah &havishyantya kshayaa Nrunaam 'rutaanaama punar&havah/ (6rom the boulders that fell on 8arth )edara "!rt$a got materialised and those who commenced residing there had been virtuous see#ing Salvation without food practising celibacy and intense meditation for si, months a year as the Tirtha was not worthy of residence due to snow and cold4 by the grace of Parama Shiva a big and memorable Shiva "inga got materialised and all the Sevas or Services performed by devotees li#e fastings$ Snaanas$ Daanaas$ Tapasyas$ 0omas$ )apaas$ and Pitru Shraaddhaas would all result in multiplier effects&) +s per the instructions of ahadeva$ Devas came to worship the Shiva "inga after ta#ing holy baths in the /alindi !iver (-amuna)$ the daughter of Surya& +fter the formation of /edarnath Tirtha$ aha Deva proceeded to the neighbour5hood of /edara to visit a few more /shetras and reached the 0oly !iver of Saraswati and deep inside the !iver to perform Tapasya for over a -ear& Since he did not emerge from the depths of the !iver for long time$ there was panic as to his whereabouts the "o#as and Samudras got disturbed and even Na#shathras started dropping from the S#y& +s

Devas approached Brahma the latter along with %ndra and Devas desired to visit urari Vishnu& Da!tya M+rar! D Pulastya described to Sage Narada as to the bac#ground of urari as follows9 + Danava named M+ra was the son of /ashyapa uni and Danu the daughter of Da#sha and the Danava having secured a boon from Brahma that as and when ura would touch with his hands any being$ be it a human$ -a#sha$ /innara or Devas would face death& Powered by this boon$ ura challenged %ndra for a fight but the latter did not agree& +s a /ing named !aghu of Surya Vamsha was stopped to perform one -agna by the Danavaas as urasura gave an offer of fight otherwise& Vasishta uni the !a.a 1uru of the /ing said that 0uman Beings were too insignifcant for him and he might really fight -amara.a the 1od of Death& 7hen ura encountered -ama the latter sought refuge from Vishnu and )agannatha as#ed -ama to send the +sura to him& ura wanted to #now from -ama as to who this )agannatha was3 -ama directed ura to reach /shira Sagara to see 2hatur urtiVishnu rela,ing on the bed of +nanta the ammoth Serpent& ura resolved to see and touch whosoever that )agannatha C$at+r M+rt! was and tried to reach the /shira Sagara& +s the discussion of -ama and urasura was narrated by Pulastya to Narada$ the latter en'uired at this .uncture as to how a devotee could realise that 2hatur urti Vaasudeva who was stated to be +vyatam (;n#nown)$ +.eyam (%nvincible)$ Shu#lam (Spotless)$ Shanti -u#tam (8ver Tran'uil) and (Dwadashapatra#am* or Dwadasha5 a#shara antra Swarupam vi@& 2m Namo ha$avatey Vaasudevaaya/ Pulastya further informed Narada that Brahma Deva gave this antra to Sanat /umara Brothers$ the four sons of Dharma Deva vi@ Sana#a$ Sanandana$ Sanaatana and Sanat /umaraas4 the /umaras re'uested Brahma to teach (;padesha) the antra as they were his Sishyas and more importantly his Putras as the latter were responsible for redeeming any parent from Punnama Nara#a& 7hile describing the #inds of Putras who could save their parents from such dispensations$ Pulastya told Narada as follows9 + Putra has the distinction of being a si,5type of relatives vi@& Laurasa$ /shetra.a$ Datta$ /rutrima$ 1oodhotpanna$ and +paviddha who were stated to be Daayaadas4 these would have the rights or duties of !una or indetedness$ Pinda$ Dhana /riya or property and money transactions$ 1otra Samya or coordination of similar clan$ /ulavriddhi or additionality of the same family group and Sthira Pratishtha or Stability of the 6amily Prestige4 in addition$ there might be si, other #inds of (Daayaada bandhavaas*or relationships of Putras vi@& /aaneena$ Sahodh.a$ /reeta$ Pounarbhava$ Swayamdatta$ and Paarahava and in their cases$ they could redeem all other duties e,cepting Pinda pradaana and !una Vimochana4 such Putras might also not be eligible for 1otra : /ula Vriddhi but mighty carry the Surname& +uosaras are those directly born to a father and mother and they are the Prati Swarupas of the parents4 /shetragnaas are those born to a mother whose husband was a napumsa#n(impotent) or mentally disturbed$ or permits his wife to give birth to a child through another male4 Datta# is a Putra by adoption4 Putra given by a friend is a /ritrima4 1oodha Putra is one whose origin of birth is uncertain4 +paviddha putra is one who is brought by outside un#nown& +dditional types of Putras are /aaneen or born out of unwed mothers$ Sahoddhas are those born by #anyas after marriage$ /reeta Putras are those who were bought by monetary transactions$ Punarbhava Putras are those transferred from one father to given away by force to another father4 or Swayamdutta Putras are those who declare separate parenthood for whatever reason& Bra$mopades$a o% D#adas$a Narayana Mantra D Sanat /umara brothers pleaded Brahma to give the ;padesha to them to realise the 2hatur urthi )anardana and Brahma Deva obliged as follows9 The first word of Om,ara is situated on Bhagavan Vaasudeva*s Shi#ha or Tuft as in esha !aasi and Vaisha#ha aasa4 the second word ( Na* is situated in the face of )anardana in

Vrishabha !aasi and )yeshtha aasa4 the third +#shara is Mo as settled in both the Bhu.aas or 0ands as in ithuna !aasi and +shadha aasa4 the fourth +#shara B$a is Narayana*s two eyes as in /ar#a !aasi and Shraavana aasa4 Ga is the fifth word representing Vishnu*s 0ridaya as in Simha !aasi in Bhadrapada aasa4 the si,th +#shara Va stands for /eshava*s /avacha as in /anya !aasi in +shwin aasa4 the seventh word tey stands for Tula !aasi and /arti#a aasa representing the +stra Samuha of adhusudana4 the ne,t eight letter Vaa symbolises Trivi#rama*s naabhi or navel signifying Vrishi#a raasi and argasirsha aasa4 the Sacred letter S+ being the ninth +#shara is smybolic of Vaamana Deva*s .aghana pradesha and stands for Tula !aasi and /arti#a aasa4 the tenth +#shara De represents the thighs of 1ovinda as the a#ara !aasi and agha aasa4 the penultimate word Vaa stands for both the ghutanaas of +chyuta Deva as representing /umbha !aasi and Phalguna aasa4 adhusudana*s feet stand for the last and the Twelfth +#shara /a as in eenma !aasi and 2hatra aasa9 thus the Dwadasha antra states ?m Namo Bhagavatey Vasudevaaya& This Parameswara is of one ;ni'ue !upa with twelve cha#ras or circles and twelve (+araas*or spo#es and by reciting this Sacred name there would not be another birth& The antra*s second !upa is Satvamaya$ Srivatsa dhaari$ +vinashi Swarupa with 2hatur Varna$ 2hatur u#ha$ 2haturbahu$ and ;dara&The third !upa is of thousand feet and thousand visages with Tamoguna Sesha urti who causes Pralaya& The fourth Swarupa is of !aa.asa guna having !a#ta Varna ( blood red colour) $ 2haturmu#has$ two hands wearing garlands who is the +di Purusha& Thus the Trimuthis of Satwa5Tamo5 !aa.asa#a !upas are the personified urtis3 +s the Daitya uraari confronted the 2haturmurti !upa$ he got utterly confounded and as Vaasudeva as#ed ura whether he would li#e to wage a battle with him$ the +sura muttered the words ( how$ where and who* and as the stupified ura was lost in introspective thoughts Srihari*s Sudarshana 2ha#ra sliced the head of urari most uncerimoniously&Devas heaved a sigh of great relief at urari*s end as he dislodged from Swarga pursuant to Brahma Deva*s gift of destruction by his mere touch and finally got #illed by Vishnu by his Sudarshana 2ha#ra& S$!'aa1$!s$e,aD 0aving destroyed urari$ Vasudeva along with Devas decided to visit aha Deva but could not vision him at Shiva*s +bode$ since neither Parvati$ Vrisha$ nor Nandi #new about it& +s directed by Narayana$ Devas performed "apta )r++&$a Vrata to ascertian Parama Shiva*s where5 abouts by +bhishe#as to Shiva "inga with si,ty five pichers full of curd$ thirty two pitchers of 1hee$ si,teen full of pitchers of Panchagavya$ eight ghadaas of honey$ two hundred pitchers of Sacred water$ one hundred and eight pitchers of 1orochana$ /um#uma and 2handana$ followed by alaya chandana or mil# cream as also worship by lotus flowers$ bilwa patra$ dhattura and 0arichandaana$ besides pu.a by fully opened andara$ 0arashringara$ +garu$ /eshara$ 2handana dhupa etc& !ecitation of !igvedaantargata pada and #rama of Shata !udreeya )apa must be performed too& 6or three days$ one might consume only hot water$ three days hot mil# only$ three days hot ghee and another three days only consume only Vayu& Oneness o% S$!'a and V!s$n+ D Devas and %ndra performed the Tapta /ruccha Vrata on the above lines and Devas found in their minds the S$!'a V!s$n+ S#ar+pa as described9 Suraanaam chintitam jnaatwaa Vishva- murtir&hudvi&huh, Sarvalakshana samyuktah Sarvaayudha dharovyayah/ Saardham Trinetram +amalaahikundalam Jataa$udaakesha kha$arsha&ha dhwajam, Sa 'aadhavam haara &hujan$a vakshasam peetaajinaachha kati pradesham/ !hakkraasi hastam hala shaaran$a paanim pinaaka shulaaja$avaanvitam, +aparda

khatwaan$akapaala$hantaa Sashankha tankaara ravam 'aharshey/ Drushtaiva Devaa .arishankareytam Namostutey Sarva$ataavyayeti, )roktaa pramaanam +amalaasana -adyaachakrurmatim chaikataraam niyujjya/( +s Devas wondered that Vishnu was essentially of Satva 1una and Shiva of Tamoguna but how was it that one could see a common Swarupa4 was it not strange that the +vinasha and Sarva Vyapa#a was visioned with the typical arms of both /eshava and 0ara displayed simultaneously in the same (Shareera*9 with Sarpa #undalaas$ .atu.uta$ Pina#a$ Serpents$ +.agava dhanush$ /ahatnvaanga$ Shiva 1hanta$ Sarpa haara$ Shula$ Trinetra and Vrisabha dhwa.a ahadeva as also /amala#undala$ 1arudhadwa.a$ Pushp 0aara$ Pitambhara$ 2ha#ra$ +si$ 0ala$ Sharanga Dhanush$ Shan#ha$ 1udaa#esha Vishnu3 Then Devas and Brahma greeted Sarva Vyapi +vinasha and realised that Shan#ara and Vishnu were one and the same3)&0aving realised their folly that Shiva and Vishnu were different entities$ Brahma and Devas moved bac# to /uru#shetra and discovered Parama Shiva inside the water at the Tirtha and hailed the St$an+de'a and re'uested him to withdraw from the Tapasya and aha Deva accepted their re'uest and blessed them all& There after he gave the boon of San8!'!n! V!dya to S$+,ra&$arya who was engaged in severe Tapasya for hundreds of years4 the Danava 1uru aimed at reviving the lives of Daityas who would die in battles& 6urther$ aha Deva proceeded to Sapta Saarasvata and realised that there were disturbances in Nature as Samudras$ ountains$ !ivers and big trees were in tremors as Ma$ars$! Mand+,a was in a furious dance as aha Shiva too in the form of a Dwi.a started dancing& Then the Brahmna as#ed the aharshi as to why he was dancing in such fren@y and further said that he also had been practising aha Natya for long time now and from his fingers white ash was oo@ing out always& andu#a uni realised that Parama Shiva was himself standing before him and prostrated before him&Bhagavan directed the aharshi to set up Sarasvata /shetra with a Shiva "inga there which would be worthy of worship by Suraasura5 1andharva5Vidyaadhara /innara A anavaas$ and that /shetra would be the Sangama of !ivers vi@&Suprabha$ /aanchanaashri$ Suvenu$ Vimaloda#a anohara$ +dhovati$ Vishaala and Saraswati& And$a,aas+ra*s o1sess!on and Pra$ladaa*s D$arma 1od$a ?n reaching Pataala = ref& previous chapter on +ndha#asura*s passion for 1auri and her retalliation> +ndha#asura was unable to control her infatuation for 1auri Devi but his +dvisor Prahlada told him that 1auri was as good as his mother and should never ever entertain sinful ideas or hopes of a mother5figure4 in fact$ 0iranaya#sha the father of +ndha#a did most austere Tapasya to aha Deva desirous of a son and aha Deva while about to give the boon$ Devi Parvati closed Shiva*s trinetras for fun and hence was born +ndha#asura& Shan#ara also gave a 'ualified boon to 0iranya#sha that when +ndha#a would become a /ing$ the latter would get infatuated with 1auri as also harass Brahmanas and other Virtuous and that he himself would destroy the +sura& Prahlada while cautioning +ndha#a also asserted not to mis.udge the magnificence of Parama Shiva who was an invincible Supreme and yet e,tremely merciful& 0e also asserted9 Parastree /aamavaan udhah Saraashtro naashamaapavaan: ( 8ven otherwise$ one would be a stupid /ing desirous of another person*s wife)&

%n this conte,t Prahlada narrated an incident regarding Danava 1uru Shu#racharya*s daughter +ara.a and /ing Danda who came to Shu#racharya*s +shram in a forest and as the +charya was away wanted to tal# his daughter and got attracted at once and proposed to her& She was surprised and prevented him to overact and said that her father could in no time destroy him from his passionate onslaught despite the intervention of the +shrama Vasis and also the /ing*s own aids3 +ara.a pleaded to the /ing to please await the arrival of her father as she was not independent by herself to yield to him or not& The /ing in turn cited an e,ample of Vishwa#arma*s daughter 2hitrangada who when bathing in Nimisharanya fell for a /ing Suratha who was passing by and asserted that since she was grown enough did not have to wait for her father a Sage to their +shram as in similar circumstances and despite the /ing*s reprimand surrendered to him&+s the incident was conveyed$ +ra.a told /ing Danda#a9 ( -ou fool Danda3 -ou also should narrate the further story about 2hirangada that on return Vishwa#arma punished 2hitranga with a curse that the act of immorality was not to be construed as a wedding and hence that she would not get any happiness from the so called wedding as she would secure the further company her husband nor would beget a child from the wedding3 /ing Danda#a hec#lingly told the further part of the Story to +ara.a that 2hitrangada having recieved the curse of her father and abandoned her$ leapt into the !iver Sarasvati& 0aving #nown her antecedents$ Sarasvati diverted her coures and got her live body merged with !iver 1omati and the latter pushed 2hitranga near the ban#s of a forest infested with cruel animals& + 1uhya#a : -a#sha named +n.ana flying on the S#y saw the woman in a helpless stage$ approached her$ wo#e her up and heard her entire ba#ground of 2hitranga and suggested that she should pray to Shri /antha uni who would soon be bathing in the !iver /alindi and the -a#sha left 2hitranga there& ?n narrating her sad story which ended with her father Vishwa#arma*s cruel curse$ the uni cursed Vishwa#arma to become a mon#ey as 2hitranga since his daughter cursed and disabled to her to either en.oy her husband*s company nor beget a child as her support& Then Shri /antha uni as#ed 2hitranga to visit Sapta 1odavari and be engaged in the worship of 0ata#eshwara and after some time she woud meet Devavati the daughter of Daitya /andaramaliand a -a#shini named Nandayanti& 7hile continuing her worship to Shri /antha$ a !ishi wrote on a stone near the Temple9 ( %s there a Devata or +sura or -a#sha or anava or !a#shasa who could possibly help this hapless 2hitrangaM* eanwhile$ Vishwa#arma who was turned into a mon#ey came down from eru to Bhumi near Shalu#ini !iver in thic# forests and remained there for a very long number of years& The mon#ey caught hold of the hands of Devavati and the Daitya /andara got very angry and with his sword in hand and ran after the mon#ey4 the latter too# away Devavati to 0imalayas and from there both reached the ban#s of -amuna$ prayed to Shri#antha ahadeva and having deposited Devavati in an +shram nearby and as /andara Daitya was noticed on the ban#s of -amuna drowned in the !iver Vishwa#arma in the !upa of mon#ey& The Daitya thought the the mon#ey and Devavati might have got drowned in the !iver and as having the entire happening left bac# to Patala& The mon#ey Swarupa Viswa#arma then swam the !iver and reached another ban# of the !iver and felt li#e entered into a forest full of fruits& There the mon#ey saw a /anya called Nandayanti the daughter of one -a#sha called +n.ana and mistoo#

