Ash Handling

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ASH HANDLING SYSTEM Indian coal contains >30% of ash.

The hourly consumption of coal of a 200 MW unit is about 110 tons. With this, the hourly production of ash ill be 33 tons. !sh hich as a ma"or en#ironmental concern is fast becomin$ a useful resource, promotin$ technolo$ical ad#ancements in ash collection and stora$e systems ith in built facilities for bul% utili&ation applications as ell as meetin$ stricter en#ironmental norms.

Method of 'ollection 'on#eyin$ (neumatic Mechanical Interim stora$e )isposal of #arious types of ash residue *ottom ash 'rushed in clin%er $rinder *ed ash +ly ash )ust 'ollectors ,*a$house./( !sh 'lin%ers T o types of !0( )ry ash system +rom ./( hopper, etc to silos !sh slurry system !sh from furnace bottom Water impoundment at bottom /caper 1 'hain 'on#eyor 'lin%er 2rinder produces ash slurry /ystem 'omponents 1.!ir Inta%e 2. +ully .nclosed, 3uic% !ctin$, / in$ )isc #al#e 3. (ipe +ittin$s ith 4eplaceable, 4e#ersible, Interchan$eable Wearbac%s ,550 *067. (addle Type !sh 'onditionin$ 8nit 5.!brasion 4esistant centrifu$ally 'ast 'on#eyor (ipe 9. /ilo :ent +ilter

;.'entrifu$al 4ecei#er</eparator =. (ulse >et *a$ Type )ust 'ollector ?.'ontinuous !sh 'ollectin$ )ouble )ump 2ates 10. /ilo 4elief :al#e 11. !sh /tora$e /ilo 12. !ir (ipe 13. +u$iti#e )ust +ilter 17. Telescopic )ry 8nloader 15. :acuum *rea%er 19. 2uard +ilter 1;. Mechanical .@hausters Pressure Pneumatic Ash Handling Systems +or lon$ distance con#eyance 8pstream mechanical blo er 4otarty airloc% feeders or double dump $ate airloc% #al#es !brasion resistant silo mounted tar$et bo@ !d#anta$es of /ilo /ystem i- 'ommercial utilisation of ash in A B 'ement additi#es. B *ric% plants. B 4oad ma%in$, etc. ii- /a#in$ of ater B a precious commodity. iii- .ner$y .fficient i#- 0i$h reliability #- Con$ (lant Cife #i- Ceast maintenance #ii- .n#ironment concernA When en#ironmental protection and a areness is a ma"or industrial and social concern, )ense (hase pneumatic con#eyin$, by totally enclosed handlin$ system, is particularly preferable B !ll con#entional problems of spilla$e, dust, contamination and stora$e are efficiently and successfully eradicated. B (lant house%eepin$ is $reatly impro#ed.

'ase /tudy B )adri

/T!TID6 '!(!'ITE A =70 MW 'D!C 'D6/8M(TID6 A 3.99 Million T < Eear !/0 2.6.4!TID6 A 1.5 Million T < Eear !/0 )I/(D/!C A )ry !sh /ystem )4E !/0 /E/T.M A :ac. .@traction 1 (r. Transportation W!T.4 4.3MT. +D4 !/0 'D6)ITID6I62 A 20 % by Wei$ht !/0 MD86) !4.! A 3;5 acre

DRY ASH HANDLING SYSTEM AND ITS ADVANTAGES ! LESS RE"#IREMENT $% LAND &! LESS 'ATER RE"#IREMENT (! ELIMINATES #NDERGR$#ND 'ATER AND S#RR$#NDING 'ATER 'AYS P$LL#TI$N )! %A*ILITATE LARGE S*ALE #TILI+ATI$N $% ASH ,! PR$GRESSIVE REST$RATI$N $% ASH DISP$SAL SITE AS #SE%#L LAND SALIENT %EAT#RES $% INSTALLED SYSTEM .@traction 1 transportation of fly ash in complete dry form. /ystem ha#in$ pro#ision to store selected $rade of ash in separate /ilo ,/iloF3-. 'omplete reFcirculation of ater for *ottom !sh 0andlin$ /ystem. 8nloadin$ 1 Transportation of conditioned ash from /iloGs 1 decanted bottom ash from 0ydrobins on to belt con#eyorGs. 'onstruction of !sh Mound in a systematic manner. T./ ty0es /1 AHS Dry Ash System 2 %r/m ESP3APH h/00ers t/ Sil/s thr/ugh Dry Ash Handling System & 4/tt/m Ash H/00ers3Ec/n/mi5er H/00ers t/ Hydr/6ins thr/ugh 'et Ash Handling System 7 %inally sent t/ Ash M/und THE ASH M$#NDDut of 500 acres of land for the dry ash disposal system, ash mound ill spread o#er an area of 3;5 acres hich ill $o up to a hei$ht of 55 meters ith top most flat area of 170 acres. The ma@imum side slope

of ash mound ill be 1A7 it ill hold 53 million cubic meters of ash. !sh mound system is desi$ned for 25 years ash output of four 210 MW units 1 one 500 MW unit. The mound desi$n co#ers stability, erosion and en#ironmental considerations of noise dust and aterborne pollution.

