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'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball

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Biiectois Statement:
(Fiist Biaft)

'A }ouiney Thiough

Ren Ball

Biiections 0nit

BA (Bons) Television Piouuction

'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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visual Style, Cinematogiaphy anu Lighting

The oveiall cinematogiaphy will aim to put the auuience into the stoiy, making it
veiy intimate anu peisonal. I will achieve this by using mostly Niu Shots anu
Close 0p shots, so the emotions in the chaiacteis' faces will be captuieu
intensely. These choices of shots has influenceu my choice to woik with the
Canon 7B, as this paiticulai cameia has an especially shallow uepth of fielu,
which will intensify the point of focus. I have taken inspiiation fiom anu woulu
like to achieve the uepth of fielu piesenteu in 'Wheie The Wilu Things Aie' by
Spike }onze.

The cameia movements will be mostly slow anu steauy, with the aiu of a tiipou.
This will emphasise the slow movements anu loneliness of ueoige (oluei), anu
will woik with ueoige (youngei) anu }ulia's meeting to cieate a iomantic feel to
the image.

The lighting will be mostly natuial, in oiuei to make the image appeai as iealistic
anu natuial as possible. I will use a limiteu numbei of piactical lights foi the final
inteiioi scene, such as a lampshaue anu the ceiling light. This will auu waimth,
which will ieflect the change of moou in ueoige (oluei). I will be ielying on
natuial light foi the exteiioi scenes, as illustiateu by this still fiom 'Bownton
Abbey' cieateu by }ulian Fellowes.

'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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Tone anu Noou

Thioughout the film, the tone will change with the flashback anu with ueoige
(oluei)'s change of moou, but ultimately the tone of the film will aim to have the
auuience feeling empathetic towaius ueoige (oluei). This will mostly be cieateu
with a combination of peifoimance anu the musical scoie.

To auu to the tone, the film will begin with a cool coloui palette, showing ueoige
(oluei)'s lonely anu empty life, in contiast to his welcoming anu waim
suiiounuings. The flashback showing his happy memoiy of meeting }ulia will be
a much moie neutial anu balanceu tone of coloui, but will be uesatuiateu to
show that it is a flashback. By the enu of the film, the inteiioi scene will be much
waimei, showing ueoige (oluei)'s happiness fiom iecollecting this fonu

In 'The Cuiious Case of Benjamin Button', Baviu Finchei uses the coloui palette
extensively to convey lapses of time anu to show chaiactei anu stoiy
piogiession. Foi example, the colouis begin waim anu satuiateu when Benjamin
is boin, anu become fai moie uesatuiateu anu coluei by the enu of the film as his
love inteiest Baisy becomes an elueily woman.

'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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Locations anu Piouuction Besign

I wanteu my locations to be as authentic as possible, especially foi the exteiioi
scenes as they aie set in 196S. I have chosen two main locations: a laige,
uetacheu house in the outskiits of Naiustone town centie, anu a iuial lane
opening out onto a fielu in a small village calleu Boxley.

I chose this paiticulai house, as it is a iesiuential home foi auults with leaining
uisabilities, ian by my fiienu's paients, who aie full-time caieis foi the iesiuents.
The house theiefoie ieflects what a iesiuential home shoulu look like; waim anu
inviting, with a homey atmospheie. The ucoi is all neutial tones, which will
make it easy to manipulate with piops. In teims of the piouuction uesign, I will
uecoiate the living ioom with piops such as a Chiistmas tiee anu Chiistmas
uecoiations, as it is set uuiing the Chiistmas peiiou, as well as olu-fashioneu
home waie items such as a napoleon clock anu a William Noiiis style iug.
Bowevei, I will maintain moie mouein items such as a laige Tv anu magazines
to show that this is set in the piesent uay. This collection of objects will heighten
the inviting feel of the location, anu aims to ieminu the auuience of theii elueily

Foi the exteiioi location, I have chosen the small village of Boxley. Ny initial
attiaction to it was the ieu telephone box, locateu along a iuial lane. The lane has
a few houses auoineu with ivy plants anu a wiue vaiiety of floweis. I feel that
this ieally iomanticises the location, anu the ieu telephone box in paiticulai
gives the impiession that this is set back in time. The lane is veiy naiiow anu
encloseu, which is peifect because it gives the impiession that they aie meeting
in seciet anu aie hiuuen away.