her as Devavati and tried to chase her but in the chase she leapt into a !iver 0iranyavati4 the -a#sha too thought that Nandayanti and the mon#ey got drowned in that !iver and disheartened left bac# to -a#shalo#a& But Nandayanti swam and reached /oshaladesha and sat under a Vata Vri#sha or Banyan Tree4 there came a voice to say there was a boy was tied on top of the Banyan Tree and as she loo#ed up and found a boy tied up4 she as#ed the boy as to who did the nasty deed$ the boy replied that a mon#ey did it$ that he was the son of aha Tapasvi !ithudhwa.a$ that his name was )aabali$ that his father predicted his future to spend his Balyadasha for thouand years$ ten thousand years as /umara$ and so on and as such he was now he was tied up by a mon#ey which was too predicted by his father3 +s his father informed )aabali when he was of five years$ he left his house for an outing and a mon#ey too# him away and tied him to the tree top& )aabaala re'uested Nandayanti to inform about him to his father !ithudwa.a to rescue him4 Nandayanti reached the Temple of Shri /antha and to her pleasant surprise found Devavati and they embraced erach other and as !itudwa.a came out of the Temple Nandayanti conveyed the details of )aabaali and the uni who with the help of /ing got )aabali released& %n an encounter with the mon#ey$ Vishwa#arma narrated as to how he became a mon#ey and !itudwa.a predicted that when an +psara 1hritachi and the Vishva#arma would beget a child& %n course of time 1hritachi having #nown the bac#ground of the mon#ey engaged themselves in mutual relationship and gave birth to a chiild when the Shaap of Viswa#arma got terminated3 Then Nandayanti and Devavati were restored bac# to their respective positions& +t the end Shu#racharya returned to his +shram after achiving San.eevini Vidya and gave a Shaap to /ing Danda for harassing and ma#ing advances to +ra.a the daughter of Shu#racharya& Thus citing the e,ample of /ing Danda and 2hitrangada$ Prahlada continued his advice to +ndha#a thus9 *o Dharmasheelo jitamaana rosho Vidyaavineeto na paropataapi, Swadaaratushtah )aradaara varjitaa na tasya lokey &hayamaasti kinchit/ (+ person who possesses Dharma Nishtha or Self discipline$ Self respect$ peaceful demeanor devoid of +nger$ modesty arising from good eduction$ causing no concern or hindrances to fellow beings$ and most essentially contented with one*s own legal spouse always has fear in life)& Prahlada further continued9 *o Dharma heenam +alahapriyah Sadaa )aropataapee Shriti Shastra varjitah, )aropadaareypsuravarna samyo$i Sukham na vinteta paratra cheha/ ( + person who is without Virtue and is always involved in 'uarrels$ provider of torment to others$ unused to Veda Shastra +dhayana$ avaricious of other*s money and woman and regular brea#er of Varaashrama !egulations would never be happy either in this or other births)& Prahlada gave the great e,amples of Surya for his eternal observance of Dharma$ Vasishtha left his anger for good$ +gastya was contented with his wife and none else$ and he (Prahlada) himself never deviated from Dharma and Nyaaya$ where as /ing Vena followed +dhrma and +nyaaya while Namuchi was .ealousy of others and Nahusha was desirous of %ndra*s wife when original %ndra absconded due to fear of the blemish of Brahma 0atya& This was the caution that one must always observe since Dharma would always vindicate itself and +dharma would result in doom& Twaajyam Dhamaannityam Nityam )aradaaropasevanam, Nayanti )aradaaraa hi Narakaaneka vimshitam, Sarveshjaamapi Varnaanaameva vimshitam, Sarveshaamapi Varnaanaamesha Dharmo Dhruvontaka/ )araartha paradeaareshu yadaa vaamcchaam +arishyati, Sa yaati

Narakam #horam Rouravam ahulaah Samaah/ (Those who observe Dharma Nishtha ought to refrain from Para Stree Vyamoha atvany cost$ lest they pave way for the frightful !ourava Nara#a3)& The arrogant reply to Prahlada from +ndha#aasura was that he could not care less for Dharma and ordered Shambaraasura to go to andara ountain and 'uestion Shiva as to how he wasc staying in a cave of the ountain without his permission as after all$ +ndha#a was the Supreme "ord of Trilo#as3 %f he (Shiva) re'uested him then he would get the permission only if his wife should gift to +ndha#a3 Both aha Deva and Devi Parvati sent calm but curt replies to +ndha#a that the latter should fight with them to deserve Parvati to be gifted to the stupid Daitya3 %ncensed by the replies$ +ndha#a called Daitya Duryodhana to lead an offensive along with a strong force comprising several +#shouhinis of Sena along with ahaabala !a#shasaas including )ambha$ /ru.ambha$ 0unda$ Tuhunda$ Shambara$ Bali$ Baana$ /aartaswara$ 0asti$ Suryashatru$ ahodara$ Shibi$ Shaalva$ Vrishaparva$ Virochana$ /alanemi$ 0ayagriva$ Samhlaad$ /alanaashana$ Sharabha$ Shalabha$ Viprachitti$ Paa#a$ Vipaa#a$ and /aala& S$!'aya V!s$n+ R+paaya S$!'a R+paaya V!s$na'ey, S$!'asya -r!daya +m V!s$n+$ V!s$nor$r!daya +m S$!'a$B Nandideva organised !udra Sena and Vishnu Sena since the fool +ndha#a never realised the identity of Shiva and Vishnu and even the Trilo#aas were in utter ignorance that both the Swarupas were .ust one and the same3 %n this connection !udra Deva clarified once for all9 havad&hir&hakti Samyukttair .aro&haavena pujitah, %hamkaara vimudhayaischa nindadhir Vaishnavam padam/ Tenaajnaanena &havatonaandruthyaanu virodhitaah, *ohamsa ha$van Vishurvishnuryah sohamavyayah/ Naavanorvai visheshostu ekaa 'utrirdwhidhaa sthitaa, Tadamor&hirnavyaa$hair &hakti &haava yutair$anaaih/ *athaaham vai parijnaato na &havaddhistataa dhruvam, yenaahi nindito nityam &havardhirmudha &uddhi&hih/ Tena Jnaanamhi vai nashtam Nataswaalin$itaa maya, *ityeva muktey vachano $anaah prochyar'aheswaram/ +atham &havvan yathaikyena samshitosti Janardanah, havaan Nirmalah Shuddhah Shaantah Shuklo Niranjanah/ (-ou are all obsessed with my devotion to me and tend to blame Vishnupada in that e,treme dedication to me4 in this blind faith of denounciation of Vishnu you did not please me but on the contrary % was highly upset3 7hatever is there in me is what Vishnu possesses and what ever Vishnu has in me too is replete in me too and there is no basic difference in both of us e,cepting that one imagines we possess two 6orms& Those devotees of mine who are confident of what % possess$ do not really realise me fully& +s the 1anaas were reprimanded by Shiva as above$ they wondered as to how )anardana and ahadeva could be identical3 +fter all$ Shiva is Nirmala : 2lean$ Shuddha :Pure$ Shu#la : 7hite and Nirdosha: Blemishless&) Parama Shiva replied smilingly that whoever indulged even in indirect references against Vishnu would surely go to Nara#as& The Shiva 1anas then re'uested ahadeva to display his real Swarupa& Tato 0ka 'ukham huyo dadrushuh Shankaram #anaah, Roudraischa Vaishnavaischaiva vrutam chihnaih Sahasrashah/ %rdhaina Vaishnava )urandraina .aravi$rahah, +ha$adhwajam Vrishaarudham +ha$aarudham Vrishadhwajam/ *athaa *athaa Trinayano rupam dhatrey $unaa$ranih, Tathaa tathaa twajaayanta 'ahaa )aashupata #anaah/ Tato&havacchaika rupee Shankaro &ahurupavaan, Dwirupaschaa &havad yo$i 0karupopya rupavaan, +shanaacchaitah kshanaad raktah peeto neelah khanaadapi/ 'ishrako Varna heenascha 'ahaapaashupatastathaa, +shanaad &havati Rudraindrah +shanaadccham&huh

)ra&hakarah/ +hanaartharcchankaro Vishnuh +shanaarccharvah )itaamahah, Tadast -ad&hutamayam drushtwaa Shaivaadayo $anaah/ *adaa&hinnamanyanta Deva devam Sadaa Shivam/ Tadaa Nirdhuta paapaastey Samayaajanta )aarshadaah, Teyshvevam Dhuta paapeshu %&hinneshu .arishwarah/ (The 1anaas then visioned a Single 6aced Vishnu5cum5 Shiva Swarupa with thousand (chinhaas* or symbols indicating same Swarupas$ of which half was !udra and another half Vishnu4 one half was Vrishabhadhwa.a 1arudhaarudha and another half was 1arudhadhwa.a Vrishaarudha& )ust as one visualised$ so did that person visioned the !upa of Bhagavan& The same Shan#ara assumed various forms each time changing his colours of white$ red$ yellow$ blue$ mi,ed or colourless4 some times as !udra$ of %ndra$ Surya$ Vishnu$ or Brahma& +s this most surprising and swift changes happened$ the 1anas were then convinced that Paramatma was indeed one and only one3) And$a,as+ra*s e@term!nat!on 1y Ma$a De'a and appearan&e o% As$ta B$a!ra'as 0 And$a,a*s e+lol !es to S$!'a and Ga+r! !n&l+ded2 +s aha 1anesha informed Parama Shiva about the arrival of several +#houhinis of Daithya Sena led by +ndha#asura on andaragiri$ ahadeva too# leave of 1auri Devi as#ing +prasas in charge of 1auri*s security to be vigilant even as Tundasura came running towards 1anesha and his army& The 1ana Sena halted Tundasura and one of the 1aneswaras snipped the +sura*s head with ease& /undodara and 1hatodara attac#ed from two sides Shailoda a strong 1aneswara ended one and Nandi another& /ru.umbha and Duryodhana met with similar fates by Nandi& +s several Danava 2hiefs appeared simultaneously the 1anas and 1aneswaras made deadly counter attac#s and annihilated the overflowing +sura Senas in hundreds and thousands& +s +ndha#a was highly disturbed and disheartened at the merciless #illings of +sura Sena$ he approached Danava 1uru Shu#racharya for guidance and the latter assured that he possessed San.ivini Vidya and revived all the dead +suras& 6ollowing this$ Danavas made massive and multi5sided attac#s by 'uite a few most cruel 1enerals of +suras li#e )ambha$ Bala$ Vitra$ and Shira mobilising sea5li#e Daitya Sena of thousands of +#shouhini4 "ord Brahma then instructed %ndra to .oin the Deva Sena at once in counter attac#s& +s Nandi saw Shu#racharya among the Danavas$ he pic#ed him up and brought him to aha Deva who in turn threw the 1uru onto his own face and the latter entered aha Deva*s stomach and visioned the entire Brahmanda comprising the 2haraachara Srishti including +dityas$ !udras$ Vishva Devas$ -a#sha5 /impurusha5 1andharva5 +psaras& The Danava 1uru spent a Divya Varsha in the (;dara* of Shiva and got utterly confused and lost moving around all over inside& 6inally$ Shu#ra prayed to ahadeva with great helplessness$ humility and reverence and said that he was tired and would li#e to return& Then Shiva released him through his (Shu#ra* and when he went bac# to the +suras$ they were very happy& Then there was an all out battle9 )ambha versus %ndra$ Shambha against Brahma$ /ru.ambha against Vishnu$ Shalava5Surya$ Trishira5Varuna$ Dwimurtha5Varuna Deva$ !ahu5Soma$ +shtaavasus versus Sarabha$ Shalabha$ Paa#a$ Pura$ Viprutthu$ Pruthu$ Vataapi$ and %lval$ besides /alanemi against all Vishwadeva ganas li#e Vishva#sena4 Vidyunmaali against 8#adasha !udraas4 Shambara against Dwadasha +dityas4 Nara#a against +shvini /umaras4 aha Deva created )rumbhaayi#a who slowly but steadily demolished the fighting spirit of the opponents who ever released the +stras& ahadeva then performed his Snaana in the !iver Sarasvati and having prayed to Surya Deva got ready for his attac# when +ndha#a deputed Sunda the Senapati to engage Shiva4 he too# the form of aha Deva and entered the +bode of 1auri& She understood the falsity of +ndha#a and disappeared along with her personal aids into a garden and he chased her for a

while and returned to the battle field& eanwhile$ Shiva #illed Sunda$ Vishnu destroyed /u.umbha and )ambha& +ndha#a covered the opponents li#e %ndra$ Vishnu$ aheswara and the rest of the Devas with his arrows as Vishnu as#ed the Devas to continue their fights and as#ed them to #ill the Sarathi or the 2harioteer of +ndha#a$ destroy the charoit so that Shan#ara could turn the entire personal belongings of +ndha#a& Then Vishnu destroyed the horses with his mace& Devoid of his chariot$ +ndha#a shouted at ahadeva and said that he was alone and without his chariot would still defeat Shiva4 aha Deva then decided Devas and 1anas to withdraw e,cepting his Nandi Vahana& 0e assumed a mammoth Bhairava Swarupa with the e,traordinary radiance and heat of crores of Suryas$ wearing Tiger S#in$ Sarpa5haraas$ Ten 0ands and Three Burning 8yes and pierced his Trishula right into the +sura*s heart and hit his head with his mace and tossed his body up high in the air that got dropped on 8arth with a thud& 6rom all the sides of his huge body$ there were streams of blood as As$ta B$a!ra'as were surfaced9 from the 8astern direction emerged a Bhairava a#in to +gni called (Vidya !aa.* with his nec# adorned with lotus flowers4 from the Southern direction appeared (/ala !aa.* Bhairava loo#ing li#e a (Preta* with dense blac# colour4 from the 7estern direction was materialised a Bhirava named (/amara.*4 from the Northern direction was caused a fourth Bhairava named (Soma !aa.*4 a fifth Bhairava emerged from the wound near the demon*s heart where aha Deva pierced his Trishula and his name was (Swacchanda !a.a*with the resemblance of %ndra Dhanush (!ainbow)4 the Si,th Bhairava was ("alit !aa.* who appeared from the gush of the +sura*s blood on 8arth4 the Seventh Bhairava was (Vighna !aa.* and including aha Bhairava there were thus +shta Bhairavas& +s there was sweat from aha Deva*s forehead after the e,termination of the +sura$ especially since his body was covered with armoury$ a /anya got formed from his sweat and spills of the !a#shasa*s blood and aha Deva named her (2harchi#a*and gave her the boon of a Symbol of Propitiousness to be worshipped by Devatas$ !ishis$ Pitaras$ -a#sha$ Vidyaadhas etc as also Sarpas$ and anavaas& There was also a boy who appeared from the sweat drops which were li#e spar#s of fire dropped on Bhumi and aha Deva named him (/u.a* or ( angala* and made him a Senior of (1rahas* (Planets) with the responsibility of providing (Shubha* or +uspiciousness and (+shubha* or %nauspiciousness& And$a,aas+ra*s e+lo y to Ma$a De'aD +s Parama Shiva revealed his real Swarupa to the Daitya$ the latter greeted him reverentially and paid homage as follows9 Namostu tey hairava hima 'urtey Trilokagoptrey Shitashuladhaariney,Vimshaardha &aaho huja$eshahaara Trinetra maam paahi vipanna &udhim/ Jayaswa Sarveswara Vishwa 'urtey Suraasuravandita paada peetha, Trailokya 'aathur$uravey Vrishaan$ka heetah Sharanyam Sharanaa$atosmi/ Twaam Naatha Devaah Shivameerayanti Siddhhaaharam Sthaanum 'aharshyascha, heemam cha *akshaa 'anujaa 'aheshwaram hutaascha hutaadhipamaamayanti/ Naishaacharaa -$ramupaarrchayanti haveti )unyaaha pitaro namanti, Daasosmi tu&hyam .ara paahi 'ahyaam )aapakshayam mey kuru (okanaatha/ havaamstridevastriyu$astridharma Tripushkaraschaasi Vi&ho Trinetra, Traiyyaarunistri Shrutiravyayaatman )uneehi 'aam twaam sharanam $atosmi/ Trinaachiketastripada pratishthah Shadan$avit twam vishayeshwa lu&dhah, Trilokanaathosi puneeha Sham&ho Daasosmi &heetah Sharanaa$atastey/ +rutam macchankara teyparaatham 'ayaa 'ahaa&huta patey #ireesha,+aamaarinaa nirjita maanasena )rasaadayo twaam Shirasaa natosmi/ )aapoham )aapa karmaaham )aapaatmaa )aapa sam&havah Teaahimaam Deva ,shaana Sarva paapa haro &hava/ 'aa mey krudhyaswa Devesha twayaa chaitaadrushosmyaham,

