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SECTION 07840 FIRESTOPPING Display hidden notes to specifie !

"Don#t $no% ho%& Clic$ 'e e( Copyright 2003 - 2009 ARCAT, Inc. - All rights reserved

P)RT * *!*




Fi estoppin- syste.s incl/din- the follo%in-0 *! Fi e esisti1e 2oint fi e contain.ent! 3! Fi e contain.ent fo sin-le .e.4 ane penet ations! 5! Penet ations th o/-h fi e6 ated 1e tical and ho i7ontal asse.4lies! 4! Fi estop sealants! 8! Fi estop pillo%s! 9! Fi estop co.posite sheets! 7! Fi estop tapes! 8! Fi estop % ap st ips! :! Fi estop p/tty! *0! Fi estop .o ta ! **! Fi estop sp ays! *3! Th o/-h penet ation fi estoppin-!



)! ;! C! D! E! F! G! '! *!5

Section 05500 6 Cast6In6Place Conc ete! Section 043*0 6 Conc ete <ason y ,nits! Section 07:00 6 =oint Seale s! Section 0:300 6 Plaste and Gyps/. ;oa d! Section *8400 6 Pl/.4in-! Section *8700 6 '>)C! Section *9080 6 Elect ical! Section *9700 6 Co../nications!



).e ican National Standa ds Instit/te ")NSI(0


*! 3! 5! 4! 8! ;! *!

)NSI?,+ 395 6 Fi e Tests of ;/ildin- Const /ction and <ate ials! )NSI?,+ 735 6 S/ face ;/ nin- Cha acte istics of ;/ildin- <ate ials! )NSI?,+ *47: 6 Standa d fo Fi e Tests of Th o/-h6Penet ation Fi estops! )NSI?,+ *70: 6 Rapid Rise Fi e Tests of P otection <ate ials fo St /ct/ al Steel! )NSI?,+ 307: 6 Tests fo Fi e Resistance of ;/ildin- =oint Syste.s!

)ST< Inte national ")ST<(0 )ST< E 84 6 Standa d Test <ethod fo S/ face ;/ nin- Cha acte istics of ;/ildin- <ate ials! 3! )ST< E **: 6 Standa d Test <ethods fo Fi e Tests of ;/ildin- Const /ction and <ate ials! 5! )ST< E 8*4 6 Standa d Test <ethod fo Fi e Tests of Th o/-h6Penet ation Fi e Stops! 4! )ST< E *5:: 6 Standa d Test <ethod fo Cyclic <o1e.ent and <eas/ inthe <ini./. and <a@i./. =oint Aidths of ) chitect/ al =oint Syste.s! 8! )ST< E *:99 6 Standa d Test <ethod fo Fi e Resisti1e =oint Syste.s! 9! )ST< E *83: 6 Standa d Test <ethods fo Dete .inin- Effects of +a -e 'yd oca 4on Pool Fi es on St /ct/ al <e.4e s and )sse.4lies! 7! )ST< E *738 6 Standa d Test <ethods fo Fi e Tests of Fi e6Resisti1e ;a ie Syste.s fo Elect ical Syste. Co.ponents! 8! )ST< E 3507 6 Fi e Tests of Pe i.ete Fi e ;a ie Syste.s ,sinInte .ediate ScaleB </lti6Sto y Test )ppa at/s! F< Glo4al "F<( 6 F<4::* 6 Standa d fo )pp o1al of Fi estop Cont acto s!

C! D!

*! 3! E!

Inte national Code Con- ess "ICC(0 Inte national ;/ildin- Code "I;C(! Inte national Residential Code "IRC(!

National Fi e P otection )ssociation "NFP)(0 *! NFP) 70 6 National Elect ical Code! 3! NFP) *0* 6 +ife Safety Code! ,nde % ite s +a4o ato ies ",+( 6 ,+ ;/ildin- <ate ials Di ecto yC Th o/-h6 Penet ation Fi estops Syste.s "D'EE(B =oint Syste.s "D';N(B Fi estop De1ices "D'=I(B Fo .in- <ate ials "D'F,(B Aall Openin- P otecti1e <ate ials "C+I>(B and FillB >oid o Ca1ity <ate ials "D''A(!