!CT.46!TI:./ *DTTDM !/0 /E/T.M +CE !/0 /E/T.M /C844E )I/(D/!C !6) !/0 W!T.4 4.'D:.4E /E/T.M *DTTDM !/0 0!6)CI62 /E/T.M /crapper 'hain and *elt 'on#eyor +CE !/0 0!6)CI62 /E/T.M )ense (hase (ressure type !/0 )I/(D/!C /E/T.M Cean /lurry )isposal /ystem Typ *ottom !sh /ystem *ottom !sh 0opper Typ 7hr stora$e capacity /crapper 'on#eyor 'lin%er 2rinder /in$le<)ouble roll 'rush H25mm 4olls in 'ast 'hrome :anadiumFMolybdenum Wear resistant steel *elt 'on#eyor Trou$hin$ an$le typ 35de$ /peed 1m<sec *ottom !sh /ilo ,12hr capacity:ibratin$ +eeder consists of #ibratin$ frame, sprin$, #ibrator, motor #ibratin$ de#ice and motor

Truc% Typ +ly !sh /ystem !(0<.'D<./( 0opper Intermediate /ur$e 0opper :ent +ilter to dischar$e clean air Transmitter :essel (ressure created +luidisation ith air blo er +ly !sh /ilo ,I17 hr capacity/pout<!sh 'onditioner !sh feed rate from the ash stora$e silo is precisely controlled Water spray feed rate is ad"usted by control #al#es. 'on#eyin$ action pro#ided by the rotatin$ paddles pro#ides continuous flo of uniformly mi@ed ash ith no e@cess ater or dustin$. 'losed<Dpen Truc% Telescope into inlet of container truc%s thus reducin$ dust nuisance +itted ith le#el probe /lurry )isposal 1 !sh Water 4eco#ery /ilo /lurry (ump /ettlin$ (ond /tillin$ (ond 0)(. Cinin$ ;0% ater reco#ery /lurry settles (artial clear ater to stillin$ pond /tillin$ (ond 4emainin$ ash settles :ertical Turbine (ump 'lariflocculator /uspended particle limited to 20 ppm 'lear ater to !sh Water Tan% !sh Water Tan%

Ash Handling System

What is Ash?

Ash is the residue remaining after the coal is incinerated

!om"osition of ash handling s#stem?

Si$%& Al%$'& (e%$'& !a$ & Mg$

Wh# Ash Handling S#stem is re)uired?

In Thermal *o+er *lant,s coal is generall# used as fuel and hence the ash is "roduced as the -#"roduct of !om-ustion Ash generated in "o+er "lant is a-out './0.1 of total coal consum"tion and hence the s#stem is re)uired to handle Ash for its "ro"er utili2ation or dis"osal

Ash terminolog# in "o+er "lants?

(l# Ash 3 Around 4.1 is the 5alue of fl# ash generated6 7ottom ash 37ottom ash is %.1 of the ash generated in coal -ased "o+er stations

What is fl# ash?

Ash generated in the ES* +hich got carried out +ith the flue gas is generall# called (l# ash It also consists of Air "re heater ash 8 Economiser ash 3it is a-out % 1 of the total ash content6

What is -ottom ash?

Ash generated -elo+ furnace of the steam generator is called the -ottom ash

9olume of ash and "ro"erties

System Description The ash handling s#stem handles the ash -# -ottom ash handling s#stem& coarse ash handling s#stem& fl# ash handling s#stem& ash dis"osal s#stem u" to the ash dis"osal area and +ater reco5er# s#stem from ash "ond and 7ottom ash o5erflo+ Descri"tion is as follo+s:


Bottom Ash Handling System

7ottom ash resulting from the com-ustion of coal in the -oiler shall fall into the o5er ground& refractor# lined& +ater im"ounded& maintained le5el& dou-le 9/Section t#"e< W t#"e steel/ fa-ricated -ottom ash ho""er ha5ing a hold u" 5olume to store -ottom ash and economi2er ash of ma=imum allo+a-le condition +ith the rate s"ecified The slurr# formed shall -e trans"orted to slurr# sum" through "i"es ; B. Coarse Ash (Economizer Ash) handling System

Ash generated in Economi2er ho""ers shall -e e5acuated continuousl# through flushing -o=es !ontinuous generated Economi2er slurr# shall -e fed -# gra5it# into res"ecti5e -ottom ash ho""er "i"es +ith necessar# slo"e ; C. Air Pre Heater ash handling system

Ash generated from A*H ho""ers shall -e e5acuated once in a shift -# 5acuum con5e#ing s#stem connected +ith the ES* ho""er 5acuum con5e#ing s#stem


Fly Ash Handling System

(l# ash is considered to -e collected in ES* Ho""ers (l# ash from ES* ho""ers e=tracted -# 9acuum *um"s u" to Intermediate Surge Ho""er cum 7ag (ilter for further Dr# !on5e#ing to fl# ash silo >nder each surge ho""er ash 5essels shall -e connected +ith $il free scre+ com"ressor for con5e#ing the fl# ash from Intermediate Surge Ho""er to silo Total fl# ash generated from each unit +ill -e con5e#ed through streams o"erating simultaneousl# and in "arallel ; E. Ash Slurry Disposal System

7ottom Ash slurr#& (l# ash slurr# and the !oarse Ash slurr# shall -e "um"ed from the common ash slurr# sum" u" to the d#?e area +hich is located at a distance from Slurr# "um" house

/tats 0ourly consumption of ash is 33 tons. The most common types of ash include bottom ash ,30F70% in +*'- and fly ash ,90F;0% in +*'- resultin$ from the combustion Cess than 1% of ash produced 95% of fly ash produced is disposed of in landfills and ash ponds !rea under ash in IndiaA 190 %m2 +ly !sh reuseA *ric%s, (ortland cement, .mban%ments and structural fill,/tabili&ation of soft soils, etc.