Srashtah paapa samaachaaro mey prasanno haveswara/ Twam +artaachaiva Dhaataacha twam jayastwam 'ahaajayah, Twam 'an$alastwa momkaarastwa meeshaano dhruvovyayah/ Twam rahmaa Srushtikrunnaathastwam Vishnustwam 'aheswarah, Twamindrastwam Vashatkaaro Dharmastwam cha Surottamah/ Sookshmastwam Vyakta rupastwam twamavyayas / twameeshwarah, Twayaa Sarvamidam Vyaaptam Ja$at Sthaavara jan$amam/ Twamaadiranto 'adhyasca TwamanaadihvSahasrapaat, Vijayastwam Sahasraaksho Virupaaksho 'ahaa hujah/ %nantah Sarva$o Vyaapi .amsah )raanaadhipatochyutah, #eervaana patiravya$ro Rudrah )ashupatih Shivah/ Traividyastwam Jitakrotho Jitaarirvijitendriah, Japasha Shula paanistwam traahi maam sharanaa$tam/ (Namastey aha Bhairava$ Bheema urti$ Trailo#a !a#shaa#arey$ Shula dhaariney3 Ten handed$ Naagesha 0aara dhaariney3 /indly bestow !a#sha or safety to me as % had been a lost person without perspective4 Sarveswara who was worshipped by Devas and +suraas ali#e at your lotus feet$ may Victory be with you always$ Vrishanga3 %n the present situation % feel miserable$ full of fear and shame and am at your feet see#ing your mercy and shelter3 -ou are an embodiment of auspiciousness as Siddhaas hail you as 0ara or Paapahari4 aharshis address you as Sthaanu or 8ver Steady4 -a#shas call you as Bhima4 anushyas pray to you as aheswara4 Bhutas consider you as Bhutapati4 Nishaacharaas or !a#shasaas worship you as ;gra4 Pitruganaas realise you as Bhava and supplicate you4 0ara3 % am your servant and devotee4 /indly demolish my sins and provide me succour& Sarvasamartha Trinetra3 -ou are Trideva$ Tridharma$ Triyuga$ Tripush#ara$ Traiyyaruni$ Trishruti$ Trinaachi#eta and Tripada Pratishtha or of Trilo#aas4 -ou are the 8mbodiment of Shadvedangaas or Si, Vedangaas of Si#sha$ /alpa$ Vya#arana$ Niru#ti$ 2hhanda and )yotisha& 0ey Shambho3 % am your Daasaani5Daasa having reached my final destination with e,treme repentance and remorse for having committed irredeemable and shameful sins for forgiveness& /indly e,onerate and save me&$ as % was a victim of /ama of the meanest #ind9 % am Paaapi$ Paapa#arma$ Paapaatma$ and Paapa Sambhava& aha Deva3 -ou are the 2reator$ +dministrator and Preserver4 -ou are the 8mblem of Victory$ the 8ternal 6und of Virtue$ Sacrifice and ercy3 -ou are angalamaya$ %shaana$ +vyaya and Dhruva4 -or are Brahma$ Vishnu and aheswara$ %ndra$ V ashat#aara$ Dharma$ Sarva Sreshtha$ Su#shma Swarupa$ Vya#ta !upa$ +pra#atahasya$ +vya#ta$ %shvara$ )araachara )agat Vyapta4 yet ;nravealed4 +di5 andhyaata !ahita4 +dyanta !ahita$ Sahasrapaada$ +dytanta !ahita $ Sarvagata$ Sarva Sthita$ Sarva Vyapi$ 0amsa$ Prana Swami$ +chyuta$ Devadhi Deva$ Shanta$ !udra$ Pashupati$ Shiva$ Trivedi$ /rodha.ita$ Shatru vi.ita$ %ndria .ayi$ )aya and Shulapaani4 do very #indly save me aha Deva3) +ndha#aasura*s St+t! to Am1!,la De'! is as follows9 Namasye avaanim huta havyapriyaam (okadhaatri Janitrim, Skanda maaturam 'ahaadeva priyaam Dhaarinim Sasyandinim !hetanaam, Trailokya 'aataram Dharitrim Devamaatara mathejjyaam Shrutim Smritim, Dayaam (ajjaam +raantima$nayaamasuyam 'atim Sadaa )aavanim, Daitya Sainya kshaya -karim 'ahaa 'aayaam Vaijayantim Sushu&haam, +aalaraatrim #ovin$a &ha$ineem Shaola Raaja putreem Sarvadevaarchitaam, Sarva &hutaarchitaam Vidyaam Sarasvatim Trinayana 'ahaharshim, Namasyaami 'ridaaneem Sharanyaam Sharanamupaa$ateham Namo Namastey/ B$a,ta Pra$lada*s "!rt$a /atras and le ends related to some "!rt$as %n the course of several Tirtha yatras underta#en by Bha#ta Prahlada$ he visited anasa Tirtha to worship atsyaavatari$ performed Pitru5 Deva Tarpanaas4 worshipped /urma avatari Vishnu

at /aushi#i !iver4 and did pu.a at Devahlada !iver to 0ayagriva& +fter ta#ing Sacred Bath in !iver -amuna$ he prostrated before Trivi#rama who measured three feet for his Tapasya and thus Vamana Deva secured the epithet of Trivi#rama& aharshi Pulastya narrated the ba#ground as follows9 D+nd$+ and "r!'!,ramaD Devi Danu*s son Dundhu was a close associate of 0iranya /ashipu 5the son of Diti5 who con'uered Swarga "o#a4 both the friends were in the habit of moving about Swarga happily&+fter 0iranya /ashipu$ Dundhu con'uered Deva "o#a& But since Devas too# refuge in Brahmalo#a$ Dundhu desired to reach there but came to #now that Brahmalo#a was very very far away& By about thousand -o.anas was aharlo#a the residence of !ishis whose mere sight would destroy the !a#shasaas4 then there was )analo#a far away by crores of yo.anas where cows stayed predominantly and from where even sand particles could badly hurt the !a#shasas4 the Tapolo#a was away again by si, crores of -o.anas farther$ the residence of Sadhyaganaas whose mere (Nishvaasa* or e,halation could wipe out the Daitya5Danava /ulas4 and finally the Satya lo#a of Brahma was thirty crore yo.anas away which was impossible to reach by Daitya5 Danavas3 But the resolute Dundhu as#ed Danava 1uru Shu#racharya and the latter cited the e,ample of Vritrasura who sincerely performed hundred +shwamedha -agnas and so did %ndra Deva to have free movement to Brahmalo#a& Dundhu resolved to perform the -agnas li#ewise while appointing Danava 1uru as the Di#shit$ Bhargava Vamsha Vidwans as !itwi#s and Sadasyas and Daitya5Danavas as !a#sh#as4 the -agna Bho#tas were Danavas instead of Devas4 +siloma Danava was sent as the Security5in52hief along with the -agna horse& Devas approached Bhagavan Vishnu who assured that he would frustrate the efforts of Dundhu Danava and his mighty followers even in the first -agna& Vishnu too# the form of a wooden board with a Brahmana tied up in the river nearby the place of the -agna4 the Brahmana was drowning and floating on the water surface struggling to balance himself tied to the wooden plan#& This attracted the attention of the Sadasya$ !itvi#s and the -agna /arta Dundhu4 they all ran to save the Brahmana$ untied him and pulled him out of the water surface& They as#ed as to who threw him into the !iver and why& The Brahmana told his story that as his father died$ he and his elder brother performed the rites and after some time he as#ed for the share of property but the elder brother bundled him and having tied him to a wooden plan# threw him into the river and along with the plan# he had been balancing it eversince3 Dundhu too# pity on the Brahmana and offered lot of money$ property and riches& But the Brahmana replied politely that he would be satisfied with a small piece of land of merely three feet since not only he was covetous and greedy but was also incapable of protecting big property3 +s the /ing Dundhu granted those three feet of land$ Vishnu Deva started measuring the three feet9 +ramatrayam taavadavekshya dattam 'aha Surendrena Vi&hur *ashaswi, !hakrey tato lan$hayitum Trilookeem Trivikramam Rupamananta Shaktih/ +rutwaa cha Rupam Ditijaamscha hatwaa pranamya charsheena )rathamakramena, 'ahim 'ahee$hnaih sahitaam sahaarnavaam jahaara ratnaakara pattanairyutaam/ huvam sanaakam Tridashaadhivaasam Somaarkarukshaira&hi manditam na&hah/ Devo dwiteeyena jahaara ve$aat kramena Devapriyameepuureeshwarah/ +ramam triteeyam na yadaasya puritam Tataadikopaada Danurpun$avasya, )apaata prushthey ha$avaamstrivikramo 'eru pramaanena tu vi$rahena/ )atataa Vaasudevena Daanavopari Narada"Trimshadyojana saahastri humeyr $artaa dridheekrutaa/ Tato Daityam samutpaatya tasyaam prakshipya ve$atah, %varshat

sikataavrushthya taam $artaapa puritam/ ( +s Dundhu bestowed three feet to the Brahmana$ the latter assumed Virat Swarupa with a view to measuring the Three "o#as$ greeted the !ishis$ as the first foot measure counted the totality of the Prithvi4 as the second measure counted Swarga and Bhuvarlo#as$ Planets$ Na#shatra andali$ the S#y and so on and since could not measure the third step$ gor e,tremely angry and shoo# up his body far beyond eru Parvata as huge chun#s fell on the bac# of the Danava who was pushed down under creating resounding tremors beneath thousand and odd more yo.anas deep)& Subse'uently$ %ndra and Devatas were restored of their respective positions of status as before& "$e 1a&, ro+nd o% )!n P+r+ra'a +fter praying Bhagavan Shan#ara at /edaranatha and Vishnu in the Swarupa as 0rishi#esha near Badari#ashrama$ Bha#ta Prahlada recalled the "egend of Pururava as recounted by Pulastya aharshi to Brahmarshi Narada& During Tretayuga$ there was a Shaa#ala Nagari in adra Desha where there was a rich Vyapari or businessman called Sudharma who was proceeding to Surashtra and on way had to stay bac# for a night near a cremation ground under a Shami Vri#sha& +s he was too tired fell asleep and found that he was looted by thieves and started moving about helplessly when he sighted a few Prethaatmas (+pparitions) and the 2hief of the Pretas en'uired of the Vani#a*s whereabouts& The Vyapari conveyed his helplessness as he was looted and he was hungry and thirsty and cursed his fate& The 2hief of Pretas provided the much needed solace to the Vyapari and as#ed his colleagues to treat the Vyapari as their special guest and gave him good bath and even in that god5forsa#en .ungle& The Vyapati was moved by the hospitality and as#ed the Preta 2hief about their bac#ground& The 2hief gave his account9 ( % was a Brahmana named Somasharma in Shala#a Nagar whose neighbour was a rich Vani#a named Somashrava who was a great Vishnu Bha#ta and virtuous person& But % was evil minded and avaricious not used to and Danaas& ?n one auspicious Shravana 8#adashi$ % obsereved a day long ;pavasa and on the subse'uent Dwadashi$ many of the Nagara Vaasis too# bath in Sacred !iver %ravati and % too had a dip there and for once gave charities of umbella$ footwear$ )alapatra$ rishtaanna$ curd $ sweets etc& to well studied and reputed Brahmanas & That was one only one singular occasion when % gave a daana in my seventy years of mean and wasteful life4 after my death$ % became a (Pretatma*but the umbrella which % gave as charity turned out to be this Shami Vri#sha$ the pair of footwear that % gave in charity became my Vahana or my carrier$ and the tasty and sumptuous meal has been shared by my follower Pretatmas also at noon daily5since they never did a charity in their lives*& 0aving narrated the story of the Preta 2hief$ he re'uested the Vyapari Sudharma to visit 1aya Tirtha and after ta#ing bath perform Pinda Daana in the name of the Preta 2hief to redeem his soul4 the Vyapari did e,actly the same and redeemed his soul on Bhadrapada Shu#la Shravana Na#shathta at 1aya /shetra and in his ne,t birth became the famed /ing P+r+ra'a. S$!'a and V!s$n+ ,!lled Aalod1$a'a.Or! !n o% S+dars$ana C$a,ra and "r!s$+la Bha#ta Prahlada reached !iver %ravati to ta#e sacred bath$ then to /uru#shetra$ Sudarshana 2ha#ra Tirtha$ Devi#a Tirtha Snaana and worship of Nrisimha Deva$ 1o#arna for /ameswara Darshana$ Pundari#a Darshana$ followed by Payoshini Snaana and +#handeswara pu.a$ Shambhu Pu.a at Devahlada$ and made a si, day halt at adhunandini to vision !hakradhari Shiva and Suladhari #ovinda" %t was in this conte,t that Pulastya aharshi narrated the

bac#ground of the paurani# story to Narada uni& Daitya Aalod1$a'a secured invincibility from Brahma4 neither the curses of Brahmarshi nor +gni: 7ater could demolish him& The Daitya tormented the Beings of the Srishti$ especially aharshis and there was an over5all threat to their e,istence& Devas approached Vishnu Deva and the latter accompanied by ahadeva attac#ed the Demon who hid himself in the deep waters of adhumati& +s both the Bhagavans arrived at the ban#s of the !iver$ )alodbhava disappeared and scaled the heights of 0imalayas4 having scented the presence of the Daitya on the 0imalayan pea#s$ Vishnu and Shan#ara destroyed the Daitya instantly and thus maerialised the Sacred !iver V!tasta in /ashmira !egion and that was where Bha#ta Prahlada worshipped9 *atreshwaro Devasarasya Vishnoh praadaadrathaan$a pravara ayudham vai, *ena prachiccheda Tridhaiva Shankaram Ji$naasa maanostra &alam 'ahatma/ ( %t was at the Bhrungatunga Tirtha that Bhagavan Shambhu gifted a ahaastra 2ha#ra to Vishnu and the latter assessed its supreme power sliced the +stra into three parts creating a Trishula or a Trident)& Pulastya aharshi informed Narada about the bac#ground of Sudarshana 2ha#ra and Trishula as follows9 + Veda Vedanga Brahmana called Veetamanyu and his virtuous wife +ayetri gave birth to ;pamanyu4 the couple were so poor that +atreyi administred ground rice powder and water as mil# to the son for years together and as one day in another Brahmana*s house ;pamanyu tasted real mil# as (/sheeraanna* and insisted in the house too to have it daily4 the mother replied with tears in her eyes9 -mapatou )ashupatou Shuladhaarini Shankarey, %prasannow Virupaashey krutam +sheerena &hojanam/ *adeecchasi payo &hoktum sadyah pushtikaram suta, Tadaaraadhya Devesham Virupaaksham Trishulinam/ Tamsmitushtey Ja$advyaamni Sarvakalyani daayini, praaptemruta- paayityam kimpunah +sheeera &hojanam/ (Son3 Since aha Deva Shan#ara who is also called ;mapati$ Pashupati$ Shuladharini and Virupa#sha was not #ind to us$ how could we get /sheeraanna :real mil# and riceM %f you insist so$ then you have to sincerely worship Virupa#sha& y lad3 %f you could please him$ then why only /sheeraanna 4 even +mrit would be available to all of us3)& Then ;pamanyu as#ed his mother as to who that Virupa#sha was3 She e,plained that there was a ahasura /ing called Shridaama who created havoc to the 7orld #illing unis$ Brahmanas and even children4 he defeated Devas and threw them out of Swargalo#a$ harassed Devi "a#shmi and even chased Vishnu to forcefully ta#e away his Srivatsa )ewel& Vishnu prayed to Virupa#sha and the latter gifted Sudarshana 2ha#ra with which was li#e a fiery /alacha#ra9 +aalachakrani&ham chakram Shankaro Vishnuma&raveet, Varaayudhoyam Devesha Sarvaayudha ni&harhanah, Sudarshanou dwaadashaarah )ashnaa&hi dhruyu$o javee/ %araasamthaaswamee chaasya Devaa 'aasaascha Raashayah, Sishtaanaam rakhsanaarthaaya samshitaa rutavascha shat/ %$nih Somastatha 'itro Varunotha Shacheepatih, ,ndraa$nee chaapuatho vishvey )rajaapataya eva cha/ .anumaamchaatha alavaan Devo Dhanvantarastithaa, Tapaschaiva Tapasyascha Dweaadashoutey pratishthitaah, !haitraadyaah )haal$unaantascha 'aasaastatra pratishthitaah/ (The Sudarshana 2ha#ra was li#e the frightening /alacha#ra that Shan#ara gifted to Vishnu which had twelve compartments$ si, (naabhis* or hinges$ two -ugas of validity$ top speed and instant smasher of any #ind of (+audhaas* of enemies& The 2ha#ra was essentially to rescue virtuous Beings and in the compartments were situated Devatas$ !ashis$ Si, !itus or Seasons$ +gni$ Soma$ Varuna$ itra$ %ndra$ Vishvadeva$ Pra.apati$ the mighty 0anuman$ Dhanvantari Deva$ Tapasya and the Twelve onths from 2haitra to Phalguna)& +s Shan#ara described the