P o1ide syste.s that a e listed 4y at least one the follo%in-0 ,nde % ite s +a4o ato ies Inc! ",+(B in HFi e Resistance Di ecto yH! Inte te$ Testin- Se 1ice "Fo .e ly $no%n as O.e-a Point +a4o ato ies(B in HDi ecto y of +isted P od/cts!H 5! )ny othe I/alified independent testin- and inspection a-ency that cond/cts pe iodic follo%6/p inspections and is accepta4le to a/tho ities ha1in2/ isdiction!

*! 3!


P o1ide fi estop p od/cts that a e fle@i4le eno/-h to allo% fo pipe 1i4 ation in a th o/-h penet ation application!



P o1ide fi estop sealants and sp ays fo const /ction 2oint applications that a e fle@i4le eno/-h to satisfy the .o1e.ent c ite ia pe the test standa ds )ST< E *5::B )ST< E *:99 o )NSI?,+ 307:! P o1ide p od/cts that .eet the intent of the + atin- classification fo the .o1e.ent of s.o$e pe )NSI?,+ *47: fo th o/-h penet ations and )NSI?,+ 307: fo const /ction 2oints! P o1ide p od/cts identical to those tested and listed fo classification 4y ,+B Inte te$ o any othe I/alified independent testin- a-ency! P o1ide p od/cts that 4ea classification .a $in- of I/alified independent testina-ency! Ahe e fi estop syste.s not listed 4y any listin- a-ency a e eI/i ed d/e to p o2ect conditionsB s/ a s/4stit/tion p oposal %ith e1idence specified! ,se only p od/cts specifically listed fo /se in listed syste.s! P o1ide p od/cts that a e co.pati4le %ith each othe B %ith the s/4st ates fo .inopenin-sB and %ith the ite.sB if anyB penet atin- the fi estoppin-B /nde the conditions ep esented 4y this p o2ectB 4ased on testin- and field pe fo .ance de.onst ated 4y .an/fact/ e ! Fi estoppin- .ate ials ./st .eet and 4e accepta4le fo /se 4y all 4/ildin- codes and NFP) codes cited in this section!


E! F! G! '! I!

=! *!8


)! ;!

S/ /nde p o1isions of Section 0*500! Shop D a%in-s0 Fo each fi estoppin- syste.B p o1ide the follo%in-0 *! +istin- a-ency#s detailed d a%in- sho%in- openin-B penet atin- ite."s(B and fi estoppin- .ate ialsB identified %ith listin- a-ency#s na.e and n/.4e o desi-nation and fi e atin- achie1ed! ! 3! Fo p oposed syste.s that do not confo . st ictly to the listin-B s/ listina-ency#s d a%in- .a $ed to sho% .odifications and app o1ed 4y fi estop syste. .an/fact/ e ! P od/ct Ce tificates0 S/ ce tificates of confo .ance si-ned 4y fi estop syste. .an/fact/ e ce tifyin- that .ate ials f/ nished co.ply %ith eI/i e.ents! P od/ct Data0 F/ nish .an/fact/ e #s p od/ct data sheets on each .ate ial to 4e /sed in fi estop syste.s! Info .ation on .an/fact/ e #s p od/ct data sheet sho/ld incl/de0 *! P od/ct cha acte istics incl/din- co.pliance %ith app op iate )ST<?,+?)NSI test standa ds! 3! Sto a-e and handlin- eI/i e.ents and eco..endations! Installation Inst /ction0 F/ nish .an/fact/ e #s installation inst /ctions!

C! D!

E! *!9



Gene al0 )ll th o/-h6penet ation fi estop syste.s shall 4e installed %ith app o1ed


.ethods /sin- .ate ials that ha1e 4een tested and classified to p od/ce an app o1ed asse.4ly!