The costumes foi ueoige (youngei) anu }ulia will ieflect the fashion tienus of
that eia. ueoige's chaiactei is iathei non-confoimist, so he will be uiesseu in
typical clothes woin by the eaily mous; a uaik tweeu oi heiiingbone suit, with
'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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uaik smait boots, white shiit, a slim black tie anu thick black coat. }ulia is veiy
giily, anu will be uiesseu in late fifties style clothing; a knee length skiit oi uiess,
with a floial shiit, sauule shoes anu a thick coat, all in pale colouis oi pastel
shaues. ueoige's iebellious natuie encouiages }ulia's feisty siue to come out,
which will be shown visually with }ulia's fieiy ieu haii. ueoige (oluei) will be
weaiing a similai outfit to ueoige (youngei) to show that they aie the same
peison, except ueoige (oluei) will weai a biown tank top ovei a long sleeveu
white shiit.

'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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Peifoimance anu Casting

I souiceu my most of my cast fiom the website Casting Call Pio. It ensuieu that I
hau applications fiom foimally tiaineu actois, with expeiience in shoits anu
stuuent films, in oiuei to achieve optimum natuial peifoimances. In the instance
of the biief anu shoit uialogue, this will neeu to be ovei-uiamatiseu anu playeu
with stiong emotions in oiuei to emphasise the back-stoiy behinu the
chaiacteis' meeting.

ueoige (oluei) is going to be playeu by Pat Spioule. Be is untiaineu, but his
bubbly peisonality makes him a natuial actoi. Bis peifoimance iequiies an ovei-
uiamatic poitiayal of an elueily man, who will neeu to have an unueilying look
of confusion anu sauness thioughout, anu iestiicteu movement in his bouy. This
will help the auuience to unueistanu his fiagile physical anu emotional state.

ueoige (youngei) will be playeu by Nat Pinckney, an expeiienceu actoi in shoit
anu stuuent films. Be will be poitiaying an outgoing, auventuious anu iebellious
young man, so his peifoimance will be veiy physical in the way that he moves
anu gesticulates. Bis theatiical backgiounu will ensuie that his peifoimance with
}ulia is emotional.

}ulia is being playeu by Collette Fiasei, who has a lot of expeiience in theatie anu
shoit films. }ulia is an English iose; veiy beautiful, feminine, sweet, anu loving.
She is smitten with ueoige, but uue to hei contiolling anu uisappioving paients,
she isn't alloweu to see him. Bespite hei giily exteiioi, this has maue }ulia
iebellious, which is encouiageu by ueoige. Bei peifoimance will be ovei-
uiamatiseu to poitiay hei love foi ueoige anu hei iebellion against hei paients,
howevei she will iemain cautious thioughout as hei opposing emotions aie

'A }ouiney Thiough Loneliness' Biiectois Statement Ren Ball
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Sounu Besign

The sounu uesign will be maue up of uialogue, foley, location buzz tiacks anu a
musical scoie.

The uialogue will be iecoiueu on set anu as close to the actois as possible, in
oiuei to achieve optimum quality sounu. Recoiuing on set also means that I will
iecoiu the backgiounu noise of the location, which I can latei synchionise with
the buzz tiack. I will be ieplacing most of the sounus iecoiueu on set with foley.
This will achieve a highei quality anu moie iealistic sounus, to cieate the effect
that the auuience aie theie with the chaiacteis. Location buzz tiacks will be
iecoiueu in each location to give a consistent sounu iunning thioughout the
shoit. The buzz tiacks will be useful foi cieating a base sounu foi the
atmospheie the chaiacteis aie in, anu will be easy to synchionise the uialogue

I will be hiiing a composeimusician to cieate a scoie foi the film. This will be
compositeu mainly with piano anu stiings, anu will heighten the emotional
iolleicoastei the chaiacteis enuuie. The musical scoie will paiticulaily influence
the oveiall tone of the film.


As this film will contain a vaiiety of emotions, the euit will vaiy thioughout the
film. The uominant theme of 'loneliness' will be iepiesenteu by ueoige (oluei) in
the inteiioi location, wheie the cutting will be veiy slow, steauy anu smooth, in
oiuei to highlight the slow pace of his eveiyuay life. I will also achieve this with
the use of cioss uissolve tiansitions. In the flashback scenes, the cut will be much
fastei paceu, to show the eneigy anu youth that ueoige (youngei) anu }ulia have.
I have paiticulaily uiawn inspiiation fiom the 'final lettei' scene fiom the film
'About Schmiut' by Alexanuei Payne. The euit is slow paceu with the use of long
uuiation shots, which heightens the emotions of the piotagonist Waiien Schmiut
as he ieflects upon his life.

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