2ha#ra as (+mogha* or Singularly 8hhective$ Vishnu li#ed to test its ;ni'ueness and 8ffectiveness and thus made a test5run on aha Deva himself3 Then Vishnu let the cha#ra aiming aha Deva$ who no doubt escaped but sliced off Visvesha$ -agnesha and -agna yaa.a#a4 as Vishnu was stunned that the sliced Shiva(+mshas* or +lternate Sha#tis vi@& 0iranya#sha$ Suvarnaa#sha and Virupa#sha since these +mshas of ahadeva were only /alyana /arini Sha#tis or of auspicious features$ but not of destroying features4 therefore the 2ha#ra was fundamentally of destruction mode and would not adversely affect Shiva*s propitious charecteristics in any way3 0aving assured Vishnu thus$ ahadeva as#ed )anardana to act forthwith and destroy the +sura Sridaama and as he did so the entire ;niverse secured relief from+lso$ ;pamanyu too# his mother*s advice to worship in right earnest and Parama Shiva blessed the boy to drin# not only /sheeraanna but 8li,ir too3 Ga8endra Mo,s$a aharshi Pulastya narrated futher to Brahmarshi Narada further that Bha#ta Prahlada e,tensive tours of Tirthas li#e Naimisharanya$ Brihadhwa.a$ aha Nadi$ Soma Tirtha$ anguni#a$ +shwa Tirtha$ Varanasi$ +vimu#teshwara$ and so on and reached "r!,+ta Mo+nt which was the residence of !ishis anf -ogis& 0e worshipped Sarvya Vyapi Pundari#aa#sha and sighted the famed Ga8endra Mo,s$a Saro'ara which was the legendary and Sacred Tirtha encircled by the ountain !ange& Nearby the Sarovara was a thic# .ungle inhabited by cruel animals$ birds$ and vegetation inhabited by large groups of wild elephants too& The chief of a herd of elephants 1a.endra entered the Sarovara for a bath of cool water along with its group and a huge crocodile caught hold of one of the feet of 1a.endra dragged into deep waters as the 8lephant struggled but could not escape the sharp and powerful grip of the crocodile$ even as 1a.endra and its companions made desperate efforts for thousand years while Devas were witnessing the prolonged suffering of the 8lephant /ing& The 8lephant was stated to be the /ing of Pandya an e,treme and dedicated Narayana Bha#ta and the crocodile was a 1andharva called 0uhu who was cursed by a Sage 4 when implored by the 1andharva$ the uni forecast that Narayana 0imself would slice the crocodile head and 'ualify him for Salvation& +s 1a.endra was desperate and distressed$ he remembered the Script of a Vishnu Stotra in his erstwhile birth and frantically chanted the Prayer by offering a (Pushpamaala* with his lifted trun# and imagining the Swarupa of +rtaa5 )anardana with tears in his eyes as as follows9 2m Namo 'ulapratrutaey %jinaatha 'ahatmaney, %naashritaaya Devaaya Nispruhaya Namostutey/Nama %adyaaya eejaaya %rshayaaya )ravartiney, %nantaraaya !houkaaya %vyataaya Namo Namah/ Namah Shivaaya Shantaaya Nischitaaya*ashaswiney, Sanaatanaaya )urvaaya )uraanaaya Namo Namah/ Namo Devaadhi Devaaya Swa&haavaaya Namo Namah, Namo Ja$at )ratishthaaya #ovindaaya Namo Namah/ Namostu )admanaa&haaya Namo *o$odd&havaayach, Vishveswaraaya Devaaya Shivaaya .arayey Namah/ Namotu Tasmai Devaaya Nir$unaaya #uptaataney, Narayanaaya Vishvaaya Devaanaam )aramaatmaney/ Namo namah +aranavamanaya Naraayanaayamita vikramaaya/ Shrishaankha charaasi #adaadhaaraaya Namostu tasmai )urushottamaaya/#uhyaaya Vedanalayaaya 'ahodaraaya Simhaaya Daityanidhanaaya !hatur&hujaaya, rahmendra Rudra 'uni chaarana Samtutaaya Devottamaaya Varadaaya Namochyutaaya/ Na$endra deha Shayanaasana supriyaaya #oksheera .ema Shukhaneela $hanopamaaya, )eetaam&araaya 'adhu +aita&ha naashanaaya Viswhaaya !harumukutaaya Namojaraaya/ Naa&hiprajaata +amalastha !haturmukhaaya +shirodarakaanavaniketa *ashodharaaya, Naanaa Vichitra 'ukutaan$ada hushanaaya

Sarveshwaraaya Varadaaya Namo Varaaya/ haktipriyaaya Varadeepta Sudarshanaaya )hullaravinda Vipulaayata lochanaaya, Devendra vi$hnashamanodyata pourushaaya *o$eshwaraaya Virajaaya Namo Varaaya/ rahmaayanaaya Tridashaananaaya (okaadhi naathinaathaaya havaapanaaya, 'ahaa Varaahaaya Namaskaromi/ +utasthamavyata -machintya rupam Naarayanam +aaranamaadidevam, *u$aanta sesham )urusham )uraanam tam Devadevam Sharanam prapadey/ *o$eshwaram !haruvichitra mouli ma$neyama$rayam )rakruteyh parasthatam, +shetrajnamaatma pra&havam Varenyam tam Vaasudevam sharanam prapadye/%drushya mavyata machintya mavyayam 'ahashiyo rahmamayam Sanaatanam, Vadanti yam vai )urusham Sanaatanam tam Deva $uhyam sharanam prapadye/ *adaksharam rahma vadanti Sarva$am nishamya yam 'rutyu mukhaat pramuchyatey, Tameehwaram truptamanuttamai$unaaih paraayanam Vishnumupaimi shaswatam/ +aarya +riyaa +aarana maprameyam .iranya&aahum Varapadmanaa&ham, 'ahaa&alam Vedanidhim Suresham Vrajaami VishnumSharanam Janaardanam/ +ireeta +eyura 'ahaarha nishkairmanyuktamaa -lankrita sarva $aatram, )eetaam&aram +anchana hakti !hitram 'aalaadharam +eshava ma&hyupaimi/ havod&havam Veda vidaam Varishtham *o$aatmanaam Saamkhyavidaam Varishtham, %ditya Rudraashvasupra&haavam )ra&hum prapadyechuta maavatmavantam/ Shrivatsaankam 'ahadevam Deva$uhyamanoupamam, )rapadye sukshmamachalam Varenyama&hayapradam/ )ra&havam Sarva &hutaanaam Nir$unam )arameshwaram, )rapadye muktamamkaanaam yateenaam )aramaam $atim/ ha$avantam #unaadhyakshamaksharam )ushkarekshanaamc Sharanyam Sharanam haktya )rapadye haktavatsalam/ Trivikramam Trilokesham Sarvesham )rapitaamaham, *o$aatmaanam 'ahaatmaanam pradyeham Janaardanam/ %didevamajam Sham&hum Vyaktaavyaktam Sanaatanam, Naraayana / maneeyamsam prapadye rahmana priyam/ Namo Varaaya Devaaya Namo Sarvasahaayacha, )rapadye Deva Deveshamaneeyaamsa manauh sadaa/ 0kaaya (okatatwaaya )aratah )aramaatmaney, Namah Samahsahasra shirashey %nantaaya 'ahaatmaney/ Twaameva )aramam Devamrishayo Vedapaara$aah, +eertayanti cha yam Sarvey rahmaadeenaam )araayanam/ Namstey )undareekaaksha haktaanaama&hayaprada, Su&rahmanya Namastostu traahimaam Sharanaa$atam/ ( y salutations to you ula Pra#riti Swarupa$ %nvincible ahatma Vishnu who is Nirashraya or free to act in your own voiltion4 -ou are the +dyabi.a Swarupa or the Primeaval 1erminator$ +radhya Deva or the Principal Target sought to be achieved by !ishis and -ogis and the ;ni'ue and ;n#nown powerhouse of the /alacha#ra or the Supreme Time achine4 -ou are indeed the Sarva Vaapi or +ll5Pervasive4 the ;ndisclosed 1una Swarupa and at the same time the Nirguna or 6eatureless4 -ou are beyond the barriers of reasoning and logic$ impossible to achieve by rationality or prudence$ the %mmesurable4 the 6oremost 6orm of auspiciousness$ 8ver Peaceful$ Decisive$ the 8mbodimemt of 8minence and 6ame and the ?rigin of /nowledge and the +geless and Timeless3 Devadi Deva$ Swabhavarupa$ )agat Pratishtha /aara#a$ 1ovinda$ Padmanabha$ -ogodbhava$ Vishveswara$ Deva$ Shiva$ 0ari$ Nirguna and 1unatma ali#e4 Viushwatma$ Narayana$ Deva*s Paramatma$ /aranavasha Vamana 5rupa or of the 6orm of Vamana owing to 8,igencies4 +tula Vi#rama4 -ou are the 0older of Shan#ha$ 2ha#ra$ Sword$ and ace and Purushottama4 -ou are the ysterious and the ;nidentified4 the 8mitome of Vedas4 ahodara readily assuming "eonine 6orm to eradicate the race of Daityas$ the 2haturbhu.a or the 6our 0anded Swarupa4 -ou are the Dheya or the 7orshippable by Brahma$ %ndra$ !udra$ aharshis$ and one and all& -ou lie comfortably on the Sesha Naga*s ;ni'ue Body as your Bed4 wearing vastras of different colours4 the annihilator of adhu5/aitabha Daityas4 the wearer of a charming

/irita or head gear4 who has always youthful and never has old age4 has Brahma seated on a lotus top that sprouted from his nave4 has residence on /sheera Sagara or the ?cean of il#4 he is multi ornamented on his various body parts4 the provider of boons and the 8mblem of Boons4 Bha#ta Premi or the Beloved of devotees4 the 8ternal 8mbodiment of !adiance4 with eyes resembling fully bloomed "otus flower4 the trouble shooter of Devendra4 and the provider of boons to him4 The (+adhaara Swarupa* or of the urti worshipped by Brahma and all the Devas4 Trilo#a Naatha4 Bhava 0atha4 aha Varaaha Swarupa4 % see# refuge in /utastha$ +vya#ta$ +chintya Swarupa4 /aaranaswarupa4 +di Deva Narayana4 the 1reat Survivor aha Swarupa at the 8nd of -ugas4 +.eya4 Sarva Sreshtha4 The ?ne who e,ists far beyond Pra#riti4 the /shetra.na4 +tmaprabhava4 Varenya$ Vaasudeva4 +drushya$ +ya#ta$ +chityaneeya$ +yaya$ Brahma maya and Sanatana Purusha and Deva guhya my Pranaams : greetings4 % was at the rityu u#ha or at the Devouring Point of Death4 % see# protection and safety from you Bhagavan4 -ou are +tmatrupta or Self5Saisfied4 Shaswata +shraya Swarupa4 /arya5/riya5 /arana Swarupa4 +gamya4 0iranuabaahu4 ahabala shaali4 Veda nithi4 Sureshwara5)anardana5 Vishnu4 % see# asylum from that )ishnu who was ornamented by /ireeta5/ayura5+timulya ani malaas4 Peetaambara Dhaari4 Swarnima Patra !acaha naalin 5#rita4 ala Dharana /eshava4 Samsaarotpanna#ara4 Vedavidsreshtha4 -ogatma4 San#hya Shastra )naata Sreshtha4 +ditya5 !udra5+shvini /umara5Vasu Prabhavaachyuta4 +tma Swarupa Prabho3 Shri Vatsa Dharana#ara4 aha Deva4 Devataaguhya4 -ou are the ;nparalelled one defying descriptiton$ with the 8pithet of Nirguna$ Nissanga$ Niyama Paala#a4 y % see# refuge in you 1unaadhya#sha$ +#shara$ /amala Nayana$ +shraya /arana -ogya Swarupa$ Sharana Pradata and Bha#ta Prema #ara& % prostrate before you Bhagavan as the measurer of Three 6eet covering the the Trilo#as$ Prapitamaha$ -oga urti$ ahatma )anaddana$ +di Deva$ +.anma$ Shambhu$ Vya#taavya#ta Swarupa$ Sanatana$ Parama Shu#shma$ Brahmana Priya Narayana3 % bend my #nees before you Sreshta Deva$ Sarva Sha#timaan$ Su#shmaati Su#shma Devadevesha$ "o#atatwa Swarupa$ the ;ni'ue Paratpara Param#atma$ Sahasraseersha Paranatma$ +nanta$ Dedaparagami !ishi sannuta3 -ou are the final shelter to Brahmadi Devaas4 Pundari#aa#sha$ Bhua#taabhaya Pradata$ Subrahmanya$ Sharanu$ Sharanu (Save me$ Save me)3 +s Vishnu Deva was pleased with the heartfelt and desperate supplication of 1a.endra appeared in his full glory with four arms adorned with Shan#ha$ 2ha#ra$ 1adaa and Saranga descended from 1aruda and sliced off with his Sudarshana 2ha#ra the nec# of the crocodile and relieved from the curse of Devala uni to the 1andharva 0uhu and simultaneously rescued Narayan Bha#ta /ing of Pandya& P$ala S$r+t! D Brahma Deva affirmed5 *a idam shrunuyaa nityam )raatarutthhaaya 'anavah, )rapyuyaat )aramaam siddhim duhkha prastasya nishyati/ #ajendra mokshanam )unyam sarva )aapa pranaashanam, +athitena smrutey naatha Shrutena cha Tapodhana, #ajendra mokshaneneha sadyah paapaat pramuchyatey/ *asmin kiloktey &ahu paapa &andhanaat la&hyet 'oksho Dwiradena yaddhat, %jam Varenyam Varapadmanaa&ham Narayanam rahmanidhim Suresham/ Tam Deva$uhyam )urusham )uraanam Vandaamyaham (okapatim Varenyam/ (7hosoever reads$ hears or cogitates about the 1a.endra o#sha Stuti with purity of body and mind in the mornings would be relieved of difficulties of the day and the cumulative sins of the past4 %ts Pathana5Shravana5 anana would dissolve the sins and provide liberation as in the case of 1a.endra& ay % salute Vishnu Bhagavan who is or birthless$ Varenya or the Supreme$

Sreshtha or the Topmost$ Padmanabha or "otus5navelled$ Narayana or 8,istent on 7ater$ Devaguhya or absorbed among Devas $ Purana Purusha or the ost +ncient$ and "o#a Swami or the Super "ord of "o#as3) V!s$n+ Pan8ara, Saaras'ata and Paapa Pras$amana Stotras 1y S$!'a and A astya M+n! aharshi Pulastya narrated the happening of a cruel$ mean and sinful /shatriya who disregarded Brahmanas$ !ishis and Devas who got turned into a !a#shasa during his subse'uent birth and was in the habit of lifting up and eating humans4 he came across a holy person deeply engaged in Tapasya and rendering V!s$n+ Pan8ara Ra,s$a Mantra Stotra as follows to ward off evil influences in the forest where he was engaged in Tapasya9 Vishnum )raachyaam Sthitaschakri Vishnur Dakshinato #adee, )raticheeyaam Shaarana$adhru$vishnu +had$i mamottarey/ .rishikesho vikoneshu tatchaadreshu Janardanah, +rodarupi .arir&howmou Naarasimhem&a -rey mama/ +shuraantamamalam chakram &hramatyetat Sudarshanam, %syamshumaalaa drusprekshya hantum pretanishaacharaan/ #adaacheyam Sahasraarchirudviman paavako yathaa, Raksho&huta piscaachaanaam Daakininaam cha shaatani/ Sharan$am Visphurjitam chaiva Vaasudevasya madripuun, Tiryan$a 'anushya +ushmaanda )retaadeen hantwa seshatah/ +had$adhaaraajjwalajjotsnaa nirdhutaa ye mamaahitaah, Tey yaantu sowmyataam sadyo #arudeneva panna$aah/ *e kushmaandastathaa *akshaa Daityaa ye cha Nishaacharaah, )reta Vinaayakaah kruraa 'anushyaa Jrum&hakaah +ha$aah/ Simhaadayo ye )ashavo DandaShukaascha )anna$aah, Sarvey &havantu mey sowmyaa Vishnuchakraravaahataah/ !hittavrutti -haraayecha ye janaah smritihaarakaah, aloujasaam cha hartaarashchhayaa Vidhvamshakaas chaye/ *e chopa&ho$ahartaaro yecha lakshana naashakaah, +ushmaandaastey pranashyantu Vishnu !hakra ravaahataah/ uddhiswaasthyam 'anah swaasthyam swasthya maindrikam tathaa, 'amaastu Deva Devasya Vaasudevasya kirtinaat/ )ushtey )urastaadatha Dakshino -ttarey vikonataschaastu Janaardano .arih/ Tameedyameeshaana manantamachyutam, Janaardanam pranipatito na seedati/ (0ey Vishnu Bhagavan3 Do guard me from the 8astern side with your 2ha#ra4 from my Southern side with your 1adaa4 from the westeren side with your Sharanga Dhanush4 and from the northern side with your /hadga& %n the Dishaa#onaas or the /onaas (+ngles) of +gneya$ Nirruti$ Vayavya and %shaana$ may 0rishi#esh and )anardana save me in the regions in between4 ay Varaha !upaVishnu protect me from Bhumi Devata*s side and Nrisimha Bhagavan shield me from above vi@&the +#aasha :S#y& ay Sudarshana 2ha#ra #eep a !a#sha (Vigilance) from all around me encircling me with safety3 ay Bhagavan*s highly radiant and unvisionable rays of his mace destroy !a#shasaas$ Bhutaas$ Piscaachas$ and Da#inis& ay Vaasudevaa*s lightning luster of his Sharanga Dhanush demolish violent Pashu5Pa#shis$ cruel anavaas$ Danavas and Pretaas be uprooted for good4 )ust as ferocious sna#es and such other poisonous reptiles get frightened away at the very sight of ahatma 1aruda$ may Vishnu*s /hadga*s e,traordinary splendour subdue the hissings of such species4 may the severity and speed of Sudarshana save me the totality of /ushmaandaas$ -a#shaas$ Daityas$ Nishacharaas$ Pretaas$ Vinaya#as$ 0arsh and ruthless anavas$ )umbha#aas$ 0armful Pa#shis$ "ions and such other ferocious animals while slicing them off instantly4 ay all the root causes which create mental tribulations$ memory lapses$ physical ailments$ wea#nesses and all other #inds of psychological distresses be rescinded and may the Vaasudeva /irthanas and Stutis enhance my mental sharpness$ e'uanimity of behaviour$ maturity of .udgment$ performance of deeds and over all virtuosity&) +s the golden screen of Safety and the impregnable /avacha or shield was installed around the

