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PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Established: 2010-09-24 This is a translation of the Swedish document

Koreografiprogrammet, 120 hp Master Programme in Choreography, 120 credits Konstnrlig masterexamen i koreografi, 120 hp Degree of Master of Fine Arts in Choreography, 120 credits

The programme syllabus is established by the Board of Artistic Development, Research and Education on 24 September 2010 and step into force from the admission to 2012. The education follows the general aims for higher education according to the Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434 1 chapter 8. rev. 2001:1263) (Law 2006:173), and the aims for the Degree of Master of Fine Art in the Degree Ordinance, appendix 2 to the Higher Education Ordinance.

The Structure of the Programme

The programme consists of all in all two years' full-time studies of second-cycle studies. The courses that are included in the programme are listed below. Semester 1: Aesthetic Theories (K), 10 credits Applied Movement Practices #1 (K), 10 credits Choreographic Composition #1 (K), 10 credits Semester 2: Applied Movement Practices #2 (K) Choreographic Composition #2 (K), 10 credits Choreography: Post Production, Media and Mediation (K), 10 credits Semester 3: Choreography, Relational Practices (K), 5 credits Scientific Theory and Research Method within Art and Science (K), 15 credits Degree Project/Individual project (K), 30 credits (10 credits the spring) Semester 4: Degree Project/Individual project (K), 30 credits (continuation of work, 20 credits the autumn) Organization, Production, Distribution (K), 10 credits

Visiting address Brinellvgen 58, Stockholm, Sweden

Postal address P.O. Box 27043 10251 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone +46 8 562 274 00 Fax +46 8 562 274 10

PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Established: 2010-09-24 This is a translation of the Swedish document

Expected Learning Outcomes

In order to fulfill the requirements for a Degree of Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) the following objectives need to be obtained. Knowledge and Understanding For Master of Fine Arts (120 credits), the student shall - demonstrate knowledge and understanding in the main field of study, including both broad knowledge of the field and a considerable degree of specialized knowledge in areas of the field as well as specialized insight into current research and development work, - demonstrate familiarity with methods and processes for dealing with complex phenomena, issues and situations in the field. Competence and Skills For Master of Fine Arts (120 credits), the student shall - demonstrate the ability to formulate new issues autonomously and creatively and contribute to the formation of knowledge, solve more advanced problems, develop new forms of personal expression as well as to reflect critically on his or her artistic approach and that of others in the main field of study demonstrate the ability to create and execute his or her own ideas with his or her own personal expression, to identify, formulate and solve artistic and creative problems autonomously and also to plan and undertake advanced artistic tasks using appropriate methods within predetermined time frames demonstrate the ability both nationally and internationally to present and discuss his or her works and artistic issues in speech, writing or in other ways and in dialogue with different audiences, and demonstrate the competence and knowledge required to work autonomously in a professional capacity.

Judgement and approach For Master of Fine Arts (120 credits), the student should - demonstrate the ability to make assessments in the main field of study choreography informed by relevant artistic, social and ethical issues demonstrate insight into the role of art in society, and demonstrate the ability to identify the need for further knowledge and take responsibility for his or her ongoing learning.

Visiting address Brinellvgen 58, Stockholm, Sweden

Postal address P.O. Box 27043 10251 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone +46 8 562 274 00 Fax +46 8 562 274 10

PROGRAMME SYLLABUS Established: 2010-09-24 This is a translation of the Swedish document

Independent Project (Degree Project) A requirement for the award of a Master of Master of Fine Arts (120 credits) is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 30 credits in the main field of study choreography. The degree project may comprise less than 30 credits, however no less than 15 credits, if the student has already completed an independent project in the second cycle for at least 15 credits in the main field of study or the equivalent from a programme of study outside Sweden.

If nothing else is stated in the course plan, every completed course will be graded. If nothing else is stated in the course plan, every completed course will be graded. A student may be reexamined within three weeks after completing a course by agreement with the teacher responsible for the course. Further reexamination may be initiated by the student.

Entry requirements
General entry requirements for programme studies for second-cycle studies (Bachelor's degree or equivalent). Specific entry requirements: - At least 15 credits choreographic composition within the Bachelor's degree. - Professional experience of choreographic activities - Knowledge in English: English A or equivalent. (For description of equivalences in results of TOEFL or IELTS, see further Selection to the programme takes place through selection tests among qualified applicants. The selection test consists of several parts and takes place in three stages in front of a jury. Information about the selection test is to be found at

Rules for continued studies

To start studies in the second year of the programme, the student must have at least 45 credits from the first year. In addition to the above above mentioned general entry requirements specific entry requirements can apply to admission to a course. These are stated in the course syllabus.

Visiting address Brinellvgen 58, Stockholm, Sweden

Postal address P.O. Box 27043 10251 Stockholm, Sweden

Phone +46 8 562 274 00 Fax +46 8 562 274 10

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