!/0 0!6)CI62 Method of collection, con#eyin$, interim stora$e and load out of #arious types of ash residue !sh handlin$ can be of t o types

)ry Wet +ly ash handlin$ can either be dry or et *ottom ash handlin$ is $enerally et until recently because of its hi$her particle si&e ,around 25 mm +ly ash can either be fine or course +ine fly ash has particle si&e form 50 B 200 micron hereas coarse fly ash has particle si&e $reater than 200 micron . W!T.4 IM(D86).) 0D((.4 Dld process 0u$e ater consumption 4ecei#es, Juenches, stores crushes and remo#e bottom ash !sh is dischar$ed once in 9 to = hours 'lin%er $rinder is situated belo it

*DTTDM !/0 0!6)CI62F//' //' is placed beneath the furnace /lurry is ta%en up to a deF aterin$ slope before dischar$in$ Water ser#es as coolin$ medium Water also acts as airloc% for ash hoppers to a#oid air to enter the furnace 4educed ater usa$e 4educed po er consumption 4educed operational and maintenance cost )ry bottom ash handlin$ Water is not used Increased boiler efficiency 4educed impurities in stac% Co maintenance cost and no

ater reJuired

!):!6T!2./ D+ )4E 0!6)CI62 D:.4 //' )ilute (hase *oth #acuum 1 pressure pneumatic systems 0i$h #elocity lo ash F to F air ratio

)ense phase (neumatic pressure system con#eyin$ dense ash Co #elocity 0i$h ash concentration Cess ener$y due to its smaller amount of con#eyin$ air 2.6.4!C )./I26 !/(.'T/ *oiler desi$n and confi$uration )isposal conditions Water a#ailability Type of coal )esi$n capacity

!sh )isposal S!I ! N$ 1. E Cean /lurry )isposal /ystem,C/)/ALTERNATIV S MERIT S /ilo Car$e area Juantity layout of ater is reJuired simple 'i#il cost 'heape is hi$h r 4eJuires Cess ater more space consum near silo ption Cess disposa l area is reJuire d DEMERIT

2. 0i$h 'oncentration /lurry )isposal /ystem,0'/)/

!d#anta$es !sh spreads in layers enablin$ #ertical fillin$, hence land reJuirement is reduced. (umpin$ at hi$her concentration, hence lo ater consumption. /lurry flo rate is drastically reduced.

Citerally no ater releases out, hence no ater retainin$ dams or reco#ery system is reJuired. 4educed leaches at the ash disposal area. Co er operatin$ po er consumption. Co er #elocity, hence lon$er life for pipe line. !):!6T!2./ D+ /ICD /E/T.M 'ommercial utili&ation of ash in A B 'ement additi#es. B *ric% plants. B 4oad ma%in$, etc. /a#in$ of ater B a precious commodity. 0i$h reliability Ceast maintenance .n#ironment concernA B In a period, hen en#ironmental protection and a areness is a ma"or industrial and social concern, )ense (hase pneumatic con#eyin$, by totally enclosed handlin$ system, is particularly amenable to the en#ironment. B !ll con#entional problems of spilla$e, dust, contamination and stora$e are efficiently and successfully eradicated. ASH GATE 8 H$#SING The !sh 2ate and 0ousin$ installed belo stora$e hopper.

the bottom ash

It controls the dischar$e from the stora$e hoppers. The $ate operation is controlled hydraulically, pro#idin$ a smooth operation hen openin$ and ti$ht seatin$ hen closed.

*LIN9ER GRINDER 'oarse bottom ash or other coarsely si&ed material 4educe si&e for pneumatic con#eyance or other means of ash handlin$ *Y*L$NES 'entrifu$al ash recei#er Top of a silo or stora$e hopper

The $ases after reachin$ the end of the conical portion chan$es its direction and mo#es up ards to ards the outlet formin$ an inner #erte@. 'ontrol hi$h concentration. P#LSE :ET D#ST *$LLE*T$RS 4ecei#es the o#erflo airstream from the ash recei#er 'ollects ash particulates on the surface of multiple fiber ba$s 'lean ,filtered- air o#erflo s the top of the dust collector, passin$ to the atmosphere or other processin$. ASH *$NDITI$NERS The ash conditioner is a totally enclosed, paddle type mi@er desi$ned to condition fly ash, bottom ash, and other abrasi#e or dusty materials. The unit ,coupled ith a rotary feeder- features the ability to accurately control both the material feed rate and the ater supply flo rate, as ell as ensure a complete and controlled mi@in$ prior to dischar$e