Brahmana Tapaswi$ the !a#shasa became highly subdued and wea#ened and could not reach anywhere near the great halo around the Sage& The placated !a#shasa then realised and confessed his previous deeds of ine,cusable blunders and (Pata#aas* and begged his spiritual advice& But the Brahmana refused to do so as the mountain li#e sins of the !a#shasa could never be demolished out of feeble realisation of his aha Pata#aas3 This had indeed annoyed the !a#shasa who did not basically change much and his cruelty returned along with his hunger as the dus# time arrived& The Brahmana replied that he was no doubt ready to surrender to the !a#shasa on his own volition but he had to first of all carry fruits to his 1uru& The !a#shasa said that he was even prepared to free the Brahmana if only he would be shown a way to reform himself& The Brahmana realised that the !aa#shasa would not leave him unless he taught him the way of self5realisation although his conscience did not agree4 thus he approached +gni Deva to advise him to show a way out& Then Devi Saraswati appeared as prompted by +gni Deva and assured the Brahmana that he needed not to worry and that he could teach the !aa#shasa the way to a virtuous path& Thus the Brahmana decided to teach Saaras'ata Stotra to the !a#shasa as follows9 Shruyataam tava yachhreyastathaanyeshaam cha paapinaam, Samasta paapa shuddhharthyam )unyayopachayadam cha yat/ )ratarutthhaaya Japatvam 'adhyaahnehnah +shayepi vaa, %samshayam sadaa japyo japataam pushti shaantidah/ 2m .arim +rishnam .rishikesham Vaasudevam Janaardanam, )ranatosmi Ja$annaatham sa mey )aapam Vyapohatu/ Shankhinam !hakrinam shaaran$a dhaarinam sna$dharam param, )ranatosmi patim (akshmyaah sa mey )aapam vyapohatu/ Daamodara -mudaaraaksham )undareekaakshamachyutam, )ranatosmi stutam stutyaih sa mey paapam vyapohatu/ Naaraayanam Naram Shourim 'aadhavam 'adhusudanam, )ranatosmi Dharaadhaaram sa mey paapam vyapohatu/ Shrivatsa Vakshasam Shreesham Shridharam Shriniketanam, )ranatosmi Shriyah +aantam sa mey )aapam Vyapohatu/ *ameesham Sarva&hutaanaam dhyaayanti yatayoksharam, Vaasudevamanirdeshyam tamasmi sharanam $atah/ Samastaalam&ane&hyo yam Vyavrutya manaso$atim, Dhyaayanti Vaasudevaakhyam tamasmi sharanam $atah/ Sarva$am Sarva&hutam cha Sarvasyaadhaarameeshwaram, Vaasudevam )aram rahmaa tamasmi sharanam $atah/ )aramaatmaavyaktam yam prayanti sumedhasah, +armakshayekshayam Devam tamasmi sharanam $atah/ )unyapaapa vinirmuktaa yam pravishya punar&havam, Na *o$inah )raapruvanti tamasmi sharanam $atah/ rahmaa&hutwaa ja$at sarvam sa Devaasuramaanusham, *ah srujatyachyuto Devastamasmi sharanam $atah/ rahma rupadharam Devam Ja$adyonim Janaardanam, Strasthatvey samdhitam srashtou pranatosmi sanaatanam/ Srashthaa &hutwaa sthito yo$i sthitaavasura suudanah, Tamaadi )urusham Vishnum pranatosmi Janaardanam/ Dhrutaa mahi hataa Daiyaah paritraataastahaa Suraah, *enatam Vishnumaadhyesham )ranatosmi Janaardanam/ *ajnairyajanti yam Vipraa *a$nesham *a$na&havanam, Tam *a$na )urusham Vishnum pranatosmi Sanatanam/ )ataala veethi&hutaani tathaa lokaan nihantiyah, Tatpurusham Rudram )ranatosmi Sanaatanam/ Sam&hakshitwaa sakalam yathaa srishtimidam Ja$at, *o vai nrityati Rudraatma pranatosmi Janaardanam/ Suraasuraah )itru$anaah *aksha #andharva Raakshasaah, Sam&hutaa *asya Devasya Sarva$am tam namaamyaham/ Samasta Devaah Sakalaa 'anushyaanaam cha jaatayah, *asyaamsha hutaa Devasya sarva$ah tam Namaamyaham/ Vriksha $ulmaadayo yasya tathaa )ashu 'ri$aadayah, 0kaamsha &hutaa Devasya Sarva$am tam namaamyaham/ *asmaannaanyat param kinchiyasmin Sarvam 'ahaatmani, *ah Sarvamadhya$onantah sarva$am tam namaamyaham/ *athaa sarveshu huteshu $udho$niriva daarushu, Vishnurevam tathaa paapam mamaasesham pranashyatu/ *athaa Vishnumayam sarvam rahmaadi sa

charaacharam, *accha Jnaana paricchedyam paapam nashyatu mey tathaa/ Shu&haashu&haani karmaani Rajah Satva Tamaamsicha, %neka Janma karmotthyam paapam nashyatu mey tathaa/ *annishaayaamcha yatpraataryan madhyaahnnaaparaahnniyoh, Sandhyayoscha krutam paapam karmanaa manasaa $iraa/ %jnaanato Jnaanato vaa madaacchalita maanasaih, Tat +shipram vilayam yaatu Vaasudevasya keertanaat/ )aradaara paradravya vaanchhidrohod&havam cha yat, )ara peeded&havaam nindaam kurvataa yanmahaatmanaam/ *accha &hojey tathaa peye &hakshey choshey vilehaney, Tad yaatu Vilayam toyey yathaa lavana &haajanam/ *ad &aalyeyaccha +aumaarey yat paapam *ouvaney mama, Vayah parinatou yaccha yaccha janmaantarey krutam/ Tannaaraayana #ovinda .rishikesha keertanaat, )rayaatu Vilayam toyey yathaa lavana &haajanam/ Vishnavey Vaasudevaaya .aravey +eshavaayacha, Janaardanaaya +rishnaaya Namo &huyo namo namah/ havishyaanaraka$hnaaya namh +amsa vi$haatiney, %rishta +eshi !haanuura Devaari kshaniyo namah/ konyo&alervanchitaa twaamrutey vai &havishyati, +onyo naashyati &alaad darpam .aaihaya hupateyh/ +ah +arishyatathaanyoh vai Saa$arey Shetu &andham, Vadhish yati Dasha$reevam kah Saamaatmapurah saram/ +astwaamriteynyoh Nandasya #okule rati meshyati, )ralam&a )utaanaa Dinaam twaamrutey 'adhusudana, Nihantaapyathavaa Shaastaa Devadeva &havishyati/ Japannevam Narah punyam Vaishnavam Dharmamuttamam, ,shtaanishta prasan$e&hyo Jnaanatojnaana topi vaa/ +rutam tena tu yat paapam Sapta janmaan /taraani vai, 'ahaa )aataka samjnam vaa tathaa chaivopa paatakam/ *a$naadeeni cha )unyaani Japa homa vrataanicha, Naashayed *o$inaam Sarva maamapaatramimaam&hasi/ Narah Samvatsaram purnam tila paatraani shodasa, %hanyahaani yo dadyaat pathattechha tasmamam/ %vilumpatam rahma charyam Sampraapoya smaranam .areyh, Vishnuloka mavaapnoti Satyametanvayoditam/ *atthaaitat Satyamuktam mey na hyaalpamati mey 'rushaah, Raakshasastrastat Sarvaan$am tathaa maameshu mricchyatu/ (0ey !aa#shasa3 % would now li#e to preach to you and your #ind of persons who faltered in their lives$ a highly propitious Discourse which should wash off your earlier immorality and depravity as also encourage to follow a life of Virtue and 'uality& +s one rises up from bed from the sleep of the previous night$ or at the noon5time or at the evening$ the following Stuti be read or heard9 (? 0ari$ /rishna$ 0rishi#esha$ Vaasudeva$ )anardana$ )agannaatha3 y Salutations to you& Do #indly #eep me away from blunders& -ou are the 1uru of oving and %mmobile Beings$ resting on the co@y bed of Sesha Naaga$ Parama Deva 1ovinda$ may % pray to you to #eep me away of sins4 my sincere reverences to you Sharanga Dhara$ 2ha#radhara$ Shan#ha Dhara$ aalaadhaari$ "a#shmipati$ Damodara$ ;daaraa#sha or of benign loo#s$ Pundari#aa#sha$ +chyuta who is e,tolled by one and all3 Do mercifully lead me on right path3 % beseech Narayana$ Nara$ Shouri$ adhava$ adhusudana$ Dharaadhara3 Do pity me and let me refrain from wrong5doings& Paramatma3 -ou possess Surya and 2handra as your eyes to punish the evil and encourage virtue4 -ou are the demolisher of /amsa and /eshi the notorious (paapis*4 do #indly put me on the right trac# and desist me from infamy and evil5doings& Shri Vatsadhara$ Shreesha$ Shidhara$ Shri Ni#etana$ Shri /aanta and Shripati9 my most humble homage to you4 do save me from the shacles of delusion& -ou are Sarva Praana Swami$ and the +#shara$ +nirdeshya$ Vaasudeva$ may % surrender myself and put me on the path of contentment and fulfillment& Do bless me Bhagavan3 to ta#e me from the road of decadence and decay to the pathway of Dharma and Nyaaya& ay % bend and beseech Sarvagata$ Sarva Bhuta$ Sarvaadhaara and Parabrahma to

indicate the narrow but sure way of Dharma$ Nyaya and Punya& % see# refuge to +drushta$ +vinaashi$ Paramatmadeva$ Punya Paapa !ahita$ and Srashta of Brahma down to Deva$ Danava$ anushya and 2haraachara )agat3 ay % commend that Brahma Swarupa the fountain5head of Vedas$Sanatana )a.adyoni$ )anardana$ -ogi !upa Vidyamaan$ +di Purusha aheswara5Vishnu$ that aha /urma who pulled up Bhu Devi$ that Daityahaari$ Devata ra#shaa#ara$ -agna Purusha$ -agna Bhavana$ -agnesha$ and Sanatana Vishnu& % crave the indulgence of that )agat Srashta who created Suraasuraas$ Pitruganaas$ -a#sha$ 1andharva$ !aa#shasas and also that aha !udra who terminates Srishti and having destroyed the ;niverse en.oys a aha Tandava or the Supreme Dance before (Punah Srishti*3 % see# protection from the Sarva Vyaapi aha Vishnu whose (+mshaas*or 6ormulations are Vri#shas$ Pashu5 riga5Vastu5 Padaarthaas3 ay Paramatma burn off my most heinous sins li#e +gni scorches fire5wood into ash& ay Vishnu Deva be merciful to eradicate all my evil deeds of vice and wic#edness4 these were due to the mi, of previous acts as generated by the interplay of Satwa5!a.o5Tamasi#a 1unas of the erstwhile births& ay this earnest prayer emerging from the depths of my inner self$ my body$ soul$ heart$ deed and voice at early mornings$ mid5days$ evenings or dead of nights$ while in movement$ or being seated$ or in sleep$ in full awareness or involuntarily$ bring about total transformation of my e,istence3 ay all my evil actions anchored on feelings of other*s women$ wealth and properties4 or due to deceipt$ pressures : temptations from within or without4 or due to shortcomings of avoidable consumption of Bha#shya$ Bho.ya$ "ehya$ Peya$ 2hoshya varieties of food be e,cused and pave the way for my liberation& ay % prostrate before that ;ni'ue and Singular Paramaatma called by endless names li#e Narayana$ 1ovinda$ 0ari$ /rishna$ and aheswara bestow his compassion on me and e,tinguish my wrongs of small or huge proportions committed during my childhood$ teenage$ youth and old age .ust as earthen vessels dissolve in violent gushes of waterfalls3 y most respectful obeisances to you 0ari$ Vishnu$ Vaasudeva$ /eshava$ )anardana$ and /rishna the annihilator of /amsa$ +rishta$ /eshi$ and countless other evil forces3 7ho else could suppress and tic# off the Trilo#a Swami aha BaliM 7ho else could terminate the uncon'uerable /artaveeryar.una the Super "ord of 0aihayasM 7ho else could build a Setu or a gigantic bridge from shore to shore of a 1rand ?cean and e,terminate the invincible !avanaasuraM 7ho else could perform !asaleela by dividing himself in endless /rishna Swarupaas to entertain 1opis3 7ho else as a child nip the gigantic Demons li#e Pralamba$ Sha#atasura and Pothana in split seconds as baby pran#sM* Phala Shruti9 7ho so ever recites the above Dharma5maya Vaishnava antra with #eenness or disinterest$ with full awareness and sincerity or in a casual or even complete ignorance would indeed destroy the sins of previous seven births irrespective of their volume$ severity or magnitude& Side by side$ the Vaishnava antra bestows fresh accounts of Punya or the fruitiful results of performing -agnas$ 0omaas and Vrataas& The aharshi emphasised to the !aa#shasa that the recitation of the Sarasvata Vaishnava antra every day by observing celibacy and offering charity of si,teen vessels of Tila Seeds and water would definitely 'ualify access to Vishnu "o#a at the termination of his or her life3 The aharshi further advised the !aa#shasa that Devi Saraswati the 1oddess of "earning and /nowledge who was prompted by +gni Deva sharpened the tip of his tongue to emerge a flow of the Vishnu Stotra& +ccordingly$ the !aa#shasa recited the Saarasvata antra and attained Vishnu "o#a3 Paapa Pras$amana StotraD aharshi Pulastya 'uoted to Brahmarshi Narada the Sanctified Paapaprashamana Stotra as bestowed to the ensuing generations by Ma$es#ara as follows9

Namastestu Jajannaanta Deva Deva Namostutey, Vaasudeva Namastestu ahurupa Namostutey/ 0kashrin$a Namastu&hyam Namastu&hyam Vrishaakapey, Srinivasa Namastestu Namastey huta haavana/ Vishvaksena Namastu&hyam Narayana Namostutey, Dhruvadhwaja Namastestu Satyadhwaja Namostutey/ *a$nadhwaja Namastu&hyam Dharmadhwaja Namostutey, Taaladhwaja Namastestu Namastey #arudadhwaja/ Varenya Vishno Vaikuntha Namastey )urushotthama, Namo Jayanta Vijaya Jayaananta paraajita/ +rutaavarta 'ahaavarta 'ahadeva Namostutey, %naadyaadyanta 'adhyaanta Namastey )admajapriya/ )uranjaya Namastu&hyam Shatrunjaya Namostutey,Shu&hanjaya Namastestu Namastestu Dhananjaya/ Srushthi $ar&ha Namastu&hyam Shuchishravah )ruthushravah, Namo .iranya$ar&haaya )adma$ar&haaya tey Namah/ Namah +amala Netraaya +aalanetraaya tey Namah, +amalanaa&ha Namastu&hyam 'ahaanaa&ha Namo Namah/ Vrushtimula 'ahaamula 'ulaavaasa Namostutey, Dharmaavaasa Jalaavaasa Shrinivaasa Namostutey/ Dharmaadhyaksha )rajaadhyaksha (okaadhyaksha Namo namah, Senaadhyaksa Namastu&hyam +aalaadhyaksha Namostutey/ #adaadhara Shrutidhara !hakradhaarin Shriyodhara, Vanamaalaa dhara .&arey Namastey Dharanidhara/ %archishena 'ahaasena Namastestu )urushthuta, ahukalpa 'ahaakalpa Namestey +alpanaamukha/ Sarvaatman Sarva$a Vi&ho Virinchey Shweta +eshava, Neela Rakta 'ahaa neela %niruddha Namostutey/ Dwaashaatmaka +aalaatman Saamaatman )aramaatmaka, Vyomakaatmaka Su&rahman hutaatmaka Namostutey/ .arikesha 'ahaakesha #udaakesha Namostutey, 'unjakesha .rishikesha Sarvanaatha Namostutey/ Sukshma Sthula 'ahaasthula 'ahaasukshma Shu&hankara, Sweta peetaam&ara dhara Neela vaasa Namostutey/ +ushoshaya Namastestu )admeshaya Jaleshaya, #ovinda )reetikartaa cha .amsa )eetaam&arapriya/ %dhokshaja Namastu&hyam Seera dhwaja Janaardana, Vaamanaaya Namastestu Namastey 'adhusudana/ Sahasra seershaaya Namo rahmaseershaaya tey Namah, Namah Sahasra netraaya Soma Suryaanilekshana/ Namaschaatharva shirasey 'ahaaseershaaya tey namah, Namastey Dharma netraaya 'ahaanetraaya tey Namah/ Namah Saharsa paadaaya Sahasra&hujamanvaye, Namo *a$na Varaahaaya 'ahaa Rupaaya tey Namah/Namastey Vishwa Devaaya Vishvaatman Vishwasam&hava, Vishwa Rupa Namastestu twattho Vishwama &hudidam/ Nya$rodhastwam 'ahaashaakastham 'ulakusumaarchitah, Skandha patraankara lataapallavaaya Namostutey/ 'ulam tey rahmanaa rahman Skandastey +shatriyaa )ra&ho, Vaishyaah Shaakhaa dalam Shudraa Vanaspatey Namostu tey/ rahmanaah Saa$nayo vaktraah Dordandaah Sayudhaan Nripaah, )aashvaad Vishacheru yu$aajjaataah Shurascha )aadatah/ Netraad haanur&huta tu&hyam )ad&hyaam huh Shotayordishaah, Naav&haahya hudantirishah Shashaanko manas- tatwa/ )raanaada Vaayuhu Sama&havat +aamaada rahma pitaamahah, +ridhaat Trinayano Rudrah Sheershanyoh dhouh Samavartata/ ,ndraa$ni Vadanaat tu&hyam pashavo 'alasam&havaah, %ushadhyo roma sam&hutaa viraajastwam Namostutey/ )ushpa haasa Namastestu 'ahaahaas Namostu tey, 2mkaarastwam Vashatkaaro Voushat twam cha Swadhaa Sudhaa/ Swaahaakaara Namastu&hyam .antakaara Namostutey, Sarvaakaara Niraakaara Vedaakaara Namostutey/ Twam hi Vedamayo Devah Sarva Deva mayastathaa, Sarva Tirthamayaschaiva Sarva *a$na mayastathaa/ Namastey *a$na )urusha .a$na haa$a &hujey Namah, Namah Sahasra dhaaraaya Shatadhaaraaya tey namah/ hur&huvaswah swarupaaya #odaayaamritamrita daayiney, Suvarna rahmadaatrey cha Sarv&a daatrey cha tey Namah/ rahmeshaaya N amastu&hyam rahmaadey rahmarupa dhruk, )ara&rahma Namastestu Sha&da rahama Namostutey/ Vidyaastwam Vedya rupastwam Vedaneeyastwamevacha, uddhistwamapi &odhyascha