<an/fact/ e G/alifications0 )ll p i.a y p od/cts specified in this section %ill 4e s/pplied 4y a sin-le .an/fact/ e %ith a .ini./. of t%enty fi1e "38( yea s e@pe ience! Installe G/alifications0 Fi . ./st 4e I/alified 4y ha1in- e@pe ienceB staffB and 4e p ope ly t ained to install the specified p od/ctsB and .eets the follo%in- c ite ia0 *! Cont acto is a 5< <aste Cont acto ! 3! Cont acto is a Ce tified 5< T ained cont acto ! 5! Cont acto is accepta4le to .an/fact/ e ! 4! Cont acto is accepta4le to a/tho ity ha1in- 2/ isdiction! 8! Cont acto has co.pleted the .an/fact/ e #s ce tified p od/ct installation t ainin-! 9! Cont acto ./st p o1ide a list of co.pleted p o2ects as e1idence of e@pe ienceC incl/de p o2ect na.e and add essB o%ne #s na.e and add essB and a chitect#s na.e and phone n/.4e ! 7! Ce tificate0 Cont acto sho/ld p o1ide ce tificate of I/alification! Codes0 Ahe e .an/fact/ e #s application p oced/ es a e in conflict %ith those of the code a/tho ity ha1in- 2/ isdictionB the .o e st ict -/idelines %ill p e1ail! P e6installation <eetin-s0 <eetin-s to a- ee on fi estop eI/i e.entsB conditionsB .an/fact/ e #s inst /ctions!


D! E! *!7



Deli1e and sto e p od/cts /ntil eady fo installation in .an/fact/ e #s o i-inal /nopened pac$a-in-B le-i4ly .a $ed %ith .an/fact/ e #s na.e and p od/ct identificationB date of .an/fact/ eB lot n/.4e B shelf lifeB listin- a-ency#s classification .a $in-B c/ in- ti.eB and .i@in- inst /ctions if applica4le! Sto e and handle in s/ch a .anne as to p e1ent dete io ation o da.a-e d/e to .oist/ eB at/ e chan-esB conta.inantsB and othe ca/sesC follo% .an/fact/ e #s inst /ctions! Sto e and dispose of ha7a do/s .ate ialsB and .ate ials conta.inated 4y ha7a do/s .ate ialsB in acco dance %ith eI/i e.ents of local a/tho ities ha1in2/ isdiction!






Coo dinate const /ction and c/ttin- of openin-s so that each pa tic/la fi estop syste. .ay 4e installed in acco dance %ith its listin-B incl/din- si7in-B slee1esB and penet atin- ite.s! <aintain en1i on.ental conditions " at/ eB h/.idityB and 1entilation( %ithin li.its eco..ended 4y .an/fact/ e fo opti./. es/lts! Do not install fi estoppin/nde en1i on.ental conditions o/tside .an/fact/ e #s a4sol/te li.its! P o1ide 1entilation as eI/i ed 4y fi estoppin- .an/fact/ e B incl/din- .echanical 1entilation if eI/i ed!







)t p o2ect closeo/tB p o1ide to O%ne o O%ne s Rep esentati1e an e@ec/ted copy of the .an/fact/ e #s standa d li.ited %a anty a-ainst .an/fact/ in- defectB o/tlinin- its te .sB conditionsB and e@cl/sions f o. co1e a-e! PROD,CTS

P)RT 3 3!*



)ccepta4le <an/fact/ e 0 5< Fi e P otection P od/ctsB %hich is located at0 5< Cente ;ld-! 33563N63* C St! Pa/lB <N 88*446*000C Toll F ee Tel0 80065386*987C Fa@0 98*675760959C E.ail0 2e.anni@K...!co.C Ae40 %%%!5.!co.?fi estop ReI/ests fo s/4stit/tions %ill 4e conside ed in acco dance %ith p o1isions of Section 0*900! Sin-le So/ ce0 To .aintain cont ol and inte- ity of the fi estop applications a sin-le .an/fact/ e sho/ld 4e /sed! Specific ,+ o app o1ed listin- a-encies syste.s applica4le to each type of fi estop condition sho/ld 4e s/pplied 4y one .an/fact/ e !

;! C!