SL#RRY P#MPS The slurry solution is pumped usin$ it to land fill or transported to a slurry to la$oon for stora$e<disposal. !$itator pumps deli#er %inetic ener$y ,ener$y of motion- to slurry solids surroundin$ the pump inta%e, reFsuspendin$ them into a fluid state. The slurry may be subseJuently used for a number of applications such as in the buildin$ industry, for 'ement and *loc% production

High Pressure Ash :et Pum0s 0i$h pressure ash "et pumps are used to remo#e the clin%er formed on the all of furnace by supplyin$ ater "et. >et pumps or%s on a #enturi principle. 0i$h pressure deli#ered throu$h the no&&le creates #acuum. ater

ASH #NL$ADERS Telescopic 8nloadin$ 'hute ! %nife $ate is fitted to the ash silo bottom Telescopin$ interloc%in$ cones hich are encapsulated by a fabric<elastomeric dust annulus Induced air flo $enerated by a suction fan *a$ type pulse "et dust collector PIPELINE PR$D#*TS Terminal 4/; - 8sed as a lo profile con#eyin$ pipeline termination to di#ert the material flo tan$entially into the top of a silo < hopper. /tandard si&e ran$e to accommodate 50mm to 700mm diameter pipelines. Dum0 Val<es A 8sed as a silo < hopper feedin$ #al#e ithin the con#eyin$ pipeline. Cocated on the silo < hopper roof it di#erts the material flo into the top of a stora$e hopper < silo or in itKs byFpass position allo s the material flo to pass throu$h to a second stora$e hopper < silo. The slee#e desi$n of :al#es auto cleans ith e#ery cycle of operation on the $ate or #al#e port because the slee#e ill fle@ to allo $rits and solids to pass throu$h Val<es and 4ends S.itch Val<e To connect pipelines to$ether either in con#er$in$ or di#er$in$ confi$urations. The most commonly used for the (o er Industry is the D/me S.itch Val<e 4ends /i&e ran$e 50mm to 700mm diameter pipelines *ast Ni2hard= Grade &,> ir/n or basaltFlined mild steel bends are used. +or #ery abrasi#e slurries alumina ceramic2lined mild steel bends are used

PIPES Pi0e A /tandard /i&e ran$e 50mm to 700mm diameter pipelines.

*/n<eying Pi0eline - Seamed mild steel 0i0e ./r? ,*/13=;L */3901L )I62771<=L !6/I =39.1 standard pipe or eJui#alent- to construct the strai$ht pipe sections . +or lon$ strai$ht sections the pipeline is usually constructed by .elded @/ints usin$ 9F12 meter random pipe len$ths dependin$ on a#ailability. Wet +! 0andlin$ /ystem +! is collected from !ir heater hopper, .co hopper and ./( hopper. In +lushin$ apparatus system ash is allo ed to fall in flushin$ apparatus under $ra#itation. Water "et in flushin$ apparatus carries a ay the ash to +! trench 0i$h pressure "ets further carries it to +! sump. /eries pumpin$ carries the ash slurry to +! pond. (neumatic 'on#eyin$ Technolo$y (neumatic con#eyin$ systems are eminently suitable for transport of po dered and $ranular materials in factory, site and plant situations. M/des /1 c/n<eyinga- )ilute phaseA If the material is con#eyed in suspension in the air throu$h the pipeline it is referred to as dilute phase con#eyin$. b- )ense phaseA If the material is con#eyed at lo #elocity in a non suspension mode, throu$h all or part of the pipeline, it is referred to as dense phase con#eyin$ In dense phase con#eyin$ t o modes of flo are reco$ni&ed. M/<ing 4ed %l/.- Mo#in$ bed flo is only possible in a con#entional con#eyin$ system if the material to be con#eyed has $ood air retention characteristics. Plug Ty0e %l/.- (lu$ type flo is only in a con#entional con#eyin$ system if the material has $ood permeability. This type of flo is typically limited to the materials that are essentially monoFsi&ed, since these allo the air to pass readily throu$h the interstices bet een the particles. )ry +! 0andlin$ /ystem :acuum pumps are use to con#ey ash from the ./( hoppers to *a$ +ilter and 'TT In *a$ +ilter )ry ash is separated out from the air Throu$h Transfer 0opper ash is transferred to *uffer 0opper.

*lo er are connected to the bottom of buffer hopper for fluidi&ed air supply +rom buffer hopper, it is transferred to Transporter. +rom Transporter, )ry ash is con#eyed throu$h (ipe lines ,(neumatic 'on#eyin$-. +or pass ! 1 * the line is !* similarly for pass ' 1 ) the line is ').

