Tony Blairs Kiss of Death

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Tony Blair's Kiss of Death

: Geoffrey Wheatcroft , 26 2011 07:23

(The National Interest, March 22, 2011)

David Cameron and the Libya intervention. Looking an awful lot like Blair and the Iraq adventure

Just before Tony Blair left Downing Street in the summer of 2007, he was interviewed in the Gu ardian by Timothy Garton Ash, the transatlantic writer on international affairs. At a time when Blairs stock had fallen low, and when his own party was desperate to see the back of him, he was presented with glowing enthusiasm: Tony Blair bounds into the garden of 10 Downing Street, looking as if he's ready for another 10 years there ... And, The outgoing prime minister seems full of energy, mental vigour and that almost compulsive passion to convince which he shares with Nicolas Sarkozy. When asked what his legacy wasWhat is the essence of Blairism?he gave an answer that could not be clearer: It is liberal interventionism.

A little more than two years later, at the Labour party conference in September 2009, another journalist found that party not surprisingly bedraggled and demoralised even before the calamitous defeat Labour would suffer at the general election the following spring, and not sure what they stood for or could agree on -- except for one thing. The entire party from left to right was at any rate united in the view that Blairs doctrine of liberal interventionism is one part of the inheritance that should be dumped. Even by those who were beguiled by that doctrine at one time recognized that it was finished, dead and buried in the sands of Iraq.

But lo, here it comes again, back from the dead! Western countries are intervening in Libya, on ostensibly liberal and humanitarian grounds. British aircraft turned back rather than risk killing civilians, but French jets have already bombed Muammar Gaddafis ground troops, on orders from the compulsively passionate President Sarkozy.


Tony Blair's Kiss of Death

: Geoffrey Wheatcroft , 26 2011 07:23

There Jacques fashion eight Thatcher. triumphant Falklands? years are and Chirac, She crucial election ago with fought this France lamentable differences soon month. and opposed afterwards. won Sarkozy consequences, between athat military the may Sarkozy invasion Sarkozy campaign, overlook and faces of and Cameron, Iraq. that Cameron: and re-election Blair and then took see as on under a next instead his the freshman country year. back Sarkozys aabout of parallel Could MP, to that war, predecessor voted Libya won with in a for deceitful Margaret be the his war No by Cameron avoid stressed to and Iraq), the doubt capable the political and the Cameron appearance hotly when legality Attorney shade denied he would of of speaks General. that this the another like in dreadful operation, Libya in to Parliament prime emulate he charge, thanks is minister. stepping Lady he and to is Thatchers the Asked he accompanied in Security has Blairs whether throughout electoral Iraqi Council by he footsteps. Dominic was done success, resolution now everything In Grieve, Tony but particular (and he Blair, his is in he haunted contrast intelligent he can has to the This saying like legality eminent the is to something) of consigliere make an English invasion: a very was of jurist, some deliberate see the in the way capo, the formidable point. to Peter revise One dissection Goldsmith, the of the first worst opinion of Blairs this things he shameful had about given story the General, Iraq by Philippe war was he (which dubious suborned, Sands, is New York Review of Books .Attorney And yet Blair wont go away. On Saturday [Mar 19], he turned up in the London Times many Arabs That Max Hastings, morning of modern, his old there sometime tunes: democratic was intervention an editor exchange change, of the in events Libya on BBC came must radio not not between a be moment hijacked two too journalistic yet soon, again we by eminences, must the teach extremists. , help reprising Sir the Daily Telegraph , and Bronwen Maddox, formerly of the Financial Times and now editor of the monthly magazine Prospect . What I prospective at had all in any Cameron the doubts, Arab kiss was of world. when death. doing David was And Cameron either Ms Maddox very received brave agreed: or the very Blairs endorsement foolhardy, support said for of Tony Cameron Hastings, Blair, wont that adding was that the him If He passion hasnt not gone see away, that he but now maybe damages he should. every Can cause even he a supports? man of Blairs energy and compulsive Geoffrey Wheatcroft is an English journalist and author, whose books include Yo, Blair! cos Publishing, 2007), (Politi T h e Strange Death of Tory England (Allen Lane, 2005) and The Controversy of Zion (Perseus Books, 1997), which won a National Jewish Book Award


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