odhastwamcha Namostuey/ .otaa .omascha .avyam cha .umamaanascha .avyavaat, )aataa )otaa cha )utascha )aavaneeyascha Namah/ .antaacha .anyamaanascha .ruyamaanastwamevacha, .arthaa Netaacha Neetischa )ujyo$rayo Vishva dhaaryasi/ Struka struvou paradhaamaasi +apaalo- lukha lorinah, *a$na paatraaraneyastwamekadhaa &ahudhaa tridhaa/ *a$nastwam *ajamaana- stwameedyastwamasi *aajakah, Jnaataa Jneyastathaa Jnaanam Dhyeyo Dhyaataasi cheswara/ Dhaanayo$ascha *o$eecha #atirmoksho dhrutih sukham, *o$aan$aani twameeshaanaha sarva$astwam Namostutey/ rahmaa .otaa tayodraataa Saama yupotha dakshinaa, Dekshaa twam twam )urodaashastwam )ashuh )ashumaahyasi/ #uhyo dhaataa cha paramah Shivo Naraayanastatha, 'ahajano Nirayanah Sahasraarkendu rupavaan/ Dwaadashaarotha shannaa&his- trivyuuho dwiyu$astathaa, +alachakro havaaneesho Namastey )urushottamah/ )araakramo Vikramastwam .aya$reevo .areeshwarah, Nareswarotha rahmeshaha Suryeshastwam Namostutey/ %shwa vaktro 'ahaamedhaah Sham&huh Shakrah )ra&hanjanah, 'itraavaruna murtistwama murtirana$hah parah/ )raa$vamsha kaayo hutaadir mahaa&huto /chyuto Dwijah, Twamurthva kartaa -rdhwascha -rthwaretaa Namostutey/ 'ahaapatakahaa twam cha -papaatakahaa tathaa, %neeshaha Sarvapaape&hyastwaamaham sharanam $atah/ ,tyetat paramam stotram Sarva paapa pramochanam, 'aheshwarena kathitam Vaaraanasyaam purey 'uney/ +eshavasyaa$rato $atwaa snaatwaa Tirthey sitodakey, -pashaantastathaa Jaato Rudrah paapavashaat tatah/ 0tat )avitram Tripura$hna &haashitam pathan Naro Vishnuparo 'aharshey, Vimukta paapo +hupashaanta murtih Sapujyatey Deva varaih prasiddhaaih/ ( y salutations to you )agannaatha$ Deva Deva$ Vaasudeva$ +nanta !upadhara$ 8#ashringa$ Vrishaa#api$ Shrinivaasa$ Bhutabhaavana$ Vishva#sena$ Narayana$ Dhruvadhwa.a$ Satyadhwa.a$ -agnadhwa.a$ Dharmadhwa.a$ Taaladhwa.a$ 1arudadhwa.a$ Varenya$ Vishnu$ Vai#unthga$ Purushottama$ )ayanta$ Vi.aya$ )aya$ +nanta$Paraa.ita$ /ritaavarta$ ahaavarta$ aha Deva$ +naadi5+adi5+nta5Vidyamaan$ adhyaanta$ Padma.apriya$ Puran.aya$ Shatrun.aya$ Shubhan.aya$ Dhanan.aya$ Srushthigarbha$ Shuchishravah (even by hearing a Stuti would purify the person concerned)4 Pruthushravah ( intently listens to the moanings of the needy devotees)4 0iranyagarbha$ Padmagarbha$ /amala netra$ /aala netra$ /aalanaabha$ ahaanaabha$ Vrishtimula$ ahaa mula$ ulaavaasa$ Dharmaavaasa$ )alaavaasa$ Shrinivaasa$ Dharmaadhya#sha$ Pra.aadhya#sha$"o#aadhya#sha$ Senaadhya#sha$ /aalaadhya#sha$ 1adaadhara$ Shritidhara$ 2ha#radhara$ Sridhara$ Vanamaali$ Prithvidhara$ 0arey$ +rchishena$ ahaasena$ Purustuta$ Bahu#alpa$ ahaa#alpa$ /alpanaamu#ha$ Sarvaatman$ Sarvaga$ Vibho$ Virinchi$ Shweta /eshava$ Neela$ !a#ta$ ahaaneela$ +niruddha$ Dwadash.aatma#a$ /aalaatma$ Samaatma$ Paramaatma$ Subrahman$ Bhutaatma$ 0ari#esha$ ahaa#esha$ 1udaa#esha$ un.a#esha$ 0rishi#esha$ Sarvanaatha$ Su#shma$ Sthula$ ahaasthula$ ahaa Su#shma$ Shubhan#ara$ Sweta Peetaambaradhara$ +dho#sha.a$ Neelavaasa$ /ushaashaana$ Padmashayana$ )alashayana$ 1ovinda$ Preeti #artaa$ 0amsa$ Peetaambara priya$ Seeradhwa.a$ )anaardana$ Vaamana$ adhusudana$ Sahasra sirsha$ Brahma sirsha$ Sahasra netra$ 2handra Suryaagni netra$ +tharvasirsha$ ahaa sirsha$ Dharma netra$ ahaanetra$ Sahasrapaada$ Sahasra bhu.aayu#ta$ S,ahasra -agna #artaa$ -agna Varaaha$ ahaarupa$ Vishwa Deva$ Viswaatma$ Vishwa sambhava$ Vishwarupa$ Vishvyotpanna$ Nyagrotha$ ahaashaa#ha$ ula /usuma 5archita$ S#andha : Scrub 5 Patra5+n#ura5"ataa5Pallava Swarupa$ my reverential (pranaamas* to you3 Parama Deva3 +s compared to a ahaVri#sha or 0uge Tree$ Brahmana is your root4 /shatriya is your shoulder4 Vaishya is your branch and Shudra is your leaf4 +gni5Sahita Brahmana or with 6ire5obeisance is your u#ha : 6ace4 Sastra sahita /shatriya is your hands4 Viashya is your

.anghas or thighs4 and Shudras are born of your feet4 Surya was born of your eyes4 Bhumi was created from your feet4 Dishas or Directions were materialised from your ears4 +ntari#sha or the entire S#y was formed from your navel4 oon was born of your mind4 Vayu Deva was created from Paramatma*s breathing4 Pitamaha Brahma emerged from your desire4 Trinetra !udra was formed out of your anger and the Trilo#aas were produced from your head4 %ndra and +gni surfaced from his countenance$ Pashus or the +nimal5Bird5!eptile and similar species came out of your e,creta and +uoshadhis were formulated from your (!omas* body5 hairs3 y sincere greetings to you Viraa.a$ Pushpahaasa$ ahaahaasa$ ?m#ara Swarupa$ Vashat#aara$ +oushat$ Swadhaa Swarupa$ Sudhaa Swarupa$ Swaahaa Swarupa$ 0anta#aara$ Sarvaa#ara$ Niraa#aara$ Vedaa#aara$ Vedamaya Deva$ Sarva Deva maya$ Sarva Tirtha maya and Sarva -agnamaya3 -ou are -agnabhaaga Bho#ta$ Sahasradhaara$ Shatadhaara$ Bhur5Bhuvah5 Swah Swarupa$ 1odaata$ +mrita daataa$ Suvarna$ Brahma the 2reator and the Preserver4 Brahmasha$ Brahmaadi$ Brahmarupa dhaarina$ Para Brahma$ Shabda Brahma$ Vidya$ Vedya !upa$ Buddhi5Bodhya5 Bodha !upa4 -ou are the 0ota50oma50avya50uyamaana Dravya5 0avyavat4 Paataa5 Potaa5 Puta5Pavaneeya ?m#aara3 -ou are 0anta5 0antamaana5 0riyamaana5 0artaa5 Neta5 Neeti5 Pu.ya5Sreshtha and Samsaara Dhaarana Swarupa& Devadhideva3 -ou are Shu#ra$ Struva$ Paradhaama$ /apaali$ ;lu#hala$ +rani$ -a.napaatra$ +araneya$ 8#adhaa$ Tridhaa$ and Bahudha& -ou are the -agna and -a.amaana ali#e4 the Stutya and yhaa.a#a4 -ou are the )naataa5)eya5 )naana5Dheya5Dhyata and Dhyana4 the Dhyanayoga$ -ogi$ 1ati$ o#sha$ Dhruti$ Su#ha$ -ogaanga$ %shaana and Sarvaga3 -ou are Brahma$ 0ota$ ;draataa$ Saama$ ;pa$ Da#shina and Di#sha4 -ou are Purodasha$ Pashu$ Pashuvaahi$ 1uhya$ Dhaata$ Parama$ Shiva$ Narayana$ aha.ana$ Niraashraya$ and Sahasra Surya52handra Samaana Swarupa3 -ou constitute the /alacha#ra or the 7heel of Time$ comprising twelve (+raas* or compartments$ si, naabhis$ three Vyuhaas$ and two -ugas and the cart5drivers vi@& %sha and Purushottama& -ou are the Para#rama$ Vi#rama$ 0ayagriva$ 0arishwara$ Nareshwara$ Brahmesha$ and Suryoshwara& -ou are +shwa va#tra$ ahamedha$ Shambhu$ Sha#ra$ Prabhan.ana$ itraavaruna urti$ +murti$ Nishpaapa$ Shreshta$ Praagvamsha#aaya or ula Purusha$ Bhutaadi$ ahaa Bhuta$ +chyta$ Dwi.a$ ;rthva #artaa$ ;rthva$ ;rthwaretaa$ aha Pata#a Vinaasha$ ;papaata#a nasha#a4 Paapopari Nirlipta$ Devaadhi Deva3 % am in your safety @one see#ing your protection3 That was the aha Stotra rendered by aheshwara himself at the aha Punya /shetra of Varanaasi as he bathed in the Sacred 1anga& 7hosoever recites this aha Stuti with (Bhahyaantara Shuchi* or of 8,ternal and %nternal 2leanliness would accomplish Vishnu "o#a$ and be eligible of worship by Devas even3) Paapa Pras$amana Stotra 1y A astya M+n!D 0aving rendered Paapa Prashamana Stotra blessed by aha Deva himself as above$ aharshi Pulastya gave another Stotra to Bramhmarshi Narada as recited by +gastya aha uni as follows9 = 1reat care has been ta#en in this +gastya*s Stuti to firm up the %dentity of Shiva and Vishnu>& 'atsyam Namasye Devesham +urmam #ovindameyvacha, .aya seersham Namasyeham havam Vishnum Trivikramam/ Namasye 'aadhaveshaanou .rishikeshakumaarinou, Narayanam Namasyeham Namasye #arudaasanam/ -rthwakesham Nrisimham cha Rupadhaaram +urudhwajam, +aama paala makhandam cha Namnasye rahmana priyam/ %jitam Vishwa karmaanam )undareekam Dwijapriyam, .amsam Sham&hum, Namasyecha rahmaanam Suprajaapatim/ Namasye Shula &aahum cha Devam !hakradharam tathaa, Shivam Vishnum Suvarnaaksham #opatim )eetavaasasam/ Namasyecha #adaapaanim Namasyecha +ushoshayam, %rtha Naareeswaram Devam Namasye )aapanaashanam/

#opaalam cha Savaikuntham Namasye chaaparaajitam, Namasye Vishva Rupam cha Sou$andhim Saravadaa Shivam/ )aanchaalikam .aya$reevam Swayam&huva 'aheshwaram, Namasye )undareekaaksham cha )ayo$andhim cha +eshavam/%vimuktamcha (olamcha Jyeshthesham 'adhyamam tathaa, -pashantam Namasyeham 'arkandeyam Sajam&ukam/ Namasye )adma kiranam Namasye Vadavaamukham, +aartikeyam Namasyeham raahmeekam Shikhinam tathaa/ Namasye Sthaanumana$ham Namasya Vanamaalinam, Namasye (on$aleesham cha Namasyeham Shriyah )atim/ Namasyecha Trinayanam Namasye .avya vaahanam, Namasyecha Trisouvarnam Namasye Dharaneedharam/ Trinaachiketam rahmesham Namasye Shashi&hushanam, +apardinam Namasyecha Sarvaamaya vinaashanam/ Namsye Shashinam Suryam Dhruvam Roudram 'ahowjasam, )admanaa&ham .iranyaaksham Namasye Skandamavyayam/ Namasye hima .amsou cha Namasye .aatakeshwaram, Sadaa .amsam Namasyecha Namasye )raana tarpanam/ Namasye Rukma +avacham 'ahaa *o$inameeshwaram, Namasya Shrinivaasam cha Namsye )urushotthamam/ Namasyecha !hatur / &aahum Namasye Vasudhaadhipam, Namasye Sarvamana$ham #oureeshwaram Nakuleeshwaram/ 'anoharam +rishna kesham Namasya !hakrapaaninam, *ashodharam 'aha&aahum Namasye cha +ushapriyam/ hudharam chaadhita #adam Sunetram Shula Shaankhinam, hadraaksham Veera&hadram cha Namasye Shankhakarnikam/ Vrishadhwajam 'ahewsham cha Vishwamitram Shashipra&ham, -pendram chaiva #ovindam Namasye )ankaja /)riyam/ Sahasrashirasam Devam Namasye +undamaalinam, +aalaa$nim Rudra Devesham Namasye +rittivaasasam/ Namasye !haa$alesham cha Namasye )ankajaasanam, Sahasraaksham +okanadam Namasya .arishankaram/ %$astyam #arudam Vishnum +apilam rahmavaadyamayam, Sanaatanamcha rahmaanam Namesye rahmatatparam/ %pratarkyam !hatur&aahum Sahasraamshum Tapomayam, Namasye Dharmaraajanam Devam #aruda Vaahanam/ Sarva huta$atam Shaantam Nirmalam Sarvalakshanam, 'ahaayo$inamavyaktam Namasye )aapa naashanam/ Niranjanam Niraakaaram Nir$unam Nirmalam padam, Namasye )aapa hantaaram Sharanam Sharam Vrajey/ 0tat avitram )aramam )uraanam proktam twa$astyena 'aharshinaacha, Dhanyan *ashasyam ahupaapa naashanam Samkeertanaat Smaranaat Samshravaaccha/ ( y salutations to 1ovinda Bhagavan who had assumed the atsya and /urmaavataaraas3 y greetings to 0ayasirsha$ 0rishi#esha$ /umara Deva$ Narayana$ 1arudaasana$ ;rthwa#esha$ Nrisimha !upa$ /urudhwa.a$ /aamapaala$ +#handa$ Brahmaadi Deva Priya$ Brahmana Priya$ +.ita$ Vishwa#arma$ Pundari#a$ Dwi.aPriya$ 0amsa$ Shambhu$ Pra.apati Sahita Brahma$ Shula Baahu$ 2ha#radhara deva$ Shiva$ Vishnu$ Suvarnaa#sha$ 1opati$ Peetavaasa$ 1adaadhara$ /usheshayana$ Paapa naasha#a$ +rthaneereshwara$ Vai#untha sahita 1opala$ +paraa.ita$ Vishwarupa$ Sougandhi$ Saadaashiva$ Paanchaali#a$ 0ayagriva$ Swayambhuva$ +mareshwara$ Push#araa#sha$ Payogandhi$ /eshava$ +vimu#ta$ "ola$ )yeshthesha$ adhyama$ ;pashaanta$ )ambu#a sahita ad#andeya$ Padma#irana$ Badabaamu#ha$ /arti#e#a$ Braahmee#a$ Shi#hi$ Sthaanu$ +nagha$ Vanamaali$ "aangaleesha$ "a#shmipati$ Trinetra$ 0avyavaahana$ Trisouvarna$ Dharanidhara$ Trinaachi#eta$ Brahmesha$ Sashibhushana$ Sarva roga haari$ /apardi Bhagavan$ 2handra$ Surya$ Dhurva$ ?.aswi$ !udra Bhagavan$ Padmanaabha$ 0iranyaa#sha$ +vyaya$ S#anda$ Bhima$ 0amsa$ 0aata#eshwara$ Sadaahamsa$ Tripta #aarana$ !u#ma /avacha$ aha -ogi$ %shwara$ Purushottama$ Shri Nivaasa$ 2haturbhu.a dhara$ Prithivipati$ Pashupati$ +yaya$ Shri /antha$ Vaasudeva$ Danda sahita Nila#antha$ Sarva$ +nagha$ 1irisha$ Na#uleshvara$ /rishna #esha$ 2ha#rapaani$ -ashodhaari$ ahabaahu$ /usha Priya$ Bhudhara$ /shaaditagada$ Sunetra$ Shulashan#hi$ Bhadraa#sha$ Virabhadra$ Shan#ha#arni#a$ Vrisha dhwa.a$ ahesha$ Vishvaamitra$ Shashi prabha$ ;pendra$ 1ovinda$ Pan#a.a priya$ Sahasra sirsha$ /undaamaali$