ECH!"#"$% & Flyash Disposal and 'tilization& he (ndian Scenario hermal *o+er stations using "ul5eri2ed coal or lignite as fuel generate large )uantities of ash as a -#/"roduct There are a-out 4% "o+er "lants in India& +hich form the ma@or source of fl#ash in the countr# With the commissioning of su"er thermal "o+er "lants and +ith the increasing use of lo+ grade coal of high ash content& the current "roduction of ash is a-out 4A million tonnes "er #ear This figure is li?el# to go u"to ;.. million tonnes "er #ear -# the #ear %... AD and "ose serious ecological "ro-lems A""reciating the o5erall concern for the en5ironment and the need for the safe dis"osal and effecti5e utilisation of fl#ash& De"artment of Science 8 Technolog# 3DST6 as the nodal agenc# and Technolog# Information and Assessment !ouncil 3TI(A!6 as the im"lementing agenc# commissioned a (l#ash Mission in ;BB0 Flyash Mission: a Technology Project in Mission Mode 3T*MM6 is -eing im"lemented +ith "artici"ation of Ministr# of En5ironment 8 (orest& Ministr# of *o+er& Thermal *o+er Stations& C8D institutions and Industr# The focus is on demonstration of coal ash related technologies for de5elo"ing confidence and thus ensuring large scale ado"tion A num-er of "ro@ects ta?en u" -# the industr#& C8D institutions and academia ha5e sho+n encouraging results Some of these "ro@ects ha5e -een com"leted& multi"lier effects ha5e started and other "ro@ects are heading to+ards meaningful com"letion A @udicious mi= of select thrust areas ha5e -een ta?en u" for concerted efforts These include (l#ash !haracterisation& H#draulic Structures& Handling and Trans"ortation& Agriculture related studies and A""lication& Ash *onds and Dams& Ceclamation of Ash *onds for Human Settlement& Coads and Em-an?ments& >nderground Mine (ills and related research "ro@ects Although the sco"e for use of ash in concrete& -ric? ma?ing& soil/sta-ili2ation treatment and other a""lications has -een +ell recogni2ed& onl# a small )uantit# of the total ash "roduced in India is currentl# utili2ed in such a""lications Most of the ash generated from the "o+er "lants is dis"osed off in the 5icinit# of the "lant as a +aste material co5ering se5eral hectares of 5alua-le land The -ul? utili2ation of ash is "ossi-le in t+o areas& namel#& ash d#?e construction and filling of lo+/l#ing areas !oal ash has -een successfull# used as structural fills in man# de5elo"ed countries Ho+e5er& this "articular -ul? utili2ation of ash is #et to -e im"lemented in India Since most of the thermal "o+er

"lants in India are located in areas +here natural materials are either scarce or e="ensi5e& the a5aila-ilit# of fl#ash is -ound to "ro5ide an economic alternati5e to natural soils Flyash Characterization and esting The "ro"erties of ash are a function of se5eral 5aria-les such as coal source& degree of "ul5eri2ation& design of -oiler unit& loading and firing conditions& handling and storage methods Thus& it is not sur"rising that a higher degree of 5ariation can occur in ash& not onl# -et+een "o+er "lants -ut +ithin a single "o+er "lant also A change in an# of the a-o5e factors can result in detecta-le changes in the "ro"erties of the ash "roduced The degree to +hich an# change affects the utili2ation "otential of ash is a function of the nature and degree of the change and the "articular a""lication for +hich the ash might -e used The "h#sical& geotechnical and chemical "arameters to characteri2e fl#ash are the same as those for natural soils& e g & s"ecific gra5it#& grain si2e& Atter-erg limits& com"action characteristics& "ermea-ilit# coefficient& shear strength "arameters and consolidation "arameters The "rocedures for determination of these "arameters are also similar to those for soils Flyash Disposal in Ash Ponds *rimaril#& the fl#ash is dis"osed off using either dr# or +et dis"osal scheme In dr# dis"osal& the fl#ash is trans"orted -# truc?& chute or con5e#or at the site and dis"osed off -# constructing a dr# em-an?ment 3d#?e6 In +et dis"osal& the fl#ash is trans"orted as slurr# through "i"e and dis"osed off in im"oundment called Dash "ondD Most of the "o+er "lants in India use +et dis"osal s#stem& and +hen the lagoons are full& four -asic o"tions are a5aila-le: 3a6 constructing ne+ lagoons using con5entional constructional material& 3-6 hauling of fl#ash from the e=isting lagoons to another dis"osal site& 3c6 raising the e=isting d#?e using con5entional constructional material& and 3d6 raising the d#?e using fl#ash e=ca5ated from the lagoon 3Dash d#?eD6 The o"tion of raising the e=isting d#?e is 5er# cost effecti5e -ecause an# fl# ash used for constructing d#?e +ould& in addition to sa5ing the earth filling cost& enhance dis"osal ca"acit# of the lagoon The constructional methods for an ash d#?e can -e grou"ed into three -road categories: 3a6 >"stream method& 3-6 Do+nstream method and 3c6 !enterline method (ig ; sho+s t#"ical configurations of em-an?ments constructed using the different methods The construction "rocedure of an ash d#?e includes surface treatment of lagoon ash& s"reading and com"action& -enching and soil co5er

