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These exercises are taken from:

Mathematics: IGCSE (Cambridge International Examinations)

by Karen Morrison (Author)

1) 8, 10, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23

From the list of numbers above, write down:
a) a prime number b) a multiple of 6 c) a factor of 36
2) What is the next number in each of the following sequences:
a) 25, 36, 49,…. B) 1, 8, 27, ….?
3) One day the temperature on Mount Everest changed from 28 o C to − 29 o C in a
few hours. By how many degrees did the temperature change?
4) Work out:
5 1 1
a) (17 + 28 ) ÷ 3 − 2 × 7 . b)  + 
64 8

5) 250 , 25, 3.1, 2 1 2 , 27

Which of the numbers above is:
a) irrational b) square c) prime
6) 3 800 students took an examination
19% received Grade A
24% received Grade B
31% received Grade C
10% received Grade D
11% received Grade E
The rest received Grade U
a) What percentage of the students received Grade U?
b) What fraction of the students received Grade B?
c) How many students received Grade A?
7) Maria changed $80 into Argentinean pesos when the exchange rate was $1 to
15.43 pesos. A week later, the exchange rate was $1 to 15.52 pesos.
How many more pesos would Maria have received if she had waited a week
before changing her dollars?
8) Ahmad bought compact disc for $15. He sold it to Barbara, making a 20% loss.
a) How much did Barbara pay for it?
b) Barbara later sold the disc to Luvuyo. She made a 20% profit.
How much did Luvuyo pay for it?
9) In 1988 there were 27 500 cases of Salmonella poisoning in Britain. In 1989 there
was an increase of 9% in the number of cases. Calculate how many cases there
were in 1989.
10) Last year, Jane’s wages were $80 per week. Her wages are now $86 per week.
Calculate the percentage increase.
11) Abdul’s height was 160cm on his 15th birthday. It was 172cm on his 16th birthday.
What was the percentage increase in his height?
12) What is the simple interest on $160 at 7 12 % per year for 3 years?
13) Senor Vasquez invests $500 in a Government Bond, at 9% simple interest per
year. Hoe much will the Bond be worth after 3 years?
14) Klaus and Heidi plan a holiday in the USA in August.
a) Klaus decides to change 800 Euros into dollars in January when the
exchange rate is $1 = €1.68. A bank charge of 1% is then deducted.
Calculate how much he receives, to the nearest dollar.
b) (i) Heidi invests her €800 in a bank at an annual rate of 9% simple interest.
Calculate the amount she has after 6 months.
(ii) She now changes this amount into dollars. The exchange rate is
$1= €1. 87, but this time there is no bank charge. Calculate how much
Heidi receives, to the nearest dollar.
c) Who made the better decision?
d) They bring a total of $120 back with them and exchange it at a rate of
$1 =€1.72 with no bank charge. Calculate how much they received, to the
nearest Euro.

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