P o1ide installed fi estop p otects that the sp ead of fi eB heatB s.o$eB and -asses th o/-h othe %ise /np otected openin-s in ated asse.4liesB incl/din%allsB pa titionsB floo sB oof?ceilin-sB and si.ila locations! esto in- the inte- ity of the fi e ated const /ction to its o i-inal fi e atin-! P o1ide fi estop syste.s listed fo the specific co.4ination of fi e ated const /ctionB type of penet atin- ite.B ann/la space eI/i e.entsB and fi e atin-B and the follo%in- c ite ia0 *! F6Ratin-0 EI/al to o - eate than the fi e6 esistance atin- of the asse.4ly in %hich the fi estoppin- %ill 4e installed! 3! T6Ratin-0 In ha4ita4le a eas %he e penet atin- ite.s a e e@posed to potential contact %ith .ate ials on fi e side"s( of ated asse.4lyB T6 atin- ./st eI/al its F6 atin-! 5! +6Ratin-0 +6 atin- of * cf. pe linea foot "8!8 c/ .?h?.( .a@i./. at a.4ient at/ es! 4! Aall Penet ations0 Syste.s ./st 4e icalB %ith the sa.e atin- f o. 4oth sides of the %all! 8! Testin-0 Dete .ine atin-s in acco dance %ith )ST< E 8*4 o ,+ *47:! P o1ide fi estoppin- syste.s listed fo const /ction -aps pe the specific co.4ination of fi e6 ated const /ction typeB confi-/ ationB -ap di.ensionsB and fi e atin-B and the follo%in- c ite ia0 *! Fi e esistance atin- ./st 4e eI/al to o - eate than that of the asse.4ly in %hich it is to 4e installed! 3! <o1e.ent capa4ility ./st 4e app op iate to the potential .o1e.ent of the -apB de.onst ated 4y testin- in acco dance %ith )ST< E *5:: fo .ini./. of 800 cycles at *0 cycles pe .in/te! 5! +6Ratin-0 +6 atin- of * cf. pe linea foot "8!8 c/ .?h?.( .a@i./.! 4! Dete .ine atin-s in acco dance %ith ,+ 307:!







5< Fi e ;a ie Cast6in6Place De1ices0 Fi estoppin- de1ice fo /se p io to a conc ete po/ ! )d2/sta4le hei-ht %ith p/ll ta4sB st ai-ht ed-e desi-n fo close place.ent to %alls and ad2acent de1ices! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie ,lt a RC Pac$0 One piece .etal colla asse.4ly encasinint/.escent .ate ial fo fi estoppin- of pipes and ca4les th o/-h ated %alls and floo s! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in * o 3 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie ,lt a Plastic Pipe De1ice0 Int/.escent de1ice fo fi estoppin- of plastic pipe and ca4les th o/-h ated %alls and floo s! *! Confi-/ ation0 One6piece .etal colla B %ith loc$in- latch and 4enda4le ta4s to sec/ eC eI/ipped also fo con1entional ancho in-! 3! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! Specify eithe FS *:8L A ap St ip o 5< Inte a. ,lt a GS A ap St ip %hen specifyin- this p od/ct! See HGH o HRH 4elo%! 5< Fi e ;a ie RC6* Rest ictinColla 0 Fo fi estoppin- of plastic pipes f o. 4 inches "*03 ..( to *0 inches "384..( in dia.ete ! *! <ate ial0 38 -a/-e steel! 3! Si7e0 38 foot "7!9 .( oll! 5< Fi e ;a ie CP38A;L Sealant0 Int/.escent %ate 64ased late@ ca/l$! No6sa-B fast d yin-B painta4leB ed in colo ! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie IC *8A;L Sealant0 Int/.escent late@ 4ased sealant! No6sa-B fast d yin-B painta4le! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi eDa. *80L )c ylic +ate@ Sealant0 Sin-le pa tB %ate 4asedB ac ylic late@ sealant! No6sa-B lo%6sh in$a-eB lo% >OC! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie Aate ti-ht Silicone 5000 AT Sealant0 Aate 6ti-ht int/.escent silicone sealant fo fillin- 1oids in conc ete -yps/.B .etalB plasticB %ood and ins/lation! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie *000 NS Silicone Sealant0 Non6sl/.p fi estoppin- sealant fo floo and %all openin-s! *! 'a dness ")ST< C 99*(0 *000 NS0 30 6 38! 3! Se 1ice at/ e ")ST< C *3::(0 690 6 500 de- ees F "68* 6 *4: de- ees C(! 5! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!! 5< Fi e ;a ie *005 S+ Silicone Sealant0 Self6le1elin- fi estoppin- sealant fo floo openin-s! *! 'a dness ")ST< C 99*(0 *005 S+0 *0 6 *8!