'pstream )ethod

Do*nstream )ethod

Centreline )ethod Fig. + ypical ash dy,e raising con-igurations An im"ortant as"ect of design of ash d#?es is the internal drainage s#stem The see"age discharge from internal surfaces must -e controlled +ith filters that "ermit +ater to esca"e freel# and also to hold "articles in "lace and the "ie2ometric surface on the do+nstream of the d#?e The internal drainage s#stem consists of construction of roc? toe& . Am thic? sand -lan?et and sand chimne# After com"letion of the final section including earth co5er the turfing is de5elo"ed from sod on the do+nstream slo"e Flyash as Fill )aterial Large scale use of ash as a fill material can -e a""lied +here 3a6 fl#ash re"laces another material and is therefore in direct com"etition +ith that material& 3-6 fl#ash itself is used -# the "o+er generating com"an# "roducing the fl#ash to im"ro5e the economics of the o5erall dis"osal of sur"lus fl#ashE and 3c6 at some additional cost& fl#ash dis"osal is com-ined +ith the reha-ilitation and reclamation of land areas desecrated -# other o"erations (ills can -e constructed as structural fills +here the fl#ash is "laced in thin lifts and com"acted Structural fl#ash fills are relati5el# incom"ressi-le and are suita-le for the su""ort of -uildings and other structures Non/structural fl#ash fill can -e used for the de5elo"ment of "ar?s& "ar?ing lots& "la#grounds and other similar lightl# loaded facilities $ne of the most significant characteristics of fl#ash in its use as a fill material is its strength Well/com"acted fl#ash has strength com"ara-le to or greater than soils normall# used in earth fill o"erations In addition& lignite fl#ash "ossesses self/hardening "ro"erties +hich can result in the de5elo"ment of shear strengths The addition of illite or cement can induce hardening in -ituminous fl#ash +hich ma# not self/harden alone

Significant increases in shear strength can -e reali2ed in relati5el# short "eriods of time and it can -e 5er# useful in the design of em-an?ments En.ironmental Considerations The en5ironmental as"ects of ash dis"osal aim at minimi2ing air and +ater "ollution Directl# related to these concerns is the additional en5ironmental goal of aestheticall# enhancing ash dis"osal facilities The ash "roduced in thermal "o+er "lants can cause all three en5ironmental ris?s / air& surface +ater and ground+ater "ollution The "ath+a#s of "ollutant mo5ement through all these modes are schematicall# re"resented in (ig %

Fig./ Path*ays o- Pollutant )o.ement around Ash Disposal Facility Air "ollution is caused -# direct emissions of to=ic gases from the "o+er "lants as +ell as +ind/-lo+n ash dust from ash mound<"ond The air/-orne dust can fall in surface +ater s#stem or soil and ma# contaminate the +ater<soil s#stem The +et s#stem of dis"osal in most "o+er "lants causes discharge of "articulate ash directl# into the near-# surface +ater s#stem The long storage of ash in "onds under +et condition and humid climate can cause leaching of to=ic metals from ash and contaminate the underl#ing soil and ultimatel# the ground+ater s#stem Ho+e5er& most of these en5ironmental "ro-lems can

-e minimised -# incor"orating engineering measures in the design of ash "onds and continuous monitoring of surface and ground+ater +ater s#stems Flyash E0pertise at (( 1anpur IIT Fan"ur has "ioneered the de5elo"ment of the ash d#?e design in India A num-er of ash dis"osal facilities across the countr# ha5e -een designed at this Institute !urrentl#& a ma@or technolog# demonstration "ro@ect on Ash Dyke Design: Raising, Maintenance and Monitoring s"onsored -# (l#ash Mission +ith acti5e su""ort from NT*! is -eing e=ecuted at the De"artment of !i5il Engineering As a "art of this "ro@ect& a detailed manual on ash dis"osal "ractice has -een "re"ared to standardi2e the "rocedures for ash dis"osal across the countr# Another (l#ash Mission s"onsored "ro@ect in5ol5ing detailed geotechnical and en5ironmental in5estigation of an ashfill site near 7adar"ur& Ne+ Delhi& is nearing com"letion 7ased on field and la-orator# in5estigations& detailed guidelines ha5e -een "re"ared for constructing ashfills and "ossi-ilit# of ground+ater "ollution through leaching of to=ic metals e=amined A national conference& Flyash Disposal and Deposition: Beyond 2000 AD& organised at the Institute in (e-ruar# ;BBB& loo?ed into areas such as design of ash dis"osal facilit#& reclamation of ash "onds& structural filling of lo+/l#ing areas -# fl#ash and the en5ironmental as"ects of ash dis"osal The "ro-lems related to fl#ash are com"le= and huge& re)uiring a national effort and commitment The e="ertise a5aila-le at different institutions has to -e full# harnessed to de5elo" technologies for large scale eco/friendl# utili2ation of fl#ash 2a3i. Sinha Department o- Engineering (( 1anpur e.mail& rsinha4iit, NTPCs Pioneering Activities in Ash Utilization Ash dyke raising Dry ash disposal system at NTPC Dadri Use of only fly ash bricks in all types of b!ilding constr!ctions" #"$ million tonne ash of NTPC Unchahar %as !sed in Allahabad by&pass road by N'A( )*argest ever !se in single pro+ect in (ndia," -ine reclamation"