/aalaagni$ !udra Deva$ /ritthavaasa$ 2 haagalesha$ Pan#a.aasana$ Sahasraa#sha$ /o#anada$ 0arishan#ara$ +gastya$ 1aruda$ Vishnu$ /apila$ Brahma Vaangmayam$ Sanaatana$ Brahma$ Brahma Tatpara$ +numaanswra Pare3 2haturbhu.a$ Devadi Deva$ Sahasraamshu$Tapo urti$ Dharma !a.a$ 1arusdavaahana$ Vyaapta$ Shanta Swarupa$ Nirmala$ Samasta "a#shana -u#ta$ ahaayodgi$ +vya#ta$ aapa Naasha#a$ Niran.ana$ N iraa#aara$ 1unarahita$ Nirmala pada Swarupa$ Paapa Naasha#a$ Sharanaa gata !a#sha#a)3 aharshi +gastya underlined that the /athana5Smarana5 Shravana of the Stuti would demolish the huge stoc# of Paapaas and bestow health$ prosperity$ fame and all5round success)& Vamana De'a lea'es Rasaatala %or Bra$ma 4o,a and Bra$ma*s #ors$!p to V!s$n+ +fter suppressing Bali 2ha#ravarti and restricting him only to the Pataala "o#aas and reinstating %ndra and all other Devas to their erstwhile positions$ a highly pleased Bhagavan Vishnu discarded his Vamana Swarupa and flew to Brahmalo#a by his 1aruda Vaahana& +s Brahma desired Vishnu to display his Virat Swarupa measuring ten thousand yo.anas of elevation and an e'ual width$ Brahma was over.oyed and could not but brea# into ecstasy and acclaimed the Virat Purusha as follows9 2m Namastey Devadhi Deva Vaasudeva 0ka shrin$a ahurupa Vrishaakapey huta &haavana Suraasura vrisha Suraasura 'athana )eetavaasah Srinivaasa %suranirmitaanta %mita nirmita +apila 'ahaakapilka Vishvaksena Naraayana/ Dhruvadhwaja Satyadhwaja +had$adhwaja Taaladhwaja Vaikuntha )urushottama Varenya Vishno %paraajita Jaya Jayanta Vijaya +ritaavarta 'ahaadeva %naadey %nanta %adyaanta madhya nidhana )uranjaya Dhanaanjaya Shuchishrava )rushni$ar&ha/ +amala $ar&ha +amalaalayataaksha Shripatey Vishnu mula 'ulaadhivaasa Dharmaadhivaasa Dharmavaasa Dharmaadhyaksha )rajaadhyaksha #adaadhara Shridhara Shrutidhara Vanamaalaadhara (akshmidhara Dharanidhara )admanaa&ha/ Virinchey %arshtishena 'ahaasena Senaadhyasha )urushtuta ahukalpa 'ahaakalpa +alpanaamukha %niruddha Sarva$a Sarvaatman Dwadashaatmaka Suryaatmaka Somaatmaka +aalaatmaka Vyomaatmaka hutaatmaka/ Rasaatmaka )aramatman Sanaatana 'unjakesha .arikesha #udaakesha +eshava Nila Sukshma Sthula )eetha Rakta Shweta Shwetaadhivaasa Raktaam&ara )riya )reetikara )reetivaasa .amsa Nilavaasa Seera -dhwaja Sarvalokaadhivaasa/ +ushoshaya %dhokshaja #ovinda Janaardana 'adhusudana Vamana namastey/ Sahasra sheershosi Sahasradru$asi Sahasra paadosi twam +amalosi 'ahaa )urushosi Sahasra aahurasi Sasramurtirasi twaam Devaah )raahum Sahasra Vadanam tey Namastey/2m Namastey Vishwadevesha Vishwa&huh Vishwaatmaka Vishwarupa Vishwa sam&hava twatto Vishwamidam &havad rahmaanaastwan mukhe&hyo&havan +shatriyaa doh Sam&hutaah -ru$maad Visho&haan Shudraascharana +amale&hyah/ Naa&hyaa havatontarikshamajaayata ,ndraa$ni Vakrato netraad &haanura&hunmanasah Shashaankah %ham )rasaadajastwa krodhaat Traim&akah )raanaajjaato &havato maatarishvaa Shiraso dyuora / jaayata netraadi disho &huriyam charanaad&huta Shrotrod&havaa disho &havatah Swayam&ho Nakshatraasteyjod&havaah/'urtayaschaaamrutayascha Sarvey twattaha Samud&hutaah/ %to Vishwaatmakosi 2m Namastey )ushpahaasosi 'ahaahaasosi paramosi 2mkaarosi Vashatkaa -rosi Swaahaakaarosi %oushatkaarosi Swadhaakaarosi Vedamayosi Tirthamayosi *ajamaana mayosi/ *ajnamamayosi Sarv&adhaataasi *a$na&hoktaasi Shukradhaataasi hurda huvarda Swarda Swarnada $oda %mritadoseeti/ 2m rahmaadirasi rahmamayosi *ajnosi Vedakaamosi Vedyosi *ajna dhaarosi 'ahaameenosi 'ahaasevaasi 'ahaashiraa%si/ Nrukesaryasi .otaasi .omyosi .avyosi .uyamaanosi .ayamedhosi )otaasi )aayayitaasi )utosi )ujyosi Daataasi .anyamaanosi .riyamaanosi .artyaaseeti 2m/ Neetarasi Netaasi %$neyaasi Vishwathaamaasi

Shrum&hadosi Dhruvosi %araneyosi/ Dhyaanosi Dhyeyosi Sheyosi Jnaanosi *ashtaasi Daanosi humaasi *eekshesi rahmaasi .otaasi -d$aataasi #atimataam #atirasi Jnaaninaam Jnaanamasi *o$inaam *o$osi 'okshi$aaminaam 'okshosi Shreemataam Shrirasi #uhyosi )aataasi )aramasi/ Somesi Suryosi Deekshaasi Dakshinaasi Narosi Trinayanosi 'ahaanayanosi %ditya pra&havosi Surotthamosi Shuchirasi Shukrosi Na&hosi Na&hasyosi ,shtosi -rjosi Sahosi Sahasyosi Taposi Tapasyosi 'adhurasi/'aadhavosi +aalosi Sankramosi Vikramosi )araakramosi %shya$reevosi 'ahaamedhosi Shankarosi .reeshwarosi Sham&hurasi rahmeyshosi Suryosi 'itraavarunosi )raa$vamshakaayosi hutaadirasi 'ahaa&hutesi -rthwakarmaasi +artaasi Sarvapaapa vimochanaasi Trivikramosi 2m Namastey/ ( ?m Namastey Devaadhideva$ Vaasudeva$ 8#ashringa$ Bahurupa$ Vrishaa#apey$ Bhutabhaavana$ Suraasura Sreshtha$ Devaasura mathana #aara Peetavastra dhaari$ Srinivasa$ +suranirmitaanta$ +mita nirmita$ /apila$ ahaa /apila$ Vishva#sena$ Narayana$ Dhruvadhwa.a$ Satyadhwa.a$ /hadgadhwa.a$ Taala Dhwa.a$ Vai#untha$ Prushottama$ Varenya$ Vishno$ +paraa.ita$ )aya$ )ayanta$ Vi.aya$/rutaavarta$ ahadeva$ +naadey$ +nanta$ +adyanta$ adhyanidhana$ Puran.aya$ Dhanan.aya$ Shuchisrava$ Prushnigarbha$ /amalagarbha$ /amalaayataa#sha$ Shripatey$ Vishnu mula$ ulaadhivaasa$ Dharmaadhivaasa$ Dharmavaasa$ Dharmaadhya#sha$ Pra.aadhya#sha$ 1adaadhara$ Shridhara$ Shrutidhara$ Vanamaalaadhara$ "a#shmidhara$ Dharanidhara$ Padmanaabha$ Virinchey$ +ashtishena$ ahasena$ Senaadhya#sha$ Purushtuta$ Bahu#alpa$ aha#alpa$ /alpanaamu#ha$ +niduddha$Sarvaga$ Sarvaatman$ Dwadashaatma#a$ Suryaatma#a$ Somaatma#a$ /aalaatma#a$ Vyomaatma#a$ Bhutaatma#a$ !asaatma#a$ Paramaatman$ Sanaatana$ un.a#esha$ 0ari#esha 1udaa#esha$ /eshava$ Nila$ Sthula$ Su#shma$ Peeta$ !a#ta$ Shweta$ Shwetaadhivaasa$ !a#taambarapriya$ Prreti#ara$ Preetivaasa$ 0amsda$ Nilavaasa$ Seeradhwa.a$ Sarvalo#aadhivaasa$ /usheshaya$ +do#sha.a$ 1ovinda$ )anaardana$ adhusudana$ Vaamana$ Sahsraseersha$ Sahasranetra$ Sahasrapaad$ /amala$ aha Purusha$ Sahasrabaahu$ Sahasra urti$ Sahasravadana as addressed by Devas$ ?m Vishwadevesha$ Vishwabhu$ Vishyatma#a$ Vishwarupa$ Vishwa Sambhava$ Vishvotpanna#aari3 6rom your face were born Brahmanas$ /shatriyas from your hands$ Vaishyas from both of your thighs$ Sudraas from your feet& Swayambho3 6ron your navel emerged +ntari#sha or S#y$ from your face came +gni and %ndra$ Surya from your eyes$ 2handra from your mind$ Brahma from your self Bhagavan3 6romm your anger appeared Trinetra Shan#ara$ Vayu Deva from your life : e,istence$ from your head was materialised Swargalo#a$ Dishaas or Directions from your ears$ the Stars from your brightness$ and the entire urta or +murta ( Seen and ;nseen) Beings were created by -ou Vishwaatma#a3 -ou are Pushpahaasa$ ahaa haasa$$Parama$ ?m#aara$ Vashat A#aara$ Swaahaa#aara$ +oushat#aara$Swadhaa #aara$Veda maya$ Tirthamaya$ -a.amaanamaya$ -a.namaya$ Sarvadhaata$ bho#taa$ Shu#radaataa$ Bhurda$ Bhuvarda$ Swarda$ Swarnada$ 1oda$ +mritada4 ?m -ou are Brahmaadi$ Brahmamaya$$ Veda#aama$ Vedya$ -a.nadhara$ ahaa eena$ ahaa sena$ ahaa Shira$ Nru#esari$ 0ota$ 0omya$ 0avya$ 0uyamaana$ 0ayamedha$ Potaa$ Paavayitaa$ Puta$ Pu.ya$ daataa$ 0anyamaana$ 0riyamaana and 0artaa3 -ou are Niti$ Netaa$ +gnya$ Vishwadhaama$ Shubhaanda$ Dhruva$ +araneya$ Dhyaana$ Dhyeya$ )neya$ )naana$ -ashtaa$ Daana$ Bhumaa$ %#shya$ Braham$ 0ota$ ;dgaataa$ 1ati for 1atimaanaas$ )naana for )neyaas$ -oga for -ogis$ o#sha to o#shagamis$ Shri to Shrimans$ 1uhya$ Paataa and Parama& -ou are Soma$ Surya$ Dee#shaa$ Da#shina$ Nara$Trinayana$ ahaanayana$ +dityaprabhava$ Surottama$ Shuchi$ Shu#ra$ Nabha$ Nabhasya$ %sha$ ;r.a$ Saha$ Sahasya$ Tapa$ Tapasya$ adhu $ adhava$ #aala$ San#rama$ Vi#rama$ Paraa#rama$ +shyagreeva$ ahameda$ Shan#ara$ 0arishwara$ Shambh$ Brahmesha$ Surya$ itraavaruna$ Praagvamsha#aaya$ Bhutaadi$ ahaabhuta$ ;rthwa#armaa$ /artaa$ Sarva PaapaVimochana$ and ?m Trivi#rama)3 +s Vishnu

Deva was pleased by the (Stuti* of Brahma Deva$ the formed as#ed Brahma to bless him with a boon and Brahma desired that Vishnu should reside in Brahmalo#a in the Swarupa of Brihad Vamana and as Vishnu bestowed the boon$ there had been daily worships to Vamana Deva$ en.oined by all the Devas$ while +psaras danced with ecstasy$ 1andharvas praised the Vamana Deva with soulful and tuneful hymns$ Vidyadharaas played memorable instrumental e,travagan@as$ and +suras and Siddhas displayed group sessions of fren@ied singings3 Bal! Daana'a !n Patala 4o,as and #ors$!p to Ma$a Vamana 0S+dars$ana St+t! and Pra$lada*s prea&$!n to )!n Bal! !n&l+ded2 +s Vamana Deva who occupied the totality of the ;niverse pursuant to the illustrious charity of mere Three 6eet by Bali 2ha#ravarti$ aha Vamana urti bestowed the boon of long life to /ing Bali to administer the Sapta "o#as beneath the Bhumi and ?ceans vi@& +tala$ Vitala$ Sutala$ Talaatala$ ahatala$ !asaatala and Paataalas& +s Vishva#arma constructed a lu,urious palace and Bilwa Swarga of the ;nderworld with no comforts and desires unfulfilled$ the co@y life to the hilt$ Bali was fully contented with his family and Pra.a& ?ne day suddenly$ the Sudarshana 2ha#ra of Vai#untha made its appearance and /ing Bali prostrated before the 2ha#ra and reverentially prayed to it as follows9 Namasyaami .areshchakram Daityachakra vidaaranam, Sahasaamshum Sdahasrtaa&ham Sahasraaram Sunirmalam/ Namasyaami .areshchakram yasya naa&hyaam )itaamahah, Tundey Trishula dhruk Sharva %araamuley 'ahaadrayah/ %areshu smamstitaa Devaah Sendraah Saarkaah Sapaavakaah, Javey yasya sthito Vaayuraapo$nih )rithivi na&hah/ %arapraateshu Jeemutaah Soudaaminuruksha taarakaah, aahyato 'uniyo yasya aalakhilyaadayashathaa/ Tamaayudhavaram Vandey Vaasudevasya haktitah, *aney )aapam Sharirottham Vaa$jam 'anasamevacha/ Tanmey dahaswa Deeptaamsho Vishnoschakra Sudarshana, *anmo +ulod&havam )aapam )aitrukam 'aatrukam tathaa/ Tanmey .araswa $tarasaa Namastey %chutaayudha, %adhayo mama nashyantu Vyaadhayo hyaantui Samkshayam/ ,ktevamuktwaa matimaan Sama&hyacchaartha haktitah, Samsma3ran )undareekaasham Sarva )aapa pranaashanam/ )ujitam alinaa !hakram krutwaa Nistejasosuraan, Nischakraamaatha )aataalaad vishuvey Dakshiney 'uney/ Sudarshaney nir$atey tu alirvikla&vataam $atah, )aramaapadam praapya sasmaara Swa )itaamaham/ ( y salutations to Vishnu Sudarshana 2ha#ra which smashes the multitudes of Daitya enemies by its endless and most powerful spar#les of e,traordinay rays with thousands of spo#es and compartments within& % pray most reverentially to the 2ha#ra in whose a,is e,ists Brahma$ its periphery resides Trishladhaari aha Deva$ spo#e5ends are embellished with mammoth ountains$ inside the compartments are %ndra$ Surya$ +gni$ and other Devaas$ its speed and velocity li#ened toVayu Deva$ and its other inhabitants are Varuna$ +gni$ Bhumi$ and +#aasha4 its compartment ends are clouds$ Vidyut or 8lectricity$ Na#shatraas$ etc and in the peripherry of the 2ha#ra Ba#a#hilyas and unis& ay the 2ha#ra destroy greatest sins of the devotees on account of physical$ vocal$ and antari#a or mind5born blemishes4 may the 2ha#ra punch and blow the sins of Vamsa Vaasis of the present and previous generations3 +s Bali e,tolled the 2ha#ra and visioned it travelling away southwards$ he wondered as to what was the need for its visit to the Bilwa Swarga$ prayed to Bhagavan Vamana and remembered his grand father to ascertain the forebodings of the surprise appearance of the Sudarshana)& Bha#ta Prahlada met the /ing at once and congratulated Bali at the timely$ prognostic and propitious appearance of Sudarshan to remind him and his (Pra.a* about the need and urgency for worshipping Bhagavan Vishnu and his incarntion as Vamana Deva3

