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. Observe the concepts you have learned in class in a setting outside the classroom. 2. Demonstrate thorough understanding of communication concepts and be able to apply them to everyday behavior. 3. Raise personal awareness of the material in your surroundings. PROMPT: Observe a public area such as the Titan Student Union, Student Recreation Center, the mall, a park, coffee shop, or other places where people gather. You must stay in the same area for one hour and watch how people interact. Take detailed notes on the differences in behavior between men and women (unless they act the same). For example, do men and women sit in chairs the same way? How about eye contact? What differences do you see in the way they communicate verbally and nonverbally? Requirements: After your observations, type a 2 to 3 page thoughtful analysis about what you experienced. Papers must be 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and with 1-inch margins (do not use the default Word margins; you have to set the 1-inch margins manually). Papers must have your name, course time, the date, and my name. You must connect at least three concepts from our lectures or textbook to what you observed. Make sure that you apply communication concepts (such as mindlessness, undue influence, selfdisclosure, proxemics, etc.) and not branches of communication (such as verbal, nonverbal, intercultural communication, etc.). You need to define AND provide correct in-text citations. If the citations are missing you have committed plagiarism. Include the detailed notes you took during your observation with your analysis. These original handwritten notes must be included in the draft submission. You paper must include in-text citations in proper APA format and the full reference for your textbook. Include page numbers. Provide a cover page. I expect 2 to 3 pages of full text. Finally, your paper MUST be stapled prior to coming into the classroom. Do not ask your classmates (or me) frantically to borrow a stapler once class has started. If your paper is not stapled, I will NOT accept it. ***If any of this stuff is missing, I will not grade your paper*** The first draft must be submitted by Monday, February 24th, 2014, at the beginning of class. The final paper is due Monday, March 17th, 2014, at the beginning of class. I will not accept

papers through e-mail. You must submit a hard copy to me. You may not turn it in later that day or during my office hours. Oversleeping, forgetting your paper at home, running out of ink on your printer, etc. are not acceptable excuses for not turning in your paper on time. If you do not submit your first draft by the deadline, I will NOT give you feedback. This assignment is worth 20 points. If you choose to not turn in a first draft you will automatically lose 5 points from the total assignment grade. Late final drafts will receive a 15% reduction (or a 1! letter grade) per 24-hour period including weekends. Papers must be carefully edited for grammatical errors. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to reading these.! General Guidelines/Answers to your Questions: Yes, grammar structure and spelling counts! If you need help with writing, there is a writing center available on campus willing to assist you. Yes, you will be graded on the flow of your paper and use of transitions. No, a paper longer than the allocated length requirement does not adhere to length requirements. No, you may not turn in your paper via email. Yes, I will help you. However, I will only help you during office hours or by appointment. Yes, you can email me questions about your paper. No, you may not email me your entire paper for review. No, you may not email me at 2:00 am before the paper is due and ask for help. Your email will be ignored.

Grading Rubric Maximum Point Value Introduction paragraph and background of the area of observation Explicit observations identified in detail Correct application and examples of the concepts, definitions, citations Conclusion paragraph, summary, and final remarks Organization (Flows well, proper use of transitions, clearly identifiable connections) Grammar and spelling (proper verb tense throughout paper, no runon/awkward sentences, etc.) Correct formatting (Full APA format, length requirements, etc.) Total 1 4 8 Your Score

2 20

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