Coal Ash is typically !sed in the follo%ing beneficial applications at coal mines. Application in Mines Ne!tralization of acid forming materials/ 0arriers to acid mine drainage )A-D, formation1transport/ 2!bsidence control in !ndergro!nd mines/ 2oil reconstr!ction" Pit filling to reach Appro3imate 4riginal Conto!r )A4C, in s!rface mines 2ho%&Case Pro+ects on Use of Ash in Agric!lt!re in 5armers 5ields at. 2imhadri Unchahar Dadri 6ihand Talcher 7Thermal 8nvironmental (ss!es Flyash Flyash is categorised as high volume low effect waste under Hazardous Wastes ( Management, Handling & rans!oundary movement " #ules , $%%& 'hemically , flyash mainly consists of o(ides of silica, aluminium, )ron and calcium*, !esides trace of elements li+e arsenic, !eryllium, !oron, cadmium, chromium, chromium ,), co!alt, lead, manganese, mercury, moly!denum etc* Air Poll!tion ( Dust emission from ash pond) 9ater Poll!tion ) Contamination of gro!nd : s!rface %ater *and degradation

Coal based plants contrib!te abo!t ;<= of total

capacity Cons!med abo!t <;; million tonnes of coal %ith ash content 35F75% d!ring 200=F0? Nearly 170 million tonnes per annum coal ash is generated" 4cc!pied nearly >?,000 hectares of land for conventional disposal of ash" 6e@!ire abo!t A?>? million M3 %ater ann!ally for disposal of coal ash as in slurry form/ if not !tilized Directions /Notification Bide notification No"2"4"$#<)8,/ CA>1D1ADDDE New Power Plants -% . flyash utilisation within - year A?? = flyash !tilisation %ithin D years M Existing Power Plants F? = flyash !tilisation %ithin < year A?? = flyash !tilisation %ithin A; years Bac,ground Ash dis"osal in thermal "o+er "lants& a highl# en5ironmentall# sensiti5e issue India is currentl# "roducing in e=cess of ;.. million tonnes of !oal Ash !urrentl#& (l# ash and 7ottom/ash are -eing mi=ed together and trans"orted h#draulicall# to ash "onds The end uses of 7ottom/ash and (l# ash are different& as their "ro"erties are +idel# different 7ottom/ash is relati5el# coarse as com"ared to (l# ash& +hich is e=tremel# fine Mi=ing them during trans"ortation +ould affect the end uses of -oth forms of ash Slurr# Dis"osal / !urrent Trends: #o* Concentration Slurry Disposal (#CSD) (C* 5 +6 7 /68) )edium Concentration Slurry Disposal ()CSD) (C* 5 967 :68) )a3or dra*;ac,s o- #CSD<)CSD The "article si2e distri-ution of 7ottom Ash and (l# Ash are different& leading to a highl# conser5ati5e design The end uses of -oth (l# Ash and 7ottom Ash are different and therefore -# mi=ing them& their utili2ation is -eing restricted Solid trans"ortation at lo+ concentration is highl# uneconomical

Water consum"tion is 5er# high and +ater reco5er# s#stems are needed E=cessi5e +ear due to higher trans"ortation 5elocit# and s?e+ed concentration "rofile& there-# affecting the life of the "i"eline Due to e=cessi5e use of +ater& the threat of "ollution of -oth ground and surface +ater sources e=ists Bottom Ash !rushed -ottom ash is e5acuated from the ho""ers using @et "um"s and dis"osed off in form of a slurr# 7ottom ash is a 5er# coarse material and is eas# to handle Fly Ash (l# ash is e5acuated from 5arious locations either h#draulicall# or "neumaticall# In the "neumatic method& ash is trans"orted to a -uffer silo from +here it can -e gi5en out for utili2ation In the h#draulic method& ash is trans"orted to a common sum" !entrifugal slurr# "um"s are used to trans"ort the ash slurr# to ash "ond In most of the thermal "o+er "lants& the concentration of ash in the slurr# is 5er# lo+ and is of the order of ;. G ;A1 -# +eight This method is ?no+n as lo+ concentration slurr# dis"osal 3L!SD6 T#"icall# same dis"osal s#stem is used -oth for -ottom ash as +ell as fl# ash In one of the thermal "o+er "lants 3N!*S& DADCI6 ash is handled in com"letel# dr# form and dis"osed in the form of ash mound Ho+e5er& this re)uires s"ecial e)ui"mentHs High Concentration Slurry Disposal (HCSD) The Ash !oncentration is in the range I.1 -# +eight or a-o5e S"ecial "um"s li?e Ceci"rocating< Dia"hragm< "rogressi5e ca5it# etc are needed E="erience +ith coal ash not a5aila-le

T6AD(T(4NA* T8C'N4*4GH

o dispose off large amount of ash efficiently )i, 'HD64&2*U(C(NG. Water impounded !ottom ash hoppers with /et pump systems followed !y lean phase slurry pump system upto ash dy+e* 0ry type 1ottom Ash Hopper with su!merged scraper chain conveyor system followed !y lean phase slurry pumps system upto ash dy+e* Flushing Apparatus for Fly Ash )ii, PN8U-AT(C 'AND*(NG. I 2egative pressure (,acuum" type 3ositive pressure type (!y Air 'ompressor

1ottom ash is considered $%. of total ash

'oarse ash form 4conomizer is considered as 5. of total ash*

Fly ash for Air preheater is Fly ash from 463 (4lectro

considered as 5. of total ash* staticprecipator" is considered as &5. of total ash*