Pra$laada*s e@$ortat!on to )!n Bal! and $!s S+18e&tsD Prahlada addressed the /ing and through him his entire population of Pataala "o#as as follows9 havajaladhi$ataanaam Dwandwavaataa hataanaam Suta duhitru kalatra traana &haaraarditaanaam, Vishamavishayatoye 'ajjataama -plavaanaam &havati sharanameko Vishnupoto Naraayaam/ *e samshritaa .arimanantamanaadi /madhyam Naaraayanam Sura$urum Shu&hadam Varenyam, Shuddham +ha$endra$amanam +amalaalyesham tey Dharmaraaja karanam na vishanti Dheeraah/ Swapurushama&hiveekshya )aashahastam, Vadati *amah kila tasya karnamuley, )arihara 'adhusudana prapannaan )ra&hurahamanya nrunaam na Vaishnavaanaam/ Tathaanyaduttam Narasattamena ,kshvaakunaa haktiyutena nyunam, *e Vishnu haktaah )urushaah )ruthivyaam *amasya tey nirvishayaa &havanti/ Saa jihvaa yaa .arim stutoti tacchhit yattadarpitam, Taaveva kevalam Shlaa$hyou yow tatpujaakraou +arou/ Nunam na tou karou proktou Vriksha shaakaa$rapallavou, Na yow )ujayatum shaktou .aripaadaam&uja dwayam/ Nyunam tat kantha shaalookamathavaa prati jihvakaa, Ro$ovaanyo na saa jihvaa yaana vakti .arey$unaan/ Shochaniyam sa&andhu -naam Jeevannapi mruto Narah, *ah )aada pankajam Vishnorna pujayati haktitah/ *e Naraa Vaasudevasya satatampujaney rataah, 'ritaa api na shocchastey Satyam Satyam mayoditam/ Shareeram 'aanasam Vaa$jam 'ritaamurtam charaacharam, Drushyam sprushyamadrushyam cha tatsarvam +eshavaatmakam/ *e naarchitohi h$avaan !haturthaa vai Trivikramah, Tenaarchitaa na samdeho (okaah saamara daanavaah/ *athaa ratnaani jaladhera samkhye /yaani putraka, Tathaa $unaa hi Devasya twasamkhyataastu !hakrinah/ *e Shankha !hakra -a&jakaram sa Shaaran$inam +ha$endra ketum Varadam Shriyah )atim, Samaashrayantey hava&heeti naashanam Samsaara$artena patanti tey punah/ *eshaam 'anasi #ovindo Nivaasi Satatam aley, Na tey pari&havam yaanti na 'rutyoruddijanti cha/ Devam shaaran$adharam Vishnum ye praopannah paraayanam, Na teshaam *amasaalokyam na cha tey Naakoukasah/ Na taam $atim praapruvanti Shruti Shastra Vishaaradaah, Vipraa Daanava shaardula Vishnu haktaa vrajaanti yaam/*aa #atirdaithya shaardula hataanaam tu 'ahaahavey, Tatodhikaam $atim yaanti Vishnu &haktaa Narotthamaah/ *aa #atirdharma sheelaanaam Saathvikaanaam 'ahaatmanaam, Saa #atirditaa Daitya ha$avatsevinaamapi/ Sarvaavaasam Vaasudevam Sukshmamavyakta Vi$raham, )ravishaanti 'ahaatmaanam tad haktaa naanyachetasah/ %nanya manaso hakatyaa ye Namasyaanti +eshavam, Shuchayastey 'ahaatmaanasteertha &hutaa havanti tey/ #acchhan tishthan swapancha jaa$rut pi&annashwanna &heekshanashah, Dhyaanam Naraayanam yastu na tonyosti )unya &haak, Vaikuntham khad$a parashum &hava- &andha samucchidam/)ranipatya *athaanyaayam Samsaarey na punar&havet, +shetreshu vasatey nithyam kreedaannaasteymita dyutih/ %aseenah Sarvadeheshu +arma&hirna sa &adhyatey, *eshaam Vishnum )riyo nityam tey Vishnoh Satatam )riyaah/ Na tey punah sam&havanti tad haktaastatparaayanaah, Dhyaayed Damodaram yastu hakti namrorchayet vaa/ Na sa Samsaara pankesmin majjatey Daanaveshwara, +alyamutthaaya ye haktyaa smaranti 'adhusudanam, Stuvantyapya&hi shrunvanti Dur$aanyati taranti tey/ *eshaam !hakra $adaa paanou haktiravya&hichaarini, Tey *aanti Niyatam sthaanam yatra *o$eshwaro .arih/ Vishnu karma prasaktaanaa 4 haktaanaam yaa paraa$atih, Saa tu Janma sahastrena na tapo&hiravyaapyatey/ +imjapyestasya 'antrarvaa kim Tapo&hih kimaashramaih, *asya naasti paraa &haktih satatam 'adhusudaney/ Vrithaa *a$naa Vrithaa Vedaa Vrithaa daanam vrithaa shrutam, Vrithaa Tapascha +eertischa yo dweshti 'adhusudanam/ +im tasya &ahu&hir mantrair &haktiryasya Janardaney, Namo Naraayaneti mantrah sarvaarthta saadhakah/ Vishnureva $atiryeshaam krutasteshaam paraajayah, *eshaamindeevara shyaamo hridayastho Janardanah/ Sarva

maan$ala maan$alyam Varenyam Varadam )ra&hum, Naraayana Namaskrutya Sarva karmaani kaarayet/ Vishtayo vyatipaataascha ye nanye durneeti sam&havaah, tey naama smaranaad Vishno naasham yaanti 'ahaasura/ Tirtha koti sahastraani Tirtha +otishataanicha, Naraayana pramaanasya kalaam naarhanti shodasheem/ )rithivyaam yaani Tirthaani )unyaanyaya tanaani cha, Taani Sarvaanavaapnoti Vishnor naamaanu kirtanaat/ )raapnuvanti na taamllokaan vratino vaa Tapaswinah, )raapyantey ye tu +rishnasya Namaskaara parairnareyh/ *opyanya Devaataa &hakto 'idhyaarchayati +eshavam, Sopi $acchati Saadhunaam sthaanam )unyakritaam mahat/ Saatatyena .rishikesham puja itwaa tu Sumedhasah, Tey la&hyantupavaasasya phalam naasyantra samshayah/ Satatam Shastra drushtena karmanaa .arimarchaya, Tatprasaadaat )araam Siddhim aley )raapsyasi shaashvatim/ Tanmanaa&hava tad&haktastadhyaaji tam Namaskuru,Tamevaashritya Devesham Sukham )raapyasi )utraka/ %adyam hyanantamajaram .arimavyayam cha ye vai smarantya harahanruvaraa huvisthaah, Sarvatra$am Shu&hadam rahma mayam puraanam tey yaanti Vaishnavapadam dhruvamakshayancha/ *e 'aanavaa Vi$ataraa$a paraapara$jnaa Naraayanam Sura$urum satatam smaranti, Tey Dhouta paanduraputaa iva Raaja hamsaah Samsaara Saa$ara jalas ya taranti paaram/ Dhyaayanti ye satatam achyutameeshitaaram Nishkalmasham )ravara )adma dalaayataaksham, Dhyaanena tena hata kilim&asha Veda naastey 'aatuh )ayodhara rasam na punah pi&anti/ *e +irtayanti Varadam Vara )adma / naa&ham Shankaa&ja chakra vara chaapa $adaa si hastam, )admaalayaavadana )ankaja shatpadaakhyam nyunam praayanti sadanam 'adhu$haatinastey/ Shrunvanti ye haktiparaa 'anushyaah Samkeertyamaanam ha$avantamaadyam, Tey 'ukta paapaah sukhino &havanti yathaamruta praashana tarpitaastu/ Tasmaad Dhyaanam smaranam keertanam vaa Namnaam Shravanam pathataam Sajjanaanaam, +aaryam Vishnoh Shraddhaanairmanushyaih )ujaatulyam tat )rashamsanti Devaah/ aahyaaistathaantah +aranairaviklavairyo naarchayet +eshavameeshitaaram, )ushpaischa )atrairjala pallavaadhi&hi nyunam sa mushto Vidhitaskarena/ ( Danava Sreshtha3 To those persons who are all drawn into the depths of Samsara Samudra$ buffeted by mighty and cruel winds of perils at every mode of life carrying the heavy loads of wife$ children and dependents and e,posed to daily ha@ards and threats$ the only support and relief is the ;ni'ue Ship of Vishnu Bhagavan3 0e is devoid of a beginning$ midway or termination providing auspicious encouragement to one and all who would approach him with faith ad devotion& 0e is an epitome of benevolence and compassion$ the Prime Source of agnanimity and !adiance$ 1aruda vaahana$ "a#shmi#anta$ Pavitra$ Deva 1uru$ Narayana and the ;ltimate Point of !efuge far above the !ule of -ama Dharma !a.a$ who swears that he is the +dministrator of all Beings but certainly not for Vaishnava Bha#taas3 +lso$ the 1od of Death confirms that those tongues which e,tol 0ari$ those sincere hearts which are absorbed in the meditation of Shri 0ari$ and those hands which are engaged in performing worship to 0ari are never in the purview of Dharma !a.a3 Those hands which are devoid of worship of 0ari are as good as handless li#ened to useless and dried up leaves of a tree and those (.ihvas* without describing and cherishing the enormous 'uailities of 0ari are .ust guttural gruffs li#e the dead wood trun# of a desiccated tree3 Those who are not engaged in 0ari Seva are as good as dead and those who are committed to the devotion are alive even if dead and continue to be celebrities3 6or$ the totality of physical$ mental$ psychological and action5 reaction impulses are all Vishnu Swarupas4 and the )angama5 Sthaavara5 Drushya5 Sprushya5 urta and +murta 8lements are all indeed of Vishnu Swarupas3 Those Suraasura : anavas who are devoted to Trivi#rama Bhagavan in all the four ways of Stuti5Dhyana5 Pu.a and anana would have performed worship to the whole ;niverse& There are as many unaccountable (!athnaas* (.ewels)

in the depths of ?ceans as the Parama gunaas and !upaas or the countless features and forms of Narayana Bhagavan3 But to anchor one*s imagination about that Supreme Being$ one could con.ecture that the Virat Swarupa of aha Vamana possesses Shan#ha$ 2ha#ra$ /amala and Sharanga Dhanush in his four arms and is also 1arudadhwa.a$ Bhava Bheeti Vinasha#a or the Destroyer of all fears and troubles$ Varada or the Provider of boons$ "a#shmi Pati and the Saviour of Deep Troubles& Those who #eeps 1ovinda in his heart and Soul is never re.ected in life nor is haunted by rityu and even e,perience Nara#a& Brahmanas who are well versed with Vedas and Shastras are not recognised as well as Vishnu Bha#taas4 similarly persons who die in battles and become eligible to Veera Swarga are not superior to Vishnu Bha#taas& Those who are proven ahatmas of e,traordinary piety and virtue are indeed not rated better than Vishnu Bha#taas3 %n fact such Bha#tas get readily absorbed into the Physi'ue of Sarvavaasa$ Su#shma$ +vya#ta$ +nanta$ Tirtha Swarupa Vaasudeva3 There is no parallel to a person who ta#es the name and fame of 1ovinda while wal#ing$ standing$ sitting$ sleeping$ eating and awa#e who is esteemed superior to any body else3 +s one worships in the prescribed manner that Vai#untha Deva$ he or she would indeed accomplish o#sha and would not be sub.ect to rebirth3 8ven being in Samsaara$ a typical /rishna Bha#ta is not greatly influneced in his normal profession$ since he or she is completely in love with Bhagavan and vice5versa& Those who wa#e up in the morning and surrender to Narayana every day and #eeps the consciousness aligned to the latter is indeed unaffected by mundane affairs or Samsara bandhanaas& +s the Bha#ta is fully dedicated to 2ha#ra51adaadhaari 1ovinda$ that person would indeed carve a niche far ahead of -ogeshwaras for thousand previous lives& 7hy should persons waste precious time of their lives with -agnas$ Vedas$ daanaas$ .naana$ Tapas and /irti3 7hy should one learn so many antras and clutter their minds with mental confusion instead of merely reciting the simplest and uni'ue aha antra of Om Namo Narayanaaya3 2ould there be a defeat in one*s life if only that person recites always recite the aha antra and firmly establish the Swarupa of that angala urti$ Varenya$ Varadaprada prabhu Narayana3 8ven the worst evils li#e Vishtis$ Vya#tipaataas$ and other physical and mental aberrations fall flat and get smashed with Narayana Smarana which is e'uivalent to the sevas of crores of Tirthaas3 Persons desirous of organising mammoth Bhagavat Sevas for securing (/irti* and public recognition as also for displaying their wealth and might end up with nothing tangible whereas a modest$ 'uiet and sincere appeal to )anardana of an individual with total submission to 0rishi#esha is by far the most effective and fulfilling3 Therefore /ing Bali3 Do perform those prescribed deeds of virtue and worship 0ari always& Do get fully engaged in the service of that Saadya$ +nanta$ +.ara$ Sarvatragaami Shubhadaataa$ Brahmamaya$ Purana$ +vyaya 0ari day and night li#e the illustrious Dhruva who was blessed with an 8ternal Position among Vaishnava Padaas3 That ought to be the way to Narayana& Do always recite hymns of adhusudana& Do always e,ecute Dhyana$ Smarana$ /eertana$ Paatha$ Naama Shravana$ and anana& Those who regulate their Swasthya5 Baahya5+antari#a %ndriyas or Physical Parts and worship /eshava with Pushpa5 Patra5)ala5 and Pallavaas always avoid the onslaughts of Vidhi !upa Tas#araas or 6ate5determined robbers3) Vamana P+rana Vaa&$ana, S$raa'ana BS$ra'ana, Pat$ana P$ala S$r+t! aharshi Pulastya who narrated Vamana Purana to Brahmarshi Narada assured that the Purana*s /athana and Vaachana ( recitation) would bestow lofty fame$ Bha#ti and Vishnu "o#a Praapti& The Purana Shraavana5Shravana would cleanse the body and soul of the Presentor and the "istener .ust as the Sacred 1anagaa.ala Snaana& The Purana Shravana assures that the person concerned and his : her clan would be shielded against physical ailments and (+bhichara /arma

Prayogaas* li#e aarana$ ohana$ ;cchaatanaadi base5categories of +pplcations by 8vil and ;nscrupulous and )ealous persons& Sincere and virtuous human beings ta#ing interest in the Purana would be freed from their accounts of Sins and upgrade their accounts of Punya to the e,tent of performing +shwamedha -agna and Daanaas of 1old$ Bhumi$ +shwa$ 1ou$ !atha and even 8lephants& 8ven the Shravana of a 2hapter even of Vamana Purana would attain purity of mind and clarity of thought& Navagraha Shanti is assured to the person reading or e,paining the meaning and purport of even portions of the Purana& 7orship of Surya5 2handra 8clipse times and Daanas especially +nna Daanaas and Brahmana Sevas would be highly beneficial while reciting the Purana& But care must be ta#en not to recite the contents of the Purana to non5 believers$ +chaara heena Vya#tis$ and confirmed arguers and hec#lers& Those who read or listen to the Purana must first assume the best possible disposition of mind and attitude by invo#ing Narayana with devotion and then only proceed to the Pathana and anana of this Sacred +ccount of the +vatara of Vamana Deva as it also firmly establishes the +dvaita Siddhanta of the ;ni'ueness and ?neness of Bhagavan Vishnu and Parama Shiva3

Namo Namah +aarana Vamanaaya Narayanaamita Vikramaaya Shri Shankha !hakraasi #adaadharaaya Namostu tasmai )urushottamaaya/


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