3! 5! F!

Se 1ice at/ e ")ST< C *3::(0 690 6 500 de- ees F "68* 6 *4: de- ees C(! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!!

5< Fi e ;a ie <olda4le P/ttyL0 One6pa tB *00 pe cent solids int/.escent fi estop! Re.ains plia4leB fle@i4le and easily e6ente a4le! Non6to@ic synthetic fo ./la! *! Type0 Stic$ o Pad 3! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie 300* Silicone RT> Foa.0 T%o6pa tB liI/id6silicone elasto.e B foa.s in place %hen .i@ed! Fo /se sealin- la -e o co.ple@ openin-s s/ch as ca4le 4/ndlesB ca4le t ays and cond/it 4an$s! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie <o ta 0 Fo sealin- openin-s in conc ete and .ason y %alls and floo s! Self +e1elin-B non6sa-B lo% >OC! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie Self6+oc$in- Pillo%0 Self6containedB int/.escent fi estop pillo% %ith inte loc$in- st ips! <eets fi e atin- %itho/t the /se of %i e .esh! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie Pillo%0 Self6containedB int/.escent fi estop p od/ct! <eets fi e atin- %itho/t the /se of %i e .esh! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!! 5< Fi e ;a ie CS6*:8L Co.posite Sheet0 O -anic?ino -anic int/.escent elasto.e ic sheetB 4onded on one side to a laye of 38 -a/-e -al1ani7ed steel! Othe side einfo ced %ith steel6%i e .esh and co1e ed %ith al/.in/. foil! Re6 ente a4le! *! Thic$ness0 No.inal 0!5 inch "7!9 ..(! 3! The .al E@pansion0 8 6 *0 o i-inal si7e! 5! Tensile St en-th ")ST< D4*3(0 :5!9 psi "948 $Pa(?48: pe cent! 4! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!! 5< Inte a. ,lt a GS A ap St ip0 G aphite 4asedB fle@i4leB la -ely ino -anicB int/.escent .at! Fo /se fi estoppin- a o/nd non6.etallic pipin-!! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!! 5< Fi e ;a ie FS6*:8L A ap?St ip0 One6pa tB o -anic?ino -anic int/.escent st ip %ith foil on one side! <ay 4e c/t to fit i e-/la shapes! *! +en-th0 34 inch "9*0 ..(! 3! Aidth0 * o 3 inches! 5! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Fi e ;a ie Pass Th o/-h De1ices0 One6Piece de1ice fo fi estoppin- of ca4le penet ations th o/-h ated %alls and floo s! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!












5< Fi eDa. *80L )c ylic +ate@ Sealant0 Sin-le pa tB %ate 4asedB ac ylic late@


sealant! Endothe .icB no6sa-B lo%6sh in$a-eB lo% >OC! *! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!


5< Fi e ;a ie 3000 NS Silicone Sealant0 Non6sl/.p sealant fo %all 2oints! *! Se 1ice Fle@i4ility0 )cco..odate 1i4 ation f o. no .al 4/ildin- .o1e.ent! 3! Pipe Si7e Capa4ility0 <a@i./. pipe si7e of 34 inches "9*0 ..(! 5! Co.p ession?E@tension Reco1e y0 L?6 5* pe cent of o i-inal 2oint %idth! 4! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!!


*! 3! D!

5< Fi e ;a ie 3000L Silicone Sealant0 Elasto.e icB fi estoppin- sealant! Co.p ession?E@tension Reco1e y0 L?6 *8 pe cent of o i-inal 2oint %idth! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!

5< Fi eDa. Sp ay 3000 Aate 4asedB sp ay applied fi estoppin- fo /se at head6of6 %allB %all6to6%allB floo 6to6floo and pe i.ete 2oints! Painta4leB lo% >OC! *! Co.p ession?E@tension Reco1e y0 L?6 38 pe cent of 2oint %idth! 3! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3B 5 o 4 ho/ fi e ated syste.s!