All !ottom ash is stored 7 dumped in

ash dy+e*

All fly ash is stored in 6ilos*

Bottom Ash !
"he standard wet systems for #ottom ash con$eying can generally #e di$ided into two categories water impounded #ottom ash hopper hopper systems with %et pumps su#merged chain con$eyor (&'') systems( All the plants where these systems are installed complain a#out huge water consumption) high maintenance costs due to corrosion and clogging) en$ironmental issues due to lea*ages of contaminated water and loss of #oiler efficiency) and negati$e effects on #oiler operation due to the low relia#ility and poor maintaina#ility of wet systems( Dry) +A') system) has particularly high dependa#ility relati$e to standard wet systems( "o achie$e this) the wet system design in this case is in fact a hy#rid of water impounded hopper system (which traditionally uses a sluice system) and an &'' system) ser$ing #oth #ottom ash and pyrites handling( ,n this

installation the high relia#ility of the wet system has #een achie$ed #y incurring a higher capital cost than that for a standard wet system) necessary to pro$ide the redundancy re-uired for much of the e-uipment(

Ad$antage of Dry #ottom Ash handling &ystem !

Adoption of the dry system results in a water sa$ing of a#out ./0111 2m(sup(34 per year) a significant -uantity) not least in terms of costs( ,n the plant under consideration) each unit employing wet handling has a dedicated system for water circulation and treatment( "hen the waste water from these units is sluiced into a centrali5ed sludge treatment system( &o the elimination of the wet systems also eliminates the need for the associated water circulation and treatment systems( 6educes demands on the centrali5ed sludge treatment system) lowers maintenance costs arising from corrosion and 7amming along the sluicing lines) creates a cleaner and safer wor*ing en$ironment due to

the reduction in the num#er of places that need to #e cleaned up( 8ess power demand due to the elimination of water circulation pumps) and reduces the en$ironmental impact of the power station than*s to the water sa$ings and lower releases of contaminants(

0ense 3hase 3neumatic conveying system

8sing positive pressure they generally utilise a !low tan+ to collect the material !efore !eing transferred into the pipeline in !atches* With dense phase systems, a controlled use of !oth air pressure and volume pushes the !atch of material from the !low tan+ and into the pipeline in a plug flow form* he 0ense 3hase 3ressurized 3neumatic 'onveying 6ystems uses low volume, medium pressure air stream and relies on a continuously e(panding

volume of air pushing cohesive slugs of material along the pipe* his system uses a transfer vessel7pump tan+ to feed the material into the conveying line* )t is a !atch system with plugs of material separated !y cushions of air* Average conveying velocities are low !etween $ to 5 m7sec* he material air ratio is in the range of $% 9 :%% to :* he 0ense 3hase 3neumatic 'onveying system is fle(i!le enough and compati!le with all size and type of !oilers* ; Whether 1oiler is from - MW to <%% MW, ; Water tu!e or Fire tu!e, ; 'F1, 3F1, 6to+er fired, ; 'oal, 'o+e, =ignite, #ice Hus+, 1agasse, Multi fuel or 'o9generation type
+ly !sh 'on#eyin$ /ystem

,acuum systems offer a low9cost alternative for low9capacity fly ash transport over short conveying distances* >perating at vacuums up to $% inches H?, the system features simplified controls, low headroom and a single swing9disc type ash inta+e valve at each collection hopper*

3ressure 'onveying 6ystem

3ressure systems offer high9capacity fly ash transport over long conveying distances* 3ressure vessels re@uired at each collection hopper are furnished with rugged valving with hardened seats and discs, internal aeration to provide positive ash flow, and air flow control from the clean side of the vessel to provide uniform, controlled ash flow to the conveying line* >perating at pressures up to -5 36)?, pressure systems can satisfy conveying capacities over :%% 3H*

H'60 (High 'oncentration slurry disposal"

2o ash retaining dams or !unds need to !e !uilt* Ash spreads in layers hence, ash mounds re@uires minimum land* Higher concentration hence, low water consumption* =ower line sizes* ,ery little release of water at the disposal area through rapid drying* 2o apprecia!le leachate from the disposal site*

0isposal 6ystem (H'60"* he advantages of H'60 6ystems areA )n =ean phase slurry system, the concentration is around :&9$5., increase concentration to appro(* <5 ; <B. depending on rheological studies* 3umping is energy efficient since less amount of water is involved* he specific energy consumption (4nergy per tonne of ash transported" is su!stantially reduced* 6u!stantial 6aving of Water, etc* 6ince the slurry is in paste form, it slowly dissipates in the ash pond as a pasty solution which dries within hours* here is no seepage of water to su! soil hence no contamination* Much less area of ash pond is needed* H'60 plants running in )ndia at ; Khaperkheda Thermal Power Project of MSEB. ; CESC Budge Budge ; Balco Korba 5X1 5 M!

Ash 8tilization
8sed as replacement of 6ilica in cement industries* )ts share in cement is a!out -%. only*

>nly few cement companies in this region, carry fly ash from silo at present* Farming on cultiva!le lands* iles, 1loc+s and other similar construction materials* =and filling i*e* levelling land pitfalls for ur!anization, colony development and increasing cultivation hectares* #oad construction*

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