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Book Trailer Storyboard

Title of video: The Giver Description of Project: Book Trailer to promote the book The Giver by Lois Lowry A dience: Intermediate Grades


!is al: Description

Title: Black background Font color white Title fades in The Giver by Lois Lowry Image of the book cover fades in $ersonal introduction video %edium shot of me in front of book shelf in media center


A dio: "arration#$ sic



1 min

Hi! Mrs. Vickers here introducing you to one of my all-time favorite childrens novels called The Giver. This book is the first in a quartet ritten by !ois !o ry. The story is set in an imaginary orld-a seemingly "erfect society that never e#"eriences any of the un"leasant realities of life. $n this orld the community is forced to live by strict rules in order to avoid all negative emotions. %hat do you think&could you feel ha""iness in a orld here choice and individuality are sacrificed in order to never e#"erience bad emotions' %atch the follo ing book trailer to learn more about this ama(ing book.


'e(lay Title: Black background Font color white Title fades in The Giver by Lois Lowry Image of the book cover fades in then all fades out to black

! sec %usic begins baddies and goodies from htt(:))www*freestockmusic*com)#+1&)cinematic,(roduction, music)free,cinematic,(roduction,music,baddies,and,goodies)

Black background Fade in image

& sec %usic continues baddies and goodies from htt(:))www*freestockmusic*com)#+1&)cinematic,(roduction, music)free,cinematic,(roduction,music,baddies,and,goodies) /arration: Imagine a world

Te.t in white font imagine a world

Black screen 0fade in1 2hite font: /o 2ar Fade in image


%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration where there is no war

Black screen 0fade in1 2hite font: /o $ain Fade in image


%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: no (ain

Black screen 0fade in1 2hite font: /o Fear Image fade in


%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: no fear

Black screen 0fade in1 2hite font: /o $overty Image fade in


%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: no (overty


Black screen 0fade in1 2hite font: 6 $erfect 2orld


%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: 6 (erfect world


! sec

%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: $n this "erfect orld there

are no choices

image fades in 1# 5 sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: )veryone has his or her "lace

in the orld assigned according to gifts and interests.

image fades in 1& 5 sec %usic continues baddies and goodies

image fades in

The time has come for *+ year old ,onas to become the ne receiver of memory.


1# sec

%usic continues baddies and goodies

,onas begins his training ith the giver "assing on the collective memories of a society that lives only in the "resent&
/arration: Images fade in one at a time until all & are showing 1! ! sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: here -sameness. is the rule

image fades in


! sec

%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration:

/s ,onas begins to e#"erience "ain&

image fades in 14 & sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: image fades in 15 & sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: love


image fades in 17 & sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: and fear

image fades in #+ image fades in #1 image fades in & sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: ! sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: the orld around him becomes


more colorful.


1! sec

%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: Gradually ,onas comes to

8ne image fades in at a time until all & are showing #& 1+ sec

understand& and resent the choices that had to be made to create his orld and the terrible secrets behind its "erfection
%usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: Together

he and the Giver concoct a "lan to change the ay his orld orks& but he cannot "redict ho that change ill come about&
6s first image fades out9 second one fades in #1+ sec %usic continues baddies and goodies

or hat that change ill mean for himself and the -ne child. Gabriel& hom he has resolved to "rotect.
/arration: image fades in #! Black screen9 white te.t 2ill his decision destroy them all: 5 sec %usic continues baddies and goodies /arration: #3 'e(lay Title: Black background Font color white The Giver by Lois Lowry ! sec %usic fades out

%ill his decision destroy them all'

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