5< Fi e ;a ie <olda4le P/ttyL0 One6pa tB *00 pe cent solids int/.escent fi estop! Re.ains plia4leB fle@i4le and easily e6ente a4le! Non6to@ic synthetic fo ./la! *! Type0 Pad! 3! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in *B 3 o 5 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! 5< Endothe .ic <at E68)640 Endothe .ic heat a4so 4in- .at! *! Type0 <at! 3! Fi e Resistance0 Fo /se in * o 3 ho/ fi e ated syste.s! EDEC,TION


P)RT 5 5!*


)! ;!

Do not 4e-in installation /ntil s/4st ates ha1e 4een p ope ly p epa ed! Cond/ct tests acco din- to .an/fact/ e #s % itten eco..endations to 1e ify that s/4st ates a e f ee of oilB - easeB ollin- co.po/ndsB inco.pati4le p i.e sB loose .ill scaleB di t and othe fo ei-n s/4stances capa4le of i.pai in- 4ond of fi estoppin-! >e ify that ite.s penet atin- fi e ated asse.4lies a e sec/ ely attachedB incl/dinslee1esB s/ppo tsB han-e sB and clips! >e ify that openin-s and ad2acent a eas a e not o4st /cted 4y const /ction that %o/ld inte fe e %ith installation of fi estoppin-B incl/din- d/ctsB pipin-B eI/ip.entB and othe s/spended const /ction! >e ify that en1i on.ental conditions a e safe and s/ita4le fo installation of fi estoppin-! If s/4st ate p epa ation is the esponsi4ility of anothe installe B notify ) chitect of /nsatisfacto y p epa ation 4efo e p oceedin-!

C! D!

E! F!




)! ;! 5!5

P epa e s/4st ates in acco dance %ith .an/fact/ e #s inst /ctions and eco..endations! Install .as$in- and te.po a y co1e in-s as eI/i ed to p e1ent conta.ination o deface.ent of ad2acent s/ faces d/e to fi estoppin- installation!


)! ;! C! D! E! F!

Install in st ict acco dance %ith .an/fact/ e #s detailed installation inst /ctions and p oced/ es! Install so that openin-s a e co.pletely filled and .ate ial is sec/ ely adhe ed! Ahe e fi estoppin- s/ face %ill 4e e@posed to 1ie%B finish to a s.oothB /nifo . s/ face fl/sh %ith ad2acent s/ faces! )fte installation is co.pleteB e.o1e co.4/sti4le fo .in- .ate ials and accesso ies that a e not pa t of the listed syste.! Repai o eplace defecti1e installations to co.ply %ith eI/i e.ents! )t each th o/-h penet ationB attach identification la4els on 4oth sides in location %he e la4el %ill 4e 1isi4le to anyone see$in- to e.o1e penet atin- ite.s o fi estoppin-! Clean fi estop .ate ials off s/ faces ad2acent to openin-s as %o $ p o- essesB /sin.ethods and cleanin- .ate ials app o1ed in % itin- 4y fi estop syste. .an/fact/ e and %hich %ill not da.a-e the s/ faces 4ein- cleaned! Notify a/tho ity ha1in- 2/ isdiction %hen fi estoppin- installation is eady fo inspectionC o4tain ad1ance app o1al of anticipated inspection dates and phasin-B if anyB eI/i ed to allo% s/4seI/ent const /ction to p oceed! Do not co1e fi estoppin- %ith othe const /ction /ntil app o1al of a/tho ity ha1in2/ isdiction has 4een ecei1ed!



I! 5!4



O%ne %ill en-a-e an independent testin- a-ency to inspect installed fi estoppinand to p epa e epo ts indicatin- %hethe the installed %o $ co.plies %ith the cont act doc/.ents! Notify testin- a-ency at least 7 days p io to date %hen fi estoppin- installation %ill 4e eady fo inspectionC o4tain ad1ance app o1al of -ene al sched/le and phasin-B if anyB eI/i ed to allo% s/4seI/ent const /ction to p oceed!




)! ;!

Re.o1e left o1e .ate ial and de4 is f o. Ao $ a ea! ,se necessa y .eans to p otect fil. 4efo eB d/ in-B and afte installation! To/ch6/pB epai o eplace da.a-ed p od/cts 4efo e S/4stantial Co.pletion!



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